Choose your shop name, then click Save and continue. *This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission. One benefit of these kinds of names is that shoppers can quickly understand what you sell. Sit down with a piece of paper and pen and ask yourself: “What shops do I know the name of on Etsy?” It doesn’t have to be your favorite shop or any reason other than the fact that you remembered the name. Maybe you want your brand to feel family-friendly, colorful and trendy. Read on for tips on brainstorming and choosing a name that will fit your business now and into the future. I’ve thought of several names I love, but they are not available because they are already in use or most tragic, not being used, but you don’t have access to them. Illustrator Surface Pattern designer, floral and feminine. Pinterest is perfect for improving your views on Etsy. How do they make you feel? Choosing a name for your Etsy shop is not as difficult as you might think. Use words like planetarium rather than a greenhouse. You could start again with a new email and get a new shop name – or write down the name you want and change it once you are open. Just Googling or searching on Etsy for a shop name is not enough. The check if your cute Etsy shop name is available you must first select open shop from the Etsy menu. I can’t control what Etsy does with my shop, but I can control the traffic I send there. Some words and names are trademarked, so do your homework first to avoid a possible conflict later. For example, “HouseOfBalticLinen” is easier to read than “houseofbalticlinen.”. An interesting word or phrase that is meaningful to you can add a bit of history and a point of interest to your shop’s story. Need some help coming up with names for your craft business or Etsy Shop? 30/100 Just chilling in the ☔️ in Hong Kong. Etsy shop using GoDaddy Online Store. What’s the shop called? To change your name yourself in Etsy simply navigate to Settings, Info and Appearance. In this post, we will brainstorm ways to name your Etsy shop, how to change your Etsy shop name and what makes a cute Etsy shop name. It can be frustrating to discover that the name you want to use is not available, and you might be wondering why you can’t use a name when you can see that there are no open shops using that name. It has a smell of course, but the whole shop marketing makes the customer feel a certain way and thus ensuring you think it’s a self-gift and you’ve to go to have it. Using the same name everywhere — your Etsy shop name, in your cover photo and shop icon, on your blog and on any social media sites you use (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) In this example we are selling Pots for succulents. Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This is why it’s so it’s important to get it right the first time. After you’ve opened your shop, you can instantly change your name one time. If you have already chosen your perfect Etsy shop name – then it time to Create your first listing. Grab your favorite magazine or even better a magazine in your niche and write all the words which jump out at you. How to name your Etsy shop or handmade business Include your main keyword in your shop or business name. Want to know more? Forgetful names – your overall brand should be able to stand out in the crowd, and this includes your name. Come up with a shop name When coming up with a shop name, it should not only be reflective of what you will be selling, but it should be easy to remember and not in use. My name is Betsy, and I was just arguing with my brother over the pronunciation of “etsy”. check Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. The idea is to just to get you thinking about words, even if you think it is silly, just write it anyway. For example, if you call your shop Beautiful Bed Linens, the name won’t make much sense if you later decide to sell tea towels and kitchen accessories. When I started my Etsy shop 6 years ago, I never even thought of checking for my matching domain name because I didn’t even consider having my own website or blog. This method of redirecting only works when you own both domains. I have an Etsy shop and my own website. There’s nothing wrong with starting with an Etsy shop, seeing how things go, and building out your own e-commerce site in the future. Make sure you watch the video clips … Keep it simple and don’t let the task run away with you. How to Turn Your Etsy Shop into Your Own Store All about 36/100 - #100dayproject - Hope you are all having, 35/100 #100dayproject - I have enjoyed painting th. You might search for the shop on Etsy and find no other shops with this name – and believe it is available, then infact it is not. You should also check that the domain if free. Though you may own and run your Etsy shop yourself, you do not own the storefront and it is important to remember that Etsy has the right to close your shop for any number of reasons with no notice. For more tips on creating a memorable shop, read 5 Steps to Stand Out from the Competition. If you use a unique logo, or sell your own, creative work, and expect to expand, make sure to file to protect or register your intellectual property as soon as Read our Cookie Policy. Your own name will be easier to remember and can be advertised on your business cards and by word of mouth. The 10-second business name creator. If it is not available – it could be that the name is already in use. Etsy is a popular online marketplace for homemade crafts and other goods. If you are selling clay pots for plants, can you include the word clay in your name? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Can you incorporate any into your Etsy shop name? If you already have a name for your Etsy store, this step should be easy—you’ll probably want your domain name to be the same as your Etsy store name. Type in your new shop name and check the availability. Oh – that’s nice, where did you buy it? In Etsy, it is possible to change your shop name only once yourself. These tips will help you choose a memorable name: Pick an Etsy shop name that is easy to pronounce and spell. Etsy is also a great way to diversify your streams of revenue. This is nice and isn’t always possible. Whether the name is for an Etsy store, a website, a Facebook page, eBay, or whatever else, we’ve got a few ideas! Try an Abstract Name. You don’t have to be a sticker shop to do this, though! These words may not immediately make people think of an Etsy shop, but it The color of my items are soft pastels, they look bright and clear and include summer colors. If you are aiming to make Etsy your full-time job – you must love it wholeheartedly. Strawberry Sticker Co – The name is easy if you can remember Strawberry and it has Sticker in it. Choosing a perfect name for your Etsy shop is the first in a list of tasks which might leave you stumped. If you haven’t yet opened your Etsy shop there are a few things you should do before opening a shop. It may also mean that the name has already been registered, but since then the shop has closed or changed names again. Keep all of those lists as you will need to them for when it comes to branding your shop later. Search for your intended name on Google. If your items are quirky or clever, think of words that have that vibe. Finding your main competitor and adding a basic word at the end or even a letter doesn’t look good either. Selling on a self-hosted site provides a much greater sense of security for you and your business. I'm new to this site and wanted to get started with selling some prints I have but I cannot seem to get my shop or my listings to appear in search. It takes years to create a great brand, but you can have a creative brand name in seconds. Don’t be tempted to procrastinate over your shop name. No other shop owners may now use this name. How do I change it? Trust me – just keep going with your plan. Set your shop preferences It’s not an Etsy shop, but still an amazing name. “Spend 70 percent of your time exploring and 30 percent of your time editing down your options,” Wynne recommends. What the hell is that? Ask others what kind of brand they think a business with this name would have or what they would sell. Oh – I bought on Etsy. If you have found this process hard and challenging, it’s ok, because you are putting the effort in now will pay off later and you will be glad you took the time to do a good job. By Taylor Combs 01 Jan, 2020. Or think of rhyming names to add. Wate, 28/100 #100dayproject - I wanted to paint poppies, 27/100 of the #100dayproject Your Etsy shop name can help shoppers immediately recognize your business as well as communicate the style of your shop or what you sell, says Wynne Renz, a copywriter at Etsy who's also worked with brands to name new products and businesses. No, we can't provide the IP address, nameservers, or DNS information for individual shops. Look at your items and now write down at least 30 words associated with them pots, pottery, planter, flora, funda, planting, bright, summer, handmade, homely, living, etc. If you don’t have any pretty magazines, then jump right in with my best recommendation of Branding books. It really does need to be something you can stand to say and look at all day. Silly names don’t work well. How to link a domain to your Etsy shop Step 1: Purchase a domain name. Eponymous shops will always be unique to you and are general enough to allow you to explore different kinds of products and aesthetics as your shop grows. Shop names on Etsy are entirely unique, so once a name has been used — either as a shop name or username — it can’t be used again. If your items are elegant, use words that have that feeling. Why do you like them?. Maybe after some time you wish to concentrate on another product and change your name accordingly. Which would be simpler. makes it easier for buyers to find your shop. This means you don’t have to worry about design , … Your Etsy shop name is the foundation for your brand. Your email address will not be published. If you’re stumped when trying to brainstorm words or phrases that could become part of your Etsy shop name, Wynne recommends making a list of the attributes you want your business to be associated with. Check into the laws in your state. If your name isn't available, try adding "Studio," "Co," "Inc," "Workshop" or another word. Are there any boards or accounts you like the name of – do they work for your Etsy shop? Shop names on Etsy are entirely unique, so once a name has been used — either as a shop name or username — it can’t be used again. To find out whether your desired name is available on Etsy, you have to type it in during the shop creation process and click “Check Availability.”. One downside is that shoppers can’t quickly determine what you sell. It’s yours free simply sign up below for access. After you have your list of remembered names, take a look at them. If they purchase something from your shop, for example, a phone case and their friends comment on it. It will be unique. Indeed, the list of pros is mostly about convenience. Even if you are only opening an Etsy shop right now, and you don’t think you would ever have your own website for your business, hear me out. Choosing a shop name is the first step to building a strong brand. ADVERTISING YOUR NAME- Selecting your name as the name of your etsy shop is definitely not a bad idea. Maybe pot. 1. Ask friends or family who are in your target market what they think about your name. When in doubt, just be consistent — have your username and your shop name be the same. Advice and inspiration for successfully running your Etsy shop. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Your Etsy shop name cannot be longer than 20 characters and can’t contain spaces or punctuation. Why are they so memorable? No matter how much customers asked, I refused to sell digital files at the time. 32/100 - Time to switch brushes to a smaller one. I also wrote a whole post on Branding for Etsy. Need help driving traffic to your Etsy shop? Checking off the things on this list before you commit to a shop name can save you headaches later. Searching to see what’s already out there can help you determine if other businesses or websites are already using your name. I own the domain name and that’s what I print on my Instagram images, business cards A major advantage of abstract names is that they will likely be totally unique to your business, making them easier for customers to search online. You can find these either by searching in Etsy for your keywords, in this example, it would be – planter, clay pot, handmade decor. A few examples on Etsy: Urban Cheesecraft, Waterstone Succulents, Delirium Decor, Morning Ritual Jewelry. Connecting your site via an IP address would redirect the entire site to your domain. You can read how badly I named my shop here. Here are a few tips on choosing a name to get you started. Loving #watercolour #prints Check out my shop on Etsy.. Hopefully, these tips help you brainstorm a name for your shop that’s uniquely yours, but if you’re feeling stuck or not totally happy with your name, remember that it is possible to change it later. Don’t forget to put a link to your Etsy shop. According to Marketplace Pulse, in the first quarter of 2019, Etsy had 41.03 million active buyers—people who bought at least one item in the last 12 months. The former helps shoppers remember your name, the latter makes it easy to find you again. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsy’s Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Shop names are the biggest identifier of your shop’s brand across Etsy. Top Tips for Choosing Your Etsy Shop Name. You can do this by using a name search or even just Bluehost. He thought it was “eat-see”. Check out the Each shop name that has been used can never be used by you or anyone else again. Finalize Your Etsy Shop Name. In my name ideas, I used words like “Dazzling”, “Beauty”, “Shine” and “Precious”. However, at it’s most basic level, here’s how it works: You purchase a domain name through GoDaddy and then re-direct that domain name to your Etsy store . Select your shop language, country, and currency, then click Save and continue. Cookies and similar technologies are used to improve your experience, to do things like: Without these technologies, things like personalized recommendations, your account preferences, or localisation may not work correctly. While Etsy’s popularity is great for increasing traffic to your shop, it also means that your business will have huge competition. Adding your Cristian or even surname to your Etsy shop name can add a personality to your shop. Business Domain Name Generator Easily browse the availability of domain names to fit your business. Etsy does this to prevent confusion and to protect the privacy of you and your customers. Business Domain Name Generator Easily browse the availability of domain names to fit your business. I love to talk about Etsy and building a little business. The Collective Knot – The name is interesting and gives a nod to the items being sold. During my maternity leave for my first child, I decided to brainstorm an escape strategy from the corporate world and run my own business. I took some pictures of my products, uploaded them to Etsy, added a cute shop banner, wrote two paragraphs of the story behind my shop, and that was it.” But as she graduated from university into a career in digital marketing, Olivia realized that many of the marketing skills she was learning could be better applied outside of Etsy. Name could be that the Sewing Circle would also work well unique the of. Are a few tips on choosing a name that has been used can never be used you. With your consent shop owners may now use this website be tempted to procrastinate over your name... 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