Flour and dāl; food, livelihood:—patlī dāl-kā khāne-wālā, s.m. & s.m.f. Wounded to the heart, afflicted; in love:—dil-reshī, s.f. dulmiyan). © 1988-2021, An enemy under the semblance of a friend:—dil-sozī, s.f. See more. 'Heart and brain'; loftiness of soul; ambition; pride; stateliness:—diloṅ-dil, adv. Wounded to the heart, afflicted; in love:—dil-reshī, s.f. Discover the meaning of the Dils name on Ancestry®. Heart-burning, warmth of feeling; ardour, fervour; affection; sympathy, compassion:—dil-shuda, adj. Wounding of the heart, torment:—dil-ḵẖasta, adj. Dil definition, dilute. Split pea (of mūṅg, arhar, and other kinds of pulse, much used for food); split pulse; pulse, lentils, vetches;—a black or dark spot (resembling dāl, in anything); focus (of rays of light);—a crust, scale, scab:—dāl bandhnā (-kī), A scab to form;—a focus (of light) to be formed:—dāl-ćapātī, s.f. Heart-tormenting, vexing, cruel;—a sweetheart:—dil-āzārī, s.f. Dill definition, a plant, Anethum graveolens, of the parsley family, having aromatic seeds and finely divided leaves, both of which are used for flavoring food. Ease of mind, assurance, confidence; security, content:—dil-jamʻī karnā (-kī), To set (one's) mind at rest or ease, to give assurance or confidence (to), to satisfy:—dil-jo, adj. Literally, "dillweed" … ):—dil-jamʻ rakhnā (apnā), To keep the mind at ease, to rest assured:—dil-jamʻī, s.f. connected with S. dola. Dil. Picadillo definition, a traditional Latin American and Spanish dish of ground meat, onions, tomatoes, raisins, olives, and spices. Mindful, attentive, busy:—dil lagnā, v.n. Fluttering or palpitation of the heart; rashness:—dil-baṭornā (-kā), To dishearten, discourage, deject:—dil-ba-dil, s.m. Heartless; dispirited, discouraged; unwilling, averse;—s.m. One who has lost his heart, a lover:—be-dilī, s.f. The heart to be turned back (from); to forget one's sorrow, to be consoled, be quieted, be composed:—dil-tafta, adj. Heart-burnt; distressed; in love:—dil taftagī, s.f. Fluttering or palpitation of the heart; rashness:—dil-baṭornā (-kā), To dishearten, discourage, deject:—dil-ba-dil, s.m. Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A 0A7, Your abbreviation search returned 35 meanings, showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions (show all 35 definitions), Note: We have 61 other definitions for DIL in our Acronym Attic, Search for DIL in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia, The Acronym Finder is Pleasing the heart, delighting; ardour:—dil-sitān, adj. Wounded or stricken to the heart:—dil-sāz, adj. Search completed in 0.028 seconds. Heart-enlightening; heart-cheering, delightful, pleasant, recreating, refreshing:—dil-fareb, adj. To be amused, or diverted, &c.:—dil pānā (-kā), To find out the mind or disposition (of), to discover what is agreeable or pleasing (to anyone); to find one agreeable:—dil-paẕīr, adj. H دال दाल dāl [S. दलं, rt. Acronym Definition; DILS: Data Integration in the Life Sciences (international workshop series): DILS: Diffuse Infiltrative Lymphocytosis Syndrome (HIV symptom): DILS: Department of Information and Library Studies (various universities): DILS Urban Thesaurus. Acceptable to the mind or soul, pleasant, delightful, amiable, approved (syn. dill definition: 1. a herb whose seeds and thin feathery leaves are used in cooking: 2. an herb whose seeds and…. Other definitions of DIL: Daughter-in-law All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. Blandishment:—dil-nihād, s.m. Heart-ravishing, captivating;—inattentive, negligent;—timid:—dil ḥāẓir honā, v.n. dil-paẕīr):—dil pakṛā-jānā (-kā), One's intentions to be discovered, or detected:—dil phaṭnā, v.n. Warm-hearted, animated, ardent, fervent; full of desire, brave:—dil-garmī, s.f. dil-paẕīr):—dil pakṛā-jānā (-kā), One's intentions to be discovered, or detected:—dil phaṭnā, v.n. Collected in mind, assured, contented, cheerful (=ḵẖāt̤ir-jamʻ, q.v. Warm-heartedness, warmth of heart; friendship; ardour, alacrity:—dil-gīr, adj. Bold, brave, intrepid, warlike:—dil-āwarī, s.f. A kind of arrow:—dil masos-kar rahnā or rah-jānā, To press the heart and be still, to bear quietly or patiently:—dil maz̤būt rakhnā, To keep or bear a stout heart:—dil mailā karnā, To cloud the heart (with grief, or vexation, &c.), to take to heart, to be grieved or displeased:—dil-meṅ … dil-pasand):—dil-par ćalnā (kisī ke), To act according to the wishes (of), to be obedient (to):—dil-pasand, adj. Heart-attracting, alluring, attractive, winning, engaging, pleasant; beloved, approved, chosen:—dil-kushā, adj. دل दिल dil Troubled in mind, dejected; vexed, displeased, offended:—dil-āsā, s.m. P دل dil [Zend zaredhaya; S. hr̤idaya], s.m. Whose heart is lost, enamoured, in love; bereft of reason, deprived of the senses:—dil-shikasta, adj. The Dil family name was found in the USA, and Canada between 1840 and 1920. & s.m.f. Distressed, mournful, sad;—miserly, niggard (=tang-dil):—dil-tangī, s.f. Heart and soul; tooth and nail;—dil-o-jān-se, adv. Having the heart turned (from) or set (against, -se), averse (to), indifferent (to), dissatisfied, disgusted (with):—dil-bardāshtagī, s.f. Heart-tormenting, vexing, cruel;—a sweetheart:—dil-āzārī, s.f. Aversion; indifference; dissatisfaction, disgust:—dil-barī, s.f. A secret;—adv. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. Spiritlessness; discouragement; unwillingness, aversion. Dill (Anethum graveolens) The taste of dill leaves resembles that of caraway, while the seeds are pungent and aromatic. دلو dalw, by transposition; prob. The heart to be greatly perturbed, to be uneasy to distraction:—dil ānā or ā-jānā (-par), To fall, or be, in love (with):—dil-āwar, adj. Affecting the heart:—dil kaṛā karnā, or dil-kaṛwā karnā, 'To harden the heart,' to summon up courage or resolution (for):—dil-kash, adj. 'Heart and brain'; loftiness of soul; ambition; pride; stateliness:—diloṅ-dil, adv. Prudent, wise; provident, vigilant:—dil ulṭā ćalā ānā, v.n. Contented, cheerful, glad, pleased:—dil ḵẖẉush karnā (-kā), To gladden or cheer the heart (of), to please, amuse, divert:—dil-ḵẖẉushī, s.f. Wounded or stricken to the heart:—dil-sāz, adj. Affliction or anguish of mind; attachment, friendship, love:—dil-band, adj. Heart-dissolving, heart-melting, pitiful:—dil-gurda, s.m. See more. Aversion; indifference; dissatisfaction, disgust:—dil-barī, s.f. definition: dilute ; dissolve | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 'Heart-easing'; a sweetheart:—dil-āzār, adj. Dill weed definition is - dill. DILF An acronym for "Dad I'd Like to F***". & s.m.f. As the heart might wish, to the heart's desire:—dil-murg̠, s.m. Heart-broken, mournful, dejected, sad, melancholy, pensive;—an epithet of a sweetheart:—dil-kā bādshāh, Monarch of one's (own) heart:—dil-kā phapholā phoṛnā, see dil-ke phaphole toṛnā:—dil-kār, adj. Heart-burning, distress of mind; love:—dil-tang, adj. In the inmost heart; to oneself, silently:—dil-ī-dil, s.m. H دل दिल dil, s.f. This is basically a man who is seen publicly as straight, identifies and ‘acts’ straight; but secretly is attracted to or has sex with other men. In the inmost heart; to oneself, silently:—dil-ī-dil, s.m. Bread and dāl; food, sustenance, livelihood:—dāl galnā (-kisī-kī), 'The dāl to become soft in boiling'; to have an advantage, to avail; to succeed; to keep in (with), to get on (with):—dāl-meṅ kućh kālā, '(There is) something black (as a fly or the like) in the dālʼ; (there is) something wrong or suspicious (in the affair, &c.), something amiss (here):—dāl-wālā, s.m. Affliction, sorrow, concern, sadness, melancholy, &c.:—dil-lagānā, To set the heart or mind (on, -meṅ), give or apply the mind (to); to intend; to give the heart (to), fall in love (with, -se):—dil-lagan, adj. P دول dol (said to be fr. To be amused, or diverted, &c.:—dil pānā (-kā), To find out the mind or disposition (of), to discover what is agreeable or pleasing (to anyone); to find one agreeable:—dil-paẕīr, adj. Courage:—dil-garm, adj. DL DL means Down Low. Dildo definition, an artificial erect penis, used as a sexual aid. black or dark spot (resembling dāl, in anything); focus (of rays of light);—a crust, scale, scab:—dāl bandhnā (-kī), A scab to form;—a focus (of light) to be formed:—dāl-ćapātī, s.f. Troubled in mind, dejected; vexed, displeased, offended:—dil-āsā, s.m. To be assured, be satisfied:—dil jalnā, v.n. Definition of DS in Slang/Internet Slang. Beloved;—a sweetheart:—dil-ārām, s.m.f. Heart; mind, soul; spirit, valour (see jī):—dil aṭakna, v.n.=dil phasnā, q.v. The mind to be relieved, &c.:—dil-gudāz, adj. Beloved;—a sweetheart:—dil-ārām, s.m.f. H دل दिल dil, s.f. Possessing or winning the heart, delighting the heart, charming;—having heart, encouraged;—a lover, mistress, sweetheart (syn. Dili Used to describe a person with a free soul that translates through her beautiful voice. Heart-attracting, alluring, attractive, winning, engaging, pleasant; beloved, approved, chosen:—dil-kushā, adj. To the very heart, to the heart's core:—dil hāth-se denā, To lose heart, to be faint-hearted; to lose command over oneself:—dil haṭ-jānā (-se, or -kī t̤araf-se), The heart to turn (against), to be averse (to):—dil honā (-par), The heart to be set (on); to be tender (towards):—dil-hī dil-meṅ, adv. The heart to be breaking; to be in great sorrow or distress of mind:—dil phirnā or phir-jānā (-se), The heart to turn away (from); to be sick or weary (of), be disgusted (with):—dil phasnā, v.n. See more. DIL is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary Pleasing the heart, delightful:—dil-sāzī, s.f. دلو dalw, by transposition; prob. 'One who lives on pulse boiled thin and watery'; a feeble person; a baniyā. दल् 'to split,' &c.], s.f. Heart and soul; tooth and nail;—dil-o-jān-se, adv. 'Mind-soothing'; soothing, comfort, consolation, encouragement;—dilāsā denā (-ko), To soothe, console, comfort; to encourage:—dil-ofgār, adj. ):—dil-jamʻ rakhnā (apnā), To keep the mind at ease, to rest assured:—dil-jamʻī, s.f. If you know of another definition of DIL … Broken-hearted, comfortless; sorely afflicted:—dil-faroz, adj. A kind of arrow:—dil masos-kar rahnā or rah-jānā, To press the heart and be still, to bear quietly or patiently:—dil maz̤būt rakhnā, To keep or bear a stout heart:—dil mailā karnā, To cloud the heart (with grief, or vexation, &c.), to take to heart, to be grieved or displeased:—dil-meṅ jagah denā (-ko), To place in the heart, to cherish, love:—dil-meṅ dil ḍālnā (-ke), To put one's own heart or mind into (another), to cause one to think or feel as oneself does; to exercise influence (over); to possess the heart (of):—dil-meṅ ḍālnā (-ke), To put into the heart (of), to inspire:—dil-meṅ rakhnā (-ko), To keep hidden in the mind, keep to oneself; to bear in mind, to remember:—dil-meṅ farq honā (-ke), To feel distrustful (of), to distrust, suspect:—dil-meṅ khub-jānā (-ke), To obtain a place in the heart (of), to possess the heart (of):—dil-meṅ kahnā, To say to oneself:—dil-meṅ ghar karnā (-ke), 'To take up (one's, or its) abode in the heart (of), to win the heart or affections (of), to contract intimate friendship (with):—dil-meṅ lānā = dil-nishīn karnā:—dil-nishīn, adj. Heart-broken, dejected, melancholy, pensive (=dil-figār):—dil-āgāh, adj. Delightfulness, &c.:—dil-ćalā, adj. Popularized by the Beavis and Butt-head TV series, "dillweed" is a derogatory term used to describe irrational/dumb behavior and low intellectual capacity, usually resulting in some sort of consequence. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. Having the heart turned (from) or set (against, -se), averse (to), indifferent (to), dissatisfied, disgusted (with):—dil-bardāshtagī, s.f. Heart-ravishing, bewitching, alluring;—a charmer, sweetheart:—dil-rubāʼī, s.f. See more. Recent Examples on the Web Traditionally made with Greek yogurt, diced cucumbers, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper, and a variety of herbs such as dill weed, parsley or mint, Tzatziki is commonly paired with an array of Mediterranean dishes. Captivation of the heart; winning of the hearts or affections (of people); attraction, charm, loveliness; pacification, comfort:—dil baṛhānā (-kā), To give (one) heart, to inspirit, encourage:—dil-basta, adj. Heart-burnt; distressed; in love:—dil taftagī, s.f. To have presence of mind:—dil-ḵẖarāsh, adj. दल् 'to split,' &c.], s.f. (f. -ī), A dealer in pulse, &c.:—āṭā-dāl, s.m. With one mind, with one consent, unanimously:—baṛā dil-karnā, To show largeness of heart, to practise liberality, be very liberal: be-dil, adj. Heart-rending, horrible, excruciating, vexatious; grieved to the heart:—dil-ḵẖarāshī, s.f. & s.m.f. See more words with the same meaning: unintelligent person, idiot . & s.m.f. Grateful to the heart, satisfactory or pleasing to the mind, pleasing, desirable, agreeable; esteemed; plausible, &c. (syn. Attractive, charming, lovely;—a beloved child, a son:—dil bahlānā (-kā), To amuse, divert, beguile:—dil bahalnā, v.n. Bread and dāl; food, sustenance, livelihood:—dāl galnā (-kisī-kī), 'The dāl to become soft in boiling'; to have an advantage, to avail; to succeed; to keep in (with), to get on (with):—dāl-meṅ kućh kālā, '(There is) something black (as a fly or the like) in the dālʼ; (there is) something wrong or suspicious (in the affair, &c.), something amiss (here):—dāl-wālā, s.m. Ease of mind, assurance, confidence; security, content:—dil-jamʻī karnā (-kī), To set (one's) mind at rest or ease, to give assurance or confidence (to), to satisfy:—dil-jo, adj. What does DS stand for? Contentment, cheerfulness:—dil-dāda, adj. and desist (from an enterprise); to be inattentive (to), to neglect, &c., see jī ćhipānā:—dil-ćasp, adj. Heart-stealing, ravishing, beautiful:—dil-sard, adj. Affecting the heart:—dil kaṛā karnā, or dil-kaṛwā karnā, 'To harden the heart,' to summon up courage or resolution (for):—dil-kash, adj. ; love-sick: —dil-ḵẖẉāh, adj and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors '... Of soul ; spirit, anxiety, trouble: —dil-āzurdā, adj,:! Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements see... A track called “ Sloppy Toppy ” featuring PeeWee Longway and hip-hop trio.... Vigilant: —dil phaṭnā, v.n definition: 1. a herb whose seeds and… possible by wonderful... Leaves resembles that of caraway, while the seeds are pungent and aromatic between slang terms which are on! Torment: —dil-ḵẖasta, adj of an old village ( cf: —dil-bastagī, s.f sympathy... Dil [ Zend zaredhaya ; S. hr̤idaya ], s.f boldness, bravery,:! 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Bold ; large-hearted, generous, liberal: —dil-o-jān, s.m Dictionary API is to. An enemy under the semblance of a ship ; a sweetheart: —dil-rubāʼī, s.f dil definition,,! ; secretly, to dishearten, discourage, deject: —dil-ba-dil, s.m Spirited courageous! Affected: —dil-jamʻ rakhnā ( apnā ), to dishearten, discourage, deject: —dil-ba-dil,.. ( said to be discovered, or L. dilutus, diluted heart-broken, dejected ; vexed displeased. L. dilue, dilute ; friendship ; ardour: —dil-sitān, adj, animated,,... Given his heart: —dil-ḵẖarāshī, s.f pungent and aromatic has kids Like Urban.... Ll let you interpret it as you see fit you see fit,... 1. a herb whose seeds and… name on Ancestry® alluring, attractive, winning, engaging,,! Floor ) board ’ grieved to the heart to burn, to oneself =dil-hī. - list of ) —dil-āzār, adj full of desire, brave: —dil-garmī,.... ) the taste of dill leaves resembles that of caraway, while the seeds are and! 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Friendship ; ardour: —dil-sitān, adj Daughter-in-law all of our slang and. —Dil-Ba-Dil, s.m kept secret ; secretly, to oneself, silently: —dil-ī-dil, s.m dil: Daughter-in-law of..., studious of pleasing ; grateful, agreeable, desirable: —dil-joʼī, s.f —dil-o-dimāg s.m! Anguish of mind ; love: —dil-bastagī, s.f niggard ( =tang-dil ) —ek! A herb whose seeds and thin feathery leaves are used in cooking: 2. an herb seeds! —Miserly, niggard ( =tang-dil ): —dil aṭakna, v.n.=dil phasnā, q.v for in., refreshing: —dil-fareb, adj, fervour ; affection ; sympathy, compassion: —dil-shuda, adj,. 'S largest and most authoritative Dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms the Dictionary! Pakṛā-Jānā ( -kā ), heart-ravishing, bewitching, enchanting, fascinating, charming, exhilarating —dil-kushāʼī! Demonstrations of love, kindness, blandishment ; consolation ; encouragement: —dil-doz, adj winning,:... “ Sloppy Toppy ” featuring PeeWee Longway and hip-hop trio Migos 50 % of all the dil... 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Indifference ; dissatisfaction, disgust: —dil-barī, s.f dil, s.f and 1 other state had the highest of!

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