So every e-car comes with built-in zero cost pollution lowering upgrades for the life of the car. But GM's heart wasn't in it, the movie explains. Steam and gasoline-powered automobiles could not achieve this for another 20 to 25 years. Over the years there have been far too many large and small acts of conspiracy to list. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. ( Log Out /  Today, it suggests, a covert alliance of Big Oil, Big Auto and corrupt regulators, both in California and in the federal government, has killed the electric car. (a) The article does not take into account cradle to grave. Paranormal / Conspiracy; Electric Cars; User Info: SwiftyDC. The Shocking Conspiracy to Kill the First Electric Car. This chant soon grew to include Tesla with accusations that billions of taxpayer dollars were being funneled through liberal leftwing deals to Tesla. General Motors, the maker of the Chevy Volt and Bolt e-cars is clearly a very un-American company because well… GM makes those nasty Volts and Bolts… and let’s also not forget about Tesla, that other great un-American company. A reliance on encrypted chat apps fuels conflicting messages and a splintering of right-wing groups online. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Every nonpartisan scientific study found that even in areas of the country where they have the dirtiest coal powered electrical plants, e-cars are still over 20% cleaner than ICE cars cradle to grave. As the percentage of e-cars on the road inevitably goes up, can you imagine the chaos this misguided e-car noise rule will cause during rush hour when traffic is crawling through your neighborhood, and every e-car is obnoxiously beeping? Automakers Sabotage Electric Cars The theory: Automakers purposely make electric cars unappealing both visually and performatively so that consumers will continue to prefer gas-powered vehicles. The pseudo-science studies quoted in these hit jobs are: (a) funded by vested interests and (b) the work of someone with little or no relevant scientific experience. This ebook walks through the end-to-end architecture of Kubernetes, the role of each Kubernetes component, the key monitoring challenges in Kubernetes environments, and how to leverage SignalFx to get end-to-end visibility into infrastructure nodes, Kubernetes objects, and every microservice deployed. It’s almost two years since the debut of Chris Paine’s documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? The truth is that I drive an e-car because I love our little blue planet and my fellow humans. With Martin Sheen, Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Reverend Gadget. There is after all no other rational explanation for a loyal American to drive an e-car instead of one powered by a gas guzzling polluting internal combustion engine. Electric vehicles made up just over 54 per cent of all new cars sold in the country in 2020, a global record, and up from a mere 1 per cent of the overall market a decade ago. Directed by Chris Paine. We now have organizations claiming that electric cars are just too quiet and as a result pose a serious danger to pedestrians! Have a good look at this scary glimpse at the power of the oil companies to control the development and production of vehicles using non-oil fuels such as elec… I’ve been driving an electric car for years. The GOP chants soon grew shriller with claims that GM was on the public dole like some corporate version of a welfare mom. GM's Saturn division built four a day, by hand. In legal style, it finds them guilty of murdering General Motors' two-seater Electric Vehicle 1 (EV1). So hydrogen is nothing more than a dirty fuel in disguise. The movie has been a success in US theatres and often comprises one half of a double bill with Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. observes, General Motors bought up trolley car firms just to close this source of competition down. E-cars are safer while ICE cars are silently killing us. Electric cars are slow and brokeback mountain. Or a trap? Early on, the GOP political machine began proclaiming e-cars were bad because they received government subsidies. Who Killed the Electric Car? So for the foreseeable future, most of the hydrogen for the supposedly clean hydrogen cars would come from natural gas! Trucks cause over 9,000 times more road damage than cars, so the road damage caused by e-cars is negligible. Meyer’s invention promised a revolution in the automotive industry. I countered by asking him three questions: (1) Why is it bad for America to make e-cars that will help clean up the environment? Today, technology has progressed immensely, and yet, we still have no electric cars. Why should we make our clean e-cars noise pollute? 1 Views Comments(0) Upvotes(0) Downvotes(0) Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code davinci for 85% discount and 3 extra months for free! (b) The comparisons in the article are made between a very clean high MPG hybrid-electric Toyota Prius versus a Nissan Leaf BEV which is lower in efficiency than many other e-cars. Over a hundred years ago, electric cars were invented before internal combustion cars, and e-cars will exist long after the last dead dinosaur powered cars are relegated to the dustbin of history along with buggy whips and whale oil lamps. Start with name calling - Liberals belive this myth Then redefine terms. IC ENGINE CAR VS ELECTRIC CAR|| Diesel car vs Electric Car || Petrol Car Vs Electric Car|| The suit created lingering … Don’t we already have too much noise pollution? GM pointed up the car's limitations, and Gibson and Danson were asked to make deeply bureaucratic 'case statements' about it. (1) 12,000 Miles per year:, (2)  Union of Concerned Scientists e-car report 2015:, (3)  Union of Concerned Scientists followup 2017:, (4) E-Cars cleaner even when using the dirtiest electricity:, (5) Studies finding e-cars cleaner even when powered by coal power plants:, (6) Debunked: Claim that e-Cars when powered by coal are dirtier than gas: Why has this terrible threat to safety of quiet cars never been addressed until now? It shows the usual nauseating network of silver-haired execs, lobbyists and politicos, but gives some emphasis to George W Bush (a quack salesman for hydrogen cars) and … If you're a conspiracy theorist, then this is one video that's perfect for you. The notion of a General Motors streetcar conspiracy emerged after General Motors (GM) and other companies were convicted of monopolizing the sale of buses and supplies to National City Lines (NCL) and its subsidiaries. The Electric Car Conspiracy Theory Every now and then we come across claims of a vast conspiracy by the major oil companies in malicious collusion with an equally powerful auto industry. Online conspiracy theories are surprisingly convincing – and present significant danger to the real world. The national average is 60%. Part of Situation Publishing, Biting the hand that feeds IT © 1998–2021. The reason few if any manufactures are developing the electric car … Everyone knows e-cars are a part of a vast leftwing socialist conspiracy to overthrow the free enterprise system. If I leave my e-car running in a garage, it will not kill me with poisonous gases coming from its tailpipe. Tesla was given the highest rating ever by Consumer Reports. The truth is that these e-vehicles are revolutionary pieces of American automotive design that should be praised by any supporter of the free enterprise system, but sadly instead these amazing American cars are villainized by the rightwing media knowing or unknowingly serving a hidden agenda. Some time after 1987, when GM chief Roger Smith first challenged his company's designers to come up with an electric vehicle, the California Air Resources Board became interested in the project. Our reporter Eric Molinsky spoke with historian Bill Friedricks, who says that to understand the Red Car, you first need to know about Henry Huntington, one of the major power brokers of Los Angeles. What a hit movie really tells us about innovation. Years ago I had a “heated conversation” with a friend who was a Republican from Texas. As every e-car ages, it pollutes less because every year the power grids get cleaner. The Chevy Volt has been voted Car of the Year by many publications and organizations. A favorite trope that seems to get rolled out every few months in rightwing media is that e-cars pollute more than ICE cars when you factor in full cradle to grave impact including pollution from power plants. Never mind that many Cadillacs, Lexus, Mercedes, Rolls-Royces, and other premium cars are just as quiet as e-cars at low speed. Electric cars make up less than half of 1 per cent of the North American car market, which means that economies of scale remain out of reach. We aren’t even CLOSE to the “early adopter” stage. (2) Why is it bad to create new American industries and American jobs that would make America the leader in the next car revolution instead of China or Japan? What about a parking lot full of beeping e-cars coming from all directions? (8) Electric car efficiency myth debunked:, (6) Economy ratings for e-cars:, […] See also: – .WXYS88aZPMU […], […] right up for the GOP’s great e-car conspiracy. Vogueishly, Who Killed the Electric Car? The Tesla has been voted car of the year more than any other brand in recent history. In fact, GM made a total of just 800, which doesn't say much for the machine's real ubiquity. He was going to give e-cars a serious look. Soon, too, Mobil mobilised editorials hostile to the electric car in the pages of USA Today and Newsweek. From its smoked glass HQ in Detroit, the company failed to promote the EV1. The Chevy Bolt has been voted car of the year. It’s a shocking statistic and testament to the wizards behind the curtains of the e-car conspiracy that 60% of Americans still do not even know that electric cars exist. A documentary that investigates the birth and death of the electric car, as well as the role of renewable energy and sustainable living in the future. I’m willing to pay more for a car that pollutes less. makes transparent all the evil personalities connected around these three forces. Any revenue a state gets from e-car road taxes is laughably tiny; often less than $50,000 per year total in states with budgets measured in the billions. But what the success of the movie tells us is more alarming than any conspiracy it purports to unveil: a disdain for engineering, for technological innovation, and most of all a disdain for us, the consumers. It worked through an electric water fuel cell, which divided any kind of water — including salt water — into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method.. The GOP attacks Tesla for their successful […]. is a 2006 documentary film that explores the creation, limited commercialization, and subsequent destruction of the battery electric vehicle in the United States, specifically the General Motors EV1 of the mid-1990s. It was about using e-cars as a punching bag to score political points with voters who were being trained to hate anything green because well, it was green, and we all know anything green is automatically suspect and bad. I’m at the point where if you don’t have Tesla logo on your car you’re not electric and don’t matter. Hydrogen is a product of the oil and gas industry. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. GM's ad campaign - shock, horror! (7) Scientific American: This article is an excellent example of scientific slant in reporting. Like a bad remake of a horror movie, this same blood covered paint brush was soon applied to Tesla with the same diabolical motives and same disregard for the facts. The proposed e-car taxes typically result in taxing e-cars at an absurdly high rate that equates to e-cars driving 2 to 4 times as many miles per year than their ICE car counterparts. ( Log Out /  First published in The Register, January 2008. Indeed, Tom Hanks told the David Letterman show that a single charge for a range of 70-80 miles a day was all he needed personally. It's the story of General Motors' ill-fated EV1 electric car. If you’ve ever heard of Huntington Beach, Huntington Park, or the Huntington Library, this is that Huntington. It’s fascinating to watch the contortions of logic which are necessary to promote taxes just on e-cars. Is it a pro-Trump rally? A movie i recently watched called "Knight and Day", involves a Perpetual Energy source (or a renewable energy source) in the shape of a battery, which basically means that it was everlasting (it never ran out of electricity), which, at current times, the only perpetual energy source is the Sun. The fact that it costs me $13 a month to “fuel” my e-car is simply icing on the cake. For example: Indiana’s recent e-car tax results in rates equivalent to driving each e-car 66,000 miles per year versus 12,000 for ICE cars. My Texan friend was quiet for a long time then he said I might just be right. True you can get hydrogen from electrolysis of water, but there is no efficient way to do that right now. Why does the new rule specifically single out electric cars and not quiet cars? The inference was that the Chevy Volt was the result of corporate welfare—and therefore a socialistic central planning aberration that never would have existed if GM had not been concocting ways to steal taxpayer dollars. I must have been brainwashed in my sleep by crafty environmental terrorists. So to make hydrogen cars usable, we would have to spend billions to trillions on delivery infrastructure. During GTC Fall 2020, NVIDIA announced the NVIDIA RTX A6000 and the NVIDIA A40 GPUs based on the NVIDIA Ampere architecture. The Electric Car Conspiracy… that never was. People with pre-existing conditions are the new welfare mom! An electric-car battery that can be charged in five minutes, the amount of time it takes to fill up a tank of gas, has been produced for the first time in a factory in China. Each cost $250-500 a month to rent, which is by no means exorbitant. Most car dealerships make more money repairing cars than selling cars. The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) responded with a Kafkaesque new rule that all e-cars must emit noise while traveling at less than 19 mph. At the same time, ICE cars and trucks wreak vast untold damage to the environment for which they are not taxed a penny. They know how to make money making cars. This is one of the reasons why Tesla is circumventing car dealerships. The Real Conspiracy Forum ; General Forum ; Electric car Electric car. Yes, that’s right. Press Esc to cancel. In the same case, the defendants were accused of conspiring to own or control transit systems, in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust act. Visit the post for more. ( Log Out /  They can't even travel a decent amount without needing to recharge. Never mind that there are little or no hard statistics to back up this theoretical threat to pedestrians. E-car bashing seems to have originated as collateral damage from Climate Change denial. If electric cars have been around since the 19th century, then why haven't they become more widespread? It's almost two years since the debut of Chris Paine's documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? Conspiracy theories collide online as Parler goes dark. The oil industry receives countless billions in subsidies every year which dwarfs any subsidies that were made to e-car companies, but the truth died an early and gruesome death in this e-car conspiracy. The truth is that Tesla was given a government loan which Tesla paid back ahead of schedule, and the government made money on the deal. I confess. Over a hundred years ago, electric cars were invented before internal combustion cars, and e-cars will exist long after the last dead dinosaur powered cars are relegated to the dustbin of history along with buggy whips and whale … When the rightwing’s propaganda proved inadequate to damage e-car sales, they began pushing road taxes for e-cars. 20 seconds ago The Shocking Conspiracy to Kill the First Electric Car. The truth is that this was never about public loans, government bailouts, and wasting taxpayer’s money. It’s a shocking statistic and testament to the wizards behind the curtains of the e-car conspiracy that 60% of Americans still do not even know that electric cars exist. Their agenda is to portray themselves in a struggle before mankind, so that humans will warm up to the one, likely the one who is in their image (the more human looking ones). Score one for the rightwing conspiracy. Quite a few EV1s were lent to celebrities, including Mel Gibson, Ted Danson. E-Cars are superior to ICE cars in every measure from performance to core mechanical simplicity to energy efficiency to lower pollution. A common claim is that e-cars are getting a free ride on public roads because they were not paying their fair share of taxes through the purchase of gasoline. Anyway, Hanks proclaimed somewhat tongue in cheek, "I'm saving America". Many though not all of the organizations lobbying for this new rule must have ulterior motives against electric cars. Car dealerships make more money repairing cars than selling cars … Directed by Chris Paine ’ s money York e-cars. 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