PDF/X-1a:2001 Remember to keep partial weight bearing on the stairs. Partial Weight Bearing - The surgeon may specify a certain percentage of weight that is safe to put on the injured leg, e.g. Using Crutches: Up and Down Steps. Position yourself so that the backs of your legs are touching the chair. Crutches are always being used when there is a need to keep the body weight away from the injured leg making the best crutches for non-weight bearing important for mobility. When they are fixed in place, they will not move. Hold onto the handrail with one hand. Walking up stairs: Stand at the bottom of the stairs. Sep 25, 2017 - Cindy demonstrates How to Use Crutches up and down Stairs both for non weight bearing and limited weight bearing. Lower both crutches down to the step below. 6. It is very important that you adhere to your weight-bearing instructions in order to avoid disrupting the healing process. For example, if you are 25% PWB, you may place 25% of your bodyweight through this leg. Whether you’ve received a referral from your primary care physician or would like to visit our premier team to discuss any orthopedic issues you may be experiencing, we invite you to contact us today. >fq�w6A��N&� ��@�۲6�ZӒ���❔ڎfw��#�E��ԩ�ы~����w�ٳы�n6�i��o�i�A�q��u�h���ޡ����f��9����0�Hi�$����~�����ۢ���+�����UTf���jB��_��hr��EW}�^�����w� In this case, your patient would estimate half of their body weight and put 50% of their weight through their injured leg, and the remaining 50% of their body weight would be supported by their arms through the crutches. Do not wear long, floor-length robes or gowns while using crutches. The therapist will instruct you on the appropriate set-up and fitting of your crutches. 20 0 obj <>/Metadata 15 0 R/OutputIntents[16 0 R]/Pages 14 0 R/StructTreeRoot 54 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream The list of great features Medline MDS805160 provides: Excellent for tall people everywhere. The rubber tip is well made for keeping the crutch in place. Use your crutches for all walking and standing activities until your physician instructs you otherwise. Partial weight bearing (PWB) means that you can put some weight on your affected leg; you will have been advised how much by the clinician that you saw. These instructions are specifically for patients that are weight bearing as tolerated (WBAT). • Place both of your crutches one step in front of you, level with each other. The first thing to remember when climbing stairs with crutches is always go up with your good 4. 4. 2Hold both crutches in one hand, on the side of your surgical/injured leg. Whenever you go up the stairs with crutches, whether there’s a railing or not, use your strong leg to step onto the stair first before pulling up the injured leg. 2. Swing the unaffected leg forward in front of the crutches. Introduction The following information is a guide to show you how to safely walk with your crutches and to go up and down stairs. Replace worn tips and unsafe parts. Take care not to put weight on your bad leg. 3. Alternate walking method. They are less likely to fall over this way. Wear appropriately-fitted, low-heeled shoes. Note: If you’re supposed to keep all weight off your leg (non–weight-bearing), ask your healthcare provider for special instructions. So here are a few tips to help you get safely up and down the stairs with crutches. How to use crutches while walking. 7-3501-106 ED C34 CC Rev 01 2012 Review 03 OD • Put one crutch under each arm. • Put your injured leg on the ground, slightly behind the crutches. Crutches provide temporary support if you're struggling to balance or need to take weight off of one, or both, of your legs. Step your surgical/injured leg forward to meet the crutches. Scoot forward in the chair to make it easier to stand. Your physician will decide whether you are to be non-weight bearing, toe-touch weight-bearing, partial weight-bearing, or weight-bearing as tolerated on your surgical/injured leg. To take a step, squeeze the crutches between your upper arms and ribs put the weight through your hands not your armpits. For those who need one crutch to be longer, it will be easy to extend anyone of them. USE OF CRUTCHES : ON LEVEL SURFACES: • Crutch tips should be approximately 6" in front and 6" to the side of both legs. Hold both crutches under your opposite arm. Put the "bad" leg forward, level with the crutch tips. Always slow down the speed when you have to transfer the injured leg by pushing harder on your crutches for a non-weight bearing. You might be using two crutches and non-weight bearing (NWB) on one side, partial weight bearing (PWB) with two crutches, or PWB with one crutch. 2017-11-26T19:34:46-05:00 Put only as much weight on your injured leg as you have been advised. False Push down on the back walker handle and handrail, shift weight onto strong leg and step down with the weak leg (non weight bearing- hold injured leg forward in order to clear the step) Then step down with the strong leg (non weight bearing- hop down with strong leg) Move the walker down to so that the back legs again rest on the step beside you Push down through the crutch handles in order to avoid placing too much weight through your surgical/injured leg, as you begin to swing your non-surgical/non-injured leg forward. Reach back with your free hand until you feel the armrest (or seat) of the chair. Regain your … For example, a 200-pound patient that is allowed 50% PWB may place up to 100 pounds of weight through the surgical/injured leg. Weight-bearing as tolerated (WBAT) or Full weight-bearing (FWB) Get someone to carry your other crutch up/down the stairs for you. Partial weight-bearing allows you to place half of your weight on the operated extremity. Adobe Acrobat Pro 11.0.5 Paper Capture Plug-in Hold the armrest of the chair (or chair seat) with the other hand. Step up with your stronger leg (see image at … If going up multiple steps, repeat this pattern until you have reached the top. Start by placing both crutches 1-2 inches to the outside of each foot and 6-12 inches in front of you. How To Use Crutches On Stairs - Partial-Weight Bearing Going Up Stairs: 1. (Push down through the crutch handles with your hands in order to avoid placing too much weight through the surgical/injured leg.). It’s simple while walking by a crutch without bearing body weight. The “swing to” method of walking, sometimes called gait, is easy to learn and takes less arm strength and balance. *If there is a railing available to use, hold both crutches on the side of your body opposite the handrail and grab the handrail with your free hand. Keep in mind any weight-bearing limits. Can be used even by shorter … Push down through the crutch handles, then step down with your non-surgical/non-injured leg. Keeping your weight on the good leg, take the crutches from under your arms. Step up with your affected leg and bring the crutches up with you. But walking by a crutch bearing body weight is not an easy task. Crutches should be in the middle of the step, away from the edge. Hold both crutches in one hand, on the side of your surgical/injured leg. However it has been advised you use crutches for a period of time to help support your recovery. Once standing, place both crutches one step in front of you, level with each other. Your physician will decide whether you are to be non-weight bearing, toe-touch weight-bearing, partial weight-bearing, or weight-bearing as tolerated on your surgical/injured leg. Using the stairs with your elbow crutches If you need to use the stairs at home you may be taught how to go up and down the stairs by a physiotherapist before you are discharged from hospital. Full and partial weight bearing style of walking Going up stairs 1. Place both crutches and affected leg forward. %PDF-1.3 %���� Slowly lower yourself into the chair, making sure to only place as much weight through the surgical/injured leg as specified by your physician. Step up with your non-affected leg while leaving your crutches on the step below. Push down equally on the handgrips and step through with your good leg. How to Use Crutches – Partial Weight Bearing Patient Information Leaflet If you are unable to attend your appointment please 600818 to cancel your appointment . Stand on floor facing stairs, hold onto handrail with one arm and crutch( es) in outside arm, close to first step. Maintaining your weight-bearing limitations, step forward with your non-surgical/non-injured leg, just in front of the crutches. • Your injured leg can be on the ground. Stand with feet close to edge of step, hold onto handrail with … • Step through with your unaffected leg while taking some of your weight through your hands and some through your injured leg. *If there is a railing available to use, hold both crutches on the side of your body opposite the handrail and grab the handrail with your free hand. Take a step with the "good" leg. Using crutches 4 Partial weight bearing Walking • You can put some weight on your injured leg. You will also learn how to safely sit, stand and go up and down stairs. application/pdf Transfer 1 crutch and hold both crutches by the hand grips in 1 hand. These instructions are specifically for patients that are partial weight bearing (PWB). Use your crutch in your other hand. Using crutches on stairs or steps can be very scary. However, with varied mobility of body there are also differences in the use of crutches. If going down multiple steps, repeat this pattern until you have reached the bottom. They can feel more stable and secure than a walking stick, but less than a walking frame. If your crutches reach too close to the … When climbing up and down steps, remember this rule: Up with the good (unaffected leg) and down with the bad (affected leg). When going up the stairs, follow this sequence: - place your good leg on the step first - next, bring your other leg to the same step - finally, bring your crutch up to join your feet on the step. 2. Keep your bad leg out behind you. (If there’s no handrail, keep one crutch under each arm.) You may combine the first two steps if you feel comfortable; advance your non-surgical/non-injured leg and both crutches forward at the same time. Check the crutches daily for cracks and/or loose screws. Remove loose rugs or other small objects from the floor in order to minimize the risk of tripping. Regain your balance. Climbing stairs - partial weight bearing. Start close to the bottom step. • Weight bearing as tolerated: Allow as much weight as tolerated through the involved leg. A healthy leg can support your body weight, but when you have an injured leg or foot, you need to keep weight off it. • Grip the crutch handles firmly. Check the ground for objects that may cause crutches to slip out from under you. Establish balance. Take weight through crutch( es) and handrail, put unaffected leg on first step. This time period will be determined by your … The height of the crutch should be adjusted so that there are 1-2 inches of space between the top of the crutch and your armpit. Step up with your surgical/injured leg and both crutches. Stand close to the surface you intend to go up. partial weight bearing. The part that makes them non-weight bearing is the adjustable length. Your physician will decide whether you are to be non weight bearing, toe-touch weight bearing, partial weight bearing, or weight bearing as tolerated on your surgical/injured leg. Non-weight bearing means that you’re unable to put weight on the injured leg. Have someone walk with you initially until you feel steady on your feet. Discharge Instructions: Using Crutches (Non–Weight-Bearing) Your healthcare provider has prescribed crutches for you. Managing Stairs and Steps Non-Weight Bearing (NWB) This leaflet should only be used in conjunction with the advice and demonstration given by your Physiotherapist. Stand up with weight on both feet but favouring your unaffected side. Going Down Stairs: 1. Yet, crutches are in many cases the top ideal decision for non-weight bearing recovery. Lean forward and bend your good knee. Standing straight with your arm at your side, the crutch handle should align with the inside of your wrist. Once standing and steady, place one crutch under each arm. Most times, injury to any part of the leg can be so severe and hurtful. Famous Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck provide instruction on how to go up & down stairs with crutches. Step up with your non-surgical/non-injured leg, then bring your surgical/injured leg, and both crutches up at the same time. Stand close to the edge of the surface you intend to go down. This is when you are able to take full weight on the unaffected leg, and some weight on the affected leg. This designation will be accompanied by a percentage value, which indicates exactly how much weight you are able to support through the leg. Hop onto the first step with your good (un-operated) leg. Take your weight through your walking aid and/or bannister. 7. 2. Climb up to first step straightening good leg. Repeat the procedure. Use your assistive device to stand with slight pressure on your leg. This is especially important when walking on unlevel/uneven surfaces or stairs. How to use crutches on the stairs. Aug 8, 2019 - Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Physical Therapy: Partial Weight Bearing on Stairs using Crutches 2017-11-26T19:34:46-05:00 But methods using of different crutches is an important context. This instructional video shows how to walk with crutches correctly while putting partial weight on the injured leg. Put the crutches forward about 1 step's length. CorelDRAW Version 12.0 Keep in mind any weight-bearing limits. Do not wear slippers or high heels. Place as much weight as you have been instructed on the leg, with the remaining weight shared between the crutches. It is very important that you adhere to your weight-bearing instructions in order to avoid disrupting the healing process. Repeat. H��W�n9��� Bring down your surgical/injured leg first. uuid:f5782bd7-d074-402e-a184-1a674955f710 2 Keep the crutches away from the edge of the stairs. The therapist will … If appropriate you will be given metal elbow crutches. This is roughly the width of two fingers. It's important to remember which leg goes first when walking with crutches weight-bearing. Your weight should be placed through your hands by pushing down through the crutch handles. endstream endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <> endobj 55 0 obj <>/CM10<>/CM11<>/CM12<>/CM2<>/CM3<>/CM4<>/CM5<>/CM6<>/CM7<>/CM8<>/CM9<>>> endobj 89 0 obj <> endobj 90 0 obj <> endobj 91 0 obj [56 0 R 57 0 R 95 0 R 96 0 R 97 0 R 98 0 R 99 0 R 100 0 R 101 0 R 102 0 R 103 0 R 104 0 R 105 0 R 106 0 R 107 0 R 108 0 R 60 0 R 61 0 R 109 0 R 110 0 R 111 0 R 112 0 R 113 0 R 114 0 R 63 0 R 115 0 R 116 0 R 64 0 R 65 0 R 66 0 R 67 0 R 117 0 R 68 0 R 118 0 R 69 0 R 70 0 R 71 0 R 72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R 76 0 R 119 0 R 77 0 R 120 0 R 78 0 R 94 0 R] endobj 92 0 obj <>46]/P 121 0 R/Pg 21 0 R/S/Link>> endobj 93 0 obj [80 0 R 81 0 R 122 0 R 123 0 R 124 0 R 125 0 R 126 0 R 127 0 R 128 0 R 129 0 R 83 0 R 84 0 R 85 0 R 130 0 R 131 0 R 132 0 R 133 0 R 134 0 R 135 0 R 87 0 R 136 0 R 137 0 R 138 0 R 139 0 R 140 0 R 141 0 R 142 0 R 143 0 R 144 0 R 145 0 R 146 0 R 147 0 R 148 0 R 149 0 R 150 0 R 151 0 R 152 0 R 153 0 R 154 0 R 155 0 R] endobj 94 0 obj <>46]/P 79 0 R/Pg 21 0 R/S/Link>> endobj 79 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 792.0 612.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 156 0 obj [47 0 R] endobj 157 0 obj <>stream To get a feel for your PWB limit, you may place your surgical/injured leg onto a scale and shift your weight to that side. Patients in Bethesda, MD, Arlington, VA, and beyond can give us a call at (301) 530-1010. Take most of the weight by pushing down on the handgrips, squeezing the top of the crutches between the chest and arm. • Take your weight through your hands by squeezing the Partial weight bearing. Place both feet flat on the ground and place your free hand on the armrest (or seat) of the chair. Ascending stairs and steps 1. Take some of your weight through your walking aid and/or bannister. 1���5M��������#5�ҷ�|��+\c�|2b>�D�)���D�k Nj�$�[U-���]�t[�k�`��>�뙑�����ZiŒk�J6`#�|��U3L3�j,d�!5����\�B!�E�ύ �M�1��2��iLܢ��'*.j&��y��T�DXV�& �G��-Xy$���BPHe-�"%��������b߷o�'��, 7-3501-106 ED C34 CC Rev 01 2012 Review 03 OD. It is important that place as much weight on the surgical/injured leg as tolerable, to prevent muscles in that leg from … Hold on to a rail and use elbow crutches as needed. uuid:ea20b662-adcc-4722-8364-89d44f5b7078 Tips for Going Up the Stairs on Crutches. Put as much weight as you are allowed on the injured leg, taking the rest of the weight through your arms and hands. Using crutches. Use your crutches only as instructed. Advice If there is a bannister or rail, please use it. Keep the crutches on the step where you’re standing. Move your injured leg forward and put your foot even with the crutches. Tip: Ask a friend to carry one of your crutches while you climb or descend stairs. Lower the crutches down, step down with your surgical/injured leg, then step down with your non-surgical/non-injured leg. Move the crutches forward. • Partial weight bearing: Allow a maximum of 50% body weight to be applied to the involved leg. When not in use, it is best to rest your crutches upside down. Place only the amount of weight through your surgical/injured leg as specified by the physician. 50%. Step through the crutches with your good leg. When using the stairs never forget that you should always start a step or a movement with your healthy leg. you can put weight through your leg as normal. Move both crutches and your injured leg forward at the same time. Push down forcefully and equally on the handgrips. Begin by using a scale to see how much pressure is on your affected leg when half of your weight is placed on it. PDF/X-1:2001 Step up with your non-surgical/non-injured leg. You are allowed to put full weight through your affected (operated/injured) leg i.e. These instructions are specifically for patients that are partial weight bearing (PWB). Lean forward at your hips, tighten your core muscles and then push down through both hands and both legs (only place as much weight through the surgical/injured leg as specified by your physician) in order to stand. The adjustable length and to go up and down stairs hands and some through your injured leg at! 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