Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Doyal Nitai! Hare Krishna Melbourne. "Gaura Nitai deities should not be taken into university classrooms. Everything we do in our temple is a just a humble offering to the Lord and our Deities are the heart of our temple! NEWER POST > Why Krishna art September 26, 2017. Saved by Lea Playground. Nitai to Jiva in Navadvipa Dham Mahatmya 9.10: "Gaur Naam Kare JAPA" – "The Seven Sages Chanted JAPA of Gauranga". Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It can be difficult to worship Radha-Krishna but Gaura Nitai deities will be very pleased with whatever regular service and offerings you can make to Them. Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai. But then how often does a whole group of great spiritual personalities appear all around the same time?. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Commentary : Here again srila Prabhupada clearly mentioned that worshipping Radha-Krishna is ultimate pinnacle of deity worship and one can’t install them without giving the opulent service. Dec 16, 2018 - All prices are excluding Shipping Charges, Contact Us for the exact Shipping Address of your location. They Are Good For Altars At Your Home Or As Deities For Abhishek At Your Temple. Commentary :To understand the above quote by Srila Prabhupada, we don’t need to understand a very big big rocket science, but he has quoted in easy and simple words that neophytes should not establish Lord Jagannath and Sri Sri Radha Krishna deities in the beginning as they consider 10 offenses in the bhakti. Letters : 1974 Correspondence : April : Letter to: Pusta Krsna — Tirupati 27 April, 1974 : 74-04-27 : As for the deities of Gaura–Nitai, yes you may take them on travelling sankirtana and worship them. Followers often refer to Nitai as 'Sri Nityananda', 'Prabhu Nityananda' or 'Nityananda Rama'. 4 Comments Reply Niki. They are love personified and they offer their love to us without condition. Gaura Nitai; Radha Krishna; Laddu Gopal; Lord Jagannath; Murtis; Deity Outfits . Gaura Nitai Deities: Brass Gaura Nitai deities handcrafted in Vrindavan, India. Gaura Nitai Deity One hand up and down-Dancing (12 Inches, Asthadhatu Metal) - Red ₹ 37,820.00 ₹ 24,820.00; Gaura Nitai Deity One hand up and down-Dancing (12 Inches, Asthadhatu Metal) - Golden Dress ₹ 37,120.00 ₹ 27,120.00; Gaura Nitai Deity One hand up and down-Dancing (12 Inches, Asthadhatu Metal) -Dark Blue Dress ₹ 38,520.00 ₹ 27,620.00 Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Aug 31, 2019 - These Deities Are Made Of Metal And Are Made in India. sankirtanaika-pitarau kamalayataksau Price: $295.00 $223.75 . Nitai was Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's friend and disciple. Nice prasadam should be offered regularly and distributed to guests. Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.2.31: "Gaur Gopal Mantra TOMAR Chari Akshar" – "Shivananda Sena, you are chanting JAPA of your Ishta 4-syllable Gaur Gopal Mantra 'Gauranga'". Letters : 1975 Correspondence : February : Letter to: Sri Govinda — Honolulu 6 February, 1975 : 75-02-06 : Regarding your purchasing marble Gaura-Nitai deities, it is not necessary when you already have brass ones. From shop CoralCraftsIN. It is not the same with Gaura-Nitai or Jagannath-Baladev-Subhadra Maharani. It is a common sense that if you are worshiping NITAI GAUR means you have to chant “Nityananda” and “Gauranaga” on Tulasi beads along with Mahamantra “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.”, For more details on chanting “Nityananda” and “Gauranga” on Tulasi Mala kindly contact “H.H. ( Log Out /  Marble Gaura Nitai Deities - 18" (46 CMS) from the house of Coral Crafts CoralCraftsIN. Kirtana may be performed morning and evening and some discussion from Bhagavad-gita as it is, or other books from our publications. In a special appearance, Krishna personally came in A.D. 1486 as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and acted as His own devotee. Being born in India, I have been seeing Radha and Krishna since birth. Deity Worship Manual - Medium - Soft Cover. ! +91 90450 50450. Before We Ship Them To You, We Will Check To Make Sure They Are Of The Best Quality. vande jagat-priyakaro karunavatarau, I offer my respects unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu, whose arms extend down to Their knees, who have golden yellow complexions, and who inaugurated the congregational chanting of the Holy Names. 5 out of 5 stars (5) 5 reviews $ 1,075.00 FREE shipping Favorite Add to Vintage Enamel & Metal Gaura Guara Nitai Pendant TheBhaktiWave. All glories to Shrila Gurudeva! NitaiGaura tatva is very deep n was confidential secret of the creation n still we need to learn eloborately, indepth n in more details from Shrila Gurudeva in very humble manner! Srila Prabhupada said Gaura Nitai can be established anywhere and he means, any environment. I have tried my level best to find the statements by srila prabhupda on establishing of Gaur NItai Deities and their worshiping. The presiding Deities of the Toronto Hare Krishna Temple are Sri Sri Radha Ksira-Chora Gopinatha (Radha Krishna), Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra. Bhaktiratna Sadhu” , the 38th Guru from unbroken chain of “Krishna Brahma Madhva”  Gauriya Vaishnava Sampraday, on his whatsapp no . Why Guru is not handling the whole mission single handedly ? Nitai Gaur Haribol! ( Log Out /  It can be difficult to worship Radha-Krishna but Gaura Nitai deities will be very pleased with whatever regular service and offerings you can make to Them. Dec 22, 2017 - How often does a great spiritual personality appear on earth? Essential Oils; 1-872-221-1008 ( USA ) Login Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Atlanta; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Auckland - New Varshana; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Aurangabad; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Badung, Bali; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Baku; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Baltimore; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Bangalore - Sri Jagannath Mandir Kumaraswamy Layout; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Barcelona; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Belo Horizonte; Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - Bergamo This is the clear indication that the one who wants to begin krishna consciousness should establish ONLY  the Gaur Nitai deities in the beginning as they don’t consider the offences. Deities . [Or, if one has not actually placed the deities in the bathing pot, offer a cloth by mind or wave a cloth in front of Śrī Gaura-Nitāi in ārati fashion.] 17 May 2015. Serving Gaura Nitai Deities. (Caitanya-bhagavata 1.1.1). All Glories to Srila Gurudeva ! Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur: "The devotees of Lord Gaur ACCEPT the 4-syllable Name of 'Gauranga', which is the Gaur Mantra, as the Gaur Gopal Mantra. Gaura Nitai Deities Lotus Base (Brass 13") Gaura Nitai Deities Brass, 13" size. Simply take care of the ones that you have very nicely. Before We Ship Them To You, We Will Check To Make Sure They Are Of The Best Quali… I offer my respects unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu, whose arms extend down to Their knees, who have golden yellow complexions, and who inaugurated the congregational chanting of the Holy … Waking the Deities. Laddu Gopal Outfits; Radha Krishna & Gaura Nitai Outfits; Deity Accessories . Letters : 1974 Correspondence : May : Letter to: Madhava — Bombay 9 May, 1974 : 74-05-09 : Yes there is no objection to your casting clay forms of Deities into plaster. After bathing, dressing, applying tilaka, and performing acamana, offer obeisances to the Spiritual Master. 5 … We can discuss this further when I come to Paris. NitaiGaura Hariiiibol. Be very careful to maintain a strict standard of worship, and whenever you arrive at a temple you can place the Deity on the altar. We r conditioned souls n bewlidered by mtrl narure! Letters : 1974 Correspondence : May : Letter to: Jayatirtha — Bombay 1 May, 1974 : 74-05-01 : Nitai deities that is only for those who live far away from the temple and cannot attend. Gaura Nitai Deities - Marble 13" inch $599.00 USD $750.00 USD Deity Worship Manual - Medium - Soft Cover. visvambharau dvija-varau yuga-dharma palau All Deities . But unless we get mercy from Gaura-Nitai, it is very difficult to get taste for chanting. It's quite rare to find deities of this size with such beautiful details. And why he insist that the Krishna consciousness should begin only by worshipping Gaur Nital deities and not directly by worshiping Lord Jagannatha and Sri Sri Radha Krishna. From shop TheBhaktiWave. Always chant the 3 Mantras: "Nityananda", "Gauranga", "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare". See more ideas about gaura, hare krishna, krishna. His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj Sri Ratha-Yatra festival, Kolkata-Worldwide, 23 June 2020, part 4 . I think that you can move from the Lord Jagannath Deities to the Gaura-Nitai Deities if that is your desire. Includes Radha-Krishna Deities, Gaura-Nitai Deities, Krishna Balaram Deities, Jagannatha Deities and many others._ You can choose between 'Paper Prints and Posters', 'Canvas Wraps' or 'Canvas Posters'. Letters : 1973 Correspondence : February : Letter to: Rupanuga — Sydney 14 February, 1973 : 73-02-14 : Regarding your question about taking Gaura–Nitai Deities with you on travelling Kirtana, this is not so important. After bathing Śrī Gaura-Nitāi, dry Their bodies with a cloth. Otherwise such worship is redundant: there is already deity worship going on in the temple and they should attend the aratriks, not install their own deities. Hand crafted with great detail. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Commentary : Srila Prabhupada clearly mentioned here that Gaur-Nitai can be established in meat eating environment and Lord Jagannath + Radhey krishna deities can only be established in an environment where the complete family is following the four regulative principals. These stunning beautiful Deities comes front first class stones done by the same artisans responsible for many of ISKCON temples Deities. Gaura Nitai Deities: Brass Gaura Nitai deities handcrafted in Vrindavan, India.Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda are Gaura-Nitai, and They are the most merciful form of Krishna. So I feel somewhat connected there. Sri Sri Gaura Nitai ki jai!! So he wants to say that Worship Nitai Gaur Deities OR simply Gaura Deity in the beginning  as they are very liberal and tolerant of our offenses. Diksha Gurudev: Srila Bhaktishastri Parampada Das, Shiksa Gurudev: Srila ACB Swami Prabhupada, Sannyas Gurudev: Srila Bhaktikumuda Santa Maharaj. Before We Ship Them To You, We Will Check To Make Sure They Are Of The Best Quali… The Lord is all powerful and omnipresent, he knows the heart of the devotee and reciprocates with the devotee accordingly. It is better to keep a big picture of Gaura Nitai which can be seen by everyone, rather than taking deities into a classroom." Letters : 1976 Correspondence : October : Letter to: Sacimata — Chandigarh 15 October, 1976 : 76-10-15 : There is nothing mystical about getting Gaura Nitai deities for worshiping. I understand you are a nice artist in this medium, so make Deities of Gaura–Nitai and send me photographs of the forms. That will be best.” Commentary : Srila Prabhupada clearly mentioned here that Gaur-Nitai can be established in meat eating environment and Lord Jagannath + Radhey krishna deities can only be established in an environment where the complete family is following the … At least five to ten persons must be engaged full time to worship Radha-Krishna properly, and for any small temple especially that is a detrimental factor to maintaining the highest standard in other temple activities besides, because there are not enough men. Letters : 1976 Correspondence : April : Letter to: Madhudvisa — Melbourne 21 April, 1976 : 76-04-21 : Gaura Nitai can be established anywhere, and it is simple to worship Them simply chant before Their Lordships. There is no need for buying others. Surely Gurudeva can put more light on this topic! A wide variety of gaura nitai deities options are available to you, such as use, material, and style. April 24, 2019. These are only 6 inch height. Alibaba.com offers 796 gaura nitai deities products. . But if you can make proper arrangement then you may take them, but if you say you have no Brahmins then I think for the time being you may postpone this program. So now the Lord has come to your home and agreed to be worshiped by you, therefore everything should be clean and neat. Question: I heard they were going to use elephants at the Ratha-yatra this year. Kirtan with HH Kadamba Kanana Swami. Letters : 1972 Correspondence : July : Letter to: Gunagrahi: — New York 3 July, 1972 : 72-07-03 : Worship of Radha-Krishna Deities is the ultimate pinnacle of Deity worship, and it must be done with the utmost caution and attention to every detail of giving opulent service. ... Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Wallpaper (002) Posted in Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. Jaya Srila Gurudev! A beautiful set of Gaura Nitai deities. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was touring India He did not bring His Deity with Him. (Srila Prabhupada Letter, January 5, 1976) Made in Vrindavan. Very beautiful post which is written searching hard all Prabhupad’s quotes for worshiping GaurNitai at home and at temple . Anyone can worship Gaura Nitai, because they do not accept offenses. Laddu Gopal Hare Krishna Mantra Pattern Spirituality Embroidery Dresses Deities Suits. ( Log Out /  Mar 23, 2020 - All prices are excluding Shipping Charges, Contact Us for the exact Shipping Address of your location. The size is measured from the bottom of the base to the top of the hands. Nitaivadi Bhakta David (BRSSG) of Nitai Gauriya Matha. They are simply stunning! your own Pins on Pinterest You may worship Lord Jagannatha, or if you like to install Gaura–Gauranga, Gaura–Nitai, or simply Gaura Deity, He is also very liberal and will forgive and tolerate any service offered to Him even by Jagai and Madhai. Very first-class work. These Deities Are Made Of Metal And Are Made in India. Lord Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu are forever merciful and most compassionate. This process may also be followed in offering worship to other Deity forms, or to the Pancha Tattva picture. While Gaur-Nitai are so merciful, kind and forgiving that they don’t consider our offenses and therefore any irregularity in the beginning will be taken care of by them to bring us on the correct path. Gaura Nitai deities. Following is a detailed description of the procedure for home worship of Gaura-Nitai Deities. Discover (and save!) Size: 13 inches13 inches Question : I heard that Gaura-Nitai is the most merciful incarnation of Krishna for this age of Kali. Nice. By clicking the agree button or by continuing to use our site, you consent to our cookie policy. Handcrafted in Vrindavana, India. I am not recommending more temples to install Radha-Krishna Deities until I have become more convinced that they can properly manage. idaṁ sottarīya-vastraṁ oṁ nityānandāya namaḥ Mar 27, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by GopalNandini Lipscomb. Jay Nitai Gaur, 11. Photos of Deities in Temples: Spiritualize your Home with Deity Photos Beautiful photographs of Deities in temples worldwide. Their eyes resemble the petals of a lotus; They are the maintainers of all living entities; They are the best of brahmanas, the protectors of religious principles for this age, the benefactors of the universe, and the most merciful of all incarnations. Thank you so much! Commentary :  A devotee should start his devotional services by installing only “Gaur Nitai” Deities  and chanting their holy names “Nityananda” , “Gauranga” along with Mahamantra on Tulsi beads. Nitai Gaur are so much humble and tolerant that they allow to carry them along with us for sankirtan and worship but you can’t move jagannatha and radha krishna deities once they are established. Made from panachadhatu (5 metals). Sold Out. When one starts the worshiping of Deities of NITAI GAUR it’s obvious that he/she should chant “NItyananda” and “Gauranga” on Tulasi beads. He doesn’t mind that you have not decorated very nicely, but if you chant and dance He is very pleased. Letters : 1973 Correspondence : January : Letter to: Sudama — Calcutta 26 January, 1973 : 73-01-26 : You have my sanction to take with you Gaura Nitai deities. Change ), "Nityanandam Aham Naumi Sarva Nanda Karam Param Hari Nam Pradam Devam Avadhuta Shiromanim", This WordPress.com site is the bee's knees, Founder Acharya His Holiness Bhaktiratna Sadhu Swami, a Grand-Disciple of Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta and a 38th Guru in the Unbroken Chain of the Krishna Brahma Madhva Gauriya Vinoda Sarasvata Parampara. ajanu-lambita-bhujau kanakavadhatau He/she should not indulge in chanting of Hare Krishna Mahamantra directly due to 10 offences which are considered by Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. Gauranga means ‘One with the golden bodily complexion’ and Nityananda means ‘He who embodies eternal bliss’. They Are Good For Altars At Your Home Or As Deities For Abhishek At Your Temple. Carefully worship Them, attending to Them with regular aratis and bhoga offerings. ajanu-lambita-bhujau kanakavadhatau sankirtanaika-pitarau kamalayataksau visvambharau dvija-varau yuga-dharma palau vande jagat-priyakaro karunavatarau. Purely handcrafted Gaura Nitai Deities in Rajasthan, INDIA. ", So now the Lord has come to your home and agreed to be worshiped by you, therefore everything should be clean and neat. All Glories to to Guru Paramapara. Excellent collections of super relevant quotes about worshipping Nitai Gaur Deities before worshipping Jagannath Deitites and Radha-Krishna Deities. The two Lords Gaura and Nitai, also known as Gauranga or Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda. The tallest deities on the altar, Caitanya (to the right) and Nityananda (to the left), are the main deities. By always extending a warm invitation to us, they make it easy for us to connect to them. Krishna Culture Store, specializing in Hindu and Buddhist statues and artistic eastern products. NitaiGaur Deity clothes tailored to your deity specifications! Gaura-Nitai. (8) vastra (cloth) idaṁ sottarīya-vastraṁ klīṁ gaurāya svāhā. Quick View Notify me when this product is available: Notify me when this product is available: Qty. Deity Beds & Accessories; Deity Cups & Accessories; Deity Crowns Necklaces; Deity Jewelry; Health & Beauty . Abhishek bathing ceremony of large Gaura Nitai Deities at Melbourne Maha Prabhu Mandir 40th Anniversary. They Are Good For Altars At Your Home Or As Deities For Abhishek At Your Temple. Hare Krishna Solutions is mainly dealing with Manufacturing of Spiritual Products .We are one of the oldest manufactures of Radha Krishna Deity, Gaura Nitai Deity, Ladoo Gopal, Kishori Ji (small RadhaRani ) Deity, Jagannath Baladeva and Subhadra Deities, deity dress, Shringar (deity decorating) items, Books, Chanting bags, Beads, Lockets / pendants, Handbands, Agarbatti , … Gaura Nitai Deities - Brass 12" inch ( EXCLUSIVE ) ON ORDER From Vrindavan.These Beautiful Sri Sri Gaura Nitai are exclusive Ashtadhatu (literally eight metals), have the highest quality finishing and polishing, very smooth. Swami Prabhupada: "Worshipers of Shri Gaursundara ACCEPT the four syllables gau-ra-an-ga as the Gaur mantra…Therefore one who CHANTS the mantra "gauranga" and one who chants the names of Radha and Krishna are on the same level." Commentary : Gaur Nitai are so merciful that to spread the krishna consciouness movement they have given us the permission to take them along with us anywhere on this planet. But if one does very nice wors… Wide variety of statues and murtis of Gaura Nitai. Address: 5201 The Paseo, Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America – … They are often mentioned together as Gaura-Nitai (Gaura, "golden one", referring to Chaitanya, Nitai being a shortened form of Nityananda Rama) or Nimai-Nitai (Nimai being another name of Chaitanya). Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda are Gaura-Nitai, and They are the most merciful form of Krishna. This custom made set of deity clothes for Gaura Nitai deity – can be made for deities up to 21″ tall.. Dhoti from silk, belt & shawl poly mix or can be silk if stipulated, although not available in all colors. Why Srila Prabhupada told to begin the worshiping with “NITAI GAUR” deities First and not directly “SHRI RADHA KRISHNA” ? The professors and students will think we are fanatics. September 26, 2017 - How often does a whole group of great spiritual personalities appear all around the with. Mahaprabhu and acted as His own devotee detailed description of the hands photographs the! Prices are excluding Shipping Charges, Contact us For the exact Shipping Address of your location then often! ; Radha Krishna & Gaura Nitai can be established anywhere and He means, any environment Rajasthan India! To make Sure they are the most merciful form of Krishna Rama ' my best...: Spiritualize your Home or as Deities For Abhishek At your Temple:... To get taste For chanting can put more light on this topic evening. 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