While they were first classified back in 1846, the Kuhli Loach has a very long history. Clown Loach Breeding. Even with all that space, the clown bosses fight often, even when they aren't hungry. Can i put clown loaches or other kind of loaches in my cory tank? I've looked on l... How many clown loaches can fit in 50 gal with a couple other fish? The tropical fish expert apparently has not had too many clown loaches. When the Clown Loaches swim in a group, the same animals swim in the front and the others in the back. Clown loaches can make clicking sounds when they are happy, being territorial (used as a type of weapon/warning) or mating. Ok, is it STILL true that nobody has been able to breed clown loaches in captivity? Breeding. Since they get fairly large, a large tank is needed for them as they mature. You can mix small rocks, pebbles, and gravel to provide a more natural look. they are new to the tank and have already fighting less often. Clown loaches enjoy each others company and tend to be curious about other fish. Popularity: Clown Loaches are very popular. For most of their life, the fish live in large slow-flowing rivers. ? There are instances where people keep both omnivores with carnivores and this can make it hard for you as you should be feeding them both types of food. These fish are not the easiest fish to breed and even expert fish keepers can find it difficult. Re: clown loach, sys., beh. Flooding forces the clown loach to move to flooded plains and blackwater waterways. the nature of clown loach is always move freely in aquarium,almost everytime they run in the aquarium...sometimes they chase my discus too..but don't worry they don't cause any problem.. Besides, tiger loach needs to get the food for diet. ive two clown loaches in my tank and alot of the time they roll round each other and chase each other round the tank.they dont seem too be harming each other,but are they fighting.one is bigger and plumper than the other.the smaller one is leaner and more agile. they chase the neons mainly.The clown loaches aren't very big. you read and agreed to the. They swim near each other, with their fins moving very fast, like they're vibrating, and if one gets too close, the other nips at it to get away, which I've seen all my other fish do at least once a day (without the vibrating, though.) i have clown loaches for many years,their fighting is not cause of death..their fight may say as their playing...i have personal experience about that..don't worry... Achintya: Thanks for your help. I had to remove one who was badly damaged, the other 7 seem to be fine. The put them out when they are distressed of fighting, but otherwise they lie along the sides of their face. However, they often move to shallower bogs after the monsoon season. Best Small Loaches that Eat Snails. Big clowns are also quite destructive in terms of digging up as yet unrooted cuttings and disturbing established plants by charging through them. It has been noted that a few weeks before spawning, the clown loaches will change their behaviour and start eating live fish as their only accepted food. Swiss ichthyologist Maurice Kottelat initiated this change.The fish comes … Not ideal for aquascaping, but plants will be eaten or generally beaten up as the Clown loaches mature, anyway. Their lifespan is 15 years on average, but some tend to live for longer than 15 years. I have 2 clown loaches, and I've had them for probably over 6 months. Clown Loaches are often sold at the very immature size of 1.5 inches (4cm) or so, but they should not be considered for the smaller (or even medium-sized) aquarium. Clown Loaches have a certain hierarchy among themselves. To replicate this environment, fill the bottom of the tank with a sandy substrate. You should watch them at night when they are more active and see if they are indeed attacking your tetras. Shrimp – Clown loaches also think them a tasty treat; Gender, Breeding, and Reproductive Considerations. They will grow quite rapidly from this cute size to around 5 inches (13cm), thereafter the growth slows somewhat, but with good care in a large tank, they can easily reach 8 to 12 inches (20 - 30 cm). I put the injured guy in a 10 gallon that was setup for emergencies. I had 8 ranging in size from 3" to 5" in my 120 gallon tank (48x24x24) but noticed 2 days ago at feeding time they had been fighting. The clown loach should be watched closely whenever new fish or plants are added to the tank. Clown loaches are undemanding fish, in that they can adapt to a wide range of pH and hardness levels, and they will eat just about anything. Ich looks like salt on the body and fins of the fish. From: "Peter"
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 19:14:28 -0400; Hello, I have three clown loaches in an 87 gal heavily planted tank and all was peacefull until today. For the best chance of breeding success, we recommend you follow the steps outlined below. The one thing that is important is that they need to be in groups of their own species — five would be the minimum and eight or nine is ideal. When you're populating an aquarium, species compatibility is a very important consideration. When it comes to feeding, clown loaches will each just about anything, but they are especially fond of snails. Clown loaches are easy-going fish and they can easily adjust with other fishes in the aquarium. Clown loaches are orange-colored with black bars on their body and while choosing tank mate you can choose the one you feel is matches and makes your aquarium look more beautiful. Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are fine and ph is 7. You can feed them the leaves of spinach, cucumber, lettuce or the special tablets. This is not an indication of illness, just one of the traits of the loach family. Tank Lid. Breeding clown loaches in a home aquarium is known to be difficult, but if you’re daring enough to try, here are a few tips to get you started: Clown loaches take a long time to become sexually mature, therefore, your best bet in finding a compatible breeding pair is to use fish that are 6 inches long and larger. Breeding the Clown Loach . They have a peculiar body shape – it is flat, narrowed from below, with rounded fins. Since clown loaches are large and can grow up to one foot, make sure you have a large tank and only invest in one or two clown loaches with a group of discus fish to avoid competition for food. Snails – Clown loaches see them as dinner, not friends! Fighting are you sure? I do plan to get three angle fish and 6 kuhli loaches and more cories. Breeding: Not bred in aquaria, but mature females regularly fill with spawn. Often Kuhli Loaches are confused with other Loaches. It is the sole member of the genus Chromobotia.It originates in inland waters in Indonesia on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.It is a popular fish in the freshwater aquarium trade and is sold worldwide. The will also try to school with other species of fish like cory cats. Ich is a parasite that sucks the fluids out of the fish they are attached to. Like Clown Loaches, they have a social structure, and a certain amount of in-fighting will be seen. Updated July 20, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Clown Loach is another favorite in the tropical fish world. Contrary to most species the clown loach Alpha is generally a female. The one thing that is important is that they need to be in groups of their own species — five would be the minimum and eight or nine is ideal. With the current popularity of plant-based diets, it’s no surprise that many pet parents consider switching to a vegan diet... Melatonin for dogs might be your fur baby’s ticket to less anxiety and restful nights. There are reports that very small fry of this fish are collected and raised up by fish farmers. Clown loaches are not documented breeding in freshwater aquariums or homes. Rainbow Fish As a result, very little information is known about their breeding habits and needs. I have 2 clown loaches 3" and 4" n a juwel 300 with parrots plecos electric yellows glass bloodfin tetras gouramis and fu months bak al of a sudden there were 6 clown loaches and agen she's Prego fat as hell so expecting more is that wat u call breeding in captivity when they reproduce in your home tank? You thus should still have an aquarium of at least 40 gallons to house these fish. They should be kept in a group of their own species. Like Clown Loaches, they have a social structure, and a certain amount of in-fighting will be seen. By: Chewy EditorialPublished: April 3, 2015. This means that if you are keeping five of them together, then a 150-gallon tank is what you need. The size of each fish in the Clown breeding pair must be about 6 inches in length. This friendly but shy species of fish is also known as scale-less fish – the extra small scales embedded on its skin are difficult to see with the human eye. This is a marked change in behaviour as they have been very active for the month since I introduced them to my 200 litre planted tank. Sometimes I will see them wiskering my discus. Unlike many other nocturnal loach species, the best time to watch the activities of the clown loach is during the day hours. Your clown loaches may just be establishing a pecking order. It is really interesting to watch their behavior when dealing with snails. Loaches are also very sensitve to medications and if it is ich, you should use the heat method to cure it. And two clown loaches. Clown Loaches are meek and are generally a great c… nice to hear that clown loach stop fighting,i always say that they are not fighting as per megham said it is the curious behaviour of clown loach...they can school of their own..and megham even i have no such a luck that clown spawn in my tank..☹️, By entering this site you declare In the same Loaches group (Pangio) you can find the Pangio oblonga, Pangio myersi, Pangio cuneovirgata, Pangio semicincta, Pangio shelfordii and the Pangio robiginosa. Clown Loaches love a well-decorated tank filled with plants and natural hiding spots. Subject: Clown loaches, fighting for territory or mating? If you watch them carefully, you will see that they always maintain the same order as they circle. Clown loach spawning in captivity is not well documented and some people doubt it has ever happened naturally. The water in the tank should be filtered and changed once or twice a week, depending on the water condition of the tank. The females will grow very fast on this diet, and will be almost doubled in girth by the time of spawning. Clown loaches rarely or never breed in captivity. Clown loach fish … Has anyone had a promblem with clown loaches fighting with other clown loaches and other fish. 25 gallons is to small for them they need 75 gallons and groups fo 5 plus then 200 gallons plus. The fish likes thickly planted tanks with lots of different covers. They do look like they are fighting. The males form little lumps on their head which are normally only visible when you take a picture of the specimen and zoom in. The problem is my clown loaches have decided to start fighting. I filled the shells with live bloodworm and stuck them back in. Due to the fan-shaped pectoral and ventral fins, Hillstream loach can swim well against the tide. Another behavior that clown loaches engage in, which has often scared clown loach keepers, is how they “play dead.” This is simply the way that clown loaches sleep or rest, on their side, remaining pretty much motionless. They will jockey with each other for position and constantly shift around together. can i put a red tail shark with 2 severums,2parrots, 3 scats and 4 clown loaches in 55 gallon. Hillstream loach grows to sizes from 3 to 6 cm, maximum – up to 7 cm. That's interesting stuff! BTW I noticed one of the younger clown loach tugging away at one of the sea shells I'd put in the tank for decorative purposes. They have got ... Are bristlenose Pleco and Clown Loaches ok together? Clown Loach is native to Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, and Borneo. Clown Loaches have two pairs of barbels on their snout to help them sift through the substrate to search for food. It can reduce the population of snails. Then they will begin working on the opening until they manage to pry the snail out of its shell. Clown loaches tank should be spacious since the fish grows to be rather large – up to 16-20 cm long. The caudal fins are small, almost invisible. Clown loaches seems to exhibits breeding tubercles during the breeding season. Clown loaches express certain emotions/instincts like happiness, territoriality, or mating time by emitting clicking sounds that they produce by grinding their pharyngeal teeth. When you purchase a group of clown loaches for your tank you'll soon notice that the clowns establish a hierarchy (pecking order) with Alpha and Omega Loaches. The put them out when they are distressed of fighting, but otherwise they lie along the sides of their face. Whilst the possession of black dorsoventral bars is usually an indicator of aggression, this is certainly not the case for this playful and friendly species. Breeding Clown Loach: It is difficult to breed Clown Loaches in aquarium & it needs some levels of expertise if you want to do it yourself. Learn why a sugar glider would bite and what you can do to prevent from getting bitten. Will clown loaches school with Botia loaches?? A school of clown loaches will really live up to their comical name, providing hours of interesting observation of their behavior on the part of the hobbyist. Hence, most aquarists refrain from even attempting it. i have one and was wonderi... Clown loaches "eating" the tank silicon.. Will zebra loaches or clown pleco eat an adult male guppy? Your clown loaches may just be establishing a pecking order. Like all loaches, the Clown Loach has a long, pointed nose surrounded by sensitive whisker-like barbels and a sharp defensive spine beneath each eye. In fact, their common name “clown” not only refers to their coloration, but also to the fact that they behave in a number of clown-like ways in a tank. 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