Whitefish Lake is a lake in Alberta and has an elevation of 573 metres. As with most whitefish fishing, the bite is best early in the morning, tapering rapidly as the sun rises in the sky. I have seen the depth finder markings of "something" fishy at that level for years in the summer. Have you tried using just the heads? it parallels Bone fishing.. the Whites runs are Epic and some will throw in a jump .. exhilarating to say the least, Hi Glove .. time of day is when they are feeding of course but I find that at day light is better even in the winter .. although you can get into them any time as you will see them feeding all day .. What's up Rob, why the attack on Spec? Drill holes over four to 10 feet of water and plan to be fishing as the light hits the horizon. They have a small mouth below a rounded snout, and a deeply forked tail. iFish Alberta is an app every fisherman in Alberta needs, allowing you to Fish with Attitude. Another method without using a float is to … Turn your sonar onto manual, and add in the upper and lower depths of the water (search on Google to find the depths if they aren't listed at your location). Catching Whitefish in VERY deep water in the summer . “When they’re not actively feeding,” he adds, “they’ll go out and suspend in 10 to 15 feet off the bottom around the structures.” Where to catch Mountain Whitefish. This means that you have to offer the bait to the fish in a slightly different manner. The best time to target whitefish is at first light, when they’re up on the structures and easier to find, Whyte says. Login with username, password and session length, Lake Whitefish on a Fly is fun fun fun!!!.. Have you caught whites in other lakes during the summer as well or just Talbot? Use a flexible rod, typically a light action 6 and a half to 7 foot spinning rod with either 4 or 6 pound test. Lake whitefish are known to be quite actively feeding at night, which makes night time one of the best times to catch them. Get on the lake at dark. The Brook Trout is 13 years old(oldest recorded) and the Pike was 25 Yrs old David Donald Canadian Fisheries Bio. Why would you keep a world record fish instead of taking a couple pics measuring it and setting it free? Some were very good size. I visited last year and didn't have much luck in getting options from people I spoke with. I am open to fishing in Whitefish and surrounding areas, won't have a boat, so just want a nice spot to cast from and maybe catch a few decent sized trout. Nice catch. The mountain whitefish is endemic to the lakes and streams of the northwestern United States and southwestern Canada, from the Lahontan basin in Nevada north to the southern border of the Yukon Territory. You are not logged in or registered. All content © copyright Ontario Shore Fishing. Whitefish are an abundant species on numerous lakes throughout Manitoba and are commonly caught during open and hard water months. Providing an intuitive, user-friendly guide to sport fishing in Alberta, users are able to search for lakes by name, or via proximity search; view catch limits, species reference, interactive directions, real-time weather, boat launch locations, depth charts, points of interest, tips & tricks, and more! Water was 120 feet +- deep. I say that because during the winter months this lake is a whitefish hot spot but in the summer months it is hard to fine another angler targeting the whitefish. To detect a bite, keep your finger on the line, and stay alert for the distinctive tap, tap, tap. Whitefish are cold water fish; they tend to stay low when the temperature drops. If he only catches his limit he has done nothing wrong. If the fish are going, a limit of whites will be on the ice within the hour. Top Attractions (34) See all. Ditto for whitefish, which are notorious bottom-feeders that suck up mud and detritus to filter out insect larvae. MANITOBA WHITEFISH LAKES: North Steeprock Lake in the Porcupine Hills is absolutely loaded with Lake Whitefish. Hi Rob .. nice ethics you have.. you do realize that every step you take on grass I can hear the grass screaming as you crush their life out of them and their blood is on the bottom of your shoe's (green).. and do you every count the number of organism you kill with every breath.. This is far and away the simplest and easiest method to go from looking at fish to catching them. Mountain Whitefish Mountain Whitefish have large scales, no spots and small mouths with no teeth. The lake has a wide range of species to catch. Exit on Cassils Road when you see the Flying J gas station. Being a cold water fish, the whities need to hole-up in deeper, cooler water at this time of the season. Speckal55 The Ron Burgundy mustache is #@$!ing Sweet buy the way!! The longest single movement of a tagged whitefish ever recorded was 388 km (241 mi), from Fort McMurray to the north shore of Lake Athabasca in Alberta, Canada. Mountain whitefish take the bait with several quick, sharp, but light bites. The lake covers an area of 80 square kilometers with a maximum depth of eight meters or 26 feet. When you feel it, set the hook. Show the same rig (but with a slightly larger 21/4-inch Wabler) to a mud-sucking whitefish and it will storm up 20 feet from the bottom to devour your bait and rip the rod from your hand. As a trash sorry I mean whitefish afficianado I would think you would have known they were above average. Whatever the time of year, Corey Nault Fishing has something ready for you to do. Summer Whitefish The dog days of summer are here and it is time to change strategies for whitefish. Chances are if you are going over a very deep spot in the lake and you pick up fish, it is probably Lake Whitefish. What do you suppose would happen to the fishing in our province if everybody with a license did the same as you and kept everything they legally could? Thanks for the alternate ideas fellas............. will try versions of comments my next time up there. Turn left just after the Brooks & District Museum and Tourist Information centre on Southerland Drive. Of course that particular lake could just be a bowl with no humps of any kind in which case I'd just wait for fall when they should be nice and shallow. When the lake freezes over, they’ll happily take you ice fishing instead. Diet. Popular with anglers looking for Whitefish (Lake) fishing charters in Alberta. Report inappropriate content . You should look for a medium power spinning rod, medium capacity spinning reel and 6 to 10 lb test mono line. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night. They are excellent eating and are subject to generous limits, making them a popular and appealing catch. Yes I fish and have fished my entire life. What Kind of Fish are in Gull Lake? So, try to use 6 lb or even 4 lb monofilament fishing line or Power Pro fishing line that has equivalent diameter. Next, find a spot with deep water and overhanging trees or man-made objects that block sunlight, as these are the places where perch like to hang out. F&W only seem to acknowledge a problem after the damage is done. Not in the least, as long as you keep a few certain rules in mind. Have you tried varying the size of the minnows? Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Whitefish has very soft mouth and is fairly shy. Many people underestimate these sport fish which are very fun to catch. Strong whitefish. I have never known anyone or in my own experience compared fresh water fish to salt water for there fighting ability because no comparison can be made. Similar pattern in Simcoe...although not quite as deep, but still the same challenge. But for the number of Whitefish at that depth, the number caught are extremely low. I have caught whites at all times of the day, but the best fishing has always been at first light. When you get a bite, gently reel in the line as you pull up on the rod. I'm far from being an expert, but I think targeting the humps should be productive if you can time it properly. They also can be easily caught … I have caught them in the morning and afternoon this year there... we were out last night and didn't get any hook-ups but they took the indicator under 7 times on my buddy and twice on me and were rising around us .. but to be truth full it was a very windy night. Whitefish like to feed along the bottom of the drop-off near the shore where a nice shelf forms. 120' is very tough but find a 60' hump and things get much easier. Yet still you refuse to answer my question have you ever caught a bone fish? I've pondered that myself for many years. Those are some nice whites speckles....bravo to you sir.. David you never answered my first question. ><>, http://muskiebaitadventures.blogspot.ca/...-list.html, http://fishncanada.com/episode-426-getting_it_in_gear/, Best Day on the Water that I did not catch a Fish, Posession limits and fishing different bodies of water, Government Helps Eli on his Whitefish hunt. Firstly in regards to my heritage, I am First gen Canadian of Scottish decent not Irish, and unlike most of you that are of some mixed mud race I know exactly where my family hales from. Whitefish Lake State Park is a Montana state park located two miles west of the town of Whitefish, Montana off U.S. Highway 93. Is time of the day critical for catching whites in the summer? The park is a convenient place to camp for those wanting to stay close to the amenities of Whitefish, although it can be very crowded in summer. Their general body colour is a bronze-white or greenish white. No need for the name calling. You can catch Whitefish on the surface in the spring with small spinners, 1/16 oz jigs, tiny Rapalas or putting a May Fly or Waxworm on a hook and a small float and just cast off the dock. City Beach. Whitefish will move to the deep in the summer and can be suspended or lay right on the bottom. Water temps should be about the same between 60' and 120' (very cold) but the shallower humps is where they'd go to feed...or so I think. Only sometimes in early summer will you find them in shallow, offshore areas. They will come out from their deeper waters to feed, which presents a great opportunity to target them. The fight pretty well. Head south on 7th Street (Hwy 873) for 20 minutes until you see the signs for Kinbrook Island Provincial Park. Fish may look to be at the edge of the screen but may in reality be 50 ft over? That's perfectly fine for my friends and I as we have the place all to ourselves and the fishing is great. Walleye; Lake Whitefish; Northern Pike; Perch; Burbot . Have you also considered that the bottom of the cone for the fishfinder may be severely distorted due to how wide the cone is at that depth? Once the fish move to the flats, which can be large areas, a little bit of hunting is required. Hey, While on vacation recently we were lucky enough to witness the MNRF pulling up their fish netting surveys in a Muskoka lake. "What’s amazing is that you can grab the same gear that you were using for ice fishing," says Girard, whose instructional Justin Girard Fishing YouTube channel is a smash hit with anglers, "put it in the boat and go catch whiteys. I have fished quite a few places around the globe, majority of my holidays are fishing trips. Beaches. Amazingly their quite short gill net had many whitefish. This is a perfect time for Fly-Fishing for Whitefish with your fly-rod. To catch perch, start by getting some live bait, such as minnows and insect larva. It occurs inland into Alberta in Canada and Wyoming in the United States. Whitefish Lake from Mapcarta, the free map. The town has a small, friendly population and is more active in the summer months. The reason I'm asking is that I think that Whitefish are an underutilized resource and perhaps if we could target them during the summer we could take some pressure off other species as well as get a better balanced fish population. With many fisheries producing monster whitefish that exceed 25 inches! The consistent bite is in the early morning and this seems to hold true from lake to lake. Then, cast your bait, and let your line go deep since perch like to feed off the ground. Hard to catch? Turn right and follow for 2km until you arrive at the park. Catching Your Whitefish 1 Use your fish sonar to help locate the whitefish. There is no stopping them, especially when the day is so action-packed. Question one; Have you ever been bone fishing? Those records are all impressive I will admit But I cant help but notice a couple things. This will give you the perfect outfit for detecting the bite, and then fighting the fish. 101 Reviews . In the summer, they can be seen on the shoal on the lake side of a weed bed (as opposed to the shore-side) and use the bottom edge of the drop-off to congregate where there is an inflow, bringing a steady supply of nutrients to support their prey and of course the prey themselves . They also become a bit slower in their feeding. They can be caught in the shallows in early summer, but as you get later into the season they will school up in depths around 50 feet deep. Catching whitefish is all about timing. Try to keep the hook close (within a foot or two) to the lake bottom and as horizontal as possible to better mimic a blood worm. Ontario whitefish specialist, Justin Girard, says that as good as the hard water action is across Ontario, it is even better in the summer. Generally, the whitefish will be everywhere there are large populations of May Flies hatching on the surface. A simple and effective way to catch Lake Whitefish is a blood worm fly/hook with a float. In northwestern Canada, a large spawning migration enters the Athabasca Delta in late summer, moving upstream in the Athabasca River. Best Time to Catch Whitefish. when I was young a few Master Anglers in my town used to gather at a local tackle shop and talk fishing ..I was there when ever I could to learn.. they still do all across Canada, Western Canadian Walleye Trail 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Sponsor. Maybe you don't get around the province much but we have hardly any water in it and what is there only receives more and more pressure every year. Lake Whitefish Lake Whitefish are olive-green to blue on the back, with silvery sides. Yes I have fished Kootenay Lake an caught both Bulls and Rainbows.. it is being seeded to help the Kokanee which are the feed for the big Gerrards, Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum, Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_whitefish, Quote from: RobMcLeod82 on July 12, 2013, 10:10:38 PM, Quote from: RobMcLeod82 on July 13, 2013, 11:50:08 AM, Quote from: Sonny on July 12, 2013, 11:46:34 PM, Quote from: RobMcLeod82 on July 13, 2013, 08:28:41 PM, SimplePortal 2.3.6 © 2008-2014, SimplePortal. Note that most whitefish anglers keep their catch and that Michigan has no size limit and that the Great Lakes creel limit is 25, so releasing a fish that swallowed the hook usually isn’t consideration. Westhawk and Falcon lakes have abundant populations as does the entire Winnipeg River system, especially the Nutimik Lake section. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. As a fly fisherman you surely should understand that anywhere that zero limits have been placed or rivers like the bow where majority practice catch and release that the fish stocks improve dramatically both in size and volume in a short period of years. Please, Catching Whitefish in VERY deep water in the summer, <>< I once gave up fishing. The season for Whitefish is open all year, the sport limit is 12 and conservation limit is 6. At the end of your main line, simply crimp on the splitshot or use a granny knot to tie on the nail. Martin suggests angler should pre-tie a bunch of hooks on leaders and wrap them on a swim noodle before heading out to the pier. People who downrigger for Lake Trout in Simcoe do pick up Whitefish here and there. 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