You can keep records as proof of homeschooling or in case you want to stop homeschooling in Colorado. (Quick tips about this test), Safety Schools (Major tips about you need to know), Early Decision vs Early Action (Best Explanation). All information provided is as a result of research purposes. What is the HiSET Exam? By law we must evaluate each area of required instruction. Make sure you consider the CHEC Independent School while you’re researching your choices. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Since 1990, CHEC (Christian Home Educators of Colorado) has been right here, based in the Denver area, helping to equip and encourage parents for homeschooling all around the state. We promise, it’s not too complicated, and by educating yourself on exactly what Colorado’s state requirements are, your homeschool journey will be off to a great start. ( Click here to jump down this page and read more.) State laws change from time to time and though we try to keep the laws up-to-date at all times please check with the department of education for any changes that may have occurred. For all of you fellow Colorado homeschoolers out there I have created an eBook on homeschooling in the state of Colorado that I wanted to share. It’s got by taking a HiSET (High school Equivalency Test) exam. Did you submit a Notice of Intent to homeschool under the Homeschool Law?Here’s what you need to know to fulfill the testing/evaluation requirement. Since 1990, CHEC (that’s us, Christian Home Educators of Colorado) has helped tens of thousands of families to successfully educate their children at home. Colorado Homeschool Information. Every homeschool family in Colorado should have this within easy reach. We believe that parents are responsible for the education of their children, and through the Independent School, we purpose to help Colorado parents to succeed in that God-given role. The notice must include the names, ages, residence, and hours of attendance of the children to be taught. Awesome one, I hope this article helped. Please have 1-2 samples or examples of learning from each required area. A diploma is for public school students, but there is a way of getting an equivalent to that of High school. If you do not test your child, the child can be evaluated by a qualified teacher, a psychologist, or someone with an advanced degree in education in Colorado. Options for Homeschooling: Three; School Required for Ages: 6–17; Notification Required: Yes; Teacher Qualifications: No, except option 3; State Mandated Subjects: Yes; Assessment requirements: Yes; Immunization requirements: Yes; View Complete Details » homeschooling in colorado Laws & Information How to homeschool in Colorado, including links to the laws regulating home education in Colorado, legal resources, Colorado Department of Education resources, and more! The test is given to the child in grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. If you are a certified teacher in Colorado, you can homeschool your child even without notification. Below is a list of homeschool sports and arts programs in Colorado listed alphabetically by city, with arts resources in the first section and sports resources below. (Major tip and boosts), What is a Hybrid Class? More on that later.) Under the Colorado Non-Public School Law, you can enroll with a Colorado-based independent (or private) school and follow the school’s policies. Let’s get started! Parker, CO 80134. Mingle with new & veteran homeschool parents, browse homeschool resources, and ask your burning questions on the spot! (See legal reference #3: 3-c) Want to dig even further? For more details on the homeschool tracker, check here. Even the Colorado homeschool laws are much simpler than other homeschool state laws with fewer requirements. Your email address will not be published. (A video recording option is also available.). In Colorado homeschool, the law requires that a child between the ages of 6 and 17 attends a public school or private school(Homeschool). Graduation requirements for homeschooled children in Colorado are set by the homeschool. Disclaimer: Every information we provide here is not legal advice but as a result of research. The written notification must include the name, age, place of residence, and number of attendance hours for each child that will be participating in the home school … Parents might find that it is a good idea to start a discussion with their children early about their goals post-high school graduation. But no matter what your needs or reasonings might be, understanding what Colorado homeschool laws are is an absolute … The Colorado Homeschool Law requires you to teach a minimum of 172 days out of the year and an average of 4 hours per day. Under the Colorado Homeschool Law, you can file a Notice of Intent with a Colorado school district 14 days prior to beginning. You have made a … But if it’s your first year, we encourage you to keep it simple and enjoy the journey! While Homeschooling under Colorado’s homeschool statute, you have to be a parent or the guardian to homeschool your child. Programs are subject to location and times. She has a Master's Degree in Education from the University of Colorado, and a State of Colorado Teaching License. Homeschool Resources and Classes: Curriculum Give and Take, Annual Homeschool Resource Fair, Game Days, Science and Activity Days In line with the Colorado Homeschool laws, use any Curriculum of your choice provided it covers these subjects. Colorado law states that home school programs must include, but are not limited to, the subjects of communication skills of reading, writing, and speaking, mathematics, history, civics, literature, science, and regular courses of instruction in the Constitution of the United States. And now, we’re here to help YOU every step of the way. There are no graduation requirements in-line with the Colorado Homeschool laws, but you need to know when to graduate your child. This portion of Colorado Revised Statues has been reprinted with the permission of the committee on Legal Services in accordance with section 2-5-118, C.R.S. Thus if you have homeschooled your child till age 17, and you know your child is fit to move into college, you can graduate him/her. Colorado law provides three different options for you to homeschool, including: We encourage you to visit the Colorado Homeschool Law page to study the simple table comparing options 1 & 2 and read the law for yourself so you can set up your homeschool plan with all the important things in place. Did we mention we think option 2 is a great idea? Did you get your free New to Homeschooling starter package? A homeschool group in Colorado that helps you homeschool under the Colorado homeschool laws. You’ll have step-by-step instructions for beginning, sample schedules, choosing (and researching) curriculum with thorough overviews of various options, and in-depth sections on struggling/special learners and high school. (Well Explained with details), Graduate School (Major tips you need to know), The name and age of your child (Compulsory attendance age is between 6 -17 yrs according to, The name and signature of the Parent/Guardian. It’s simple to change it up later, and honestly, your curriculum is only part of your homeschool journey … which brings us to the next step. How long is law school? There are three options to homeschool in Colorado: In Colorado, two or more families can homeschool as an Independent school, following the required process of minimal record keeping, teaching the required subjects under the independent schools’ supervision. Thus if you have homeschooled your child till age 17, and you know your child is fit to move into college, you can graduate him/her. A part of Christian Home Educators of Colorado, the CHEC Independent School is an umbrella school that serves homeschool families across the state from our home office in Parker. The selection of curriculum is at the discretion of the parent who is overseeing the home schooling program. Add in field trips and free days for some extra spice in your homeschool schedule via our. Furthermore, record keeping is mostly done on pen and paper, but with a Homeschool Tracker, you can use software to keep track of the number of hours to homeschool, the subjects, and the progress of the child. Thanks for reading this article. (2) The provisions of subsection (… Find out how to homeschool, what the homeschool requirements are for Colorado residents, connect with local homeschoolers, find nearby classes and co-ops, discover field trip destinations, and much more. of homeschooling a little bit easier and take some of the “mystery” and stress out of homeschooling. In Colorado homeschool, the law requires that a child between the ages of 6 and 17 attends a public school or private school (Homeschool). Tens of thousands of people have received help from CHEC to successfully homeschool over the last 30 years. Not sure what the laws are, or how to get started? This includes, reading, writing (language arts), speaking, math, civics (government), history, literature, and science. You teach your child for 172 hours on a average of 4 hours per day. CHEC brings thousands of families from across Colorado into one large community where you can find support and encouragement. Get your copy here. Colorado homeschool laws are essential knowledge for parents in the Rocky Mountain state looking to take on their child’s education needs. Students must be tested OR evaluated in grades 3, 5, 6, 9, and 11. On the other hand, your child doesn’t get a High school diploma after graduation for Colorado Homeschool. Subjects to Teach. That’s where we come in! Homeschooling with an independent school: Homeschooling under Colorado’s homeschool statute: Participation Extracurricular Activities: Enrolling in Public school after Homeschool: Homeschooling in Michigan (Ultimate A-Z Guide), Georgia Homeschool Laws (Ultimate A-Z Guide), How long does the ACT take and time management tips, What is College Readiness? Your privacy is 100% guaranteed, and you can unsubscribe anytime. You might also want to attend a Homeschool Introductory Seminar. The good news is that HiSET credential is accepted everywhere, you get it at your own pace but the only thing is that you need to be at least 18 years of age. Congratulations on making the decision to considering home school in Colorado. Before you begin homeschooling in Colorado, file an annual letter of intent 14 days on starting homeschool with a Colorado school district to notify that your child will not be attending public school. These one-day events are held in Castle Rock and Colorado Springs with sessions to equip you for getting started homeschooling. Easy peasy all in one Homeschool - A Full Review. I know that homeschooling in general can be a … (Major tips and benefits), What is GED? Under the Colorado Homeschool Law, you can file a Notice of Intent with a Colorado school district and follow the law’s requirements. Serving Colorado Springs, Peyton, Fountain, Monument, Palmer Lake, and Cascade. Your email address will not be published. Obtain a current Colorado teaching license [according to CRS 22-33-104 (2)(b)(i)(I)], with no further requirements. Email Kiki. You may file this notice of intent with any school district in the state. We promise — it’s that good. Under the Colorado Non-Public School Law , you can enroll with a Colorado-based independent school (as an “umbrella” school) and follow that school’s requirements. We are not an endorsement of any homeschool group. Colorado requires all children who are age 6 (by August 1st) to attend school until they're 17. In line with the Colorado homeschool Attendance Laws, the school might also decide to test the child and allocate a grade based on the score of the test, so everything is dependent on the school. The documents required to complete the application for admission and the process of evaluating a student’s credentials are basically the same as for students from traditional educational settings. For students in a home-based educational program, the eligible age is from 7 to 16.. ), 720.842.4852Email19039 Plaza Drive (1) Every child who has attained the age of seven years and is under the age of sixteen years, except as provided by this section, shall attend public school for at least one thousand fifty-six hours if a secondary school pupil or nine hundred sixty-eight hours if an elementary school pupil during each school year; except that in no case shall a school or schools be in session for fewer than one hundred sixty days without the specific prior approval of the commissioner of education. Christian Home Educators of Colorado help you homeschool with confidence. Homeschooling is an “exception” to Colorado’s Compulsory School Statute (the legal requirements for public schooled students). Homeschool Laws in Colorado. Suite 210 Every child homeschooling in Colorado is tested with a nationally standardized assessment with at least a 13% score from the test. It is an unofficial publication of Colorado Revised Statutes. Meaning we have our own rules … There are a variety of reasons a parent might choose to homeschool, many of which we cover in our how to homeschool guide. CHEC Colorado Homeschool Discussion Facebook group, a safe and nurturing learning environment, free from public school regulations and restrictions, ideal for building strong character, work ethic, and faith. — and includes: Click here to subscribe for your free package! Homeschooling in Colorado is stress-free; all you have to do is to choose a homeschool option that is okay with you and start enjoying your homeschool. Registration requirements may apply. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='zip';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); You are subscribing to receive two PDF downloads, access to an educational video course, and email updates from You take it to demonstrate you have the same skills and knowledge as a high school graduate. Record Keeping is essential while homeschooling. Finally, we highly recommend that every family join the Home School Legal Defense Association. First up, we’ve created the New to Colorado Homeschooling starter package to give you exactly what you need to begin this journey. Homeschooling in Colorado is made easy by the Department of Education, providing three options to homeschool effectively. A family can decide to stop homeschooling due to some specific factors. And doing so can help you create a whole new future. Here are the major documents you need to put in your records: All these records will compile into a Homeschool Portfolio which you need when you want to go back into public school. Colorado Homeschool Laws Requirements for Homeschooling in Colorado. You must provide written notification to any Colorado school district at least 14 days before beginning to homeschool.A change in the law, effective July 1, 2007, requires parents to provide written notice of the intent to homeschool once a child turns the age of six years old. Note that these requirements are unique to those under the homeschool law; if you’ve chosen to homeschool under the Non-Public School Law by enrolling in an independent school (such as the CHEC Independent School), policies may differ. We love homeschooling because we’ve experienced it ourselves (as both parents & graduates), and because we know the research shows that it’s …. The tests can be given at any time throughout the year, but obviously (and logically), most parents don’t do either one until toward the end of their homeschool year. It should include the curriculum, core subjects and electives, and the educational progress of the child during homeschool. A Homeschool portfolio is a record of all the major activities done during the period of homeschooling. A child has the right to participate in extracurricular activities in the school district where the letter of Intent was filed. In this case, the school which you want to enroll your child can choose to see the homeschool portfolio to know the performance of the child. Non-Public Home Based Education Option. Students can either take a … Colorado Homeschool Law At a Glance. According to HiSET, the exam is one of three tests U.S. states and territories use to measure high school equivalency skills. This can help parents tailor their student’s … HSLDA provides prepaid legal services for homeschooling families and has been instrumental in preserving homeschool freedoms nationally — including right here in Colorado, teaming with our own Colorado Homeschool Freedom team. For Homeschoolers, the letter of Intent should include the following: On the other hand, teaching begins at age 7 and you stop submitting letter of Intent when the child gets to age 16. It’s completely free — our gift to you! You are subscribing to receive a free PDF download and email updates from Colorado Homeschool Homeschool age requirements: Students between the age of 6 on or before August 1 and is under the age of 17 years old required to attend school in Colorado. Kiki Chanders Boulder County Kiki is a former public school teacher. She has homeschooled and unschooled her kids for over 13 years to accomodate their dyslexia. The homeschool statute requires parents to provide 14 days’ notice before starting a home-based education program and annually thereafter. Finally — make your choice, and plan to stick with it for a year. Under the home based education program, parents must submit a notice of intent beginning in the year a child is six by August 1. (That page also includes details about what Colorado requires for attendance records, standardized testing/assessments, and homeschool graduation.). (A discounted membership is available for CHEC supporters and CHEC Independent School members. Get everything you need to understand the requirements for homeschooling in Colorado, confidently decide if it’s right for you, and then get started with the support and community you need. Title 22, Colorado Revised Statutes: Education Article 33: School Attendance Law of 1963 Section 104.5, as amended. They provide the necessary assistance and connections for effective homeschool. Contact Amanda via her website at Colorado Homeschooling. Click Here. Colleague vs Coworker – What’s the difference? Colorado Homeschool Law/State Code – “Pursuant to Colorado law, parents who wish to begin home schooling must provide written notification of the establishment of the home school program 14 days before beginning the home school program to a Colorado school district. There is no specific curriculum from the Department of Education. Parents are not required to begin the homeschool program until the child is seven years old. We’ve made it easy for you to do your research! Requirements for Using the Colorado Independent Schools Option In general, the purpose of an independent umbrella school is to help homeschool families comply with Colorado’s compulsory school attendance, record keeping, and testing laws. Required fields are marked *. Your privacy is 100% guaranteed, and you can unsubscribe anytime. So let’s get started with homeschooling in Colorado… Homeschool Laws While you don’t have to be a lawyer to homeschool, you will at the very least need a basic knowledge of your state laws and requirements for homeschooling. Even if the state doesn’t include record keeping as a requirement, it is necessary. The result of the test is submitted to the school district, where you sent the annual letter of intent to homeschool. Homeschooling is a great choice for families in Colorado! Colorado State does not have any admissions requirements that are unique to homeschoolers. The Colorado Home School Statute requires homeschooled children to comply with Option 1 or 2 above, sometime during the odd grade levels (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th). The CHEC Homeschool Guidebook for Colorado is your one-stop comprehensive guide to home education in Colorado. 22-33-104.5. (719) 531-6333 *Not an exhaustive list. This could get super-complicated, with literally thousands of options out there for homeschool curriculum — online, textbooks, videos, blended, unit-study, and so on. If you’re interested in learning how to homeschool in Colorado — just exploring, ready to begin, or moving from another state — then you’ve come to the right place! If you would like to submit a Colorado arts or sports resource, you may do so using the red button above. If you want to start homeschooling in Colorado but don’t know where to start, in this article, I will give you an A-Z Guide on the Colorado Homeschool laws, homeschool groups, Record-keeping, Graduation requirements and the three homeschool options in Colorado. They host events to help you connect and meet with other homeschoolers who are more experienced with homeschooling. Are you homeschooling in the state of Colorado? Necessary assistance and connections for effective homeschool grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and you can support! 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