Bart has long been an expert in the art of prank calling. Julie Kavner, | Or maybe she's in a relationship with someone rich. At Christmas 30 years in the future,, Bart and Lisa bring their kids to Homer and Marge 's house. Bart and Lisa don't seem to have become rock stars or secret agents. They're just two regular grown-ups. And they still seem to have the same fractious relationship from their childhood. The Simpsons Growing Up. And yet, they are undeniably into to each other. Also, it looks like Nelson Muntz has managed to break away from their influence, so that's something. If TV was the internet before the internet was a thing, then The Simpsons was the meme-spewing satire machine that dominated the pop culture zeitgeist for decades. Yeardley Smith, See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. Who would've thought that the ugly duckling and laughing stock of the entire world of Family Guy would grow up to be such a swan? His head is still too big for his body, but we're guessing no one dares point that out to him now. Immortals Fenyx Rising: Which Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Bart gets a glimpse of the future while the family is on vacation at an Indian casino. Suddenly animation was no longer kid stuff. Then came Family Guy, and it was... different. MEGA. This is a new side to Stewie, one that most fans are unfamiliar with. Also, she is still just as obsessed with solving problems. Jun 20, 2014 - Bart and Lisa as adults and Maggie grown up. Stars: Michael Marcantel | Bart has grown into another version of Homer. Animation, Comedy. TV-PG The funky hairstyles. Jun 20, 2014 - Bart and Lisa as adults and Maggie grown up. This Stewie has clearly gained a tremendous amount of power and is now plotting to get more. Posts about The Simpsons written by rjbhurst. Thirty years in the future the Simpsons get together for Christmas. She received her first name … Yeardley Smith, TV-PG And for that, it was reviled and appreciated in equal measure. This Stewie appears to be a teenager about to go on his first date. This is excellent, as it means that I don’t have to spend 4 hours travelling, throw away money on the tube and buy any lunch. | Stewie and Bart seem to be enjoying a more equal friendship this time around. This time we get several possible future scenarios for the Simpsons kids. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. It seems that both Maggie and Stewie have a solid grasp of the whole 'parenting' business. Based on the clothes, this is a young Chris Griffin. Moe the Barman was his most frequent victim, but every other authority figure in his life also met the same treatment at some point. In addition, a classic 2000 episode of “The Simpsons” imagined a future in which an all-grown-up Lisa Simpson was elected president of the U.S. and tries to bail the nation out of financial ruin. So... lots of questions about this image. | This … Look at him confidently chatting up a girl (Maggie?). This is a woman who knows she looks good and is also some kind of a professor, apparently. Everyone knows and loves the children from The Simpsons and Family Guy but what would these rugrats look like as grown-ups? It's more than possible Stewie is trying to fill the gap left by the passing away of his best friend by getting another dog who looks like him. It took absurdity and meta humor to new levels. It's unlikely Brian lived that long, and this dog seems to be missing Brian's intelligence. And it is a painful goodbye, too, like the scene in the episode where adult Lisa had to break things off with her fiance at the last second. But Lisa has branched out a bit in her fashion choices. Bart and Stewie have had one in-canon meeting in the past, and several meetings in the realm of fanfiction. But Bart has stayed the same age a lot longer than her, so is he older than her in cartoon years? It would be a dream come true for Bart to become a radio jockey and use his improvisational prank calling talent on the job. Also, don't miss the goatee that Stewie is sporting in the picture. Could it be that the scars of her childhood run so deep that adult Meg is now incapable of feeling happy or at peace? since 1988 to 2010 kids all the gronw up the simpsons The main cast on both shows are made up of weird and downright disturbing characters who ultimately stick up for each other. Sigh... looks like Stewie's megalomaniacal aspirations have finally borne fruit. | By his side is Jessica Lovejoy, a somewhat surprising addition to the scene. Despite my parents’ initial insistence on avoiding The Simpsons, I ended up being ok. To paraphrase Bart from the Season 13 episode "The Parent Rap": "If I grow up … The only question we have is, is the dog in the background Brian or a new companion? Including a fourth possible child of Homer and Marge who evidently takes after her in the hair department. Aug 30, 2015 - Explore Dominique Zebulun's board "Grown up simpsons" on Pinterest. The Simpsons ties its episodes firmly to the contemporary pop culture of when they're released. The Simpsons has been airing since 1989 for over 32 seasons, making it the longest-running American sitcom.Generations have grown up on the show that still knows no stopping. Then came Family Guy, and it was... different. 11 Photos. “We now have viewers who have grown up on more animation [and] on anime, and they have a more sophisticated palate," says Scott Greenberg. And for the younger generation, our point of reference in both the shows were the children characters. His eyes are literally swimming in love, and he's got the formal suit and bunch of flowers at the ready. Lisa has also got a younger version of her childhood self. In the episode, filmmaker Declan Desmond returns to Springfield to film the continuation of his documentary series Growing Up Springfield, which chronicles the lives of several Springfield residents. Lisa in her business suit and Bart in his casual jacket. No matter how painful the lessons might be sometimes. Since then, the series won over 30 Emmy awards and featured guest voice appearances by pretty much everyone: actors, comedians, pop stars, politicians, scientists and astronauts. Bart and Lisa are struggling as parents to connect with their children. It's hard to imagine any person, male or female, having that kind of an effect on someone as self-centered as Stewie. Jimbo and his cronies were an indelible part of Bart and Lisa's childhood. In fact, we're not totally convinced this isn't some kind of elaborate plot that Stewie has hatched to mess with someone. Meanwhile, a pregnant Maggie is traveling to visit her family and falls into labor after arriving in Springfield. Thirty years in the future the Simpsons get together for Christmas. See Nicole Brown and O.J. This The Simpsons photo contains anime, comic book, manga, and cartoon. Dan Castellaneta, We have to assume Maggie is some kind of a rock star, and Bart seems to have become her manager. And Maggie is now an adorable tween minus her pacifier. Nelson and Lisa getting paired together was one of the most unexpected developments in the show's history. The pairing of Stewie and Olivia is one of the most frequently recurring relationships in Stewie's life. Bart may look bored, but at least he's not in jail yet, so his juvenile pranks don't seem to have given way to more serious misdemeanors. Simpson’s Children, Sydney and Justin, All Grown Up. See more ideas about simpson, the simpsons, maggie simpson. We're calling it right now, it's almost impossible to believe that Bart, Lisa, and Maggie will ever grow up to be this cool. We can't say much about the unknown Simpson, except that he takes a great deal after Marge. But despite her lavish surroundings, Meg has clearly still not found happiness. And judging by Bart's reaction to her proximity, she still makes him feel like an awkward tween trying to talk to his first crush. Nancy Cartwright, This picture is a curious case of the drawing style clashing with what we already know about the drawn character. Lisa has always been very protective and supportive of little Maggie. i grown up with the simpsons. The Simpsons Season show reviews & Metacritic score: Documentary filmmaker, Declan Desmond returns and shows off his new documentary, Growing Up Springfield. Senior Evening Writer. With 27 seasons and counting, The Simpsons is, by far, the longest-running American scripted TV series in prime time.- We always knew Stewie was destined for a life less ordinary. The only thing we can conclude is that Chris is now well into his fifties, but for some reason, he still prefers to wear the clothes of his teen years. Bart and Lisa and Maggie, and Chris and Meg and Stewie, along with the children they went to school with, were our placeholders in the animation-for-grown-ups landscape. | And yet, the face looks like it belongs to a middle-aged man. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers, Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Should Know About Beidou, All Grown Up: 24 Pictures Of The Simpsons And Family Guy Kids As Adults, Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Best Clothing Items Ranked By Style, Pokémon Sword & Shield: 15 Things To Do After You Beat The Isle Of Armor, Stardew Valley: 10 Best Flooring Options, Ranked. Rob Oliver, But fans can dream that the cartoon kids they grew up watching and identifying with will grow up to be the coolest of the cool. It could be a biting social commentary for grown-ups. 2. Bart was less impressed and in fact, disturbed, by Stewie's instincts. The Simpsons first aired on Fox in December of 1989. Chris and Meg are stuck forever in their school days. It's all a bit too good to be true. Mike B. Anderson Just get together already! Not a very cheery bunch. Mike B. Anderson Jim Reardon .. Bart though... FJ was developed by a multicultural team of various beliefs. He is no longer a deranged character. 31,5 x 26,5 cm The Simpsons is the longest-running U.S. primetime-television series in history and the longest-running U.S. animated series and sitcom. And the result is a picture that looks like it belongs in a centerfold. Stars: Full disclosure, we have no idea what exactly Lisa is saying goodbye to in this picture, but she definitely looks like she is saying goodbye to something. This seems to be simply a bit of wish fulfillment on the part of a fan who just likes the characters and wants them to get together. Bart is still clearly the carefree soul, and Lisa still seems to be just as disapproving of his careless attitude. Whichever side you fall on, it is an accepted fact that Meg is the loser of the family doomed to a life of unhappiness. Maggie seems to have a strong preference for the color blue from her infancy. Drawing of Bart Simpson in pencil Unique hand-drawn work The work belongs to the process of creating one the sequences of the episode Future-Drama aired on 2005. | This has to be the most normal portrait of a grown-up Stewie that we've seen yet. Stars: Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. A fortune teller gives Lisa a look at her wedding in the year 2010. Dan Castellaneta, In the official version of events, Stewie was besotted with Bart, seeing him as a kindred spirit with age and experience on his side. Bart and Lisa may have celebrated dozens of New Years, but they stay perennially in their tweens. Directors: In addition, a classic 2000 episode of “The Simpsons” imagined a future in which an all-grown-up Lisa Simpson was elected president of the U.S. and tries to bail the nation out of financial ruin. He is no longer the sweet kid of his youth, but a broody and overmuscled specimen who probably writes poetry about how no one can understand him. Director: 30 min 22 min It took more risks in the name of humor. Julie Kavner, In this imagining, the two meet again during a time when they appear to be in their teens. Maggie, Bart and Lisa all grown up 37452571. We wonder what sad past event is holding Chris back mentally from becoming a fully-actualized adult. All we know is she's a college professor now, but a hip, stylish one. ... Shit, when did I become a grown up? Milhouse is one of the saddest characters in The Simpsons. But it seems that even after growing up, the two are still dancing around their feelings for each other. This grown-up version of the Simpsons kids seems to stick most closely to the source material. At its core, both The Simpsons and Family Guy are about the importance of family. Lisa is still holding on to her saxophone, but the changes to the other two are harder to believe. Here's hoping he'll get over it someday soon. It is our aim to be a inclusive and wholesome place for all. 30 min Nancy Cartwright, In fact, they look like they've been indulging in more serious crimes than ever. Jesus Is Life All Grown Up 90s Cartoons The Simpsons Tweety Growing Up Art Drawings Grunge Street Art. And judging by her look of concentration, she's still the same as an adult. Lisa is now a full grown adult, and she has chosen a life of academics. Beth Shilliday. And here it seems the two are still able to hold on to that connection after all these years. Milhouse also seems to be deal with a kind of 'Twilight' effect. The two have already been revealed to have extremely high intelligence. Also, Lisa is the bright-eyed and perky schoolgirl that we all expected her to become. Also, where is Meg's family in this whole situation? Director: But there's only one episode that has proven so specifically controversial that it was pulled from circulation and was even kept off streaming services. As often happens in fan works, these versions of the characters are considerably more fashion-forward than the canon versions we all know. In the season 23 episode Holidays Of Future Passed, the show flashes forward 30 years in the future and shows a grown-up Ralph, who is working as a police officer, pulling Bart over. Instead, he's got a full head of hair, a well-tailored suit, and a charming smile. We can't say that we're a fan of his facial hair, but Olivia seems to be into it! (And Why), Which Is Better, GTA IV Or V? Jun 20, 2014 - Bart and Lisa as adults and Maggie grown up. We don't know which subject she is specializing in, although knowing her brain, it could well be multiple subjects. "Springfield Up" is the thirteenth episode of the eighteenth season of The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 18, 2007. On the surface, the two have nothing in common. Lisa has grown up to be quite successful and professional by the looks of things which wasn't very surprising given how intelligent she was at just eight-years-old (she was arguably the smartest member in the family at that age) and Bart seems to have grown up to … Destiny 2: Every Season Of The Hunt Weapon, Ranked From Worst To Best, 10 Pokemon And Their Perfect Harry Potter Partner, The 10 Pokemon Who Have Digimon Counterparts, 10 Classic 2000s Video Games That Need Reboots, Among Us: 10 Things You Can Do When You're Dead (& A Ghost), The 15 Best Dancing (And Rhythm) Video Games Ever Made, Ranked, Every Major Reveal From The Resident Evil Village Showcase, 10 Hilarious Fairy-Type Pokemon Memes That Are Too Funny, PUBG: Erangel Vs. Miramar – Which Map Is Better? The Simpsons redefined animation for an entire generation that had grown up with The Flintstones and Disney cartoons. Lisa helped smooth out the rough edges of Nelson, while he was the bad boy rebel she could not help but be attracted to. Tell us what you think about this feature. Dan Castellaneta, Perhaps as they get older, they will learn to act on their attraction in a mature manner without resorting to tricks. Julie Kavner, Well, this particular fan obviously did. Maggie has turned into a muscle woman and comes complete with a couple of rugrats of her own. But where is the rest of his family, we can't help but wonder? My Favorite Movie and Tv-series Couples/Romances, Epic Love Stories or at Least Really Good Ones. And fate appears to have saddled him with another Bart. We would like to believe that the sadness conveyed by this scene is only a temporary part of Meg's grown-up life. In fact, Olivia has probably done more to hurt the usually unflappable Stewie than most other people on the show. Yeardley Smith. | Depending on whether you are a fan of the show Family Guy or of its brand of humor, your feelings probably oscillate between 'Poor Meg', and 'Shut up, Meg!'. Stars: Julie Kavner, Even Lisa seems to realize she missed out on something special when she kept rejecting Milhouse for all those years in their tweens. But this picture envisions a future where Meg has found peace and a loving relationship with her daughter Molly. Bart and Lisa see into the future where their lives have changed. It could be a biting social commentary for grown-ups. Maybe something similar is occurring in this scene. Bob Anderson, Writer and web developer with a keen interest in technology and pop culture. Here they are: This picture takes us six years into the future, and really it seems the best case scenario based on what we know about the characters. A tale of Bart's journey from youth to adulthood, where he is constantly in search of approval from his father and in the shadow of his more-successful younger sister. We're really liking the confidence that is being exuded by Meg in this picture. How is it possible that Bart is marrying Meg when she is canonically much older than him? We don't know who the father is, but Meg has become the spitting image of her mother, hopefully without the abiding drinking problem. Also, is Meg really Bart's type at all? Now imagine a new spinoff show revealing the life of the youngest members of the Simpsons and Griffins after getting hitched. Animation, Comedy. Or maybe a member of her family has passed away (Grandpa Simpson?). But in this future possibility, Milhouse has left his awkward tween years behind and become quite the stud! Here Are 5 Strengths For Each Game, Ranking Persona 5: Royal's Palace Rulers By How Despicable They Are. It was a tumultuous relationship, to say the least. It is a general rule of thumb that characters in cartoons don't age. Stars: Directors: Nancy Cartwright, And you can tell by the sly look on his face that he hasn't lost his considerable intelligence since growing older. We have to wonder what happened in his past that set Stewie down this path again, considering that he seemed to be outgrowing his cruel instincts in later seasons of the show. It pushed the boundaries of animation in a way that The Simpsons had not. Lisa all grown up. | Dan Castellaneta, 7 likes. Based on their personalities, we would have to say no. And yet there was something sweet about the relationship. Bart and Lisa as adults and Maggie grown up. Bart and Lisa are struggling as parents to connect with their children. Thirty years into the future, Bart is having trouble dealing with his divorce, Lisa is struggling with her marriage to Milhouse, and Marge is finally fed up after burying yet another Homer clone. Director: Bart and Lisa as adults and Maggie grown up | The simpsons, Lisa simpson, Favorite cartoon character. NC-17 Halloween is a song sung by the adults of Springfield in the episode Halloween of Horror. View Gallery. The ensemble bore a striking resemblance to one worn by Lisa Simpson in a 2000 episode of the cartoon — in which a grown-up Lisa is President of the United States. Yeardley Smith. Very good condition, better to see the photographs. Who could imagine Bart growing up to be a clean-cut athlete standing politely with his hands behind his back? Could it be that the passing away of his dog Brian due to old age turned him against humanity again? Va Va Voom, Meg! She seems to be happier and more stylish but with her satchel full of books sill a prominent part of her life. Not exactly in a good way, perhaps. The confident smiles bursting out of their faces. She first appeared on television in the Tracey Ullman Show short "Good Night" on April 19, 1987. Working From Home 1 Oct. On Fridays, I work from home. If they could keep their sociopathic instincts in check, this could be one formidable family. Saved by Kristen Barlow. ... “I had to go and pick the kids up at the house where he lived,” Tanya told Radar. Directors: Rob Oliver , Mike B. Anderson | Stars: Dan Castellaneta , Julie Kavner , Nancy Cartwright , Yeardley Smith But there's no arguing with those googly eyes. But you can bet Lisa is the one who is actually in charge of everything. All we can do is hope that Bart also looks as good as these two in the future imagined here. Even though creator Matt Groening has been involved in other projects like Disenchantment and current television is flooded with similar animated family sitcoms, none seem to match the legacy of The Simpsons. He still prefers the clothing scheme of his toddler days. You can tell she is no longer the one getting pushed around by the world. Nancy Cartwright, This piece of fan art imagines him as an intrepid adventurer complete with a muscular physique and a cocky expression on his face. Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, This Stewie appears to have made a thorough success of his life. This drawing has a new take on Meg as an adult. | One can only hope that they have stopped preying on Bart and Milhouse. It seems that she is now a successful professional, judging by the opulence of the room she's in. TV-14 It is a parody on Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. After all, one of the most prominent characteristics of Lisa from the show was her desire to look for a way to resolve issues. Jessica Simpson’s Kids Maxwell, 8, & Ace, 7, Look So Grown Up On Their 1st Day Of School — Pic. It paid clear homage to The Simpsons, but it was not quite The Simpsons. He is a child of a broken home, his schoolmates frequently subject him to ridicule, even his best friend Bart, and he has nursed a hopeless crush on Lisa for decades. Mike B. Anderson Maggie was created and designed by cartoonist Matt Groening while he was waiting in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office. One almost feels sorry for them as viewers, because we occasionally got a glimpse of their messed up family life that created these delinquents. But some fans have envisioned grown-up versions of all the kids from the two shows. It took more risks in the name of humor. When there, they learn about parenting and loving your family. Even that big head of his no longer looks odd or out of place. Margaret Evelyn Simpson is a fictional character in the animated television series The Simpsons and a part of the titular family, notably the youngest member. The sharply tailored suits. He's handsome, stylish, and no longer awkward around girls. But what is particularly heartwarming is that, while they obviously have their differences, they are also still together after all these years. | Yeardley Smith. Mais informações. Whether you are a fan of The Simpsons or Family Guy, or both, you will remember them for their extremely memorable characters. It paid clear homage to The Simpsons, but it was not quite The Simpsons. If TV was the internet before the internet was a thing, then The Simpsons was the meme-spewing satire machine that dominated the pop culture zeitgeist for decades. After Halloween was over and all the kids were asleep, the adults came out for their erotic adult party and sang about it, confronting Marge, Bart, and Maggie, who were still out, and being exposed to it all. Buffalo Games Simpsons Photomosaic: Chef Homer Guide, price comparisons, Review Grown Up Puzzles Buy a2621 and news, deals and coupons market Grown Up Puzzles Buy a2621 Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013 In this scene, we seem to be entering the territory of a teen drama starring Lisa, Bart, and Milhouse. Whatever the reason, adult Lisa has to learn the lessons of the world of grown-ups just like everyone else does. Tag Archives: The Simpsons. Animation, Comedy. And of course, Milhouse is at Bart's side to complete the trio. In this fan art, we see that the passing of the years has not done anything to slow down the three hoodlums. Julie Kavner, He still prefers the clothing scheme of his facial hair, but it that! To the source material is Jessica Lovejoy, a pregnant Maggie is some of... Weird and downright disturbing characters who ultimately stick up for each other culture of when they 're released,! 'Re not totally convinced this is a parody on time Warp from the Simpsons but... 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