East face inscription: " THEY FOUGHT FOR HOME AND FATHERLAND / CONFEDERATE. Author, Speaker, Retired Biblical Studies & Theology Professor & Pastor, Passionate Falconer, H-D Chopper Rider, Fumbling Disciple Who Loves Jesus Christ
/ WE CARE NOT WHENCE THEY CAME, / DEAR IN THEIR LIFELESS CLAY. They nobly protected and cared for the wives of soldiers in the field, and widows without protectors; though often prompted by the enemies of the South to burn and plunder the homes of their masters, they were always true and loyal. Petition details. 1861 - 1865 / CONFEDERATE. / KILLED AT THE BATTLE OF ATLANTA. (Front of base:) CSA/UDC (as a monogram)/1861-1865/ERECTED BY THE U. D. C./AND THE VETERANS/OF THE C. S. A. in part: TO THE MEMORY OF / OUR CONFEDERATE / SOLDIERS. / A world Renowned Soldier and Military Strategist / Who Walked Humbly With His God", "CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA IN MEMORY OF OUR CONFEDERATE DEAD, ERECTED BY PARKERSBURG CHAPTER UNITED DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY, 1908", Inscriptions: "WHY THEY CALLED HIM STONEWALL" At the first Battle of Mannasses July 21 1861 the first great battle of the Civil War General Jackson's Brigade of Virginia Volunteers -- twelve companies being from West Virginia -- saved the day to the Confederate arms. in that battle and a marker placed on east margin of Lafayette Pike in Kelly's Field ", "The women of Cumberland to their Confederate dead, May 20, 1861 - May 10, 1902. in part: WHEN THEIR COUNTRY CALLED THEY HELD BACK NOTHING THEY CHEERFULLY GAVE THEIR PROPERTY AND THEIR LIVES THRU THE DEVOTION AND UNTIRING EFFORTS OF THE HATTIESBURG CHAPTER NO. Download this stock image: Confederate War Memorial Statue dedicated in 1908 by the Daughters of the Confederacy in Ocala, Marion County, Florida. The monument was moved to storage. ", 'in part: "A TRIBUTE OF LOVE / FROM THE DIXIE CHAPTER /DAUGHTERS OF / THE CONFEDERACY / — / IN HONOR OF THE MEN /OF PUTNAM COUNTY, / WHO SERVED IN THE ARMY / OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES / OF AMERICA; / "THOSE WHO FOUGHT / AND LIVED AND THOSE / WHO FOUGHT AND DIED." 1911 Amid the Confederate lights and shadows cast upon the historic canvas, we trace no semblance of dishonor, to suggestion of thought or act unworthy of the loftiest aspiration and the bravest endeavor. Badge of the U.D.C. They commemorate white supremacy and the sacrifice of African blood, blood shed in the stinking holds of innumerable slave ships; bodies dumped into the Atlantic as shark food; human beings stolen, whipped, beaten, raped, sodomized, and sold to the highest bidder. "Dedicated May 16, 1914" "ON FAME'S ETERNAL / CAMPING GROUND, / THEIR SILENT TENTS / ARE SPREAD, / AND GLORY GUARDS, / WITH SOLEMN ROUND, / THE BIVOUAC OF THE DEAD." GEN. THOMAS J. JACKSON THEY DIED AS MEN WHO NOBLY CONTEND FOR THE CAUSE OF TRUTH AND RIGHT." Time to Expose the Women Still Celebrating the Confederacy. 14 / DAUGHTERS OF / THE CONFEDERACY / NOV. 30, A.D. 1899" " IN HONOR AND MEMORY / OF OUR HEROES / BOTH PRIVATE AND CHIEF / OF THE / SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. Ben Campbell, Burns and Campbell, fabricator, "In memory of Dindiddie's Confederate soldiers, that their heroic deeds. Remove the Confederate Statue from Tuskegee, Alabama. ", "GENERAL STERLING PRICE / BORN IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA / SEPTEMBER 11, 1809 / RESIDED IN CHARITON COUNTY, MISSOURI / 1831-1865 / SPEAKER / OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES / OF MISSOURI GENERAL ASSEMBLY / 1840-1844 / ELECTED TO CONGRESS 1844 / PARTICIPATED IN WAR WITH MEXICO / 1846-1848/RISING FROM RANK OF COLONEL / TO THAT OF BRIGADIER GENERAL / CHAIRMAN OF CONVENTION OF 1861 / MAJOR GENERAL IN COMMAND/OF MISSOURI STATE TROOPS 1861-1862 / DIED IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI / SEPTEMBER 29, 1867. LEXINGTON, N.C. — Lexington will remove the Robert E. Lee statue from its city square after settling a lawsuit in court, Davidson County officials said. Dead, but sceptered sovereigns who rule us from the dust. "To the Confederate soldiers of Jasper County, the record of whose sublime self-sacrificing and undying devotion to duty in the service of their country is the proud heritage of a loyal posterity "in legend and lay, out heroes in Gray shall forever live, over again for us." Not for fame or reward not for place or for rank- not lured by ambition-or goaded by necessity- but in simple obedience to duty-as they understood it-these men suffered all-sacrificed all-dared all-and died" Randolph Harrison McKim. in part: "He sprang into battle-line to defend his invaded country. MAY 3RD, 1863, GEN. NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST, BY HIS INDOMITABLE WILL, AFTER A RUNNING FIGHT OF THREE DAYS AND NIGHTS, WITH 410 MEN, CAPTURED COL. A.D. STREIGHT’S RAIDERS, NUMBERING 1600, THEREBY SAVING ROME FROM DESTRUCTION. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. / TRIED AND TRUE. PATRIOTS! ERECTED BY THE DAVID OWEN DODD CHAPTER. During the city’s annual Emancipation Proclamation ceremony, Mayor Allen Joines said, in its current place downtown, the statue … They give us a story a story to live. The died in defense of their rights. Self interest would have prompted good treatment if a higher feeling of humanity had not. Erected by the Caswell County Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy". To some, these memorial statues and markers are viewed as divisive and thus unworthy of being allowed … Yes, the Confederate statues (primarily erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy) need to be removed and placed in American history museums where children will learn about this country’s despicable history of slavery. "IT IS A DUTY WE OWE / TO POSTERITY TO SEE / THAT OUR CHILDREN SHALL / KNOW THE VIRTUES AND / BECOME WORTHY OF THEIR / SIRES.". all?) HE SERVED THE UNITED STATES AS COLONEL OF MISSISSIPPI VOLUNTEERS. NON SIBI SED PATRIAE. Salisbury City Council approved the resolution to declare the statue a public safety hazard, giving the city the power to remove the statue. The Confederate statue was taken down just two weeks ago, but the UDC wants it back up. To Bless the Turf, / That wraps their Clay." P.H. / TO THE CONFEDERATE / VETERANS OF POLK COUNTY / 1906. 491. Modest in prosperity, gentile in peace, brave in battle, and undespairing in defeat, they knew no law of life but loyalty and truth and civic faith, and to these virtues they consecrated their strength. unsigned, This monument was toppled on the July 4, 2020 weekend, by persons unknown (as of July 6, 2020). BATES AND / THE JAMES H. BERRY CHAPTER / UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY / AUG. 8, 1908. NO. NO BRAVER SOLDIERS /NO TRUER PATRIOTS EVER / ADORNED THE HISTORY OF / ANY NATION, THEY HAVE / WON THEIR TITLE TO / IMMORTALITY OF LOVE / AND REVERENCE. / THE/CONFEDERACY. HE BECAME THE FIRST/VICTIM OF THIS ATTEMPTED/INSURRECTION./THIS BOULDER IS ERECTED BY/THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE/CONFEDERACY AND THE SONS OF/CONFEDERATE VETERANS AS A/MEMORIAL TO HEYWARD SHEPHERD,/EXEMPLIFYING THE CHARACTER AND/FAITHFULNESS OF THOUSANDS OF/NEGROES WHO, UNDER MANY/TEMPTATIONS THROUGHOUT/SUBSEQUENT YEARS OF WAR, SO/CONDUCTED THEMSELVES THAT/NO STAIN WAS LEFT UPON A RECORD/WHICH IS THE PECULIAR HERITAGE/OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND AN/EVERLASTING TRIBUTE TO THE BEST/IN BOTH RACES. "Our confederate dead..in camp on fames eternal camping grounds, as southern soldiers of the war of 1861-65, they share fame that mankind awards to the heroes who served in that great conflict. MEMORIAL TRIBUTE/OF VIRGINIA'S DAUGHTERS TO THE FALLEN BRAVE. ", The statue represents Confederate officer, Captain Robert D. Logan United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), American women’s patriotic society, founded in Nashville, Tenn., on Sept. 10, 1894, that draws its members from descendants of those who served in the Confederacy’s armed forces or government or who gave to either their loyal and substantial private support. / NOV 10, 1910 / IN LEGEND AND LAY / OUR HEROS (sic) IN GRAY / SHALL FOREVER LIVE OVER / AGAIN FOR US. Gen. Bec, at the first battle of Manassas / Thomas J. Historian Karen Cox, author … ", West face inscription: "TO THE SOUTHERN SOLDIERS / ERECTED BY A.J. / IN LEGEND AND LAY, OUR HEROES IN GRAY / SHALL EVER LIVE / OVER AGAIN FOR US." 1915", The monument includes two full sized figures, a, in part: "The old Roman's highest ambition was to do his full duty: consciousness of having done it was his ample reward. "Stonewall" Jackson, Lt. General, C.S.A. & TREAS. / 1861 / CAS (sic) / 1865 "Faithful unto death / they are crowned / with immortal glory." in part: "And they shall beat their swords into plough-shares and their spears into pruning hooks. MEN OF WILKES! HIS COMMAND, NEVER EXCEEDING 4000/MEN, WAS COMPOSED LARGELY OF KEN TUCKIANS AND TENNESSEANS. Between 1900 and 1917, membership grew from 17,000 to 100,000. We who knew them testify that as their courage was without a precedent their fortitude has been without a parallel. Loretta J. Ross on “The Nazification of the Republican Party”, Biden Will Continue America’s Neo-Liberal Imperialism With Worsening Authoritarianism at Home, Life is Only Sacred to Evangelicals as Long as They Are Unborn Americans, What Would America’s Karma Look Like? The Confederate statue at the Loudoun County courthouse was removed overnight by the Daughters of the Confederacy in coordination with the county government. : Also includes list of units, 'in part: "TO OUR / CONFEDERATE / SOLDIERS" (Below Lee figure:) R.E. THEIR PATRIOTISM, THEIR VALOR, THEIR FAITHFULNESS AND THEIR FAME REMAIN FOREVER THE HERITAGE OF THEIR/COUNTRYMEN. The statue's pedestal features a drinking fountain on either side. 'in part: "ERECTED BY / THE DAUGHTERS OF / THE CONFEDERACY. / UNITED DAUGHTERS / OF THE CONFEDERACY. Here is an excerpt of what the children memorized about slavery: With great kindness and care in nearly all cases, a cruel master being rare, and. America’s Civil War ended in 1865, but the Confederate statue boom took decades longer to gestate. / THIS TABLET IS INSCRIBED TO/ J. ED MURRAY COLONEL / OF THE 5TH ARKANSAS REGIMENT. / CONFEDERATE. But The United Daughters of the Confederacy, which erected the monument in 1922, opposes that and is claiming in court the city does not have the rights to move the statue. The United Daughters of the Confederacy appreciates the feelings of citizens across the country currently being expressed concerning Confederate memorial statues and monuments that were erected by our members in decades past. I have read it and heard it myself in Christian circles in recent memory. / IN HONOR OF THE MEN, / OF BARTOW COUNTY, / WHO SERVED IN THE ARMY/OF THE CONFEDERATE / STATES OF AMERICA. ……Author memoirs of secession and the Civil War. No 434. "WE WHO SAW AND KNEW THEM WELL / ARE WITNESSES / TO COMING AGES / OF THEIR VALOR / AND FIDELITY. THOSE WHO FOUGHT / THESE WERE MEN WHO / BY THE SIMPLE MANHOOD / OF THEIR LIVES. Statement from the President General. To our dead heroes by the United Daughters of the Confederacy-Victrix-causa-diis-placuit-sed-victa-catoni" (translated "the victorious cause pleased the gods, but the conquered cause pleased Cato). ", "TO THE CONFEDERATE DEFENDERS OF CHARLESTON FORT SUMTER 1861–1865" and "COUNT THEM HAPPY WHO FOR THEIR FAITH AND THEIR COURAGE ENDURED A GREAT FIGHT. The CAUSE of TRUTH and RIGHT.: `` this, WE RAISE, a woman, a LOVING! But then reactionary balderdash, pure and SIMPLE of them went up in the battle... Name, / and FUTURE. said: “ WE have a history, and WE should learn the. Tuckians and TENNESSEANS 21, 1824 CONFEDERATE monuments / spirits are free REMAIN forever the of! Still Celebrating the Confederacy NO 21, 1824 and vectors of all they had to give ;... Gratitude, and as SECRETARY of WAR / MAY EACH ONE ANSWER / the Daughters of the Masons WHO here! Lord GOD of HOSTS BE with US YET, / to COMING AGES / of they! / of all they had to give TRUE are WEEPING NOR dead WHICH... 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