Olivia Loudermilk Heather    Lecrone Owen Snyder Bailee Perlman Emma Whitmore Angela Dekker Megan Peek Tsun Ngok Lau Alex Templeton Jo Zhou Isaac Smith Aaron Schmidt Acadia Parish College of Agriculture. Pat Togher Dolly Alm Baker University Center and Event Services, International Student and Faculty Services, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center, Vice President for Research and Creative Activity, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Research, Center for Campus and Community Engagement, Advising Coordinators by College and Major, Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies, Center for Campus and Community Engagement (CCCE), Referring Students to Accessibility Services. Jake Baxter Molly Ryan Codi Miller Grading policy changes for autumn 2020 . Jacob Leach Mitchell Moore Ambrea Dellafave McKenzie Evans Congratulations to these Dean’s List recipients: Mary Peters Riley Denney Matt Eavers If a qualified student wishes to be included, they may contact the University Registrar's office. Camryn Crawford Summer Tingley Academic Advisors. Cristina Formichelli Claudia    Tow Mitch Enderle Elaina Swallow Sofia Feliciano Change to Engineering Pre-Major. Christopher Jewell Grace Breslin Alex Carlos Emilie Kinzel Alexie Mcfarland Emma Boyle Bookmark the permalink. BEXLEY — Capital University has released its dean’s list for the fall semester. Odessa Robinson Ohio University Lancaster has released the Summer 2020 Dean’s List. Griffin    Butler Leanne Klenke Pierre Frederick Besse, III, Rayne Phyllis Elliot Dore, Crowley Kathryn A Leblanc, Rayne College of Art and Design. Colton Stock Kwase Lane Whitney    Maddy Cody Converse Jace Conley Liam Speakman Ian Chinn Main navigation. KristinaAmis EF. Wendy Hawk Carly Distefano Dean’s List for Part-Time Students. Ohio State is a comprehensive university, and our response to racial injustice and inequities is similarly wide ranging, with contributions to knowledge, understanding and action. Sarah Robso To make the president’s list, students must have a … Blaize Stumbo The Ohio State University has issued the dean’s list for autumn 2019, with the names of 21,175 students who have achieved high academic averages for their work. Jennifer Seaman Ricquel Williams from Lima was one of the area students named to the list. Alex Gilliam To be named to the Dean's list, a student must have earned a grade point average of at least 3.5 for the semester through a schedule of classes totaling at least 15 hours, 12 of which were taken for letter grades. Josie Rankin CS. Jaden Mejia Kaitlyn Sherman Kiara Pickell Criteria for qualifying for the dean’s list varies by college. Kathleen Simpson Brandon Williams • Aldrin D Felicia    Bonzo Nick Mcvicker Allen Mccall Catherine Kelley Gabriel    Evans Hannah Lewis Corinne    Jones Veronica Cody of Somerset, Ohio, and Rebecca Trowbridge of Thornville, Ohio, have both been named to the fall semester dean’s list at Ohio Wesleyan University, according to a news release. Kaitlyn    Everhart Isabel Turschak Nicole Campbell Joanna    White The scholars include: ENROLLMENT. In order to make the Dean’s List, full-time undergraduate students must have achieved a 3.5 GPA or better after taking a minimum of 12 credit hours. William    Anderson Austin Gibson Bryce Kellogg Biomedical Engineering. Kirstyn Daniels of Orient (43146) Ala Erin Willoughby COLUMBUS, OH (12/17/2020)– Ohio Dominican University has named 345 students to its Fall Semester 2020 Dean’s List. Lucas Stemen Mckeon Killen Garrett    Carpenter Regan Bowlby In order to be named to the Dean's List, full-time, degree-seeking students must have achieved a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.69. Dr. Angela Spalsbury, Dean of Kent State University at Geauga and Twinsburg Academic Center, announced those students named to the Spring 200 President and Dean’s lists. Admission to Major. View our reports. All rights reserved. The Dean's List is generated each academic term and consists of students in the College of Engineering who meet the following criteria: This recognition appears on the student's official transcript and advising report. Mollia Zezzo Jasmine    Weise Luis Medina Sam Winkler Hunter Zimmerman. Zachary    Hull Hanna Olberding Andrew Fodo Alaina Gleichauf Derick Borland Peyton Sites Michael    Mazurek The dean’s list includes a total of 24,776 students: 18,846 Ohioans, 4,109 non-residents and 1,821 international students. Claire Westfall Jack Davis Alexandria Codispoti Christian Morales The Graduate list represents those who finished degrees at the end of a given semester. Alex Sweeney Josh Dinouard Guytano Pagano Lexi Baney Rylie Sperdute Hannah Kopp Kayley Violet Harrison Poor Jenn Beyer Andrew Veverka Sam Wilson Chris Mullens The following students have been named to the Dean’s List. Olivia Wylie Nickle Hawes Natalie    Cutler Leah Yankovich Help; Buckeye Link; Map; Find People; Webmail; Search Ohio State; Analysis and Reporting. Jobe Moder Youngstown State University reconizes student academic success with the President's List and Dean's List. Liam Ostrowski CB. Julia Strathman To earn dean’s list recognition, Ohio Wesleyan students must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale in all applicable classes. Duncan Pagano Sarah Smith Trinity    Bryant • Juliana Ciarabellini of Fairfield, with bachelor of science in communication. Leah Lindemann Cullen Murzynsky Dean's List Students completing a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a GPA of 3.5 or higher for any given term will be named to the Dean's List for that term in the college in which they are enrolled. Corbin Trainer-Routte Willow Snyder Brady Floyd Fall 2020 Dean’s List: College of Professional Studies; Name Major; Hunnter Adams: … Emma Bailey Search for a Dean's List using a specific academic year and term. August 2020 August Graduate List ... Dean's List: President's List: Ohio : N/A: N/A: Out-of-State : N/A: N/A: Top Stories; Campus News ; Miami Media Highlights; Working@Miami; Miami Moments; RSS Feeds; Faculty Experts; Other Faculty/Staff Recognition; Student Recognition; News Archive; Our Staff; UCM Resources; Contact Us Contact Us. Katie Pfeifer Pass/no pass options for GEs and electives in fall 2020. Mitchell Smith Kelsey Shepherd Jonah Hess Anne Lanfranc Emma Stefanick Marcus Yates Lara Culver Olivia Darrow Kaylee Hammel Andrew Thompson They include: • Brandi Castillo of Fairfield, with bachelor of science in nursing. Katie Barrow Terra Collichio Jesse Lewis Tyler Story Shay Evans Lilly Kerpsack The Ohio State University College of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Food, Agricultural, Biological and Ecological Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering and Welding Engineering, EASE (Undeclared, Re-Exploring, Honors, Scholars, Research), Students Admitted to University Exploration, Earn a term point-hour ratio of 3.5 or higher, Complete 12 or more letter-graded courses, Do not earn any final marks of U, E, EN, or NP, Copyright ©2020 The Ohio State University. Josiah Burris Zach Raymond TOLEDO, Ohio — Julie Laughner of Ridgway was among the students awarded Dean’s List honors for the Fall 2020 semester at Mercy College of Ohio. Zach Ober Savannah Whaley Katy Keys Carson Mediate Gideon Beaver Allyson    Mcdonnell Parkersburg, W.Va. (January 5, 2021) – West Virginia University at Parkersburg is pleased to announce its President’s and Dean’s scholars for the Fall 2020 semester. Local students who made the list include Quinn Schneider of Lima and Addy Stewart of Delphos. Boris Pattison Students conquered the challenges and a record number earned top grades and degrees. Qualification for the Dean’s List is limited to students who have attained outstanding academic achievement. Evan Comella Emma Hurst Hailey Vaughn Riley Bethel Once all missing grades and incompletes have been resolved, a student can contact an academic advisor to request a review of Dean's List status. (SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY) Slippery Rock University has announced its dean’s list for the fall 2020 semester. Grace Schenkelberg Lyra Skinner LeighAnn Batze Cadee Causey Maximilian Baumgartel Sydney Leach Justin Ribinskas The Dean’s List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes the names of all students whose GPA for the semester is at least 3.5 for a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit earned, including at least 12 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate GPA. Alex Mager Bridget O'shea Noah Williams Michael Snider Mathew Tarney Current OSU Students. Mickenzie Webb Madelynn Davis IRONTON — Ohio University Southern has released the Spring 2020 Dean’s List. Taylor Beasley Jake Tharp Sarah Junk Jack F Nickel, Crowley. Lauren Baker Jackson    Ostapowicz Annemarie Grebenc Nick Burns Congratulations to these University College Deans List recipients: Atfa Aflah Abdullah Al Maskari Leah Wagner College of Engineering. Reilly Schultz Local student who made the dean’s list include: Aubrey Allen from Athens; Marshall has more than 2,000 students included in … Nathan Meeker Kristine Tigner Vignesh Pugazhenthi Lexi Vogley A Dean’s List for Part-Time Students is compiled after spring semester grades are issued. Kassidi Dominick In addition, Dean's List is not awarded if a student has any missing grades or incompletes at the time of review. (Courses taken as PA/NP in SP20 are eligible to count toward the 60-hour requirement.) Loru Yazdani Fall 2020 Semester Dean’s List The Dean’s List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes the names of all students whose GPA for the semester is at least 3.5 for a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit earned, including at least 12 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate GPA. Jacob Lederer © 2021 Ohio University. Connor Koncelik Costa Coconis John McElfresh Makaylie Gauze James Wilson Ethan Shatz Cassi Hill Haily Mckee Noah Hensley Dean’s List-The following students have earned a place on Ohio University Zanesville’s Spring Semester 2020 Dean’s List.Eligible requirements for students are at least a 3.5 GPA for the semester, a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit earned, including at least 12 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate his or her GPA. President’s Scholars Students on the President’s List maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning 12 or more hours of college credit. Dean's List for Fall Semester 2020. Cydney Granger To qualify for the President’s List, students must have a 4.0 grade point average and must have completed 15 … Sarah Sizemore The Dean's List for Ball State University, including out-of-state and international listings, recognizes undergraduates who earn at least a 3.5 grade-point average for 12 or more credits of graded course work during a semester or for 6 or more credits of graded course work during a summer term. College of Human Sciences & Education. Please note: Dean's List is not reassessed based on the removal of a previous grade through the application of grade forgiveness. Janelle    Wolfe This list includes students who earned a grade point average of at least 3.5 for a minimum of 15 semester hours of credits earned, including at least 12 hours attempted for letter grades used to calculate GPA. Austin Meyers Morgan Dendinger Grace Borovich Britney    Ciornei Reagan Goldberg Kylie Jalowiec To be eligible, students must have earned not less than a 3.5 semester grade point average and have carried a minimum of 12 semester credits. Congratulations to these University College Deans List recipients: Erica Tracy Michael    Dalton Jaluv Bartley Brandi Johnson Xiangsi Howard Rachael    Rhodes Natalie Thompson Jenn Beyer Aviation. FAIRFIELD — Several students from Solano County made the dean’s list for spring 2020 at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Madison Robinson Paige Hale BEXLEY, OH (12/18/2020)-- Capital University is pleased to announce its Dean's List honorees for fall 2020 semester. Kassandra Metzger Emma Turner The Ohio State University. Catherine Lawrence CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY — Campbellsville University has released its dean’s list for the fall semester. Jake Smithers Polly Van Dyke Sydney Kuharik Lillie Hooper Jill Dickey Katherine Beck Ryan Fischer Mikala Binkley The Ohio State University College of Engineering. Undergraduate grading. Jennifer Burcham Trevor Hafner Isabella Krusling Gianna Bevack Cassidy    Wood Amber Breech Jacob Innis Josh Mueller Anna Crabtree Alexander Haney Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. JB. Last updated: 01/13/2021. Victoria Wozniak Aidan Stewart Michael    Chaney Eddie Toson The honorees named to the President's List are full-time undergraduate students who have earned a 4.0 average for not less than 12 semester hours of credit in the semester just ended. Meeha Foltz The dean’s list consists of SRU undergraduate students who earned an adjusted semester grade-point average of 3.5 or higher, based on a schedule of at least 12 newly attempted and earned credits. Daniela    Grijalva Russell    Soh Sadie Fox Lauren Carl Ky Bowman Victoria Goff Lindsey    Homa State: County: Zip Code(Optional): Name(Optional): Graduation and Dean's Lists; Graduation Candidates List ; Dean's List; Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403-0001 419-372-2531 Make A Gift gift. Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering . Qianqian Wu This includes 16,046 Ohio students, 3,493 non-resident and 1,636 international students. Kathleen Bollinger Sydney Trecarichi Jade Dutiel Kristina Jovanovic Rhys Brockman Admission to Major - Autumn 2020. Silas Springer Search. Sydney Super Jed Miller Curtis Young PA/NP credit hours in AU20 will not count toward the 60 Ohio State credits required for Latin honors at graduation. Nick Picolo Dean’s List – Fall 2020 To make the dean’s list, students must have a 3.3 grade point average for a minimum of 12 graded hours. David Stauffer December 2020 Dean's List. Savanna Moran Johnna Preston Spring semester 2020 at The Ohio State University was like no other, with a virtual commencement and online classes for half the semester. Olivia Margolies Julia Pompeani Capital University is pleased to announce its Dean's List honorees for fall 2020 semester. In addition to action steps being taken across the university, Ohio State has university-wide initiatives, events and … Courtney James Cierra    McClure Mac Bower Veronica Hallis Derek Buckley Katarina Mecarova Madison    McClary Macky Lurch Noel Corby Honors List ... Capital University's Conservatory of Music voice students won 10 awards in the statewide Ohio National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) competition held recently at Youngstown State University. Sharlyn    Sinift Tyler Cavin Cole Turner Alexis Kuhre Haag Engineering Advising. Levi Kravos Michael Stefan To qualify, students must have a minimum 3.400 GPA in 12 or more regular letter-graded hours taken during the previous summer, fall and spring semesters. Rachel Laher Abram Wesley Broussard, Crowley. UW-La Crosse has announced its Dean’s List for the fall 2020 semester, recognizing academic excellence. Cassidy    Griffith Ohio State has implemented a number of adjustments for autumn 2020 that offer additional academic flexibility to students. Main navigation Skip to main content. Danny Popov HUNTINGTON — Marshall University has released its president’s and dean’s lists for the 2020 fall semester. Jamarai    Martin Lucy Gannon • Juliana Ciarabellini of Fairfield, with bachelor of science in communication the 60-hour requirement. pa/np credit in! List include Quinn Schneider of Lima and Addy Stewart of Delphos People ; Webmail ; Ohio. ; Webmail ; Search Ohio State University was like no other, with of! 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