The series has been great since Zou, imo. We will be discussing the latest events that have happened in the manga by now. However, there is more to come, and in fact, we believe the biggest events of the arc are yet to take place. It is highly likely that he'll arrive at Onigashima by the end of the War, and there, he'll deliver the final blow to Kaido, killing him in the process. The climax of the Wanokuni arc story has started with Luffy and the other Worst Generation Zoro, Kidd, Killer, and Law, now on the roof. At the same time, we got some information on Joy Boy as well and it was revealed that he has been reborn in the world of One Piece. All American Season 3 Episode 2- All Details And Preview! With the time, the fans got to know the exact numbers involved in both the fronts. Let’s have a look at the spoilers of the upcoming One Piece, chapter 983. Menu. The last chapter was a transitional story between arcs so 904 will likely begin a new adventure for Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat pirates. They're also known as the Worst Generation, thanks to the reputation they've made for themselves. He is the author of some of the articles here that you liked, and others that you didn't. This is something that Kozuki Oden entrusted his Samurai with and we think it'll inevitably happen once the war is over. Luffy has been growing in strength gradually ever since he came to the New World. And through this Reverie Arc a new character of the past was introduced, Rocks D. Xebec, Captain of the great Rocks Pirates! Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Alliance’s wanted to divide Kaido and his forces, and his plan was working. Probably the biggest event that will take place at the end of the arc is the opening of Wano's borders. Oda said that the wano … With so many characters up against each other, there is bound to be a lot of bloodshed and we think a couple of Supernovas might end up dying. More interesting things are going to happen in the Onigahsima raid as the story continues, till then we have to wait for the second part of One-piece spoilers. And there is the plot of open Wano borders, i think in one of the magazines have been some infos about Wano and the Ancient Giants, could be that Wano Layout was made by them to be isolated and by the end of the arc the country will be in the sea level because some short of destruction. was amazing regarding pace and quality. Recently I was watching one of Tekking's (a very prominent One Piece youtuber) videos in regards to what Oda said about Wano. Forums. This made the plot of the story very engaging and exciting. Victory can happen only with BB or Marines involved, or if BM goes against Kaido let Elbaf be Shanks and BB's arc. So this can actually happen, as well as faces we probable don’t even know. In the beginning, when the Onigashima raid was just started, everyone thought that this would be Luffy’s alliance vs. Kaido as well as his forces with Big Mom alone. Okay this theory is based on all the events, plot threads and characters’ motivations that have occurred until this point that can be utilized to give a rough guess on how the Wano arc will occur. People think the current alliance is enough, as for me I don’t think so. The Wano kingdom is set to revolve around Kyoto, currently in Kyoto Eiichiro Oda and his staff released this image to foreshadow what will happen in the Wano Arc. One Piece's Wano Country arc is well and truly underway and we're excited for Oda to show to us how it'll dwarf even Marineford in comparison. Wano was built up so much, but I don't feel like any big advancement has happened yet in the arc. Premium. Out of the 4 Road Poneglyphs that point to the Final Island, Laugh Tale, Luffy will have gained three. So, let's get started! The Wano Country Arc (ワノ国編, Wano Kuni Hen?) As Oda said Wano will be the best arc in One Piece, so there must be a lot of epic moments. Asadora! One Piece - Top 10 Things that will happen in Wano. The main part of the celebration is the release of One Piece: Stampede on August 9, 2019. - Sanji's Wano … Law and luffy were completely outpowered. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Towards the end of the arc, we are confident that at least one of the two Yonko will fall at the hands of the alliance and that'll tilt the balance of the seas tremendously. Apoo was just a headliner. Maybe a big shock or twist will happen during the final battle, but it feels like about 1/4 of the arc probably could have been stripped down and not much would have been lost. Instead of wanting to stop, it is just that the series would end because the most interesting part of Luffy’s adventure will come to an end, Oda said. First Wano is coming and after Wano, Elbaf and then after Elbaf, Raftel will be coming, which will be concluded by a bittersweet victory apart from Luffy such as disbanding the crew forever and 10 years will be passing. One of the things that fans think will happen is Big Mom falling at Wano. For Luffy, that hasn't happened quite yet. I can't wait to see what's going to happen. Three important characters introduced in Wano arc O-Tama, Kozuki Hiyori and Tenguyama Hitetsu the blacksmith have been left behind in Wano mainland while the alliance is going to Onigashima. Let’s have a look at the spoilers of the upcoming One Piece, chapter 983. When it was brought up that a new legendary character would be revealed who was somehow related to Whitebeard, and even though Blackbeard would not be this person, I couldn't stop thinking about what will happen in Wano, and if Blackbeard will go there. I think the Wano Country arc will begin at around One Piece Episode 890. Marco and Nekomamushi have made it to Wano. The "defeat stage" always happens in big battle arcs, where they get crushed, retreat, make plans and come back for the final battle. Click HERE and Join our Team! From the latest chapter spoilers, we got to know how beast pirates operate. As we know the Mink-Samurai-Ninja-Pirate alliance is planning to take down the yonko Kaido and his crew , who reigns over Onigashima. Later, a search party was sent for Kaido’s son, leaving the position of Flying Six at stake. We will get Reverie? You can connect with him on his email: Kaido's strength is incredible and he is just as strong as Big Mom is. Besides, pirates of Big Mom are not yet aware of that Big Mom agreed for the alliance with Kaido. If so, it will not only involve Luffy alliance and the two Yonkos alliance, but also the Marines and the World Government. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? Lol at "Novice Kunoichi" O-Nami. What do you think will happen after Wano country arc? I imagine One Piece is done introducing new plot lines and is in the "wrapping up" stages, more than likely, less than 10 years is left. Fans must be excited as One Piece Wano Arc is continuing and is going to bring out spectacular and amazing things for fans. Judging by Wano arc development, I think it's safe to say that the big war will happen in Wano. Do you have proven online publishing experience? It also opens the door for him to get a third Devil Fruit, which is also a popular theory among the fans. RELATED: One Piece: 10 Strongest Members Of Big Mom & Kaido Alliance. Over 40,000 of Kaido’s and Orochi’s men have gathered, will Kinemon and his 4,000 men able to defeat them? The focus of One Piece lies in Wano Country. The official release of One Piece Wano Arc manga ended with the confrontation of Luffy with Ulti. all I want is her being decent for once and be defeated in Wano without any nerfs and plot shields for the alliance. ends until episode 1000+ The battle began against kaido(a yonko with a 5.2 billion bounty). Only one in a million people manage to awaken their Devil Fruits and it lets them take their powers to the next level. The story has been building up towards his death for quite some time now and in the end, he will have to fall. Luffy only mastered CoO at the end of WCI. This is something that Kozuki Oden entrusted his Samurai with and we think it'll inevitably happen once the war is over. One Piece-Wano Arc/Kaido War Theories & Thoughts. Now streaming live: 39 Who will usopp end up with As Kaido falls, so might Big Mom, however, in her case, we aren't entirely sure whether she'll be killed off, or whether she'll simply give up on her life as a pirate and become like Mother Carmel. The third Road Poneglyph is in Kaido's possession and we're certain that once he's beaten, Luffy will take it. In order to fall back and recuperate, they'd need to return to Wano. This is probably a new year gift and the sloooooooow pace will probably come back next week. Also read – Log Horizon Season 3: Official Release Date, Plot, and everything that you should know. This entire saga is callled the vs yonko saga. Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 7: Preview & Recap. 8 Events that will probably happen in Wano. However, a sad turn came when Luffy and Zoro were knocked out by Apoo. My predictions for the one piece world after WanoJoin Discord: Makes sense. Maybe some of you have read this but I just wanna repost it for those who haven't read it yet plus I wanna know your opinions if these things will really happen. I hate when non fans wank him so they can wank another character. The treasure that's been kept hidden for so long will be teased towards the end of the Wano Country arc and we're extremely excited for it. Members. What do you think will happen to this alliance after Wano arc? One Piece fans have been thoroughly enjoying the arc so far and frankly, it looks as if it could supplant Marineford as the best ever arc in the series.It has all the ingredients needed to become a great arc. Attack on Titan shed a dark new light on Sasha Blouse with the newest episode of the fourth and final season. This leaves us with the final Road Poneglyph, and as the arc wraps up, we're certain that we'll get an idea on where the final Poneglyph is located. Luffy is already considered to be the Fifth Emperor of the Sea, and towards the end of the Wano Country arc, he might even be declared as an official Yonko. #7. Everyone is thinking about how One Piece Wano arc ending will take place. Kaido is one of the Yonko of the Sea, just like Big Mom, and he's the man known as 'The Strongest Creature Alive.' Write for us! Luffy can not master FS as he did not master COA 2.0 and he had more time with it that in WCI with FS. 8 Events that will probably happen in Wano. It deals with the alliance between the pirates, samurai, and minks to liberate Wano Country from the shogun, who has allied with the Beast Pirates led by Kaido. Once the war of Onigashima ends, Luffy will become the man closest to the One Piece. The entire event goes on like this, where Big Mom and Kaido together fight and overcome various hurdles together, whereas pirates being unaware. 10 Anime Villains Who Stopped Being A Threat Later In The Series, One Piece: 10 Biggest Events That Might Happen In The Wano Country Arc, One Piece: 10 Big Ways Luffy Changed From Episode 1 To Now. NEXT: One Piece: 10 Facts About Roronoa Zoro That Only The Most Diehard Fans Know, Rei Penber is an avid fan of anime and manga. ARTICLE BY HellWiiNk. Recently, during Oden's flashback, we found out quite a lot about the legends of the One Piece world, such as Edward Newgate, and even Gol D. Roger. Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher took to Twitter on Sunday to reveal that his mother, Dulari, brother Raju, along with sister-in-law Rima and niece... Naya Rivera, 33, famous for her role in "Glee," is presumed to have drowned in the California lake while boating with her son. This episode will resume Act 3 of Wano arc and the fire festival on Onigashima finally starts. In fact, the Wano arc has been tease since the first days of One Piece, so fans are surprised to learn the story has even surprised Oda. Log Horizon Season 3: Official Release Date, Plot, and everything that you should know, Disenchantment Part 3 Netflix Premiere Details Revealed. Teach vs Shanks? RELATED: One Piece: 10 Big Ways Luffy Changed From Episode 1 To Now. We don't know what will happen in this third round, whether they will win or lose. As Luffy, Kid, Law, and the Samurai prepare to battle Big Mom and Kaido, there is room for lots of things to happen in One Piece's Wano country arc. To date, we have no clue what it is, although there are many theories regarding what it could be. Vol. The 11 Supernovas are pirates who arrived on Sabaody Archipelago with a bounty of 100 million berries or greater. Probably the biggest event that will take place at the end of the arc is the opening of Wano's borders. Jurassic World 3: Dominion Will Be The Conclusion To All The... Greenleaf Season 6 : Renewal Status And Updates. Apart from these, the storyline of the current arc continues to blow the minds of fans as Oda releases revelation after revelation. The spoilers, however, are partially released yet. Stray Trailer Released | A Documentary On The Over Population Of... Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya have been found coronavirus positive, Anupam Kher’s Mother, Raju Kher And Other Members Test Positive For Coronavirus In Mumbai. Alongside Wano Arc also the Reverie Arc started. RELATED:One Piece: The 10 Most Powerful Devil Fruits, Ranked. Dog Luffy did master no FS. On the positive side, we are now going to the last act in the Wano arc. However, at the same time, his eventual fall is inevitable. Wano is hyped up to the biggest and the best One Piece arc ever, and I’m certainly expecting the anime staff to make huge efforts in it, just like they did in the Whole Cake Island arc. If Wano's arc come just after whole cake's arc SH can't defeat Kaido or maybe with all SH's fleet but i still think it's too early for them to fight a Yonkou. That's what the anime is for anyway, they'll expand all the off screen content into full episodes. Out of those 11, 8 are currently at Wano Country and they'll be involved in the war in one way or another. Luffy was successful in blowing the cover of Straw hats and their alliance as they entered into the Onigashima. He'll likely open the borders of Wano Country, which is what everyone has been waiting for for ages. But it's possible that Wano isn't coming yet (i don't want to see Kinemon Momo and Kandjuro stay much longer so i … Top future events and things that could occur before the year 2050! He'll eventually turn the world upside down and the seas will split when that happens. A new time skip? The grand treasure known as One Piece was introduced to us in the very first chapter of the series. Fans must be excited as One Piece Wano Arc is continuing and is going to bring out spectacular and amazing things for fans. At Dressrosa, he was introduced to a completely new form of power, known as Devil Fruit awakening. Shinobu 100% confirmed as a gag character now as well lol, but I'm sure her ninja arts will continue to be useful. Luffy Bounty after Wano Arc Luffy’s Bounty probably may rise above 4-5 Billion Belly after this Wano Arc ends with Kaidou’s final defeat and Big Mom probably thrown away. According to Eiichiro Oda, however, at the end of the Wano Country arc, we will hear a major hint on what the One Piece really is. I believe the Straw Hats will hit such desperate point, that they’re going to need more help. PS! The arc has already completed two of its five acts and they've been eventful. Moreover, the chapters released later by VIZ media revealed the secret behind the attack done by Apoo. As I stated in a previous post I made ­­_______ there is all the information related to what the story is about but let me give you a small snippet of what I said earlier. Spoiler (includes the Yonko arc) this info. Sure, things happen off-screen, but do you really need to see Luffy fight every single person going up the tower?? This was shown in chapter 1000 yesterday, where the five Worst Generations are now preparing to face Kaido and Big Mom. WCI and Wano have been on par with some pre-timeskip arcs. As the story develops more and more, it seems more than the power balance is shifting, and a lot of third parties are going to involve in the fight. one piece - "/a/ - Anime & Manga" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of Japanese animation and manga. He got the first of them at Zou, while the second was stolen by Brook from Big Mom. There are 2 more great arcs left. ***** On the other hand, big mom was getting ready for the fight. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Visit our store. However, with his back against the wall at Onigashima, Luffy might actually get to awaken his Devil Fruit and fight Kaido and Big Mom using this power. Oda is really bad at portraying her. Current visitors. What do you think will happen in the finale of One Piece's Wano Arc? After Wano and Kaido (and Raftel) are done, Luffy will have gathered through the course of his adventure enough supporters that such an attempt may well become a worldwide conflict. If Wano is as long as WCI which it likely will be if it's 5 acts like standard Kabuki plays, that would end in 2021, and one more WCI-sized arc to wrap up is 2024. If these theories end up being right or wrong it’s only out of coincidence … Roleplay. We will be sharing spoilers regarding the upcoming One Piece episode down below, so close the article if you don’t want to read any spoilers. Also, Marco was keeping the Queen Mama away from making its way into Wano. Search forums Global Rules Forum Leaders Help Smilies BB codes Medals. Many people believe that the shanks vs bb stuff is gonna have its own mini arc but what better way to end this saga with all emperors in or around wano duking it out while some of the marines come in too . The ep. So far, we are also not sure what is going to happen on Big Mom Pirate’s side since only Big Mom is the only one who is aware of the alliance. With Luffy, Kid, Law, and the Samurai preparing to battle Big Mom and Kaido at Onigashima, there is room for lots of things to happen in the arc and we'll be going through some of them in this article. Yep, I fully believe the war will continue on Wano mainland. What's new New posts Latest activity. The spoilers, however, are partially released yet. She has played quite a significant role in One Piece already and it is very interesting to see that she's teamed up with Kaido to take down Straw Hat Luffy, however, at the end of the day it is Luffy who will be victorious. Hours after Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan reported positive, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya have also tested positive for COVID 19. Someone worthy, like Momonosuke, will take the role of the leader of the masses and then lead the country. Wano arc till now has been absolutely mind blowing ! Naruto: Crazy Fan Theories That May Be True, Naruto Uzumaki's 9 Strongest Rasengan, Ranked, Dragon Ball GT: 10 Times Goku Overstayed His Welcome, Naruto: 10 Characters That Should Have Died But Didn't, 10 Anime Characters That Are Just Like Batman, 10 Ways Naruto SD Is Nothing Like The Original Series, Naruto: 10 Worst Things Orochimaru Did That Everyone Forgot About, Demon Slayer: Tanjiro's First 10 Fights (In Chronological Order), 10 Best Isekai Manhwa Protagonists, Ranked, One Piece: 10 Strongest Marines In The New World, Ranked, Hunter X Hunter: 10 Things That Were Changed For American Audiences, Fairy Tail: 10 Villain Cosplay That Are Simply Magical. Post all discussions, reaction about this release in this thread. Ninja World Map Roleplay Guide Roleplay Sensei List. Whilst they could get defeated on Onigashima, they've got no retreat on that island. At Whole Cake Island, this power was brought up once again. is the thirty-first story arc in the series and the fourth in the Four Emperors Saga of One Piece, continuing from the Levely Arc. One Piece: The 10 Most Powerful Devil Fruits, Ranked, One Piece: 10 Strongest Members Of Big Mom & Kaido Alliance, One Piece: 10 Facts About Roronoa Zoro That Only The Most Diehard Fans Know, My Hero Academia: 10 Plot Twists Fan Never Saw Coming, Umineko: 10 Fan Favorite Characters, According To MyAnimeList, Zatch Bell: 10 Best Mamodo Spells From The Anime, Ranked, Naruto: 10 Strongest Shinobi Alive After The Fourth Great Ninja War, Samurai Jack: 10 Villains Who Almost Killed Jack, Future State: Nightwing #1 Puts the Boy Wonder Back in the Spotlight, Future State: Superman - Worlds of War #1 Expands the Hero's Legacy, Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 Is a Neon-Lit Fantasy, Savage #1 Gives Valiant's Ultimate Survivalist a Punk Rock Relaunch, King in Black: Thunderbolts #1 Introduces a New Marvel Dirty Dozen. During the Wano Country arc, we saw how Blackbeard left his base to do some business and it could very well tie to Wano Country in the end. The much-awaited animation of the Wano arc has also begun this year. Chapter 1001 is out on Mangaplus. For that position, we don't think anyone is more worthy than Monkey D. Luffy. By. ... and characters’ motivations that have occurred until this point that can be utilized to give a rough guess on how the Wano arc will occur. While Luffy most likely won't kill Kaido, someone else, like Kid, or Law might. The main story arc, called "Wano Country", adapts material from the rest of the 90th volume onwards. Wow so much hate for Wano? Most people think that, but no. The second part of chapter 983 is going to release on Sunday, 21 June 2020, by VIZ media. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. In this theory I want to eyplain why this Rocks-plot hints that the whole Yonkou-story will be resolved in the Wano Arc! but on the other hand, I can't see an alliance winning against both Kaido and BM. On... One Piece Wano Arc: What is happening in the manga?? In the end, Nami's continuing to fill the role of the dream ninja everyone wanted to see in this arc. Someone worthy, like Momonosuke, will take the role of the leader of the masses and then lead the country. Do you have proven online publishing experience? Blackbeard hasn't been involved much in the story post-timeskip, however, he's gradually being thrown into focus more with each passing arc. Click HERE and Join our Team! What I'm getting at is that I don't think (I hope not) we're in for another "brother rescue" arc. To fill the role, someone has to step up and become a Yonko. We're pretty confident that Luffy is Joy Boy come again and that the whole thing will be properly explained to us by the end of the Wano Country arc. Believe the Straw Hat alliance ’ s men have gathered, will take place at end... By Apoo Kinemon and his plan was working Wano Country '', adapts material from the latest gaming news game. 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