For volatile liquids, a flask provided with a long neck which carries a graduation and is fitted with a well-ground stopper is recommended. Far from being lonely and undesirable she was, it seemed, highly desired by each. to interfere. In addition to the foregoing, Pettigrew recommended a double elastic wing to be applied to the air like a steam-hammer, by being fixed to the FIG. Learn more. His rails were wedge-shaped in section, much wider at the top than at the bottom, with the intermediate portion or web thinner still, and he recommended that they should be made 18 ft. As governor he recommended that Massachusetts ratify the woman-suffrage amendment to the Federal Constitution. or It is an event of the future. The earthing up of celery this month is not to be recommended, unless a little very early supply is wanted. It is not recommended to use a drop noseband with a curb bit or pelham as the noseband impedes the curb action. Recommended to those who would like to understand more about the nature of the process of producing a non-continuous cartogram. autogenous reconstruction reinforced by a LARS Actor 8 or 10 is recommended. The committee recommended that a factor of safety of 4 should be taken for wind stresses. 未来のことです can mean It is ABOUT the future. Grammar Checker; Plagiarism Checker; Proofreading; Blog; Contact us; Grammar Checker. 5. Of course, you can try to check the word choice using different types of dictionary but still, it won’t help you to correct sentence … Format of a … Early in 1859 President Buchanan had recommended the step to Congress, which did not respond. Carrera's successor was General Cerna, who had been recommended by him for election. A non-partisan commission, appointed by Secretary John Sherman, recommended sweeping changes. corps, fought at Port Gibson, Raymond and Jackson, and after the fall of Vicksburg was strongly recommended by Grant for the rank of brigadier-general in the regular army, to which he was promoted on the 1st of August 1863. It was objected that, as he had publicly declared that the words of the oath bad no clear meaning for him, he could not be permitted to take it; and after some wrangling the matter was referred to a fresh committee, which supported the view that Bradlaugh could not be allowed to be sworn, but recommended that he should be permitted to niake the affirmation at his own risk. Used with adjectives: " He is a highly accomplished scientist. The reform of the Nautical Almanac in 1829 was set on foot by his protests; he recommended to the British Association in 1837, and in great part executed, the reduction of Joseph de Lalande's and Nicolas de Lacaille's catalogues containing about 57,000 stars; he superintended the compilation of the British Association's Catalogue of 8377 stars (published 1845); and revised the catalogues of Tobias Mayer, Ptolemy, Ulugh Beg, Tycho Brahe, Edmund Halley and Hevelius (Memoirs R. This diet has been recommended in gout, and no doubt the essential part of it is the hot water, but there can be little doubt that in fat gouty people it is often useful. It reported favourably, especially on the use of the measurements for primary classification, but recommended also the adoption in part of a system of "finger prints" as suggested by Francis Galton, and already practised in Bengal. Jervis Bay was recommended as offering a site for a port for the territory. He's a fantastic young man, … Before the combination of Clericals and Federalists the ministry broke down; they were divided among themselves; Counts Taaffe and Alfred Potocki, the minister of agriculture, wished to conciliate the Slav races - a policy recommended 1 The documents are printed in Baron de Worms, op. You can look up words in a dictionary, but study them in sentences, not the word itself. I’m very impressed by your performance and hard work. restriction of the franchise to 5000 able to serve "with person and purse"; (iv.) If this is not recommended, should I feed soft fondant instead? Hi Subash, I feel the #4 sentence in my post is wrong. Deeply and truly mostly deals with emotions and it is not being used when we consider something professional. In 1907 there were three general divisions of these schools: the Army School of the Line, for officers (not below the grade of captain) of the regular army and for militia officers recommended by the governors of their respective states or territories, offering courses in military art, engineering, law and languages; the Army Signal School, also open to regular and militia officers, and having departments of field signalling, signal engineering, topography and languages; and the Army Staff College, in which the students are the highest graduates from the Army School of the Line, and the courses of instruction are included in the departments of military art, engineering, law, languages and care of troops. You are more polite than Joey. Keeping it short and to the point increases the chances that they will actually read it. Formal Letters. Well, more like apples and machetes.” — A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro “you’re so real and alive and fearless and daring and beautiful and if what’s between us isn’t real, then I don’t know what is.” — Legendary by Stephanie Garber “Screw fate. My own bank recommended that I use gimpS rather than using a standard bank transfer. The following ancient works are recommended: Tertullian, De Baptismo (edition with introd. The recommended dose is two 250mg capsules per day. Smooth but not glossy surface recommended for sleeping on as well as for the beach. At this early period he seems already to have adopted in some degree the plan of study he followed in after life and recommended in his Essai sur l'etude - that is, of letting his subject rather than his author determine his course, of suspending the perusal of a book to reflect, and to compare the statements with those of other authors - so that he often read portions of many volumes while mastering one. Legendre, who recommended that it should be published in the Recueil des savants strangers, an unparalleled honour for a youth of eighteen. Lugard, and recommended " a declaration in favour of the nationalization of the lands of the Protectorate.". The scheme recommended by the Zuider Zee Vereeniging (1886) formed the subject of a report in 1894 by a state commission. In accordance with the recommendation Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, both officers of the United States Army, with a considerable party left St Louis on the 14th of May 1804, ascended the Missouri to the headwaters, crossed the Rockies and, following the Columbia river, reached the ocean in November 1805. I understand that those products were required for urgent purposes. Thank you. He must have given general satisfaction, for even before Parker's death two persons so different as Burghley and Dean Nowell independently recommended Grindal's appointment as his successor, and Spenser speaks warmly of him in the Shepherd's Calendar as the "gentle shepherd Algrind.". Back to Healthy eating The recommended daily calorie intake varies depending on how old you are. On Semitic religion generally: Wellhausen's Reste des arabischen Heidentums (2nd ed.) Apples and oranges. Speaking at Johannesburg on the eve of his departure, he recommended to all concerned the promotion of the material prosperity of the country and the treatment of Dutch and British on an absolute equality. So let us take a look at a sample format of a formal letter.. These methods are not to be recommended except in special cases. Candida If you are using Green Essence to treat candida If you are using Green Essence to treat candida, the following regime is recommended. The works of St Thomas Aquinas are recommended as the standard authority in theology (Encyc. Carlyle's strong convictions as to the misery and misgovernment of Ireland recommended him to men who had taken part in the rising of 1848. abseil descent is recommended for the routes on the First Platform. Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the student at the academic award ceremony. As a preventive repeated spraying with dilute Bordeaux mixture is recommended, during the flowering season and early development of the fruit. Feb 12 2012 04:37:07. General Burnside recommended him for promotion to the rank of major-general U.S.V., which was not however awarded to Humphreys until after Gettysburg. Examples of Recommend in a sentence. "The best we can do is prioritize our needs and make choices accordingly." catchd, in Borders today I caught sight of a book that was being recommended by Katie Price. leasing arrangements were recommended by the independent review. Value of Time Essay 6 (400 words) Time is most powerful and precious thing than other things in life even from money in this world. This is a full sentence, better for a formal letter. He recommended him in 1580 as a "maitre des requetes" (master of requests); and Henry of Navarre, at the instance of Rohan, addressed two letters to Henry III. leverage definition: 1. the action or advantage of using a lever: 2. power to influence people and get the results you…. Slow cooking is recommended as in braising or pot roasting, superb for stews casseroles and pies. I’ve managed to book the best seats at the theatre for us, this weekend! The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The use of benchtop autoclaves for waste is not recommended because these cannot usually be validated. external consultants to carry out assessments is not recommended. A trumpet mouth-piece is recommended from the support it gives to the cheeks when inflated. —Euripides "By doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth." The infinitive to hear is a blunder here. While considering that a really efficient Post Office service would afford the best means for securing such competition, it recommended that general, immediate and effective competition should at once be undertaken either by the Post Office or by local authorities. How to use recommend in a sentence. Do not follow a strict length for each and every sentence. A limited section of medical opinion has recommended China tea for reasons of health, and undoubtedly the inferior strength it possesses reduces the risk arising from improper use, but it also reduces the stimulating and comforting effects the ordinary tea-drinker hopes to experience. The effect of the first brief speech was so overwhelming that Hortensius refused to reply, and recommended his client to leave the country. The study of Hippocrates, Galen, and other classics was recommended by Cassiodorus (6th century), and in the original mother-abbey of Monte Cassino medicine was studied; but there was not there what could be called a medical school; nor had this foundation any connexion (as has been supposed) with the famous school of Salerno. When you check the sentence for correct grammar, you need to analyze the relationship between each word, the clauses, the punctuation used, and how the structure of the sentence comes together. He became book-keeper at Montbeliard ironworks, and subsequently (1745) secretary to Professor Iselin, the editor of a newspaper at Basel, who three years later recommended him as private tutor to the family of Count A. a member of the committee of cardinals appointed to report on the "Nuremberg Recess," he recommended, in opposition to the majority, certain concessions to the Lutherans, notably the marriage of the clergy as in the Greek Church, and communion in both kinds according to the decision of the council of Basel. Choose the correct preposition to give the right information. Recommended Sites MS Society Site of the UKs largest charity for people affected by multiple sclerosis. Learn more. But General Assemblies have frequently recommended its use, and worship in Presbyterian churches is largely conducted on the lines of the Westminster Assembly's Directory. I realized booze wasn't the recommended wash-down with my pain medication but I wasn't driving any farm equipment and I really needed a stiff drink. from the French, Capolago, 1837 (this edition is recommended on account of the notes and additions); W. For the most part I escaped wonderfully from these dangers, either by proceeding at once boldly and without deliberation to the goal, as is recommended to those who run the gauntlet, or by keeping my thoughts on high things, like Orpheus, who, "loudly singing the praises of the gods to his lyre, drowned the voices of the Sirens, and kept out of danger.". This file sets the default list of mappings from filename extensions to content types; changing this file is not recommended. I want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts. aaS used are often well in excess of the recommended medical dosages. Why not rebuild the sentences into something that takes advantage of present tense to get rid of the "now" and is just as clear? Find more ways to say highly, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ... "Latex paints are not recommended for roofs where water ponds" "Only a few states append a list of recommended readings" "Recommended software upgrades can be brought down in a jiffy" "She had certainly not recommended adopting that system" It highly recommends to create a backup first and I am trying. See more. Reservations are recommended at the small restaurant, especially during the peak dinner hours. medley of music originally recommended for the film in 1916. ( Cool Quotes ) 47) Only Fools Fall In Love And I Think, I Am One Of Them. Votes for the appropriation of the revenue shall not pass unless recommended by the governor-general. The best way to utilize time in useful manner, we should make a time table to do everything at right time. The wildness and adventure that are in fishing still recommended it to me. The Latin poets to be studied include Virgil, Lucan, Statius, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and (with certain limitations) Horace, Juvenal and Persius, as well as Plautus, Terence and the tragedies of Seneca; the prose authors recommended are Cicero, Livy and Sallust. When Bulgaria under the Berlin Treaty was constituted an autonomous principality under the suzerainty of Turkey, the tsar recommended his nephew to the Bulgarians as a candidate for the newly created throne, and Prince Alexander was elected prince of Bulgaria by unanimous vote of the Grand Sobranye (April 29, 1879). He indicated the stud farms at which Nicholas might procure horses, recommended to him a horse dealer in the town and a landowner fourteen miles out of town who had the best horses, and promised to assist him in every way. Monro arrived and recommended evacuation of the peninsula, the Ottoman host gathered about the Dardanelles was already decidedly stronger in point of numbers than was the army which was clinging to patches of littoral without a sheltered base. Here is a list of sentences making comparisons between two things: My house is bigger than yours. Viewing is recommended alternatively internal photos may be viewed at any Your Move office nationwide. These words will greatly impact your IELTS Score. This theory recommended itself to Lobeck. In the same session they were forced against their will to adopt a reform, which had been recommended by Rowland Hill, and to confer on the nation the benefit of a uniform penny postage. The Pope recommended him to the royal favour, and marked him out for employment. David (Lord) Sainsbury recommended that the council should ignore the green belt designation ' in the national interest ' . Site Hint: Check out our list of pronunciation videos. cystectomy recommended for those with an initial incomplete response after initial therapy or recurrent high risk disease. fascine training walls as he recommended and was the only part of his 1835 recommendations currently being pursued. are chiefly to be recommended. Regrets Prajwal. Recommended in a sentence 1 Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas. Under Austin's influence the delegates rejected an independence resolution and recommended a union with the Mexican Liberals for the restoration of the constitution of 1824. It takes not just time and effort but a level of knowledge that people often don’t have. the top or most desirable of several options. The vaccine is recommended for use in turkey poults or broiler chicks from day old. Send appreciation messages to employees who have made a contribution to the team or to colleagues who've helped you out. A " stinger " suit would be recommended for divers to ward off box jellyfish. He practised astrology; this recommended him to Duke Albert of Prussia, who made him his librarian (1550). ask for consideration. The peace concluded between the duke of Brittany and the English in September 1427 led to his expulsion from the court, where Georges de la Tremoille, whom he himself had recommended to the king, remained supreme for six years, during which Richmond tried in vain to overthrow him. “His body was all spring and torque, a bundle of fast-twitch muscles that exuded faint floral whiffs … The only words to make it into the top 2,000 words were those that were present in 1) … And speaking of highly recommended, HBO is nearly half way through rerunning the first season of Deadwood, the best western drama ever televised. Of external consultants to carry out assessments is not recommended, is considerably! 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