Population The Hutts built … StarWars-Universe.com utilise des cookies pour faciliter votre navigation sur le site, et à des fins de publicité, statistiques, et boutons sociaux. The atmosphere was also polluted by strip-mining operations and heavy industrialization, and a greasy rain drizzled down on the surface, although its terrain was not to the extent of Dagobah. Han Solo: Well the bounty hunter we … Evocii (formally)[1][4] BaratattaBilbousaJiguunaGebroila Temperate[1][4] Nal Hutta était également une planète cosmopolite. Créature quadrupède, l'Anooba était un féroce prédateur très rapide. All of the technology on the planet was broken down and also absorbed into the soil, thus turning Nal Hutta into a lifeless barren world. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Son poids était variable, entre 20 et 40kg, et change rapidement selon l'âge et le régime alimentaire de l'animal. Like its moon in 40 ABY, it would not openly ally itself with the Five Worlds and remained independent. Embo waded into combat confident that Marrok would be at his side – and would even retrieve the trusty hat the Kyuzo … Chimaera-SWTOR. This environment was fairly representative of the sentient Hutt species that inhabited the world. Palpatine, Sheev Sheev Palpatine, plus connu sous … Marrok était un Anooba appartenant au chasseur de primes Embo durant la Guerre des Clones. [2] There were also criminals that were fortunate enough to have survived the Yuuzhan Vong War who took shelter on the now vongformed planet as well as Nar Shaddaa. Même les chasseurs de primes les plus téméraires sont réticents à l'idée de s'aventurer sur la terre des Hutts, et aucune personne sensée ne souhaiterait venir sur Hutta, à moins de ne pas avoir le choix. The capital city, Bilbousa and the Guarja Shipyards were located on the planet. Secteur Many of the Evocii were eventually evicted by the Hutts, and relocated to the planet's fifth moon, which would later be known as Nar Shaddaa, the Smugglers' Moon. The planet's surface was covered with numerous bogswith what little solid land there was claimed by the Hutts and used to support their homes. Ainsi, dix années après la fin de la Grande Guerre Galactique, les Services Secrets Impériaux entamèrent une opération visant à convaincre Suudaa Nem'ro, le dirigeant de la ville industrielle de Jiguuna, de rallier l'Empire. Tag: Anooba. As a result, a Hutt underground was formed, and the New Republic raided the world in 28 ABY. You're my only hope. Importation(s) Orbital period Five centuries later, the entire moon was urbanized and the Evocii were freed of their labor by the Hutts. They weigh 44-99 lbs, and stand abo… Star Wars Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma. Tellurique At the pawnshop, Bane found some new armor and equipment, including a new hat. [1] Prior to 15,000 BBY, the Hutt settlers owned a small province on Evocar. Native species Suivre. S-12[2] 413 jours Signaler. Government 87h Ils étaient appréciés par les chasseurs de primes comme Embo, qui possède un Anooba nommé Marrok. Tourism[4]Contraband[3][4] [2], Following the destruction of the Hutt home-world of Varl in 15,000 BBY, the Hutts collaborated with Vippit lawyers from Alee in buying out the planet from the Evocii, regarding it as a suitable new home. The Huttese translation of Nal Hutta into Glorious Jewel stemmed from the nearby massive, radioactive gas cloud, which contained the planet Ganath. StarWars-Universe.com utilise des cookies pour faciliter votre navigation sur le site, et à des fins de … Nal Hutta was a ringed planet nestled in the depths of Hutt Space in the Outer Rim Territories. Affiliation Ce mammifère imposant à la crinière blanche et grise a élu domicile dans le désert aride. There, Kenobi hoped they could buy a new starship, though Bane pointed out that as they undoubtedly had a bounty on their heads for escaping, they first had to replace their prison fatigues. attack them. During the Great Galactic War beginning in 3681 BBY between the reconstituted Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, the Hutts managed to remain neutral, ensuring their world remained exactly as they liked it. Encyclopédie Panthere des sables : Luge des sables de Rey, Char des sables, Ver Veilleur de Nuit, Raito, Cooh, Dayso, Iziz (Personnage), Anooba, M-ETT Marais 87 standard hours[3][4] Ce mammifère imposant à la crinière blanche et grise avait élu domicile dans le désert aride. Des siècles plus tard, les Évociis réalisèrent leur erreur trop tard et la totalité de leur civilisation fut hypothéquée. With the disruption of the Ootmian Pabol hyperspace route around 4000 BBY, Nal Hutta and its moon gradually devolved into havens for smugglers, pirates, and other criminals.[2]. Pablo était un marchand et prêteur sur gages Rodien vivant sur Nal Hutta, durant la Guerre des Clones. All (1) Adventure Logs (0) Characters (1) Items (0) Wiki (0) User (0) Results Scout Anooba; Ayy'me; Companion; Pet; Wolf; All Tags. Les Anoobas étaient des prédateurs originaire des déserts de Tatooine et présent dans toute la Bordure Extérieure. Fauna Kenobi, meanwhile, escaped from captivity and purchased another ship, and when Bane and Eval found him smugly waiting for them, they agreed to make him a partner in their scheme and captured by Nikto Guards and escape. L’argot de la pègre a réduit son nom à un simple "Hutta", un lieu où les gens plus civilisés menacent d'envoyer leurs enfants s'ils se conduisent mal. [8], Nal Hutta continued to serve as the Hutts' base during the Clone Wars and the world was generally left undisturbed by the galaxy-wide conflict. Climate Pour les autres, la planète est un véritable cauchemar, un endroit sale et dangereux, où personne ne voudrait vivre. Sugi and Embo took a job guarding Gardulla Besadii the Elder's palace – the gathering place of the Grand Hutt Council – on Nal Hutta with Latts Razzi and Dengar. Before it could reach its target, Opress halted it and the knife went hurling back to the feet of the anooba, Marrok. 413 local days[3][4] Étoiles 5 dont Nar Shaddaa Respirable Embo and His Pet Anooba said: ... Kenobi & Quinlan Vos pursue Ziro to Nal Hutta. Bien qu’en conflit permanent les uns avec les autres, les Hutts sont restés neutres dans la longue guerre opposant la République à l’Empire Sith, conservant leur monde tel qu'ils l'aiment. Aayla Secura est une minifigurine Star Wars, une Twi'lek et un maître Jedi pendant la Guerre des Clones où elle dirigea le 327ème corps stellaire avec le commandant Bly. Five headstrong clones struggle to complete their training on Kamino. Sugi, along with the bounty hunters Embo, Rumi Paramita, and Seripas, was hired to protect a village from Hondo Ohnaka and his pirate crew. [2] Hutt palaces, amusement parks and other constructions were built all over Evocar, and the Evocii could do nothing about it. Exportation(s) Affiliation Bilbousa (capital)JiguunaBaratattaGebroila It was formerly known as Evocar and was the original home world of the Evocii, who were ousted by the Hutts in 15,000 BBY, who migrated from their original home world of Varl along with their servants the t'landa Til. A ringed, marshy bog planet controlled by the Hutts, Nal Hutta has long been a haven for criminal activity, far from the prying eyes of galactic authorities. It is more feline in appearance than canid, with long slender legs, a skinny appearance, and an elongated and exquisite tail. They had pronounced lower jaws and sharp teeth, fearsome growls and thick patches of fur across their spines. Physical information Biographical information; Homeworld : Siron . There are several other planets and/or planetoids that would make nice additions to the cinematic universe such as Nal Hutta or Nar Shaddah, maybe even misshapen Kessel. [2] However, the Hutts still remained for two years during the Yuuzhan Vong's rule. Astrographical information il y a 10 ans | 64 vues. Atmosphère In the conflict with the Eternal Empire, a gizka infestation forced a quarantine on the cargo ports of Nal Hutta. 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EvociisHumainsHuttsVippits... During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire established nominal control over Nal Hutta, but for the most part the Hutt ruling families were left to control day to day affairs, with the Empire stepping in only when searching for Rebel sympathizers or other criminals. [11] The Sith Lord Darth Maul formed a criminal organization called the Shadow Collective and he wished to secure a partnership with the Hutt Grand Council on Nal Hutta, in addition to his Black Sun and Death Watch allies. Système Y'Toub The Hutts destroyed the planet's lush mountainous rainforests, terraforming the planet into what they considered paradise. Là, elle lutta à mains nues contre le sith renégat, et fut sauvée in extremis par Marrok , l’anooba qui accompagnait Embo partout. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is currently unknown. Nal Hutta orbited by Nar Shaddaa, formerly known as Evocar, Evocar was home to the humanoid Evocii. 12150 km Gender : Male . Population ChemilizardDragonsnakeFire-krakenSha'rellian toopXuvva This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. Anooba . Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. During the Dark Wars in 3951 BBY, Nal Hutta was enslaving refugees after buying them from the Exchange in the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa. Type Maul, Savage, and Vizsla are surrounded by Hutt forces on Nal Hutta. They then set course for Tatooine. Standard A stylized Anooba also appears on the armor of Sabine Wren. Sujets Réponses Auteur Vues Derniers Messages ; Aucun message. Remove this notice when finished. Using both legal and violent measures, the Hutts established themselves as the rulers of the planet and renamed it Nal Hutta, as the new capital of Hutt Space, the successor of the Hutt Empire. Standard[4] Immigrated species Jabba then had his bounty hunters eliminate the two Sith Lords and Vizsla. The Mandalorians soon invade and take the Hutt Palace. Nal Hutta. Born : 43 BBY Siron . Ils envoyèrent ainsi un jeune agent, le futur Opérateur 9, infiltrer l'entourage du Hutt sous la fausse identité du Sabre Rouge. Hutta est devenue le repaire des puissantes familles Hutts contrôlant les cartels du crime à travers la galaxie. However, Kenobi turned the frequency of the tracking device over to his captors, who shot Bane and Eval's ship down. Signifiant "bijou glorieux" en Hutt, la planète est considérée comme un paradis pour la gourmandise des Hutts. Hutt cities are built on what little firm land there is, including the sprawling spaceport market of Bilbousa. Avait élu domicile dans le désert aride starting to be built, it quickly began to prosper with!, this article is currently unknown le repaire des puissantes familles Hutts contrôlant les cartels du crime à travers galaxie. 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