Welcome to Stedman Elementary School! Click above to access Remote Learning Tools, Stedman Elementary is a Dual Language School offering instruction in English or Spanish Immersion, 2940 DEXTER STREET I have been teaching in bilingual programs for 13 years. I hold a master’s degree in Linguistically Diverse Education, and I have been at Stedman since 2013. A $59.99 registration fee will be applied once per family, per academic year. In my “free time ” I like to go to the gym to keep myself healthy, and I look forward to going to the beach during our breaks. mkwebb . We’re generally a pretty loud bunch, so we’re easy to spot! Justin Darnell – Launch – justin@launchnetwork.org, I am the co-founder and Chief Navigator of the Launch Network, and we are fortunate to partner with Stedman to serve our kids and families most deserving of support. I teach because I know that my students have dreams and goals for their futures and I can move students toward dramatic academic growth. “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. We align our programming with your school’s educational goals, and we will share your children’s experiences with you in real time through our ClassDojo app. I live in North Park Hill with my two children, husband, and dog Dakota. I am also passionate about social-emotional learning (SEL) and mindfulness, and am super excited to support students’ mental health and well-being! 2940 DEXTER STREET DENVER, CO 80207 (720) 424-3800 (720) 424-3825 (fax) Principal: Michael Atkins Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Tumble Book Library is a collection of fiction and nonfiction ebooks and audiobooks for elementary students in English, French and Spanish. I was born and raised in Denver and attended DPS schools up until high school. Stedman Elementary will move into Green status and resume in-person ... school on Monday, January 11th. Stedman Elementary School; Stedman Primary Elementary School; Stoney Point Elementary School; Sunnyside Elementary School; Teresa C. Berrien Elementary School; ... Staff Directory; Our Activities" Clubs; Our Parents and Community" AIG Local Plan 2019 … My Stedman journey has been student, Para, Summer Scholars Literacy Coach, Teacher, Bullying Prevention Coach, and now back to the classroom. We're an independent nonprofit that provides parents with in-depth school quality information. I love teaching the little ones because you can always make a difference in their lives. I’m proud to be the daughter of two immigrant parents (Jalisco, Mexico), who have taught me sacrifice and perseverance- two qualities that I greatly value and wish to instill in my students. And for me it is a great honor to work with you one more year and continue doing what I love working with yours and my beautiful children, taking care of them and serving with much love. Our goal is to provide academic enrichment while helping the children be comfortable and safe. I am so grateful to be part of the innovative and passionate Stedman community. My name is Rachel Zammuto and I am excited to be, as a 2nd grade teacher and Senior Team Lead. Dane has a passion for the work as the father of four sons, two that are currently scholars in DPS, as a product of Denver Public Schools, and a community partner. Teaching is more than just a job. I love what I do and I believe that the children can transform the future for the better. (Collaborative Healing Initiative within Communities) C.H.I.C was created to help tackle the disparities and economic shortcomings that directly affect families, communities and members of local gangs, particularity that of the female population. 53094 : Math & Literacy Staff: Mr. Andrew Fak My name is Holly Stogsdill and I am your new School Psychologist Intern! Stedman Elementary School. Prior to coming to Stedman, I spent four years as a school social worker and school-based therapist on the Fort Apache Reservation in Arizona, then moved to Denver to work as a school-based therapist working with the refugee communities in the metro area. I enjoy meeting new people and going on new adventures. When I’m not teaching I enjoy my family, hiking, gardening, and SDP. Stedman Elementary is a great school! Their potential is inspiring and I am confident in their ability to succeed. Kirk is the Co-Founder and Director of School Partnerships at Kids Above Everything (KAE). I hold a bachelor´s degree in Elementary Education and in English as a second language, and a Master´s degree in Educational Psychology. I started working at Stedman late in the 2016-2017 school year, and have loved getting to know our students and community! Staff Shout Outs . It enrolls 215 students in grades 1st through 12th. Sam Sims, Senior Team Lead Samantha_sims@dpsk12.org, Rhonda Lee, Secretary – Rhonda_Lee@dpsk12.org. Admissions and Registration Questions (e.g. We will also welcome a son in September of 2020! A couple years ago, Crystal received the award Teacher Leader of the Year in DPS as well as Exemplary Teacher Leader. I love teaching and being a part of your child’s journey! Kirk Stevenson – Kids Above Everything – kistevenson70@gmail.com. I teach because I know that my students have dreams and goals for their futures and I can move students toward dramatic academic growth. graduate degree in Child, Family, and School Psychology from the University of Denver and I am so excited to spend my internship year at Stedman Elementary! Spring Intersession. Dane is a volunteer football coach (10 years) for the Pirates Youth Football Organization. I am originally from Peru, where I obtained a Bachelor degree in early childhood education and a Master’s degree in Learning Disabilities. I am excited for this to be my first year at Stedman, to continue to help students embrace their different backgrounds while learning a second language and striving for academic and social-emotional success. I teach because education is my passion. I love tinkering on my classic Bronco, spending time with friends, playing music when I can, and flying helicopters. My family includes my mom who will come to all of the school’s concerts, my wife Rachel, my son David who is in ECE across town, Cora my 2 year old daughter, and my cat Pinky. Click above for information on where to pick up meals during this time. My name is Megan Walsh and this is my 6th year at Stedman! Sade’ continues to give back to her community, as the founder and Executive Director of C.H.I.C. Stedman Elementary is a school servicing grades KG to 5 and is located in the district of "Cumberland County Schools" in Fayetteville, NC. What I enjoy the most in life is to spend time with my family, friends, in nature and traveling. I’m so excited to share with my kids the wonderful world of reading,  and my favorite story books for children are from the author Georgina Lázaro. For Sade’ Cooper, that meant giving back to Project Voyce, as a board member and Second Chance Home Ministries. Please note that registration must be completed for each child. Stedman Elementary School operates a computer laboratory that has a projector, more than 25 computers and a variety of printers. We met in graduate school in Boston, but the long gray winters brought us back to her home state of sunny Colorado. What I enjoy the most in life is to spend time with my family, friends, in nature and traveling. Before coming to Stedman I taught 1st, 4th, and 5th grades and worked as a math interventionist. My name is Rhonda D. Lee and I’m the new secretary at Stedman Elementary. 7 years overseas, teaching first and second grade in Colombia, Oman and then Thailand. Each hat offers a unique lens within our district. I know where your students are coming from, and where they are headed. Prior to that, I lived and taught in Tucson, Arizona, where I met Dr. Peterson, our amazing principal. I arrived to Denver on July, 2014 to teach in an immersion School in Northglenn as a Spanish Immersion Teacher in 3rd grade. I love to show my kids what Denver and Colorado have to offer – sites, events, activities, etc! I began teaching in Denver Public Schools in 1994. Hi! On weekends you might find us skiing or hiking in the beautiful Rockies, exploring Denver’s amazing parks and museums, or continuing our quest to find the absolute best pizza in Denver (suggestions welcome!). After PBA I taught At McGlone Elementary School and had to leave due to family constraints. Watch-Care Academy is one of the nearest elementary schools. I am from Barcelona, Spain. We're an independent nonprofit that provides parents with in-depth school quality information. I have been with DPS for 34 years. I love Indiana Basketball, Carolina Football, hiking, reading, and my two cats. Click here to register your child/children. In the winter you can find me snowshoeing or curled up with a good book. The following Stedman Elementary Staff Members have been recognized for the school year! I believe…, Alicia Vasquez (ECE4) Email: Alicia_Vaszquez@dpsk12.org. Hi, parents & guardians! They learn about themselves, others and the world around them. In my free time I like to be with my family and cook Peruvian food. Stedman Elementary School located in Denver, Colorado - CO. Find Stedman Elementary School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Throughout my eight years in DPS classrooms, I have guided students in community organizing, taught literacy at all K-5 levels, coached educators, and helped guide a school to creating a rigorous, supportive school culture. Creative Commons ; Digital Story Telling Resources ; Online Training Tools ; … She is also responsible for coaching and supporting educators to be effective instructors while simultaneously increasing her own professional growth. It includes her husband and soul mate who works in a national financial institute, a son who graduated from Metropolitan State University last May pursuing his passion in adult fitness, a daughter who graduated two years ago from University of Colorado as an architectural engineer currently working in Washington D.C., and the unconditional love of her dog Bailey. I love lots of books, some are Chickenhawk, The Jungle, and Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site. There are currently 9 homes for sale in Stedman Elementary School. I aim to assume this role and in doing so, provide my kids with choices for their futures through a high-quality education. She is responsible for providing additional support for students reading significantly below grade level. Rae C. Stedman Elementary is the 156th largest public school in Alaska and the 47,668th largest … Dress Code and Discipline Policy) Stedman Elementary located in Stedman, North Carolina - NC. The principal of Stedman Elementary School is Melissa Peterson, Ed.D.. 284 students attend Stedman Elementary School, and the ratio of students to teachers is 15:1. I’m a dedicated teacher and it is a wonderful opportunity for me to teach my native language. Molly Webb . I am so grateful to be part of the Stedman team, and to be here in Colorado. Names of individuals (faculty, staff, teachers, or students) ... Join a discussion about Stedman Elementary School and talk to others in the community including students, parents, teachers, and administrators. It’s my passion. When I am not teaching, I enjoy hiking, going to concerts, cooking, and vacationing with my family. My goal for my students is to help them develop the skills to do anything they can dream of, as well as things we can’t even begin to imagine will be possible someday. R... emember that January 4th and 5th are Staff Inservice Days. I taught 3rd grade at Stedman Elementary for five years, 5th grade at Park Hill for seven years and have been at Steck ever since. Brooke Trexler (Math Interventionist) – Email: brooke_trexler@dpsk12.org. Prior to Stedman I worked at a DPS charter school and for Jefferson County Public Schools. Working alongside students, families and the community, I hope to provide opportunities in which all students can be empowered to realize their full potential and thrive. I love reading (mostly non-fiction related to education or leadership), hiking (lots to do here!) I grew up in the Denver area and graduated from Englewood High School and CU-Boulder. My name is Olga Martínez. Stedman Collection 2021 Since 1953, the Stedman ® brand has stood for reliable product quality, excellent value for money and ethically responsible manufacturing conditions. (Tell your family and friends! Adrienne Lopez, Dean of Instruction – Adrienne_Lopez@dpsk12.org, Crystal Griego, Senior Team Lead Crystal_griego@dpsk12.org, Crystal Griego is the Reading Intervention Teacher and Senior Team Lead at Stedman Elementary. I am grateful to begin a new year at Stedman Elementary School, a wonderful community in which to learn, teach, and grow! When I am not teaching, you can find me cooking, reading, listening to a podcast, and enjoying the outdoors with my family. She has served in Denver Public Schools for 20 years. In Tucson, I taught intermediate grades with a focus in special education, systems thinking, and student-generated learning culture. My name is Peter Rossi, and I am the physical education teacher at Stedman Elementary School. Stedman Elementary School We have worked closely with Stedman Elementary School to offer an in-person program for Pre-K through 5th Grade students during the school’s remote learning phase. The staff is dedicated to teaching and reaching all of our students with the Common Core curriculum, so our students can achieve excellence and become successful learners. It’s an ever-surprising mix of very hard work and ecstatic successes, both big and small. Currently and from 2016 I have been teaching at Stedman, I am very proud to be part of the Dual language Program Stedman has. I worked for a while in corporate America and deployed with the Army after which I got the best opportunity of my life, long term sub at Stedman. Patricia Landy (Kindergarten) – email: Patricia_landy@dpsk12.org. KAE is an outreach effort to lift the lives of students in NE Denver and supports students’ positive identity develop through media and storytelling. Patty Albujar (Immersion Kinder) – LILY_ALBUJARORTIZ@dpsk12.org, Maria Carrillo Parraga (Immersion Kinder) –  maria_carrilloparraga@dpsk12.org, Amanda Hinkson (1st Grade) – amanda_hinkson@dpsk12.org, Elena Galvez-Iglesias (Immersion 1st) – ELENA_GALVEZIGLESIAS@dpsk12.org. I like teaching kindergarten because every year brings something new and different. My name is Lily Patricia Albujar Ortiz, but my students call me Mrs. Patty. Student early dismissal/Staff development. My goal is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be physically active for a lifetime. I am Level 1 IB trained, and have Level 1 World Music Drumming training as well. I felt at home the first day I walked in. Organizations NCATA Aug 1998 - Aug … 2940 Dexter St I’m looking forward to a joyful year of learning! I am a parent of a 2019 DPS graduate,  and this is my 14th year as a DPS educator. Stedman Elementary School located in Denver, Colorado - CO. Find Stedman Elementary School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. I enjoy teaching at Stedman and being part of the ECE team and the Park Hill community. Link your King Soopers Rewards Account to Stedman and a portion of every purchase will come back to Stedman! I started at Stedman in 2013 as a part of the cafeteria team but I always knew that I had more to offer. We are committed to the goal of guiding children in the … Stedman Elementary (a Denver Public School) is a thriving and diverse neighborhood school in North Park Hill in Denver, Colorado. Remote Learning Hours beginning 11/30: 9am … When I’m not teaching I enjoy my family, hiking, gardening, and SDP. There is so, much growth and excitement within the students. I hold a Bachelor degree in Education and a Master degree in Early Childhood. Stedman is a very strong and nurturing community with talented leadership and an active PTA of involved parents who are working together to create meaningful experiences for the students and providing support and resources to the staff and parents. Our 2021 collection includes a wide range of products for men, women and children, from simple T-shirts and sweatshirts in popular colours to functional sports and versatile outdoor clothing. and making art. I love working with young learners who are curious about the diversity in our community and the world around them. I. can’t wait to meet you all to start this new journey. Staff Shout Outs . I first moved to USA to work for DPS as a ELA-S teacher 11 years ago. Stedman, NC 28391 Phone (910) 483-3886 District CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS County CUMBERLAND COUNTY Type of School Regular elementary or secondary Magnet School No Charter School No Students Enrolled 306 Classroom Teachers 25  worked with children since I was 13  years old (7 yrs old if you want to be official), Olga Martinez (Immersion 2nd) – Email: olga_martinez@dpsk12.org. Stedman Elementary School We are located in Central Denver and are part of the Denver Public School District. at Rick's Center for Gifted Children (Winter 2020) Hip Hop at Bradley International School (Spring 2020) If you are looking to move to Stedman, NC consider which grade school your children would attend. And Colorado have to offer – sites, events, activities, etc today! Kitchen Manager at Inspire Elementary students reading significantly below grade level youth who live Denver... To dance, sing Karaoke and during vacation travel own opens the doors to incredible opportunities in this world cooking! 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