proof:pdf BAFKEChFO1MKEn1vzjpGlxXpBe9uLBFe6tLUCSZA5ABKVr+0K0rQEV6iqrH7j8ySNLgvrrQZRBDJ 2944898665 gtDFDqDRteBJJT6nouHQGr7UKjjT7NB1UcSqyyx8v2nlqJ7axVmsbmWS7SZpGl9Rp25uxkkZiG33 7+yqbC4hMPrcgsYrUttQg0INe4O2KqX76568obf6Vkf9RQfj8u6qIRERAiKFRRRVAoAPYDFW8Vdi +R/IY0LTtdhuxGs2vX91eTx27tIkUVwSFiR3SPpUt9gAMxpiqX2v5IeTre0ntFlvGhm09tNRWkj/ 55.900002 WRiw2NduXXFXnvmPzfbaQTJNDLchLWS+nkDxqUtoZIomYmd0LNynUBBVj23woVvMV7e2lvbPbesq qKrXviqP06WTW9EvdCHC11rRisVu/ZZFj/cyhinJI515dAGKFqBQRiqbeRfMNzq2h289y6fpmzPC 1.029 zuDEKRgmoApTodumKqurWOqpGs98xJkqqsW5Fdq9thiqC83eWbXzJpVybmCOaSWWURzzKs5gkuIE JEkXkjBl8VNR+GKt4qhr34XtZD9mOYcv9mrRj/hnGKu1H/ecHsssLMfALKpJPyGKsWtq/V4gQAQo 868177051 9 Jalan Kubor #01-01, Singapore 199206. working title - Burger Bar . 8QK8ZWVCV+JHVJF5AENsP2hir0mzu4rq3WeKvFuoPUEGhU+4OBKtirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqG1 Frutiger LT Std hqUHrqa3UYRPXZefBT6rcDGEVlYIDRdwR8VN1xVjeFVszvHE8iOyOilldCQykCoKkb1GKsu1iMve MrDoQdwcCt4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqhrX/AHovB39VTT29JBX8MVQmufDFIxAo1pcxioqC5VWA 3C1EhrsaeCqYQ61ov6ZfSUv7d7s/BLaLIhnEZoeYi5cwVFHX6O2FCcS6dLJIJ5h6ay+mSsSl6tIA Adobe Systems Travelling all the way to NUS might be a chore for most, but this list of food places could give you some extra motivation to go to school. PROCESS pwq9N1O3jNze2w+wzMD33lUO1a+7nFCAubpbDzHY6lKXMWoadGJW2qzx1PQcVr8S/ZAxSxe70bST qlp6jPIB+6RPtmrN8jgVnuhXE0EcrNKkdpcAIgkAId0ccgnL4AwXlRn+GvjRqKshnuNOunNzFcRQ 45.699999 iXB1yx0z6rLdKYTchpCGUkMRxZivbrTCqF0jyzcWGunUxchzyuWjogElbm4acAsNyI+XEVrsB0xV pIf+K3+FqnwWoc/6uKonFUuvYYXaaAuBHccRLxNWjlO0b08G4gfMDxOKpLHJcWlyrsv+kW7UljXo About Us. Similar Restaurants. Read on for information about CAT bus schedules, Fares and Passes, Raider Regional Transit, and more. RUccVelapb/A7CtbW4btUmO4Ac7eHqt18B88Kpd9Xe5Fzar/ALvtnYAdWkhdHjX/AIlihjZ1nTNM OHzXb3+tW8Op3WkWd3qF9OVi0O+vXYyTvGP3qpwKNDGjo0bftGvQElWbfllBfQeRdJiv7d7W7WN/ 7c3TeaPMEf1lomaCK+9OJPScPSNVQcA/Hi9OoJGKozyv5QudDvr67n13UtWF0sUcMF9MZI4UhQLV 1GG6YaLYx+lIbZ+EMTo6qgdaExoSOMvQjbfFWQW9vBbwRwW8awwRKEiijUKiqooFVRQAAdsVTryt 0 �D*��a��6+W�*߆��Z�4�B_n*�='�2�O���smbT'�T�(v�*+ѪS�y>[ɩ�=�Ւ�`1�9�V�����)��3j 0��. 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ White Frutiger LT Std PROCESS It is has 4 residential colleges, graduate students apartments, guest apartments, sport facilities and is walking distance to many cultural and educational facilities at Kent Ridge. CqwXqo5s/JV7d5M8p6V5Z0y4tdMnmntr26m1AvcMjMHuSHYKUSP4fCtT74qnxIUFmNANyT0AxVhl Bv4uAKYqhrrWtGeOW3lnZPUUow4OCAwptVfA4qxv9IzTpPfqsbyxyLMsUZ4qWiCScSfipyI3PvhQ 0 Yp+bX1xm9XQvqioojThd82cz/GzGpCgQD4QK/GdzQbqt3Uf5sPK62s2hRQ1HpSPHdu2xkryQMo3H Watch Queue Queue. 1.029 V2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVCauP8AcXdMBVo4mkj9njHNCPcMoOKtacWEl6n+6UuG9E02IZEd Whatever you have just seen is purely a visual artwork of the UTown Minecraft project, a collaborative game created by the four RCs as part of the immersive e-Freshmen Orientation Programme (e-FOP) 2020 @ NUS. Astons Express (NUS UTown) Map Location. ZAvpPIyDaf0y2/2a4qldrbfmEmj2kWkPHGFn5SNr0jS3noCdSUcwCVWLRc6HlUfD70Kpv5ck88m9 0 868177051 BTG4DtxYKz86ktTkNz3VsUKWnzXx1IX1ykU8EZLSNIWBZxQxBWDEhzQ7cT0+5VZYS3yXcQtJGWdm 2KGb2/l60ShuD9YIFBHTjF1P7ArX/ZEj5YEpqAAAAKAbADFXYq7FXYqoXFxMk0cMMau7q7/G5QAI +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9L6bpemtp1qTaQkmFKkx 80HovbqZIopVb0huUU/A5Ud1CM3w9u3hiqYYqgrO3t5rGGKaNJRByhHNQwrExjJFeleOKqn6Nsh/ Adobe Illustrator 24.1 (Macintosh) 0.000000 IZiA6hqfFF44qqfozTf+WSH/AJFr/TFWm07S1Us1rAFAqSY0AAH0Yq3aTab/AHNo8P8AN6cRX6TR CMYK CMYK Students; Faculty; Guest & Conference. You should see a patch of greenery. XQ7+5uCLc1bT4DKhdZJYUMb8FBUNURuygstdgSK4peH2Ol3WqXQv7TitnGiafY3LqsbTyek31WM0 3$1c�m(PC=1�����;��Jk���ެH�J���Eam���=�Rȸ�7�~��ҜJQh>+a��gL�D��}�ċ�������里里I������CƔOeL�ȘC��!a�E”C”C”��)���C��E������I��� ���L�����y3]�����d�C����$�#�̻��ѧ�xo_����a��xp*^�*��d�y��l?+�Kp�����=�Ѻl�_,�Q-a���Ƴ#V���#��Ƶ�ł���� v����������-!X޺����d�3l�{�0�yͽ#P�@a��Zoc*���Px�3�!0��K6n4����"�#*�r{뮹U�U%��D]����"q����>y�Crd�+�#�kr�+`�d���.�� >&BA8U>��v�V@�����{>�g1��]w��u9�� PROCESS OTF 1.029;PS 001.002;Core 1.0.33;makeotf.lib1.4.1585 OTF 1.029;PS 001.001;Core 1.0.33;makeotf.lib1.4.1585 Ak0v2YIWlJbl9o8QAKcqKrNItfMdZ21ITukdy8dutwsP1j95GkjMwtXmiCHhUfFWp3p9kFUo1DzK Open Type Operating hours of Sports facilities Swimming Pool and Fitness Gyms. 9cxn/hcCoV49HKFGgkgRhSQLHNClP8soFQj3JpirrK1shdI1pehwlWe3Rk4kUK1KxcB+11IPbFU0 Designed for the entire NUS community, University Town, or UTown for short, is strategically integrated with the Kent Ridge Campus via a vehicle and pedestrian bridge. Good food = motivation to go to school . AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB Zf8AL5tHX/Y8ZP8AiWKu+tzD7dpKoH2mHpsB7gKxY/QtcVQxGiDdoVtz2leJrc1/yZGVN/ka4q1+ CKHcHFWDeZvy4tPNMukXrX8+n3WksYJZLYkG4ijkHwPRl/ajqnLkBybbeuKsqvrZJZmic0S8iMJf Resources; Latest News; Contact Us ; National University of Singapore, Office of Housing Services. MbQmt3pbSWMMUMnC4tQvoy0FDxFCrD+VxswxSxvzRqGl2ukLqmoTfVo7T0o5TRnNLiUJGh4g/F6s uuid:48ce8894-ec2c-5044-97e1-118b9f6870fd 67 Bold Condensed 2DxpBcOfrD+rRVCRtyWtrKpdaqGRlJqKYqlWq/nZ5PsY7WeKO+vrS8hM0E9vaTnkv1m3tgQjojlG These shuttle buses are overseen by the Transport, Logistics and Car Park Department, under the Office of Campus Amenities (OCA). Cyan Adobe Illustrator Watch Queue Queue miaLnvVFm2pSlKYEsB8p/k0NNvEc69zFtNHd21jLb8bc3ETRESEesnBlWFhy59GpuOSuraTa1+TE BSkvoNHGAebo7x8+bUbj2rTFU38t6T5isBcHWtbOsyTCERH6tHarEY4gshVYy1fVkq+/StOgxVOs LrrVLy5qOXoxH/dcZNfpfY/dT6cKqelxWX6RjS4jV1kHGBW3RZFq2y/ZqRXf298UMnwJdirsVdir l25U7cvtD2OKoPUYlivEuePKOaMw3KfzIoLU28FLt9FBSuKoLUrd6iblyeJaSHr6kPVJdu69G+/p The NUS-UT site is approximately 19Ha, situated on the grounds of a former golf course with the undulating site topography forming the defining characteristic of the project. FAQs – UTown (Non-Residential) Facilities; FAQs – Sports and outdoor facilities; Announcement. NUS Business School ↺ University Town (Loop) Passes Through: Kent Ridge Drive, Kent Ridge Crescent, College Link: Operator Information : Current Operator: ComfortDelGro Bus Pte Ltd: Current Fleet: Volvo B9L single deck buses: Departure Times from BIZ 2: 0715hrs — 2300hrs (Weekdays and Saturdays) 0915hrs — 2300hrs (Sundays and … 24.218801 1 0 obj <>/OCGs[11 0 R]>>/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream 19a9b9GnTvSJkjq66Z6wjSSkYqswuWEoFOVBTjiqNsfyh8qWOqHUbQzQy/pH9KoqLbLxn4XCFTIs cUAPX7PFl32ooRGKuxVMdAuXSZ7OhaNqypT9gk/FX2Ymo96/QpTzArsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqU6 Fully Furnished Rooms. PROCESS FrutigerLTStd-BlackCn.otf +cnknUrAXcs0+nN6UVwba6iLSCKcwiN625njNRdRMyh+SK6lwoOKrpfzo/LSKJZW1iqNyNUtrp6B CMYK a3hmAEi1K7q24ZT4qw3H0Yqpcri3+3yuIf5wKyL/AKyqPiH+qK+x64qiFZJEDKQ6MKgjcEHFUBdW Open Type dfk09LCK8/3IyWsMRkjjASS7S7dFkpI1OP6OkDUruVpUEkKonyl+bPl/zVqkWnaVaXnN7WK7klmF USP Students Recreate a New UTown Virtual Experience One Block at a Time. REMINDER FOR GRADUATING STUDENTS – REMAINING BALANCE IN REBOKS E-WALLET; Re-opening of Sports and Performing Arts Facilities; Contact Us; Quick Links; About Us; FAQs; Contact Us Facilities Booking. However, none of that is real. /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA Adobe Systems 100.000000 r29xZaZ5j1z6w3prLLFJCxUsW5wqX3AP7WKUVJ5p0tfs+o/+qv8AzURjSoSTzfGJB6duWj7lmAP4 0.000000 100.000000 g/wNG8bcXRqVBoG/ZLDow74qsuobShnncxBRRpBI0QoDtyKsvj3xVQiMMjcLbUi7AVWMNFJQDx+E 0 9Oi8gPowqlcuiQXFyl3LZx3N1bD01mKR3TxL9sIqyq7xiq7DgpBxQjo9TJmJnt7a4nAKP6kfpTUI EBgVYVB2IPQjFVL6naf74j/4Ff6Yq76naf74j/4Ff6Yq76naf74j/wCBX+mKu+p2n++I/wDgV/pi 55.468798 Home > Schedules > Central PA Bus Routes > Schedules & Maps. 2020-08-23T16:19:25+08:00 RK7gt6jNQARAfZrypXpiqjdfk95Qurm6uH1ueJ5biSR+Bh4vV5Dt8HPjyk2BJ6VH2mLKULbflRoF 256 c80hjtkNZX9VSoWQlX5qDTr3OBKO0T87fMX6YMHmYQWlpavMXnWO4M8UQRjH0aV15MjBl28Cu+Kv 0.000000 mnhMkkjqyKAOReJRHGVJ4/7rhHU7jFWC6z5B1Ntan1OW5tEtppbeWJpC/rRGGQOypSMlhIoKkBgN c27/AOMMn/ETirFtQa543n1en1ppZkt+VWHqNIyx1705EYUMU8n+UkGr3lvq7Jc6jEQt7coB+9kj vdSm01K4nleS3EcQYcnMEkEiUrDxpzgWvJulQKClFCbaVoHm+w816ncatdeppiRXySL9buJvVlub Black 2qVpiq+az125USXshghJPxXLiJdt9kND9y4qpJBo0BVp7h7s0qYoVKJUHo0jUanyXFUy0zXprnUY 46.900001 rA1AkRuIp7Ekivy7YqyTArsVdiry7y3pP5lx+ckl1BNRi0/6zqZurufULe4s3gk/3i9K0U81od1F FrutigerLTStd-ExtraBlackCn xVSuZjDA0gHJxQRr05Ox4qte1WIGKutLZLa2jgSlEG5ApUndjT3O+KquKuxV2KuxV2KsMsP8DR6/ rUks1Sa4qxD8z727Pl+DSpLmGMx3LfVLm4N2XjkZDZmjQczxaKeRd6ULChxVT8salomleQxqscX1 Contributed by Le Khuc Hoang Uyen, NUS student majoring in Communications and New Media. ucVZ35a13R73Sba5sZxJY3CfWLaXf+5lJdPUruhAYA8qb9MCUyubfStWs5bS6igv7OUBZ7eVUmiY Magenta p66pzMkJthDNOIZRxaL1FiZOMTLz3ruRihC2Ek3mXSdSsNbs3s4ZJzEtYpIh8Kq0c8al+RCszD7Q Multipurpose Sport Halls (MPHs) and outdoor facilities. 210.001656 Frutiger-LT-Std-87-Extra-Black-Condensed_18830.ttf zwy2E3qxELDvxdtowpbl6UtB8Kgk8HH2eh26qphbXKzBlIMcybSxNTktenTqD2OKq2KrJoIJlCzR %PDF-1.5 %���� 4knluw0skO1PWijQej6oUkfGF5Co5VxVL/LfkC3hkS69L9IXxEZOo3JPFfTHwek7cmopZ+FKkV4s Board NUS Express KR MRT-UTown Bus and alight at UTown Bus Stop Walk through Town Plaza towards Stephen Riady Centre (the building is on the left after Koufu Foodcourt) The NUS Express KR MRT-UTown Bus is only operational during term time - Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays), from 7.30am to 9.00am and from 6.00pm -7.30pm 4blyFN8aW307+X1poWjaHbaHp6mJog0knqBA0kshLSMSgUMamnStAMVQeoei+pXkdwsiRev+6miY dirsVQsyhtQhU1oYJgaEg7tF3G+KvEfyJ1e7gl85+VL2+uNSutLkmb61cOZApgd4CFLSzGlUBXZf s6n0ZotRsDcy2XCP94R9YkjjcxSVArxO1WAA9RVMfJGmqddlbV000Jczw3lzK19YyPbtaie6d0Ec 1vRWJj/wWKu+o6pHvFd1XvHuKnx5y/WSPlTFXctcj2ISRf2SoEj/AOyJa2X5UGKu/SWoJtNZFSPA y1qa3N7aR+q9ukUwUoJfTLFpEUHc+PgemKU8u1TT721v4jxiu0EvCNQOBYbgCtDTl028NsUImGIa True uixLPEJkV09Yyk8SByRGTltyrirh+bvlBI45rk3NtbyRXU3rPCZABaaimlkcITLIWkuJV4BVPw7n vTWhc1dySzMQKAszEk7bb4q+ePMv5aflpp9xqPl/09b1C10eEajr13FdWSGzgl9WX1eMio8wRWZu Print After the bus has crossed College Link bridge, you may alight at the UTown bus stop. Facebook Twitter. NUS-UT (University Town) was planned as an extension of the main campus at Kent Ridge, physically separated by an expressway with connections via a pedestrian and vehicular bridge. FrutigerLTStd-LightCn.otf 7FXYq7FXYq//2Q== xVvFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqhrP4Xuox9hJjxH+uiyN/wznFUBrayfvgtSZo4SoWtQIJ Yellow Version 2.035;PS 002.000;hotconv 1.0.51;makeotf.lib2.0.18671 H��W[o�~?������uH��1�����EѪvbTR;�����vOb� �P��!�s�>��3��Oς{��3w��\/����>uw�����o�������uz��up߽=��G�J�1��v�b���^�ܟ�9�������� �O���|�}��A÷^yЪ�)�(�(�H>�����;ǖ}/.��w�s��CO�����IQ��|���T���5�Pxֳ�|V��C��G2�ҝs�q@��#qF� m@(1�Q��=�a\�(�C��N�A�̙�S����A[�tZ�$�ᔤ�Tи� _�6�BiXX�7� 4SS��0�݉���,.�Q�m�k.ݗ��n�H�C�&e|Uv� 4~�z�F����b�'s�%��%�v���|O��(��Иҍ(ztD^�#� Adobe Systems xyTXMMBfhUgFSw98KskuP3YuPSFDbyyeiAOhhkPCg9uIxQqaK4i1vXLIN8Jn+sxldxSdA5oe/wBo We look forward to … Frutiger LT Std fgrxB69K/KtMCqXmTXYPJ2kyXMWmw3OpRkFZLq5jhg4H9oSyhFBG43AxSlHlv8wIqLPdzwaRJa3E Fine Food. BxAIblUcSrKrLy75vt2Bk80NOpV/UR7OLeRkccwSxKgSOr8R8Pw8ehOBVA+VfO7XJlfzhI0atE8E uhJIaQryJPGuKoZvyd8stPcu1zemKZw9vbepF6dsp1CPU5Y4KRcuMtzCpbmzGmylcVQsf5F+TUXT Frutiger LT Std wZK+1JR+OKvLfP1pJLrOmaha2S3v1aK6trmaH1JJ4BNw4llQ8BGWXi5cE77U3woTvS7eG7v7e3lR FrutigerLTStd-LightCn 6. nyGoBVhUxHbp7eFKfZxVKLuySBeUYItCaAHZoWJAEbUPiRwI/oSUIv60l/p8lpcCt6iMbZ68WZ1B Please email the Dean of Students Office at 0O2KsqAAAAFANgBirsVeR+U7z815PM3p3jX7l49Va9j1C3ij0uF1uOOmrBLFGkrVjFXozVBFDWtF Xum6TAIob/Rl9GVUDiLghZFIYmTkWFC1GO/h9kKGcJokNkGMrR+rLDLH8bgKGaNkDF2CCh5cePv1 qN5qNnaw2mo3QcDUY4o1uQH6EyAciRt1PbChAf8AKhbm6mu7u88wR3Ul9cQ3Ylls5ZpYzHLHJ8Et /NHlLUXSPUTqVteTq95CsclhGVW1mhVIXErqeJeMooI48aAVoAqz/wAm+T7w6ZaWutXDte2trbi7 VhLMo8RPAxVKeNKj8cVbhfW497WVrmJSCzJJHcR1PUEuRMfkMVY3r2lXkt5d6ha6hcaRrV8qhp0l lZm5ylfiZlSSi1NBTpjSGctfx299H6drJ/pEPqQM8plDKCP23+JXHPcfEKdPdSwLz35k82WDwX9l qVdKvGV8DQu1fYYqkJHoIk1xKIJ4HB+EkUkU8ab0+Fjt7g98KEo1GGfT9Y5W0bQl6S2yECoEg+zT aND87W2pW9vdxESWV2iy20jfAxRwCrEkIN69CqUxVkQ1G0ABkcQlugl+Cp78Sfhan+STiqBtL6yl Route 1—Market Street . 7Y6hFqEf161vrLQbGUmKRUhlf0OMTF5pZY5a8/2DVeKnFUP5PfypoWrPe6xe20awW4it5ZdCtdLl FrutigerLTStd-ExtraBlackCn 9r5iuNEn0gT29pFHetePIVVRdMIaBVpU8499+/uMUMi0PUtMuJXhnsraKQlfq9I6168gS3LfpTFW False pGojiiEhDAjpWKN2bk3Ulk36nriquYLCWapuIpLmQgFLuKLmSPs/AFhkr4VwKsOgcQQkas1KCUTz OTF 1.029;PS 001.002;Core 1.0.33;makeotf.lib1.4.1585 cXMWswpDUrKSsqVoCtCanr9nrgKoq38xy8Y1u72SaI8fVha2iZGjIFRy5hjyHenfpjSo/SfOHk+S … Adobe PDF library 15.00 ERC is a three storey building. HJrp5rRYgvSvMrxpX3wKlLefvy2a4ktV1u0v7qIsJLf60k1Cmzmjv6a8fHbFWrf80PKVzeW1lpmp 100.000000 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo GqOJOzfa67kq9KwK7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqldxbNbSRm3IRCeNsT9mNz/ALran+6p N88VTHTU1CTT1vrakDMtRCtHWSuzMUBChu4pQ12JptirB9Th86WEs+qaZNb6lpb3QUWEMRWRRJ8R OpenType - PS LeQKluGIt0p/dr6ZAjHbsKE79q0NMUpnp6peSS3soEgErpa1FQqxsU5L7sVJr93XFUVf6jp+nWcl SRoi8UUKo6KooPwxVUMTCESn7LMVX34gE/rGKovSnkhkmuoqmSCGQqAaHk6MiGvb42UYFQbBQeKf Vt5UaN1PquRVH+IbeOBWR3VvHc201tJX050aN6bHi4oaffirz+x/I7yppyMdOvNQs7n/AHHNDdxS 20 Teck Lim Road, Singapore 088391. +SQBY0dhOnooVi4lgQeNOFdiKqpZDoH50R6xePI/l2fTNKg5DUblXe5W0k9KN442SOEMGlkkMaJS Fully Furnished Rooms. Ztt+XdVbpX5d+XbG/k1IWkKX04ZZngjWLkryGVlZgObVc8m+KjHcjArJfq8Ho+h6a+jTj6XEcaeH 0 Schedules & Maps. Frutiger LT Std 100.000000 u4/Mceni1UcrOXT/AFfi5SyAK/qsTySJULfCAS23TAqf4q7FXYq7FUJqrpHp80rsE9MB0LEAc1IZ It is right across Town Green. jNKuyZYZPUYfC0nNZ9utP3vqgYq3+ibiPaC8de6mTm3E/wCSqvHHxHgUxV3p65HusiS0+1zIJI8V 3j1O/X7NPpxSyDArsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVQ13tPaP0pKVZvZo32J924/TTFXnflTR9R0r81t enWVxbSxfpGS6sONDEZEZUoQwIlUCXt+052wKh4YfKlndtcR0kkqChQPMkZA/Y4hlB7+P0YVVH8w Agora Cafe. 4Mh7P4/0xS8581ahL5dlVbm0nuFZYZGeFCxVbiV41LKaMtBEztyoAo3PLbChFsoYFWAKnYg9CDir 2KuxV2KuxV5bqz6jF+cXll4NF+sWskd3Hcaz6d23oDnd/Byjb6utTT+8WvxfKhVmmtRkO/8AKs0V SHARES. YBlIKkVBHQjFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FUNF+7vpo+0yrMte7KBG/0ABPvxVUuoWlhIQgSqQ8RPQO +cRGxCueaFfDiaqPliqlcK45fWBxJHEzopeJ1/llj8PHsP5hXFUtn0oNDygQNEQaNGTNC2434msi Adobe Systems 100.000000 /wAv6n50u/MVxp2q2ssFmLS7E8j2/pxJPDeNbWiwy8j6oa1j5N2r36jCrJfMqtPq8csMbFru2hn4 DFWPWelaDoGl3zpoiandQetK9hdwxkyOVasbKiPyYuA24PUUrXZQxO2/5yBvIdVkkfQ5Tfw1WRo5 UTown Auditorium 1 (UT AUD 1) Level 1 UTown Auditorium 3 (UT AUD 3) B1-01 FOOD & BEVERAGE OUTLETS Cheers Convenience Store Level 1 Hwang's Korean Restaurant Level 1 Koufu Foodcourt Level 1 Sapore Italiano Level 1 Spice Table Level 1 SUBWAY Level 1 The Royals Bistro Level 1 SEMINAR ROOMS Active Learning Room / Seminar Room 11 (TP-SR11) Level 2 Global Learning Room / Seminar Room 12 … 8SO/yPUYqqIjyzRwR/3kxKoT0BClqncbUXFWS2VjBZxlIgSWNXkbdmPvgSiMVdirsVdirsVdirsV lNbSS8qQRzRXUasiqf7yZVJryanegPTFVVtOuIrU3Fve0iUgGMGa34tQKAVQyVPQBePhirf1zXBA The building that greets you from the left is ERC. Note that this article was penned after the USP Orientation Camp (3 to 5 Jul) and before USP Orientation Week (28 to 29 Jul & 5 to 7 Aug).This article was first published on OSA Stories here on 5 Aug. CMYK raatpltqVoWNvdIHQOOLr2Kup+yymqsOxxVAw63p7+Yb3R7N2/SVnFHcXVsylUdJq0KMduYoKkbb 2017-11-12T19:26:03+08:00 0 CMYK Food By Area 10 Best Food Places In NUS Worth Crossing The Campus For 27th September 2016. lffChjmgaLqF5F9XiSpt2aKWRzQDi1KknxFDQYVeh21k0FtDCZAxjRULk0rxFMilbLcWsIrK7ADq False WVyn823uooUXRY7Y+r9ZuQbksFPIQ+iDy/eD4S/NePhXpirKtPF8LC3F+YzfCJPrRhqYzLxHPhyC CZJnDD4ZYolkrxJrssdQexDKMVY1o/5iNrGrtpKG9iZo7qWGeVbZEmjs7kWkxX0mM6cZthzRK70x kKhL8T8RoQCDscVSGXyr59vPLyWdp5mm0O4P1hQZIIr6ZI5LjnBzmZ1JkigHA8WpU9TQEqoq78r+ /BL/AFxV31y0/wB/x/8ABL/XFXfXLT/f8f8AwS/1xV31y0/3/H/wS/1xV31y0/3/AB/8Ev8AXFVR GlZPoWs2utaTb6naq6W9yC0aygBxxYruFLDqvjgVF3VxHbW01zJX04EaR6bnigqafdirBfLv51eU yaHFCdWPlLy5f0k8wJFNG0TJDDOJYdpApcVcR8qgUKioxSjE8qWduwRrlJEK1tLaGgLJ+ySf2U9w 100.000000 BHnawto3+sicOZBGg48Wi5R05bfCetSVVM+UfzAVYRD52eI8ZTdt+j4JDLNJGFV09V5BEqP8YRfh Adobe Systems VdirsVdiqG0z/jm2n/GGP/iIxVIb6MLMkneU3CkbbelcMR77+rhVK9Ymkt/0NdRE+osDQk02rbME False Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Macintosh) Cqq9a9SqZJ5U/NOBEI88C+kD25ZJdOtLdeKEi43RJD+8Vqqu1CB8VK4FRen+W/zFt2WO784C9j+r Information Resource Centre, School of Design and Environment, Information Technology Unit, School of Computing, NUS (Suzhou) Research Institute Liaison Office, Office of Professional Engineering & Executive Education, Office of the Deputy President (Administration), Office of the Deputy President (Research and Technology), Office of the Vice President (Campus Infrastructure), Office of the Vice President (University & Global Relations), Safety, Health and Environment, Office of, Centre for Department of Teaching and Learning (CDTL), Centre for English Language Communication (CELC), NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, School of Continuing and Lifelong Education, Biomedical Institute for Global Health Research and Technology, Centre for Healthcare Innovation and Medical Engineering, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, Institute for the Application of Learning Science and Educational Technology, Institute of Operations Research and Analytics, Lloyd's Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk, NUS Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute, Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative, Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, NUS Coop - IT Coop @ School of Design and Environment. JAvpfu+DbTR0qRyBNKr0OKHz7qNj+Yx1W95XGu29rFFc3GnxRJfkSNIskkCeoVUOFcxx/CXU0NNt cDQ2ttqV1ql2jyzSXNnYpykWNIkUiJ7gBeLDYgnkWrxOKvR/y7sLTy3o9jaWpi4OfUvNQjt0hnuF qKsx2AA6knFWAebfPV15e1yxj0+we50ExSzaxqEKvNDb0/u1VYw1HYj7HJeVRxDGuFU48s/mT5T8 vOln5btLCy1eLy7JE1wzWcEf6UiQS3KSxqk12VkISJXTpT46/sjFUY/lr8whNI0fm7kJxMlXsbcC r0woYZ+cGh6fqfl61jnvrW31qwmE2n2VzfW9lWGVzHO0guJIT8LKNw1eg9sBSHmlx5CS1vJoZHt3 Black USCCKjcHFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FWE6j+bPl+wu5raWzvXeG5ms+UaQsGlgIV+K+qHp8QoSor9+ rKoNQrgMK+NDiqj+jrMf3aGEd1hd4gfciMqDira2QEiMZpHSM8o43IIBoR1pzPXu2KojFXYq7FXY 68.270397 In line with NUS’ zoning strategy, the ISB services will be re-routed with effect from 20 July 2020 so as to ensure that each zone has a direct ISB service to the Kent Ridge MRT station and other key facilities such as the University Health Centre (AA1, AA2 and BB routes). 1.029 11.700000 47 Light Condensed 0 p3Ue2KojTlWOKWACnoyyCg6AO3qKB8lcYqisVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirs h3PthQ9HcfEadDuCOlDkUoPVbd7jTLqFAWdkqqjckqQ1B/wOFWAXGmpbXbST2yxXYA5SMgElCO7U Default Swatch Group OTF 1.029;PS 001.000;Core 1.0.33;makeotf.lib1.4.1585 204 NUS University Town LEGEND Emergency Call Point Clinic / Wellness Centre Public Bus Stop Security Post Student / Visitor Centre Library Food & Beverage MAP NOT TO SCALE DOVER C R E AT E W A Y C R E A T E W A Y C O L L E G E E A V E N U E E A S T C O L L G E A V E N U E E A S T C R E A T E W A Y CO L E G A V E N U E E A S T CENDANA COLLEGE CREATE TOWER CREATE TOWER TOWN GREEN … xfRtTlS4vpVtPqs0ttMqt+7uOSRxiRSpau8aspq1Pi3+0VUdoi+QvMVvLf6RBb302nPC0k/1TgYm pcxWVwrRy0W4nhM8aVEbA8o1JBBp267YpRn1VrXzClvA5iYSiOKTuolHCv8AwL4oYX+Z3liLzRb2 evjWnzVQl95S8j2rXKW+j2ELgtbxKbZX4wESRSIqqyfCw47OaGp2IxSojS/LkkDWkeg6aeUJhjZr These include two multipurpose sports halls, a rock climbing wall, a fitness gym and a recreational pool. 0 Overview; Vision, Mission & Core Values; Student Life; Benefits of Staying on Campus; Future Residents. 1y7aKeORTFDEGDA0kVnLIu++zr074qj7mJJnt42XkWlFFPSlDz/4TlT3pirzfzd511KLWJtKUAW1 w7EgUEkbwAb/AOUo+/FXn9/Poel/mRDc6hzZdY0ie1uUMaSII7RxOjLVlKOGbb4Hr/k0qVVl60ya VHZX/nxVb6mpf74h/wCRzf8AVLFVOZNRl9MGKFOEiPzErEgKwLU/djqtV698VRuKoOCFGWa0eo9J NUS is really becoming the next big thing for FOOD in the West. CMYK Open Type W3tG5sUa03VUM9SB12JqF2UsEmvP+cfpLWO31S3k9N7cywyQSalvAFj5MF5cKN6ABPdgR9quKsm8 uQBa8oX0zl/o/wBXnbuHPwtTrgSn/wCW+u63qWszRecPM1jrtvZwTOYLa3mhCPNJEkLofqluHUNb dxej4mEmKvz9MrX6cVd9R4/3NxNEe55+pX/kcJKfRirvq96hrHd869RNGrU/1fT9L8a4q7lqS7cI The NUS Internal Shuttle Bus (ISB) network serves the National University of Singapore (NUS)’s Kent Ridge Campus.. CMYK saved 3wrzC8vgP7ssTSnIKvSn/LzyhNJLO1o7NcRmJyLq54mN14FVUS8VXh8PwgbbdMKEy0ryt5b0+O8g faTQoLWx1VHl/Skcylrhi/qc2jluJJWqG4txiVVI8N8KskuY+D27nZpIERwSN5YSUk96j4QT8sUJ R16PGDNGd6bFAW+dVGBKYQ31lM/CG4jkfc8FdS3wmh2BrseuKq+KuxV2KuxV2KuxVDXvwGG5H+6X Frutiger LT Std C=83 M=68 Y=60 K=65 uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 viZ3WhavQ7UFKBKp2bS3M3rFKybHcmlRsG4/Z5U25UrTbAqrirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqU zgLDGYxNSNJJmcrI8YRVSBt2I3oBUkDArKLHzppGt2Wk38JMEWoBZrC2mKLPI8iECMryKKwD7rzr LboCluA6VBappxb9hSlc35za+000A06ytQ9sHSSKKaXi0lrJcRESGeReTMIV2NAGO9dwqzfyr+c2 MxJcS7TAqOPNFVlkUsEC8dj7VqCpQM+raPQQCB9U1FqgTRp6BZuqqzgiTiNgaBj3ocVXHTS0MKXt Provides regular weekday and Saturday service between Downtown … 54. Regulations with regards to the booking system. default It is has 4 residential colleges, graduate students apartments, guest apartments, sport facilities and is walking distance to many cultural and educational facilities at Kent Ridge. DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK Send your request to Z1VWFK0qNsVQGlSaAfJtgdVubG8t9XYKyxx3F9A08kZmkWG2EBqqorNSg2G+KsP1PyldaZo8WqRa OpenType - PS 1.029 296.999942 Please also submit the Booking Form. SThLmSC3a6dIzG5B9NAzAFwqlgjUr07hVW07WmsrXTJ7/nJdzGgRYzC8jxxPO/7sl/TPpQu1CTTp j0xVo/nD5FXUJLWW9ZIRp8Oq292IpXjmt5xI3wcFZg6rHXgwDGvwg0NFUZc/mh5Ftp5YJdSPrQ3a 0 rsVdirsVdiqlNaWk7BpoY5WAoC6hjT6Riqn+jrYfY9SMdlSWRFHyVWCj7sVd9Wul3S7dm8JUjZfp p9G/m36YqyTTP0l+jrX9Kej+kvST679V5+h63Ec/S5/Hw5fZ5b0xVE4qhtQ/uE/4zQf8nkxV2p/8 nS7PTGkl+qK6h0jj4E0mKuVr0Eh374ql2qfnD+Vq28d7ceXJDCZZIg9utvBKqwllJBWWPlVgeK1B Frutiger LT Std a3ihkIkIL1ZFU/EUWvjQYqu1tlMMMaGt56qSWsY3YsjAmo/l41DHwxVDa1a3D3UHov6fM1WTpwdi 4nnUMdxsRxGKVC6tNEnt3RLRrK5f7NxRpo1Na/YR1Yg9PsjFCWyaNrE1uiW8dvf/AFdaH6rKI6ci application/pdf 8yeXdQums7DVbO7u1BZreCeKSQKvHkSiMWoPUWvzHjirWp21pcLJYXVrBew3hjeO0u4xNCZIX5Mx dGcPPalBcNTjuQsZRFRVA6frerQeXoLqNYiNLvLB7ZNwhKNe3HKToQSz7EUAHvXFL6C/J7WrXzP+ ЧdT�l�l�t!��2\�R�IH�A_���Jh�c> 4.687500 86152608 W7TNCrTKFkp8QU1G3cddj1wKqYq7FXYq7FUJrGqW+laXdalcJLJBZxNNKkEbSyFUFTxRaljirWj6 uuid:fc3dd905-d49f-1d48-80ca-90de741f7d1d obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 7kRuu3H7deq7qsnxV2KuxVA65D62k3KU5ALzZehIQhiBsdyBiqKtkEdvGvFEooqsYogJ3PH2rirx 0.000000 BLnufliqYSW88cDG6haKBti+3AV8GQlVU9V32rx7bqE6steiPGK8rHJsPXp+7Y+O1eH07e+BKbKw Ty5ovmXTp5W1XzA+swPEixwvawwFJQzF5Oce5DggcT0piql54t9UuNOtY7E3vo/WQdQGlyJFeGD0 �ī4H�/� ʫ��Cfx��Ѓ�G�&Q���x)|� }wzu�����`��H~r�Ɠ�W|ju7�E^�iF�E�kxr��ꫯ��r���]}�����7K����>��Q}�����7�WN�8�(�ܺ��z�2�.C�Ҝ4D��fl��0l��z��r�:��3qW_-��P6�o>?���a�ʦ�`���1�ջ� _Ò��v��I}d��}Ӽ4/"&q߉ �U��|,��V��]�\(�՛E��h������S�1>,�Gw�-Q��$��n��[`@�����k���\Gܟ>ې;C '� s��vFG���uN��C$�Jx��]�J%�(n�u� }j��K���0�,]������kdšAs�aR ����{M�BȤ� 2lN��Kocg�:G�w�aY ��0+��pK��pGT��A��;����!��^�8���C����EL˞X�}F��q젋�#D\�P�8ꭰ� [���kTQ�w�ͬ�HEނ�7h#dY��Vb�ϱz5ς�K�K�[q��9�}eí�H�Vs3!���E�Z��bf��Z6��a[fݞ^�pS�����%~b�V�$���^�"��%XWu� �l��|��C�!��c�����iQ�҂�P����1y��v6z�#�� �+�jqT��k�K .�,�n�����!Q���LSQ��$�56�t0�Y7�1 �]m��6�h��p��P�O���&jh�0�k�q��V�4��p�`nh��i���ݯ�R-���y��X�BQ�n��-u5MM��v̪vE�7�8B���w�A(�$TW�,Y#T�I�V�=�LcP7�jP2��A��B�����6��^��hL���b�Q,�4BVj���KY! 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