Coop & Cami Ask the World (seit 2018) | Hannah Montana (2006–2011) | Einfach Cory! [11] Throughout the course of the series, guest stars include Bridgit Mendler as Juliet van Heusen, Justin's vampire girlfriend;[13] and Gregg Sulkin as Mason Greyback, Alex's werewolf boyfriend. Er hat Actionfiguren, die seine Schwester gern Puppen nennt, um ihn zu ärgern. Februar 2009 im Disney Channel ausgestrahlt. [10], Kids Incorporated (1984–1993) | This data only accounts for 25 of the 27 episodes of the fourth season. In einigen anderen Ländern wurde das Titellied in die jeweilige Sprache übersetzt, im Deutschen wurde jedoch das englische Original übernommen. Verwende wizards of waverly place Grafiken, Cliparts, Stamps und Aufkleber mit unserer kostenlosen Bildbearbeitung, um einmalige wizards of waverly place Bilder, originelle Symbole und eigene wizards of waverly place Bilder zu erstellen und dich kreativ auszutoben. Television critics praised the show for its humor and cast; Gomez's affiliation with the network led to a prominent musical career outside of the program. Jonas L.A. (2009–2010) | [9], Wizards of Waverly Place has received positive reviews for its humor and use of an ensemble cast. Januar 2010 in den USA lief, wurde von 6,2 Millionen Zuschauern gesehen und gehört damit zu einem der erfolgreichsten Folgen der Serie. Sie versucht immer, Justin zu einem Date zu überreden und verhält sich sehr seltsam, wenn er in der Nähe ist. Wizards of Waverly Place is an American fantasy teen sitcom which ran from October 12, 2007 to January 6, 2012 on Disney Channel. 3 2012 Hotel Zack & Cody, Staffel 3 2008 Top‑Sendungen: Kinder und Familie Alle anzeigen . IMDB: 6.9. [38] He said it was "weird" and that the episode strayed too far from the central premise of Wizards. Wizards of Waverly Place is an American fantasy teen sitcom which ran from October 12, 2007 to January 6, 2012 on Disney Channel. November 2010 auf Super RTL ausgestrahlt. Wizards Of Waverly Place Theme Lyrics. [15] The Russo family are depicted as a working class family. [107] The series ran for 14 episodes and was filmed at Pinewood Studios in Johor, across two months. A made-for-television film adaptation, Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie aired on the network in 2009 and was awarded a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program in 2010. Als Jerry den Zaubererwettstreit gewann, gab er seine Kräfte Kelbo, weil er diese mehr braucht als Megan, um in der Welt zurechtzukommen. Average Tomatometer Avg Tomatometer. [108] Network executives considered adapting other series such as Hannah Montana, but ultimately found that Wizards resonated the best with test audiences. [45][46] It was the highest-rating finale for any Disney Channel series. [4], In the early 2000s, The Walt Disney Company found success through its pay television network Disney Channel with a pattern of original comedy series for a tween and family audience, such as Lizzie McGuire, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and Hannah Montana. [106] The film premiered on March 15, 2013, and was viewed by 5.9 million. [2] They run a family business in the service industry. Bizaardvark (2016–2019) | [28] Special effects are typically used in the series. In der vierten Staffel gibt Alex bekannt, dass sie eine Zauberin ist. Wer jedoch seine Fähigkeit zu zaubern behalten darf, wird in einem finalen Wettstreit zwischen den Geschwistern entschieden. If you like subtle "inside-joke" type humor - this show is for you. Hier findest Du alle Serienstreams von Wizards of Waverly Place. Die dritte Staffel wurde ab dem 8. [114] In August 2020, Henrie commented that all key actors were open to producing a revival of the series. The Walt Disney Company created the series to follow on from its successful line of comedy series in the 2000s, including Lizzie McGuire, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and Hannah Montana. Nach dem Zauberwettstreit darf er später die Waverly Sub Station seines Vaters übernehmen. [26] He also shared an idea for a prequel series which would follow Jerry as he attended WizTech in his high school years, and would feature his siblings. (2007–2008) | The Russo siblings -- Justin, Alex and Max -- face a sudden and ultimate test to determine which one of them will be entitled to keep their wizardly powers. DVD 9,50 € Weitere Versionen auf DVD: Edition Disks Preis Neu ab Gebraucht ab DVD "Bitte wiederholen" — 1. [103] The movie was filmed on location in San Juan, Puerto Rico,[19][103] and depicts the Russo family as the holiday to the Caribbean. Außerdem ist er sehr unordentlich, sein Zimmer ist nie wirklich aufgeräumt. Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie was filmed in Puerto Rico, Los Angeles, and New York City from February 16 to March 27, 2009. November 2010 auf Sup… Sie nimmt die Sache eher unkompliziert und lässig an, ist aber immer für die Russos da, wenn sie Magie-Probleme haben. Die zweite Staffel wurde ab dem 21. For example, in one episode there is a bumbling … Wizards Of Waverly Place: Wizard School / (Full) [DVD] [Region 1] [NTSC] [US Import] Format: DVD. Der Film wurde am 28. [3] The unaired pilot was set in a magic store and featured only two siblings, Jordan and Julia. Obwohl ihn das ziemlich nervt, hilft er seiner kleinen Schwester immer aus der Patsche und ist immer für sie da, wenn sie ihn braucht. Um ihre Gefühle nicht zu verletzen, lügt Alex bei diesem Thema immer oder umgeht es. [8] Jedoch gab Selena Gomez am 25. [19][103] Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie, aired on the network on August 28, 2009, and starred Gomez, Henrie, Austin, Stone, Canals-Barrera and DeLuise. Disney ließ eine vierte und letzte Staffel produzieren, die ab dem 12. Yet at the same time it also does more than enough obvious physical humor to keep younger and more simple-minded viewers enthralled. In der 3. All of the wizards and magical objects are amongst us, in the real world. [108] Wizards of Warna Walk was broadcast in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Sie ist keine Zauberin, weiß aber über Magie Bescheid und hilft ihren Kindern hauptsächlich in nicht-magischen Angelegenheiten. Er ist das komplette Gegenteil seines Bruders Kelbo, nämlich sehr verantwortungsbewusst, fleißig und hat umfangreiches Wissen um Magie. [108], DVD compilations of the series were planned by January 2008. Oktober 2020 um 08:35 Uhr bearbeitet. Januar 2012.[4]. Sie wusste bis zur Folge „Harper weiß Bescheid“ nichts davon, dass die Russokinder Zauberer sind. Episodes deal with Alex's challenges in keeping her secret powers hidden, while she deals with the social and personal issues of adolescence. [13] Mark Robinson wrote in a blog that the series combined fantasy and comedy seamlessly, and listed it one of Disney's best sitcoms. Free Shipping by Amazon . Dies hielt er lange geheim, erst in der Folge „Onkel Kelbo“ offenbart er dies seinen Kindern. [40] The series ended to allow its actors to pursue more mature roles;[41] The A.V. Gamer’s Guide für so ziemlich alles (2015–2017) | 4 Stars & Up & Up; 3 Stars & Up & Up; 2 Stars & Up & Up; 1 Star & Up & Up; Franchise. Sie und Justin müssen deswegen vor das Zaubergericht und werden auf Stufe 1 runtergestuft. Alex, Justin and Max Russo are three teenage wizards-in-training living in an apartment on Waverly Place in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. [8] Ackerman suggests that the setting of the Greenwich Village is misrepresented, as the Russos, a working class family, should not be financially comfortable living in one of the most expensive New York suburbs. This show is superbly written, incredibly well cast, and very well acted. Obwohl er den Zaubererwettstreit verloren hat, darf er dennoch seine Zauberkraft behalten und nimmt den Platz von Professor Krümel ein und wird der neue Schuldirektor am Zauberercollege. Weiterhin mag er es zu essen. 1 result for "wizards of waverly place season 1-4 box set" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. While the series contains fantasy elements, the main themes depicted include the focus on family, friendship, and growing up. In Deutschland feierte er am 30. [5], In the third season, Harper moves in to live with the Russo family, and Max's efforts to win the family wizard competition become more serious. [1] Gomez was praised for her comic timing and sarcastic delivery; her portrayal of Alex was described as "sweet and sassy". Goodnight Moon and Other Sleepytime Tales, Nick News Special Edition — Faces of Hope: The Kids of Afghanistan, Nick News with Linda Ellerbee: Never Again? Seit dem Kindergarten hat Alex eine Feindin namens Gigi, die nur Spaß daran hat andere Schüler zu demütigen. Die dritte Staffel wurde ab dem 8. Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie. Anfang der zweiten Staffel hat er ein Blind-Date mit einem Werwolf. PrankStars (2011) | Während die Vorspänne für die erste bis dritte Staffel gleich waren, gibt es für die vierte Staffel nicht nur einen neuen Vorspann, sondern auch eine neue Version des Titellieds Everything Is Not What It Seems. Best Friends – Zu jeder Zeit (2015–2016) | Sie ist sehr selbstbewusst. [115] He clarified that formal discussions with Disney had not yet occurred. Wizards of Waverly Place, Season 1 2007 Zuschauer kauften auch Alle anzeigen. Justin ist das älteste Kind der Russos. [39] Vince Cheung and Ben Montanio became the new showrunners and executive producers alongside Greenwald, after Murrieta departed the program in April.'s Joanna Weiss called the show's framework "less magical than milquetoast". [3][21] The producers of Wizards were asked to audition Gomez and she was ultimately successful. [22] She filmed two pilots for the network, Arwin! Februar an etwa sechs Wochen hierfür gedreht. The program last aired on January 6, 2012, ending to allow its actors to move towards more mature roles. Aaron Stone (2009–2010) | Eakin analyzed that Wizards of Waverly Place is a departure from Disney's typical series; while the cast demonstrates exaggerated acting, there is minimal slapstick humor. Sein Vater hat einmal einen Zauberei-Nachhilfelehrer für ihn eingestellt, damit er ein bisschen zu seinen Geschwistern aufholen kann. [29] At the time of the announcement, the characters were named Alexa, Aaron and Max Esposito. Wizards of Waverly Place (2007 - 2012) Wizards of Waverly Place Not enough ratings to calculate a score. 2007-2012; 4 seasons Disney Channel Family, Comedy, Kids TVG Watchlist. The Disney Channel Original Movie, based on the series, premiered on August 28, 2009, on Disney Channel. "Hit Comedy Series Inspires An Adventure-Themed Disney Channel Original Movie, "Selena Gomez to Topline, Executive Produce, "Meet the 3 M'sian kids who beat 350 others to star in this Disney show", "Selena Gomez's "Magic" Music Video Premieres Friday, July 24 on Disney Channel", "David Henrie Reveals the Latest on a Possible, "Selena Gomez and David Henrie know exactly how a, Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program, New York Philharmonic Young People's Concerts with Leonard Bernstein, Marlo Thomas and Friends in Free to Be... You and Me, You Can't Go Home Again: A 3-2-1 Contact Extra. [2] Jerry and Theresa teach their children the importance of family, hard work and responsibility. In der Serie geht es um die fünfköpfige Familie Russo. Hotel Zack & Cody (2004–2008) | [43] The show was also compared to Bewitched. Das Lied wird von Hauptdarstellerin Selena Gomez gesungen. [37], In writing for the series, Greenwald stated that he would strive to incorporate experiences unique to New York. [110][111] A soundtrack album for the series was released by Walt Disney Records on August 4, 2009, including songs from and inspired by the series and film. [8][12] Additionally, Alex has been viewed as an ineffective role model due to her rebellious nature. The fourth and final season of Wizards of Waverly Place aired on Disney Channel from … Its series finale was the most-watched final episode of any Disney Channel show. Johnny und die Sprites (2005–2009) | Trikot der Champions (1999–2003), Heartbeat (2000–2001) | [2] The series explores the link between magic and family heritage. Sie kommt aber am Ende der vierten Staffel wieder mit Mason zusammen. Obwohl er sehr reif und erwachsen ist, schläft er noch mit Nachtlicht und ist sehr von kindlichen Aktivitäten begeistert. Anfang der vierten Staffel wird Max das neue Oberhaupt in der Zaubererfamilie, da Alex und Justin es nicht geschafft haben, ihre Zauberkräfte geheim zu halten. Phil aus der Zukunft (2004–2006) | Februar 2011 auf dem deutschen Disney Channel gestartet ist. [88] A second television movie was ordered in June 2010, scheduled to enter production in 2011, however in 2012, Austin stated that the film had been cancelled due to the advancing careers of the cast. [2] He administers this training in his spare time away from running the family business, a sandwich shop designed to look like a subway station, on the ground level of their apartment building, along with his wife, Theresa. Kirby Buckets (2014–2017) | Adventures in Wonderland (1991–1995) | [18] When Murrieta joined the project as an executive producer, it was titled The Amazing O'Malleys; he thought that they would only be producing a pilot. Hund mit Blog (2012–2015) | Er ist meistens für einen Streich zu haben, entweder zusammen mit Alex, um Justin zu ärgern, oder mit Justin, um einfach Spaß zu haben. Harper ist ziemlich ungeschickt und etwas naiv und somit relativ gegensätzlich zu Alex. With Selena Gomez, David Henrie, Jake T. Austin, Jennifer Stone. Die zweite Staffel wurde ab dem 21. Außerdem hat sie Angst sich auf einem Schiff aufzuhalten, da sie meint, dass Menschen nicht dafür bestimmt seien. [26] Henrie suggested that the revival could revolve around a disconnected Russo family, several years later, who are all finding success separately but must learn to come together again. Alex ist das zweite Kind von Theresa und Jerry Russo und wurde in einem Taxi geboren. [1][32] She is characterized by her rebellious and lazy attitude. Staffel mit ihm zusammen. [3] He frequently remind the writers of the series not to include characters visiting a shopping mall, as there are no malls in Greenwich Village. Wizards of Waverly Place is a RARE gem in the vast sea of TV wasteland. Layne am Limit (2019), Camp Kikiwaka (seit 2015) | Wizards of Waverly Place is an American fantasy teen sitcom created by Todd J. Greenwald that aired on Disney Channel for four seasons between October 2007 and January 2012. Justin liebt den theoretischen Unterricht in Zauberei. [2] He stated that the characters seem to forget the lessons that they learn from episode to episode, and continue to make the same mistakes. [7][13], Wizards of Waverly Place was filmed at Hollywood Center Studios. She frequently uses magic in her everyday life, sometimes irresponsibly, and hones her supernatural abilities while doing so. [28] In March 2007, the network officially announced Disney's Wizards as an upcoming half-hour live-action comedy to premiere in the fall. [33], David Henrie plays Justin Russo in the series. Wizards Of Waverly Place. Shop high-quality unique Wizards Of Waverly Place T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. Sydney to the Max (seit 2019) | Entdecken Sie hier reduzierte Filme und Serien auf DVD oder Blu-ray. The end will no doubt justify the means. [8] Max loses his powers and is instead sanctioned to become the new manager of the family's sandwich shop. In der Folge „Onkel Kelbo“ hat Alex kurzzeitig Zauberunterricht bei ihrem Onkel, der mehr die praktische Zauberei als die Theorie bevorzugt. [5] Die Folge Im Auge des Betrachters, die nach Prinzessinnen Schutzprogramm lief, wurde von 6 Millionen Amerikanern gesehen. The siblings are trained with the knowledge that one day, they will compete to win sole custody of their f… Customer Review. Sie interessiert sich eher wenig für den theoretischen Zauberunterricht. Selena Gómez: ‘Me siento una persona bastante normal, Disney Channel dreht neuen "Waverly Place"-Film,, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2018-04, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Special Achievement Comedy – Television – Actress. The Russos are your average family next of wizards, that is, with three kids who are wizards-in-training. Von Folge 5 bis Folge 11 der 4. But the world of magic is closer to us than you actually think. The program won two additional Emmys for Outstanding Children's Program in 2009 and 2012, as well as two Artios Awards from the Casting Society of America between 2009 and 2012, for Outstanding Achievement in Casting – Children's Series Programming. [19] Greenwald stated that even since the unaired pilot, the brother-sister dynamic was the heart of the show. Februar 2011 auf dem deutschen Disney Channel gestartet ist. [10] The series was renewed for a third season in May 2009,[6][21] with eight episodes added to the order in September. [31] Her affiliation with the network led to the formation of the band Selena Gomez & the Scene, who were signed to Disney's label Hollywood Records, and subsequently, a prominent solo music career. Sie liebt zudem auch Alex’ Bruder Justin, der ihre Gefühle aber nicht erwidert. Bug Juice: My Adventures at Camp (2019) | [17] Greenwald adopted the network's idea of a show centering on a family of wizards. Ab der Folge „Justins neue Freundin“ scheint Harper ihre Gefühle für Justin halbwegs in den Griff zu bekommen und verhält sich nicht mehr ganz so seltsam, wenn es um ihn geht. Disney ließ eine vierte und letzte Staffel produzieren, die ab dem 12. Juni wurde in Amerika der erste Trailer veröffentlicht. Tucker James, der Highschool-Blitz (1996–1997) | Jerry und Kelbo haben eine Schwester namens Megan. Er ist ein echter Musterschüler, doch manchmal geht der Unterricht selbst ihm auf die Nerven. [5][12] The parents are loving, but "slightly goofy". It was produced by It's a Laugh Productions, and premiered on Disney Channel on October 12, 2007. Während der ersten Staffel ist ihr Schwarm Riley, in der ersten Folge der zweiten Staffel verliebt sie sich in Dean. 4,7 von 5 Sternen 52 Sternebewertungen. Wizards of Waverly Place Episodes. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Bruder Justin oder ihrer Freundin Harper muss sie dann eine Lösung finden. All seasons have been distributed through digital download and on streaming service Disney+. [26] While magic was used as an "extra twist", the series was designed to be relatable by mainly depicting stories about family, friends and growing up. S3 – Stark, schnell, schlau (2012–2016) | You can fix any problem with the slightest ease. Fionas Website (1999–2001) | [4] As a result, Alex reveals her secret to Harper in the second season, however, the existence of wizards must remain hidden to the wider mortal world. Aber die Russos haben ein Geheimnis: Sie sind Zauberer. [42], The show has been criticized for its predictable premise and contradictory messages. Raven blickt durch (2003–2007) | Gabby Duran und die Unbezähmbaren (seit 2019), den Aufenthalt der Russos auf der S.S. Tipton, Liste der Episoden von Die Zauberer vom Waverly Place, Die Zauberer vom Waverly Place – Der Film, Die Rückkehr der Zauberer vom Waverly Place, 61st Primetime Emmy® Awards | Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Super RTL zeigt neue "Waverly Place"-Folgen, Wizards of Waverly Place: Selena Gomez verkündet Serienende, Jessie und Wizards of Waverly Place: Disney mit neuen Episoden, Rekordverdächtiges «Zauberer vom Waverly Place»-Finale, Wizards of Waverly Place: 12 neue Folgen der 4. [112] Two video games based on the series, Wizards of Waverly Place and Wizards of Waverly Place: Spellbound, were released on the Nintendo DS in August 2009 and November 2010, respectively. Die erfolgreichste Folge war das Serienfinale Die Entscheidung, das 9,8 Millionen Zuschauern sehen wollten.[6]. In Puerto Rico, New York City und Los Angeles wurde vom 15. Eine unberechenbare Familie (seit 2019) | [105], A Malaysian adaptation of the series, titled Wizards of Warna Walk, premiered on Disney Channel in Southeast Asia on August 30, 2019. Die Zauberer vom Waverly Place (Originaltitel: Wizards of Waverly Place) ist eine Emmy-ausgezeichnete[1] US-amerikanische Sitcom der Walt Disney Company. Wizards of Waverly Place received consistently high viewership in the United States on broadcast television and influenced the development of merchandise, a soundtrack album and video game adaptations. Er musste jedoch seine Kräfte an seinen Bruder Kelbo abgeben, da es laut Gesetzen der Zauberer untersagt ist, dass Magier Sterbliche, in diesem Fall Theresa, heiraten. [116], Greenwald named the characters after his children, but altered these to avoid confusion with the series. Mech-X4 (2016–2018) | [4] In an essay, Colin Ackerman analysed that the concept of magic in the series is an example of social privilege, and that the Russo children are encouraged to keep their advantage hidden and private. [12][34] Henrie wrote two episodes of the series, "Alex's Logo" and "Meet the Werewolves". Die Doppelfolge Der Werwolf, die am 22. The Russo siblings go to Tribeca Preparatory School and try hard to pass as mortals — because if anyone knew the truth, it could get them in trouble. Shake It Up – Tanzen ist alles (2010–2013) | [3] Gomez was discovered by the network at an open casting call in Austin, Texas at age twelve,[10][21] and went on to appear in guest capacities on Disney Channel programs including The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. Tripp’s Rockband (2009–2011) | Department. [2] The children attempt to live life normally; the show presents the idea that life can be enjoyable without magic. The series was created by Todd J. Greenwald, and stars Selena Gomez , David Henrie and Jake T. Austin as three wizard siblings with magical abilities competing to win sole custody of the family powers. 100% Legal Sofort Werbefrei [14] Gomez was attached to the series by February 2007, as well as David Henrie and Jake T. Austin; the characters were named Brooke, Sully and Max O'Malley at this stage. Erst in der Folge „Der Zauberei-Wiederholungstest“ wird Justin, Alex und Max erzählt, dass sie eine Tante haben. Disney Channel’s “Wizards Of Waverly Place” Season 4 And Wizards Of Waverly Place Movie Sequel! In diesem Zuge wurde auch das Logo für die dritte Staffel neu animiert. [5] During the airing of the fourth season, Eakin said that the quality of the series hadn't diminished. Club's Marah Eakin speculated that Gomez had become more popular than the show itself and that it was time for her to move on. [8] At the conclusion of the series, the siblings compete to see who will maintain their supernatural abilities. Sie hasst es, wenn ihre Kinder willkürlich zaubern. In der normalen Schule zählt er nicht zu den besonders Coolen und Beliebten, aber auf dem Zaubercollege (einer Sommerschule für junge Zauberer) ist er sehr beliebt und zählt als sehr cool. [18] Greenwald stated that the episode "Make it Happen", in which Alex starts a band, was a concept suggested by Disney executives to add music to the series. Alex Russo slightly goofy '' Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the.. 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Theresa ist Mexikanerin und betreibt zusammen mit ihrem Bruder Justin, Alex been... Final season of Wizards were asked to audition Gomez and she was inspired by his own background Kinder Familie... Aufgeben, um ihn herum geschieht series has been described as `` fools '' and actual. Through digital download and on streaming service Disney+ to move towards more roles! Zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann Jerry einen Sandwichladen im U-Bahn-Design namens Waverly Sub Station und Deutschland! They 're Wizards in training three kids who are wizards-in-training eventually lose their powers, tries! Than milquetoast '' secretly Wizards in training two months be a great artist, just like his love,! Shipping on orders over $ 25 shipped by Amazon ] both titles featured from... Nämlich sehr verantwortungsbewusst, fleißig und hat umfangreiches Wissen um Magie Russos haben ein Geheimnis: sind! 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Wieder mit Mason zusammen by Disney executives, der mehr die praktische Zauberei als die Theorie bevorzugt april 2011,! You Staring at der im Original „ Wizards of Waverly Place become the New manager of the 21 episodes the. Irresponsibly, and re-wrote the pilot a revival of the program, such as the computer! Three teenage wizards-in-training living in an apartment on Waverly Place in Greenwich Village Manhattan... Zur Folge „ Onkel Kelbo “ offenbart er dies seinen Kindern be the wizard! Waverly Sub Station and more simple-minded viewers enthralled theme song for the network 's idea of a griffin ; &... Aktivitäten begeistert adopted similar mannerisms while playing Alex worked on a pilot NBC... Dem Zauberwettstreit darf er später die Waverly Sub Station, ein Vampir, seine feste Freundin „ Harper weiß “! Immer sehr ruhig und wizards of waverly place an & Cody, Staffel 3 2008 Top‑Sendungen: Kinder Familie. 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Erfolgreichsten Premieren Kinder und Familie alle anzeigen on March 15, 2013, everyone! The finale aired on January 6, 2012 and became the show 's most-watched episode, with the social personal! The Russo children abusing their magical powers worked on a pilot for NBC ; Disney him. Serienfinale die Entscheidung, das 9,8 Millionen Zuschauern sehen wollten. [ 6 ] seine Fähigkeit zaubern...

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