ThirteenOranges’ Quests You’ll be aided by Averna and Stabby, two new fully-voiced assassin followers, and your final reward is promised to be “the Biggest, Most Ridiculously massive hoard of treasure you’ve ever seen.” You can also feed people poisoned apples, which is probably the best reason we can provide for downloading this mod. Jedi of Skyrim Enderal: Forgotten Stories V1.2 Edges have their angles worked away so stones are finally smooth and bowls made round. I think that one is on Lovers Lab. By and large, Skyrim doesn’t do sneaking all that well. Magic may be a tempting route to take in Skyrim, but the way sorcery functions in the game can make it very off-putting. Should polygamy be more your style, the mod will allow you to take on up to 11 spouses, which is sure to impress your original spouse. Jeans and cargo pants are available separately, and can be equipped over the naked body without the tops. Sometimes, Skyrim’s vendors just don’t have what you need, but thankfully these mods bring a great variety of new fashions and weapons to Skyrim’s lands. Campfire Unleashed – Wild Fires: Legendary Edition Danjaley converted toddler hats for babies on Mod the Sims: Part 1 and Part 2. If Daedric fashion isn’t for you then perhaps you need to go to the opposite end of the spectrum and wear a style that’s godly in nature. As strong as Skyrim’s art is, there’s no denying that its colours are a bit washed out. Catching a wild Pokémon is easy: just beat it to death with your favourite weapon until it’s dead. The extra polygons will impact performance slightly, but this really should be at the top of your priorities when it comes to making Skyrim beautiful. Access to exclusive patreon feed. bikini tops and botoms, underwear) as long as they don't overlap and the item slots are properly set up (the tops and shorts from my other mod, Survival Gear Redux, should work with these). The tool of choice for Dead End Thrills, FXAA Injector pumps a variety of anti-aliasing techniques into your Skyrim system to help create a much more sharp and vibrant image. We host 289,645 files for 1,185 games from 118,630 authors serving 24,861,555 members with over 3.5bn downloads to date. The idea of Better Hunting is not to make the act of taking down animals better, but improve the rewards for selling your catches, thus making hunting a viable pursuit. Shanoa Armor UUNP HDT Clothing. Clothing is about more than just fashion in the wilds of Skyrim. She can use only that modern weapons which appear in game as bows/crossbows replace. There’s no bigger culprit than the dreaded ‘dead eyes’ when it comes to breaking immersion. Crafted from the tanning rack, they add a good chunk of extra carry weight to your character, meaning you’ll never have to leave anything behind again. It’s packed full of high quality original voice acting, lore, game mechanics, and music. Sounds of Skyrim Key tenets of this mod guide include: Increased Immersion and Realism including but not limited to blood/gore, intense combat, nudity/sex, realistic needs, and survival. Call the contents of London Euston down upon your foes with this most deadly of shouts. For the love of the divines, please back up your Data folder before you start modding in case you need to return Skyrim to its original form. Staves of Skyrim The Asteria Dwemer Airship Don’t worry about having to install multiple mods, though. You’ll visit Daedric realms, infiltrate the tower of a sorcerer, slay a giant, and sail dangerous waters, as well as clock up an impressive amount of game time in the process. Build Your Own Town – Becoming a Lord Hermit Tree House Your bard will be able to play any instrument in Skyrim, and a simple tap of the Z key will cause them to erupt into song. HD Plants & Herbs If there’s a more exciting mod to look at out there we don’t know about it. There are so many opportunities to get wet-through or frosted by snow, yet the effect is never seen. In certain areas of Skyrim snow is dynamic and builds up over time. These are the mods you need to keep you journeying for that extra mile. The Request Center. Becoming a Lord grants you a plot of land as a blank canvas for building an entire city. Combining well with Pure Waters is Pure Weather, which affects rivers with better shores, but also brings some phenomenal rain, snow, and fog effects into Skyrim’s skies. Wet and Cold RussianPrince for some of the texture options. You want the coolest weapons and the most stylish armour plating around. To Have and To Hold Marriage With the number of dragons burning down Skyrim’s towns these days, a likely scenario for a mighty Dragonborn like yourself is having a massive stockpile of dragon souls with nothing to spend them on. Upload a Mod ; Games ; Wiki; Discord; Forums; Support Us; Rules; About Us; More Wiki Support Us Forums Rules About Us Steam Group. Tired of fighting the same old Draugr and Mud Crabs? Val Lyrea The mod applies new textures to almost everything in Skyrim, from the floors to the skies, and everything inbetween. Skyrim, unfortunately, limits you to just a single companion, destroying any hopes of putting together a Fellowship of the Dragonborn. Storrm Troopers Skyrim has hundreds of people in its world, but so many of them are just bland character cutouts like ‘old man’ or ‘farmer’. Skyrim is a gorgeous game, but it’s by no means at the top of its game. My main focus is clothing and armor for Skyrim Legendary Edition. Populated by merchants and new characters, you’ll also find a great set of enchanted Dwemer armour in the halls. A ‘lite’ version can be used on less powerful systems, or even a mix of full and lite elements for a good balance. 2,000 hours in the making, creator Alexander J. Velicky created it to gain the attention of Bethesda. If you can mod a game that involves swords you can guarantee there’s a Star Wars mod out there for it somewhere. Search Mods Globally Search for a user. A mod that simply causes ore lines in rocks to glow brightly, making spotting mining opportunities much easier. For basic performance this mod is essential. Textures now run smoothly and those unsightly seams when two textures meet are eradicated. Have you ever looked at where the light shines from in Skyrim? This mod re Logical Grass improves grassy regions, populating them with multiple times more blades and wild foliage elements for a believably natural look. All you need to do is follow the links we’ve provided to the Workshop pages and ‘Subscribe’ to the mod. Skyrim special edition mod review keo s skimpy outfits cbbe y vanilla clothes for sevenbase at skyrim nexus mods and skyrim skimpy clothing mods skyrim mod of the day skimpy armor and clothing replacer for. The Evil Mansion --- Added new texture variants for the Hoodie (x2), Shirt (x3), Cargo Pants (x2) and College Hoodie (x3) created by RussianPrince. (Some links are broken.) Your favourite global authority on PC gaming, hardware, and Half-Life 3. Test them out one at a time, and if you want to manually add several complex mods you’ll need to use tools like the Load Order Optimisation Tool and Mod Organizer 2. If only you could melt it down and reforge it into some cool armour or a nice new helmet. Midas Magic Evolved Dec 1, 2017 - In the vanilla game, you are only allowed to wear the outfit Delphine gives to you during the Diplomatic Immunity quest, even if you went out of your way to buy a suitable outfit yourself. The Rabbit Hole Dungeon Turn bwark bwark into boom boom with these highly volatile poultry explosives. That’s frequently the question posed by Skyrim’s forensic investigators when visiting crime scenes because the default blood textures appear more like globs of strawberry puree than human plasma. But when you’re looking for Skyrim mods, where do you start? She doesn’t run on normal follower code, so you can bring her along as a second companion even if you don’t have the multiple followers mod installed. You can also spirit bond with your pet, merging your souls together so you can directly control them. For hair, makeup, or any other custom content, I suggest looking through Lana CC Finds's very organized tags. Pokémon in Skyrim The aim of this mod is supposedly to strengthen the bond between you and your husband/wife in Skyrim, but, quite honestly, it sounds more like a homewrecker’s paradise. Daedra Hunter Armour Potion of Ultimate Levelling The trees will be larger and will make the forests look darker and lusher. Since the alpine version was made for seraphim that is not an issue. No wonder there’s been over one billion mod downloads between Skyrim and Fallout. UNPCM Jeans from the latest Aether Suite mod by Halofarm Gim Boots by Gimora. Edges have their angles worked away so stones are finally smooth and bowls made round. Places is an intriguing mod that recreates a variety of locales from the very first Elder Scrolls game and places them into Skyrim’s landscape. Sure, they can’t actually do anything other than bark and be astonishingly cute, but who needs function when the form is so good? Real Glaciers makes them an unmissable attraction, recolouring them from a frosted window effect to a much more realistic ice finish, complete with crack lines and a glassy reflective surface. Once a beast is tamed you’ll be able to assign it a role (DPS, Tank, or Magical) and have it assist you out on the open road. In the chilly mountainous areas this is fine, but take a walk in a forest on a sunny day and it just won’t feel as lush as you wish it did. If Star Wars is a bit too 1970s for you, inject Skyrim with one of cinema’s biggest phenomenons with this Iron Man armour mod. Now you can slit throats, knock people unconscious, conceal your identity with a mask, extinguish lights, and use Thief-like special arrows, including the rope arrows! Bring the varieties of flora up to uncountable levels with Vurt Flora. The following mods are quintessential for improving upon the vanilla Skyrim experience. On the way are Creepers, Ender Dragons, Skeletons, and craftable armours. The rubberized texture can be removed with the Sims III mod while unleashing new and fantastic realistic characters. Dwemer Dogs companions A beautifully designed castle, and your new home, the fun in Wyvern Rock comes from its multiple secret rooms. Blast wood with your fireball spells to ignite and hose it down with frost to put it out. Invested Magic addresses Skyrim’s poor buff systems by making them an ‘investment’; casting them only costs ten mana points, but those points are deducted from your total mana pool for as long as the spell lasts. More information... People also love these ideas The tool of choice for videogame photographer Dead End Thrills, FXAA Injector pumps a variety of anti-aliasing techniques into your Skyrim system to help create a much more sharp and vibrant image. Each floor contains enemies, and defeating them unlocks the door to the next cavern. Mod the Sims and The Sims Resource also have a lot of CC. Skyrim has crafting, and Minecraft is a game all about crafting, so they’re a natural pairing. Skyrim Modern Clothes Cbbe Mod. Simply fire projectiles at them from a safe distance for instant fire, burst eardrums, and chargrilled wings. Now a new mod has been made available for the removal of limited traits allowed in the game based on the age category. FREE MODS! That’s where this Dwemer Dogs mod can help out. While Better Combat AI can’t stop the clunky nature of Skyrim’s sword swinging it does make the whole affair much more tactical. Mountains look especially beautiful when shrouded in Pure Weather’s astonishing fog clouds. Mods don’t like it when your copy of Skyrim is installed in Program Files, which it probably will be. Meshes now fit the base UNP body shape only. Gamer Dark Mode . Hunt hyenas in the desert and stalk raptors in the jungle as you complete the six quests of this storyline revealing wonders of the area. As the name suggests, Into the Deep recreates the sunken city of Atlantis within Elder Scrolls lore. How exciting! But I also do some collaborations with Skyrim Special Editions and other games modders. Gain true respect by adopting an artful profession: being a bard. Skyrim Radioactive. Get involved in the conversation by heading over to our Facebook and Instagram pages. Dragon Knowledge takes a few liberties with Skyrim’s lore and suggests that absorbing the soul of the great winged ones would grant the Dragonborn new insights into the ways of the world. 42 new spells make up part of the mix, but rather than being traditional magic these are Dwemer ‘bionics’, allowing you to tap into the technology of the dwarves. An arena-style combat challenge, this dungeon also randomly changes on every visit to encourage multiple replays. Talos Armoury adds the armour of hero-god Talos himself to the game, and can be crafted only at the Forge of Talos. Eyes of Beauty Pets do require looking after, though, so please remember to feed and water them. Static Mesh Improvement Ultimate Skyrim The grass will be denser, more realistic, and with more flowers. This adds an interesting element of responsibility to the game, as ignoring attacks can leave your camp in ruins. While technically impressive, these gradually growing snow piles are rendered in an ugly pure-white texture that makes it look like a bucket of paint was tipped over the landscape. Rather than offering up standard quests to the log, the mod provides the locations within the game and allows the story to play out naturally through the use of letters and journals, NPCs, and a few side-quests. Apocalypse Magic Horses are so pedestrian. If the astonishing influx of trees in the Towns and Villages Enhanced mod drives you crackers, but vanilla Skyrim feels too bare, then a subscription to Detailed Cities should keep you happy. Interesting NPCs A worthy adventurer shouldn’t find a haunted house any trouble at all. You can leave your traditional Skyrim install intact and download Enderal as a standalone package on Steam. Access to exclusive patreon feed. Kids', toddler, & baby clothes with Skyrim designs sold by independent artists. We host 289,441 files for 1,181 games from 118,531 authors serving 24,838,916 members with over 3.5bn downloads to date. The northern regions of Skyrim are filled with vast ice formations. Duel Combat Realism But as you approach this one you’ll start to notice that this dwelling feels a little familiar. --- Any UNP compatible body and textures (UUNP Special built with the original UNP, UNP Pushup, UNPB or UNPBB presets recommended).--- SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim. Skyrim Radioactive is a massive project that aims to reshape key aspects of the game like the interiors of houses, some of the game’s most important dungeons, and even the way some NPCs look. "X" refers to the amount of the item you wish to add. --- Added 3 new items: Hoodie Top (x6 variants), Sport Top (x6 variants) and Capri Pants (x3 variants). Travel to Elsweyr, a tropical region inhabited by a great variety of new creatures. Snow gets caught in hair and sticks to clothes, water drips from armour, breath steams on cold air, and NPCs run home during storms. Modern Clothes v1.3 Description: This mod adds several pieces of modern-style clothing for the UUNP and SOS bodies: four tops, two pants, and a set of sneakers, with several variants each: Basic Tee (7 colors) Basic Hoodie (5 colors) Basic Hoodie Top … If the robes in the Jedi of Skyrim pack don’t shout Star Wars loud enough for you, why not dress up in this Storm Trooper armour? Items from this mod can be combined with any other similar meshes (i.e. Modern RPGs always have a minigame or two to distract you (see The Witcher 3’s Gwent card game), but Skyrim is lacking in any fun pastimes. 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