Sarah Berkman started an … 3) How does he explain the importance of reclaiming the public places where the Confederate Statues were removed from? He is removed from office after derobing the statues of Caesar. Not by mob rule. The changes were announced this week by communities secretary Robert Jenrick, who wrote in a Sunday Telegraph article that tighter planning laws were needed to prevent statues and monuments from being “removed on a whim at the behest of a baying mob”. There are five scaffolding spots, and pieces can be added or removed by using the arrows at the base of each pillar. The response to BLM protests in many European nations has involved comparisons with the United States, where slavery was more prominent and police violence is currently taking place on a greater scale. But some remain in Tennessee. Often it is brandished as an accessory, sometimes it is used as a gateway, others still it is considered merely a credential. wo statues in central London are to be removed over their links to the slave trade. Stuart on Monument Avenue on July 7, 2020, in Richmond, Va. Improving education around colonial and imperialist history is an important step in starting to address the systemic racism that BLM activists are protesting, and every country would benefit from this kind of change being implemented in schools. Statues of Confederate leaders, long considered offensive by many, have been removed in states around the country. Many believe sustainability is becoming an urgent need, whilst others see it first and foremost as a duty. A lawsuit brought by several Monument Avenue property owners has blocked the Lee statue's removal as the case continues through the courts next month. What type of symbols does he suggest should replace these symbols of White supremacy? There are also demands for a more critical approach to figures such as Winston Churchill, mostly celebrated for leading the country through World War II and rarely criticised for his racist views and political actions. An apparently lackluster response toward the monuments doesn't surprise Sarah Beetham, the chair of liberal arts and an assistant professor of art history at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. "It's highly likely many of them will never be seen again," she said. In Italy, Black Lives Matter demonstrators took to the streets in several major cities. Statues of two politicians in central London will be removed over their links to the slave trade. Protesters in Paris, France defaced colonial-era statues dedicated to Enlightenment thinker Voltaire, whose wealth partially derived from the slave trade, and Hubert Lyautey, a general who administered several of the country’s colonies. Murellus. The monument, which is owned by the city, will have to go into storage. So what should be the standard for taking down a statue? He is removed from office after derobing the statues of Caesar. In the US and the UK, there have also been several instances of counter-protests by right-wing activists and white supremacists. Black Lives Matter protesters then went on to expand their scope, for example by removing statues of Christopher Columbus and other colonisers linked to the genocide of Native American peoples, such as Juan de Oñate and Junípero Serra. Rep. London Lamar (D - Memphis) joins Emily Luxen in tonight's discussion about the future of our Confederate monuments. A state law passed in 2000 when lawmakers removed the Confederate flag from atop the Statehouse dome requires a two-thirds vote of the General … Ralph Northam’s office announced. In Boston, the city's art commission is reviewing public testimony to help determine what to do with its Columbus statue, which is in storage after vandals decapitated it in June. Taking down a statue could also include moving it to a museum, for example. Black Lives Matter, what statues have been removed and why, An empty plinth with a BLM placard © Matthew Horwood/Getty Images, heavily involved in the Atlantic slave trade, negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. They argue that statues in public places tend to imply that the person is celebrated or revered and that inscriptions are much less likely to be read by passers-by than by museum-goers. Bangladesh adopts the death penalty as punishment for rape following widespread protests, but other solutions to systemic sexual violence are needed. (Bloomberg) -- The U.K. government plans to make it harder for public statues to be removed, after protests last year prompted calls for … It's up to local communities to decide what statues they want in their local areas. Roosevelt Statue to Be Removed From Museum of Natural History. Violence against women in Peru has increased as a result of Covid-19 lockdowns as they have been confined to abusive households. Furthermore, police violence against minorities is a serious problem in Europe so it’s important to note that protests outside the US haven’t merely been about solidarity, but also about drawing attention to these issues – including the uncomfortable past of certain historical figures commemorated through statues. Save Light shines through the trees near a Confederate statue Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017, in Baltimore Credit: AP Our Foreign Staff; But that hasn't stopped activists from using the graffitied statue as a backdrop to project images of Floyd, as well as Rep. John Lewis, the civil rights icon who died in July. But he worries that necessary conversations about racial injustice that people of color are asking for in their communities are failing to happen each time a statue is taken down. An alternate solution to removing statues outright that is often proposed is to add inscriptions that outline the history of the figure being portrayed. According to a statement from Northam's office, "Each state is entitled to display two statues in the National Statuary Hall Collection," and for more than 100 years, the Confederate statue of Lee "has stood along with America’s first president … Rather than speak out against the core idea behind Black Lives Matter, the argument that statues and monuments must be protected is used by these groups as a smokescreen concealing fundamentally racist views. Some government agencies are using public task forces to determine what should happen to contentious monuments. But one museum responded and said it was too big, city spokeswoman Kim Lee said. How? A review by NBC News of monuments that were ripped down or are slated to be pulled from public spaces found that most governments and agencies with oversight have no clear road map for what will happen next and have placed the statues and markers into storage for the foreseeable future. Black Lives Matter spokesperson Trahern Crews tells us about Minneapolis, the US city that has become a symbol of racism, police brutality and inequality. When it comes to symbols of the Confederacy, protestors argue maintaining statues and building names glorifies figures who fought to uphold slavery. Ralph Northam's order. #Bristol statue of Edward Colston has been pulled down and pushed into the harbour during the #BlackLivesMattter march, — BBC Radio Bristol (@bbcrb) June 7, 2020. This comes days after Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick said Britain should not try to edit its past, as new legal protections meaning historic statues will be removed … Explain your answers. Are you saying the statues should be torn down? If the statues are not taken down, should new historical context be added so people viewing the statues … They should be put in museums because it is part of our history. The UK government on Monday unveiled new laws to protect England's cultural and historic heritage in the form of statues and monuments to ensure they are not removed … "Even if a museum has the space, they have to ask: 'Will they crack the floorboards? UK minister says controversial statues should be put in context ... “What has stood for generations should be considered thoughtfully, not removed … Protests against extradjudicial killings at the hands of police were attacked, further propagating a climate of impunity and fear in Bangladesh. Video courtesy of ⁦⁦@jonathanchase_⁩, — Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) June 23, 2020. In Belgium, demonstrators burned and defaced several statues and monuments to King Leopold II, who ruled the Congo Free State from 1885 to 1908, treating it as his personal property and committing atrocities against its people.During his rule, the country’s population declined by between 5 and 10 million people. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. A common thread uniting all these examples is the desire to confront many Western countries’ colonial history. One was sent to a historic battlefield in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. The statues only stand for slavery and racial oppression and nothing else. 2) What message did the Confederate statues in New Orleans convey to the African Americans population in the city? Crews attach straps to the statue Confederate General J.E.B. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, announced in June that the prominent statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee would be taken down, along with four other statues depicting Confederate figures, from a 2-mile stretch of Monument Avenue. Confederate statues have been removed across the South following protests against police brutality. In the UK, for example, there has been a push for reforms in the education system so that the country’s colonial history is more lucidly addressed in school curricula. First, it does nothing to … Should the statues be removed? Throughout the month of June, people all over the world have taken to the streets in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, catalysed by the death of George Floyd, a black man murdered by police in Minneapolis. The legislation gives local governments more power to decide whether to remove Confederate statues from public property. The topic of statue removals garnered nationwide attention in the United Kingdom after protesters toppled a statue of Edward Colston in Bristol on the 7th of June. While these have undoubtedly been expressions of solidarity with American campaigners, protesters have also sought to bring attention to local grievances stemming from institutional racism. However, it’s important to acknowledge the fact that most European countries directly benefited from the slave trade and through colonialism gained much of the wealth that determines their developed status on the global stage to this day. Although the removal of statues is linked to a desire to foster a more critical approach to history, the practice has also drawn criticism. At times like these, it’s important to listen to and amplify black voices, with the awareness that their experiences and understandings of systemic racism and discrimination are crucial in bringing about structural change. For now, he said, Columbus remains in storage. At least three vandalized statues — one of an early 1900s politician in Nashville, Tennessee, and two at the state Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin, that historians say were not actual symbols of white supremacy — were expected to be repaired and returned to their original sites, local officials said. This kind of activity has caused a significant amount of controversy. The expedited removal of monuments, particularly on courthouse and government grounds, is a beneficial step toward the nation's healing, said Geoff Ward, a professor of African and African American studies at Washington University in St. Louis who has mapped out visual symbols of racism. While it has, on occasion, sparked productive debate and positive change, it’s also been exploited as a way to detract from the aims of the movement and generate negative sentiment towards protesters. Watch Queue Queue Removal of Confederate monuments and memorials is an ongoing process in the United States since the 1960s. This video is unavailable. Virginia's capital, Richmond, became a battleground in the monument debate after Gov. In Miami and Kenosha, Wis., statues of Columbus were painted. So what should be the standard for taking down a statue? The momentum to … The statue was originally planned for removal in July, but it was removed a month earlier due to the many statues that have been vandalized, The Washington Post … ... and promised to demonstrate until it was removed. The Silent Sam statue that was removed in Chapel Hill, N.C. | Sara D. Davis/Getty Images WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum is pushing the federal government to get rid of Confederate statues and memorials in national parks — and she’s gaining some traction this year as opposition to the public display of Confederate symbols grows. In addition, Beetham said, many of the monuments weigh several tons and require cranes to haul them, so the cost of moving them could be hefty for interested parties. Furthermore, once the ‘social justice warriors’ start down the road of The Purge it’s almost impossible to stop it … Venezuelan refugees are vulnerable to the worsening outbreak in South America: while coronavirus doesn’t discriminate, it does affect some people more than others. This outpouring, however, hasn’t been limited to this country, with demonstrations taking place worldwide. 100 - Should Statues or Monuments Ever be Removed? We shouldn't forget what we came from, but it shouldn't be glorified. - Jul 1, 2020 The list may not … Ryan M. Kelly / AFP - Getty Images Sept. 20, 2020, 10:01 AM UTC / … No Confederate statues were removed in South Carolina. ‎Show Perspectives, Ep Ep. a tribune of the people. Recent episodes, including the murders of Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, Breonna Taylor and Ahmad Aubury, combined with the heightened impact of coronavirus on black and minority communities led to the most recent outbreak in protests, the most widespread in decades. part 5. a senator. For example, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has instituted a task force that will assess all statues in the UK capital. Another opinion is that outdated or controversial statues should be removed completely and replaced with other people who represent modern society. The Kensington System was a strict and elaborate set of rules designed by Victoria, Duchess of Kent, along with her attendant, Sir John Conroy, concerning the upbringing of the Duchess's daughter, the future Queen Victoria.It is named after Kensington Palace in London, where they resided prior to Queen Victoria's accession to the throne. He tells Casca that men construe omens the way they want to. The statue of Theodore Roosevelt in New York City, on the other hand, depicts him on a horse with a Native American man and an African man standing beside him, and thus “explicitly depicts black and indigenous people as subjugated and racially inferior,” according to the city’s mayor Bill de Blasio. Watch Queue Queue. The recent protests expressing widespread anger and dissatisfaction have taken over all major cities and thousands of smaller urban centres. Manisha Sinha, a Civil War historian at the University of Connecticut, says when it comes to, say, Robert E. Lee, take it down. "This is a familiar U.S. scenario," Ward said, "seeking to quickly move on and declare matters settled rather than dealing with issues and really processing traumas.". BLM also aims for inclusivity of other marginalised groups. Protesters in Paris, France defaced colonial-era statues … While this would perhaps be an improvement, advocates for removal suggest that relocating them to museums is an even more effective solution. The demonstrators argue Washington owned slaves and therefore should not have statues of him. The Stonewall Jackson statue is loaded onto a truck after being removed from Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va., on July 1. Later that week, authorities in London removed a statue of Scottish slave trader Robert Milligan. While the protests have begun to die down in the past few days and the news cycle has shifted quickly to new topics, it’s important to maintain awareness of the structural problems that the protests are addressing. The call for the statue’s removal echoes the call for several statues and landmarks in New York City to be removed or have their names changed in the wake of protests that have erupted across the county in response to the death of George Floyd on May 25 while in police custody in Minneapolis. To give just one example, British imperialist policy under Churchill led to a famine in Bengal that caused the death of millions of people. A video shows the violent arrest of indigenous Chief Allan Adam, who was beaten by two Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers. BLM’s mission is “to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on black communities by the state and vigilantes”. Protesters in London also defaced a statue of wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, which was subsequently boarded up to protect it from being damaged. These confederate statues and monuments should be removed because those She said some communities must wrestle with whether a statue is worth preserving if it is only going to be relegated to storage or was already damaged or weather-worn. In that environment, we can educate ourselves about history and its often-terrifying human impact. Should they remain? For 20 years we have operated to catalyse social change, to awaken and feed a new state of ecological awareness, to inspire and promote new business and consumption models for people as well as companies. There are two key reasons not to use the residential schools tragedy as an opportunity to vilify John A. Macdonald. Erik Ortiz is a staff writer for NBC News focusing on racial injustice and social inequality. The equestrian memorial to Theodore Roosevelt has long prompted objections as a … Republican South Carolina legislative leaders are unlikely to give permission this year to local governments or colleges who want to take down Confederate statues or rename buildings honoring segregationists. The statues of two U.K. politicians who made their wealth from the slave trade will be removed from a historic building in central London after "months of valuable work" by anti-racism campaigners. The City of London Corporation voted on Thursday to re-site monuments to William Beckford and Sir John Cass in Guildhall because they accrued wealth through the slave trade and symbolise “a stain on our history”. This also led to the removal of a number of statues of former US Presidents, in certain instances at the hands of the authorities: George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson and Ulysses S. Grant were all slaveowners, as well as being responsible for the forced eviction of Native Americans from their land. Statues of two politicians in central London will be removed over their links to the slave trade. He is later killed by Antony and Octavius when they purge the Senate. Here is a list of 104 statues and other monuments vandalized or removed since May 30, according to news reports. As this continues, we can all contribute by observing our surroundings more critically and asking lawmakers and politicians to ensure that the statues in our cities are a public celebration of individuals who truly deserve our praise. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit civil rights group, nearly 1,800 Confederate symbols are displayed on public lands. More than 130 Confederate monuments and other historic statues were taken down across three dozen states amid a wave of protests and calls for racial justice over the past four months. Those opposed to removing monuments argue that they affirm American history and consider them works of art, and they say scrubbing them from view would only eradicate a sense of heritage and promote censorship. Others argue these monuments should be removed from public view, rather than destroyed entirely. Europe. Police stopped these protesters, but statues are coming down around the U.S., yanked down or removed by local governments. Civil War Race Slavery Visual Art. The Confederacy fought against the abolition of slavery and in the 19th and 20th centuries all of its states enforced racist policies, segregation and the oppression of black people for many years after slavery was abolished. Theodore Roosevelt. The United Nations World Food Programme has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its work in the fight against hunger. While the Black Lives Matter movement aims to bring an end to systemic racism, the removal of statues in the US, UK and Europe has drawn controversy. Local people should have the chance to be consulted whether a monument should stand or not. Their skin colors or their social classes act as prayer altars controversial historical Figures should be put museums. Owned slaves and therefore should not have statues of two politicians in central London will be removed their! Memorials are removed an opportunity to vilify John A. Macdonald be removed over links. Taken down country, with demonstrations taking place worldwide, Gov women in Peru has as... People ’ s service to the streets in several major cities and of! Space, they have to go into storage smaller urban centres side of those who to... 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