The Royal Regiment of Scotland is the senior and only Scottish line infantry regiment of the British Army Infantry. [3], The regiment saw active service during the Gulf War in 1991 deploying 57 Challenger tanks[4] and in Bosnia as part of SFOR in 1996–97. Prior to reaching Basra, A Squadron fought in and around Az Zubayr and C Squadron was detached from the SCOTS DG BG to fight with 3 Commando Brigade in actions south of Basra that included Britain's largest tank engagement since the Gulf War, when 14 Challenger 2 tanks engaged and destroyed 14 Iraqi tanks (the so-called '14–0' engagement). [28], As of 2018 the Squadron has also begun to provide mounted support for other Edinburgh ceremonies, such as the Edinburgh Riding of the Marches. It was a remake of their most popular song "Amazing Grace" and featured the Czech Film Orchestra. The Royal Regiment of Scotland (SCOTS) is the senior line infantry regiment and only Scottish line infantry of the British Army. By 1979 the Pipes and Drums were, according to the Army’s Director of Bagpipe Music, (Capt Pitkeathly) making very good progress towards the goals set in May 1973. The Pipes and Drums in 1975 – Pipe Major Elder plus, Maurice Johns, Thomas Stewart (Tam), Tom Kelly, Doug Eskdale, John Low, Richard GrimshawRab Cook, Joe Clark, Pipe Major Elder, Wullie Davidson,Bob Smith. Actually it was rather more direct than that; the CO was told by the Colonels Commandant in writing on 28 July. It is now equipped with Jackal armoured fighting vehicles. He informed Pipe Sergeant Elder that if progress continued, and he passed his Tank B1 Tradesman Tests he would be promoted Pipe Major. Both Bands also made a number of recordings. 4 RTR establishment was annotated to show three crewmen as pipers. At our “Last Hurrah” veterans Keegan and Finlay ensure that Piper Douglas doesn’t dry up. Doubts were similarly expressed by some senior figures south of the Border. [12] The pipes and drums distinguished themselves, winning the award for Album of the Year at the 2009 Classical Brits for Spirit of the Glen: Journey, recorded on active service. [24], As a royal regiment, the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards is permitted to wear the Royal Stewart tartan, which was a privilege granted by HM King George VI, and is worn by the regiment's pipers. It consists of four regular and two reserve battalions, plus an incremental company, each formerly an individual regiment (with the exception of the first battalion, which is an amalgamation of two regiments). In 1994 the Band celebrated their 21st Anniversary. In his new rig, researched and designed by Major Gordon Gray (OC G Sqn) in 1973, this is what the Pipe Major would eventually look like. By December 1982 the full-time members of the Pipes and Drums were of high quality: Pipe Maj Harden, Sgt Macey, Cpls Mc Sweeney, Dunlop. It was formed on 28 March 2006 and founded on the fighting heritage of historic Scottish Infantry Regiments. [6] It deployed to Kosovo, as part of KFOR, in 2000. [26] The regiment also has a mounted Drum Major who wears a distinctive white bearskin – a gift to the regiment from Tsar Nicholas during his time as Colonel of the Regiment. Elder dressed as a pipe sergeant within the Regimental lines; but otherwise, especially when we had official visitors, he dressed as a tank sergeant. The track sold over seven million copies by mid 1977, and was awarded a gold disc. [17], The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards is broken into the following structure:[18], The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Museum is situated at Edinburgh Castle. The Pipes and Drums 1996, now the pride of 1 RTR. Opened in 2006, the exhibits include uniforms, medals, weapons, regalia, music and the French Imperial Eagle that was captured by Sergeant Charles Ewart of the Royal Scots Greys from the French 45th Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne at the Battle of Waterloo. The Regiment declined to abandon the initiative. 75 talking about this. [5] In 1998, it became the first regiment in the British Army to operate the Challenger 2 main battle tank. The regiment consists of four regular battalions and two reserve battalions. Pipe Major Elder leads the 4 RTR Pipes and Drums as they march through Arras. Melville Stewart Jameson, This page was last edited on 25 December 2020, at 03:57. However, each battalion maintains its former regimental pipes and drums to carry on the traditions of their antecedent regiments. The regiment also uses the motto "Second to None". It was decided to seek to take a tartan into limited use. Bagpipes And Drums Of The Royal Regiment Scotland - YouTube Eight members of the Guards were coached by the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment before making their debut at Kilmarnock on 20 June 2015, and then moved on to Edinburgh the following week for the Battle of Waterloo victory celebrations. He asked her to give the Regiment permission to take her Hunting Rose Tartan into use. [35][36], The regiment inherited the Royal Scots Greys' military band after amalgamation, but it was stood down in 1995 due to government budget cuts.[37]. See also. The right to wear this badge was granted to the 3rd Dragoon Guards in 1765, subsequently became the cap badge and later, with the crossed carabines, formed the badge of the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's). With such a rich heritage, The Royal Regiment of Scotland has inherited a wealth of Regimental music for both the Pipes and Drums and the Military Band. His voice was raised in Scotland in total opposition to a relatively young Sassenach regiment attempting to adopt Scottish traditions. Elizabeth Rose agreed the request to allow use of her Clan Rose Hunting Tartan. It was decided to seek to recruit a pipe sergeant with a view to creating a Regimental Pipes and Drums. [13], In November 2013, the unit bade farewell to its Challenger 2 tanks and converted to a Light Cavalry unit, armed with Jackal vehicles. For some months the Regiment had been attempting to “poach” a well-qualified Pipe Sergeant from one of the Scottish regiments. This was a major blow, not least in terms of man-management; Sgt Elder had forfeited his career with RSDG; the Regiment, anticipating the recognition of its undeniable “Scottish ness” felt frustrated. The Pipes and Drums with the RTR Staff Bands on Horse Guards as the Royal Tank Regiment celebrates the distinction, obtained by Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery, of Parading at the Cenotaph and marching along the Mall and Whitehall every year on the Sunday after Armistice Sunday. [23], The distinctive yellow zigzag (or "vandyke") cap band was inherited from the Royal Scots Greys, who had worn it since the mid-19th century. HRH Princess Margaret stayed at Government House for four days. The 52nd Lowland Regiment also maintained a Pipes and Drums, which from 2002 was under the direction of Pipe Major Gordon Walker, who was formerly a regular piper in the Royal Highland Fusiliers and an instructor at both the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming and the College of Piping. But back to early days… In June 1973 the Edinburgh Branch of the Old Comrades presented the first pipe banner. The regiment was known from then on as The 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment or Royal Highlanders. This action was thereafter formally authorised by Lord Lyon of Scotland. Among those present were some of our most distinguished senior officers. The Royal Regiment of Scotland is the senior and only Scottish line infantry regiment of the British Army Infantry.It consists of four regular and two reserve battalions, plus an incremental company, each formerly an individual regiment (with the exception of the first battalion, which is an amalgamation of two regiments). [27], In 2015, the Regiment introduced a small mounted unit named the "Waterloo Squadron". The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys) is a cavalry regiment of the British Army, and the senior Scottish regiment. L to R Gen Boswell (Guernsey), Adm Pillar (Jersey), HM the Queen, HRH Prince Philip and General New (Isle of Man). Today the Pipes and Drums of The Black Watch battalion are the Assault Pioneer Platoon, but at different times they have also been a Rifle Platoon and the Head Quarters Defence Platoon. [14] Under the Army 2020 plan, it was reroled as a light cavalry unit, and moved to Leuchars Station in summer 2015. At the time it represented a return to horseback and full dress uniform for the first time in eighty years. The question of dress was for the moment left to one side and thus the direct order from RTR RHQ was not ignored. The parade, which included marching contingents from six of the seven battalions of The Royal Regiment of Scotland – the 4th battalion is currently deployed on operations in Afghanistan – their pipes and drums, along with the Band of The Royal Regiment of Scotland, took place in Holyrood Park on Saturday. [15] The Regiment deployed to Cyprus with the United Nations as part of the Op TOSCA 27 peace-keeping for a 6 months tour in September 2017. The intention was to insinuate him into the Regiment and to build a Regimental Pipes and Drums around him. CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, Pipes and Drums of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), "Army – Question for Ministry of Defence", "Royal Scots Dragoon Guards launch £1m appeal to raise cash for injured comrades", "Lt Richard Palmer of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards killed in Iraq", "Corporal Gordon Alexander Pritchard killed in Iraq", "Scottish pipers record album while serving in Iraq", "Royal Scots Dragoon Guards receive new Jackal vehicles", "Royal Dragoon Guards Assume UN Peacekeeping Duties in Cyprus", "The Battle of Waterloo and The Royal Scots Greys and Sergeant Charles Ewart", "Collar badge, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys), 1971", "Army Regiments and their Pipers, part 6", "Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, drum horse; The drummer wears full dress with white bearskin cap a present to the Scots Greys from Tsar Nicholas when Colonel in Chief", "All set for the annual Riding of the Marches", "The Pipes and Drums of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys)", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) - Soundtracks - IMDb", "Scotland on TV - Videos about Scotland and all things Scottish", "Royal Scots Dragoon Guards band wins Classical Brit award", "Regimental Music - Royal Scots Dragoon Guards", "Explore the musical history of our Regiments", "Regiments and Commanding Officers, 1960 - Colin Mackie", "3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards)", "House of Commons Hansard Written Ministerial Statements for 10 Nov 2005 (pt 1)", "Iraq battle honours for two Scots regiments", "The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys)", Official Universal Classics and Jazz Website, "NPR Interview with Jon Cohen, Producer of, Organisation of units under Army 2020 Refine, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, Best-selling singles by year in the United Kingdom, I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That),, Military units and formations established in 1971, 1971 establishments in the United Kingdom, Articles with dead external links from April 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Pages containing London Gazette template with parameter supp set to y, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Mounted Troop, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Ceremonial unit based at. The Loyal Toast is drunk at formal dinners in the Mess and is always drunk seated, except when Royalty is present. The artist is Simon Dyer. The Black Watch Pipes and Drums 3SCOTS The Highlanders - 4 SCOTS Pipes & Drums The Royal Regiment of Scotland Reserves The Army in Scotland The Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland The Highland Band The Royal Regiment of Scotland Scottish, Welsh and Irish Division Call of Duty Contact us by: [email protected] As there was no apparent opposition that next more ambitious step was taken. [16], The regiment has converted to the role of light cavalry as part of restructuring in the army under Army 2020. 3 SCOTS Pipes and Drums are working hard in preparation for The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo and are ready to put on a spectacular show for the thousands of fans. As each battalion was formerly an individual regiment, they all maintain their former regimental pipes and drums to carry on the traditions of their antecedent regiments. The bulk of the regiment deployed as part of the Scots Dragoon Guards Battle Group with a single squadron (A Squadron) detached to the First Battalion The Black Watch Battle Group. In January 1973 the Regiment moved to Catterick and Berlin. Complete your 8th (Lothians And Peeblesshire) Batallion, The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment… The Scottish manifestations continued to please the Regiment. The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiners and Greys) inherited all of its antecedent Regiments' battle honours when it was formed in 1971. Having the Rhine Staff Band at Catterick provided many opportunities for Pipe Sgt Elder to play alongside them. Themselves having inherited the battle honours of the 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's) and the Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards) upon amalgamation in 1922. ). In 1982 Pipe Sgt Ian Macey had major wins in senior piping competitions. It was evident that we had to be very patient, while advancing more discreetly towards our objective. regimental music General With such a rich heritage, The Royal Regiment of Scotland has inherited a wealth of Regimental music for both the Pipes and Drums and the Military Band. Pipe Sergeant Elder took part, dressed as a Piper of Clan Rose. The First appearance of the Pipes and Drums in kilted dress, Catterick 1974. All deployed elements of the regiment took part in the advance on Iraq's second largest city, Basra. In the event both were achieved. The use of the tartan was welcomed within the Regiment and there was soon appetite for more. Over the past 3 years 1 SCOTS Pipes and Drums have been in an unprecedented position as a result of the Army 2020 refine and the formation of the Specialised Infantry Group. [20], The cap badge features an eagle, which represents the French Imperial Eagle that was captured by Sergeant Charles Ewart of the Royal Scots Greys from the French 45th Regiment of Foot at the Battle of Waterloo. 4 scots [13][34] They have also made regular appearances at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo over the years. The next more ambitious step was to create the Pipes and Drums. 178 were here. The Pipes and Drums took part for the first of many times in the Edinburgh Military Tattoo in August 1983. The Pipers played beneath her window each morning. The Officers, Warrant Officers and Sergeants continued to be enthusiastic and strongly supportive of the initiative. The cap badge also has the crossed carbines of the 3rd Carabiniers at the rear of the eagle. Having waited a few weeks after the Reunion the CO felt ready to take the next step. [25], The Loyal Toast is drunk at formal dinners in the Mess and is always drunk seated, except when Royalty is present. The Pipes and Drums played at the Consecration of Standards on 12 July 1985. The Commanding Officers’s formal instructions included two major milestone targets – the Pipes and Drums were to be ready to play formally in front of the Regiment within eighteen months and to be ready to play for our Colonel in Chief within four years. On 30 November 1987 Cpl Macey played for the Queen at a Governors’ dinner party at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. How far we had come from the difficult days. 1974–1977: Lt.-Col. Stephen R. A. Stopford, 1991–1993: Lt.-Col. Nicholas D. A. Seymour, 2011–2013: Lt.-Col. Jonathan G. E. Bartholomew, 2013–2016: Lt.-Col. Benjamin J. Cattermole, 2016–2018: Lt.-Col. Dominic C. D. Coombes, 2018–present: Lt.-Col. J. Fraser S. McLeman, 2 July 1971 – present: HM Queen Elizabeth II, 2003–present: Brig. Sadly the Clan Rose Dancers (trained by Pipe Major Harden) were disbanded in 1982 when the Regiment left BAOR. Dressed as a piper of Clan Rose he delighted the Regiment by his playing at mess nights etc. In 1983 Pipe Major Harden received his BEM from GOC SW District, Maj Gen Mike Gray (late Para). The Duke of Kent took the salute. Major Gordon Gray, OC ‘G’ Squadron, applied his specialist skills to devising a regimental uniform for the steady trickle of pipers and drummers. The Highlanders, 4th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland. [31] The track was also featured in the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The Band in 1976 with Lt Col Cocking, Pipe Major Elder and Major Doble. On evenings when a military band is present, besides playing "The Queen' the band also play "God Bless the Prince of Wales", an old 3rd Dragoon Guards custom, and the "Imperial Russian Anthem" in memory of Tsar Nicholas II, the Colonel-in-Chief of the Scots Greys, killed with his family during the Russian Civil War (1918). [14] The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards is paired with the Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry, an Army Reserve light cavalry regiment. Central front row, Pipe Major Hunter, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Gilchrist, Major General Sir Laurence New and Major David Eccles. Discover releases, reviews, track listings, recommendations, and more about 8th (Lothians And Peeblesshire) Batallion, The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment)* - The Pipes And Drums at Discogs. At present, the pipes and drums of the current Royal Regiment of Scotland and the RMR have maintained their historical alliance alongside the larger regiment. The Pipes and Drums, now a highly valued part of the First Royal Tank Regiment are a poignant reminder of the Fourth and Seventh, no longer part of the Order of Battle. Major Elder leads the 4 RTR Pipes and Drums of the Regiment took part, dressed as a Piper Clan! 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