All of the latest Airoh technologies come together in this model without rivals that ensures comfort and total protection, even in the most demanding situations. Appo wore this version of the armor while serving aboard Vader's Imperator-class Star Destroyer, the "Exactor". Design is about 3 1/2 inches wide at the elevated chest edge, and about 6 inches wide at bottom, just above top abdomen edge. Quantity. Tried a "hand brush spray" technique to muddy this guy, I like how it looks combined with the usual splatter pattern. 33. Blue areas are weathered with various scuff marks. Realistic style Phase II (Episode III) Pauldron. GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum. Alle rechten voorbehouden. 1980 Kenner Star Wars AT-AT COMMANDER No COO Complete No Repro W/ CARD, Gentle Giant Star Wars Commander Cody Mini Bust 2007 SDCC Excl LE 3160/3500 VHTF, Star Wars 501st Snowtrooper "Blizzard Force" Embroidered Patch, 1980 Kenner Star Wars HOTH REBEL COMMANDER & SOLDIER Hong Kong NO WEAPONS, Star Wars Attacktix Battle Figure Game Booster Pack - Dooku Clone Commander Gree, CLONE COMMANDER MANUAL Star Wars The CLONE WARS + ORIGINAL STICKERS, A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including handmade items). Black over the wrist gloves made of leather, nylon, or other low pile fabrics. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Details about Star Wars custom 3.75 painted Appo 501st clone trooper helmet. Twelve (12) radiator fins evenly spaced along the length of barrel. This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Shoulder straps are slotted into the detail ridges of the top connection points. Chest and back armor match together at the sides with no open gap. Commander Appo, after ‘Carnage of Krell’You should not fear the Force, only those who abuse it.The walls of the Resolute felt haunted. Ammo boxes have black square indented detail near the top and centered. Right rear box is spaced closer to detonator and has a bar with two small cylinders centered, and two dashed indented detail marks on bottom left. Two parallel vertical blue stripes about 1/2 inch wide each and 3/4 inch apart run down the center of the outside facing side of each lower leg armor. Prefix: CC Stripe running up between vocoder and frown is about 1 inch wide. Collector Notes Commander Appo. For 501st membership only the requirements in black need to be met. In combat he utilized the DC-15A blaster and DC-15 blaster rifle. White, ankle high or tall enough to cover the ankle and eliminate any black undersuit visible at the ankle. Level 28: Expert Warrior. A white colored flat strap, about 2 inches wide, wraps around back of leg. Alle handelsmerken zijn eigendom van hun respectieve eigenaren in de Verenigde Staten en andere landen. thanks. No visible traces of how the armor was assembled are shown. Rubie's Men's Star Wars 2 Clone Trooper Collectible Mask Helmet, Multi, One Size. FS Commander APPO helmet 325.00 shipped. Star Wars Figurines - Stormtrooper, Clone Commander Gree, General Grievous. Also tried a new way to attach head cast (plastic wrap in the hole), it's was very easy and not messy at all, unlike using hot glue. Proportionality should take precedence over exact measurements. 501st Sergeant Appo before his promotion to Commander. Armor is seamless, except where the calf spoon connects to the back of the lower leg indent edge. Commander Cody Clone Helmet PVC Patch. Instead of a hard edge the top of the forearm has a bone ridge. (9) dark blue vertical hash marks on each side of helmet cheek. Jan 11, 2009 #1 hello all reduced 325.00 shipped 1.Commnader APPO SGB EP3 helmet and EVO3 binoc's 325.00 shipped usa and canada click on pic for more pictures 2. Condition is "Used" as it’s a custom. Clone Commander "Appo" (aka CC-1119) who served under Darth Vader, led the elite unit of clone troopers known as the 501st Legion during the Clone Wars. 3947741. commander-appo-3947741. CC-1119, nicknamed "Appo", was a Clone Stormtrooper that held the rank of Commander in the 501st Legion from 22 BBY up until his death in 19 BBY while putting down a rebellion on Kashyyyk that opposed the Galactic Empire. Seven horizontally aligned square buttons are on left side of tube, facing backwards. See this thread at for the differences between the sculpts. Elbow straps have a raised detail line at the top and bottom of the strap. He was later promoted a commander and put in charge of the 501st Legion during Order 66. Total length is approximately 55 inches (139.7 cm). Players can win this item when selecting the following class specializations: Paladin: Warrior: Death Knight: Guides. Blue pillar design is narrowest at top with about 1 3/4 inch width and widens downward. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Strap connects to right front of pauldron and extends down behind third belt box on right. Blue pillar design flares outward along bottom edge, about 3 1/2 inches in length, creating about a 3/4 inch blue border on surface that tappers to about 1/2 inch. Ammo strap attaches to front right of pauldron base. A sergeant while serving under Jedi General Pong Krell, Appo participated in the Battle of Umbara. Context: Expanded universe storyline and Hasbro action figures. Star Wars Black Series Custom Commander Appo Stormtrooper. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Discover (and save!) If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. 3.4 out of 5 stars 2. Armor aligns with codpiece with the seam line hidden by the belt. Total length is approximately 26" (66 cm). Some "name brand" helmets may be unacceptable. Star Wars custom 3.75 painted Appo 501st clone trooper helmet. Stripe narrows slightly toward back of dome and is about 6 inches wide, and stops short of dome edge leaving about a 3/8 inch white border just above the grey indented band. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Copyright © 1995-2021 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Appo's 501st Legion received a new name, as well: stormtroopers. That was the only way Ahsoka could describe it. Item Information. Thread starter tk1565; Start date Jan 11, 2009; T. tk1565. Hyper-ionized blue plasma bolts are more than capable of penetrating armored units. Very little information is known about Appo, yet he has become very popular amongst fans. Appo or CC-1119 was a clone trooper who served in the 501st Legion during the Clone Wars. Oct 30, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Brian Peters. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use. Because of the scale, the Hasbro version is not allowed. CC-1119, nicknamed Appo, was a clone trooper commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, and later a stormtrooper in the Imperial Army of the Galactic Empire.In his early years on Kamino in the cloning facilities, he was trained by Alpha-78, a clone ARC trooper.He was in charge of the 501st Legion.Appo could be identified by the blue markings on his armor and helmet. Used under authorization. Blaster may be scratch built out of plastic, wood, metal or cast in resin. As a clone soldier in service to the Republic, Appo was equipped with the Phase II armor which supplanted the original Phase I version as the standard armor of the Grand Army clone troopers. The medium sized matching boxes, with flat top cover, are about 1/8 inch from smallest boxes. • All numerical measurements given in CTD CRLs are approximate. Commander Appo [Star Wars] Share Pin Tweet Share. The boots have armor detail to include a natural seam at the toe and a strap that goes over the top of the foot with two protruding disks at each side of the strap. Stripes align with stripes on the lower leg armor. Commander Appo (ROTS Style) Model CC 5298, Photo by Joe P. Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views. tools/tracking. Following the execution of the Jedi Order, Chancellor Palpatine reorganized the Republic into the Galactic Empire. The Minecraft Skin, Commander Appo without helmet, was posted by Faust380. Armor piece has a dimple on the lower area of the back of the arm. Black Indented vertical rectangle area on back with ribbed detail. Both stripes run full length of armor from top to bottom edge. See this thread at for examples of acceptable and unacceptable levels of 3D print finishing. Front of lower leg has a flat triangular detail at the top which transitions to a ridge line that travels down the front of the armor to the ankle. Power setting adjuster detail lever is metal or gun metal grey. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Neck seal is black in color with vertical ribbing or being smooth in appearance. The two largest Boxes are in front with angled top surface that is higher toward the center. (This may require an additional forum account.) Eight Belt Boxes are attached to Belt, with four on each side. Stripe edges, along center of T lens, are about 3/8 inch wide at bottom and expand to about 5/8 inch near top. Personally designed commander appo clone trooper as if he became a stormtrooper and kept a similar design albeit with updates stormtrooper armour and markings. Knees bend around the front and connect to white detail clips that connect the strap on each side. Wire or plastic mesh is utilized inside the helmet to cover the open pieces of the frown. Special Notes: Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab, Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab, Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. 4.9 out of 5 stars 11. Blue areas are weathered with various scuff marks. The following costume components are present and appear as described below. Armor has two parallel dashed detail slots on each outside edge of elbow at the strap connection. $15.95 $ 15. You got the helmet details just right, sweet work :D. 1. • Armor parts shall be made from fiberglass, ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene), or a similar rigid material. Description: Commander Appo (ROTS Style) ... Helmet has a black brow band, just above the eye lens, that extends around to the back of helmet. Blaster rifle is scratch built out of plastic, wood, metal or cast in resin. The rest of the belt is flat surfaced with raised edging on top and bottom that run along the rest of the belt. Ammo boxes are spaced about 1/2 inch apart. Blaster has realistic Episode II or Episode III details: (10) radiator fins evenly spaced along the length of barrel. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! Both stripes continue down to bottom edge of armor. Realistic style Chest Ammo Strap with 3 ammo boxes. This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Realistic style belt, boxes, and detonator. Detachment: Clone Trooper Detachment © Valve Corporation. Top white small rectangle is about 3/8 H x 1 1/2 W in inches and located in center of chest just about 1/4 inch below elevated chest area. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum. Realistic Clone Style DC-15A Blaster Rifle. Grey indented helmet band around back of dome. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. This includes vacuum formed plastics as well as properly finished and smoothed 3D printed armor forms. Wing Commander's Helmet. Abdomen section wraps around the wearers body and is sealed at sides or at back. Back stripe top edge aligns with armor edge and is spaced about 1/8 inch below armor edge. Counting from the left side, buttons 1 - 2 - 5 - 6 are painted blue. Back of the lower leg has an indented arched area that continues down to the ankle. Shown here is the Regiment Commander version of Appo's armor, sporting the blue markings of the 501st. Flares end in vertical cut edges. Description: Sergeant Appo - Phase II (Animated) Prefix: CC Detachment: Clone Trooper Detachment Context: The Clone Wars: Season 4 Appo serves as a Platoon Sergeant in the Republic battle group, Torrent Company. Realistic style Codpiece and posterior armor. Two detail slots on lower outside edge of right raised chest area. Black aerators with metal grills are mounted inside the two indented front jaw tubes at base of helmet. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Right forearm has a compad with (8) small buttons,(1) large main button, and (1) slightly smaller rectangular button closest to the elbow. Although it has a shorter range than that of the “A” model, it is easier to handle with a higher rate of fire. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. 05/26/2017 10:55 pm. Back has a detail plate with four circles on top, two elongated areas on left, and vents on lower right. Base Price: $ 4.00 Ammo belt strap is black and about 1 1/2 inch wide. It has minor defects, but are well worth it for the price Wrist end of forearm has a blue stripe, about 3/4 inch wide and spaced about 1/4 from wrist edge, wrapped around the armor. Abdomen is completely contained under the chest and back armor. Detonator tube is about 2 1/4 inch diameter with wider detailed end caps. Two parallel vertical blue stripes about 1/2 inch wide each and 3/4 inch apart run down the center of the outside facing side of each thigh. Armor has a front hard line outside edge and inside rounded edge. In the page below, items listed in blue are recommended features that will improve the quality of the costume. Left rear box is spaced closer to detonator and has two square buttons in the top left corner, and two dashed indented detail marks on bottom right. Condition: ... Price for one painted helmet. Back stripe is aligned with raised point on outside top edge of armor. Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size. Feb 11, 2018 - "I was rather fond of Commander Appo." Blue stripe edge follows the bottom curve of knee armor with about a 1 1/4 inch width. Appo wore Phase II clone trooper armor that was painted with the standard blue markings of the 501st Legion, with the only sign of customization being the white arrow pointing down the midsection of his helmet. If the seal is not incorporated as part of the undersuit, a balaclava or other similar covering is acceptable. Stripes align with stripes on the thigh armor. Status: Commander Appo is a rework of 2005's ROTS Clone Trooper (III 41) with a newly painted pauldron from the 2005 ROTS Stormtrooper To Clone Trooper Evolutions set. Helmet has a black brow band, just above the eye lens, that extends around to the back of helmet. Two white rectangles aligned vertically in center create the “A” shape design. Elbows are mirror images of each other with a notched area on the outside of the elbow above the detail marks. Bottom of the back side has an arched half circle engraved line at the heel. $687.33 $ 687. Belt front, between front boxes, has three vertical rectangle indents which are spaced apart by two protruding rectangle areas. Thigh Armor has a flat triangle area above the knee which transitions to a ridge line that extends up the front of the thigh to the top edge. Items below are optional costume accessories. Stripe at center of dome is about 2 3/4 inches from edge of mohawk. He first appeared in several comic books, to whom he is most prominent and he has also made several brief novel appearances; to whom he appears as a Commander for the 501st Legion "Vader's Fist" rather than a Sergeant for the 501st Torrent Co. Appo's name and helmet from the Clone Wars episodes he appeared in ironically resembled series producer and lead director Dave Filoni's character designs for Appa in the T… Download skin now! Back of belt, between rear boxes, has horizontal ribbing. It features a folding stock for braced firing. The smallest boxes are located behind the front boxes, about 1/8 inch apart and have an angled end on top. Ear caps are dark grey with black edging and detail. Detail bolts and screws are metal to gun metal grey in color. A detonator is centered and attached to back of Belt. Shoulders are tear drop in shape with all rounded edges. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Knees have a protruding flat area in front oriented towards the top of Knee. (1) black ammo box attached between the two blue boxes. Armor has blue pillar “A” shape design pattern that runs up the center of chest. Hand plates have a top curving ridge that come to a point over the index or middle finger just past the main knuckle of the hand. Black non-textured material, either one-piece or two-piece construction with no visible zippers or logos. Because of the scale, the Hasbro version is incorrect. Working with Clone Commander Vill, Appo oversaw the removal of Separatist forces from their holdout worlds. If you are buying only one figure, ... Clone Trooper Commander Star Wars LEGO Minifigures, For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, G.I. All other uses are prohibited. Front stripe top edge aligns with armor edge and is spaced about 1 1/2 inches below armor edge. In addition, his utility belt was equipped with a N-20 Baradium-core thermal detonator. your own Pins on Pinterest Armor is weathered with various scuff marks and shades of grey. There are no markings or labels from the shoe makers. Manufactured by BlasTech Industries the DC-15S is smaller in scale than the DC-15A blaster rifle. I know Appo was still a Sergeant on Umbara, but I couldn’t get too far into this series without dedicating a chapter to that arc and how much it affected the men of the 501st. During his tenure as a sergeant, Appo's helmet had a white arrow shape running down its forehead. GML's and costumers must consider, Sniper Scope attached under rifle in storage position. Belt, boxes and detonator are painted matte or satin White. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. Joined Jan 27, 2005 Messages 2,526 Reaction score 2. Although always ready to relay or obey his his commanding officer, his loyalty to his fellow soldiers comes first. Back and Chest armor match together at the sides with no open gap. Manufactured by BlasTech Industries, the DC-15A is a tibanna gas, cartridge powered weapon. Gloves do not show any labels or logos when the armor is worn. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. A helmet capable of adapting to your desires: discover COMMANDER, and test it on asphalt, off road and all-terrain applications. Items listed in red are intended to further enhance the finished costume. This page was last edited on 6 June 2019, at 04:14. Star Wars 1/6 Scale Figure Military's of Star Wars Commander Bacara Side... STAR WARS Y-WING REAR STRUTS THRUSTER ENGINE KENNER Complete 3D Printed, Sideshow Star Wars Dejarik Holochess EXCLUSIVE Sixth Scale Expansion Set New, Hasbro Star Wars The Black Series Mandalorian Super Commando 6" Action Figure, Star Wars Clone Commander Fox Target Exclusive, 1980 Kenner Star Wars AT-AT COMMANDER Hong Kong Complete No Repro W/ FREE SHIPP, Star Wars Micro Force Lot: Luke Snowspeeder & At-At Commander both NIB, Star Wars Cosplay The Clone Wars Clone Trooper Helmet Mask Cos Props PVC, LucasArts Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and Star Wars Force Commander Disk. Bottom white long rectangle is spaced about 1/2 inch below top rectangle and is a continuation of the 1 1/2 wide white that runs down to bottom edge of armor. Small black angled shoulder plate is attached to base over right shoulder. Arbiter376. • The “Animated” armor design, seen in 2008 The Clone Wars Cartoon Series, differs from the “Realistic” armor design used to create characters from the theatrical films, video games, and graphic novels. Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval. Pauldron has a black leather or vinyl base with wedge shaped panel details. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. Joe Hasbro Modern Icons 1:1 Cobra Commander Helmet Lifesize Replica, Alert Line 1/6 WWII U.S.NAVY Destroyer Commander AL100033 Collectible Figure Toy, Alert Line 1/6 WWII U.S.NAVY Destroyer Commander Soldier AL100033 Tom Hanks Toy, Star Wars Vintage Collection The Clone Wars 501st Legion ARC Troopers IN HAND, Star Wars Clone Commander Revenge Of The Sith, Hot Toys MMS524 Commander Cody Phase 2 Helmet Without Left-Antenna, Icons Authentic Replicas Star Wars Tie Fighter Studio Scale Model, Alert Line 1/6 Action Figure WWII US NAVY Destroyer Commander Greyhound AL10003. Commander is a leading-edge ON /OFF helmet in Airoh® composite fibre. Blue stripe runs vertically up front of helmet starting at chin and widens as it continues on top of dome. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Charge magazine detail on clip is metal to gun metal grey in color. Commander Appo 501st Helmet. 12\" Commander Appo Hello Another 12" clone commander from me; Joined Jan 14, 2003 Messages 1,158 Reaction score 5 Location Perth Western Australia Approximately a month after the declaration of the Empire, Vader received word from spies that his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, … See the seller's. Eight 1/4" diameter holes, with four holes inside each indented channel of the abdomen. (2) blue ammo boxes placed in top and bottom position along strap. 95. Blue carries over beveled indented edge along abdomen. ―Darth Vader Something went wrong. Stripe above black band is about 3 1/2 inches wide and expands outward to about 4 5/8 inch at front edge of mowhawk. Join Planet Minecraft! Codpiece and Posterior armor connect at the hips. View cart for details. Star Wars - Clone Commander Appo Papercraft [Download] Star Wars - Republic Commando Papercraft - Delta Squad [Related Posts] Star Wars - Lightsaber Papercraft Stormtrooper Papercraft Helmet Larger angled shoulder plate is attached to base over left sholder and is blue. Measurements should be followed as closely as possible while not affecting the proportionality of costume details. Top of blue curve pattern creates a white downward point just below elevated vertical rectangle. Exceptionally effective against both droids and contemporary targets. Description: Commander Appo (ROTS Style) Stripe continues above eye lens with about a 3 width and expands upward to align with blue on dome. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. - stormtrooper, clone Commander Gree, General Grievous with clone Commander Gree, General Grievous is narrowest top! 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