It was ruled by Grakkus the Hutt. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Smugglers Moon- It's the gaping maw of Nal Hutta swallowing all the cargo and space port thugs the galaxy has to offer... KotOR MC Nar Shaddaa build . Immigrated species To anyone else, though, the planet is a living nightmare—a disgusting and dangerous place to visit, and an unthinkable place to live. Grid coordinates Grand Hutt Council[4] Nar Shaddaa, also known as the Smuggler's Moon, is the largest of five moons in orbit around the planet Nal Hutta. This ecumenopolis is one of the wealthiest locations in the galaxy, the lights and towers of its upper levels embodying pleasure and excess. Nal Hutta (Glorious Jewel in Huttese) was the capital of Hutt Space and was located in the Y’Toub system. Hutt Clan[6] Title: Nal Hutta, the Glourious JewelComposed by: Gordy HaabYou can download this track here: may need to right click and 'save as') Societal information See also. Unfortunately, it was a Hutta shuttle, not Korriban where I needed to go. It was formerly known as Evocar and was the original home world of the Evocii, who were ousted by the Hutts in 15,000 BBY, who migrated from their original home … Major cities Star Wars: Planet - Nal Hutta. Dec 20, 2020 - Let’s see where are Journey takes us shall we?. This environment was fairly representative of the sentient Hutt species that inhabited the world. Swamps[6] The swamps themselves have suffered from heavy industrialization. At the current time, several worlds have been singled out for further study. Before the establishment of the Old Republic , the Hutts were the dominant species in the galaxy, although they never built up an extensive empire; their dominance focused instead on trade and economic empires. Outer Rim Territories[1] Their adopted homeworld, originally called "Evocar" and inhabited by the primitive Evocii, is now known as Nal Hutta (or simply "Hutta" by offworlders) which means "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. However, Ziro managed to escape with the help of the singer Sy Snootles. Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of Nal Hutta. Nal Hutta (Glorious Jewel in Huttese), also known simply as Hutta, was the capital of Hutt Space and was located in the Y'Toub system. Huttese[9] Before you ask, HK-47 and Trask Ulgo were busy hunting Rancors on Nal Hutta and did not show up to the photoshoot. Moons Current Underworld slang has shortened the name to simply "Hutta" - a place where more civilized people threaten to send their children if they misbehave. The Hutts built only a handful of spaceports on the surfa… Demonym Z Zug. Despite being pursued by the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, "Hardeen" and the bounty hunters managed to escape offworld to Orondia. S-12[2] I'm stuck on Hutta too I was on the Imperial Fleet putting stuff in my cargo bay that my main saved for me. However, Ziro and Snootles escaped offworld with the help of Ziro's Mama. The best are proud fighters driven by a noble code, and the worst are those who are still wearing armor they got on Nal Hutta. Breathable[4] "Goto's been preying on Vogga's freighters for a while now - it's the reason Vogga's had to haul his bulk up here to Nar Shaddaa from Nal Hutta. Hutta is the starting planet for Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent characters. Last Edited: 6 Oct 2017 6:32 am. The Zug System is a 10-planet system that is home to the banking planet of Aargau, named after Zug. It was a mist-covered swamp world[10] with a hot, humid[5] and fetid climate maintained by thick swampy rain that fell almost perpetually. Ačkoli pro ostatní je tato planeta živou noční můrou, odporné a nebezpečné místo k návštěvě, a nemyslitelné místo k životu. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. [10], After freeing Ziro the Hutt from prison on Coruscant, the bounty hunter Cad Bane brought the fugitive Hutt to the Grand Hutt Council on Nal Hutta. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Fall of the Empire is an interquel taking place twenty years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and nearly three centuries before Star Wars: The Old Republic. Prior to the Hutts' arrival, Hutta was known as Evocar by the native Evocii. Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of the planet Nal Hutta, which was located in the Hutt Space region of the Outer Rim Territories. [10] The influence of the Hutts made the world an important location. Nal Hutta Even with all the traffic around Nar Shaddaa, Goto seems to always know which ones are Vogga's, and his ship just snaps them up. -Medical Droid (Hutta: Imperial Orbital Station). For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do I solve (the 2nd door in voggas warehouse)? The fictional universe of the Star Wars franchise features multiple planets and moons.While only the feature films and selected other works are considered canon to the franchise since the 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company, some canon planets were first named or explored in works from the non-canon Star Wars expanded universe, now rebranded Star Wars Legends. Hard work went into these units, but I present to you, the latest Jedi/Republic and Sith from KotOR I & II added to this game. The first KOTOR crew was the typical happy family, and even the Dark Side characters like Canderous and HK-47 didn't argue too much. The members of the species are often recognized as crime lords, due to … Nal Hutta was a ringed planet nestled in the depths of Hutt Space in the Outer Rim Territories. Government Nal Hutta is the capital of Hutt Space, the species' empire. Nar Shaddaa serves as a refuge in times of war, sheltering refugees from the Jedi Civil War from the KOTOR era, Jedi refugees such as Rahm Kota during the reign of the Empire, and later the Yuuzhan Vong War from the Expanded Universe novels. In Huttese, the name translates into "Glorious Jewel", and the planet more commonly called Nal Hutta is considered a paradise to the gluttonous tastes of the Hutts. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Music Composed by: Gordy HaabCompiled by: StaunchA quick compilation of unreleased musical cues exclusive to the acidic swamps of Nal Hutta. [12], Nal Hutta was first depicted in the episode Hunt for Ziro of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, based on George Lucas' ideas and sketches of how he envisioned the world.[13]. The Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos traveled to Nal Hutta to apprehend Ziro. ". Nal Hutta ( Glorious Jewel in Huttese), simply known as Hutta, formerly known as Evocar, is the capital of Hutt Space and is located in the Y'Toub system. Datacron Locations#Hutta Datacron Locations, Medical Droid (Hutta: Imperial Orbital Station), Hutta on the Star Wars: The Old Republic Holonet, Developer Blog: Creating the Polluted World of Hutta, Primary terrain Though petty vendettas keep them in constant conflict with one another, the Hutts have remained neutral in the long-running war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, keeping their world exactly as they like it. Hutta was formerly known as Evocar and is the original home world of the Evocii, who were subjugated by the Hutts, who migrated from their original home world of Varl along with their servants the t'landa Til. * I don't wanna talk about it. While it remains neutral in the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, it is the starting world of the Empire's Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent classes. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [10] The world was a hotbed of life[5] and its environment was fairly representative of the sentient Hutt species that inhabited the world. In concept, Fall of the Empire is similar and parallels to Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [11], By 28 ABY, Nal Hutta was still considered a crime haven by many within the New Republic. Nal Hutta's name means glorious jewel in Huttese. Slang aktuálního podsvětí zkrátil její jméno na jednoduché „Hutta". Nal Hutta (Glorious Jewel in Huttese) was the capital of Hutt Space and was located in the Y’Toub system. [4], While on an undercover mission to save Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from Separatist assassins, Kenobi, who was disguised as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen, and the fugitives Bane and Moralo Eval crashlanded on the swamps of Nal Hutta. submitted 1 year ago by LukeAsArts. Nal Hutta (Glorious Jewel in Huttese), simply known as Hutta, formerly known as Evocar, is the capital of Hutt Space and is located in the Y'Toub system. Home; Books; Search; Support. Gilder Varth KotOR - Dawn of Defiance ssharief ssharief ssharief 2017-12-25T15:14:29Z 2018-01-19T17:31:14Z Ziro refused to divulge the location of his secret holodiary and was imprisoned by the Hutt Council. See more ideas about star wars, star wars art, war. Nal Hutta was a hot, swampy planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of the Hutt species. Even the most infamous bounty hunters are hesitant to venture on the Hutts' home turf, and a sane person would never come to Hutta willingly without the most crucial need. The Promenade, including gold Hutt statue (and corresponding security devices). Affiliation A couple of those screens look like Nal Hutta... Star Wars: The Old Republic PC It's so overindustrialized and polluted that non-natives barely last a day on this planet. 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Climate When the Hutts’ home-world of Varl later became polluted and uninhabitable, the Hutts collected on the Evocii’s debts, becoming rulers of the planet and some of the surrounding systems. Under the Hutt's control, the planet shared a reputation with Nar Shaddaa for being polluted and dangerous, but played a leading role in the galaxy's shadow economy. The Hutts’ occupation of Evocar led to centuries of strip-mining and unchecked consumption that forever altered Evocar, transforming the once-idyllic planet into a polluted, bog-infested wasteland. Hot, humid[5] Physical information It was a temperate planet characterized by lush rainforests, expansive oceans and towering mountain ranges. The capital of Nar Shaddaa was Hutta Town, which was made up of huge tower blocks with a patchwork of shanty town structures called skyslums filling every available space between the towers. Fauna A wide variety of modular pipes and refinery equipment create a patchwork throughout the planet, snaking through the corrosive muck as if the planet were held together by a network of metal and sludge. Star Wars Planets Star Wars Rpg Star Wars Ships Star Wars Clone Wars Star Trek Fear Leads To Anger Star Wars Facts Flash Gordon The Phantom Menace. Anooba[6]Birds[4]Dragonsnake[4]Slime pod[8] Centuries later, the Evocii realized their mistake too late—their entire civilization was mortgaged. After killing Oruba, the Shadow Collective departed for Tatooine. It is located in Hutt Space. Region KOTOR Waifu/Husbandu Tier List. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. He sent the same team that rescued him after a Hutt crime lord named Darga on Nal Hutta. Natural resources were plentiful, a fact that no doubt attracted the Hutts as they searched for a new homeworld to settle. Then you get on the Exile's crew in this game, and there's all these confrontations. Star Wars KOTOR 2 Wiki Guide. How-To Tutorials; Suggestions; Machine Translation Editions; Noahs Archive Project; About Us. List of … Astrographical information Native species The result of this environmental approach is corroded metal walls with swamp muck oozing out from the cracks. It was formerly known as Evocar and was the original home world of the Evocii, who were ousted by the Hutts in 15,000 BBY, who migrated from their original home world of Varl along with their servants the t'landa Til. The entire walkway to your craft is lined with these enemies so prepare yourself for a long battle. Hutta has become the breeding grounds for the powerful Hutt families who control competing crime cartels that operate across the galaxy. *removes mask* WAIT BUT THAT'S A-This is but a taste of the dark side, to whet your appetite.. I did not see anywhere else to ask this and since I do not see a search function I will ask here. The trio traveled to Bilbousa Bazaar where they obtained a starship to travel offworld. Before the creation of the Republic, Hutta was controlled by the native Evocii, a relatively primitive race who made the mistake of engaging in extensive business deals with the Hutts, ignoring rumors of their legendary greed. The thing I like about KOTOR 2 is that nobody on your ship gets along. Bilbousa[7] Nal Hutta was a ringed planet nestled in the depths of Hutt Space in the Outer Rim Territories. Its city lights were visible from space. Current Underworld slang has shortened the name to a simple ‘Hutta’—a place where more civilized people threaten to send their children if they misbehave. The Hutt Council escaped but Maul's party managed to capture Oruba, who revealed that Jabba Desilijic Tiure was on Tatooine. *Yes she will have a Dual-Bladed Lightsaber. A network of tubes on Hutta transports vile chemicals that will be dumped wherever is most convenient. A Bounty Hunter stalks his prey in the muddy marshlands of Hutta. Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Points of interest "The known galaxy of Star Wars: The Old Republic is more than 100,000 light-years or 37,000 parsecs in diameter and consists of billions of star systems. [1] Hutta has become a breeding ground for the powerful Hutt families who control competing crime cartels that operate across the galaxy. Planeta, která je běžně známa pod názvem „Nal Hutta", je pro Hutty se žravými chutěmi považována za ráj. Edit … Top Contributors: IGN-GameGuides, Sabre884, IGN-Cheats + more. [10], The Hutts built only a handful of spaceports on the surface of Nal Hutta in order to connect their towns, settlements, and palaces, as the planet received few visitors due to most business with offworlders being conducted on the planet's largest moon, Nar Shaddaa. Hutta is the starting planet for Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent characters. To anyone else, though, the planet is a living nightmare - a disgusting and dangerous place to visit, and an unthinkable place to live. The foremost of these spaceports was the planet's capital city, Bilbousa, a sprawling mess covered in arching roots that spread out from looming bulbous pods. My gf hates all the armor i the game so far for her 22 smugg and I told her about the Slave Girl outfit I saw on Nar Shadda for rank II social points. More commonly known as the Vertical City, the Smugglers' Moon, Little Coruscant, or derisively as Little Slugland, and in shorthand slang as Narsh, Nar Shaddaa was similar to Coruscant in that its surface was entirely overgrown with city sprawl for millennia. Sector After the Hutts arrived here from Varl, they forced the Evocii off the planet and transformed it into a gloomy planet of stinking bogs, stagnant scum-covered puddles, and patches of sickly marsh grass inhabited by insects and spiders. When you return to the ship there will be a group of thugs waiting for you known as the Red Eclipse. Nar Shaddaa[3] This pollution is evidenced in the large, metal shoring props that are essential in certain areas for pushing back the mud to create pathways. Primary language(s) The Hutts rejected their demands and a gun battle broke out between the Shadow Collective and various bounty hunters hired by the Hutts. The primary moon of Nal Hutta is Nar Shaddaa. Hutt[6] [5] The planet's surface was covered with numerous bogs[6] with what little solid land there was claimed by the Hutts and used to support their homes. The planet's surface was covered with numerous bogswith what little solid land there was claimed by the Hutts and used to support their homes. Atmosphere The Hutts are the lords of Hutta's demented society, and all other races, even official foreign emissaries, are seen as expendable fodder in the Hutts' bloated, wormlike eyes. In Huttese, the name translates into “Glorious Jewel”, and the planet more commonly called Nal Hutta is considered a paradise to the gluttonous tastes of the Hutts. It was a mist-covered swamp world with a hot and fetid climate maintained by thick swampy rain that fell almost perpetually. It is often referred to simply as Hutta. The planet was a haven for the criminal elements of the galaxy, located far from galactic authorities. *Wookie growls* Basically KotOR Yoda. Aqualish[7]Bith[7]Dug[7]Gamorrean[4]Gotal[7]Ithorian[7]Kajain'sa'Nikto[7]Nikto[7]Pa'lowick[4]Quarren[7]Rodian[7]Trandoshan[7]Twi'lek[4]Weequay[4] Among these star systems, current estimates suggest there are more than one million inhabited worlds — many of them still unknown. Page Tools. Within sight of the city was the Palace of Gardulla Besadii the Elder, one of the largest buildings on Nal Hutta, which served as the occasional headquarters of the Grand Hutt Council, the ruling body of the Hutt Clan that controlled the planet. It was formerly known as Evocar and was the original home world of the Evocii, who were ousted by the Hutts in 15,000 BBY, who migrated from their original home … KOTOR HEROES. An ecumenopolis, its surface was covered entirely in urban sprawl. Its terrain was covered with numerous bogs, and its climate often consisted of greasy rains. The planet was once a pleasant world of mountainous rain forests and home to the Evocii. The /r/kotor Mod Builds - Guaranteed compatible mod compilations, with spoiler-free builds for first-time players included. [7], During the later stage of the Clone Wars, the former Sith apprentice Darth Maul, Savage Opress, and the Shadow Collective visited Nal Hutta and attempted to force the Hutt Council to join their Shadow Collective. Gardulla the Hutt's Palace[4]Mama the Hutt's house[4]Pablo's Pawnshop[7] Nal Hutta News: Star Wars News | Come check out our Facebook Page! In the thousands of years since, the Hutts have subjugated the Evocii—they live in slavery and squalor while the Hutts’ insatiable pursuit for wealth pollutes the planet. Hutt Space[2] Huttese[4] The moon orbits the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutta, although most offworld traffic is stuck on Nar Shaddaa. Acidic swamps of Nal Hutta was a temperate planet characterized by lush rainforests, expansive and... Mask * WAIT but that 's A-This is but a taste of the species often... 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