Vancouver celebrates the Old Apple Tree on Saturday, Oct. 6 Strongly rooted in our community, Vancouver’s legendary Old Apple Tree turns 192 this year. Providing family fun, food and history of Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, the festival celebrates our community’s legacy. Other event in Vancouver by City of Vancouver Department of Public Works on Saturday, October 5 2019 with 1.6K people interested and 107 people going. The restaurants will greatly... 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Everyone is welcome to this free (or should it be “tree”) event celebrating the oldest living apple tree in the Northwest, Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, planted at Fort Vancouver in 1826. As mentioned previously, the custom of apple tree wassailing is celebrated across the country, on either the new or old Twelfth Night. The Fort Vancouver National Trust helps to host this free educational experience, with the Flight Simulator lab, vertical wind tunnel, a glider-building station, historic airplanes on-site for viewing, collections on display, and educational programs to[...]. Often the cultivars are very old and are no longer grown commercially. Old Apple Tree Festival Saturday, October 6 (Southwest Washington). The tradition of wassailing (alt sp wasselling) falls into two distinct categories: the house-visiting wassail and the orchard-visiting wassail. The tradition of wassailing (alt sp wasselling) falls into two distinct categories: the house-visiting wassail and the orchard-visiting wassail. Happy 184th Birthday! These might have a strange color or be losing their bark. The annual Old Apple Tree Festival is held on the first Saturday in October from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Old Apple Tree Park, located on Columbia Way, just east of the I-5 Bridge. Visit our site regularly and often. The public is invited to come celebrate at the annual Old Apple Tree Festival, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7, at the Old Apple Tree … We certainly are! Vancouver Old Apple Tree Festival 2020 Oct 2020 Dates Unconfirmed | Vancouver, WA | Food Festival information may not be up to date due to COVID-19, but you can view our list of cancellations here. The Old Apple Tree Festival is presented by the Urban Forestry Commission, in partnership with the City of Vancouver’s Urban Forestry, a Public Works Department program; Bartlett Tree Care; and the National Park Service. The family-friendly, free event offers live music, tree care workshops, Vancouver Land Bridge tours, kids’ hands-on arts and crafts, and food for purchase. If you are new to Oregon or a longtime resident, you'll find plenty of event offerings and resources throughout this great state and in Southwest Washington. The Old Apple Tree Festival celebrates apples, heritage trees and community. There are not one but two festivals happening 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 5 at Old Apple Tree Park, 112 Columbia Way, Vancouver: The Old Apple Tree Festival … Trees, apples and cider! The annual Old Apple Tree Festival is a celebration centered on the oldest living apple tree in the Northwest, planted at Fort Vancouver in 1826. NOTE: The 2020 Old Apple Tree Festival has been canceled to help prevent the spread of coronavirus in our community. Old Apple Tree Festival 2019 Trees, apples and cider! It has also been known as Winter Ribston. Those marked with a • are only produced in limited quantities and might or might not be in stock at any point in the year. Bring your family & meet your friends at the 2017 Old Apple Tree Festival, 11 AM - 3 PM, Saturday, Oct. 7, at the Old Apple Tree Park on Columbia Way (across from Who Song and Larrys). Columbia Way, directly east of the Interstate 5 Bridge within the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Bring your own clean apples and containers to participate in the free apple pressing, a popular feature of the community festival. Old Apple Tree Festival Saturday, October 6 (Southwest Washington). Vancouver celebrates the Old Apple Tree.Strongly rooted in our community, Vancouver's legendary Old Apple Tree turns 193 this year.The family-friendly, free event offers live music, tree care workshops, Vancouver Land Bridge … The family-friendly, free event offers live music, tree care workshops, Vancouver Land Bridge tours, kids’ hands-on arts and crafts, and food for purchase. Renovating old trees is a big task and is best carried out gradually over a few years in winter. Activities for children, fruit tree pruning workshops, food, live music, and walking tours of Fort Vancouver. The festival focuses on environmental education and historic preservation with Heritage Tree walks, Historic Clark County tours, Birds of Prey show, scavenger hunts along the waterfront trail, kids' activities, and much more. The Old Apple Tree Festival is presented by the Urban Forestry Commission in partnership with the City of Vancouver’s Urban Forestry program, a division of the Department of Public Works. Cut off any broken, dead, or diseased branches. As a bonus, the Urban Forestry Commission gives away state- … Old Apple Tree Festival October 03, 2015 Location: Old Apple Tree Park 11 SE Columbia Way Vancouver, WA Times: From: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Admission: Free Phone: 360 … Proceeds from the festival will benefit homeless and hungry people served by York County Shelter Program. Apple trees don’t last very long, and decaying wood provides a wonderful habitat for all sorts of sometimes rare and always fascinating animals. The Old Apple Tree is 191 years old! If you have an old apple tree in your yard, determine if it can be salvaged, then prune it. The Old Apple Tree Festival is on Saturday, Oct. 6 at Old Apple Tree Park: 11 SE. The Annual Old Apple Tree Festival is coming up on Saturday, October 2, 2010 between 11 am and 4 pm at the Old Apple Tree Park (112 Columbia Way). Shaker Hill Apple Festival Weekend, held on the beautiful grounds of the old Alfred Shaker Village, Shaker Hill Rd., Alfred, ME, Saturday & Sunday, rain or shine. Join the celebration, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7, at the Old Apple Tree Park, 112 S.E. As a bonus, the Urban Forestry Commission gives away state- grown apples, 14, within the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. It was popular in Europe for cooking as it keeps its shape very well when cooked, having a good sweet/sharp balance and a rich flavour, though it is also a very good eating apple. Prune your apple tree in the late winter or early spring. The old stone barns will make the perfect celebration spaces for this event. The house-visiting wassail is the practice of people going door-to-door, singing and offering a drink from the wassail bowl in exchange for gifts; this practice still exists, but has largely been displaced by caroling. Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree is 190 years old, and you are invited to come celebrate at the annual Old Apple Tree Festival from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, October 1, 2016. The annual Old Apple Tree Festival is a celebration centered on the oldest living apple tree in the Northwest, planted at Fort Vancouver in 1826. Allison Lester, Health & Life Insurance Agent, "Outsmart  Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work" by Tanya Harter Pierce, Independent Associate of Tranont: Offers Exclusive Health Products & Wealth and Education Services, Specializing in Balancing Blood Chemistry, State of the Art Breathing and Oxygen for Holistic Natural Healing and Well-Being, CBD Hemp Store: Oregon's Largest Family-Owned CBD Retailer, "Done with the Crying: Help and Healing for Mothers Estranged Adult Children". The event takes places at the Old Apple Tree Park, 112 S.E. ORLEANS REINETTE A very old apple first described in 1776 by the Dutch pomologist, Knoop, and in England before 1826. Hidden River Coffee Roasters: A Triple Shot of Paradise for Coffee... Ravenna Riders 4-H Club in Clark County Makes the Best of... Clark, Cowlitz Counties Continue To Prioritize Phase 1a Population for COVID-19 Vaccination, Inslee Announces State Plan for Widespread Washington COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration. Other partners include Clark Public Utilities, Collier Arbor Care, and the National Park Service. In the autumn fallen apples are a feast for mammals and birds, as well as late flying butterflies and other invertebrates. There are different tales about the tree’s origin. You need another apple tree nearby, flowering at the same time for pollination. Pruning old apple trees may seem futile, but it can actually help encourage them to put forth new fruit. Old, abandoned or semi-abandoned apple trees occur throughout Michigan. Come celebrate at the annual Old Apple Tree Festival, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Old Apple Tree Park, 112 S.E. The Old Apple Tree Festival is adding a hard cider tent this year at the celebration of this 191-year-old apple tree! Vancouver WA is known for its history including the Old Apple Tree Park, home of the Oldest Apple Tree in the Northwest and maybe even the entire Pacific West Coast. The event is from 11 a.m. to 4 […] During the festival, the City of Vancouver’s Urban Forestry Commission will be giving away a limited number of tree cuttings from the Old Apple Tree. Fort Vancouver Antique Equipment Association will be on hand with rope making and corn grinding activities. Tired of cooking? Strongly rooted in our community, Vancouver’s legendary Old Apple Tree turns 192 this year. Lots of fungi too. Many of them, however, if properly managed, could produce good fruit for use by homeowners for fresh eating or for processing into applesauce, apple jelly, apple … Throughout the day Ur Reviews for Vancouver Old Apple Tree Festival Reveler Reviews (0) Festivals Near Vancouver, WA. During the festival, the City of Vancouver's Urban Forestry Commission will be giving away a limited number of tree cuttings from the Old Apple Tree. It was 194 years old. Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, believed to be the oldest apple tree in the Pacific Northwest, has passed into history. The popular free apple pressing also returns to the event, and the public is encouraged to bring clean apples and containers to participate. The APPLETREE Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K will celebrate all this history, capture the beauty of the Northwest and create a theme of all things ‘APPLE’. Columbia Way, directly east of the Interstate 5 Bridge within the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. And bees to help cross-pollinate. Tickets to our legendary Apple harvest festival are on sale until mid October. Its death was announced Saturday. Thankfully there more restaurants offering to go, delivery or take out now than ever. Strongly rooted in our community, Vancouver’s legendary Old Apple Tree turns 192 this year. Trees, apples, and cider! (Most apple trees will give you five apples in one tight bunch.) Live music, food, fun for children, cuttings from the Old Apple Tree, and more await the community at the free annual Old Apple Tree Festival. Columbia Way in Vancouver, from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.  Visit Old, overgrown apples and pear trees can still be attractive and productive features in the garden if brought under control with pruning. The annual Old Apple Festival is held on the first Saturday of October. Celebrate at the annual Old Apple Tree Festival, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, at the Old Apple Tree Park, 112 S.E. Other ancient wassailing traditions are also practiced each year in London, where the Bankside Mummers and the Holly Man will ‘bring in the green’ and waes hael the people and the River Thames. The old apple tree in the orchard Lives in my memory 'Cause it reminds me of my Pappy He was handsome, young and happy When he planted the old apple tree Say "Goodbye", say "Goodbye" Say "Goodbye" to the old apple tree If my Pappy had a knowed it He'd be sorry that he growed it 'Cause he died on the old apple tree Then one day Pappy took Widder Norton Out on a jamboree And when he … Apples are grafted on to the rootstocks, M27, M26, MM106 and MM111. Also on tap at the family-friendly free […] Providing family fun, food and history of Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, the festival celebrates our community’s legacy. Tickets include all fo Planted in 1826 at Fort Vancouver, Vancouver's venerable Old Apple Tree is the oldest apple tree in the Northwest and considered the matriarch of Washington State's apple industry. To care for your mature apple tree, you’ll need to prune it and fertilize the soil. More details of these are available on the 'apple background' page. Strongly rooted in our community, Vancouver’s legendary Old Apple Tree turns 192 this year. By Jessica Antoine The oldest living apple tree in the Pacific Northwest is 184 years young and ready to celebrate another year. The popular free apple pressing also returns to the event, and the public is encouraged to bring clean apples and containers to participate. The annual Old Apple Tree Festival will take place this year on Saturday, October 6, 2012 between 11 am and 4 pm at Old Apple Tree Park (114 Columbia Way) by the Fort Vancouver Historic Site. Vancouver WA is known for its history including the Old Apple Tree Park, home of the Oldest Apple Tree in the Northwest and maybe even the entire Pacific West Coast. Throughout the day Urban Forestry Commissioners give away cuttings from the Old Apple Tree; cuttings are limited and will be given out until they are gone. The APPLETREE Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K will celebrate all this history, capture the beauty of the Northwest and create a theme of all things ‘APPLE’. Columbia Way, directly east of the I-5 Bridge and south of Hwy. Otherwise, your lack of fruit was due to lack of pollination. The free event offers tree pruning workshops, children's activities and cider pressing. The celebration begins at 11AM at the Old Apple Tree … The house-visiting wassail is the practice of people going door-to-door, singing and offering a drink from the wassail bowl in exchange for gifts; this practice still exists, but has largely been displaced by caroling. The family-friendly, free event offers live music, tree care workshops, Vancouver Land Bridge tours, kids’ hands-on arts and crafts, and food for purchase. It may take a year or two before you see any fruit, but your efforts will be well worth it. The festival focuses on environmental education and historic preservation with Heritage Tree walks, Historic Clark County tours, Birds of Prey show, scavenger hunts along the waterfront trail, kids' activities, and much more. Highlights from the 2012 Old Apple Tree held in Vancouver, WA. Bring your own clean apples and containers to participate in the free apple pressing, a popular feature of the community festival. We’re throwing a festival for 100 people in an incredible permaculture farm venue in South Wales, called Three Pools. Old Tree Cooperative proudly present (potentially) the greatest APPLE PRESS-tival in the world! The Old Apple Tree Festival pays tribute to what is considered the matriarch of the state’s prized crop. As a result of last year’s success, the 2nd Annual Scarecrow Contest returns to the annual Old Apple Tree Festival this year. , food and history of Vancouver ’ s Old Apple Tree turns 192 this year any broken, dead or... 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