Chi-Rho and Alpha and Omega on a modern Catholic altar. (“In this sign you will conquer!”). chiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, has done in renewing this organization. Sequential "XPS" in the Carolingian Godescalc Evangelistary. In pre-Christian times, the Chi-Rho symbol was also to mark a particularly valuable or relevant passage in the margin of a page, abbreviating chrēston (good). Another Romano-British Chi-Rho, in fresco, was found at the site of a villa at Lullingstone (illustrated). This name is especially approved for 'Boys' Gender. The name Chiro is a combination of the Greek letters chi (χ) and rho (ρ), which are the first letters of Christos, the Greek form of Christ. : ちろ Katakana Katakana is also a Japanese syllabary. The Chi-Rho (pronounced "KEE-roe") is a Christian symbol consisting of the intersection of the capital Greek letters Chi (Χ) and Rho (Ρ), which are the first two letters of "Christ" in Greek (ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, Christos). Bibliography Information Coins and medallions minted during Emperor Constantine's reign also bore the Chi-Rho. The Chi Rho is a Christian symbol for “Christ” written by superimposing the two Greek letters “Chi (X)” and “Rho (P)” which are the first two letters in Greek of the name of “CHRist.” The usurper Magnentius appears to have been the first to use the Chi-Rho monogram flanked by Alpha and Omega, on the reverse of some coins minted in 353. (c)hi-ro, ch-iro] The baby boy name Chiro is pronounced as K-IH Row †. The Greek letters chi and rho are found at the beginning of Χριστῷ, which translates to “Christ” in English. Chiro is derived from Spanish origins. The Chi-Rho can represent either Christ or Christianity and is also known as a Christogram. [18] The Book of Kells has a second Chi-Rho abbreviation on folio 124 in the account of the Crucifixion of Christ,[19] and in some manuscripts the Chi-Rho occurs at the beginning of Matthew rather than mid-text at Matthew 1:18. [7] Not only Constantine, but the whole army saw the miracle. The symbol was also found on Late Roman Christian signet rings in Britain. Monogramme of Christ (the Chi Rho) on a plaque of a sarcophagus, 4th-century CE, marble, Musei Vaticani, on display in a temporary exhibition at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. In this later version, the Roman emperor had been pondering the misfortunes that befell commanders who invoked the help of many different gods, and decided to seek divine aid in the forthcoming battle from the One God. It is a word of Greek origin coming from kheir ʻhand.ʼ Chiron was unique among the fond of smoke, drink, violence and women. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021. [8], An early visual representation of the connection between the Crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection, seen in the 4th century sarcophagus of Domitilla in Rome, the use of a wreath around the Chi-Rho symbolizes the victory of the Resurrection over death. I have a good nose and eye for fellow United Nations reformers, as sometimes I think we do not yet constitute the majority in terms of the leadership [...] of the United Nations system. At first, it was only about a new way to entertain children on Sunday, while also teaching Catholic values. Chi-Rho on YMCA building, Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, Ohio. According to Lactantius,[6] a Latin historian of North African origins saved from poverty by the Emperor Constantine the Great (r. 306–337), who made him tutor to his son Crispus, Constantine had dreamt of being ordered to put a "heavenly divine symbol" (Latin: coeleste signum dei) on the shields of his soldiers. Roman Chi Rho applique in bronze from a Germanic settlement in Neerharen (Belgium), 375-450 CE, Gallo-Roman Museum (Tongeren), Silver ring with Chi Rho symbol found at a Christian burial site in Late Roman Tongeren (Belgium), 4th century CE, Gallo-Roman Museum (Tongeren). Roman Christian mosaic with Chi-Rho, Hinton St. Mary, England. Chiro definition: a chiropractor | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Even though most centaurs were wild and self-indulgent, Chiron was known as civilized, smart and kind. The Chi-Rho symbol ☧ with Alpha and Omega, Catacombs of Domitilla, Rome. Its most attractive baby name & pronunciation is also simple .The meaning of Chiro is 'having a sacred name.' Famous examples are in the Book of Kells and Book of Lindisfarne. By the year 350, the Chi-Rho began to be used on Christian sarcophagi and frescoes. Chi Rho Symbol is an ancient Christian symbol, a Christogram that is made by overlaying the initial two letters (in capital) of the Greek word ‘Christos’ meaning ‘Christ’. This centaur was very wise and just. Chiron wasnʼt into this way; he was more about teaching heroes how to embrace their ... View This Document Chiro (woreda), a former district of Ethiopia. Greek lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others; this is keyed to the large Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament." [13], In 2020, archaeologists discovered in Vindolanda in northern England a 5th-century chalice covered in religious iconography, including the Chi-Rho.[14][15]. [4], Although formed of Greek characters, the device (or its separate parts) is frequently found serving as an abbreviation in Latin text, with endings added appropriate to a Latin noun, thus XPo, signifying Christo, "to Christ", the dative form of Christus.[5]. It is not listed within the top 1000 names. Chiropractic Definition Chiropractic is from Greek words meaning done by hand. Christian pendant of Maria (398–407), wife of the Emperor Honorius (r. 395–423), with text in the shape of a Chi-Rho, Louvre. The Chi-Rho is also called the Christogram because it is a monogram of Christ. chiro-. Chiro ( Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! [4] While mainly focusing on having fun, it also aims at developing youngsters' responsibility and skills. At noon, Constantine saw a cross of light imposed over the sun. Translations of chiro- from Dutch to Greek and index of chiro- in the bilingual analogic dictionary Chiro- (also cheiro-) combining form of the hand or hands : chiromancy. Prefix . Eusebius of Caesarea (died in 339) gave two different accounts of the events. These files are public domain. ", Eusebius also left a description of the labarum, the military standard which incorporated the Chi-Rho sign, used by Emperor Constantine in his later wars against Licinius. Christian Chi-Rho on a 5th-century marble table, Quiroga, Galicia. That night, Christ appeared to the Roman emperor in a dream and told him to make a replica of the sign he had seen in the sky, which would be a sure defence in battle. ), a fictional character. CHIRO- Meaning: "hand," from Latinized form of Greek kheiro-, combining form of kheir (genitive kheiros) "the hand,"… See definitions of chiro-. Folio 34r of the Book of Kells is the Chi Rho page, expanding the first two letters of the word Christ. His army won the battle and subsequently, the deeply affected emperor legalized the religion of Christianity across the Roman Empire. English words for 茶色 include light brown, chestnut, tawny and browns. History has it that the symbol appeared to Constantine in a vision or dream before he fought the Battle of the Milivian Bridge outside Rome in 312 A.D. and he had it put on his soldiers’ shields. Learn more. Attached to it, in Greek characters, was the saying "Τούτῳ Νίκα!" chiro-, a prefix referring to hands, or to chirality. With the Alpha and Omega at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. [11], After Constantine, the Chi-Rho became part of the official imperial insignia. Origin of chiro-. The Chi-Rho symbol was used by the Roman Emperor Constantine I (r. 306–337 AD) as part of a military standard (vexillum). Chiro is uncommon as a baby name for boys. "Indeed", says Eusebius, "had anyone else told this story, it would not have been easy to accept it. Later, the symbol also appeared on the coins of Emperor Constantine and his successors. [ syll. [< Greek cheír] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Reconstruction of Chi-Rho fresco from Roman villa at Lullingstone, including Alpha and Omega. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence demonstrating that the Chi-Rho was emblazoned on the helmets of some Late Roman soldiers. It was introduced by Jos Cleymans in an issue of Het Katholiek Patronaat, describing the youth of Chiro. In Insular Gospel books, the beginning of Matthew 1:18, at the end of his account of the genealogy of Christ and introducing his account of the life, so representing the moment of the Incarnation of Christ, was usually marked with a heavily decorated page, where the letters of the first word "Christi" are abbreviated and written in Greek as "XPI", and often almost submerged by decoration. chiro-hand; sign language chireme; chirogram; chiropractics; Derived terms [16] Though the letters are written one after the other and the "X" and "P" not combined in a monogram, these are known as Chi-Rho pages. See also the related category spanish. These files are public domain. Chi Rho Symbol is an ancient Christian symbol, a Christogram that is made by overlaying the initial two letters (in capital) of the Greek word ‘Christos’ meaning ‘Christ’. Combining form of Greek cheír hand. With this knowledge and experience, Palmer started the Palmer School & Infirmary of Chiropractic in 1898. The Chi Rho (/ˈkaɪ ˈroʊ/; also known as chrismon[1]) is one of the earliest forms of christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters—chi and rho (ΧΡ)—of the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (Christos) in such a way that the vertical stroke of the rho intersects the center of the chi.[2]. a combining form meaning "hand,'' used in the formation of compound words: chiromancy. It is also behind the practice of abbreviating ‘Christ’ in Christmas to ‘X’. 5548 xríō – to anoint by rubbing or pouring olive oil on someone to represent the flow (empowering) of the Holy Spirit.Anointing (literally) involved rubbing olive oil on the head, etc., especially to present someone as divinely-authorized (appointed by God) to serve as prophet, priest or king, etc.See 1 Ki 19:16; Lev 8:12; Ps 133:2; 1 Sam 10:1, 16:13; 2 Sam 2:4, 5:3. Find more Japanese words at! Early symbols similar to the Chi Rho were the Staurogram () and the IX monogram (). Constantine's standard was known as the Labarum. Of the hand or hands. Chiro is a Flemish youth organisation, founded on Christian values, now only tenuously held, with 94,311 members. Constantinople Christian sarcophagus with XI monogram, circa 400. That very day Constantine's army fought the forces of Maxentius and won the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312), outside Rome. Chiro Name Meaning. Pronunciation /ˈkʌɪrəʊ/. Using the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex Code we can obtain some variants of scripture of the same surname. Sarcophagus with Chi-Rho symbol and Alpha and Omega, 6th century, Soissons, France. © Copyright [oceanwp_date] - The Chi Rho (/ ˈkaɪ ˈroʊ /; also known as chrismon) is one of the earliest forms of christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters— chi and rho (ΧΡ)—of the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (Christos) in such a way that the vertical stroke of the rho … The description of the actual symbol chosen by Emperor Constantine the next morning, as reported by Lactantius, is not very clear: it closely resembles a Tau-Rho or a staurogram ( ), a similar Christian symbol. a combining form meaning “hand”: chiromancy. Chiro is in top trending baby Boy names list. Pagan Greek scribes used the symbol in the margin to mark passages they considered especially significant or relevant, with the letters Chi and Rho denoting ‘Chreston’ that means ‘good’. Chiro Philippines, a Philippine Catholic youth organisation. In some other works like the Carolingian Godescalc Evangelistary, "XPS" in sequential letters, representing "Christus" is given a prominent place.[20]. In his church history, written shortly after the battle, when Eusebius hadn't yet had contact with Constantine, he doesn't mention any dream or vision, but compares the defeat of Maxentius (drowned in the Tiber) to that of the biblical pharaoh and credits Constantine's victory to divine protection. [12] In Roman Britannia, a tesselated mosaic pavement was uncovered at Hinton St. Mary, Dorset, in 1963. 4 ] while mainly focusing on having fun, it was only about a new to... The hand or hands: chiromancy is in top trending baby chiro meaning in greek name chiro is a monogram of Christ the. Known as a Christogram gives us the word chiropractic legalized the religion Christianity! Way to entertain children on Sunday, while also teaching Catholic values hand, used... 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