You might consider starting a blog, sharing your story on social media, or journaling. Sheila. I love this story as it shows that success and mental illness aren’t mutually exclusive. According to a new survey, more than 80% of HR and IT leaders are concerned about user adoption of new tech solutions. Read more here. With about 70% of costs going toward wages and salaries, some organizations sacrifice their equity comp to try to find space in the budget.4 According to the Equilar survey, of those companies that made cuts this year: Yet cutting equity compensation doesn’t always translate directly to greater budget buoyancy because it can wear on employee loyalty. Story: Mental Illness and Self-Stigma: A Personal Story My name: Hilary My age: 32 Diagnosis: Bipolar 2 Symptoms since: 2005: Story: Mental Health Stigma and Medical Professionals: My Experience My name: Holly Ann Rivera Age: 27 Diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder & General Anxiety Disorder NOS. But can technology help improve workers’ mental health? Find out how to share your own story … What are the stories about mental health that inspire you? Worked with refugees. We use cookies to ensure we give you the best experience on our site. Read more here. The risk for depression among U.S. workers has risen a whopping 102% as a result of the coronavirus pandemic—and 305% for workers aged 20-39, according to new research. Employees are overwhelmingly experiencing the most stressful year of their lives. Mayim Bialik has a new mental-health podcast and a new Fox sitcom, 'Call Me Kat,' and talks about the struggle to manage her public persona. I’m building the Mental Health League, a brand to change how we talk about mental health. 4. 2. 6. Mental Health Recovery Stories Following are stories of people who understand and are living the experience of mental health recovery. Want more creepy stories? I Am Not Ashamed. Doing this by sharing stories from people who have struggled/are still struggling with their mental health. Beyond Blue also encourages family and friends to share their experiences of providing support to someone they care about. Startup success is often celebrated, but the more difficult aspects of launching and growing a business are often ignored. This is DepressionBuy on Amazon Buy on Walmart. Mike's story “After the first phone call, a weight was lifted off my shoulders” Mike tells us about how Mental Health and Money Advice in Scotland, delivered by Support in Mind Scotland, helped him to deal with his spiralling debt, and about the impact it has had on his life. HR executives and other corporate leaders have been stepping up in response to the current environment. The spouse was supportive during all mental health crises. Workers aren’t getting screened for depression—and it’s costing employers: Although depression risk is soaring for employees, the vast majority aren’t getting the screening and care they need—and it’s costing employers big time. Stories. New strategic tools like SMS texting updates—which have a read rate of 98%8—help free up administrators to focus on other priorities and make it simpler for participants to engage with their plans. Prince Harry spoke to a therapist about his mental health after two years of "total chaos" in his late … E*TRADE Financial Corporate Services, Inc. was also rated highest among in continuous delivery of technology improvements, overall satisfaction of an administration platform, customizable participant communications and alerts, and ability to automate workflows in the same study. 7. Promoting good mental health and erasing the stigma of acknowledging mental-health matters has been a major project for Will and Kate, 39, and their Royal Foundation. And E*TRADE Corporate Services’ industry-first API Developer Platform helps streamline the administration process, moving data with greater ease and customization while automating workflows, streamlining tasks, and integrating with key internal company systems. And equity compensation can play a key role in driving loyalty with top employees, but it’s worth examining the flip side of the coin, too: What does loyalty mean for plan administrators? I Live With Chronic Depression and Generalized Anxiety. This content is for informational purposes only, even if and to the extent that this article features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. Wil Wheaton, New York Times Number One Bestselling Audiobook narrator and former Star Trek actor, tells his story of living with depression and anxiety, “the tag team champions of the World Wrestling With Mental Illness Federation”. And, with the nationwide protests over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others, there’s a growing recognition of how race and systemic racism can impact the overall mental health of people of color and, in turn, HR programs and policies., April 28, 2020. The employees are not all right: It’s a massive understatement to say our collective mental state isn’t good. One of my darkest moments was when I was having a lot of fear and feeling angry about life. A recent E*TRADE Corporate Services survey found that stock plans play an increasingly important role both in employee satisfaction and in a decision to keep—or leave—a job.5 And loyalty helps companies avoid turnover, where replacing an employee can cost 30–150% of their salary.6. But now—as many more employees struggle with a slew of problems and look for mental health support from their employers—it’s become an area that cannot be ignored. More than all the diseases you can imagine. G&A Partners, “Calculating The Cost Of Employee Turnover,” June 3, 2016, When plan providers deliver a truly powerful experience both for administrators and participants, it opens the gate for greater innovation, engagement, and creativity—turning disruption into a positive as companies grow a culture of loyalty and build a stronger, more resilient path forward. This compassionate leader is HRE’s HR Executive of the Year: In a crisis that’s testing organizations—as well as CEOs and HR leaders—priorities are plenty: the safety and health of workers; driving employee engagement; the ever-changing technology required for the country’s largest-ever, and unplanned, experiment in remote work. stories & video library ...addressing mental health during the perinatal period. In some ways, my experience with my bipolar disorder has been like my experience with appendicitis: two years of intense symptoms then professional intervention only when things started to rupture. My name is Wil Wheaton. The risk for depression among U.S. workers has risen a whopping 102% as a result of the coronavirus pandemic—305% for workers aged 20-39. Company balance sheets ride a razor’s edge between profit and loss, and it doesn’t take much to tip the wrong way. Sign up for The Lineup’s newsletter, and get the strangest tales delivered straight to your inbox. We need listen to their stories, as they are, after all, human. Everyone’s mental health story starts out the same: you’re born with a brain. I started to have emotional problems for the first time and was hospitalized in Texas. E*TRADE Financial Corporate Services, Inc. was also rated highest among in continuous delivery of technology improvements, overall satisfaction of an administration platform, customizable participant communications and alerts, and ability to automate workflows in the same study. “There’s no vaccine for anxiety. Is COVID-19 a turning point for workplace mental health? There is a growing need for mental health care in the U.S. and with more need comes more demand for services. Not only is that dangerous, but lack of preventive care also is driving up healthcare and productivity costs for employers. New research from the Integrated Benefits Institute finds that proper screening for depression, as well as some cancers and chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity, is lagging among employees. According to Group Five’s recent 2020 Stock Plan Administration Benchmark Study of 1,117 public companies, many stock plan administrators are facing unprecedented challenges: Top worries shifted from reporting and participant education to simply managing plan design. 10 strategies to improve mental health: A focus on mental health always makes good business sense. Sharing your own mental health story can also be cathartic. Marcelo makes sure to have an inspiring ending. E*TRADE is not affiliated with Human Resource Executive® and all commentary is owned solely by E*TRADE. Or, share your own inspiring story of playing everyday, no off-season, with a mental health condition. The flexibility to manage changing needs through innovative technology and service is a key differentiator both for companies and their plan providers, but it’s important to get it right. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. How COVID-19 taught HR ‘a valuable lesson’ on mental health: Before coronavirus entered the picture, companies were just starting to see the importance of employees’ emotional wellbeing and providing them with resources. All associates who are eligible for company holidays were given a mental health day off on Oct. 9. Loyalty can be fostered in many ways, but truly none may be as simple and effective as equity compensation. MUST READ! These personal stories provide a first-hand look at the challenges and triumphs associated with managing and … Read more here. "I wrote a lot in my journals," she says. Thanks to Alicia for sharing such a heartfelt confession from the perspective of motherhood. My mom told me this story from her time at a neuropsychiatric ward while she was in grad school. She saw a staff member’s legs on the floor, halfway out the doorway.When she looked i… Rates of depression, anxiety, burnout and stress are soaring as the pandemic and its associated uncertainties are wreaking havoc on employees’ work and personal lives. Read more here. Some sectors struggle while others flourish, and it’s not necessarily an employer’s hiring market.2 Unlike past recessions, talent supply and demand during the pandemic is non-linear and volatile: Both unemployment numbers and job openings are setting records, simultaneously.3. Equity compensation and the experience it creates for employees can go a long way in generating a culture of collaboration, innovation, and resilience—essential qualities that help companies overcome challenges and bounce back stronger than before. Burnout rates are soaring—and employees say HR isn’t helping: The vast majority of workers say they’re experiencing burnout at work, in large part due to the pandemic—and they also say they aren’t getting the help they need from their HR departments. California’s Mental Health Movement is made of up millions of people who believe that everyone experiencing a mental health challenge deserves the opportunity to live a healthy, happy and meaningful life. Equilar, “COVID-19 Executive Pay Adjustments Survey Results,” October 2020,, 2. New research indicates it may, pointing to big potential for employers as they look for ways to help. In this moving Guideposts story, writer Elizabeth Sherrill unpacks Abraham Lincoln's history of mental health struggles, and in so doing, finds an understanding of her own. I love this post. Stories of the Mind Coping With Illness S2 E4. With so much going on, employee loyalty may not seem like the highest order of business these days—but there are many reasons companies should keep an eye on this often overlooked and undervalued “asset.” Retention is an oft-cited metric, but loyalty goes deeper, inspiring engagement among high-performance talent and fostering a sense of connection and ownership within your firm. In addition, not getting along with family and friends was causing problems for me in my life. What are the stories about mental health that inspire you? © 2021. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employer Costs for Employee Compensation – June 2020,” Sept. 17, 2020, The startling information comes from Paychex, which finds that 30% of employee respondents feared that discussing their mental health could lead to being fired or furloughed and that 29% thought discussing their issues could cost them a promotion. Loyalty is created each day by the pursuit of excellence, never settling for the status quo, and always recognizing value with value. The editors here are looking for articles both for print and digital – from reported features to … G&A Partners, “Calculating The Cost Of Employee Turnover,” June 3, 2016, An extension of OC87: The Obsessive Compulsive, Major Depression, Bipolar, Asperger’s Movie, OC87 Recovery Diaries is “a place to share your mental health recovery story … Group Five, Inc. is not affiliated with E*TRADE Financial Corporate Services, Inc. or the E*TRADE Financial family of companies. View the latest health news and explore articles on fitness, diet, nutrition, parenting, relationships, medicine, diseases and healthy living at CNN Health. In part, their interest is … Read more here. Employee loyalty can’t be bought or sold—but it may be earned, Whiplash-inducing headlines can make it seem like the sky is falling, but there are patches of light. Go ahead and read yourself. For World Mental Health Day on Oct. 10, a look at how and why smart employers are stepping up to help employees as rates of depression and burnout soar. So what are some of the best ways to provide mental health support to employees? E*TRADE Financial Corporate Services, Inc. and E*TRADE Securities LLC are separate but affiliated subsidiaries of E*TRADE Financial, LLC, a Morgan Stanley business. Register here. Fostering employee loyalty helps companies thrive in uncertain times. Read more here. The stories below are the personal experiences of people who have recovered from, or are going through, depression, anxiety or a related disorder. The author and speaker broke down how her morning habits help set her up for a worry-free day. All rights reserved. Business leaders must embrace both for post-pandemic success. Pandemic Has Worsened U.S. Child Mental Health Crisis : Shots - Health News When schools closed last spring, children with severe mental illnesses were … If you’re a writer and want to reach a large audience of people interested in mental health, we hope you'll consider blogging for us. 8. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employer Costs for Employee Compensation – June 2020,” Sept. 17, 2020, Read more here. For example, a seamless user experience like the redesigned participant site on empowers employees with the flexibility to find answers to their own questions and direct themselves on a comprehensive, personalized journey. Former Pfizer CHRO weighs in with lessons from the Great Recession. What’s the worry? Read more here. Effects on mental health are just one of the ways the coronavirus has impacted Americans. In recognition of World Mental Health Day—which is observed each year on Oct. 10—here’s a look at some of HRE’s recent mental health stories. And if you’d like to share your story with our community, follow the steps here. Meet three people who practice good mental health depsite physical conditions. Mental health issues like depression, anxiety, stress and burnout have soared in the wake of COVID-19, causing smart employers to take a hard look at their benefits offerings—and workplace culture—in an effort to help employees. This illness kills more people than all other illnesses combined. I’ve reported countless distressing statistics over the past several weeks: 75% of employees are currently experiencing burnout at work. But perhaps most important, the pandemic has reiterated the importance of mental wellness, of work/life balance, of self-care. Tough times can shake up even the strongest organizations, and flexibility has become an essential virtue as we reevaluate goals and performance metrics in a disruptive 2020. But if the stock plan experience fails to engage your employees, then all this time and effort may be for naught—not simply in the dollar amounts, but in the loyalty lost from employees who may feel they aren’t receiving the full value of the benefit. So my mom turned a corner and noticed an open door. Why employers should act now on mental health: Workers’ risks of developing depression, anxiety and other mental issues have declined since last month, according to Total Brain’s latest Mental Health Index. The new data from software firm Zapier finds that hesitation to take time off may be fueled by a few concerns. David chronicles the steps he took to improve his mental health after a cross-country move at the age of 23., April 28, 2020. Depression risk is soaring for workers; How can HR help? Equilar, “COVID-19 Executive Pay Adjustments Survey Results,” October 2020, Group Five Stock Plan Administration Benchmarking Study and Financial Reporting Benchmarking Study. Building employee loyalty, lowering administrator blood pressure. Mental health has been at the forefront of the pandemic—and for good reason. “All of this is impacting our lives,” he said. Read more here. Harvard Business Review, “Why Hiring During Covid Is Different Than in Previous Downturns,” Oct. 22, 2020,, 4. Mental health issues will “far exceed the duration and impact of COVID itself,” Garen Staglin, chairman of One Mind at Work, said recently during a webinar. She was making her routine room checks and happened upon the most horrific scene I’ve ever heard.This was during the night shift, and generally, all the patients’ bedroom doors should be closed. I would also like to receive the Early Bird Books newsletter which features great deals on FREE and discounted ebooks. Remote work, mental health: COVID lessons from employers: Months into the pandemic, workplace leaders are not only focusing on the now—they’re looking ahead to the future and rethinking policies that have the potential to change the workplace forever. Adding to workers’ stress is the feeling that their employer, and HR department in particular, is not helping with their concerns. But those risks still are significantly higher than they were at the start of COVID-19, proving the pandemic is causing serious—and chronic—mental health issues. The spouse cheated after 60 years of marriage, leaving the patient homeless and heartbroken.” James covers a subject that can’t be discussed enough. Please follow our Community Guidelines when commenting below. Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 people every year and no one should feel ashamed. Forney who was comfortable telling stories through this medium, started to create comics for herself about her experience of living with mental illness. 1. Could AI improve mental health? You can share your words publicly, in support groups, with a therapist, or only with family or friends. 6. This commentary contains current opinions from E*TRADE Financial, LLC and its affiliates which are subject to change without notice. 8. By continuing to use our site without changing your settings, you're agreeing to our cookie policy. Yet this is only part of the reason Harvard Business Review argues that one way to keep a company thriving amid uncertain times is the simple act of fostering loyalty.3 Loyalty is powerful amid disruption: Loyal employees roll up their sleeves and stick with the firm through thick and thin. Topics mental health psychology health COVID-19 WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. Mental Health Act reforms aim to tackle high rate of black people sectioned ... more on this story. Media giant launches mental health day as company holiday: Thomson Reuters is instituting a mental health day as an annual company holiday, the media firm said. “In the ADHD brain, the team is short-staffed. Technology and isolated work environments can seriously affect our mental health, so it’s important to keep these techniques in mind to feel happy and healthy in the office. Protecting a generation of young people’s mental health by addressing image-editing and filters Danny shares his story on the effect image-editing apps have had on his mental health Adi’s story - … MH Stories started as 'This Is What A Person With Mental Illness Looks Like' a project to raise awareness as well as educate people on mental health. 5. The startup world is a tough place, and we need to come together to stay mentally healthy. The views expressed in this article are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Mental Health League. Group Five, Inc. is not affiliated with E*TRADE Financial Corporate Services, Inc. or the E*TRADE Financial family of companies. With the coronavirus pandemic putting the spotlight on a growing number of mental health conditions and how they affect employees, experts say companies need to step up and take a hard look at gaps or flaws in their coverage. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the US unemployment rate rose to an April peak of 14.7% before declining to 7.9% in September. I won’t spoil it for you. In "This is Depression", psychiatrist Dr. Diane … Employees are refusing to take time off. These are people who live with or have family members with a serious mental health condition. Here are some that have inspired me. Pilot with Amnesia Could Be a … Parenting with a mental health condition is a conversation we need to have more often, especially as new research emerges showing that treating a mental illness for youth can have a positive impact for the child’s parents, too. Let us know in the comments below. Group Five Stock Plan Administration Benchmarking Study and Financial Reporting Benchmarking Study. E*TRADE Corporate Services 2020 Stock Plan Participant Survey, Total of 53,512 Stock Plan Participants survey conducted 9/8 – 9/18. Own inspiring story of playing everyday, no off-season, with a,. 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