Compliment a Favorite Quality. You’re one of the people I want to see every day. 26. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'motivationandlove_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_28',125,'0','0']));56. I love you. You’re my wonderful friend. You’ve sacrificed so much for me and I promise to pay back loving you every day of my life.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'motivationandlove_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_19',111,'0','0'])); 15. 55. You are indeed very special, I appreciate you, my dear friend. I know it’s hard to put up with my unyielding self but you kept the faith. You’re the best friend ever.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'motivationandlove_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',108,'0','0'])); 5. 1. You are the best friend in the world.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'motivationandlove_com-leader-4','ezslot_23',117,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'motivationandlove_com-leader-4','ezslot_24',117,'0','1'])); 27. Go ahead and show them the stuff you’re made of. 33. Loyal friends are not easy to come by. Although, some friends may have bad influence on you, while some will turn your life around for good. Thank you for coming into my life. Now I am a better person and I have you to thank for everything. You’re the greatest friend ever.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'motivationandlove_com-sky-2','ezslot_38',129,'0','0'])); 68. Long birthday message for a best friend You loved me more than yourself and friendship is a miracle that happens in our lives and this miracle is made my god. You have a good personality. 13. Best friends deserve to be celebrated on their special days. I love you above all. Share; Tweet; Comment; Almost everyone gets a sinking feeling or an I-miss-my-best-friend feeling when they haven’t seen their pals in a long time. You can count on me, I’ll always be your friend. Can’t wait to see you soon though. Please let’s forget the wrong done and be friends again. Xoxo. You built confidence in me and all I today I have you to thank for it. You are the best kind of friend anyone could ever have. I love you. 2. After the day’s work when my body aches so badly, all I long for is just your presence because being with you I’m rejuvenated. Your memories are sealed in the deepest parts of my heart. Sweet messages for best friend in English.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'motivationandlove_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_12',106,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'motivationandlove_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_13',106,'0','1'])); 1. You are a wonderful friend.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'motivationandlove_com-sky-4','ezslot_41',133,'0','0'])); 84. I want to show you off to the world because I have the best of friends. Have a great day! But my heart will always remain grateful to you. You were there to absorb the pains and induce the strength. Use any of the Heartfelt Best friend text messages in this collection to wow your friend. My life has turned out so amazing because I grew up with the best personality I’ve ever seen. We’re building friendship with someone through tears and laughter, securing every brick with common experience and sometimes traumas. You’ve done so much for me and I appreciate it. Sweet Friendship Text Messages for Your Friend to keep the friendship going. Thank you for not giving up on me. I don’t know where you saw it but I know you possess the key to my heart. You’ve done to me so much good, nothing can change the way I feel about you. 53. The audacity and confidence you use in conquering challenges are captivating. Waking up with the thought of you in my life gives me the energy to work hard. Even though we quarrel and fight a lot, I still love you. I love you with everything my dear friend. I know I can be strong headed and stubborn but no matter what I love you beyond words. Wishing you joy more than the eyes can see. I love you, my dear friend. I would never take this privileged for granted.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'motivationandlove_com-netboard-1','ezslot_33',120,'0','0'])); 40. In the cookie of life, friends r the chocolate chips that make life sweet, surprising and yummy. I can’t appreciate you enough, you’re the best. Best Goodnight Sweet Messages for My Best Friend to usher Him/Her into a beautiful night rest. I will never let you down. It would be so ungrateful to me not to appreciate. I know I’ve been selfish, I’m always claiming busy, but today I’m taking time off to celebrate you for being a great friend all these years. I can never forget you, I love you my dear friend and I’m sure you know I do. You bring with you an ambience of peace. Whether rain or shine, I’ll be here dude, no matter what. Phew! And while the world might tremble at the sight of the two of us (because, honestly, together we’re a force to be reckoned with), I know there’s no one I’d rather laugh and cry with. So do you have such a friend? I am incredibly lucky to have found you. 3. 45. Even when I fall, I have your shoulders to carry me, I am so confident that I face each day with great confidence that Failure now fears me. We have come a long way together. Many people have friends for their selfish benefits but yours is different. The places we went to, the things we did, the days of hunger and plenty, all these things are what makes life worth living and I’m happy I’m living it with you. I have learned to live a truly fulfilling and exemplary life. Remember when we use to sit together and talk about the future, here we are now living the future. Can’t stop loving you. 22. You’ve shown me love so great that I didn’t think I deserve it. Friends are an important part of life. I can’t imagine what would happen if you leave. 12. I have you to thank for everything because we’ve come a long way together, my friend. Thanks for visiting. Just hearing you speak, I feel motivated and I wanna achieve things to repay you for believing in me. You are more than a friend. A lot of people have siblings, and others have friends. 38. You stand out like a diamond in the midst of other people. I owe you everything in my life. It’s really sweet having you around all these years. The best collection of “cute message for my best friend forever” – your best friend forever. By. I sincerely pray that our friendship will be so sweet forever. 91. You’re my special friend, thanks for taking in anything that I say. Sweet Messages for My Best Friend. You’re the only one who understands my deepest fears even without I having to voice them out. You are a wonderful friend. 1. 96. Your smile lifts my soul. You are a light to my soul, my best friend. That person who said that a true friend is like a sister could not say wiser words, that is why you must share beautiful phrases for a true friend. I appreciate you, my wonderful friend.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'motivationandlove_com-portrait-1','ezslot_35',131,'0','0'])); 76. 18. Thank you for making me see the good in me. Then why wait for tomorrow to send your friends a sweet message? If there’s anyone who can deliver on that job, it is you. I dunno how to say this without making your head swell, it’s not as if I love you that much so you won’t start feeling yourself. You are my everything, my best friend, and everything I need in life. You are the star the world is waiting to shine. Thank you for being there for me when I call you and need someone to just listen. I cherish you my dear friend. You are a rare treasure. Hey! We may not individually amount to much in life. When you’re with me, I feel there’s no challenge I can’t take on. 23. Share; Tweet; Photo by Omar Lopez on unsplash Etiquette & advice 20+ Sweet Messages to My Best Friend When I Miss Them. And what’s as soothing and satisfying as the feeling you get having a friend who is ready to give you every support you will ever need, whether you ask for it or not? I guess that’s because our hearts are always connected no matter where life takes us each. 65. I miss you a lot. You have never disappointed me. 39. I don’t think I would cope without you. I learned every good thing from you, you have injected me with your positivity and sacrifice. Together we can make anything happen. Your friendship is worth more than words can say. 83. I owe you, my sweet friend. I love you dear friend. Even if I whine and complain, I miss your teasing, the challenging words you say that make me do what I wouldn’t have done, I miss the reassuring words you give when I would have given up. Thank you for believing in me. You’re the best. Blow the candles as much you can. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You give quality meaning to friendship. Instead of you to cry, you were strong because of me, when you were weak, you gathered the strength to keep me going. You brought these memories and I’d keep them with me forever. You’re the best friend, ever. You are such a darling. Remember the naughty things we used to do, the hide and seek, the silent dares and pranks. 76. Thank you for not giving up on me when every other person did. That’s to show you how much I have come to trust and rely on you. I love you, my sweet friend. You never gave up on me despite my flaws. 66. I saw a star in the sky this night, the glow reminded me of you my friend, the way your love glow in my darkest moments, I trust I’m having a good night and I hope you do too. I’m grateful for this one in a million friendship I share with you. If I’m in the mud, we are there together and when on the big podium, you are always by my side. I appreciate your presence in my life and I can’t afford to lose you. You’re more family than friend. Thank you, my lovely friend. Please feel free to share if you did. It’s been wonderful having you as a life journey partner. I’m totally in love with you. Thanks for always being there. Lots of best friend messages with images you will find on our page. Sending wishes to cheer you up today, my friend. I would have fumbled and struggled through life without you. 80. 89. When I think of you and the special friendship we share, I am so happy and thankful! I like the fact that our friendship is never stale. 17. With you my darkest secrets are safe. 4. 72. I have you to thank for my success. I can’t stand anything bad happening to you, I love you like my own life and I can’t do without you, my friend. Tell you that you will be my friend until the end. You are a friend indeed. We've got some ideas for funny text messages to send to your best friends on National Best Friends Day that everyone will love. Message for Best Friend Sometimes I feel like I got you as a reward for some good work I did. Now I know our paths was divinely orchestrated, that k you for coming into my life. Sweet Message for My Best Friend. I know all you see is greatness and I’ve been so infected by your positivity that I believe this greatness myself. You are my friend, you are my blood, can’t stop loving you. Most especially your effort to extend our connection. Wishing I could spend your birthday with you, but know you’re on my mind and in my heart ♥️ You’re like a sister to me. You have the best to copy and paste. This is just to check on you, to know how your day is going and to let you know you’re in my thoughts always. Forget it dear, no matter what I’ll never let you go. Even though I do not see you every day, your presence lingers around me, and the memories are fresh. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Best Friend Text Messages to Send to Your Friend. 54. Despite our fights and disagreements, the rough and bumpy roads we passed, our journey together never stopped. You sacrificed so much for me to make who I am today. Who wouldn’t love a beautiful soul like you? Hurting me for my good is what you won’t hesitate doing, you love me too make to say to my face when I’m wrong and make me do the right things. A friend that wants the best for you is very rare. What did I do to deserve such a wonderful person like you?eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'motivationandlove_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',110,'0','0'])); 10. Loving you is so natural. As if God knew I couldn’t survive alone, he gave me somebody to help me through the journey. I love you, my special friend.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'motivationandlove_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_26',122,'0','0'])); 43. Now I can go into my day with all confidence that I’ve got the best friend in the world. Sweet Things to Say to Your Best Friend in a Text. You are more than awesome. There’s no one who I’d rather share my secrets with than you. 86. Thank you for always reinforcing the positive in me. Sweet messages for best friend in English. 63. I’ve got your back always just as I know you’ve got mine. Even when I had nothing to offer, you never stopped investing and believing in me. Such people ought to be celebrated at every opportunity. After God, I have one more person to thank and that’s you, my friend. “I owe you everything.”eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'motivationandlove_com-netboard-2','ezslot_34',123,'0','0'])); 49. 1. I love you so much my friend and I can’t stop loving you. God bless you. Smiling at myself here remembering those funny moments we had, these memories makes life sweet. You’ve got faults, so have I and everyone. You are my everything. Cheers to our friendship. I wish we could reenact the days of our childhood innocence. Goodnight my friend, I … You’re such a wonderful person. A friend that sticks closer than a brother. I love your frankness, your sense of humour. Shout out to my special, naughty, caring, supportive and loyal friend. I love you more than you can ever imagine. You mean so much to me. Distance means nothing to me. Thank you for your friendship, a true gift. 31. 11/24/2014 09:58 am ET Updated Jan 24, 2015 "Friends are the family you choose." I miss all our fun times together. I just can’t afford to live without you, you are my everything. Dear best friend, I wish you the happiest and most fulfilling birthday yet. Special Message to a Friend. 6. Here is a collection of Best Birthday Messages to My Best Friend you can use to celebrate your Buddy. No matter what life brings our way, I can never forget you. You’re everything I’m not. I can’t appreciate you enough for being a dear friend.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'motivationandlove_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_27',119,'0','0'])); 34. 41. Goodnight my sweet friend, I cherish you forever. 32. I would have been a locked treasure chest, if not for the motivation you gave me to explore and manifest my hidden gifts. The vibe that’s strong as a song that’s so deep. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You are the best. God keep you for me, my friend, you are my backbone and the thought of you energizes me daily to achieve and make things happen. 14. Thank you, my dear. You stood by me in trying times. A wonderful friend indeed. Oh, when my heart yearns for a partner… When I just want to let it out and scream. You’re the fuel in my engine and I would stop working without you. 99. With you, I never feel pressured to be something or someone I’m not. Wonder what has been keeping me going all these while? You remind me who I am, and who I want to be. You have been such a wonderful person to me. Standing by your side, no matter what. It got to a point I started feeling guilty about it. We go way beyond friends, we’re blood. Even though you had your own struggles, you made sure I wasn’t lagging behind. Best Friend Text Messages to Send to Your Friend If you weren’t in my life, I don’t know where I would have been. Since some … Call out one of the things you love most about your friend. You are the first on my mind whenever I’m down. When a lot of people gave up on me, when I felt so worthless that I didn’t deserve any good, you came and believed in me, you cleaned the dirt and made me whole. No matter what, I’ll always be here for you. Download friendship pretty phrases Searching for Short friendship messages & cards ? You’re a friend like no other. Earlier we make up, the world is waiting for us ; you sweet message for my best friend! Have because you are my backbone achieve challenge me to make me who I am, and.! Having to voice them out feats you achieve challenge me to sweet message for my best friend me smile in heart. Re a combination of mummy, sibling, friend, there ’ s what we are the! 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