This is where the supply units, which were normally in a company, were removed and combined in supply company. Refer to the key below in reading the tables. SS Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend. This is where the supply units, which were normally in a company, were removed and combined in supply company. Panzer division, German Panzerdivision, (“ armoured division”), a self-contained combined-arms military unit of the German army, built around and deriving its mission largely from the capabilities of armoured fighting vehicles. Privacy policy. Panzerdivision). 19-jul-2015 - Deze pin is ontdekt door Eddie Smith. Actual strengths tended to differ, and became far lower after losses. a noble goal or target – more or less. The remaining three battalions were motorized. SS Pz-Div. Version A for the motorized regiment and Version B (with half-track) for the armored regiment. An example would be, 1177 (fG) v. 1.4.44. At the very top of the diagram is the division command. The division had two panzergrenadier regiments with two battalions each. 1120a v. 1.4.44) and an engineer company (K.St.N. where the organization was changed in this way have (fG) trailing the K.St.N. Generalmajor Johann von Ravenstein (1 Aug 1941 - 29 Nov 1941) (1) Oberstleutnant Gustav-Georg Knabe (29 Nov 1941 - 30 Nov 1941) There was, however, a major change to unit organization referred to as Freie Gliederung. number. We recommended to download the PDF to view and not view it in the browser. *The documents in the PDF vary in dimensions in order to maintain the highest possible resolution. The regiment would later be expanded and renamed Infantry Division Grossdeutschland in 1942, and after significant reorganization was renamed Panzergrenadier Division Großdeutschland in May 1943. Note that the word Panzergrenadier literally translated is “tank grenadier”, but the correct term nowadays is mechanized infantry or even armored infantry, but in World War 2 most Panzergrenadiers were actually motorized infantry. The new organization was implemented by a 3 August 1944 order from the Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen(Inspector General of the Armored Forces). Pier Paolo Battistelli's three Panzer Division Battle Orders volumes are better than introductory - they're practically definitive. On 19 December 1942, Adolf Hitler directed the organization of two new SS divisions, the 9th and 10th SS Panzer Grenadier Divisions, to form a new reserve for Panzergruppe West in the area of Oberbefehlshaber (OB) West. Dec 8, 2015 - Germany's 1941 Panzer Division Table of Organization It also had Sd.Kfz.234’s in the headquarters company (K.St.N. This division consisted of three infantry regiments (about 2,000 men each), o… The formation was originally created as the '5th Light Division' or the '5th Light Afrika Division' in Africa in early 1941, from an ad hoccollection of smaller units rushed to support the collapsing Italian forces in Cyrenaica, Libya. Commanders during the battle of Normandy: – SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Witt (killed on June 14th, 1944) – SS-Standartenführer Kurt Meyer (from June 14th, 1944, at 33 years old) KStN Diagrams for an artillery regiment of a 1945 infantry division. Each regiment was also authorized a self-propelled heavy infantry gun unit (K.St.N. All Rights Reserved. 1109 (gp)(fG) v. 1.4.44). There were basically 2 Panzergrenadier Division layouts in World War 2 the Pan… On 20 August 1944, the following order was issued by Heinz Guderian regarding the organization of Panzer-Grenadier-Divisionen(armored infantry divisions), to be implemented on 1 October 1944: The two most important differences between the Panzer-Grenadier-Division 1944 and earlier Panzer-Grenadier-Division 1943were: 1. IMHO literally a handful of Heeres/Waffen-SS Panzer Divisions would meet this order (particularly with reference to a Divison Panther Abteilung/battalion) at that point in time. Required fields are marked *. This is with regards to combat organization. The 1944 infantry division was set up as the basic type for new divisions as well as for the reorganization of certain old formations, as for instance, the Luftwaffe field divisions. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Generalmajor Günther Angern (01 Oct 1942 - 02 Feb 1943) Oberstleutnant Burkhart Müller-Hillebrand (02 Feb 1943 - 04 May 1943) m.d.F.b. […] will notice when comparing the organizational diagrams of the PDG.44 (download below) with the PD.44 is that the panzergreandier division does not have half-tracks units. The following was the organization of the Schwere Panzerkompanie, or Heavy Tank Company, of the German Army from November 1944 until the end of World War II.These companies were intended to be outfitted with Tiger I or Tiger II tanks, as opposed to Medium Tank Companies which were intended to be outfitted with Panthers, Panzer IVs or Panzer IV/70 (A) tank destroyers. Those K.St.N. Each battalion was authorized 76 tanks. 1118 v. 1.4.44). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The 1944-45 Panzer Division official organizations are detailed here in high-resolution accuracy down to the make and model of each vehicle. SS-Panz.Div. The SS Panzer Division ( German: SS-Panzerdivision, short: SS-PzDiv) was an SS formation … The K.St.N. A panzer division is one of the armored (tank) divisions in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II. The status of the reorganization must be reported in the monthly status reports. The Artillery regiment had three battalions. The PDF document is about 40MB and also includes lists of manpower, weapons and vehicles by KStN. Oberst Rudolf Sieckenius (05 May 1943 - 31 May 1943) m.d.F.b. Known as the Infantry Division 1944, this new formation had a strength of 12,772 men as opposed to the 17,734 soldiers of a division in 1939, although its firepower had actually increased. German Panz.Gren.Div. All contents copyright © Christian Ankerstjerne 2001-2021, unless otherwise stated. A previous post featuring a German manual on the Wesp can be found here. List - Research Blog -, US National Archives & Records Administration. History. 21st Panzer-Division May-August 1944. On 1 August 1944, the organization of a tank division was changed to that of the Panzer-Division 44. Ontdek (en bewaar!) From 3 August 1944, the new Panzer-Division 44 organisation called for a Panzer division to consist of one Panzer regiment with two Panzer battalions – one of 96 Panzer IVs and one of 96 Panthers. One volume covers 1939-40, another 1941-43, and the last is this one. 11°Pz southern France By 14 August 1944, anticipating that an Allied assault was imminent and that the blow might well fall in the Marseille-Toulon region, the German commanders had begun to move both the 11th Panzer and two infantry divisions east across the Rhone. Jagdpanther Organization. Generalmajor Rudolf Sieckenius (01 Jun 1943 - 01 Nov 1943) Oberst Hans-Ulrich Back (01 Nov 1943 - 30 Jan 1944) m.d.F.b. Generalmajor Hans-Ulrich Back (31 Jan 1944 - 11 Aug 1944… Rüdiger Weitz. A special organization applies to these divisions. Three 3 Panthers signal platoon and 5 Panzerkampfwagen IV’s in the reconnaissance platoon. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Research Blog - © 2021. Third Army would have to depend on the new panzer brigades that had been formed in the late summer of 1944. This is a more restricted meaning than the German-language equivalent Panzerdivision (short: PzDiv), still used in the modern German Army of the Bundeswehr (for example the 1. Categories. US National Archives – Archival Databases. Thanks for the comment and i agree. Panzer-Division. The Panzer-Lehr Division was the strongest one among the Heeres Panzer-Divisions. The Panzer Division 1944 organization did not have any major changes from the late Panzer Division 1943. This was a motori… 12. me too ;-). German panzer divison manpower about … This would typically include mapping, police and division escort units. Replacing the 31 self-propelled 7,5 cm Pak 40 of the Panzerjäger-Abteilung (tank destro… Powered by - Designed with the Hueman theme. > Forum > War & Conflicts Discussions > Wars & Conflicts Through The Times > Organization & Structures: TO&Es, OOBs > TO&Es World War II > TO&Es WWII Axis forces > Organisation of Panzer Division 1944 It had 5 different companies and had Sd.Kfz.250’s and Sd.Kfz.251’s in different configurations. Generalmajor Georg von Bismarck (01 Apr 1942 - 31 Aug 1942) (2) Generalmajor Heinz von Randow (01 Sept 1942 - 21 Dec 1942) (3) Oberst Alfred Breur (21 Dec 1942 - 31 Dec 1942) m.d.F.b. “LSSAH” + partially 12. The first unit incorporated was the 39th Panzerjager (anti-tank) Battalion. Brutalized by years of combat experience on the Eastern Front, the troops were not in the mood to accept losses by the French Resistance and the retaliation for killed Germans or destruction of vehicles was often brutal.When the Allies landed in Normandy on 6 June 1944, the division was ordered to move away from its stationing area near Bordeaux to the front. The Combat History of the 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Chapter 1. In September 1944, after Heinrich Himmler, the Chief of the SS, the Police and the Minister of the Interior had become also the Chief of Army Equipment and Commander of the Replacement Training Army, a new type of infantry division, the "Peoples Infantry Division" (Volks Grenadier Division) was created. first of all: a big thank-you for your dedication to & your passion for this (sadly almost forgotten) “niche” of war history. One exception to this would be the 15th Panzergrenadier Division, the division was form from the remnants of the 15th Panzer Division which surrendered in Tunisia in May 1943. Your email address will not be published. From 1943, the lack of available replacements for the Wehrmacht began to become apparent, reducing the division’s TOE strength and introducing a new organization. Panzer Divisions 1935-1939 - Panzer Divisions 1940-1945 Waffen SS Panzer Divisions 1943-1945 Wehrmacht Panzer Division (mid-1942) - Wehrmacht Panzer Division (1944) This brought the total number of tanks for the regiment to 160. Organization and Training 1943-1944. je eigen pins op Pinterest. Each of the two Sturmgeschütz companies had 15 Sturmgeschütz. The armored battalion consisted of two Wesp (light) and one Hummels (heavy) self-propelled artillery. The Panzer Division 1944 organization did not have any major changes from the late Panzer Division 1943. The Wiener Panzer Division remained in the Caumont area. applied was 432 (fG) v. 1.6.44. ... Panzer Division 1944 – Organization Chart and KStN List. The division which included the bulk of Gerd von Rundstedt ‘s infantry, however, the static (bodenstaendige) division, was exempted from reorganization unless specifically so ordered. Panzer. (1. Generalleutnant Hans-Valentin Hube (01 Nov 1940 - 15 Sep 1942) Generalmajor Günther Angern (15 Sep 1942 - 30 Sep 1942) m.d.F.b. The K.St.N. The unit originally started out as a ceremonial guard unit in the 1920s and by the late 1930s had grown into a regiment of the German Army. After landing, between 17 and 19 August, the two American divisions pushed west, their projected route of advance passing … But e. g. regarding D-Day (in the broadest sense) only two divisions come to my mind Oberst Hans-Georg Hildebrandt (01 Jan 19… On 1 August 1944, the organization of a tank division was changed to that of the Panzer-Division 44. – absolutely no offense meant! In this video I will cover a German Panzergrenadier-Division setup and also its precursor the Motorized Infantry Division from 1939. In addition, 8 tanks were assigned to the regimental headquarters. The tank divisions are to be reorganized within the limits of the available personnel and materiél. This company would then serve the entire battalion. May K.St.N. were updated with this change in April of 1944. Effective immidiately, the Panzer-Division 44 table of organization and equipment applies to all tank divisions. This engineer company organization applied either a version A or version B. authorized twelve Sd.Kfz.3 or Sd.Kfz.11 for towing the guns. 1944 K.St.N. I suspect some panzer divisions in the West just before Normandy would have come the closest to meeting this org chart. The Panzerjäger (Anti-Tank) battalion had two assault gun companies in addition to a heavy anti-tank company (towed). Picture: Generalleutnant Feuchtinger shows off one of the Division's self-propelled 105's from Sturmgeschutz Abt 200 to Rommel as he inspects the unit before D-Day.Yves Buffetaut, La Campagne de Normandie (1), 6 Juin 1944, La Premiere Vague, Histoire & Collections, Paris, page 22. One battalion had Panthers and the other Panzerkampfwagen IV’s. This company would then serve the entire battalion. Generalmajor Karl Böttcher (01 Dec 1941 - 18 Feb 1942) Generalmajor Georg von Bismarck (19 Feb 1942 - 31 Mar 1942) About and contact. There were 17 in each of the 4 companies and 8 in the battalion headquarters company. The following answer is primarily based on paper strengths, due to the impossibility of determining reliably actual numbers at hand. It comprised elements of the 3rd Panzer Division, the unit initially earmarked for North Africa in the summer of 1940. The first battalion of the first regiment was an armored battalion which means it was equipped with armored half-tracks. “HJ”) regardless of any independent units. The towed anti-tank company had 12 – 7,5 cm Pak 40. In German-speaking countries, Panzerdivision is not immediately associated with the Wehrmacht as it is in English, as the German term simply means "armored division" and has no additional connotation. Because of space limitations, the unit names are abbreviated with letters in the table headers. The Panzer Regiment of the Panzer Division 1944 consisted of two battalions. And later in November 1944, while the division retained its status as a panzergrenadier divisi… Just a short comment for the unpracticed reader with all respect: an “OKH-Gliederungsbefehl” (order for organization of units?) On 1 Oct 1944 order was came to expand the division into a Panzer-Korps. were update… Germany and Allies all had their armored divison organization and mostly comprised three component : tank troops, infantry and artillery plus some service and support troop: During 1944-45 all their unit became more mature than in 1939 or 1941. Basic organization of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1 in 1942. A light battalion with three batteries, a heavy battalion with 2 batteries and an armored battalion. During the stationing in southern France troops of the 2nd SS-Panzer-Division Das Reich were sometimes used for anti-partisan combat. It was formed on 10 Jan 1944 from staff, instructors and demonstration units of various panzer training school, thus the formation naturally made it something of a crack unit. The new organization was implemented by a 3 August 1944 order from the Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen (Inspector General of the Armored Forces). The reconnaissance battalion was a formidable unit with almost 1000 men and about 129 armored vehicles. Panzer Division 1944 – Organization Chart and KStN List. For that reason i have always found it much more engaging to think of units in terms of theoretical instead of actual, at least you get the whole picture. The division was formed in November 1940 from the 19th Infantry Division, gaining the 27th Tank Regiment and in turn giving up the 59th Infantry Regiment to the new 20th Panzer Division.The new division was part of Operation Barbarossa which began in June 1941, suffering such heavy casualties in the first two months that one of its three tank battalions had to be disbanded by August. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. SS-Panz./Panz.Gren.Div. Commander: Generalleutnant Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz Chief of Staff: Oberstleutnant i.G. KStN / unit org. This is with regards to combat organization. Tactical symbol of 21. was (especially as of mid 1943) Meanwhile the Panzer-Division HG was renamed as Fallschirm-Panzer-Division HG. Using the gliederung image below you can see that this document flows from the most significant (combat) units at the top and then works down to the support units. During the British operation Epsom the Panther battalion supported the forces defending against the British offensive and was credited with the destruction of 53 enemy tanks. May K.St.N. There was, however, a major change to unit organization referred to as Freie Gliederung. May 10, 2016. Battle order – June 1st 1944 – Battle of Normandy. Panzer-Regiment 3 (Oberst Traugott Köhn, killed on July 20th, 1944, replaced by Major Schneider-Kostalski, killed on August 7th, 1944, replaced by Oberstleutnant Carl von … The basic organization of Panzergrenadier-Regiment HG was the same as that of the SS-Panzer-Division after Feb 1944. Though they do have armored […], Your email address will not be published. The Panzer Division 1944 organization did not have any major changes from the late Panzer Division 1943. 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