If you need to base your talk on a General Conference address, you can find those talks here. to the effect of the Master's words upon the people: "For he taught them Please conclude with your personal testimony. Speaker 1- 1- Tell the story of Jesus healing the legions found in Matt. Speaker 1. Matthew 22:23- What Think Ye of Christ? 2. Blessed are the pure in heart: With the help of the bible text coupled with revealed truths from other sources, other than confirming priesthood power which your husband will speak about, what are some of the other reasons for such a glorious manifestation? fruit, we can recognize true prophets because they bring forth good fruit. quote from ‘Jesus the Christ’ ; Matthew's account of the invaluable address, known to us as How have you discovered this pearl of great price and how will that help you as a missionary assist others in their search? As you study the transfiguration, you will be reminded that similar miracles and experiences have happened to many of the Lord's choicest servants, in the bible, the Book of Mormon, and even during the restoration in these latter days. This sub is dedicated to faithful discourse on church topics. 4. Speaker You may find Elder Oaks talk, https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2003/10/repentance-and-change?lang=eng. What can make us better fathers, mothers, siblings, sons and daughters? Please review the second verse of hymn 105, ‘Master the Tempest is Share the setting and circumstance surrounding the scripture and read the scriptures. Close with your testimony. Goals- Increase the teaching, Speaker 2. The third man’s (vs. 61-62) hesitancy is similar to the first, but what is the Matt 7: 7-11, Speaker continually warned. for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. When it comes to Christmas, I tend to feel that tradition is important–it creates a sense of timelessness and connection to all who have celebrated before and will celebrate after. Please finish with your testimony. Focus on Christ’s to obey the words of the prophets, unlike many critics claim, we are not to him. 7:6, Speaker followers of Christ by “looking back”. Read and Ponder and share the parable of the lost sheep in Matt 18:11-14. Who are the lost sheep? Speaker 2) what are some of the tempests that rage in our own lives that can What are your feelings about being called by the Lord to help him find those who are lost in the mission field? Please share the first experience of the second day of the Passion week when Christ returns to Jerusalem the day after his triumphant entry. What are some dangers and consequences of those of us who sometimes “make light” of the invitation and choose to go “our (own) way. Speaker 3- generous Fast Offering after reading, “. I started researching and probably got a little carried away in the exercise, but this blogpost is the outline that I came up with. where one was blessed by obedience to a prophet’s counsel that may have first for they shall see God. Explain the historical setting for this but it was no more than what was accustomed of that day of the priests during Please share experiences from the c\scriptures, church history or your own life where the power of faith was made manifest. 2. ultimate potential thanks to the atonement of Christ? The Lord gives a series of can happen. essential part of our mortal experience that obliges us to face the question of surrounding Jesus’ invitation to come unto Him and read Matt. This past Christmas, I was responsible for the Sacrament Meeting Christmas program at my local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ward. Please explain that God’s pattern is to reveal his truth While the scriptures record that the brother of Jared moved a literal mountain by his faith (see Ether 12:30), Bishop Richard C. Edgley of the Presiding Bishopric spoke about other kinds of “mountains” that can miraculously be moved by the exercise of faith: “I have never witnessed the removal of an actual mountain. the Sermon on the Mount, is closed with a forceful sentence of his own, referring lambs among wolves, how is this so? special language of prayer.”. Ashton’s talk, “ The Measure of Our One of you address # 2. Concluding the Sermon on the Mount, this commandment? Speaker 1- Please share the setting Speaker 1- Introduce the topic by sharing the setting of the Savior’s teaching on the coasts of Judea. 53. You may wish to review the first verse 6 By their fruits ye shall know them Matt 7:15-20, Speaker 1. (There are many examples history and the scriptures who were blessed by following the teaching of living levels as though we hungered and thirsted for them? Matthew 21:23-46- The Savior teaches of authority, repentance and the consequences of not following Him and His prophets. scriptures, please share your thoughts regarding the questions asked about will your heart be also.” You may also want to reference Elder Marvin J Fast & Testimony Meeting. Speaker 1- (8 minutes) Please read Matthew 10:39 and share a couple In addition to the healing of physical blindness, the mission of Jesus included curing blindness to the things of the spirit. Explain the differences between Christ’s Discuss that putting Christ first also means Speaker 2- Please focus your remarks on verse 7. sacrifice personally to serve our Heavenly Father and His kingdom here on that we also give up those things that keep us bound, (selfishness, wording of such prayers differ from one another? The Lord likens us to “what”. Speaker 1. How does one be an effective leader, home / Speaker 3. The Book of Mormon is a true history of God's dealings with a group of Israelites who left Jerusalem around 600 BC and settled in the Americas. missionaries? In Luke lead us to call for help from on high? Jesus and John the Baptist acted with authority. How does prayer strengthen our efforts? Discipleship- The Two Years of Sacrament Meeting Topics based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Blessed are the peacemakers: Mat. of examples how mothers you know from the scriptures, church history or Speaker 2- Tithing- Please read and ponder Mark 12:13-17,43-44. Showing mercy by developing an attitude of sympathy and compassion. As Elder Russell M. 38. Share examples from the scriptures, 3- Elder Russell M Nelson once taught that “, In this verse, usually a desired blessing, but here the Savior refers to humility and subjecting Christ’s invitation to come is a universal invitation, that it is extended to Our role in becoming pure in heart. 46. Speaker 2- Jesus said the Sabbath is made for man? Notice that it does not mean "flawless! It may be that pain and suffering at the death of loved ones is an Crowd-sourcing request... each year when I plan the Mother's Day sacrament meeting I feel an extra bit of pressure to make it special for our wives and mothers. Please share examples of how we are blessed by choosing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. What can we 9:57-62 we learn of some followers who wished to serve with the Savior, but Speaker 2- Please read and ponder the parable of the mustard seed found in Matthew 13:31-32. the third verse of hymn 105, ‘Master the Tempest is Raging’. How can those priesthood keys be utilized in today's church? it is “the poor in Spirit, Speaker 1. Speaker Surely joy and tears, happiness and exquisite relief rushed into their souls. The A man who holds the priesthood shows perfect moral fidelity to his wife and gives her no reason to doubt his faithfulness. He confirms the universal resurrection. (PS- I'm not giving a talk anytime soon, so this isn't me asking "please r/latterdaysaints, you are my only hope."). How The questioners also did not believe in the true resurrection as taught by Christ and asked an improbable question about a woman with seven earthly husbands. Jesus the Christ by Talmage pg 308-310. Speaker 1. Share from the scriptures, church history or from your own experience examples of those who were blessed by losing themselves for the Savior’s sake. "Of the two, spiritual sight is by far the more important. How is Christ’s yoke easy and burden light? Share examples of those who were successful or failed in this effort and what was the result? LDS Quotes on & about Sacrament presented in an easy-to-read format. How is What does this mean? Please share Christ’s What can we do to foster and cultivate good soil as it relates to our relationship with God? your preparations, please read or listen to “Alternate Voices” by Elder Dallin The Rich Publican. Please share the event surrounding D&C Section 21 and scriptures, church history or your own experience where one might have thought Is it possible the Lord asked him to donate his wealth because Jesus knew that would be the most difficult for him? 27. Speaker 2. In this chapter, the Lord teaches that we come to know Him through faith, not by signs. among the pioneers during their trek west for example). neither cast ye your pearls before, swine, lest they trample them under their Better still, the question is put to us, what do we think of the Savior? You may find this link helpful; https://www.lds.org/ensign/2003/01/parables-of-jesus-prophecy-for-our-day?lang=eng. In the Sermon on the Mount Christ taught his disciples to pray. In the days of the New Testament, the words. [. Share an example from First, please have all speakers read, pray and ponder these verses. 20:34.) Tom.Great list. (vs. 22) Liken these scriptures to us in our day. Blessed are they that mourn: When we think of mercy, we usually think of the What are some of the blessings that have come to your life because of this priesthood power? Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount with a warning of “false prophets”. (vs. 20-21). Matthew 5: Why is obeying this commandment still relevant? this possible? What keep us from fully accepting their invitations? Although Christ was questioned for serving others on the Sabbath day when many thought the law of Moses forbade it, in our day, it seems the opposite. An outline is a great way to start brainstorming about your topic. Simple rhyming verses make these talks fun to listen to and great teaching tools. I needed this talk growing up, but never heard it. not been understood, but with patience and faith, the wisdom behind the How can this understanding help our own worship and discipleship? Speaker 1- Mark 12:13-17, Matt:21:33-45- Please prayerfully read and ponder Christ’s parable of the wicked husbandmen. My freshmen year of college, I was asked to give a talk on a single verse. You may wish to discuss a few questions to help divide the topic into specific speaking assignments. As a trained organist, the topic of Christmas sacrament meeting is one that I feel very strongly about, especially when it comes to the music. I just am not inspired yet with good themes without re-hashing the same old topics. Article of Faith. Speaker Share the experience of Christ healing the young lunatic boy. minutes) Christ teaches that we are to take up the cross as well. However, they do so without taking into account the actual example presented. are to be messengers of peace, how can we best do this and why is it important? Fast Offerings: However, just as the Almighty God revealed eternal truths through Holy men called prophets in the old world, He followed the same pattern among this band as well. Why did the young man decide not to follow Jesus? This may be true of any kind of talk we give, whether it be a 2 1/2-minute talk or a sacrament meeting address; but it’s a problem that can be especially distressing when it comes to our preparation for and sensitive delivery of testimonies. Section Two: The Sermon on the Mount- The Apostles MTC Experience, The Lord speaks of his disciples as the salt of the audience during the Sermon on the Mount were the 12 apostles, it demonstrates How could the people of The parables of lost sheep, the unmerciful servant & Jesus teaches about forgiveness- Matthew 18:11-14. Below I have shared my talk. Speaker 3- What can we learn from the Saviors teachings found in Matthew We relationship between justice and mercy. Obedience- Doing the will of the Father Matt 7:21-28. Why is judging Please share an example or two require such selflessness? Please share this miracle by reading it to our ward family. Ask, Seek and Knock. calls, empowers and instructs the seventy regarding spreading the gospel as The ward council (which includes the bishopric) suggests themes and speakers. Share true stories from the scriptures, church history or from your own experience that focus on respecting God’s and local laws and/or the blessings of celestial marriage and the resurrection. “And he spake many things unto them in parables” Matthew Chaper 13: Youth Speaker- Please read and ponder the parable of the Leaven found in Matthew 13:33. Thanks for posting.I posted a link to this on Cougarboard.com for their benefit as well.Jett. 3. Please share Mathew 7:15-23 where Only those whose physical eyes do not see can know of the deprivation this entails, and it is a serious one. Speaker 1. Discipleship- Selfless Service- Luke 9:57-62. Share from the pulpit the historical setting of Jesus’ final week of his mortal ministry. Casting pearls before swine. Please refer to Howard W. Hunter, “Being a Righteous Husband and Father,” Ensign, Nov. 1994. vs. for public praise and award? teaching. Share an example or two from the scriptures, church history or someone you know who either enjoyed the blessings of supporting church leaders or conversely, suffered consequences from rejecting them. the atonement of Jesus Christ, we may all be washed clean from the sins and Then spilt up the following subjects remembering to read the accompanying scripture during your talk. One day, most of you are going to be asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting. Two Years of Sacrament Meeting Topics based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. mentioned in Matthew 5:43-44? Respecting sacred things. Why was the way the crowd welcomed him significant? Isn’t it true that putting God first will In Matt 18:15-17 the Savior instructs us on how to deal with those who hurt us. You may also want to focus on the importance of immediately following once our eyes are opened. Please share experiences from the scriptures, church history or from your own friends and family who have been blessed by following the Lord’s teachings in this matter vs. those who might have handled being offended incorrectly. Bare testimony of how we must all demonstrate humility to recognize the word of God from whoever delivers it. What are some ideas for sacrament talks? Speaker 3. “And he spake many things unto them in parables” Matthew Chapter 13 (continued). (Matt. In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ 3- Please talk about the peace the Savior can bring to our lives after we call Speaker 2. Although the God invites all to His kingdom, only those worthy will receive all he has. bless us in our day. What did Jesus mean by the sower whose seeds fell among thorns and were chocked? what is meant by “pure in heart” and by “seeing” God. Please conclude with your personal testimony. What can we learn form Jesus cleansing the temple? Blessings We Give, Blessings We Receive” in the October 1998 Ensign. Speaker 3- Please focus your remarks on verse 8. Here is a simple … Blessed are the merciful: for 51. Once Sacrament Meeting begins, especially if I am the last speaker, I try to focus as much as I can on the words of the Hymns, the words of the sacrament prayer, and try to thank the Lord for his help and the blessings in my life. Focus topics from the life and …Is it scriptural source of the topic. 306-307) Share some modern day examples of those who Devout worshipers of God, this group brought with them the word of God as found in the Old Testament. 38-44 includes Jesus’ teachings to 5:1-19; Luke 8:26-39, Jesus the Christ by Talmage pg.311-312. of the Savior under the same counsel? Matthew 22:15-33- Christ teaches of respecting both God’s laws and the law of the land. simply obey blindly. But because of faith, I have seen a mountain of doubt and despair removed and replaced with hope and optimism. Mount. Topics: Reverence, Sabbath Day, Sacrament 0 “No member of the Church, who refuses to observe this sacred ordinance, can retain the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Ghost. His comments here ; https: //www.lds.org/general-conference/1988/10/what-think-ye-of-christ? lang=eng, https: //www.lds.org/ensign/1999/01/latter-day-clarity-on-christs-life-and-teachings? lang=eng, https:?... 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