Let’s start with windward takedowns and assume that you are approaching the mark on port jibe, rounding the leeward mark to port. Leeward is the direction downwind (or downward) from the point of reference. Mark 1 shall be to windward of Marks 3A/3B. But if one side of your sail gets more air flow than the other, one side will stream while the other flutters. You want your telltales to stream in a "V" pattern on the windward and leeward side of the Genoa (or headsail) when going to windward or reaching. It's all in the context. When a boat is on a windward leg, she is not necessarily on a beat to windward. A view from the leeward side: Kaena Point, Oahu, Hawaii. Sail the Eastern Caribbean. If most of the wind blows onto the leeward side of the sail, this blocks the air from the windward side. Meteorologists call this contrast the orographic effect. As a picture is worth a thousand words, let’s look at a visual description of leeward and windward. That is, the bow points slightly to windward w.r.t the real direction (that is, your boat is slightly shifted sideways to leeward). This is because when you tow the tiny house down a highway, the tow hitch … Let’s break this part down into windward takedowns and leeward takedowns. Sailing all points of the boat is fun. Tourism is their most important source of outside income. Im over on The Laser Forum helping a guy through some first sail launching difficulties when the conversation breaks out regarding what is the windward side on land vs. leeward side or lee side. It’s simple, just look at them on a map. When one refers to the Windward side of a vessel or island, it would be the side where more wind reaches and typically, the waves and winds are stronger on that side. Regardless of which islands in the Windwards you explore, you will find warm waters in every conceivable shade of blue, endless variations of tropical flowers and brightly colored birds, air that is balmy and perfumed with the scent of sensual spices and sweet tropical fruits. This is the normal spinnaker set (as opposed to a jibe set more on that later) Port jibe (same as port tack) when the boat is sailing downwind with the wind coming over the port side of the boat. This side is … This is a short introduction to sailing to windward or upwind and the basics of a tack. Also since the sail comes down on the port side of the boat (usually), all of the spinnaker gear is in the correct spot for a bear-away set at the next windward mark. In the latter case, the windward side is that side of an island subject to the prevailing wind, and is thus the wetter side (see orographic precipitation). Map of Oahu denoting Windward and Leeward sides. What does it mean? So when they ask about the leeward side vs. windward side, they are probably not interested in a technical nautical definition. A boat Overlapped to to Leeward has has Right-of-Way. Windward Windward Toward the point from which the wind is coming. They have a small agricultural economy and crops such as bananas, spices, limes, sugar, cotton, coffee, tobacco and … The leeward region of mountains generally remains dry as compared to the windward. As the air moves to the other side of the island, it warms up and dries out. Answer 1 of 7: Hi all, Need your advise and your opinions.. 8 of us, consited of mostly couples are planning to visit the Caribbean in early December next year. Racing Rules/Tactics - Windward Leeward Course with a Leeward Gate: I've just received a Sailing Instruction with the following course instruction 10.1 The diagram below shows the approximate course configuration. kaydeden Fatih Şahin. First example Both boats are on the starboard tack: the windward boat must keep clear. This shape indicates that you have an even flow of air on both sides of the sail. Two common island groups you might encounter are the Windward and Leeward Islands, as they contain many popular cruise ship port stops. Overlaps are established from the transom. For other uses, see, "Alee" redirects here. In yacht racing, winning depends on how well one can sail going upwind. The name "Lee" comes from the middle-low German word /lē/ meaning "where the sea is not exposed to the wind" or "mild". Leeward means the side opposite to which the wind is blowing. [2], The windward vessel is normally the more maneuverable vessel. In these contexts the terms windward and leeward are not used. Bear-away set when the boat turns downwind (bears away) at the windward mark and the spinnaker is set to leeward. The leeward side is the side protected by the elevation of the island from the prevailing wind, and is typically the drier side of an island. What will happen? The way I try to remember it is this way – the winds hang out and produce rain on the windward side. Why would you choose the leeward side? (The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London) If you would on'y lay your course, and a p'int to windward, you would ride in carriages, you would. [1], Windward and leeward directions are important factors (points of sail) to consider when sailing a sailing ship. If it’s really windy, it can be tough to escape from the windward side without damage or incident! Sailing all points of the boat is fun. The windward party can instead wear through a few times and generally has more room to maneuver. All sailboats make some leeway - perhaps just a few degrees - when sailing to windward, which creates an angle of attack between the fin keel and the water flowing past it. The above map from Sailing Totem is a great visual way to break down the difference between the two Caribbean regions. During the Age of Sail, the term weather was used as a synonym for windward in some contexts, as in the weather gage. On the other hand, the leeward side of the island faces South or West and isn’t subject to the trade-wind flow. Regardless of which islands in the Windwards you explore, you will find warm waters in every conceivable shade of blue, endless variations of tropical flowers and brightly colored birds, air that is balmy and perfumed with the scent of sensual spices and sweet tropical fruits. Windward and leeward are two terms used to give the position or orientation relative to the direction of the wind and one’s own position or another reference. I think of it as max surface are of sail when boat upright, heel at 45 degrees and you lose a lot of the surface area from the perspective of the wind. These islands include Martinique, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, and Trinidad and Tobago. Someone posts the definition of the weather side of land from wikipedia. Racing rules (2): windward and leeward If two boats are on the same tack, then the boat to windward gives way to the boat to leeward (pronounced 'loo'ard'). For this reason, rule 12 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, applying to sailing vessels, stipulates that where two are sailing in similar directions in relation to the wind, the windward vessel gives way to the leeward vessel. Overlaps are established from the transom. If this was a sailing forum, I guess you would be justified in nit-picking about Dusty's response and citing definitions about windflow patterns. Once the damp air makes landfall on an island, it ascends hills and mountains to form condensation, clouds, and precipitation. Windward (/ˈwɪndwərd, ˈwɪnərd/) is the direction upwind from the point of reference, alternatively the direction from which the wind is coming. Other terms with broadly the same meaning are widely used, particularly upwind and downwind. The leeward region of mountains generally remains dry as compared to the windward. THE TERMS leeward and windward are used in a number of ways to describe specific places, physical features, and climatic processes. The Windward Islands, the Leeward Islands, and the Leeward Antilles are part of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea. The side of a ship that is towards the leeward is its lee side. These island groups include many of the most popular tourist destinations in the West Indies. The term 'leeward islands' is derived from the course taken by most of the sailing ships that voyaged from Britain to the Caribbean. Leeward Kohala Coast of … Windward is the direction upwind from the point of reference, alternatively the direction from which the wind is coming. The Leeward side offers more shelter from bigger waves and stronger winds. The science of sailing starts with the rounded, triangular shape of the sail. Also covered are points of sail. If it’s really windy, it can be tough to escape from the windward side without damage or incident! The course would be re-set and the race run again once the conditions had settled. Most are very small and the tiniest islands remain uninhabited. What action do you take? Your only limitation is rule 16.1, giving port/windward room to keep clear while you bear away. See those black clouds to windward. Glossary of sailing terms, parts of a boat, parts of a sail, signal flags, right of way rules, and more. Leeward and windward shores[edit] To someone on a vessel, the shore to lee of the vessel is the lee shore, and since that is the shore the wind reaches first, to someone on the shore it is the windward shore. Sailboat vs. Powerboat This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. A windward vessel refers to one that is upwind of another vessel; a leeward vessel is downwind. Being windward also makes you less vulnerable to leaks below the waterline because of heeling, while in turn giving you more opportunites to shoot leaks into leeward enemies. They each have their benefits and we should explore that more here… Pinching. In sailboat races, there are additional rules about the start line, rounding marks, and so on, but the basic rules above apply when boats meet in open water. It requires pointing as high as possible, following the luff tails on the jib and deftly “stepping” the boat on the upwind leg. The island nation of Dominica was governed as part of the Leeward Islands while being under British coloni… The sail’s frontmost edge connects with the mast and its bottom edge runs horizontally along the boom. Thus, an islandâs windward side is wetter and more verdant than its drier leeward side. Famously sunny beaches like Oahuâs Waikiki and Mauiâs Wailea are found on the islandsâ more sheltered leeward sides. The Windward and Leeward Islands have a warm, mild climate and are frequent stops of the Caribbean cruise industry. Featuring The … The side of a ship that is towards the leeward is its lee side. The Windward Islands & Grenadines are a sailor's paradise! Thus, leeward or windward siting is an important weather and climate factor on oceanic islands.[7]. Leeward (/ˈliːwərd, ˈljuːərd/) is the direction downwind (or downward) from the point of reference. Ships heel away from the wind, so the leeward vessel was exposing more of her side to shot. In one sense, windward and leeward generally refer to the location of a place relative to the prevailing wind direction.A windward location … Windward locations are generally lush and green. The side that faces away from the tow hitch should be considered the leeward side. They are called “Windward” because they were more windward to sailing ships arriving in the New World than the Leeward Islands. [3], In warfare, a square-rigged warship would often try to enter battle from the windward direction (or "hold the weather gage"), thus gaining an important tactical advantage over the opposing warship – the warship to windward could choose when to engage and when to withdraw. An islandâs windward side faces the prevailing, or trade, winds, whereas the islandâs leeward side faces away from the wind, sheltered from prevailing winds by hills and mountains. The opposite of Leeward.. The leeward boat is away from the direction that the wind is blowing from. This is the takedown that we will usually use when coming into the leeward mark on port jibe for a normal port rounding . They are used in reference to islands in an archipelago and different sides of a single island too. Leeward Mountain Slopes Encourage Warm, Dry Climates Opposite from the windward side is the lee side—the side sheltered from the prevailing wind. This time at the top of the course both boats went through gate 3 at exactly the same time. Windward and leeward) have been in use since the 17th century. If the vessel is heeling under the pressure of the wind, this will be the "lower side". As trade winds blow across the ocean, they pick up moist air from the water. Being windward also makes you less vulnerable to leaks below the waterline because of heeling, while in turn giving you more opportunites to shoot leaks into leeward enemies. The sail itself is cut with some roundness, which lets the sail billow just a bit. In yacht racing, winning depends on how well one can sail going upwind. Related: 8 Reasons Why Cruising is Real Travel. Leeward vs Windward . The windward party can instead wear through a few times and generally has more room to maneuver. The wind had swung 90 degrees, turning the windward-leeward course into a 90 degree reach. For people with the name, see, International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, "Duden | Luv | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Windward_and_leeward&oldid=1000265456, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 11:23. Related: 8 Reasons Why Cruising is Real Travel. Pinching causes the boat to slow because it's sailing too close to the wind. There will be very little direct wind on this side and butt joints are allowed. In sailing terminology, windward means "upwind," or the direction from which the wind is blowing. Two common island groups you might encounter are the Windward and Leeward Islands, as they contain many popular cruise ship port stops. The Racing Rules of Sailing, PART 2, SECTION A RIGHT OF WAY 11 ON THE SAME TACK, OVERLAPPED When boats are on the same tack and overlapped , a windward boat shall keep clear of a leeward boat. The terms are often used in sailing; seamen use these terms in relation to their ships. In fact, as explained in "The Physics of Sailing" (by Bryon Anderson: it includes a nice diagram of water flow) the centreboard always works like that in an upwind course. Windward and Leeward Islands: Post-Storm Caribbean Redirect: Far from being light-hearted bikini babes drinking painkillers on the beach, Irma and Maria have shown just how fragile and harsh life in paradise can be.For cruisers heading south, these storms have raised heavy questions—not about rebuilding their homes, communities, and economies as islanders are facing—but about how to … Windward side The leeward side is much more forgiving. Sailing Terms. Leeward is the direction downwind (or downward) from the point of reference. Race 1 - Take 2. However, the islands of Trinidad and Tobago are geologically linked to the South American continent. they were sailing windward. The terms Lee and Luv (engl. The Windward Islands are the islands located to the east of the Caribbean Sea and are the southern part of the Lesser Antilles. Why would you choose the leeward side? Position relative to wind direction: upwind and downwind respectively, "Downwind" redirects here. An island’s windward side faces the prevailing, or trade, winds, whereas the island’s leeward side faces away from the wind, sheltered from prevailing … National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Winds are blowing approximately 10-12 knots. Sails on port It is a hugely popular cruising destination not least because most islands have European-style … Windward means on the side of something from which the wind is blowing. Crewed Bareboat Sailing to Pampered Relaxing Vacations. Windward is the direction upwind from the point of reference, alternatively the direction from which the wind is coming. A windward vessel refers to one that is upwind of another vessel; a leeward vessel is downwind. The name of this island group, Leeward Islands, dates from previous centuries, when sailing ships were the sole form of transportation across the Atlantic Ocean.In sailing terminology, "windward" means towards the source of the wind (upwind), while "leeward" is the opposite direction (downwind). [4], This was particularly important once artillery was introduced to naval warfare. In sailboat races, there are additional rules about the start line, rounding marks, and so on, but the basic rules above apply when boats meet in open water. If the boats are on the same tack, the leeward (downwind) boat is the stand-on vessel, and the windward boat must give way. Here are a couple of reasons: It’s the only spot available or only option for whatever reason. The side of a ship that is towards the leeward is its lee side. The leeward region of mountains generally remains dry as compared to the windward. Sails on port Here are a couple of reasons: It’s the only spot available or only option for whatever reason. In naval warfare during the Age of Sail, windward ships had the advantage due to much greater maneuverability than their leeward (downwind) foes. Nonetheless, if you break the maneuvers down into pieces, things get easier. Sailboat vs… A gate may be set at the course’s leeward end. As a result, the leeward side is generally more abundant in sunshine and less likely to be rainy or cool. Starboard Tack vs vs Port Tack Windward vs vs Leeward Wind Direction Windward Side of the Boat Side of the Boat Leeward Side of the Boat Side of the Boat Wind Direction Starboard Tack Wind coming over the starboard (right) side of boat. Once again, the right of way boat hails and the windward boat responds by altering course. If you manage to keep port to windward and keep clear during the tack, you again become right of way leeward boat. Windward vs. Leeward The terms windward and leeward refer to the direction of the wind in relation to the boat itself. Eastern Carribean windward vs leeward islands Archived. Between position 1 and 2, yellow and orange both comes down to try to get a leeward overlap on the boats in front of them. Sailing Charters aboard Skipping Stone. It is hard to believe that this class was designed and built around 30 years ago and with a fleet of around 11 boats migrating back to its natural home in Falmouth it still offers high performance and incredibly close one design racing on regular basis. The weekend of 29 /30th June saw the 5th Annual Firebird Catamaran Windward Leeward Championship take place off Falmouth. It’s the second lap of a windward return course and you are currently rounding the bottom mark in 2nd, only 20m behind the leading boat. The Windward Islands & Grenadines are a sailor's paradise! If the boats are on the same tack, the leeward (downwind) boat is the stand-on vessel, and the windward boat must give way. Antonym: leeward (away from the wind) Context examples . [5], Leeward and windward refer respectively to what a game stalker would call downwind and upwind. As an example, the Hawaiian Islands have damp windward sides and drier leeward sides most of the time as a result of the Pacific Oceanâs northeasterly trade winds. ... but as they came out the leeward … Driven by the trade winds, these vessels normally encountered Barbados, the island most to windward, as their first port of call. Visit destinations like St. Lucia and the Virgin Islands. Illustration #3 - Windward telltale fluttering--Leeward telltale streaming. For the album by Pierre Moerlen's Gong, see, "Windward" and "Leeward" redirect here. Experience on our website vs. leeward the terms windward and leeward are not.! Economy and crops such as bananas, spices, limes, sugar, cotton, coffee, and... There will be very little direct wind on this side and butt joints are allowed could do! Small agricultural economy and crops such as bananas, spices, limes, sugar, cotton,,! ; seamen use these terms in relation to the South American continent or West and isn t! 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