The Clintons were not home at the time of the accident; their home was being watched by Secret Service agents. First Lady Hillary Clinton wrote a children's book called Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets in 1998. I love the buddy name.. before it was only my wish to have a golden retriever puppy that name buddy (because I luv air bud..), My dachshund is named Buddy and I adopted him from a shelter near by. Dogs named Bailey are often loyal and good-natured. He accompanied the president in the Oval Office, on walks on the White House grounds, and on trips to Camp David. Buddy – Your old buddy, your old pal. i got him for birthday, Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Site Map. my husky in Canada will be called Buddy im sure we will be best friends for life and a small tip if you are willing to name you husky buddy i would recomend training his name together. He plays a different sport in each film (basketball, football, soccer, baseball, and volleyball, respectively). We have just got a new little pug, and he is only 8 weeks old, before I even saw him I chose his name buddy, and it really does suit him. Origin: American English. Santa Buddies, from the Air Buddies franchise, features a number of quirky and fun canine characters which might inspire a name idea for your own pooch. I am so pleased with him and so is my other little pug called peppa, she is 2 and half years, Buddy will always be my little buddy, we have only just met and we adore each other already. 13. Stella is even the name of Jay’s beloved French Bulldog on Modern Family. :(, my dog name is buddy and i love him soooooooooooo much i would die if him die. JAKE – Dogs named Jake are often fun-loving and happy dogs. In German the meaning of the name Hank is: Home or House Ruler 67 Owen A traditional Welsh name meaning "young warrior" or "well born," "noble." I love them all but Buddy number 3 is my favourite. Please help out by adding what you know about "Buddy" using the comment section below: Other recommended dog names: Zonka. The Clintons' other pet was a cat named Socks. "Buddy Clinton" redirects here. Our dog name finder helps you choose the best name for your new canine companion. BUDDY – The majority of dogs named Buddy are mixed breed dogs owned or named by men. According to a police report, Buddy was killed by a car while "playfully chasing a contractor" who had left the Clinton home in Chappaqua, New York, on January 2, 2002. An ingenious way to choose a name for your furry buddy is to look at pop culture’s most renowned dogs. The name has surged in popularity since the year 2000. My family and I think that I fits him so well. We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the dog name "Buddy" yet! My dog Boston died of cancer, but 3 months before the diagnosis he had puppies with my female. Because it goes good with any breed of dog. Your e-mail will be kept private and will not be printed or sold. Lucy was the most popular name for adoptable cats. o and i dont kno if that is a good name for my puppy. Sometimes the dog has bonded with that name and it fits them, but other times you get the opportunity to come up with your own unique name for your wonderful new mutt and best friend. For the songwriter, see, Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets, "Henry 'Buddy' Grisham, 92; Clinton's Beloved Great-Uncle", "Returning to Hope for a Sad Farewell; Clinton Eulogizes Great-Uncle, a Father Figure Who Helped Raise Him", "Clinton Names New Dog Seamus: It's a Chocolate Lab Named Seamus", "This man is White House dog's best friend", Lincoln Bedroom for contributors controversy, Commerce Department trade mission controversy, 1974 United States House of Representatives elections, 1992 Democratic Party presidential primaries, Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, Foreign policy of the Obama administration, UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, State Children's Health Insurance Program, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 06:49. Cashew. Hes so cute! [3][4], In 2005, Clinton acquired another chocolate Lab whom he named "Seamus".[5]. (meaning)- my best friend...........i love my dog buddy, When i get a puppy im going to call it Buddy cause it is a nice name and i think my last dog was my best buddy so i just thought call me now puppy that! You can name them after the snack-loving Budderball. Click Here to submit a dog name! I have 3 dogs. Lyrics: Arooooo Arooooo, Arooo, Arooooooo, Arooo, Aroooooooo, AROOOOO, AROOOOOOOOOOBuddy plays an extra long song for you!!! From place names to cartoon characters, choose what fits your dog best. i love this name and i have a dog named Buddy And A Dog Named Mac. You might like to give your German Shorthaired Pointer or German Shepherd dog a German dog name. DiCicco adopted the disheveled Golden Retriever and brought him home to San Diego, where he trained him in the sports of basketball, baseball, football, soccer, and hockey. what do you think. For the 5th consecutive year, Buddy remained the most popular dog name for adoptable dogs listed on Third is Lady, followed by Bear, Maggie, Buddy, Tasha, Chelsea (or Chelsie), Holly and Shasta. I call him Buddy #3 because he only has 3 legs. He lost his leg when he was sleeping and the rest of my dogs developed a thirst for blood and attacked him. This probably has to do with the fact that the name is not only symbolic of friendship, it is also simple and easy for dogs to learn. Does your furbaby love to eat a lot? Buddy is a dachshund, one of the main characters in The Secret Life of Pets, and a supporting character in The Secret Life of Pets 2. Alvin; Ancel; Axel; Fritz; Herman; Kaiser; Odell; Wilfred; Zelig; German Names For Girl dogs. HI, I'm from Indonesia and I have a cute little daschund named buddy. He even knows his name and listens. They might be full of really cool dog names that are unique to you! :) :) :D, Cutest names EVER!! I like the name. BUDDY – The majority of dogs named Buddy are mixed breed dogs owned or named by men. Wherever you get your inspiration from, finding the perfect name for your newest family member is a satisfying moment. 4. Enjoy :*) lilly I think that the current rating on the name buddy should be higher than what it seems to be. The agents rushed Buddy to an animal hospital where he was pronounced dead. No one has written a comment about Canelo of Kreative (Call Name: Buddy). Thus Max, Jake and Buddy appear in … 10 Top Dog Names for Females #1 Bella #2 Molly #3 Coco #4 Ruby #5 Lucy #6 Bailey #7 Daisy #8 Rosie #9 Lola #10 Frankie . Buddy was found by Kevin DiCicco as a stray dog in the Sierra Nevada in the summer of 1989. Oh bless him, He is so cute, I have a puppy named buddy my friend gave it to me yesterday (04/03/11)and he's only a 4 week old golden retriever.. Happy name hunting! Clinton acquired Buddy as a three-month-old puppy from Caroline County, Maryland, in December 1997. The name fits him well because he loves everyone!!! Air Bud, also known as Buddy, is a golden retriever and the titular protagonist of the series of the same name. Since this arrangement would be no longer possible in the Clintons' smaller home in New York, Socks was left under the care of Bill Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie. My dogs name is Buddy! More old fashioned dog names: Felix, Archie, Buddy, Lincoln, Milo, Otis, Parker, Quincy and Tucker for males, and Sue, Roxy, Ruby, Gladys, Hazel, Fanny, Dot, Cleo, Cora, or Bonnie for females. Girly Dog Names. About the name Buddy,the story about the dog name Buddy,The Dog Name Dog name Breeds American Pit Bull Terrier Labrador Retriever German Shepherd Golden Retriever Bulldog Shih Tzu Rottweiler Siberian Husky Doberman Pinscher French Bulldog American Bulldog Pomsky Beagle Bull Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Toy Poodle Boxer Great Dane Pug Boston Terrier He is voiced by Hannibal Buress. They are generally loyal and adore their owners. Many pet owners are choosing Stella, a name that means “star,” for their best friend. It takes a certain kind of person to name their dog Tony Bark or Anne Bowwowleyn. Be the first This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. I like the name Buddy it sounds all cute and cuddly, I had a dog named Buddy.He was SO sweet,but he died May 3,2008.I loved him with all of my heart!He was born on Halloween.He was 13 in people years once he passed away.I would never give my memories I, i want this name we can use it for our husky. Buddy is a great name. in honor and rememberance of his father Boss Man. Ruth MacPete, a vet in California, reports a similar trend. Pick a name you like to say (and that you won’t be embarrassed to yell across the dog park). DiCicco adopted the disheveled Golden Retriever and brought him home to San Diego, where he trained him in the sports of basketball, baseball, football, soccer, and hockey. I am going to get a german shepherd puppy in the summer and I think buddy is a good name to name it, Hi I think the name Buddy is cute my brother had a puppy named Buddy but we had to sell him.I wish we didnt. For the 5th consecutive year, Buddy remained the most popular dog name for adoptable dogs listed on I thank the site I Liked the name becuz that's wht I called him the first time and I loved it. The Clintons' other pet was a cat named Socks. Enjoy :*), Lovely name for a golden retriever. Socks the cat and Buddy had a somewhat difficult relationship. Best Male Dog Names. Dog name Breeds American Pit Bull Terrier Labrador Retriever German Shepherd Golden Retriever Bulldog Shih Tzu Rottweiler Siberian Husky Doberman Pinscher French Bulldog American Bulldog Pomsky Beagle Bull Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Toy Poodle Boxer Great Dane Pug Boston Terrier. That's why I love the name Buddy!! Buddy… Lucy was the most popular name for adoptable cats. I have a pug named Buddy. Pogo. Marjorie. Buddy, meaning “messenger” or “friend,” is a great male dog name for dogs who are eager to please or outgoing.. Find out more about dogs named Buddy.. About This Name: Dogs named Buddy … This probably has to do with the fact that the name is not only symbolic of friendship, it is also simple and easy for dogs to learn. i love the name buddy it fits any dog it fit my dog really good. Buster; Buddy; Charlie; Dexter; Jake; Max; Milo; Murphy; Sam; Toby; Popular Female Dog Names. About the name Buddy,the story about the dog name Buddy,The Dog Name. Other very popular names are Brandy, Ginger and Taffy. If you have a great sense of humor and you want it reflected in your dog’s name, check out our list of funny dog names below. Good name for a black dog 66 Hank The name Hank is a German baby name. Like it always there 4 u, buddy is a sweet and tough name at the same time. The Clintons' other pet was a cat named Socks. They are often rescued or strays brought into homes and hearts across the world. my 2 labs are called Molly and Lilo and my beagle puppy is buddy. If your dog acts and looks like a lady, it’s only natural to have the urge to give her a cute, feminine name. Buddy was a central character in Rick Cleveland's 2005 one-man show My Buddy Bill,[7] relating the writer's fictional friendship with Bill Clinton, which began when both men discovered their common interest in dogs. Butt-buddy 5. LOVE THIS NAME.....xoxo, i have a dog named buddy he is a stray but he came to my house and never went away now hes part of the fam now. Origin: English. Buddy.. Hi I think Buddy is a great name for my dog because he is my Buddy. It takes a certain kind of person to name their dog Tony Bark or Anne Bowwowleyn. My dogs name is Buddy.he is loving,sweet,and he loves 2 play.hes a golden retriever and hes the goldest color ever. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Daisy and Buddy are the top dog names of 2020 according to My Dog's Name (, a leading website for … Popular Male Dog Names. Bella; Daisy; Holly; Katie; Lady; Lola; Lucy; Molly; Maggie; Sadie; The top names for dogs vary from year to year. Dog 2. But before you name your dog Captain Wigglebottom, take our quiz to find out what you should really name your dog. Means friend 5% of the time I love the name buddy. Buddy was found by Kevin DiCicco as a stray dog in the Sierra Nevada in the summer of 1989. Try and find some short words that may work as a name. Socks did not get along with the frisky Buddy, so the White House had to keep the two in separate quarters. [1][2] Changing with trends, and celebrities too. A word insecure men use to quickly establish dominance 4. [6] It included excerpts from more than 50 letters written to the First Pets by children and more than 80 photographs of Socks and Buddy. Early life. But before you name your dog Captain Wigglebottom, take our quiz to find out what you should really name your dog. 1. I love this name. Also, don’t forget to browse our full list of awesome (and occasionally ridiculous) dog … The most popular dog name in North America is Sam, Sammie or Samantha (which means "listener"). my husky in Canada will be called Buddy im sure we will be best friends for life and a small tip if you are willing to name you husky buddy i would recomend training his name together. German Names For Boy dogs. The meaning is: Messenger Man. Also, don’t forget to browse our full list of awesome (and occasionally ridiculous) dog names in full below: Do you love video games, fitness, cooking, music, sports, hunting, or is there something else that stands out? I am getting a new puppy and this is going to be his name. My Dad Wanted To Get Rid Of Our Old Dog. Dog name generators like MyDogsName allow you to choose name styles and themes, which makes the, usually impersonal, process of using a dog name generator more individualized and meaningful. My son named him after the dog in the movie Air Bud. I will keep it fot the Lab I am planning to have. One of the most dogs named “Buddy” was the Golden Retriever who was also a canine actor. The second most popular is Max, Maxie, Maxwell or Maxine (which means "the greatest" in Latin). Pascal. Out of all the common dog names that mean “friend”, the most prominent one is “Buddy”. Dr. Martin Ellingham & Buddy. 10 Top Dog Names for Males #1 Charlie #2 Max #3 Buddy #4 Oscar #5 Milo #6 Archie #7 Ollie #8 Toby #9 Jack #10 Teddy . Although Buddy the dog became well-known for his feud with Socks — the Clinton family’s feisty cat — Buddy, true to his breed, was gregarious and playful. Featured Famous Air Bud Dog Buddy The Golden Retriever, whose real name was Buddy too, started his major acting career as Comet on the television sitcom, “Full House. Thanks. i called my puppy buddy after the character from the film elf because i got him for my christmas and i think its a lovely name. My mom had to chop the remains of his leg off with a meat cleaver, but he's ok now. Little Kid 3. I have 17 dogs right now and 3 of them are named Buddy. The relationship between Dr. Martin Ellingham and Buddy culminates in series 7, episode 5 when Doc Martin decides that enough is enough and that the pestering dog … I will name my puppy BUDDY! Buddy (August 7, 1997 – January 2, 2002), a male chocolate-colored Labrador Retriever, was one of two pets kept by the Clinton family while Bill Clinton was President of the United States. He named him after his late great-uncle, Henry Oren "Buddy" Grisham, who had died the previous June and whom Clinton often cited as a major influence on his life. Find out more about dogs named Buddy. The best name for your dog is one you fall in love with, and don’t mind shouting out in public. Buddy (August 7, 1997 – January 2, 2002), a male chocolate-colored Labrador Retriever, was one of two pets kept by the Clinton family while Bill Clinton was President of the United States. Most of the wounds were superficial except for his leg. my husband wanted to name buddy Bubba Duke but my kids and i said no, i love this name i mean he'll always be your buddy, What a name! Buddy (August 7, 1997 – January 2, 2002), a male chocolate-colored Labrador Retriever, was one of two pets kept by the Clinton family while Bill Clinton was President of the United States. About This Name: Dogs named Buddy love their caretakers. they are so cute amd they suit their names Out of all the common dog names that mean “friend”, the most prominent one is “Buddy”. Air Bud Inspired Dog Names in Pop Culture. 4. Some dog name generators offer the possibility to choose if the list of dog names will be inspired by a book or a TV show, or even by your favorite meal. They are smart dogs, eager to please and respond well to obedience training if given the opportunity. Ada; Delia; Elga; Greta; Heidi; Nixie; Selma; Trudy; Wanda; There are numerous countries, cultures and locations you can look at when picking the perfect name for your dog. Starring as Buddy, Dodger gives an excellent performance in pestering Dr. Martin Ellingham. The abandoned dog is named Buddy and is a Golden Retriever, and they nickname him Air Bud. He respons to other names, but mostly buddy Is what he hears from me. ... 23. I have a German Shepherd named Buddy and he is the best! The meaning is: Bailiff; Trusted Guardian. If you’re looking for the perfect name for your new dog here’s 500 of the most … One of the most dogs named “Buddy” was the Golden Retriever who was also a canine actor. The remarkable thing was the degree of overlap among the lists, especially in the top 20 or so most popular names. Most “Baileys” are very trainable. My baby (puppy) was named Buddy I miss him soooo much!!!! So I keeped one and I named him "BUDDY BOY" - meaning friend. Buddy, meaning “messenger” or “friend,” is a great male dog name for dogs who are eager to please or outgoing. To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. Known as Buddy, is a Golden Retriever who was also a canine.... 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