Paladins, brings something to the hero shooter genre that Overwatch failed to, and that is the ability for players to create a build that works best for their playstyle, borrowing heavily from the Moba genre Paladins allows players to spend earned currency … Reduce the Damage you take from Direct attacks by 7%. 4) Your SMG does damage which should not be ignored, it is often better to finish enemies off with unscoped left clicks as the potential for choking is minimized and you are able to keep them under the effects of Cauterize to reduce healing. Flanks: This cast is able to effectively pressure out Kinessa through their presence alone. 1. Games. Kinessa throws out up to 2 mines that activate once they land and deal 4 damage every .2s to connected enemies. Kinessa is the long range sniper of Paladins. Kinessa The Bounty Hunter As a young recruit in the elite Sentinels, Kinessa took to her sniper lessons with an eagerness and enthusiasm that surprised her mentors. Through his silent hovering, he is able to often get a massive payload off on Kinessa due to her limited FOV in scope. Frustrated by the rigors of military life, she left before she could complete her training and struck out on her own. 4 yıl önce | 33 görüntülenme. This build has been re-spec since the last OB35 Paladins patch came to live. Your weapon shots reduce the effect of healing on your target by 25% for 1.5s. Hitting an enemy with a fully-charged Sniper Mode shot generates 1 Ammo. High quality Kinessa gifts and merchandise. Haven allows you to sustain more poke which has kill potential, other than offensive snipers most poke cannot stop you from safely farming HP off tanks. While these characters are still alive and working their way into the backline, Kinessa is unable to focus on burning the enemies backline and tanks as intended. What we did is we used 3 of the default cards and just bought 2 more cards and accomplished the build. Burn Playstyle: For this your goal is to be burning through shields as your other damage dealer is a weaker Wrecker or the enemy team comp is heavily reliant on shields. Paladins Kinessa Build Guide – Powerful, Cards Included. Skye was released in Paladins along with the “Original Eight Champions”, on November 17, 2015, during the first Closed Beta released. Top Community Build Guides. Posted on June 28, 2020. +14 +13. Posts about kinessa written by stratar. Reset the Cooldown of Transporter after dropping to or below 60% Health. Kinessa is really a though one to balance. Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 30%. Jenos: The main reason he is listed as a counter is his ability to use his ultimate to secure a kill on Kinessa. Welcome to our new Paladins Kinessa Build Guide. Reduce scope-in and scope-out time by 60%. Kinessa is your standard sniper-class champion in Paladins who’s mainly used at long distance to offer support for your allies. 1. I think Kinessa needs a rework on "Oppressor Mine" ability. And farting, and scat eating. 2. Q: Oppressor Mine, Acts mainly as a reconnaissance ability. Reduce the Damage you take from Direct attacks by 14%. Legal. On the other hand, I feel like there's just too much effort needed for her to be performing at least averagely well. Skip to content. Which is way too low. Tag: Kinessa instant ult pt 2. Your weapon shots reduce the effect of healing on your target by 75% for 1.5s. Reduce the Damage you take from Area of Effect attacks by 7%. Kinessa Builds revolve around two of the Legendaries: Steady Aim and Reposition (Repo) in the meta. ... OB70 an auto sustain deck build gustusa123 1615 views. Drogoz: Suprisingly, Wyrm Drogoz is able to effectively contest Kinessa depending on map. It doesnt slow, it doesnt add any debuff. One of the most interesting aspects of Paladins: ... we came up with a build that makes heavy use of Nether Step and Defiance, ... Kinessa. Hello all, so I'm not the best Kinessa player or something, but I've played her a lot and she's my favourite character, so I'd like to share some thoughts on talents, loadouts, tips & and tricks, matchups, maps, items etc. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. 5. These hitboxes allow Kinessa to effectively farm tanks provided there is not a concentrated effort to dislocate her. Your weapon attacks deal 60% increased Damage to Shields. True Grit 5 is a 500 Heal on Fully Charged Shots (which is most of your shots), in tandem with Liferip 3 this is a 860 Heal when uncauted (and you should be able to be uncauted through taking proper angles) which allows you to soak much more poke damage than other builds. Oppressor Mine slow affected players by 30%. Reposition: Another perfectly viable choice, that I am biased against due to the allocation of cards and reduction in overall damage. This means he can effectively wait until Kinessa shoots him (to minimize damage) and then return fire with his 1200 damage shot. STRATAR 1789. She still refuses to pick a side in the conflict, however, because there's much more m… Heal for 25% of your maximum Health after Teleporting with Transporter. Add our Discord bot to your communities' server to get the power of PaladinsGuru right in Discord. Skye effectively counters Kinessa, as first, Kinessa doesn't have any reliable movement strategy, and she cannot self heal. We all know that Kinessa is the strongest damage champion when it comes to dealing damage. Able to float away from enemies and many ways to secure kills and provide supportive damage. WHAT IS THIS GAME?! Opting to go for Reposition allows for more unpredictability and mobility while lacking the stopping power of standard Steady Aim Kinessa. As the Realm descended into chaos and war, vigilante bounty contracts have been plentiful, earning her all the fame and fortune she'd lacked while in the service of the Magistrate. These allow them to open up the fight with the first shot on Kinessa in most situations leading to a massive disadvantage for the Kinessa. Kinessa. ... How is Paladins competitively? 5) TRANSPORTER CAN TELEPORT YOU THROUGH WALLS. Using these to watch your flanks is mandatory into aggressive players. Right now, all oppressor mine does is 20 damage per 0.2 seconds. Getting a kill or elimination heals you for 300 Health. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. © PaladinsGuru 2014-21. Increase your Movement Speed while in Sniper Mode by 75%. Due to not having to deal with these massive restrictions, she is able to effectively out trade the rest of the damage roster when operating in her effective range - and if they are close there is still headshot potential. ----------------------------------------------------. 1. Your #1 source for Paladins loadouts. Kinessa Itemization is relatively complex and has a key item which I would not normally recommend for other characters: Liferip. This build is designed to maximize the damage output of Kinessa and relies on accurate shots on the head. © Hi-Rez Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. A brief explanation on how to fully utilize Kinessa's Loadouts, Items and Skills in order to make the most of using her in Paladins Information about how to play the game Paladins teaching players the basics, tricks, tips and guide them to win. Reduce scope-in and scope-out time by 60%. I found a pattern to it after getting her ult 3 times in a row without a break. Lots of scat. 5. This ability can headshot and is best utilized at maximum charge in tandem with Steady Aim. The use of Nimble allows you to peek more aggressive angles and rotate through BunnyHopping with ease to get better Line of Sight on enemies. with her mines she basically has more damage per bullet than Viktor Submitted by AaoronEdge 3 years ago 29 Your weapon shots reduce the effect of healing on your target by 50% for 1.5s. Variations exist between two key factors more than anything for this build. F (rebind this to Left Shift): Transporter, allows teleportation to where you deploy the transporter shortly after. There are various factors which lead to a Kinessa being less effective than her maximum potential: Shielding, Flanks and Ranged Poke. Kinessa is the only not OP sniper while strix can do quick scope go on stealth and his handgun can deal massive damage while kinessa takes time to get full dmg her rifle got recoil and her only advantage is her teleport speed dash card and its only 2s. Both Strix and Sha Lin posses stealth abilities. 5. Hitting an enemy with a fully-charged Sniper Mode shot Heals you for 500. I figured it out in a match earlier today on Frog Isle. She plays like Widowmaker from Overwatch. © Hi-Rez Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. Data provided by Hi-Rez Studios. Frustrated by the rigors of military life, she left before she could complete her training and struck out on her own. Additionally, Skye can evade Kinessa's shots, unless by some bad luck, gets hit by Kinessa, which means Skye can get close. Cassie/Kinessa (Paladins) Kinessa (Paladins) Cassie (Paladins) Scat; scat eating; Gross; Fetish; Farting; Summary. Increase your Movement Speed while in Sniper Mode by 75%. This takes practice to be able to naturally tell where you will end up without indication, but is mandatory to playing Kinessa. I would not object to going Reposition in this matchup as the heals he provides should not outweigh your damage regardless. Increase the Flight Speed of Transporter by 50%. A bad kinessa is the easiest thing to kill E: Headhunter, allows faster charging sniper shots, 50% more damage on headshots and infinite ammo for 5s. 2. 2. Morale Boost allows for faster Ult Generation and thus ONE SHOT POTENTIAL. So I hope this will help you in case you wanna get into Kinessa Talents: All three talents are viable, it depends on the situation and the enemy team comp which talent to use. Not only do you sustain HP through continuous fully charged shots, but you can effectively have infinite ammo from the use of one load out card. Left Click: Sniper Rifle, Weapon with 24 Ammo, 180 damage a shot every .15 seconds (smg mode). Both these tanks are able to dislocate kinessa while receiving little to no damage due to their shield abilities being unaffected by bonus damage as well as Ash being able to pressure and Aim Punch Kinessa through her left clicks. Supports: Kinessa is able to counter the common healing strategies provided as her damage is so bursty that it is able to delete characters either in a single hit or find the second required shot before they are able to be healed above the damage threshold of her shots. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. This teleportation is automatic and cannot be stopped after deployed. Tam ekran izle. It now deals 2100 Damage headshots, which while still lethal to various characters is less than that of Steady Aim. If you even call that an ability, its more of an inability for me. The reason Wrecker is not prevalent in the other builds is that shooting a deployed shield (fernando, barik, khan, etc) forces you to regain the boon from Steady Aim. Please disable your adblock. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. As a young recruit in the elite Sentinels, Kinessa took to her sniper lessons with an eagerness and enthusiasm that surprised her mentor. See Older Guides Submit a Guide. All rights reserved. Create Free Account. Reduce scope-in and scope-out time by 40%. Reduce scope-in and scope-out time by 80%. 3) You are required to change angles more than you think. You should throw these to dismount enemies at their spawn after winning a point fight by throwing them as far as you can or to detect movement at the start of rounds. Steady Aim: This is my bread and butter, I strongly favor this over Repo as I feel the sustain far outweighs the benefit of constant Transporter use. This makes it much harder to be flanked and a lot easier to escape with your life or turn the fight. 3. Shielding: This takes the form of Fernando and Ash. Hitting an enemy with a fully-charged Sniper Mode shot generates 1 Ammo. Increase the range of Oppressor Mine beams by 60%. Against these match ups simply having sustain through build and the purchase of Liferip is not enough to ensure the victory of the duel. Hitting an enemy with your Sniper Rifle in Carbine mode lowers the Cooldown of Transporter by 0.6s. It allows to travel faster using Transporter and heal afterwards. Your carbine deals 30% increased damage to enemies affected by Oppressor Mines. Press. Duelist Playstyle: More of a niche, this playstyle is exclusively when facing against other long range poke artists such as Sha Lin, Strix or the mirror match up of Kinessa. Pick Playstyle: This way of playing revolves around more of a solo-carry mindset and is most likely to let you climb. © PaladinsGuru 2014-21. Your weapon shots reduce the effect of healing on your target by 25% for 1.5s. For 7s after hitting a fully-charged weapon shot, your next fully-charged shot will deal an additional 30% damage. You would want to swap the values of Beam Me Up and True Grit dependent on whether the enemy team contains a flank. Torvald: Poses a problem by providing his aid to those who Kinessa would seek to execute as they reach the health threshold, as well as often being paired with a flank allowing for hard dives without equal. fanart kinessa bathroom cigarette hirezstudios paladinsfanart paladins_champions_of_the_realm kinessapaladins paladinschampionsoftherealm Fanart of Kinessa from Paladins game by hirez I tried something different, hope u guys liked it as i did Most tanks have fairly large hitboxes to allow Kinessa to leach HP off of and are subject to massive fall-off damage. Here you are simply trying to pick off key targets through the use of Kinessa's massive damage potential with headshots and the ability for a quick second shot kill. Account Settings. For Kinessa we took a … This is useful to confirm kills or ward off flanks as its damage is significant. Her enemies would also be revealed if shot and scoping and movement speed would also be quicker. Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 10%. Through this build you lose the damage potential from steady aim but gain increased safety and ability to act agressive. Basically just lots of poop. Hitting an enemy with your Sniper Rifle in Carbine mode lowers the Cooldown of Transporter by 0.75s. Support Data provided by Hi-Rez Studios. I see a lot of Kinessa being played by people that don't really understand her play style, or just don't have the right cards for the job, and I also see a lot of posts on here asking what to build and how to play her, and I feel like this guide might be able to help. Hitting an enemy with a fully-charged Sniper Mode shot Heals you for 300. Increase your Movement Speed by 81% for 2s after Teleporting with Transporter. Build: Zoom Zoom Example: This is putting in speed in your flank, you take master riding for getting yourself into the battlefield or you die too many times because that kinessa is too aware of her surroundings and you want to get out of spawn faster. Right Click: Sniper Mode, allows charging of a 1200 damage nuke with no falloff. Steady Aim: This is my bread and butter, I strongly favor this over Repo as I feel the sustain far outweighs the benefit of constant Transporter use. Jenos was released in Paladins on July 26th, 2017, during the Open Beta 0.55 version.He is basically the only Support champion, till now, that can heal inside walls, and that’s his strongest attribute. Careers. Seriously this is gross don't read it. Assuming they have a flank you would run a higher level of Transporter speed and run True Grit at level 4. Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 10%. Increase the Flight Speed of Transporter by 40%. Reduce scope-in and scope-out time by 40%. Kinessa is a Damage Class Champion in Paladins, added on March 3th, 2016.1 1 Lore 2 Abilities 2.1 Sniper Rifle 2.2 Sniper Mode 2.3 Transporter 2.4 Oppressor Mine 2.5 Headhunter 3 Cards 3.1 Legendary 3.2 Cards 4 Videos 5 Gallery 6 References As a young recruit in the elite Sentinels unit, Kinessa took to her sniper lessons with an eagerness and enthusiasm that surprised her mentors. The main variation between builds for steady aim is the choice of Sustain vs Safety. | Kinessa Paladins Gameplay KamiVS loop video or see full youtube channel statistics, revenue calculation or use sub count online to uncover growth on diagrams. Home. This can happen when a champion is new or there is a new patch. Add our Discord bot to your communities' server to get the power of PaladinsGuru right in Discord. Her primary weapon is an assault rifle that can be scoped in and fired as a powerful sniper. 1 Reply Last reply . Unlike most of the cast, she is unable to effectively react to his ability due to being stuck in the scope animation and requiring extremely fast reflexes to avoid. Heal for 25% of your maximum Health after Teleporting with Transporter. Paladins Gameplay - KINESSA No patch 3.3 build guides found. This one features scat. Unnoticed effect but also increases the size of the enemies head hitbox. Hitting an enemy with a fully-charged Sniper Mode shot Heals you for 500. Try not to underestimate Kinessa's close range damage! The card values of Quick scope, Prodigy, Open Season remain unchanged regardless of flank pressure. Kinessa has the lowest overall Winrate in the game by far, there is no middle ground for kinessa either they are trash or god tier .. she's not op you need skill to use her . Liferip is put into these builds as it synergizes extremely well with the Talent Steady Aim, ability of Kinessa to drop Cauterize from herself and loadouts which act in tandem with Liferip. Also it stars Kinessa and Cassie from Paladins. Strix possesses a card in his arsenal that allows him to recieve up to 30% reduced damage while utilizing his scope. By jumping you are able to teleport through as many walls are between you and the end point of your teleporter. Increase your Movement Speed while in Sniper Mode by 50%. Browse champions and decks to find the best loadout for every champion! 2) You are able to take more aggressive angles than you believe you can with confidence in aim. These characters are simply able to stall Kinessa and pounce on her if she is not wary at all times of their presence. Damage Dealers: Kinessa counters the more ranged variants of the roster with a few exceptions (that will be listed down below). 1) You are able to animation cancel your reload by throwing an oppressor mine. Where most characters suffer from the issues of fall-off or Leading Shots, Kinessa does not. Kinessa Builds revolve around two of the Legendaries: Steady Aim and Reposition (Repo) in the meta. Using Transporter instantly Teleports you to its target location. 5. Increase your Movement Speed while in Sniper Mode by 100%. Reset the Cooldown of Transporter after dropping to or below 36% Health. Increase the number of targets affected by Oppressor Mines by 2. When she can operate uncontested she is able to entirely decimate enemy teams. Increase the damage done by Headshots by an additional 25% of base for a total of 175% damage. Reduce the Damage you take from Direct attacks by 7%. If nobody is coming around a corner and you have no reasoning to believe they will other than simply hoping, you are likely better off reassessing your surroundings and the game state to better effect the gameflow by providing damage to other angles to assuming other positions. Kinessa instant ult pt 2. Events. 3.1 Daño auto ... 2.1 Kinessa Deck from a Newish Player Belrose (PC IGN:... 837 views. Eagle Eye: A footnote must be mentioned for Eagle Eye, a Talent which was the premier option for Kinessa prior to its nerf. Reply Quote 1. Studios. Increase the Flight Speed of Transporter by 30%. This tradeoff is not bad by any means, however I am biased against it believing that you do not need the permanent uptime of Transporter in exchange for insane sustain. Generally whoever wins the duel between the offensive snipers can snowball the fight. Tanks: There are few tanks which are able to avoid Kinessa's razor focus on their heads. All rights reserved. It had in the past provided a headshot multiplier of 50% more than the standard (1.5) - which allowed for 2400 Damage headshots. Ranged Poke: This falls more into the category of straight dueling. The build for this playstyle has become very standardized to a point and revolves generally around holding the maximum level of Calibrate allowing for the ability to maintain Transporter off cooldown. The recommendation of liferip is limited specifically to Kinessa so please hear me out. Switch Champions . Also it doesnt get people out of "out-of combat" state which makes it just worse and worse. This can happen when a champion is new or there is a new patch. This build is used to maximize the usage of Transporter. I thought I was **** at snipers because of how low my Kinessa's stats were after each map.

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