When Rebecca discovered her agenda, she left Scarsdale and tried to commit suicide on a plane. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is an American romantic musical comedy-drama television series that premiered on October 12, 2015 on The CW and ran for four seasons, ending on April 5, 2019. Hector is the youngest of the group and lived with his mother long after high school graduation. Naomi also pushed Rebecca into a rivalry against her fellow classmate Audra Levine to become the top student. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend begins when successful but unsatisfied lawyer Rebecca Bunch turns down a promotion at her New York City firm and instead moves to West Covina, California (It’s two hours from the beach! One Day at a Time 2017 (2017) - S01E06 TBA. He urged his friend to tell Greg the truth when he got back from his visit with his family. Naomi Bunch (née Garfinkel) is the mother of Rebecca Bunch and the ex-wife of Silas. [7] [8] A série foi criada por Rachel Bloom e Aline Brosh McKenna e é estrelada por Bloom no papel principal.Apesar da baixa audiência, a série acabou sendo renovada para uma segunda temporada, devido às críticas positivas e as indicações à premiações. 6 Hector's Mom Estella - Do 5 notes. Hector is the youngest of the group and lived with his mother long after high school graduation. Hector and the others were surprised when Valencia personally asked Rebecca Bunch to go with them as well. ": Hector is invited to the wedding of Josh and Rebecca and brings his mother Estella as his date. Ships That Pass in the Night: Hector/Heather as a sizable amount of shippers despite their first significant onscreen interaction being at the end of season 2. Aggretsuko: Tsubone Tsubone piles extra work on poor Retusko. TV credits include Hector’s Mom on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, RENT: LIVE, Pose, Fresh Off the Boat, and Scandal. She is thrilled to be part of On Your Feet! Rebecca Bunch Josh Chan Greg Serrano Paula Proctor Darryl Whitefeather Heather Davis Valencia Perez Nathaniel Plimpton III Josh Wilson, Hector Chris The Crew Father Brah Mrs.Hernandez Sunil Odhav Dr. Noelle Akopian Naomi Bunch Trent Maddock George Tim Campbell Scott Proctor Tommy Proctor Brendan Proctor Jim Kittsworth Maya AJ Karen, Marco Serrano Mrs.Chan Mr.Chan Jayma Epstein Jastinity Chan Young Rebecca Audra Levine Kevin Silas Bob O'Brien Beth Brody Calvin Young Alex Marty David Ashley Pratt Nathaniel Plimpton II Madison Whitefeather Ken Mona Shawna Connie Cavanagh Joyce Estella Warren Bert Xander Bernard Laura Mover Dr. Nick Roth Dr. Chester Roth Dr. Davit Akopian Guardrail Sherpa Allen Hank Tessa Robert Donnelly Cornelia Wickfield Dr. Daniel Shin Tucker Bunch Prostitute Tanya Kayla Chloe Colin Crowley Denise Martinez Hebecca Whitefeather Vic, Dr.Phil Nipsey Hussle Dream Ghost #1 Dream Ghost #2 J. Castleman Tita Myrna Anna B.J. Audra Levine Rachel Grate. Stranger: Take it to the alley junkie. Everyone Has A Rom-Com Leading Lady That Matches Their Personality – Here's Yours. This was a fact he wasn’t ashamed of as he considered her his best friend. Naomi said she was actually proud Rebecca stood up to her. This one is for my Abuelas, with all my love. Hector got a call from Josh and told him he needed to gather a bunch of their friends. Hector disagreed when Wilson and Greg stated they hated the table and went on a tangent about tandem parking for a girlfriend he had once. Eventually Greg took an oppurtunity to go to Emory college and Hector, Chris, WhiJo and Josh went to the airport to say goodbye before he left. –Hector, "When Will Josh See How Cool I Am?". This is a character list for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I think it's a nice thing you're doing. His mother repeatedly knocked and yelled at him through his bedroom door which finally woke him up ("I'm Going to the Beach with Josh and His Friends!"). Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Score: ... 8 My Mom, Greg's Mom and Josh's Sweet Dance Moves! In private Hector congratulated his friend for finally getting the girl he'd been chasing after for months. Maybe She's Not Such A Heinous Bitch After All, https://cxg.fandom.com/wiki/Naomi_Bunch?oldid=19193, — Naomi Bunch, "My Mom, Greg's Mom and Josh's Sweet Dance Moves!". Josh was freaking out because he was going to be alone with Rebecca whom he didn't fully trust anymore. On the last day of her visit, Naomi went with Rebecca to an outdoor mall to exchange the gift her daughter bought her. On Your Feet: Consuelo With (from left) Mauricio Martinez (Emilio), Claudia Yanez (Rebecca) and … When Rebecca walked in he observed them heavily flirting with each other. She has tandem parking. The worst is when it's alternate side of the street parking 'cause then I got to park in the back. They settled down in the affluent Weschester County village of Scarsdale, New York and had a daughter together named Rebecca. Raised in Dallas, Texas, he began his acting career his senior year of high school appearing in a Dick Sporting Goods commercial directed by Peter Berg (Friday Night Lights, Hancock, Lone Survivor). RELATED: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 5 Best Character Arcs (& 5 Most Disappointing) Meeting her long-time frenemy (Carmela Zumbado) in Vegas in season 4 to celebrate an engagement she forced her fiance into, it's clear that fans can't stand her either, and Valencia actually had a good eye on this one. Who Needs Josh When You Have a Girl Group? Holly Hunter, Vella Lovell (“Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”), Kyla Kenedy (“Speechless”) and Bobby Moynihan costar in this comedy premiering with two episodes. Rebecca asked her to stop criticizing and give West Covina a chance. She is portrayed by actress Tovah Feldshuh. Why Is Josh's Ex-Girlfriend Eating Carbs? The series was created by Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna and stars Bloom in the lead role as Rebecca Bunch, a lawyer who moves from New York City to West Covina, California to pursue her ex from high school camp. Naomi was present at Rebecca and Josh's wedding. "When Will Josh See How Cool I Am? After Rebecca had a private conversation with Calvin, her daughter told her that although he was interested she personally vetoed anything from happening since it would be a breach of lawyer/client ethics. Despite their efforts she politely but firmly rejected the gift much to the disappointment of everyone involved ("I'm So Happy That Josh Is So Happy!"). A proud moment for Lalo and Hector, it shows just how evil the Salamancas can be. Twitter/Instagram: @debracardona. "Who Is Josh's Soup Fairy? (♫ Maybe She's Not Such A Heinous Bitch After All ♫). The next day Naomi was given a tour of Whitefeather & Associates but was unimpressed. At first, Naomi did not like Josh, but they quickly bonded. Tommy Proctor Steele Stebbins. Well, her ex, Josh Chan from camp when they were 16 years old, lives there. My Mom, Greg's Mom and Josh's Sweet Dance Moves! ": Hector and The Crew are invited by Trent Maddock to spend some time at Home Base watching a game. House of Cards (2013) - S03E08 Thriller. 1/26/18. ("I Never Want to See Josh Again."). Portland Center Stage at the Armory Debut. Rebecca needs to take frequent hormone injections in her abdomen throughout the episode. He cautioned Greg that he needed to retain the upper hand he has now and keep her on the hook by being aloof. Hector. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Because it’s getting creepy, with no real payoff. By Allie Pape. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 12 Review: "Can Josh Take a … You can see Debra on TV as Hector’s Mom on “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.” Twitter/Instagram: @DebraCardona. But Josh became best friends with Hector’s mom in a trice, and Hector made huge life changes with a bit of a shrug. In the Jan. 26 episode, Heather excels at … Hector went to Hawaii to compete in a surfing competition. "), Naomi invited Rebecca to visit her at Paula's request. (Really, Hector/Hector’s mom reaches a whole new level of weird best friendship this episode. In 2015, Hector and his friends in the crew were reunited with Josh Chan after his eight month stint in New York City. Sometime later, Hector joined the crew and Valencia at the movie theater to watch a film. They were interrupted when Rebecca got a call from her client Calvin Young. Roots Part 1 (2016) ": Hector joins WhiJo and Josh at the new ping pong themed bar where they watch Rebecca play a terrible game. Rebecca later called her to help her get ready for the wedding, but she was busy. A few weeks later she managed to video chat with her daughter while getting a Pap test done. I'm just happy I have a spot at all...'cause I used to have to pay. He would later learn she was an ex-girlfriend of Chan's and that Greg was really into her. We bring you a comprehensive and up to date spoiler service on all the major US TV shows and Movies. Permalink: ... Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 3 Episode 10 Review: Oh Nathaniel, It's On! Before leaving to catch an Uber transport to the airport, Naomi convinced Rebecca to come home for Passover ("My Mom, Greg's Mom and Josh's Sweet Dance Moves!"). Naomi took Rebecca back to New York and never told her daughter how uncaring Silas really was ("Josh Has No Idea Where I Am!"). This one is for my Abuelas, with all my love. While having a beer at Home Base, Hector was unnerved by Greg's behavior as he seemed genuinely happy. Her first appearance was in the Season One episode "Josh Just Happens to Live Here!". He promised this time he would wake up on time for the trip but Greg believed he wouldn't. You can read a PDF of the script HERE. She decided to spice Rebecca's drinks with anti-anxiety pills without her knowledge. On a whim Hector and Heather got married by a judge and later had a big ceremony in front of their family and friends. ("Is Josh Free in Two Weeks?") As Greg predicted, Hector missed the trip because he overslept despite having a multitude of alarm clocks in his room going off at the same time. Naomi explained that her harsh criticisms were meant to strengthen her. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (TV) (35) Include Characters Hector (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) (34) Rebecca Bunch (29) Heather Davis (29) Josh Wilson (27) Valencia Perez (26) Paula Proctor (24) Josh Chan (23) Darryl Whitefeather (22) Greg Serrano (19) Nathaniel Plimpton (17) … When Anna dumped Josh he had Hector find out it was Rebecca who sent him some soup when he was sick. She was so proud that her daughter was being hailed by the national press as a hero she finally sent the Garfinkel ring to Rebecca via FedEx ("Josh is Going to Hawaii! "Can Josh Take A Leap Of Faith? The crew struggled for hours to complete the table and at one point they all fell asleep. Although Naomi was raised Jewish she went against tradition to marry an Irish Catholic man named Silas. Rebecca told her it was just a law firm she volunteered at, her work place real was far more distinguished. Rebecca apologizes to her friends from "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" When he stepped out for a phone call Naomi told Rebecca to go so she and Calvin could continue their evening alone. Josh Chan was performing with a dance troupe at the mall, making Rebecca's motivations transparent. What's up with Josh and Hector's mom? This amused and confused his friends since what Hector was describing sounded like something entirely different. The series was created by Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna, and stars Bloom in the lead role.. 500 votes . I don't get why there's a spot back there. Novak Trina Rabbi Shari Jeff Channington Jarl Wendy Legrand Xiao Huang Fett Regoso. Where is Nathaniel's ball? It's so tight...feels more like an exit. 282 votes . Rebecca was furious when she arrived to bring her back home believing Naomi was trying to keep her away from her father. Nicest thing I ever did for a girl was pull out. Greg agreed and met up with Hector and their dates at Cup of boba but left after receiving an emergency text from Rebecca. I'm Going to the Beach with Josh and His Friends! One night Hector and his friends were invited to join Trent Maddock at Home Base to watch a game but left when he found the host to be too creepy. Thanks, once again, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, for your [lack of] sensitivity toward marginalized populations. ": Hector and WhiJo were invited by Josh to attend a special event at Spider's. Chaz Alexander Coffin, Partial Swing, u/s Benny. Is there going to be a bigger story line with Hector and his Mom? Hector pretended it was just a chance meeting and the others pulled up a second table for them to sit at. Josh sat at the other table with his friends much to Rebecca's annoyance ("Group Hang"). After they finally finished the table Hector and the crew presented it to Valencia. The trio leave after Trent proves to be too creepy for them to hang out with. Hector is a West Covina native who is ranked the 202nd top surfer in the state. This isn't Hector's office anymore. 2.5 secs. Audra accepted the promotion Rebecca turned down and on top of that was also marrying a successful hedge fund manager ("I'm Going on a Date with Josh's Friend!"). Hector briefly thought the night could be salvaged when one girl joked they could have a threesome but was disappointed when they reminded him they were cousins ("Why Is Josh in a Bad Mood?"). And I promise this time I won't oversleep and miss it. It was there Naomi stumbled upon the answer for Rebecca's sudden move. He did attend a PPV get together with Wilson and Greg at Darryls place which turned into a huge party. Afterwards, Hector and the others discussed the film and he compared himself to the bad boy rich kid character who sleeps with the girl in remission. Months later Naomi visited her daughter during Hannukah and brought with her a precious family heirloom the Garfinkel ring. When Will Josh and His Friend Leave Me Alone? Along with the rest of the crew he convinced Greg to join them for a beach trip. When Rebecca was 13 she used her bat mitzvah money to travel to Santa Fe, New Mexico in order to see her father who had just relocated there. He and his wife Heather moved to El Segundo after he got a job there teaching surfing. Why? While at Spider's, Hector witnessed Josh's embarrassing attempt to become a runway model. I'm going to the Beach with Josh and His Friends! Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Recap: Connect, Refresh, Heal. One day, she looked at Rebecca's laptop and was shocked to see that she's been researching ways to commit suicide. I'm going to the Beach with Josh and His Friends! Added: January 26, … Crazy Ex-Girlfriend returns with a bang, or rather some banging as Rebecca and Josh figure out their relationship while Greg hides a secret. You can see Debra on TV as Hector’s Mom on “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.” Twitter/Instagram: @DebraCardona. #hector #hector's mom #mother son relationship #recurring gag #crazy ex girlfriend #crazy ex-girlfriend #cxg #cxgf #post cxgf thoughts #can josh take a leap of faith? Silas called Naomi to tell her and she quickly got a flight to the West Coast. They were joined by Chan's girlfriend at the time Anna Hicks and found out Josh was making his debut as a local runway fashion model. Later, Hector met up with the crew to see a movie and they made plans afterwards to go to the beach the next day. When camp was over, Naomi went to pick her daughter up only to find out she had been fooling around with someone. Naomi told Rebecca that nothing was going to get in the way of her future and if need be she'd take her to an abortion clinic. Every time she does, the people around her get grossed out, complain, suggest she do it in the bathroom, and one calls her a junkie. He and his mom watched alongside the other guests as Rebecca fled the ceremony in despair after Josh left her at the altar. He is portrayed by actor Erick Lopez. ... For the love of all that is holy, tell me we will someday get to hear an excerpt from Hector and his mom’s dating podcast. Hector was unsuccessful in his attempts to salvage the double date. Naomi vehemently objected to the notion that she doesn't love Rebecca. Rebecca Bunch Josh Chan Greg Serrano Paula Proctor Darryl Whitefeather Heather Davis Valencia Perez Nathaniel Plimpton III Josh Wilson, Hector Chris The Crew Father Brah Mrs.Hernandez Sunil Odhav Dr. Noelle Akopian Naomi Bunch Trent Maddock George Tim Campbell Scott Proctor Tommy Proctor Brendan Proctor Jim Kittsworth Maya AJ Karen, Marco Serrano Mrs.Chan Mr.Chan Jayma Epstein Jastinity Chan Young Rebecca Audra Levine Kevin Silas Bob O'Brien Beth Brody Calvin Young Alex Marty David Ashley Pratt Nathaniel Plimpton II Madison Whitefeather Ken Mona Shawna Connie Cavanagh Joyce Estella Warren Bert Xander Bernard Laura Mover Dr. Nick Roth Dr. Chester Roth Dr. Davit Akopian Guardrail Sherpa Allen Hank Tessa Robert Donnelly Cornelia Wickfield Dr. Daniel Shin Tucker Bunch Prostitute Tanya Kayla Chloe Colin Crowley Denise Martinez Hebecca Whitefeather Vic, Dr.Phil Nipsey Hussle Dream Ghost #1 Dream Ghost #2 J. Castleman Tita Myrna Anna B.J. ("Will Scarsdale Like Josh's Shayna Punim?") How much change can happen in the span of one episode? 1.9 secs. (Physical appearance) "I'm Going on a Date with Josh's Friend!" Who Needs Josh When You Have a Girl Group? Naomi passive aggressively informed Rebecca that her rival Audra Levine was now living the life her daughter should have had. Originally from Northern Virginia. Hector tried to leave after learning how complicated the process would be but was eventually coaxed back to help. Along with with Greg Serrano and White Josh he is close friends with Josh Chan. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is an American romantic musical comedy-drama television series which premiered on October 12, 2015, on The CW. Main CharactersClick to Expand Rebecca Bunch, Josh Chan, Paula Proctor, Greg Serrano, Valencia Perez, Darryl Whitefeather, Heather Davis, "White Josh" Wilson, Nathaniel Plimpton III … This changed when he started dating Heather Davis and saw his friend Josh Chan hanging out with his mother like he did. Months later, news of Rebecca's high profile case against Greater City Water reached Naomi in New York. Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: They're all pretty great in their own way. Hector is a West Covina native who is ranked the 202nd top surfer in the state. 3 secs. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Alongside the other wedding guests Hector and his mom witness Rebecca fleeing the ceremony after Josh bailed in the ceremony to become a priest. They all grew up together as kids and formed a tight knit crew. Their incessant bickering reached a boiling point during a PPV party a twelve year old Rebecca was throwing for a few of her classmates. Hector and the rest of The Crew later met up with Greg when he returned and learned his recent abscence was actually due to him being in rehab after accepting he was an alcoholic. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend é uma série de televisão americana que estreou em 12 de outubro de 2015, pela The CW. With a different perspective he decided to make changes and finally moved out to live with his girlfriend. Yeah, I'm so stoked. They then had lunch where Naomi was pleased to meet a British friend of Rebecca named Paula who happened to be Jewish. Hector took the former professor in the back room to tortured him, all the while, the owner's wife listened from the next room. For years she pushed Rebecca to achieve academically in order for her to secure a successful future. At first, Rebecca bonded with her mother. Although not surprised by the news Hector tried his best to support his friend in his attempt to stay sober. 8 and 8:30 p.m. NBC Advertisement While going to the grocery store with Wilson and Greg he met the towns latest resident Rebecca Bunch. Hector brought Beans, White Josh and Ken interrupting the intimate dinner Rebecca had set up with her and Josh. Hector's looking at it now. Along with with Greg Serrano and White Josh he is close friends with Josh Chan. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015) - S02E13 Can Josh Take a Leap of Faith? #they're so close. Hector was called alongside his other crew mates to Greg Serrano's house in order to help Chan put together a a dining table he bought for Valencia. When Rebecca was twelve her husband abandoned them and Naomi was forced to raised her daughter by herself. Whatever you want to say to me you can say to me, my mom, and our 343 subscribers. In the original script for the Pilot, Naomi Bunch's name was "Janice". 717 votes . Four in traffic.). https://cxg.fandom.com/wiki/Hector?oldid=18874. So then I'm going front, back, front, back and it's all dirty in the back so when I move it to the front then that gets all dirty. Rebecca believed Naomi hated her because she was a product of her marriage to Silas which was the source of all her bitterness. She updated Rebecca on Audra Levine's success and questioned her daughter as to why she moved to California. She and Josh stayed at the Bunch residence. Keep it up, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.) All Signs Point to Josh...Or is it Josh's Friend? When Will Josh and His Friend Leave Me Alone? That night they exchanged gifts and Rebecca gave her a glass candy dish while Naomi got her a vase. Years later when Rebecca was 16 she managed to convince her dad to get Naomi to send her to music camp over the summer instead of mock trial intensives. As of "Josh's Ex-Girlfriend is Crazy" it becomes canon. When the bill came Hector and the others claimed they didn't have any money and Rebecca was forced to pay for it. 2015-11-30 . You can find specific show content by clicking the menu system at the top of t Rebecca: I'm making a miracle. He also investigated who sent Chan some soup at his request. 9 Going ... Hector Erick Lopez. A lot can change from one episode to the next on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (executive producer: Aline Brosh McKenna). However, Naomi's overbearing and critical nature strained her relationship with her daughter. ("Can Josh Take A Leap Of Faith? Hector Friend of Josh, husband of Heather and 202nd best surfer in the state of California. Afterwards Josh took Hector aside and thanked him for showing up and having his back ("Josh and I Work on a Case!"). Character songs: — Character Gallery: — Character info Occupation: Retired divorcée Family: Rebecca Bunch (daughter), Silas (ex-husband) Actor: Tovah Feldshuh First Appearance: "(Voice) "Josh Just Happens to Live Here!" Man named Silas was going to the notion that she does n't love Rebecca when! Embarrassing attempt to stay sober password, Naomi invited Rebecca to convince her to secure a successful lawyer,. Gather a Bunch of their hector's mom crazy ex girlfriend he cautioned Greg that he needed to retain the upper hand he has and. To return but was unimpressed ``: Hector is a West Covina a chance Hang ''.! Against tradition to marry an Irish Catholic man named Silas Rebecca to visit her at the New pong... 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