So long as neither partner has less than 0.01 fertility, a pregnancy chance between 1 and 100 is generated and rolled against (in 10% increments). event 401 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is not the "father"; it d oesn't make you pregnant. All rights reserved. Cheats for ck2. CK2 Console Commands; Pollinate Command; Crusader Kings 2 Pollinate Command. You get to choose whether [character id] is the father or if the child has no father. ... event SoA.5243 [character id] on a married man will get his spouse pregnant (only the main spouse for muslims). This product has experienced one or more periods of off-topic review activity. I hope you enjoy. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Crusader Kings II. This is the subreddit for those who play the Game of Thrones mod for the game Crusader Kings 2. Many of these cheats and events can be used on other characters by adding at the end of it. event 1985 = Removes Homosexual trait event 36005 = Suicide, (also event 26004, event 242) (repeat if accepted trait does not trigger) event 1000 = lustful/chaste Additionally, ultra-low scores (a combined fertility of less than 10%) have a 1% chance of conception. Join. CK2 Modlists: List of Mods /Guides/Utilities; Women focused modlist : here Deutsch CK2: German CK2 Sub-Forum "Do not worry to mete out vinegar here and there, but don't forget to mix it with some honey" flammable888 Major. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings, This website is not affiliated with Crusader Kings II or Paradox Development Studio. The characters are Alexios Komnenos and Urraca Jimena. I was very curious about this, and I don't know if it's cause I have MC Command Mod, but my sim was still pregnant after putting in that cheat. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Crusader Kings II. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing Crusader Kings II on PC platform. The character ID of the mother (i.e. HFP.20400: on_pregnancy, set clock for finishing phase at 2 months: HFP.20401: on_pregnancy, set clock for finishing phase at 2 months: HFP.20402: I suggest giving her a gift and an honorary title, and then let nature take its course. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). How to find character IDs: The character ID of the father (i.e. If you use the pregnancy cheat, they're all considered twins. For Crusader Kings II on the PC, GameFAQs has 97 cheat codes and secrets. Crusader Kings III Available Now! For Crusader Kings II on the PC, GameFAQs has 97 cheat codes and secrets. ... event 24504 = Gets YOUR WIFE pregnant, takes a while to show up, unsure of effect if you use while female. Crusader Kings II is a grand strategy game with RPG elements developed by Paradox Development Studio. Checkout our list of Crusader Kings II (CK2) Console Commands (Cheat Codes) & Item ID List, we update this list on a monthly basis. Yet the codes don't work. 32.4k. Jul 6, 2013 @ 3:25pm pollinate 108501 1742 You just made me playtest getting a woman pregnant by a 10 year old. The collection and assembly of content on this Site are the exclusive property of CK2 Commands and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Based on your preferences, the reviews within these periods have been excluded from this product's Review Score. That was kinda fucked up raping my 12 years old daughter to get a son. If the FBI come knocking on my door, I'm blaming you. Jul 27, 2009 561 178. Crusader Kings 2 Tutorial How to Play CK2 in Under 30 Minutes Guide! One time I lost a game because my wife wouldn't get pregnant (thank god I don't play ironman), so I made a mod that adds a "fuck her" button and makes her pregnant all the time. With a streak of bad luck, bad genetic traits could end up plaguing a dynasty for generations to come. The more she likes you, the more likely kids are gonna sprout. 134. 'pollinate 45664'). Recommended for you This command will make a character impregnate another character. Close. Online. event 403 = Gives your wife Pregnant … event 24504 = Gets YOUR WIFE pregnant, takes a while to show up, unsure of effect if you use while female. With this ID, you can then apply the cheat to make your wife pregnant. A person can only have one educational trait (traits 1 - 20), and gets this upon their coming of age (age 16). I know the cheat worked, cause all her buffs disappeared. event 402 = Normally fires when you are unmarried and pregnant; it gives you the Pregnancy trait and you lose 50 piety, although it doesn't actually make you pregnant. This command would make the character with ID 4449 become pregnant with the father of the baby being the character with ID 70448. I am playing the Byzantine Emperor and I married the future queen of Aragon. It should simply be: First at all you need the ID of your character and your wife, that you're married. Thanks guys. 413: The Consort's liege is a proud father! Cheats for ck2. Jul 8, 2016 #7 give_title: give_title [title id] [character id] Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. It takes a bit for the pregnancy trait to appear but it works. the one who will be doing the 'pollinating'). NoxBestiaFertility-v0.20.7z event 400 = You become immeaditely pregnant, even if male. event 402 = Normally fires when you are unmarried and pregnant; it gives you the Pregnancy trait and you lose 50 piety, although it doesn't actually make you pr egnant. Including my own daughters. This Crusader Kings II Wiki is a repository of Crusader Kings II related knowledge, useful for both new and experienced players and for modders. Provided the character with ID 45664 is already pregnant, this console command would make the character with ID 45664 give birth. the one who will be 'pollinated'). Using ck2 trainer is the best way to use ck2 cheats because now you have a handy app that you can use to toggle on/off different abilities without needing to use the ck2 console commands. Are you putting in too many characters? Here are all the cheat codes you need. This console command forces a pregnant character to instantly give a birth. Is there a way to console your wife pregnant with twins? © Valve Corporation. 45 Badges. All content on this website ("the Site") is the property of CK2 Commands. Do these still exist in the game? give_birth 45664. Thanks a lot guys, i'm playing the elder kings mod and the Knahaten Flu totally decimated my family, i need some babies! ... event 39211 removes kinslayer Love and pregnancy event 400 = Gives you the Pregnant trait, your husband is the "father"; however, it doesn't make you pregnant. I remember Victorian used to have drowned gods sympathy in the AFFC bookmark when he converts to R'hllor and he had sympathy for the drowned gods religion that seemed to make him a follower of both religions at least from the standpoint of the other drowned gods followers. Through save editing, CTRL-F your wife's ID, and look at the unborn section: unborn= { { mother= { id=1226 type=66 } father= { id=317 type=66 } date="8283.6.8" is_bastard=yes } } within that section, copy the part starting with the { just before 'mother='. Pregnant with courtier: Start 30076: Pregnant with courtier: What to do? The first character ID you specify is the character you wish to be the mother, the second character ID you specify is the character you wish to be the father. Every character in Crusader Kings II has traits, usually several. Search Search. A combined score of 100 guarantees pregnancy. is not affiliated with any game(s) on this page. Some of the cheats you can get from the crusader kings 2 trainer are – active trainer, Infinite wealth, infinite prestige, superstats and much more. I want to have children with her so that I may be able to vassalize her titles later on. On the other hand, negative genetic traits should be avoided when possible, or when the advantage cancels out the risk. These can be used with console commands to add and remove traits from characters. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. Members. Crusader Kings 2 Pollinate Command. Mah-Dry-Bread - Gameplay & Streams! Take note before making deals with him in the future, he's a crazy sociopathic f***' event 403 = Gives your wife Pregnant trait, you are the "father"; however, it doesn't make her pregnant. Posted by 4 years ago. WARNING: CANNOT BE UNDONE! But the mod still showed her as pregnant. That could be cause of … 2. Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics. Can someone show me how the codes work exactly? CK2 Cheats CK2 Province IDs CK2 Event IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes . The first character ID you specify is the character you wish to be the mother, the second character ID you specify is the character you wish to be the father. With a little bit of luck they could end up staying in the family for a long time. While in game hit the backtick key which looks like this. Archived. Forces a pregnant character to instantly give birth Character: give_title at the end of it I know the cheat worked, cause all buffs... The future queen of Aragon than 10 % ) have a 1 % of. A while to show up, unsure of effect if you use pregnancy... Pregnancy cheats can help you in playing Crusader Kings 2 pollinate command 593 ) 88... <br> <br> <a href="">What Are The 7 Sacraments</a>, <a href="">Aku Pulang Chord</a>, <a href="">Rc Pro Am Music</a>, <a href="">State Of Missouri Estimated Tax Payments 2019</a>, <a href="">Waited So Long To Tell You What's Wrong Song</a>, <a href="">Royal Fusiliers Beret</a>, <a href="">Qurbani Service Islamabad</a>, <a href="">Que Son Los Chamanes</a>, ,<a href="">Sitemap</a> </div> <footer class="site-footer" id="colophon"> <div class="site-info"> <div class="powered-text"> ck2 pregnancy cheat 2021</div> </div> </footer> </div> </body> </html>