The initial incarnation of the Super Saiyan form was created by Toei Animation and used in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, however this was later retconned into being the "False Super Saiyan" form after the debut of the real Super Saiyan state in the manga. Karoly in his Super Saiyan and Legendary Super Saiyan hybrid form. Goku uses his Super Saiyan power to defeat Cooler, Frieza's older and stronger brother, thus finishing off the family. Though it is identical to the Super Saiyan form in terms of appearance (from its golden hair to even the appearance of its aura), it apparently lacks the power of the true Super Saiyan form as Sourman was crushed by the runaway Ferris wheel when he attempted to stop it using this transformation. Super Saiyan Gotenks is a very solid pick for this Team, sharing common Link Skills with the best Cards in the category. that the reason these Saiyan hybrids have white hair in their Super Saiyan forms is due to them being evil Saiyan hybrids. 220 Pages. The transformation has a noticeable effect on the Saiyan's personality. By his own admission, it was anger at himself that triggered the intense emotion required to transform. In order to combat Goku's sudden burst of strength and power, Frieza utilized 100% of his power, only half of which he used to stop Goku's Kaio-ken x20 Kamehameha attack. Restores own Ki by 40. Wikis. Super Saiyan (超スーパーサイヤ人じん, Sūpā Saiya-jin) is an advanced transformation assumed by members and hybrids of the Saiyan race with sufficient amounts of S-Cells in the Dragon Ball franchise. This heavily contradicts the Daizenshuu books' explanation that Pan could not transform due to the minuscule percentage of Saiyan blood in her, as being a grandson of the already 1/4 Saiyan Pan would reduce hers to no more than one sixteenth, making she almost completely human. It also made its anime debut in 1991, first appearing in Dragon Ball Z episode 95, "Transformed at Last". After managing to gain a huge amount of power from a near-death experience, Goku Black's Super Saiyan form evolved into his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form: Super Saiyan Rosé. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! A Male Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Online. In addition, the player can transform into a Super Saiyan 2 or 3 depending on how much ki they currently have (the Super Saiyan form requires 3 ki bars, while Super Saiyan 3 requires 5 or more). The first Super Saiyan transformation occurs when a Saiyan who has reached a very high level of power loses himself in a fit of rage. by Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to take down Android 14, Android 15, and Android 13. Like in Xenoverse, Captain Ginyu can utilize Goku's Super Saiyan form as an enemy. It can be noted that in Dragon Ball Online, in the event a Saiyan character is bald they will gain a mohawk of golden hair when they turn Super Saiyan. EMOTIONAL . The benefits are that all abilities are increased for the duration, and all super and ultimate attacks no longer cost ki. (Suggesting the Super Saiyan form is may be inherently physical as opposed to psychological.). It is also shown in a time fragment timeline that Captain Ginyu can utilize the Super Saiyan form while in Goku's body. Like in the original series, those under the influence of the Super Saiyan transformation discharge a golden aura that surrounds their bodies and acquire the trademark green eyes and golden, altered hairstyles (in the game, each Human hairstyle [male and female] has a Super Saiyan counterpart). Manga: "Life or Death"Anime: "Transformed at Last" D&D Beyond As the Saiyans train during Dragon Ball Z, they discover uncharted levels beyond the first Super Saiyan level. Broly fires a Ki Blast at her knocking her out cold, though Great Saiyaman 4 assumes she had been killed by the blast and in his rage transforms into his natural Super Saiyan form (causing his Great Saiyaman Suit to automatically deactivate). Super Saiyan 6 is a form after Super Saiyan 5, and is based off of the show Dragonball Z AF. He also uses it against Goten and Trunks in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming, until he was forced to unveil his Legendary Super Saiyan form once again when fighting Gohan in his Super Saiyan 2 form. [37] In the Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game, the multiplier for the form is 2.5x the user's normal amount of power). When a Super Saiyan achieves an extremely high level of power, they will exhibit sparks around their aura (like a Super Saiyan 2), this has only been displayed by Vegito and Goku Black. After transforming, Goku explains to Frieza that society's twisted ways has sparked a rage within that has transformed him into the suited warrior of legend. Akira Toriyama stated in the Saikyō Jump's June 2014 interview that Goku realized mastering his normal state and Super Saiyan would raise his level more and sap less strength than Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3. Starting with Mira on July 2015, Mira attained a similar Super Saiyan-like form known as Super Mira. Users In Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, Gohan is the only one who uses the regular Super Saiyan form in the film (aside from a brief flashback of Future Trunks defeating Frieza, and Super Saiyan Goku's appearance in the prologue from the "Future Trunks Special Edition" of the film). Trending pages. New. While in these states they displays greatly enhanced power. In Dragon Ball GT, Old Kai was shown to be aware of both the Golden Great Ape and Super Saiyan 4 forms which are only accessible to Saiyans who have achieved the Super Saiyan form yet also capable of transforming into a Great Ape, indicating that Super Saiyans, Golden Great Apes, and Super Saiyan 4 had previously existed at some point in the past for Old Kai to possess knowledge of those transformations. Super Great Saiyaman in Dragon Ball Super. Trending pages. Unlike Vegeta and Future Trunks who made use of these stages (which either consumes one's energy rapidly and produces an increasingly higher level of strain, or reduces the Saiyan's speed to nil, with the latter doing both), Goku and Gohan work to perfect the initial transformation after deciding that it was the best form to use overall, prompting their transition into Super Saiyan Full Power, the concept of making the Super Saiyan form no different in energy output and strain than the basic form of the user's body. D&D Beyond Super Saiyans from evil hybrid races will sometimes exhibit white hair. Future Trunks used this form to defeat Majin Buu in his timeline. While physical change is not too drastic, the power output increase is colossal; the form is said to originally multiply the Saiyan's power by fifty times its normal amount, though it can be inferred that the multiplier decreased s… CAPS . [28] However, in the anime the transformation must be triggered in response to a great need, an example being in Goku's case to defeat Frieza. He will also revert to base to charge up a Spirit Bomb before transforming into a Super Saiyan and throwing it similar to how he would later performed the Super Spirit Bomb against Kid Buu. With the basic Super Saiyan form now unable to combat the power of the Androids, Goku advises training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber because he believes that there is a way to ascend past the normal limitations of an untrained Super Saiyan, and doing so would make them strong enough to take down the Androids. Alternate Super … No female Super Saiyans were seen in the Dragon Ball manga or anime until Caulifla achieved the transformation in Dragon Ball Super. "How? In the last episode of Dragon Ball GT, Goku and Vegeta's descendants, Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr., are shown to be able to transform into Super Saiyans from a young age, as well. In this special quest, the Future Warrior faces off against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta and Super Saiyan 2 Goku to push them in unlocking their Super Saiyan form. In the special chapter "Trunks The History - The Lone Warrior" and the television special Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks, Future Gohan is shown to have gained the Super Saiyan transformation long ago, most likely after witnessing the Z Fighters being slaughtered by the Androids. Debut Nappa mentions the legend to the Future Warrior while working as their Instructor and notes that if he and Vegeta keep training one of them might make the leap to Super Saiyan before thinking about how awesome he would look as a Super Saiyan. However when first acquired on Namek by Goku, Goku cannot revert to base normally though using the Kaio-ken (which is treated as a transformation in-game) will cause Goku to revert to base then power up with the Kaio-ken. DBZ Dokkan Battle YOSHA! The first Super Saiyan transformation occurs when a Saiyan who has reached a very high level of power, has a calm, pure heart (good or evil), and loses himself in a fit of rage. Beat in his natural Super Saiyan form in World Mission, In the Story Mode Chapter 3, Sub Chapter 4 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, the Earthling-Saiyan hybrid protagonist Beat achieves his natural Super Saiyan form during a confrontation with Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. Players that choose not to allow their avatars age can acquire the Super Saiyan transformation as children. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dragon Ball Universe Wiki. The Future Warrior can unlock Super Vegeta Awoken Skill by completing Vegeta's final sparing session inside the Capsule Corp time rift which allows them to transform into Super Vegeta and Super Vegeta 2, which like Xenoverse increases the power of ki blasts. [26], After Bardock transforming into a Super Saiyan, the environment keeps changing constantly. Several video games introduced alternate variations of the Super Saiyan transformations, which while treated as just "Super Saiyan" in the manga and anime, are featured as different transformations here. The Awoken Skill is unlocked mid-battle and becomes permanently unlocked. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! Alternate names This could either be a reference to them normally having colored irises or simply an art error. However, when this legend was proven to be true when Goku accomplished to go Super Saiyan because the feat during his titanic battle against the evil tyrant Frieza, he maintained this s… Earthlings (of Saiyan heritage) in Dragon Ball Online can also assume the transformation by wishing to have their dormant Saiyan powers unlocked. Super Saiyan 0 is the strongest of all Super Saiyan forms, and it can be kept for around 2 hours, without losing it. The Male Super Saiyan as he appears in-game. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. It is unknown if Goku Black can still become an ordinary Super Saiyan, and what level of power it would possess, as when Goku's god-enhanced Super Saiyan form evolved into Super Saiyan Blue, it also caused him to re-acquire his non-god-enhanced Super Saiyan form. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4. There is also a marked personality alteration, where the Saiyan becomes unusually aggressive and more prone to acting on impulse. In the original version of Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler, Meta-Cooler Core states that he intends to take Goku and Vegeta's energy and use it to make an army of Metal Super Saiyans. After receiving informal permission from the God of Destruction Beerus, Frieza finally decided to annihilate the Saiyan race by destroying Planet Vegeta,[25] thus apparently sparking the end of the Super Saiyan legend. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, the Super Saiyan transformation is an ultimate skill that constantly drains the user's energy and completely drains their stamina once the transformation is over. This form was due to Pan in the womb of Videl giving energy. He’ll becomes a top-tier … To which, in Dragon Ball Super, Cabba described the process of as experiencing a tingling sensation of focusing one's energy emanating from the user's back (seemingly centered in a point along the spine) between the shoulder blades, Caulifla simply followed these instructions to transform into the state. Super Saiyan 7 (Someone90's version) Super Saiyan 8 (Kid Janemba's Version) Super Saiyan 8 (Ultra Kuzon's Version) Super Saiyan 9 (Ultra Kuzon's Version) Super Saiyan Blue (Dragon Balls absorbed) Super Saiyan Blue 2. After sparring with Vegeta a few times, Vegeta will notice Future Warrior is not transforming and learns that despite their power, the Warrior has not yet unlocked the transformation. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! Saiyans or Saiyan/Human hybrids who can turn into a Super Saiyan 2 belong in this category. Sale! Cumber and Trunks/Future Trunks' eyes in Super Saiyan forms are often shown to have black pupils within the green irises rather than pupil-less green eyes. In the Dragon Ball Super manga, it is shown that when a Super Saiyan's power surpasses the power of the Super Saiyan God form, it will naturally progress into a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Quick View. Search for: Jan 19, 2021 6:15 pm 2021-01-19T18:15:39-05:00. The form's multiplier seems to have changed in Dragon Ball GT, When Goku utilizes the Super Saiyan form against General Rilldo, the Machine Mutant indicates that Goku's power has increased to just over double his base form (in the English dub he states that it has increased a hundredfold),[38] and the 50x power boost mentioned in prior guidebooks is said to simply be a theory.[39]. Imminent Rise Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) Scarlet Maelstrom Super Saiyan 4 Goku (Xeno) Merciless Angel of Death Super Gogeta (Angel) Reborn in Awesome Azure Gogeta. The personality alterations are also on display in Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy when Goku Jr., a timid boy with no will to fight even in self-defense, saw Lord Yao terrorize the forest and became a Super Saiyan, his personality came full circle, accordingly. Natural eye color changes to a greenish-blue, muscle tone becomes more defined, and the skin tone (and clothing) becomes lighter mainly due to the energy and light output of the golden aura. The ability to become a Super Saiyan, was once considered to be nothing but a legend, because it has not been done for over one-thousand years (three-thousand in the Ocean dub). Sourman transforms into a Super Saiyan-esque Form in a spoofing manner, Goku as a Super Saiyan for the first time in the manga, Goku as a Super Saiyan in the manga (alternate coloration), Kamin Kale and Oren Caulifla as Tuffleized Super Saiyans, Super Saiyan Vegeta wearing his Namek Saga Armor artwork by Dragon Garow Lee, Super Saiyan Goku and Future Trunks in Vegeta's nightmare, Vegeta's first transformation into a Super Saiyan, Goku assumes his Super Saiyan form to fight Android 19, Super Saiyan Vegeta preparing to battle against Android 18, Goku Jr. transformed for the first time in, Super Saiyan Goku Jr. without his headband on in, Beat in his natural Super Saiyan form confronting Legendary Super Saiyan 3 Broly in, Note talking to Beat in his natural Super Saiyan form in. Titanic Fusion Power Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. 10% Saiyan Power (Nexus-Ank'hu) 100% Saiyan Power. [41], However, the Super Saiyan form is truly put to the test when the true Androids of Future Trunks' grim prediction, Android 17 and Android 18, arrive. Any Saiyan that had previously demonstrated a calm, collected, laid back, kind and even peaceful demeanor becomes ruthless, overcome with rage, impulsive, even becoming noticeably vengeful and unusually violent; and any Saiyan that had demonstrated those traits previously will only have them amplified to a greater degree. He seals Enemy Super ATK by launching his own Super ATK, which is a very useful and uncommon ability for the Team. After the 1.09.00 Update, the Super Saiyan Awoken Skill can be added to Nappa's custom skillset after it has been purchased in Partner Customization. However, the amplified anger that a Super Saiyan experiences returned when he became a Super Saiyan 2. Category:Vegeta (Super Saiyan) | Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki | Fandom. Fu also achieved a very similar Super Saiyan-like form as well back in August 2018. This is first demonstrated when Goku turned Super Saiyan during his battle against Frieza where when he went from a calm, collected, fighter to becoming a vengeful warrior, hellbent on avenging his fallen friend, Krillin, even at his own peril. This is especially notable in the anime, as when Cell powers up to max he gains the golden Super Saiyan aura, and the Super Saiyan transformation sound effect plays. In Surviving City Life Part 2 of Society Survival Saga in Dragon Ball Heroes, when Frieza of Cold Co. tricks Krillin into quitting his job at DB Incorporated due to false promises of better pay and treatment, Goku having learned the truth of Frieza's deception from Android 18 of Gero Corp., confronts him and transforms into his Super Saiyan form which he dubs Super Corporate Freshman. Games Movies TV Video. Heroic Victory Declaration Super Saiyan Gotenks demoted to B, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The Future Super Saiyan form charges ki much faster than other Super Saiyan forms, though unlike the other two Super Saiyan Awoken sills, it lacks higher forms. This form can only be used when the user has gone through extensive training in Super Saiyan 5 and has experienced extreme mood differentiates like mood-swings. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! The first of these new heights in power is the Super Saiyan Second Grade stage obtained by Vegeta, Future Trunks and, later, Goku. However, it has never been stated in any Dragon Ball media (anime, manga, video games, etc.) [43] This power is noted by Kami as he brings up the topic of how Vegeta is now more powerful than Future Trunks, who "killed Frieza and his father in an instant. Gohan, however, surmises that if a Saiyan's power level surpasses the power of a Great Ape then their tail will stop growing naturally implying that becoming a Super Saiyan guarantees that a Saiyan's tail won't regrow naturally. GOKU . Super Saiyan This category is about Super Saiyans in The Dragon Ball Multiverse manga. His timeline Saiyans or Saiyan/Human hybrids who can turn into a Super Saiyan. 44! Z AF their avatars age can acquire the Super Saiyan transformation in the main.! Response to a need, not a desire first female Super Saiyans and Saiyan hybrids have white in! Considerably more than powered-up variations of Super Saiyan forms defeat Majin Buu in his Super Saiyan in... By wishing to have their strengths and weaknesses, and Future Trunks used this form defeat. Legend was proven true when Goku accomplished the feat during his Titanic battle with Super Saiyan never seen.. Homage to the Super Saiyan level never miss a beat ] Future Trunks anime Caulifla! 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