The first study on the prevalence of visual impairment in Nepal, the Nepal Blindness Survey (NBS), conducted in 1981, estimated the overall prevalence of bilateral blind-ness at 0.84%. Conclusion: Chewing areca nut, tobacco, commercial areca nut/tobacco preparation and smoking being the major risk factors, there is high prevalence of oral cancer and OPMDs in the EDR of Nepal. The data contribute to the epidemiological knowledge about HPV and type-specific HR-HPV genotypes prevalence in mid-Western Nepal. •NepaliSong: Nepali songs to listen • Text from the Nepali translated version of Alice's adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), annoted corpus, by Netra Prasad Paudyal (2014) • In search of the oldest Nepalese manuscript by Kengo Harimoto, in Rivista degli studi orientali (2011) • WordProject: translation of the Bible in Nepali And it is the children who are affected the most. A nationwide cross-sectional study was conducted among a representative sample of Nepalese adults aged 18–65 years (N = 2100), selected by multistage random cluster sampling and interviewed at home during … OBJECTIVES: Pelvic organ prolapse is very common among women in Nepal, especially uterine prolapse. Tobacco pouch keratosis (50.4%) was the most prevalent OPMD, followed by OSF (29.1%). Cataract was the most common cause (83%) of blindness in this age group, and more than So, learn Nepali name of some of disease and body conditions in Nepali font with sounds. We aimed at providing a generalized estimate of the prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension in urban, suburban, and rural areas of Nepal. Prevalence of acute diarrhoea in Kathmandu valley. Pelvic organ prolapse is very common among women in Nepal, especially uterine prolapse. There were 75 subjects with glaucoma, an age- and sex-standardized prevalence of 1.80 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.68-1.92). Sherpa and Gurung are both place names and ethnic surnames. See more. There is a need to conduct local studies reporting on the concurrent burden of both underweight and … Introduction: There is an increase in the double burden of malnutrition globally, with a particular rise documented in Asia. Girls showed less mean BMI than undernourished (53.8%) and (61.9%) at the ages boys at all ages and levels of CED (Table 1). Methods 2009;7(15):66 - 8. A thorough search of PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science was performed, and studies satisfying the … Weird things about the name Prevalence: The name spelled backwards is … Fifty-two had squamous cell carcinoma and 8 had verrucous carcinoma. As FGM is less prevalent among younger women according to City University London in 2015, this suggested a decline in the practice. (collective noun) A systematic collection of data on measurements or observations, often related to demographic information such as population counts, incomes, population counts at different ages, etc. We have previously determined the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among women in rural Nepal. indicate about marriage and divorce, leading to what questions? The website is designed to serve as an an easy-to-use web dictionary accessible with any desktop or mobile browser. However, preschool boys were more boys and girls. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. J Nepal Health Res Counc. The website is designed to serve as an an easy-to-use web dictionary accessible with any desktop or mobile browser. About English Nepali Dictionary (Beta) is a FREE online dictionary to quickly search Nepali meanings of English words. In Nepal, the prevalence of hyperuricemia was 21.42 % [7] In Thailand,10.6% [8] in accordance with previous studies, it is found that serum uric acid levels are higher in men than in women, although uric acid levels in women tend to increase above the age of 50 years. आधुनिक बिमा कम्पनीहरूले आफ्ना ग्राहकहरूले भोग्न सक्ने सम्भाव्य, गराउन विगतमा पटक पटक भएका हानि तथा नोक्सानीका, अध्ययन गर्ने गर्छन्, जस्तै, कलकारखानामा आगो लागेर भोग्नु परेका क्षति आदि।, According to the National Center for Education, , about 11,000 violent incidents involving weapons in American schools, १९९७ को दौडान अमेरिकाका स्कूलहरूमा हातहतियार प्रयोग भएका लगभग ११,००० वटा हिंस्रक, As it turned out, the women’s measure of hope was a far more accurate predictor of their performance than were all the, तिनीहरूको क्षमताबारे प्रशिक्षकहरूद्वारा गरिएको मूल्याङ्कनको तथ्याङ्कभन्दा तिनीहरू कत्तिको आशावादी छन् भनी गरिएको सर्वेक्षण नै तिनीहरूको भावी प्रदर्शन निर्धारण गर्ने प्रमुख तत्त्व बनेको कुरा परिणामबाट पत्ता लाग्यो।. Comments or suggestions: fill out and submit the form on contact page. The dictionary currently has 56581 English words. , women constituted 51% of the overall national population while men constituted less than half of the total working population. Thakur M. Cholera continues to spread in Rautahat. The prevalence was 3.8% in the age group of 45 years and above. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. This would suggest a high rate of levator trauma, which is a strong predictor of such prolapse in the Western world. Please follow the links below to download for Android and iOS. Nepali Superstitions and Old Wives’ Tales December 11, 2012 Smriti Rai 1 Comment In our country, people follow a lot of superstitions in their day to day lives. prevalence definition: 1. the fact that something is very common or happens often: 2. the fact that something is very…. See more. show that children are getting involved in crime at startlingly early ages. This is far less than the country’s targeted goal of 67% (and that too by 2015!). नेपाली, अंग्रेजीमा रोगहरुको नाम. Find more words at! A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data. 10. This prevalence was comparable with the result of Western Nepal (60.7%) . This newspaper has been tracking the outcomes of these surveys that were conducted in May, July, August and October. Studies regarding blood pressure of Nepal have demonstrated a contrasting prevalence. A few studies have been conducted in specific communities and groups of Nepal for generating prevalence data. Surnames such as Pant and Bista indicate that the person is a Brahmin, originally belonging to western Nepal. losses their clients will experience in the future. Find more words at! (singular) A mathematical science concerned with data collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation. NAMES MEANING GENDER; Amir: A born leader and a prince who is born to give orders: Boy: Arabic,Hebrew,Lebanese,Nepali: Bibek: Conscience, ethics: Boy: Indian,Nepali Outbreak Investigation of Diarrheal Diseases in Jajarkot. In many developing countries, including Nepal, their prevalences are yet to be assessed. Nepali definition, an Indic language spoken in Nepal. Bhandari GP, Dixit SM, Ghimire U, Maskey MK. This post is about 150 all disease Name in Nepali, English and Roman with Sounds or pronunciation. 11. The mean intraocular pressure was 13.3 mmHg (97.5th and 99.5th percentiles, 18 and 20 mmHg, respectively), and the mean vertical cup-to-disc ratio was 0.26 (97.5th and 99.5th percentiles, 0.6 and 0.8 mmHg, respectively). Hence, we decided to study the prevalence of maternal birth trauma in Nepali women. 2007 Oct-Dec;46(168):175-9. Nepal lacks national level prevalence data on mental disorders. suggest that if you live in a developed country, you are quite likely to be. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Cookies help us deliver our services. डकडकगोको आफ्नै ट्राफिक तथ्याङ्कका अनुसार अगस्ट २०१२ मा प्रति दिन १,३९३,६४४ भ्रमणहरू हुने गरेका थिए र अप्रिल २०१० मा प्रति दिन ३९,४०६ भ्रमणहरू भएका थिए।. This study investigated the prevalence and correlates of anemia in a nationally representative sample of adolescents within the 2014 National Adolescent Nutrition Survey in Nepal. This would suggest a high rate of levator trauma, which is a strong predictor of such prolapse in the Western world. देखाएअनुसार छ कक्षामा पढ्ने विद्यार्थीले दिनहुँ त्यस्तै चार घण्टाजस्तो टेलिभिजन हेर्छ र यसमा, show that people living in countries where ancestral superstitions are prevalent do not live, मानिसहरूको तुलनामा अन्धविश्वासका चलनहरू व्याप्त भएका मुलुकका मानिसहरूले लामो वा उत्तम जीवन बिताइरहेको पाइँदैन भनेर, And I'm here to say that I think that that is the wrong summit of the pyramid ... that the correct summit -- that all of our students, every high school graduate should know -- should be, र मैले यहाँ भन्न चाहन्छु कि मेरो बिचारमा त्यो पिरामीडको गलत टुप्पो हो ... सही टुप्पो -- हाम्रा सबै विद्यार्थीहरूले, सबै उच्च माध्यमिक पास गर्नेले जान्नु पर्ने कुरो -- त तथ्याङ्क पो हुनुपर्छ। सम्भाव्यता र तथ्याङ्क।, of the past several decades, researcher Robert Lerman wrote: “The shift toward single-parent families, a higher incidence of other social problems, such as higher rates of school dropouts, of alcohol and drug use, of adolescent pregnancy and childbearing, and of juvenile delinquency.”, केलाएर हेरेपछि अनुसन्धानकर्ता रबर्ट लरम्यानले लेखे: “आमा वा बुबा मात्रै भएको परिवार बढेकोले, रक्सी र लागूपदार्थको कुलतमा फस्ने, उमेरै नपुगी गर्भवती हुने र बच्चा जन्माउने अनि बाल अपराधमा लाग्ने जस्ता सामाजिक विकृतिहरू बढेको हुन सक्छ।”, whether religious affiliation is really necessary is more than just a matter of, त्यसैले, कुनै धार्मिक संगठनसित आबद्ध हुनु, साँच्चै आवश्यक छ कि छैन भन्ने प्रश्न केवल, अथवा जानकारी हासिल गर्ने उद्देश्यले मात्र महत्त्वपूर्ण छैन।. Hence, we decided to study the prevalence of maternal birth trauma in Nepali women. R esults from a recent nationwide survey show that more than half of Nepali households are at risk of falling back into poverty because of loss of jobs and income during 2020 due to the pandemic. Karki A, Tiwari BR. © 2016 a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters. In order to talk about common diseases in Nepal, one must first examine some of the facts and statistics that make the country prone to disease.Nepal, a Himalayan country with a population of nearly 29 million, is located in South Asia. study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. [8,9,10] In the similar lines, a prevalence study in one of the indigenous communities, Thakali Community, was planned. Anemia is regarded as major public health problem among adolescents in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) but there is limited primary data in many countries, including Nepal. Today, however, the incidence of overweight and obesity (OWOB) in the country has increased substantially. Introduction . The total contraceptive prevalence rate in Nepal is 52.6% combining both modern and traditional methods. You can also download our apps to use the dictionary on your mobile devices. In the current study, we also wanted to examine the prevalence of and risk factors for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the same population. A systematic collection of data on measurements or observations, often related to demographic information such as population counts, incomes, population counts at different ages, etc. Sati or suttee was a historical Hindu practice, in which a widow sacrifices herself by sitting atop her deceased husband's funeral pyre.. युगाण्डा ब्यूरो अफ स्ट्याटिस्टिक्सले सन् २०१४ मा गरेको जनगणनाका अनुसार महिलाले कूल जनसंख्याको ५१ ओगट्छन् भने पुरुषले श्रमजीवी जनसंख्याको आधाभन्दा पनि कम हिस्सा ओगट्छन्।, from the United States show that the average sixth-grade student watches four hours of television. Internet connection is required to use this dictionary online or via mobile apps. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Prevalence was not present. Type: noun; ... Statistics show that people living in countries where ancestral superstitions are prevalent do not live longer or better lives than people in other countries. However, it was three-times greater than the findings of a stepwise survey of risk factors in Nepal (21.0%) [ 7 ]. statistics in Nepali translation and definition "statistics", English-Nepali Dictionary online. does not even include the time he spends playing games while staring at a computer or a TV screen. How unique is the name Prevalence? is a FREE online dictionary to quickly search Nepali meanings of English words. All rights reserved. Female genital mutilation is prevalent in The Gambia. statistics . High prevalence definition: Something that is high extends a long way from the bottom to the top when it is upright .... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples के देखाउँछ अनि कस्ता प्रश्नहरू खडा हुन्छन्. of 3 and 4 years of age than the girls (43.5%) and The prevalence of thinness (Chronic energy (41.7%) of same age. Adjectives for prevalence include prevailent, prevailing, prevalent and prevailed. देखाएअनुसार एकदमै कलिलो उमेरदेखि बालबालिकाहरू आपराधिक कार्यमा भाग लिन्छन्।, According to a 2014 census by the Uganda Bureau of. This systematic review followed PRISMA guidelines. Prevalence definition, the condition of being prevalent, or widespread: the prevalence of AIDS in developing countries. Nepal. The extent to which sati was practised in history is not known with clarity. Prevalence and associated factors of childhood overweight/obesity among primary school children in urban Nepal Ashmita Karki1*, Archana Shrestha2,3 and Narayan Subedi1 Abstract Background: Childhood overweight/obesity has become a major public health concern globally because of its adverse health consequences and escalating prevalence. Methods . Anxiety and depression are two important contributors to the global burden of disease. 9. Verbs for prevalence include prevail, prevailed, prevailest, prevaileth, prevailing and prevails. Hope the concerned public health authorities and the ministry try their best to improve this score. show that in August 2012 there were 1,393,644 visits per day, up from an average of 39,406 visits per day in April 2010 (the earliest data available). In Nepal, undernutrition has been prevalent for decades. This post about disease name in Nepali may help you. accident at least once during your lifetime. You can guess a lot about Nepali people from their name, including their caste, profession, ethnic group, and place of birth. A 2006 UNICEF survey found a 78.3% prevalence rate in The Gambia. This study provides preliminary information on overall HPV and type-specific HR-HPV prevalence, HR-HPV 16, 39, 58, 33, 51, and 18 are the most prevalent genotypes in this region. बासिन्दा हुनुहुन्छ भने, आफ्नो जीवनकालमा कम्तीमा पनि एकपल्ट ट्राफिक-दुर्घटनामा पर्न सक्ने सम्भावना धेरै छ भनेर, then, the most dangerous part of your trip will be the drive to and from, गर्ने हो भने, तपाईंको यात्राको सबैभन्दा खतरनाक भागचाहिं विमानस्थल जान-आउन तपाईंले गाडीबाट गर्ने, Witnesses is not a criterion for determining if they enjoy divine favor; nor do, गर्नेहरूको संख्याले तिनीहरूले ईश्वरीय अनुमोदनको आनन्द उठाइरहेका छन् भनेर निर्धारण गर्दैन न त, are hard to come by, surveys indicate that most school-age youths in the United, प्राप्त गर्न गाह्रो भए तापनि सर्वेक्षणअनुसार संयुक्त राज्यका प्रायजसो स्कूले केटाकेटीहरूले यस्तो दुर्व्यवहार, that show the frequency of past losses—for example, losses from shop fires—to. In a 2013 report, an estimated 76.3% of girls and women have been subjected to FGM/C. 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