14 . These are all mounted on the amp chassis, with the mains and input connectors on the underside. 81 . We want to help! Since the TRUTH B2031A had already become the industry standard, our acoustic engineers decided to start there and see just how far they could ... BEHRINGER is part of the MUSIC Group (music-group.com). Once optimised, the speakers delivered a very decent level of performance given their budget price, though their shortcomings were still evident when they were tested alongside my Mackie HR824s. RCF Ayra Pro8. £185. The new B3031A feature a larger amplifier, a kevlar woofer, a ribbon tweeter and are now used as monitors for the singer. 12 . BEHRINGER Powered Studio Monitors Pair (STUDIO50USB) 4.2 out of 5 stars 44. The active crossover, which is set at 2kHz, utilises fourth-order (24dB/octave) Linkwitz-Riley filters, and the speakers are also designed to be used with or without an optional subwoofer, though they manage a perfectly decent low end without one. I really like Behringer for the cost/benefit ratio they usually provide. Cheap German knockoff is not a phrase usually seen, unless talking about audio, and then there is a 100% chance it's in reference the Behringer. If you feel you need more depth of bass and more level, then the B2031As may be a more suitable choice. Daarvoor hebben 3 Klanten geen Text geschreven of in een andere taal commentaar geschreven. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the publishers. They wake up almost instantly on receipt of an audio signal. Door onze vak afdelingen en workshops kunnen wij u professioneel advies en snelle onderhoud en reparatie service aanbieden. 3 Klanten hebben dit product met 2 Sterren gewaardeerd. There are a lot of newer studio monitors on the market. 2 TRUTH B2031A/B2030A Gebruiksaanwijzing Dank u Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! The Behringer Truth B2031A 8" monitors come as a pair. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2021. The long-throw bass/mid-range driver features a polypropylene cone with roll surround mounted in a cast aluminium chassis. Not a bad buy, but I don't "Just love them". The finer points of the reverb and the air between the instruments tend to be diminished, which reduces your ability to hear 'into' a mix, but you have to bear in mind that these comparisons are being made with much more expensive speakers. But, even some of those people seem to think these monitors are decent. ... Behringer B2031A Truth Active Mon­itors: Assuming The Con­trols Of... gear­wire. TRANSFER: You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, sublicense or provide commercial hosting services with the Software. Share Reply Quote. Behringer have updated their Truth monitor range to offer two models, the B2030A reviewed here and the larger B2031A. Beyerdynamic Custom Street headphones need fix: glue? In this guide we’ll outline the basic principles of studio monitors, and take a closer look at their most common features. Dit heeft ook invloed op de prijs - ten goede aan de wensen van onze klanten uiteraard. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. As you'd expect, the larger monitors have more firepower in the amplifier department (150W and 75W) and generate a slightly greater Sound Pressure Level (SPL). Behringer TRUTH B2031A actieve studiomonitor (set van 2) Artikelnr: B-B2031A Garantietermijn: Op dit product krijg je 3 jaar garantie (bij registratie bij Behringer binnen 90 dagen na aankoop), zonder registratie krijg je 2 jaar garantie. Behringer Truth B2031A, B2031P Tweeter X71-60250-00046 quantity Add to cart SKU: 2031A TWEET Categories: A - J , Behringer Tweeters , Tweeters, HF Drivers, Horns Tags: 25T200A8 , 25T50A8 , Behringer Truth B2031A , Behringer Truth B2031P , x71-60250-00046 Brand: Behringer Best deal on the market. Win! In fact, considering how important your art is, you should demand it! An input gain trim control allows level adjustment from -6dB to +6dB, and there are slide switches to adjust the frequency characteristics of the speaker to suit different environments. Both are ported, active two-way nearfield systems, the main difference being that the B2031A has an 8.75-inch bass/mid-range driver and a one-inch tweeter, while the B2030A has a 6.75-inch bass/mid-range driver teamed with a 0.75-inch tweeter. I think the designers have used their available manufacturing budget extremely well in producing a useful and good-looking monitor at such a low UK price point, though there's no denying that spending more money will buy you better performance and greater accuracy. With our new BEHRINGER TRUTH you have purchased one of the best high-resolution active studio monitors available. But, I know and can identify even balanced flat sound from trusted audio sources. £269. com. The B2030A has a 75W amplifier driving the bass/mid-range unit plus 35W powering the ferrofluid-cooled, soft-domed tweeter. Behringer Truth B2031A Studio Monitor Review. If your The BEHRINGER TRUTH B2030A/B2031A are so-called near-field monitors, console does not have such outputs, you can also use the main mix outputs. I use other monitors as a reference many times just to check, and I guess I don't like feeling like I have to do that. Met deze monitor beschikt u over een gereedschap dat de gegevens van uw programmatuur waarheidsgetrouw weergeeft. Dit product verwachten we binnenkort op voorraad en kan dan direct worden verzonden. Behringer B2031A Shop now at Amazon. Een magnetische afscherming maakt het mogelijk om de speakers op te zetten in de buurt van beeldschermen. Alle Truth-monitoren worden als hand-gematchde stereoparen geleverd. The scandalous amount of knockoffs they produce range from … Unfortunately the manual doesn't give any details of what frequencies these filters are set at, so all adjustments must be made by ear. It's a high-resolution, active 2-way reference studio monitor that is perfect for nearfield monitoring applications: from small mixing environments to multi-channel surround setups. 3. Clearly the speakers are built to a price and are economically constructed from plastic-laminated E1 MDF, though this is actually a good cabinet material because of its density and self-damping properties. At the high end, the switch positions are +2dB, flat, -2dB, or -4dB to suit the HF reflectivity of the room in which the speakers are used. That’s why we designed the B2031A Reference Monitors to speak nothing but the TRUTH. B2030A £234 per pair; B2031A £281 per pair. In my own studio, with all the EQ switches set flat, my first impression was that the monitors sounded slightly brash, with less depth of bass than I expected. I will need something powered, and I've ran across the Behringer TRUTH B2031A Active Monitors. Inleiding Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim at behringer. Home Recording can be very complicated. com BEFORE returning the product. Met de aanschaf van onze BEHRINGER TRUTH bent u de bezitter geworden van één van de beste hoge-resolutie studiomonitoren. £115. This symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to important operating and maintenance instructions in the accom- High-resolution, active 2-way reference studio monitor (3 pages) Speakers Behringer Truth B2031A Quick Start Manual. 2 . Behringer B2031A Truth. De meeste medewerkers van onze serviceafdeling zijn zelf muzikant, en zijn hierdoor uitstekend gekwalificeerd om onze klanten te adviseren bij de keuze van hun instrument tot en met het onderhoud of reparaties. Naast de winkel, is er nog veel meer te ontdekken - fora, apps, blogs en nog veel meer. Algemeen. which means that the impact of the room acoustics on the sound will be reduced However, in this case the speaker volume cannot be set independently of the considerably owing to the short distance between speaker and listener. With our new BEHRINGER TRUTH you have purchased one of the best high-resolution active studio monitors available. Then when I play through a car or home stereo as a final audit, I wish I would have left the bass in. 9.84 in. You generally get what you pay for when it comes to monitors, but these new monitors do seem to offer just a little bit more than you'd expect for the price. Behringer B2030A Truth. Behringer have updated their Truth monitor range to offer two models, the B2030A reviewed here and the larger B2031A. com. These will work, and I do use them everyday. i guess once you learn thier deficiencies, you automatically compensate for it, but just feel that these could be more accurate. 185 Klanten hebben dit product met 5 Sterren gewaardeerd. With monitors you generally get what you pay for, but in this case it's probably fair to say that you get slightly more than you pay for! Very impressive sound. Most pople seem to hate the brand with a passion. Helaas is er een fout opgetreden, probeert u het a.u.b. Yamaha HS 7. Betaalt u veilig en vertrouwd met Rembours, Creditcard, Bankoverschrijving, PayPal of Sofortüberweisung. When it comes to your studio recordings, you want honesty. Behringers Waveguide-technologie en een actieve frequentie crossover met Linkwitz-Riley-Filter vierde ordening zorgen voor fase linearitet, een buitengewone afstraling, een uitstekend stereobeeld en een grote "sweet spot", De B2031A kan aan verschillende akoestische omgevingen en aan eventueel beschikbare subwoofers aangepast worden. 15 Klanten hebben dit product met 3 Sterren gewaardeerd. Met deze monitor beschikt u over een gereedschap dat de gegevens van uw Met de B2031A hebben we een actieve 2-way-studiomonitor met XLR en symetrische 6.3mm jack-aansluitingen ontworpen, met een neutrale klank en een lineaire frequentierepons (50 Hz - 21 kHz). Daarvoor hebben 15 Klanten geen Text geschreven of in een andere taal commentaar geschreven. TRUTH B2030A/B2031A 1. Met de B2031A hebben we een actieve 2-way-studiomonitor met XLR en symetrische 6.3mm jack-aansluitingen ontworpen, met een neutrale klank en een lineaire frequentierepons (50 Hz - 21 kHz). Behringer B2031A vs Yamaha HS8. Introduction Congratulations! Austrian Audio OC818 Dual Set Plus microphones, Distant City Studios - A Drum Room With A Difference, Mastering Essentials Part 6 - Final Delivery: Requirements & Specs. The primary thing I notice is that they are pretty bassy, so I tend to cut. Normally bass attenuation is only needed if the speakers are located close to a wall or corner, as the boundary effect causes a rise in bass energy, but it may also be useful to reduce the bass output slightly in smaller rooms. Model: Truth B2031A. 1 offer from $299.99. 15.35 in. I also find my only pair of recording headphones, the AKG Studio 240s bassy as well. Our TRUTH B2031A monitors have been so wildly successful, that we’ve sold thousands upon thousands of them to some of the most critical ears on the planet. later nogmaals. It is a tool that reproduces your program material with highest fidelity and balance, positioning sound sources accurately on the stereo basis. The provided frequency-response plot is also an obviously 'smoothed' response curve, and so doesn't show up all the narrow humps and bumps that every speaker exhibits. Separate high- and low-frequency limiters look after the self-preservation interests of the drivers, and there's an automatic standby mode that puts the amplifiers into sleep mode if the speakers aren't used for more than five minutes. Power cord is not included. Item Type: Studio Monitor. 11 . Daarvoor hebben 2 Klanten geen Text geschreven of in een andere taal commentaar geschreven. : Fully Tested. Although quite different in size, both models have ostensibly similar frequency responses extending from 50Hz to 21kHz. Yamaha HS 7 MP. There are other options in this price range that I think would be better options. Dankzij de waveguide wordt het geluid breder verspreid dan bij normale monitoren voor een optimale \'sweet spot\'. Yamaha HS 5 MP. The laminate is peeling off on the rear right corner of the monitor. Finally, the B2030As are designed as nearfield monitors, and as such should be used fairly close to the listener, where they deliver plenty of level. TRUTH B2030A/B2031A 1. Behringer B2031A Truth Active Moni­tors: Assu­ming The Con­trols Of... YAMAHA NS 10M STUDIO vs BEHRINGER TRUTH B2031A, Ultra-lineaire frequentiebereik van 50 Hz tot 21 kHz met individuele frequentie diagrammen, Twee geïntegreerde eindversterkers met 150 of 75 Watt enorme gangreserve, Ultra hoge resolutie-ferrovloeistof gekoelde tweeter, Long-throw 8,75 "woofer met speciale polypropyleen diafragma en vervormingsresistente-aluminium gegoten chassis, Gecontroleerde dispersie en grote "sweet spot" door middel van Waveguide-technologie, Actieve crossover met Linkwitz-Riley filter vierde orde, Flexibele aanpassing aan de akoestische omstandigheden, inclusief subwoofer-bedrijf, Overbelastings-beveiliging door afzonderlijk bestuurde Bass en Highs, Level-afhankelijke inschakeling (uitschakelbaar), Magnetische afscherming maakt plaatsing in de buurt van computerschermen mogelijk, Geleverd als gelijke-gematchde paren met individuele frequentie diagrammen, Trillingsvrije en milieuvriendelijke E1 MDF kabinet, Servo-symetrische XLR en 6.3mm jack ingangen, Onze meest geliefde actieve nabijveldmonitors, Behringer actieve nabijveldmonitors in een oogopslag, actieve nabijveldmonitors in de prijscategorie van 250 € - 350 € weergeven, naar productgroep actieve nabijveldmonitors, naar productgroep studio- en recording-apparatuur, Behringer studio- en recording-apparatuur in een oogopslag, Wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor gebreken. The Behringer B2031A monitors are actually used by a lot of techno mixers and I used to own them, they weren't flat sounding speakers though but the rear controls let you mess with the frequencies. So Kali Audio LP-6, while being a cheaper option, tends to get more favorable ⭐ reviews than the $159 Behringer Truth B2030A, as seen on the chart below. 31 . We kijken er naar uit om van u te horen en proberen elk probleem zo snel mogelijk op te lossen. I really don't regret. Show all. Now granted, I've never heard many people say many good things about Behringer gear. Speakers Behringer Truth B2030A User Manual. Daarvoor hebben 185 Klanten geen Text geschreven of in een andere taal commentaar geschreven. Youtube. 2 TRUTH B2031A/B2030A User Manual Thank you Congratulations! Yamaha HS 8 MP. All rights reserved. Op tweeters en woofers krijg je 1 jaar garantie. Of slightly more concern to me is the way these monitors, and some other budget monitors I've tried, seem to filter out some of the more subtle elements of a mix, leaving the principal parts sounding rather exposed, not unlike listening to an MP3 and then comparing it with the original. De gedetailleerde reproductie van het bovenste frequentiebereik wordt geleverd door een ferrofluïdum-gekoelde tweeter. I found that the subjective depth of bass was less than I expected based on the technical spec, while the tweeter sounded slightly 'forward', but they still delivered a fairly good overall balance and proved capable of discriminating between good mixes and not-so-good mixes. Photo: Mike CameronAt the rear of the cabinet, which measures 12.5 x 8.4 x 8.33 inches, is a choice of XLR or TRS jack servo-balanced inputs, plus an IEC mains connector and a power switch. Behringer Truth B2030A is a popular option in the middle of the studio monitors price range. De B2030A van Behringer TRUTH is een high-resolution, actieve 2-weg referentie studio monitor. Een Long-throw 8.75" woofer met een speciale polypropyleen-membraan zorgt voor accurate, diepe bass. TRUTH B2031A/B2030A High-Resolution, Active 2-Way Reference Studio Monitor. But on these monitors, i don't trust my mix. As low-cost speakers, they still perform rather better than you could reasonably expect for the price, and it shouldn't be hard to set up a decent mix balance using them. Both are ported, active two-way nearfield systems, the main difference being that the B2031A has an 8.75-inch bass/mid-range driver and a one-inch tweeter, while the B2030A has a 6.75-inch bass/mid-range driver teamed with a 0.75-inch tweeter. I bought these as an upgrade to a pair of Behringer TRUTH B2031A Active Monitor (Single) speakers which now see use in the mixing room. Yamaha HS8 Shop now at Amazon. At the low end, the response can be flat, -2dB, -4dB, or -6dB, which the manual tells us is to accommodate an optional subwoofer or to simulate the response of smaller speakers. Met de aanschaf van onze BEHRINGER TRUTH bent u de bezitter geworden van één van de beste hoge-resolutie studiomonitoren. The new baby in Behringer's Truth monitor range offers great value for money and sleek good looks. Behringer Truth B2030A High-Resolution, Active 2-Way Reference Studio Monitor Speaker,Black 4.0 out of 5 stars 42. Tannoy Gold 5. TRUTH B2030A/B2031A 2 Important Safety Instructions * This symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage inside the enclosure - voltage that may be suffi cient to constitute a risk of shock.! If your country is not listed, please check if your problem can be dealt with by our “Online Support” which may also be found under “Support” at behringer. Due to their high resolution performance, B2031A active 2-way reference studio monitors are perfect for near-field monitoring applications – from small mixing environments to multichannel surround setups. oh an there powered gotta love that. Like i said lots of cut offs (high mid, low) also sub and tweeter mute plus volume levels/ lots of punchy sound and bass to keep your body feelin it. 61 user reviews on Behringer Truth B2031A. However, no decibel limits are given, so this means relatively little. De Truth B2031A is de verbeterde versie van de bestseller B2031. Bent u van mening dat deze evaluatie om een of andere reden onjuist of onacceptabel is? To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. 70 Klanten hebben dit product met 4 Sterren gewaardeerd. Behringer Truth B2030A was released in 2008. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. This situation improved noticeably when I dropped the tweeter level by 2dB, so it is important to adjust the EQ settings to match your room and monitor positions. Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. Based on my experience with these, regardless of brand, in the future, if I were to replace these, I will likely go down to a 5" speaker to mix and monitor with. 1124 . De Truth B2031A is de verbeterde versie van de bestseller B2031. We hebben een breed scala aan pagina's waar u informatie kunt vinden en ons voor en na uw aankoop kunt contacteren. The port exits comprise separate slot-shaped moulded inserts set into the baffle on either side of the tweeter. An LED set into the front-panel baffle surround comes on when the speakers are powered up, and a second LED indicates that the limiter threshold has been reached. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. It is a tool that reproduces your program material with highest fidelity and balance, … De geïntegreerde 150- en 75-Watt eindversterkers hebben hoge vermogensreserves en afzonderlijk gestuurde limiters voor Bass en Highs. It's in the top 3 bestselling studio monitors and has dozens of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Yamaha MSP3 or Mackie CR4BT. The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. The sound's a little light on detail, but nothing to stop you setting up a decent mix balance. A pro might come into my studio and advise that it is because how I have my room set up, or that I need acoustic treatment here or there regardless of what monitors I am using. Behringer presents Speaker Components for High-Frequency Range Replacement Tweeter for B2031A.If you are on the lookout for loudspeaker components, loudspeakers or equipment for public address (pa) system in general, then this may be a fitting choice. Als bedrijf hebben we slechts één doelstelling: jouw, onze klant, blij maken. Altijd met toegevoegde waarde voor muzikanten. Behringer B2031 vs B2031A; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. £171. Behringer TRUTH B2031A actieve studiomonitor (set van 2) Artikelnr: B-B2031A Garantietermijn: Op dit product krijg je 3 jaar garantie (bij registratie bij Behringer binnen 90 dagen na aankoop), zonder registratie krijg je 2 jaar garantie. A further switch compensates the low end to take account of room placement, and this again offers flat, -2dB, -4dB, or -6dB options. We're here to offer some advice! Bear in mind, I am not an audio mastering engineer, or a pro studio engineer either. Daarnaast bent u van harte welkom om contact met ons op te nemen via social media zoals Facebook en Twitter. 1 offer from $169.99. So I have often wondered if it is just me? Table of Contents If you are on a very tight budget, then the B2030As offer very good value and they can be made to perform perfectly adequately in smaller rooms, provided that you take due care with their placement and experiment with the EQ switch settings. Thomann is de grootste online en postorder retailer voor muziekinstrumenten, licht- en geluidsapparatuur wereldwijd, met zo'n 10 miljoen klanten in 120 landen en 80.000 producten in het assortiment. The Behringer TRUTH B2030A has all of the great features of an active TRUTH monitor packed in a compact cabinet! APD Offer: 82% Off Cinematic Guitars Infinity by Sample... who should i use to release my music on spotify etc. These are OK. We zijn zelf ook muzikanten en delen je passie voor muziek maken. You might not get natural cherry-wood veneer, but the overall impression is smart. oh an there powered gotta love that. Behringer Truth B2031A - FP User's review 10/31/08 Like i said lots of cut offs (high mid, low) also sub and tweeter mute plus volume levels/ lots of punchy sound and bass to keep your body feelin it. Anything Not Tested?. £477. On top of that, it's fairly safe to say that Kali Audio LP-6 is a more popular studio monitor, based on its 40+ … High-resolution, active 2-way reference studio monitor (12 pages) Speakers Behringer TRUTH B2031A Technical Specifications. Where size does matter is in sound level — the B2030As can generate up to 113dB per pair at one metre, while the larger B2031As manage an extra 3dB. In both instances the speakers are built symmetrically, so there's no need for separate left-hand and right-hand speakers. £145. 4 TRUTH B2031A/B2030A User Manual “Support” at behringer. Daarvoor hebben 70 Klanten geen Text geschreven of in een andere taal commentaar geschreven. Prices include VAT. + De volgende handleiding laat u als eerste met de I have some Behringer gear that I love and will never sell as it has become an essential part of my sound while many other high-end peices of gear have come and gone. Although clearly aimed at the budget-limited home-recording enthusiast, the B2030As could also serve a valuable part in the more professional studio by acting as a secondary monitor for checking how mixes might translate to a domestic playback system. 2 Klanten hebben dit product met een ster gewaardeerd. £333. Like the earlier Truths, both drivers are set into a moulded baffle trim that incorporates a tweeter waveguide to control directivity, and both drivers are magnetically shielded for use near TV monitors or the few antiquated glass CRT computer screens not currently awaiting disposal at a car-boot sale. 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From the selection below above to proceed of an active Truth monitor range to offer two models the! Larger B2031A a 75W amplifier driving the bass/mid-range unit plus 35W powering the ferrofluid-cooled, tweeter... Manual “ Support ” at Behringer ook muzikanten en delen je passie voor maken. Geschreven of in een andere taal commentaar geschreven audio signal may not rent lease. Prijs - ten goede aan de wensen van onze Behringer Truth B2030A high-resolution, active 2-Way Reference studio.... Truth B2030A is a tool that reproduces your program material with highest fidelity and balance, positioning sound sources on.

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