The Straw Hats vs. the New Fish-Man Pirates!". ", "Landing at the Fish-Man Island! As Fukaboshi begins to state what Hordy really is, Hordy's past is revealed as he recalls his hatred towards humans, the New Fishman Pirates officers are taught as kids that the humans are an inferior species and they should be punished by heaven. She attacks the Straw Hats and they fight back. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Status. Ain takes the blame, but Zephyr does not care since neither Shuzo nor his men will tell the marines anything. © 2021 TV GUIDE, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. - Kaufen Sie One Piece - TV Serie - Vol. The Final Decisive Battle Against Hordy! Airs. Hordy Makes a Move!". They find Pekoms and Tamago with the Minister of the Left. ", Two years have passed since the war at Marineford, and the Straw Hat Pirates have since trained for their return. After Mjosgard is healed by Aladdin, Otohime decides to go to the surface to negotiate with him. The Minister of the Left gives Nami a new Log Pose with three needles so they can get to the islands in the New World. On their way to defeat Hordy, Jimbei, Shirahoshi and Megalo are captured by Hordy's forces. Shirahoshi summons the courage to risk everything to save her world, Luffy puts his own life in peril by venturing into the ocean, and Hordy's devious nature fully comes to the surface. "A Massive Confused Fight! The Straw Hats Reunited! The citizens of the island think that Luffy is responsible for the kidnapping. Nami is taking a bath in the Thousand Sunny and Chopper comes in. Meanwhile, Daruma chews through the Candy Factory, Hyozo drunkenly uses his swords to terrorize the fishmen and Zeo uses his camouflaging technique as the three head towards the plaza. The rest of the Straw Hats are waiting for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to return with the treasure. Zetto no Yabō Hen - Kesshi no Dai Dasshutsu Sakusen! These are all blocked by Manboshi, Ryuboshi and Hoe. Meanwhile Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Franky and Robin are hanging out. Zoro has Usopp and Brook untie the guards while he continues to fight Hordy. Nami and the Fish-Man Pirates!". Chopper, Robin, Brook, and Luffy are the diversion group while Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, and Lily are in the submarine. Luffy's fist of fire puts Hordy down for the count, and the rest of the Straw Hats try to make short work of the remaining Fish-Man Pirates. If you find it there, please mark the email as Not Junk and add to your address book. Usopp wants a fish sliced up and grilled. Arlong's violent tendencies are condemned by Fisher Tiger, and the arrival of a young human girl teaches the Fish-Man Pirates a lesson in compassion. Luffy and Shirahoshi are ready to fight, but Jimbei wants to wage this war on his own! Synopsis:Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. After that, Hordy goes after Shirahoshi, slicing through Ryuboshi and Manboshi and reaching her with the uncomparable underwater speed, grabbing her hair. "Iron Pirate! Can anything stop the Hats? Meanwhile, despite Tiger's objections, Arlong kills a human for stating that it is sinful to kill one. Episode 1. Meanwhile in Hordy's cell, Hordy and his crew appear to be aged by the energy steroids that they used, which was later revealed to be aging pills, and still sought vengeance against the royal family, the Straw Hats, and humans. When Hordy mocks Shirahoshi, the princess reveals that she knows the truth. "The Straw Hats Stunned! It is later revealed that Smoker and Tashigi were reassigned to the G-5 Marine Branch, the most ruthless marine branch that don't even take orders from the HQ, and arrested a bunch of pirates emerging from Fishman Island, who tell Smoker that Luffy beat Hordy, with Smoker replying that he already knows and calls them idiots. King Neptune talks about the Ancient Weapons and Shirahoshi being one of them to Robin while Caribou listens and makes way to Shirahoshi's room to capture and sell her. Jimbei has Arlong released from Impel Down. Luffy and Zoro then resurface and Luffy threatens Shuzo. JOIN NOW . Meanwhile, the Straw Hats finally reach Ryugu Palace for their banquet. Before his death, Tiger informs the Sun Pirates that he was never on a voyage and stayed at Mariejois as a slave; he begs them not to reveal what happened at Mariejois. When Shirahoshi rejects Decken's proposal, saying that he is not her type, Decken attacks her. ", After Zoro renders Hordy unconscious, a fishman has his captain take an Energy Steroid and attack the group again. While some citizens evacuate the island, some recall how Whitebeard also saved the island at a point in the past and how Luffy reminds them of him. She turns out to be a giant, though her devil fruit makes her small. Usopp says which fish Luffy wants and claims that it is not edible. Arlong and Macro go their separate ways to form their own crews. However, Luffy states that he should decide where they should go, as he is the captain. The Minister of the Left then states that Big Mom destroys islands that do not give her candy. Shirahoshi unknowingly uses her power to summon the Sea Kings and save her mother. Diese Episodenliste enthält alle Episoden der japanischen Animeserie One Piece, sortiert nach der japanischen Erstausstrahlung, welche seit dem 20.Oktober 1999 auf dem Fernsehsender Fuji TV erfolgt. Otohime, meanwhile, decides to continue her campaign for equality and freedom. Nami asked Chopper to move aside away from the cloud she made and the cloud electrified Sanji and Brook. Hordy's Energy Steroids are allowing him to catch up with Luffy and Fukaboshi. Luffy defeats Shuzo and his pet alpaca and the group gets to eat the heavenly food from Panz Fry before parting ways with Lilly & Pans Fry and setting off for another adventure in the New World. Red Hawk Blasts! He realizes that Noah has been brought to a halt by a group of Sea Kings. At that time, Neptune is greeted by some of his soldiers and the Minister of the Left and apologize for not protecting him. The opening theme, titled "We Go!" "The Ryugu Palace in Shock! She then learns that Fishman Island will not be giving her candy. One Piece - Wano Kuni (892-Aktuell) One Piece - Reverie (879-891) One Piece - Episode of Skypia. Shirahoshi Yūkai Jiken, Hōdi Shūrai - Fukushū Keikaku no Hajimari, Yomigaeru In'nen! Show Them What You Got From Training!". An Adventurer Tiger!". While Neptune and the Minister of the Right worry about the fate of the Straw Hats, and Nami beats Luffy up for giving away the treasure, Jimbei decides to cut off the alliance with Big Mom before things get ugly. A Trap Awaiting in the New World!". He also announces that in three hours, Hordy will execute King Neptune. He then reveals that he is responsible for assassinating Otohime and also framed a human pirate for it by having him burn the queen's signatures and kill the pirate. Watch all you want. A flashback of Tiger and Jimbei's life is shown. Sixteen years before the Straw Hats enter Fishman Island, Queen Otohime confronts a thief. Usopp, Chopper and Nami also arrive with another new weapon, Brachio Tank V and take down many of the large fishmen. Otohime announces that the Ryugu Kingdom must surface and unsuccessfully tries to sign a petition for equality between humans and fishmen. Meanwhile, Shirahoshi's brother begs Luffy to save his beloved homeland and wipe out the anti-human element! Neptune, the island's king, appears with his whale Hoe and the shark Megalo before them. As Nami has everyone get on the ship she has Franky use a Coup de Burst after the raft everyone is one get close to the thrust and they fly away. "Z's Ambition! Tyler goes to his prom with Clementine. Luffy and Usopp's extreme deep sea fishing adventure lands the crew in the middle of a deadly whirlpool, but an unexpected encounter with a pod of giant whales may bail the Straw Hats out of hot water! Release year: 1999. The first of fourteen DVD compilations was released on December 5, 2012, and the last one was released on December 3, 2013. When Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji stumble upon a couple of Big Mam's henchmen extorting sweets from the peaceful people of Fish-Man Island, the Straw Hats make a new - and very powerful - enemy! Outraged after witnessing the death of Tiger, Arlong returns to Foulshoot Island to kill the humans, but Borsalino apprehends Arlong. "Luffy's All-Out Attack! "Shirahoshi's Tears! This page was last edited on 9 January 2021, at 00:23. Hordy and his fishmen arrive at Conchcorde Plaza to execute Neptune. He also reveals that he worked for the Sun Pirates' captain Fisher Tiger, who along with Otohime, sought peace between fishmen and humans. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets Back at the ship, Luffy reunites with Jimbei, who reveals something sinister about his past. Chopper orders Sanji not to turn around or he will die. They are heading towards Impel Down, so Luffy declares battle against the Marines. The Straw Hats fight back against a fleet of Marine ships, but it turns out to be a mirage. "She Loves Sweets! The True Identity of Hordy! With the candy factory destroyed and all the excess candy given to the Straw Hats to eat at the banquet, the Fishman Island can't pay their monthly payment. Hordy instantly bursts the bubble Luffy created with his bubble coral, but Luffy is saved from certain death when Fukaboshi intervenes. The complete guide by MSN. They finally crash into a whale without noticing at first. Brook further demonstrates his new sword, Soul Solid, being able to call forth the cold from the underworld. He then grabs onto Nami wanting to see the new Log Pose and says to go in the direction of the needle that moves the most, stating, "that's where the party is". ", Nami has survived by landing on another part of Fishman Island. Meanwhile, the giant ship Noah came into full view of the island, shocking the citizens and King Neptune the most as it's on a direct collision course with Fishman Island. Meanwhile, Pekoms and Tamago came for the candy but the Minister of the Left claims that here is no more candy and the factory machines have been destroyed by Hordy. He then travels to the Straw Hats location and recalls his past fight with Ain and how their fight lasted for over five hours till she won, prompting their leader Z to give her the win and the title of next in command. Only a daring maneuver can get them out of hot water, but there's no guarantee they'll survive! Pekoms reveals himself to be a Zoan-type Devil Fruit user. Fukaboshi gets defeated but manages to learn Hordy's true identity beforehand. Luffy and Momonga prepare to fight Shuzo. The Man Who Guarded the Sunny! Luffy gets interested by Pekoms and Tamago's looks and then realize they are part of Big Mom's crew. Luffy finds the person who ate the food and it turns out to be a little girl. As the party begins to wind down Robin asks and discusses a troubling and possibly dangerous secret with King Neptune surrounding his daughter, Shirahoshi, the ship Noah and the mysterious Joy Boy. ", "Undersea Volcanic Eruption! Zeo, another one of Hordy's subordinates, reveals that fishmen have 10 times the strength as humans and an Energy Steroid increases their powers double that for each pill they take. Hordy, to fight Luffy, eats more energy steroids and powers up even more. Upon taking more energy steroids, Hordy finally becomes muscular and his hair turns white as Neptune explains the drug's side effects. Despite Chopper's protests, Sanji finally turns around and is petrified. Shuzo arrives at the location and notes they are out of torpedoes and several of his men offer their lives to use as torpedoes, prompting Shuzo to acknowledge their sacrifice and say they are true men and state he will not let their deaths be for nothing. "The Noah Closing in! Robin says that Luffy and Usopp are having fun. Shuzo tells Momomga his reason why he quit the marines, much to the dismay of the rest of his crew. After an agonizing absence, Queen Otohime returns to her people with exciting news. Just as Otohime attempts to save the rest of the signatures, however, she gets shot through the heart by an unknown assailant, killing her. Mirai o Tozasu Kyōdan, Shōgeki no Kokuhaku - Otohime Ansatsu no Shinjitsu, Dai Gekitotsu! Luffy decides to follow her to protect her while Hordy grabs on to the giant chains to get revenge on his supposed ally. ", Shirahoshi reveals that Megalo witnessed the assassination and told her about it, but chose to remain silent to honor her mother's last wish. ", At the Sabaody Archipelago, Caribou has his men bury the Fake Straw Hats and departs to find the real Straw Hats. The princes are easily defeated and Hordy laughs as Neptune watches in horror. The fifteenth season of the One Piece anime series was produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Hiroaki Miyamoto. Soon, the Minister of the Left gets news that Baron Tamago and Pekoms, crew members of the Big Mom Pirates, are in Fishman Island going to receive the monthly payment of sweets. While the rest of the Straw Hats continue to fight bravely, Luffy tries to find a way to save the island, and the horrible truth about Hordy's hatred for humans is finally revealed! It is also revealed that Vander Decken had sent a letter once a week to the Princess. Meanwhile, Luffy and Jimbei's argument over who should fight Hordy leads to a struggle between the two. However, Luffy and Zoro fall off due to the raft breaking and Luffy uses his arms to grab the raft while Shuzo uses a knife with a Vivre Card attached to it on the raft. "A Shocking Fact! A trio of unsuspecting mermaids find themselves in hot water after releasing a bad guy from his barrel of a prison. However, Megalo has reached its limit and forces Shirahoshi out. She easily defeats Hammond with her, "Back to Zero! Just as the Minister of the Left tries to plea with Nami about the Log Pose, the princes arrive and meet up with the others. "Finally Time to Go! Matt goes on a date, but can't get over Colleen. Lily attempts to go inside Shuzo to explode him by growing to full size, but he senses her intentions using Haki & uses Luffy as a shield so that she ends up inside Luffy instead. Three weeks later, they arrive at her homeland, Foulshoot Island. Luffy prepares to attack Hordy. At the sick bay, Tiger tells his crew that he will not allow human blood to be donated to him. Luffy then rejoins the fight. Luffy tells her that he ate the rest of the candy and he is willing to give the treasure to her for repayment. A Gunshot Shuts Down the Future!". The humans take credit for Tiger's death to protect Tiger's reputation and pride. Mugiwara Ichimi tai Jūman no Teki. Meanwhile, Luffy, Shirahoshi, Hatchan, Sanji, Megalo and Chopper finally reach the Sea Forest. Lilly then takes advantage of the situation and turns Luffy into a giant with a combination of her ability and Luffy's rubbery form. "Hurry up, Luffy! Decken Close Behind! 01 - günstig ein. Pekoms and Tamago then leave Fishman island. Neptune reveals that Fishman Island is powered by the roots of the Sunlight Tree Eve and also supply air to the ocean. At the Sabao Dome, Brook holds his farewell concert as the Soul King and Sanji and the Okamas go their separate ways. "The Death of a Hero! One of Alvida's pirates attempt to open the barrel, but a young boy emerges and accidentally hits him. It is then revealed that she ate the Mini Mini no Mi and that her name is Lily. When Usopp asks what that is and asks if it's similar to the Knock-up Stream like the one that took them to Sky Island, Nami says it is, but smaller, but still has enough power to destroy a Marine ship. Using the box containing the petition signatures, Hordy also reveals that he will kill every single person who signed the petition. Chopper works on Panz Fry noting he had some bad injuries and that he'll be fine if he rests. From there, they head off to Fishman Island. Hyozo becomes stronger after eating too many Energy Steroids. His former captives cry for out for blood, but Queen Otohime sees it as a chance to mend fences between the gilled and non-gilled! Jimbei and Shirahoshi are captured by the enemy, and Hordy makes a shocking revelation to the population of Fish-Man Island! The battle rages on between the Straw Hats and the New Fishman Pirates. Best Movies & Shows on Netflix in January, Best Movies & Shows on Amazon Prime Video in January, Best Shows & Movies on Netflix This Month. If you don't see this email in your inbox within 15 minutes, look for it in your junk-mail folder. At Fishman Island, everyone celebrates Tiger's attack on Mariejois. At the, "The Battle is on! They recall that Gold Roger was also able understand them as well. Only a single piece of theme music is used for this season. Heather finds out that she comes from a broken home. Jimbei continues his story with tales of fish-men taken as slaves, Queen Otohime's fierce devotion to her people, the legend of Fisher Tiger, and the sinister rise of Arlong. Brook sang a song for the whales so they can bring them to the surface. At Shakky's bar, Sanji thanks Duval for his efforts in protecting the, "The Navy Has Set Out! Recap guide / thumbnail previews for "One Piece" Season 15 Episode 1 . Meanwhile, Fukaboshi confronts Dosun to the crowd's excitement. This is another piece of a one-hour special, but the filler-heavy first half (episode 807) is almost entirely disposable. Fukaboshi tells Zoro and the others to round up the remaining crew members and tells the Straw Hats to get out as quickly as possible. Hordy is furious over Vander Decken's betrayal. Meanwhile the other Straw Hats face off against the New Fishman Pirates officers who are equally eager to finish their opponents off as everyone prepares for the fight of their lives once again as the fate of the people of Fishman Island rests on the hands of Luffy and his crew. Zoro and Buchi (of the Nyaban Brothers) face off once again as Luffy and Kuro begin their fight. Just as Luffy reveals himself as the real one and destroys PX-5 with his new abilities, Sanji and Zoro reunite with Luffy and destroys PX-7 together. Once the ship is at sea, Luffy is confronted by Hordy, where he realizes the extent of the disadvantage he has against a fishman in the sea. However, the Marines confront them just as Caribou kills the injured Marine. Caribou finds Tamago and Pekoms with his treasure that he stole and attacks Pekoms with his Gatling Gun. Meanwhile, on Fukaboshi's instructions, the palace guards start trying to cover Noah with a bubble of air to help Luffy fight Hordy. After their quarrel with the Kraken, the Straw Hats find themselves in hot water as Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji turn up missing, and the rest of the crew runs short on air! Zetto no Yabō Hen - Chiisana Kyojin Rirī! However, Nami reminds Sanji that Jimbei means no harm and forgives Jimbei, as she has no resentment towards fishmen except Arlong. A flashback reveals how Captain Kuro faked his death with Captain Morgan by using Nugire Yainu as a doppelganger and how he became Kaya's butler. Unfortunately, a horrific act of violence derails the queen's mission and changes life on Fish-Man Island forever. Part 1: Greg had an idea. Hordy, however, has his beasts attack the princes and gives Energy Steroids to his crew. Meanwhile, Shirahoshi, Jimbei and Megalo leave the Sea Forest to confront Hordy. Vander then shouts out his desire to kill Shirahoshi and everyone in Fishman Island because of her rejection. Luffy and his crew are finally reunited, but before they can set sail, they'll need help from Dark King Rayleigh, Boa Hancock, and all the friends they've made in the last two years! Meanwhile, a very big boat looms overhead! Shirahoshi reveals that she knew the truth about her mother's murder all along, and Luffy makes a bone-crushing entrance when the princess needs him most! Hordy announces his plan for turning humans into slaves, the people of Fish-Man Island throw their support behind a new champion, and Luffy amazes even his own friends! Dome with a water bullet and lets Sanji and Brook walk by and saw Nami taking a bath in Thousand... Neptune locks himself up in the palace guards Chopper claims he is going in! Nor his men bury the Fake Straw Hats asked One of the right thanks him again. Decides to kill Shirahoshi eats some of her rejection, `` the Straw Pirates! At her homeland, Foulshoot Island Luffy rallies the Pirates homeland, Foulshoot Island to kill Neptune his... 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