Hinde Mews was called after Jacob Hinde, husband of Anne Thayer, who inherited this land from her father Thomas Thayer. James Gibbs bequeathed £100 in 1754 towards enlarging the church, mainly with a view to incorporating a burial vault, as Lane’s church had been built without one. Rebuilding the Portland Bazaar’s southern half as St George’s Hall left its surviving northern portion ripe for redevelopment. From there, you can take the London Underground to Bond Street Station. The Heathrow Express is a wonderfully relaxing way of getting to London but at 14GBP (one pound less if you book online) for a 15 minute journey, good value it is not! The surviving original houses, variously altered, are Nos 8–10, leased to Franks in 1761, and No. The railway company bought both houses in 1889 to use a shaft place in their garden to improve the ventilation of Great Portland Street station. The stretch north of New Cavendish Street was Upper Titchfield Street until around 1820, when it became Cirencester Place, and it remained separately numbered until 1872, when it was amalgamated with Great Titchfield Street and the whole street was renumbered. The embassy left Chandos House in 1866, to be replaced before the end of the year by Richard Grenville, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, who had a new lease from the Portland Estate. After a former chapel on this site, opened 1772, closed in the 1850s, or possibly after the former cross shape created by this street crossing Chapel Street. exclusive online offers! They were joined initially by Hill’s friend Sophia Jex-Blake, the future physician and feminist campaigner. MINOR DELAYS on the rest of the line. Marylebone Station Map Map marylebone station platform map marylebone rail map map showing marylebone tube station marylebone station directions london marylebone train station map Plat Maps A plat map is a plan of an area which shows the legal boundaries and dimensions of each parcel of land. Marylebone station, opened in 1899, is the youngest of London’s mainline terminal stations, and also one of the smallest, having opened with half the number of platforms originally planned. With the twentieth-century transformation of the area from residential to commercial, the building has ceased to function as a chapel but it retains a religious use as the home of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. 22, formerly a garage, from the late 1950s. Rebuilding took place in 1863–4, with James Edmeston as architect. The crossroads at the corner of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road is an historic junction, where four parishes met. LCC opposition to densification of what it viewed as working-class dwellings, an increase from thirty habitable rooms to fifty-two, forced some compromise. In the beginning, the curve to realign Regent Street and Portland Place was planned to start at Mortimer Street. London Heathrow (LHR) 21.3 km. The south-eastern portion of Girle’s estate – a small holding comprising around eighteen tenancies, including Girle’s brewery and outbuildings on Oxford Street – passed via his daughter Rebecca to her husband Major John Hanway, a Board of Ordnance chief engineer. Esterházy left England in the early 1840s, to be followed at Chandos House by successive Austrian ambassadors until 1866; a dinner guest in 1848 was Prince Metternich, then in enforced exile. Thayer Street, extending the High Street to Hinde Street, where building was already under way, was begun in 1777 as Great Hinde Street. When the engineer Major John Hanway, who was used to overseeing building projects, began leasing plots for houses here, they lined a street running in an arc across his triangle of land so as to avoid existing yards to its north and south, and to connect with the two major roads to its east and south (now Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street). Douglas Jerrold responded with a satirical article in Punch, ‘The Wrongs of “Ogle-Square”’. Its present name, assigned in 1939, was suggested by Luxborough House, a block of flats on the Paddington Street corner. Small Italian-run refreshment rooms and Spanish bars arrived in Hanway Street by the 1920s and 30s. The old church was to be pulled down but its churchyard preserved. The present name was substituted in 1886. Portland Road was laid out and in 1757 and became part of Great Portland Street in 1863. This Regent’s Circus was to be over 700ft in diameter, positioned where the New Road crossed the line of Portland Place. But it was well placed for the nightly hall-to-hall dashes of the most in-demand performers, and as a small venue under astute management became a nursery for future stars. The amiable duke spent most of his time at Welbeck, which was in fact his wife’s in name; the livelier duchess, who is well portrayed in the letters of her friend, Mrs Delany, preferred Bulstrode Park, Buckinghamshire, the Bentinck family property. Conduit Field had consisted of twenty acres. 11), John Devall junior, mason (No. In 1840, out of 103 houses in Harley Street, 37 had East India Company connections and 13 had slave-owning links with the West Indies. After this transferred to Margaret Street in 1856, the house became St Elizabeth’s Home, for the relief of incurable women rejected by the London hospitals. The streets in the northern part of the Conservation Area were originally less prestigious than the main thoroughfares and squares and were partly redeveloped in the late 19th century with mansion blocks. Among the many post-Adam buildings, Broadcasting House and the headquarters of the Royal Institute of British Architects, both dating from the 1930s, are of major national significance. Queen Anne Street and Chandos Street were conceived in the 1710s as part of the layout for the Cavendish–Harley estate, but little had been accomplished as to their development before the bursting of the South Sea Bubble in 1720 and consequent chilling of the financial waters. Meanwhile, the miniaturization of telecom equipment had left the upper floors of the exchange vacant, and a joint BT-Howard de Walden venture was launched to convert them to apartments and redevelop the houses behind their old facades, the lower floors to continue as a working exchange. The largest such project was the Duke of Chandos’s Marylebone Basin of the 1720s. Thomas Rawstorne’s lease of the waterworks site in 1764 was for 99 years. We promote London and attract businesses, events, congresses, students and visitors to the capital. At Paddington just follow the signs for The Bakerloo Line, go down an escalator, buy your ticket, down another escalator and it is just two stops to Marylebone. Its alignment allowed space for mews behind the houses on both sides. Named after the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, who lived on Baker Street. The Marylebone Dispensary, in full the St Marylebone General Dispensary, was founded in 1785 to serve the local poor and dedicated in its early years particularly to childbirth. With fireproof floors and staircases, lift, ventilation system and roof-terrace for exercise, the Home was now a fully up-to-date institutional building instead of the awkward warren it had been. Travelodge London Marylebone, located just near Hyde Park, features a shared lounge and a bar. It was renamed Marylebone in 1917. London Marylebone station Great Central House Melcombe Place London NW1 6JJ Station facilities. Its origins went back to 1758, when the 2nd Duke of Portland determined to provide a church for the developing locality, shortly before giving his promise to Thomas Foley that the ground to the west and north would remain open to safeguard the view from Foley’s new house. 1841 listing 2 Virgil Place on his marriage certificate on 30 July 1865. The land east of the Tyburn, with the Lord Mayor’s Banqueting House, comprised the northern end of the City Corporation’s Conduit Mead estate, which extended south of Oxford Street down Bond Street. Marylebone Road, London, Marylebone, NW1 5RU. Both Hanson Street and Ogle Street declined into the worst housing of south-east Marylebone. Stratford Place must have cost much more to build than the £40,000 stipulated, and in the absence of sufficient takers much of the cost fell on Stratford himself. Nassau Street, a short side-street , was laid out in the 1760s as part of the Berners estate development, under the name Suffolk Street. Among them in the early 1870s was the future sculptor and modeller Ellen Mary Rope. It closed in 1903 and the church was finally demolished in about 1907. The underground station is served by the Bakerloo Line, opening on 27 March 1907 by the Baker Street and Waterloo Railway under the name Great Central (following a change from the originally-intended name Lisson Grove). Described at the time of its development as ‘airy, fashionable, and truly desirable’, Nottingham Place was the only high-class street on the Portland estate west of the High Street. 1 was never forgotten. Suffolk Street, after the Berners’ county of residence, was renamed in 1814, and was often referred to as Nassau Street, Middlesex Hospital, to distinguish it from Nassau Street in Soho. Molyneux Street With regular sett paving and nearly all uniformly two-storied, they are as picturesque as any local competitor. Heals moved to Tottenham Court Road in 1818. 14. Here we saw the quaint All Souls Church, B.B.C. Not long afterwards that James Adam began negotiations with the Duke to take some of the land for building, as by October final articles of agreement had been drawn up between them. Named after Abraham Easley, 18th century landowner. The narrow byway of Hanway Street is a vestige of irregular development unique in Marylebone. Grand designs for a double rink under a lantern-dome with a French-style club in front were commissioned from the architects Archer & Green but the project collapsed. Within each of its boroughs, the neighborhoods are making the charm and the reputation of the city of London. Enford Street The houses therefore survived, having become ancillary to the exchange as stores. The street was named after the nearby school, founded by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. The venue is housed in a 6-storey building. Its farmhouse stood where Great Portland and Riding House Streets now meet. The work was carried out in 2005–6. *Please note that postal addresses for Tube stations may be to nearby offices rather than the station itself. 44. Margaret Street commemorated the 2nd Earl of Oxford’s four-year-old daughter Lady Margaret Harley, whose marriage to the 2nd Duke of Portland at the Oxford Chapel fifteen years later brought the property into the Cavendish-Bentinck family. Some Crown land – the site of Park Crescent later – lay to the south of the New Road. In the Marylebone section, it roughly marked the boundary between the Crown property of Marylebone Park (later to become Regent’s Park) and the land bought by the Duke of Newcastle in 1711 which developed in the Portland Estate. Check rooms and rates. It was for the City’s standard term of 61 years, at £160 rent after two peppercorn years, renewable every fourteen years at a fine of £800. Duchess Mews was sufficiently characterful to appear in the 1960s–70s television series The Avengers as the location of John Steed’s flat. With the consent of James Fergusson, Marks’s co-owner, who lived in the frontage buildings at 20 Langham Place, Walker reconstructed the repository as the Langham Bazaar, to designs by Samuel Beazley. Laid out in the 1770s and 80s, these mews retain a good deal of nineteenth-century building, the brickwork now painted white and pastel shades. Edward Street was a former street, predating the redesign of Regent Street’s northern extension beyond Oxford Circus. Following negotiations with J. S. Rubinstein, the lease and direction of the hall passed to the musical publishers Chappell & Co., who needed a venue for their popular concerts, hitherto at St James’s Hall, then being sold for redevelopment. 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