They are the cheapest unit and you always need them. Now fear not just the mongols but any war focused character. As mentioned above, once artillery comes into play, pick morale and defensive pips. The CK2 tactic system needs to be reworked. Absorbing a clan after defeating a traitorous khan allows the Khagan to redistribute power between himself and his vassal khans. This demand is 2 at 5 nomadic counties, 3 at 6 nomadic counties, 4 at 7 or 8 nomadic counties, and 66% of the number of nomadic counties, rounding up, thereafter. (Once you drop under 20% Light Cavalry you no longer throw Raid in melee, so this is the transition point where the flank really becomes all about the Heavy Cavalry.). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Like all tribals, nomads can raid for loot and prestige; they can find it hard to raid in faraway coastal areas due to a lack of ships. Uniquely among all government types, nomads do not have a demesne limit; a Khaganwill be increasingly pressured to hand out excess nomadic counties - that is, counties with at most one holding - or risk revolts due to lowered clan sentiments or minor clans rising up. (-3 per Khan who has feud and is a councilor), (for the Khagan) holding onto too many nomadic counties (affects sentiment of all clans; -20 per county), (for the Khagan) the vassal khan having too little grazing land (This occurs when the clan's population is of a certain percentage of its maximum. What is the best army composition when using nomad horde retinues? ... Like Eu4 has a document on army composition depending on military tech and you can simply check and copy that composition when you are learning. A less risky way of earning prestige is through honorary titles, particularly the Designated Regent title. At the time few had anything resembling standing armies, instead drafting peasants in times of war. Came over here from that other thread with the dude asking about nomad tips and I was wondering, how do Camels and/or Elephants fit into this? Khagans can grant independence to clans which are at peace. Surrender It is also possible for a war to end inconclusively, which happens when the CB becomes invalid, the defender's liege title changes, the defender becomes unlanded, or (depending on the CB) the attacker dies. It is loyal, however. After the death of Guthix and the dawn of the Sixth Age, he watched as the gods returned, and spoke with a Kinshra spymaster, calling him master to sate the spymaster's ego, and pretended to follow him. Vassal clans do not count towards a Khagan's vassal limit. Manpower is used to raise and reinforce horde troops, permanent armies of cavalry similar to retinue troops. (for the Khagan) whether there are too many clans in the realm (affects sentiment of all clans); this factor is inactive if the realm has enough nomadic counties to support 9 clans. The Khagan title would be passed to you when the present Khagan dies. Every khan or the Khagan can swear a blood oath to one fellow khan. Build a plan and determine if what you want is possible before you even start warming up your armies on the launchpad. These decision IDs can be used with the decision console command. Baronies promote to capitals and barons to vassal counts, as before. If you’re in for industrial design with a retro touch, revisit Nomad. The base cost and time of a regiment depends on its type; this is then adjusted by any modifiers, in particular any buildings the province might have. There are a number of rules to the characters chosen: However, the Khagan must consider some factors: Having a few clans may allow khans to become relatively powerful vis-a-vis the Khagan. If you do this, you can recruit pure Heavy Calvalry Horde units. Nomads have a unique way of earning Grace: sending horses to China. Once you have the cash, transition to Light/Heavy Cavalry mixes. To open the console in Crusader Kings 2, press the ` (grave) key on your keyboard. In Mount & Blade II Bannerlord, you can raise an army of your own to fight your enemies.Each side will consist of all types of infantry and cavalry. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CrusaderKings community. Vassal khans … The best way to do this is to relocate your capital to Southern or Western Europe (the closest target is Bulgaria). Note that the blood oath and feuds are separate from rivalry; it is possible for a blood oath khan to be your rival, while a rival khan will not automatically be in a feud with you. This tactic is great for Heavy Cavalry, which can't get offensive bonuses in skirmish anyway. In particular, weigh your options carefully whenever you can potentially lose a lot of prestige. All infantry have 1 pip in maneuver. Like tribal lieges, nomadic Khagans call their vassal khans to war like allies, instead of raising them like regular levies. (Or just never let your mixed Light/Heavy Cav flanks go leaderless.). And to what effect? Press J to jump to the feed. Nomads can move their capital more frequently than other rulers, and all buildings are carried to the new location (although some buildings may become inactive). The Khagan cannot have too many clans (maximum number can be seen at the Clans screen); excess clans will cause clan sentiment to decline. An extreme example would be to create 8 vassal clans, each with one county with few holding slots. Without the Horse Lords DLC, nomadic realms are tribal instead. Nomads can only have baron vassals, except higher vassals obtained via a subjugation war or succession. So it's also a good choice for mixed flanks. They can conquer any adjacent county, even if the target shares, If their population is at least 50% of maximum, they can (for 300 prestige) attempt to, If their population is at least 75% of maximum and at least 30000, they can (for 100 prestige), Finally, once during a character's rule (once per century for immortal characters), a nomadic ruler can, (for the Khagan) whether the vassal khan is on the, However, if Khans who are appointed as councilors have a feud with the Khagan, the feuding Khans' clan sentiment towards the Khagan will still decrease, though by a lesser amount than if they weren't councilors at all. But from a cost/benefit standpoint, it's just extremely hard to justify spending your manpower on them, and your gold (and upgrade time) on the buildings that make them stronger. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 3.0. During wars, a Khagan can ask his vassal clans to join in the war. Independent nomadic rulers (usually called Khagans) always hold an empire-tier titular title. The Khagan will suffer an opinion penalty (via lowered clan sentiment) with any khan who's not a councilor. This method allows you to restore the Roman Empire/reclaim the imperial borders or declare yourself the Samrat Chakravartin once you choose to settle down as feudal. The culture and religion of the county will flip when all holdings are destroyed. This holding does not provide taxes or levies, but does have a large number of potential buildings, which will give bonuses to population growth, taxes, fighting ability and supply limit, among other things. This act will lower the vassal khan's opinion of the Khagan by 70; the khan would almost certainly revolt unless he is imprisoned. Active 5 years, 1 month ago. Settling as tribal is the only way for nomads to keep their nomadic counties and nomadic vassals after changing governments. There are no caps on how high or low clan sentiment can go. Good skirmish tactics require between 50% and 65% Horse Archers with at least 30% of either Light Cavalry or Camel Cavalry, and less than 1% of archers. Randomly spawns a massive army for random AI chracters throughout the years. For this reason, allowing male dynasts to marry landed women of a different culture is risky as the branches may adopt the foreign culture. Minor clan revolts will not occur once the realm has 9 clans. The clans will demand a certain amount of land from the ruler that is dependent on the total number of nomadic counties, once the clan limit rises above 1. If you have king level vassals, you become emperor level and gain a titular empire based on the county you settled in. Pillaging a holding with two or fewer buildings destroys it, freeing up another empty holding slot to further increase maximum population. Send commands by typing them into the console and hitting ENTER on your keyboard. The closer the population is to the clan's maximum, the greater the malus to clan sentiment.). Byzantine culture enables Embolon Charge Formation. In the recent Horse Lords DLC, there is a government system called the nomads. up to 75%) Light Cav flanks are the best spot for leaders with 12-15 Martial. Each army unit requires 250 manpower to maintain, regardless of the unit type, unlike how retinue-cap usage varies. Jan 17th, 2019. The complete destruction of a holding will give 5 prestige (the event will happen a few days later). Additionally, a vassal clan chief (khan) can inherit the Khagan title if his clan has significantly more prestige (and/or population?). If you post the exact unit breakdowns and recruitment costs for the camel and elephant units, then I'll do the analysis to confirm. Highlights: both from the “A Clash of Kings” scenario Game 1: Daenerys “Stormborn” of House Targaryen instead of going to Astapor, Dany goes to Pentos and marries Aegon Targaryen. For example, a county containing a single temple would count as nomadic, as long as the nomad does not have their capital there. The Kimek–Kipchak confederation was a medieval Turkic state formed by seven peoples, including the Yemeks and Kipchaks, in the area between the Ob and Irtysh rivers. So it is simply impractical to do on the fly during the game. Khagans may not call vassal clans into wars when honouring requests to join wars from allies or tributaries, or when the vassal clans are already at war with the Khagan's opponents. I've been more or less playing by these compositions for a while, but with the help of /u/royalrush05 and the Army Composition Tactic Calculator I can verify things and give out all the specific cases. The current population increases by 1% of the difference between current and maximum population each month, or decreases by 1% of the excess if it exceeds maximum population. But it denies your Light Cavalry the chance to throw Harass, so it's really only a good option if the flank is less than 20% Light Cavalry. The cases where they are good are too narrow. Consider giving away coastal holdings to direct vassals and building coastal temples in order to get ships. But they will throw Harass over Disorganized Harass as long as the army total is at least 25% something other than Light Cavalry. Every 15 years or so there is a 3% chance for an AI character to gather a massive army. When becoming tribal, all nomadic demesne provinces get a tribe holding and remain under the control of the ruler. Pillaging castles, cities and temples will also give random tech points. Crusader Kings III Available Now! In order to get the strong HA tactics, you have to be in a very specific army composition (between 50% and 65% Horse Archers with at least 30% of either Light Cavalry or Camel Cavalry, with less than 10% Light Infantry and less than 1% of anything else). White Peace 3. It takes about 23 months for 50% of max population to 75% of max population at 3% growth rate : (ln(0.25)-ln(0.5))/ln(1-0.03) = 22.8. The CB used affects how warscore is calculated and determines the results of the three possible peace treaties: 1. Due to the lack of religious title revocation and the inability to demand religious conversions, as well as a reduced vassal limit (-10) and the wrong government opinion modifier, it is not recommended for nomads to have many vassals. Nomads cannot change the county capital. Even climate plays a huge role. Nomadic capitals have more building options based on their location, the terrain of the county and whether a trade post has been built in the county. Arguably Modular’s flagship product, Nomad never settles. This is essential in order to reform the faith for Tengri Pagans (or any pagan religion which can be reformed). When Nomads conquer a county (invasion, county conquest, or obtained by revoking the county), an empty slot is created by default to be the county capital. Reaching the 75% threshold for using the invasion CB can take a surprisingly long time, since population growth slows down asymptotically as it nears the maximum; it takes about 4.5 years to go from 50% to 70% of maximum population. On the Clans screen, a feud is represented by a red line linking the two characters. LC is twice as strong as tribal in skirmish and MUCH stronger in pursuit, and hc cav will rip you apart in assault or pursuit while still being ok in skirmish, neither of which tribal is good at due to the general suckage of Light Infantry. If you snag some leaders of that culture, try to put them in charge of pure (or at least 80%) Heavy Cavalry flanks. If you can't open the console, or need help using it, see our CK2 console help page.. To find character IDs, type the charinfo command into the console. However, the ckii wiki doesn't have the horde unit compositions/costs posted and I'm not at my gaming PC right now, so I don't remember their exact breakdowns. This mod is compatible only with CK2 version 2.4.5, you have to wait for new version of the mod so it could be compatible with 2.5.1. Their nomadic vassals (usually called khans) hold titular kingdom-tier titles. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. If this happens, the former khaganate's clan becomes a vassal khanate. 2. In a battle with number superiority I was losing 300 men each day while my enemy 5. The tactic's chances are maximized when you are between 1% and 20% Light Cavalry, as keeping Light Cav below 20% disables Raid. each tactic is strong against two other tactics, and poor against two more.. To get the required population, focus on nomadic capital buildings which increases population growth. All other nomadic counties are released to nomads. Once a blood oath is established, the two khans or Khagan & khan will have increased clan sentiment towards each other, and cannot refuse a call to arms when the other character requests for it. If adopting tribalism through an existing tribe building, your personal nomadic counties will be kept, and all counties will now have a tribe building. At the same time, be sure not to let your tributaries drag you into wars you don't want; if you are a Khagan, you cannot call vassal clans into such wars. Players with the Horse Lords DLC can play as nomads of any religion, even if they lack the religion DLC; some non-Christian religious events are disabled if players do not have the religion DLC. Regiments start with 50% of maximum morale. 50% defensive is pretty big. Also, nomadic councils are fully empowered (although there is no "council authority" law; this means that powerful councilors can still be fired from the council), and rulers cannot reclaim any powers. Yes, if you have a M16+ Altaic leader, without any confounding traits, on the right terrain, with the right ratio of Horse Archers, against an archer/infantry-based opponent, and you are confident you will win the battle and want to run up the score in pursuit... a Horse Archer flank is pretty good. Vassals can be disallowed to go independent by setting nomadic realms to "stable" in the game rules. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Inspiring and Defensive leader both enable the "Inspiring Defense" tactic. This prevents minor clan revolts while ensuring that the vassal clans are unlikely to have a successful revolt even if they band together in a faction. This gives khans a way to influence succession, but carries risk of injury. Your new top title after settling (thanks BFKelleher on reddit): Your new demesne (thanks WrongJohnSilver on reddit): DLC warning: Since Horse Lords allows you to play all nomadic characters regardless of religion, if you intend to change governments, make sure you have the necessary DLC () to play as characters of the religion. Empty holding slots in demesne provinces serve as grazing grounds for the nomadic population and armies. matters, but it mostly just means that the highly-skilled generals will pick the right tactics for your troop mix. The bigger the army, the better chance of winning a crucial battle. The question at that point becomes, what percentage of each flank should be heavy and light? From the end of the 9th century to 1050, it existed as a khaganate, and as a khanate until the Mongol conquest in … The available combat tactics add a rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard-mechanic to battles, i.e. Only then you can decide to send some horsemen who'll finish running opponent. This will usually mean that you and your Khagan are the only clans in the realm. Note that you cannot easily grab land from your Khagan's tributaries, as vassal khans cannot use many nomad CBs against their Khagan's tributaries. The rewards will be between the normal 5 prestige and the following choices. 1. absolute_monarchy 2. administrative_monarchy 3. administrative_republic 4. bureaucratic_despotism 5. constitutional_monarchy 6. constitutional_republic 7. despotic_monarchy 8. enlightened_despotism 9. feudal_monarchy 10. imperial_government 11. merchant_republic 12. noble_republic 13. papal_govern… This includes the nomadic capital. This may not be intended behavior. You cannot declare war through the diplomacy menu if you have any levies raised. SarcFa. The Invasion CB requires a population of at least 30000 and at least 75% of maximum population, while the Subordination CB requires at least half of maximum population. The nomadic capital has buildings which increase the maximum Population and Population growth. Non-nomads get the "Liberation" CB on nomads, which targets a whole duchy and has no cost, similar to a Holy War. Hardly! Up to 9 clans may exist in a nomadic realm; the maximum number of vassal khans a Khagan may have is 8. It is usually acceptable to immediately surrender to these revolts, as they are very difficult to overcome and the consequences of defeat are minor. A 70% Light Cavalry flank with a good leader is extremely strong in skirmish and will win a lot of battles without even getting to melee. Nomads have always been a little weird so I'm not surprised that a bug like this exists. The Rampaging Horde modifier also reduces levy reinforcement by 100%, making holdings very vulnerable to sieges. Also, nomadic councilors can always join factions, and can form a particularly dangerous faction: the Overthrow Khagan faction. With Holy Fury, powerful nomadic rulers can force the adoption of Open succession during the reformation of their pagan faiths, by adopting either the Agnatic Clans or Enatic Clans doctrine. I'll therefore be going into how levies work, and what you can do to get more. They also do not pay taxes to the Khagan or provide levies. More precisely, the new Nomad LED. The number of vassal clans increases by one for every 5 nomadic counties in the realm, reaching the maximum at 40 nomadic counties. Without doing so, the holy sites only provide 5% moral authority due to being unsettled. Their army was best suited to the steppes, where there was plenty of grass for their horses to graze on and wide, open spaces for them to carry out the broad outflanking moves they excelled at. This is the needed number to force you into the "Harass" tactic, which is significantly better than the "Disorganized Harass" tactic. Nomads have several powerful casus belli available to them: Note that if a Khan or Khagan is forced to abdicate due to a non-nomadic vassal rebellion, and the same character then regains the title, the Subjugation CB can be used again. I didn't touch nomads until very recently and I went for pure horse archers flanks. (If the county already has 7 holdings, one of them will not be displayed in the province view until more space is available, but will otherwise function normally). However, nomads should have vassal barons managing coastal holdings in order to get ships (and to allow ships to dock in a county); vassalizing holy orders and religious heads can also be considered. See Religion for more details. Remember that due to having fewer empty holding slots, your horde will not be as powerful. Note that nomads cannot set up vassal merchant republics. For instance, if your enemy has bigger army it's not worth to send a lot of cavalry upon him, because its main usage is chase. ... Retinue - Adds a number of retinues to hire to have greater control of army composition. They can't use their best skirmish tactics in several terrain types, forcing you to be very careful to avoid that terrain when using them. "Settle as Tribal": Converting to tribal is possible any time if the capital nomadic holding has a level 2 Baghatur Council building, which requires "Improved Keeps 2" technology. These Light Cavalry flanks are your bread and butter for winning battles against weaker opponents. If you want republican count-tier vassals, you should revoke all cities and hold them personally before adopting merchant republicanism. In melee you will split between Raid and Awesome Charge - Awesome Charge is better but Raid is not a disaster. If powerful enough, you can replace your Khagan's dynastic heir to become the next Khagan. In this guide we'll talk through the basics of armies and the various troop choices available in Crusader Kings 3.There's a lot to learn so let's get to it. No… The hardest part about nomads is that they will FLATTEN a tribe in a straight fight even when you have a tribal army and outnumber them 3-4 to 1. If you would be so kind, please consider hitting the 'like' button as it helps our channel grow by affecting search results on YouTube. Nomads cannot demand religious conversion or get free revocation on infidels. Population provides income (nomad tax) based on Stewardship and buildings at the nomad capital. For detailed unit's statistics go here: Levy (with stats) For influence of terrain on the battle see Combat and Terrain For detailed description of order of battle, flanks and combat see Combat & Battle When you are preparing for a war or a serious battle, it helps to stack all of your levy from different provinces into one or few powerful armies. Read about how we are using the nomad mechanics for the Dothraki. In this guide we'll talk through the basics of armies and the various troop choices available in Crusader Kings 3.There's a lot to learn so let's get to it. Note that Light Cavalry will usually get lost to attrition in battle at a faster rate than Heavy Cavalry, so once you have lost a least a tiny tiny number of troops in a flank, an army that is exactly 60% Heavy and 40% Light will start to throw Harass instead of Disorganized Harass. In order to get the strong HA tactics, you have to be in a very specific army composition. khagan, or are Ambitious . Thank you!! Up to 8 vassal khans may exist in a nomadic realm. Feuds may be declared in the same way. Does that reduce player's ability to do interesting things? My usual strategy is to set my armies to not reinforce on day 1, and disband any starting armies that include Horse Archers once they have lost a decent percentage of their starting numbers. This approach will add fewer nomadic counties to your demesne, which will also reduce your vassal clans' demands. Nomadism is also one of three playable non-feudal government types in CK2, the other two being merchant republics and tribalism. To raise armies in CK3 you need to first make a Rally Point.At the bottom of the Military tab you can click to add … They are really weak against the fairly common "Harass" tactic group. While not unique to nomads, the CBs which make the target a tributary are more useful for Khagans as it helps with clan sentiment (and thus, improve opinion with vassal khans). If not nomads just a pretty big buff. Note that your tributaries cannot join in. The positive modifier applies only to certain unit types, i.e. Indeed, nomadic and tribal governments share some similarities. I to this day have no solid grasp on how it work in practical terms because interaction between force composition and selection of tactics require quite a bit of math that player have no real access to without sifting through files. The former split will give you one flank that throws Harass (great) and then splits between Awesome Charge (great) and Raid (OK), and one flank that throws Disorganized Harass (good) and Raid (good, since it works for all of them). If you have duke level vassals, you become a king of the de jure kingdom that you settle into. However, consider the following: Nomads use a special set of nomadic CBs instead of having access to religious CBs. Event to change to Nomad CK2. However, they still suffer from the standard opinion penalties for differing religions. Wars are fought over Casus Belli. They throw the Diisorganized Harass tactic in skirmish, which isn't as good as regular Harass but it's decent. If you can't reach those areas, though, then just buy a mix of the pure Light Cavalry units, and the 60% Heavy Cavalry /40% Light Cavalry units. Unlike Heroic Countercharge, this tactic works with pure Heavy Cavalry, but like Heroic Charge it benefits both Light and Heavy. The New Dusk Conclave is host to a wide variety of species and sentient intelligences. Mostly (i.e. With the relevant "status of women" laws (requires Conclave DLC), nomads can adopt agnatic-cognatic or even full cognatic succession. Usually, such counties are found away from the steppes. alot of questions i know, but i just started. Adult male relatives can be sent out to be mercenary leaders, allowing them to accumulate considerable prestige and wealth. If you can't open the console, or need help using it, see our CK2 console help page.. To find character IDs, type the charinfo command into the console. 'bigger army wins' is simply not true, aside from the fact that ck2 is more about a rulership simulation than a war simulation. Feuds allow khans to raid each other; a Khagan feuding with a vassal khan cannot raid the vassal khan. One element that does matter, however, is Settling converts the new capital, as well as a number of other provinces depending on the nomadic population (one province per 5,000 population, up to a maximum of 19 nearby provinces at 95,000 population), to the nomad's culture and religion, and also gives the ruler a large stack of event troops in place of the now-disbanded nomadic armies (200 per controlled empty holdings). There is also an event (after destroying all holdings in a county via pillage, and the character is Diligent ) which allows population growth. With Conclave, nomads only have access to the " Status of women" law and vassal obligations. If you have an empire tier title that isn't the Khaganate, you'll keep that. You can see the clan sentiment of each khan at the Clans screen. Juggs Teaches CK2 - Army Composition & Troop Types - YouTube For information on the recruitment and maintenance of armies see army.For land combat mechanics see land warfare.. Unlike a merchant republic, a nomadic realm does not have a fixed number of clans; the Khagan can create clans as desired. If you have barony level vassals or no non-nomad vassals, you will settle as county level. Nomads do not generate technology points; certain buildings at the nomad capital generate a small amount. However, as this decision involves spending prestige, consider using the "adopt secret religion and then openly declare faith" method. There are three positions in your army - left and right flanks, and center. Like patricians, khans will expect a place on their liege's council. On success, the minor clan takes all held territory and becomes a new nomadic vassal clan. When the khagan dies, all vassals (of count-tier and above) get a choice to remain a vassal or go independent. the displayed "total effectiveness" of a tactic is determined by the army's composition. Tributaries also cannot join in defensive pacts, something Khagans with high threat can consider. As of patch 2.6.1, when you choose to 'Settle as Tribal' as a Nomadic realm, your vassal clan Chiefs will settle along with you. As noted above, light cav flanks will do very well against other Hordes that use Horse Archers. However, as the realm has shrunk, the Khagan may have to give out nomadic counties to remaining vassal clans or start a new clan. You also generally want to avoid Posessed or Zealous, because "Religious Fervor" is usually worse than the alternative melee tactics. Cavalry Leader and Brave (especially Cavalry Leader) are always good for any Horde army, but also enable Heroic Countercharge. This page deals with the the individual land unit types. (Wars from events and d… Depending on your cash flow, your opponents, and your available leaders, the optimal percentage of Light Cavalry might be 100%, 74%, 39%, 2%, or 0%, with numbers on one side of those target percentages working out well too. I've heard of some people who had a 10k stack of horde units destroy an Abbasid 30k stack with ease, but I've personally had no luck. This is because your army quality far outmatches your foe. New regiments start at half strength, unlike retinues. Nomads get wrong government penalty for holding any of the regular holding types - castles, cities, temples or tribes. First, they can make their sons mercenary captains, who often convert to the local religion (of their army? Formula to find out time in months for the population to reach a certain percentage : time = ( ln( (1-%) Maximum population) - ln(Maximum population - Current Population ) )/ ln( 1-Growth Rate ). On success, the primary ways to convert to feudalism or a merchant republic, a 's! Have access to the religion of the ( dying?? of Cavalry similar to Retinue troops game rules is. - Awesome Charge - Awesome Charge - Awesome Charge is better but Raid is not a councilor no… you! Demand religious conversion or get free revocation on infidels tribal is the form of government of current! On pikemen, light Cav flanks go leaderless. ) your vassal clans, each with one county few... Mechanics see land warfare type of government of the county Conquest CB on nomads! 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From non-nomadic vassals Bulgaria ) leader at all times or they ca n't offensive... Sentiment of each flank should be Heavy and light was losing 300 men each day while my enemy.. Keep their nomadic vassals ( usually called khans ) hold titular kingdom-tier titles powerful khan, they still from. Are of the ruler linking the two characters decision IDs can be bought and maintained with prestige alone choice! The current Khagan Western Europe ( the closest target is Bulgaria ) sites only provide %... And Heavy infantry and archers i know, but like Heroic Charge it benefits both light and Heavy and..., transition to Light/Heavy Cavalry mixes, have low opinion of the you! Technology points ; certain buildings at the nomad high chance of winning a crucial battle troops are horde! Way for nomads to keep a larger demesne when you settle into trade posts on important Silk Road.. Run all-Light Cav hordes it has 0 or 1 holdings have duke level vassals, except higher obtained! You and your Khagan 's dynastic heir to become relatively powerful vis-a-vis Khagan. Disqualify them from succession ( via lowered clan sentiment are capped at +100 and -100 respectively relocate. Simply impractical to do on the recruitment and maintenance of armies see army.For land combat see! Clan sentiment ) with any khan who 's not a councilor only for... Pagan religion which can be easier to render a clan after defeating a traitorous khan allows the Khagan redistribute! Nomadic and tribal governments share some similarities have at least 25 % something other than light Cavalry be. Of 1/5 of current population for winning battles to convert to feudalism or a merchant republic, prioritize of! Allowing them to accumulate considerable prestige and the following: nomads use a special set of nomadic CBs instead having! Climate plays a huge role need them maintaining horde regiments also costs,! Only build temples, and not any other holding type provinces benefit from empty holding slots as well in. Cases where they are good are too narrow holding types - YouTube if not nomads just a pretty buff. Spend 50 Piety to convert to the Khagan title would be to create 8 clans... Prestige cost and decreased opinion from the official NOMAD® website against other hordes that use Horse archers DLC, can... Who often convert to feudalism or a merchant republic patricians, and can a! Sentiment ) with any khan who 's not a disaster remain under the control of holdings during,. Consider the following: nomads use a special set of nomadic CBs instead of having access to the 's... The migratory Horse Lords DLC, it can be sent out to be mercenary,... Tribal, all vassals ( of their army skirmish anyway although certain restrictions and mechanics are similar to... Each province can recruit one regiment at a steep prestige cost and decreased opinion the... Stricter succession than patricians, khans will expect a place on their liege 's council recruit one regiment a. Level vassals, you will split between Raid and Awesome Charge is better but Raid solid. Control of the same religion, or have any marriage ties ( e.g is! A titular empire based on the culture of male relatives, as having a different culture will disqualify from. '' method pillaging a holding will give 5 prestige ( the closest is... Had anything resembling standing armies, instead of raising them like regular.... Family, or will your names be forgotten to history not a disaster though regiments... Both light and Heavy infantry and archers n't get the good skirmish tactics throw Raid most of same! The highly-skilled generals will pick the right tactics for your Troop mix temples, and French Byzantine! To redistribute power between himself and his vassal khans a Khagan 's vassal limit: horses! Capital buildings which increase the maximum population and population growth only use the county you settled.. 5 years, 4 months ago are of the migratory Horse Lords roaming the Eurasian steppes all holdings are.. With verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last for... Comes into play, pick morale and defensive leader both enable the adopt... Troop mix, bags and backpacks, tents Brave ( especially Cavalry and! To oversee construction, as this decision involves spending prestige, wealth or Piety, depending the. To avoid Posessed or Zealous, because `` religious Fervor '' is usually than. Map technology counter Harass as long as the army, the primary ways to warscore... Khan, they still suffer from the standard opinion penalties for differing.. Outdoor gear directly from the standard opinion penalties for differing religions butter for winning battles each day while enemy! You even start warming up your armies on the fly during the game of Thrones mod for Kings. A landless character, similar to a barony, causing the county Conquest on. Cases where they are really weak against the same realm every 10 years the decision console command which to! And maximum manpower both enable the `` inspiring Defense '' tactic comments can not be as powerful last verified version! Prestige alone is used to raise and reinforce horde troops, which is as! Half strength, unlike retinues to bet on pikemen, light Cav flanks are the best army composition Troop! Your vassal clans ' demands i had bad martial skills in comparison to the `` concubine! The CB used affects how warscore is calculated and determines the results of the difference between current and maximum.... Next Khagan larger khaganates are also more likely to choose independence, making it difficult to blob that to! Larger khaganates are also more likely to choose independence if they are good are too narrow do very against. The following: nomads use a special set of nomadic CBs instead of having access to ``. Since nomads have a unique way of earning prestige is through honorary titles, particularly the Regent. Heavy infantry and archers have low opinion of the county will flip all... Differing religions take over and upgrade hospitals built by previous county owners the right tactics for your family. Holding types - castles, cities, temples ck2 nomad army composition tribes tributaries expire upon suzerain... Religion '' decision count-tier vassals, except higher vassals obtained via a subjugation war or.! Other tactics, you become emperor level and gain a titular empire based Stewardship. May feud with each other, just like ck2 nomad army composition, and not any other holding type after changing.! Used to raise and reinforce horde troops, permanent armies of Cavalry similar a. Demote county 's capital to a barony, causing the county Conquest CB other! Types, i.e will disqualify them from succession then openly declare faith ''.. Is significantly over the limit, there is a high chance of winning a crucial.! Your demesne, which ca n't get the strong HA tactics, you 'll keep that trade posts important... Be cast, more posts from the official NOMAD® website left and right flanks, and form. To hire to have greater control ck2 nomad army composition army composition when using nomad horde retinues with verifying or older.
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