[12] He will not interfere with his own plans to help his subordinates in this regard, but he still ensures they are helped by telling them to contact the Beasts Pirates. [16] He also he instructed her to adopt the alias "Komurasaki" to keep herself safe from Orochi and the Beasts Pirates. As he revealed this, the alliance, now numbering 5400, arrived at Port Tokage on a massive fleet. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Denjiro is a samurai who served as Kozuki Oden's retainer, being one of the Nine Red Scabbards. [15], Denjiro aided his allies in attacking Kaido, who was surprised to learn that Kyoshiro is actually Denjiro. A good step in the right direction is the fact that Zoro was able to tame Enma unlike anyone else in Wano at least 20 years ago. Denijiro is a beast. Dark King Fu Vs SSB Vegito | Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 30. Ultimately, he is quite diligent when he feels like it, as he was able to raise Komurasaki to become Wano's top-ranking oiran. Following Yasuie's advice, they educated themselves and trained to become dignified warriors. "Kyoshiro" (狂死郎, Kyōshirō? Denjiro [35], Denjiro escaped and went to a hut atop a hill, where he was consumed by rage over Oden's death. Kaido roared lightning at them, but they dodged around it and each struck him in turn. Kozuki Family; Nine Red Scabbards;[2] Kyoshiro Family;[3] Kurozumi Family (former)[1] "Dozing Kyoshiro" (居眠り狂死郎, Inemuri Kyōshirō?, Viz: "Napping Kyoshiro")[1] [2], As Kyoshiro, Denjiro acts as a cheerful man who loves to drink. On the roof, the Scabbards prepared to fight Kaido with the Mink Tribe's help. His appearance in the recent chapter has opened a lot of avenues for fans to speculate on h… When he was young, he wore a dark kimono with a four-leaf clover pattern; his face was also much rounder compared to its more pointed edges as an adult.As an adult, he wore a dark kimono with a small crescent moon on the left side of the chest. After becoming Oden's retainer, he and the rest of the Scabbards worked to aid him in any way, until they were caught by Shimotsuki Yasuie during their attempt to steal his money. [28], After Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and Kawamatsu joined Oden, they were running low on funds. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. So Zoro wants a piece of Kaido but Kaido vs Zoro will leave Luffy without an opponent. [1], After he was invited to Orochi's banquet, Denjiro heard from a subordinate that a soba shop owner beat up some of his henchmen. Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Denjiro?oldid=1766438. Denjiro would also repeat this deception on Sasaki one of the strongest headliners of the Beast Pirates who still thinks he is an ally and was able to subdued him without any effort. [3] However, he still cares about his family and will do what he needs to have them defended or avenged, regardless of how low-ranking they are. With Sasaki's guard down, Denjiro had him shackled. Reply. That would explain why Tashigi and Kuina look identical, have the same blood type, and are both named after the same kind of … His skill was shown when he deflected a powerful flying slash from Roronoa Zoro with ease and proceeded to evenly clash with Zoro's Nitoryu with only one sword for a brief time, preventing him from going after Orochi. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This was seen when he ordered his subordinate to contact Queen himself for an assassin to eliminate an individual who refused to comply with their extortion. Daisuke Kishio, Denjiro is a samurai from Wano Country and one of the Nine Red Scabbards who served as Kozuki Oden's retainers. Zoro stalemated him pre enma + without shushui + while tanked a hole in the shoulder. Jack vs Neko & Inu. At one time 41 years ago, he swindled a pot merchant. They then entered Kaido's castle, fought their way to the Performance Stage, and launched an all-out attack on Kaido. He was always seen wearing a pair of sunglasses. TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Spoiler manga … Reply. [2], Denjiro is a slim yet very tall and muscular man standing at 306 cm. I'd say after he fights King, he'd be on Oden's level. For at least thirteen years, he has robbed homes in the Flower Capital at night without anyone realizing his identity.[2]. Kawamatsu the Kappa is a Japanese pufferfish-man7 who is a yokozuna-ranked sumo wrestler. I personally think that they're about even right now, Denjiro might be slightly stronger, but Zoro might surpass Denjiro at the end of the Arc if he defeats King or Queen. Akame is the main character of Akame ga Kill. Denjiro was then surprised to see the Straw Hats take over the port in front of Onigashima. fights i want to see but not sure will happen: King vs Marco. [3] He later went to the banquet hall at Orochi's palace.[36]. I personally think that they're about even right now, Denjiro might be slightly stronger, but Zoro might surpass Denjiro at the end of the Arc if he defeats King or Queen. I, for one, would welcome it!! 6 Can Beat: Akame. Japanese Name: [31], On the way to Onigashima, the group was confronted by Kaido and his crew in the Udon region. Fujitora is an Admiral of the Navy, and that automatically makes him one of the strongest … Denjiro also stated that Orochi was very enraged because of Kin'emon's secret message card. Kyoshiro might be Denjiro though so idk. [12] He even protected Orochi as the loyal guard dog from Roronoa Zoro's attack against the shogun. On the day of the Fire Festival, Denjiro was left in charge of the Flower Capital while Orochi departed for Onigashima. Denjiro is an extremely skilled and powerful swordsman. After Oden became daimyo of Kuri, Denjiro became one of his retainers. Btw, Denjiro je vtipný / nemotorný chlapík, rovnako ako pán Zoro - Takže som si 100% istý, že Koushiro IS je od Wano a možno Zoro nie je od Wano. He was always seen wearing a pair of sunglasses. Oden once again told his retainers to open Wano's borders before throwing them far away from the pot. Kawamatsu: Zoro on the bandit's bridge was defeating Onimaru, but Kawamatsu intended to intercept both of them with his kappa style (Ryou) to stop the combat, Zoro blocked his attack . It could be the rivalry, or it could be how proven Kyoshiro was under Orochi, this is just a speculation though. ryuma vs zoro. [34] With an army of pursuers chasing them, Denjiro and Ashura Doji split from the group to fight their enemies. As Oden tried to take the boar from Kin'emon, Denjiro expressed his admiration for Oden. Occupations: Although he greatly respected him, Denjiro did sometimes tend to tell Oden off when he kept giving money away to other people so easily, without considering how it would affect their region. At Rasetsu Town, when Zoro attempted to attack Orochi with an air slash, Denjiro blocked the attack before engaging Zoro in battle. Upon Luffy's request, Law teleported the Scabbards to a safe place.[51]. After Oden stepped into the pot of boiling oil, the retainers were about to join him, but Oden grabbed a plank and ordered them to stand on it as he held them over the pot. [7] He met up with Kin'emon, who showed him a white boar. Shutenmaru and Denjiro ~ YC3 Kawamatsu ~ YC4 Kiku and Kin'emon ~ YC5 Raizo and Izo are below Vet level While Luffy is just above YC1 Zoro is around YC2 ... Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kid and Killer vs Kaido, Big Mum thats it thats the post . Eventually, he started working for Oden's usurper, shogun Kurozumi Orochi, as his money changer and bodyguard; he would successfully keep his true allegiance to the Kozuki Family a secret and bide his time until the day would come of the Scabbards reuniting for the final battle to take down Orochi and Kaido. [13] However, his efforts to help Orochi are all a ruse to help the Kozuki Family on the day of the final battle. I know we don't fully know how strong Denjiro is, but we can probably scale him to being slightly stronger than Ashura, Neko and Inu. In this state, he is prone to experiencing rapid mood swings, ranging from laughter to intensity to falling asleep. After learning about what happened with Kawamatsu, he took on the role as her second protector and raised her using his wealth and resources to groom her to become the highest ranking courtesan. He also instructed Hiyori to keep his identity a secret from even their allies, which would prove crucial as Kanjuro, a fellow member of the Nine Red Scabbards, was revealed to be a spy for Orochi. I would enjoy the chance to show you my skill with the blade. An unspecified time after Oden's execution, Denjiro (as Kyoshiro) became a subordinate to Kurozumi Orochi and spent the better part of the past 20 years earning his trust in order to find a chance to overthrow him and restore the Kozuki Family to power. We’ve been acquainted with the past of interesting characters like Kozuki Sukiyaki, Oden and Yakuza boss Hyougoro. [46], When Jack and a platoon arrived at the roof, the Scabbards watched as the Sulong minks engaged the enemy. Orochi agreed, and Denjiro thus rose to power as the top yakuza boss, with him and his followers becoming known as the Kyoshiro Family. Zoro needs a big win against King or Queen, as the Manga is only going to continue for 4 or 5 more years (probably). The retainers eagerly followed him and marched with him to Onigashima. [30], After Oden failed to kill Orochi 25 years ago, the retainers remained loyal to him for the next five years despite Oden acting like a fool and losing the respect of most of Wano's people. Denjiro has shown great emotional control, despite his immense hatred for Orochi. Due to Orochi being one of the two masterminds behind Oden's death, Denjiro held immense rage and hatred for Orochi. [9] When preparing to infiltrate the castle, he wore the Beasts Pirates foot soldier uniform. Dec 22, 2020 #4,157. [12] He even referred to himself as the shogun's "lap dog". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Manga One Piece arc Wano. [7] As an adult, he wore a dark kimono with a small crescent moon on the left side of the chest. Denjiro quickly beat his foes to the ground, resulting in other men wanting to become his followers. Denjiro commended Kin'emon for cleverly misinforming the other Scabbards to mislead the spy Kanjuro, unaware that Kin'emon had actually misunderstood the message. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Big Mom, Kid, Killer, Zoro, Luffy, and Law later arrived at the roof. Unfortunately, the samurai were overwhelmed in the end. I have no clue. Brook vs. Apoo. Later on in the arc when Zoro sees Denjiro again (and isn't aware he's an ally) he doesn't seem too threatened by his arrival suggesting that there wasn't a clear difference between them. Denjiro's intellect makes him an outstanding tactician. Kawamatsu would go on to be imprisoned by the Beasts Pirates for 13 … How would Zoro do against Denjiro? Zoro ‪#OnePiece Chapter 944 Zoro Nit... One Piece Chapter 944 Zoro v … Dec 22, 2020 #4,157. He then panicked when Kin'emon tried to attack the Mountain God but was awestruck to witness Oden striking down the beast. Denjiro also no diffed Sasaki, although Sasaki didn't transform, and Sanji did low diff and Hybrid Page One, even though Sasaki is likely stronger than Page One, Hybrid Page One is likely alot stronger than base Sasaki. During his years as Kyoshiro, Denjiro showed great cunning, having not only founded his own yakuza family but also was quickly able to get into Orochi's service, becoming one of his highest ranking subordinates and gain enough influence to have connections with the Beasts Pirates while perfectly hiding his allegiances to the Kozuki Family. [6][15], Even before becoming his retainer, Denjiro has immense respect for Oden, believing him to be different from other adults that he considers foolish and that respect increased after witnessing him defeat the Mountain God. During the raid on Onigashima, he took off his faux-pompadour when revealing his identity. Denjiro chose to take full advantage of his changed appearance to live under a different identity, putting on a front of submitting to Orochi and becoming one of his most loyal subordinates in order to amass both wealth and influence that allow him to further his cause in supporting the Kozuki Family such as raising and protecting Kozuki Hiyori for thirteen years after she ran away from Kawamatsu. Yeah, as Luffy's first Commander/right hand/Vice Captain. Denjiro acts as a child, he became a yakuza boss and recruited followers to the! About his subordinates was one of his retainers 's appearanc… Zoro has superior speed and power would! With you and never miss a beat panicked when Kin'emon tried to take down Kaido. [ ]. Fought Queen highly anticipated awesomeness than his fellow Scabbards, wields Oden Nitoryu against Kaido. [ 47 ] to! Crew in the Flower Capital who was surprised to learn the rest of the Orochi Oniwabanshu intervened as. 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