How many Chapters it took for each Straw Hat to join Luffy from their Introduction. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. With all the signs pointing theories in the direction of Blackbeard being the son of Rocks D. Xebec, I figured I’d toss another idea in the mix.What if Shanks is the son of Xebec? Hal ini memunculkan spekulasi banyak orang tentang sosok Shanks, bahwa dia merupakan anak dari Xebec. Shanks is 39, he would have been an infant during the God Valley Incident which took place 38 years ago. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. Berbagai bukti-bukti coba diajukan untuk mendukung teori atau prediksi ini, salah satunya adalah mengenai peristiwa God Valley. Dr. Kureha is the former doctor of the Rocks Pirates. The theory claims that Roger took in the infant Shanks to give him a life where he wouldn’t be killed off by the Marines for being the son of such an infamous pirate (this is why Roger entrusted Ace’s future to Garp becasue he knew that he wouldn’t allow a child to die for the crimes of their father). Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom and Shiki and were once members in the crew. in THEORIES & OPINIONS Did Whitebeard confirm the connection between Shanks and Rocks D. Xebec? What if part of the reason was that he discovered Shanks there? For more information please refer to the documentation. hey mes slasheur nouvelle vidéo sur ROKS D XEBEC et shanks bon visionnage Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom and Shiki and were once members in … Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom and Shiki and were once members in the crew. Shanks is the Son of Rocks D. Xebec. He appeared to have worn a sailor's jacket. Now that the fantastic chapter 967 has dropped I was going back and rereading Oden’s flashback chapters and then I noticed this panel in chapter 966. I am basing this theory due to Blackbeard’s destructive streaks, and the subtle homage he paid towards Rocks D. Xebec of the infamous Rocks Pirates by naming his ship the Saber of Xebec. Shanks is the Son of Rocks D. Xebec With all the signs pointing theories in the direction of Blackbeard being the son of Rocks D. Xebec, I figured I’d toss another idea in the mix. Did Whitebeard confirm the connection between Shanks and Rocks D. Xebec? [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? Join Facebook to connect with Shanks D. Xebec and others you may know. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Pinterest. Shanks is 39, he would have been an infant during the God Valley Incident which took place 38 years ago. Berhubung usia Shanks itu 39, dan Insiden God Valley terjadi 38 tahun lalu, teori ini menyebutkan kalau Shanks masih 1 tahun saat Rocks menghadapi Roger. Dia memiliki rambut panjang yang dikumpulkan menjadi sulur-sulur yang menempel ke segala arah. Some of the major points include the fact that the God Valley incident happened 38 years ago, and Shanks is 39 years old putting him around the age of one during the events of the clash between Roger, Garp and the Rocks Pirates. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? YOUR TOTAL ELO IS. 7 Can't: Charlotte Katakuri. Công cụ phân tích & thống kê video YouTube giúp bạn theo dõi và phân tích hiệu quả video YouTube, ước tính giá trị video. Talel Hleli (shanks) Shanks. If Shanks even had 1/10th of the hype WB has received in the story you'd never hear the end of it, literally NO ONE has ever called him THE number 1 at anything yet his fans will overblow the slightest thing to say he's top 1 Meanwhile WB gets doubted despite DOFFY,BUGGY,SAKAZUKI,IVANKOV,SENGOKU,BIGMOM AND GARP all calling him top 1 Shanks. [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? What if #Shanks is the son of #Rocks_D_Xebec ?#God_Valley_Incident [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? A twist like this would be insane. Knowing that the World Government would not accept a child of Rocks D. Xebec into the world, Garp knew that only choice was to either leave him to die or let Roger take him with his crew. As for Shanks, I subscribe to the idea that he was a son of someone killed (rocks or a celestial dragon). There is a popular theory which claims that Shanks is the son of the captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks D. Xebec. I think … He killed Rocks alongside Roger, and the two of them then find infant Shanks on Xebec’s ship. The Key to unleash the full potential of Enma sword! [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? Salah satu teori yang dibicarakan di komunitas One Piece adalah Shanks merupakan keturunan Rocks D. Xebec. 390. In today’s post, I’m going to share with you a theory about Shanks. Shanks is the Son of Rocks D. Xebec With all the signs pointing speculations toward Blackbeard being the child of Rocks D. Xebec, I figured I'd throw another thought in ... TOP 10 Highest Bounties Of The Yonko Commanders Shanks is 39, he would have been an infant during the God Valley Incident which took place 38 years ago. Only two people are known to be on Roger's level— Whitebeard and Rocks D. Xebec. Some of the major points include the fact that the God Valley incident happened 38 years ago, and Shanks is 39 years old putting him around the age of one during the events of the clash between Roger, Garp and the Rocks Pirates. Facebook. We know that Garp does not like to talk about the God Valley Incident. 16/12/2019. Shanks inherited SH and has been in Roger crew since he was teen so maybe he has Roger fighting style after Shanks learnt from him. Shanks D. Xebec is on Facebook. For more information please refer to the documentation. Charlotte Katakuri is one of the Three Sweet Commanders of Big Mom Pirates. Another important piece: This would further solidify why Roger entrusted Ace to Garp. How many Chapters it took for each Straw Hat to join Luffy from their Introduction. Hey zusammen, ausnahmweise bisschen unformeller Post hier drin, kleines Update zum Timespace Event! This is pretty much confirmation that Roger and Rayleigh were taking care of a child at some point together. Theories One Piece and Anime. Shanks. Their captain was Rocks D. Xebec who was considered Gol … Twitter. Shanks. It could be that when shanks asked Roger questions, he learned that Roger didn’t accomplish his mission which is why his hat was given to shanks. [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? Peristiwa God Valley terjadi sekitar 38 tahun yang lalu, sedangkan Shanks saat ini berusia sekitar 39 tahun. What if Shanks is the son of Xebec? I dont think it's impossible that Prime WB > Prime Xebec. Lalu Roger mengasuhnya. [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? It took both Roger and Monkey D. … What if Shanks is the son of Xebec? And of course Shanks could end up more morally gray but for now he seems to be the only one to go out of his way to reduce suffering. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Roronoa Zoro? Sosok yang diduga adalah anak dari Rocks D. Xebec adalah Shanks si rambut merah. by Gus 9 Febbraio 2020, 18:01 0SHARESShare The Wano Arc has revealed new information about the Rocks Pirates. Shanks D Xebec. Sha Nks. Rocks D. Shanks, figlio di Rocks D. Xebec. He had long hair that was gathered into tendrils sticking in every direction. WhatsApp. Shanks Is The Son Of Rocks D. Xebec? pertarungan antara Blackbeard dan Shanks, tentunya akan sangat dinantikan oleh para fans. Katakuri has a bounty of over 1 billion beris. Because of the domino effect that Blackbeard managed to cause 2 years prior, Shanks is playing peacemaker once again by giving the Gorosei a warning about BB’s actions as a Yonko. Did Whitebeard Confirm The Connection Between Shanks & Rocks D. Xebec? Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. The Jolly Roger of the Red Hair Pirates has a realistic looking skull with a pair of crossed sabres behind it. ReddIt. Wir haben die Liste mit allen Gewinnern und wollten die Preise eigentlich bis heute rausschicken, sieht jetzt aber so aus als würde es doch auf Montag… Shanks then proceeds to grow up in Roger’s crew and go on to become who he is today . See more people named Shanks Xebec. But why do I think so? Xebec is even more evil … Since Whitebeard was in the crew of Xebec who is known for his iron fist and forcing his crew to join, and them constantly hurting eachother it’s not to that huge of an assumption to say Xebec may have been the one to injure Whitebeard therefore connecting Shanks to Xebec. Check Faceit stats and elo of ShanksDXebec. another Roger’s baby?) [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these ships? The Celestial Dragons were cornered & facing their inevitable Doom when The Rocks Pirates had made it onto their Land. The Key to unleash the full potential of Enma sword! Friday at 9:27 AM #16 wud that mean oden > shanks tho? Did Whitebeard confirm the connection between Shanks and Rocks D. Xebec? Given shanks relationship with Roger, it could be the case as to why Shanks knew the real intentions of Rocks and why Blackbeard didn’t. New evidences on Shanks being Rocks D. Xebec’s son. No featured entries match the criteria. 1 Go D. Usopp Certified Memelord. Their captain was Rocks D. Xebec who was considered Gol D. Roger’s first and greatest enemy. This also gives reason for Shanks to be concerned about Blackbeard inheriting the will of Xebec. He is also the strongest among the three. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Dia tampaknya mengenakan jaket pelaut. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? No featured entries match the criteria. Rocks D. Xebec was Great enough to become The Leading Captain Over many Powerful & Prideful rival Pirates! There is a popular theory which claims that Shanks is the son of the captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks D. Xebec. The Wano Arc has revealed new information about the Rocks Pirates. Forty years ago, Rocks appeared to have been a normally-proportioned humanoid, though he seemed to stand at around half the height of his immensely large (though not giant-sized) crewmates. New evidences on Shanks being Rocks D. Xebec’s son, Joy Boy’s Promise and the Final Task of the remaining Roger Pirates. 40 tahun yang lalu, Rocks tampaknya adalah humanoid dengan proporsi normal. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Roronoa Zoro? This is how Shanks came onto Roger’s ship to be an apprentice. Jika memang benar, maka hal ini bisa menjadi penjelasan mengapa dia sangat khawatir dengan sosok Blackbeard, karena dia mencoba untuk memenuhi impian dari Rocks D. Xebec yaitu menguasai dunia ini. [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? Welcome back to Exmanga. Rayleigh also used to have two swords in Oden flashback and one of Rayleigh sword resembles Gryphon, Shanks current sword so Rayleigh might give that sword to Shanks after Rayleigh taught him imo. Saber of Xebec is a ship belonging to the Blackbeard Pirates.1 Xebec, also spelled zebec, was a Mediterranean sailing ship that was used mostly for trading. It has two red stripes with black outlines that cross diagonally across the skull's left eye socket, representing scars that the captain has. فہٰخامة رجلہٰ. [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? So I expect Shanks to have a mixture of Roger and Rayleigh … Hey guys! 1 Kingdom Come Someone tell me how to put my profile picture. You guys can check my reason below. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. This is far before Ace was born, not that Roger took care of him anyway, and unless there is something I’ve missed (i.e. Shanks. I believe that Shanks may be the son of Rocks. The Wano Arc has revealed new information about the Rocks Pirates. 0. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these ships? There is also another popular theory which talks about the interaction between Shanks and Whitebeard when Whitebeard says “The wound i got from that guy aches whenever I see your face” to Shanks implying that Shanks is somehow connected to the one who gave him the wound. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. there hasn’t been any mention of a small child in the Roger Pirates crew at any point. The only conclusion I have come to is the good old days are referring to when the now 14-years-old Shanks was still just an innocent child and wasn’t causing trouble for the crew. - Kaido I guess we’ll just have to wait until Oda reveals Xebec’s hair color to be red, right? 0 Many of his noteworthy followers at the time were already capable of Single handedly, Decimating entire Islands & Countries‼️ . Shanks hasn't displayed his true power either, but it probably won't be enough to beat the Pirate King. With all the signs pointing theories in the direction of Blackbeard being the son of Rocks D. Xebec, I figured I’d toss another idea in the mix. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? The ship shares its name with the late captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks D. Xebec. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Contact Information. [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? Because of the God Valley Incident and Shanks, Roger knew that Garp would not allow a child of a pirate to be imprisoned/killed by the World Government. Others With a Similar Name. شانكس الاسد . Is Shanks D. Xebec,Rocks' son.-God's Valley incident took place 38 years ago.-Shanks was a year old at the time.-Roger picked him up after The Rocks were defeated,didn't wanna leave the kid abandoned even if its the child of his toughest enemy.Same mentality as the one he had when Ace was born and he wanted Garp to raise him "A newborn child bears no sin". WB on Rocks was not in his prime, and if BB is anything to go by, Xebec seems more like a scheming type of person rather than just brute power. Has a realistic looking skull with a pair of crossed sabres behind.. Incident which took place 38 years ago Update zum Timespace Event the Rocks Pirates had it... 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