This team is organized by Sempai volunteers which consists of Japanese and International Waseda students. The Japanese place a high value on education and academic achievement. Like anywhere in the world, all families in Japan are different. With more than 55 countries around the world currently participating in JET, this program offers a unique cultural exchange opportunity to meet people from all … Learn about student exchange high school programs abroad! Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers scholarship for qualified international students who are accepted by a Japanese university under a student exchange agreement on a short-term basis from 8 days to one year between Japanese school and their home institution outside Japan. AFS has launched a new suite of programs for universities, businesses and organizations across industries to ‘Global Up’ and develop essential skills, like collaboration, problem-solving, and cross-cultural communication, needed for personal, academic and professional development. Many of our exchange students make friends and learn about Japanese culture by joining a club, such as calligraphy or kendo (a modern Japanese martial art). The Keio Short-Term Japanese Studies Program (KJSP) is a two-week intensive program for international students (undergraduate or graduate-level students) and Keio students to learn about Japan through collaboration. Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Student Exchange Support Program . - Systematic support programs from the government - Highly competitive educational system - Promising future and worldclass technology - 'Korean wave (Hallyu)' showcases Korean rich cultures across the globe - High life satisfaction reported by international students - Employment and career development and support for international students ①The student has Japanese citizenship or permanent residency status in Japan. Furthermore, Japan is going to send 6,000 Japanese students to the United States in fiscal year 2014 through student exchange support programs, including public-private partnerships such as the TOBITATE! (Students selected as study abroad candidates by the university through internal screening are considered as meeting this requirement.) “Life-changing” is hard to describe, yet it’s nearly always the first thing that AFSers say when asked about their experience abroad. Young Ambassador Program, further contributing to … Activities throughout the year include Bunkasai (school festival), Tai’ikusai (sports day), chorus competition, and excursions. Perfecting your foreign language skills during your studies is a major asset to your future studies and career. Founded in 1982, our certified 501c3 non-profit organization has provided quality exchange programs for over 30,000 exchange students. JICE has placed more than 5,000 international students in partnerships with JICA, Japanese and foreign government ministries, universities, and private organizations. Based on differences in culture, strict regulation of medications, and other local customs, it has been our experience that AFS staff in Japan have not been able to support students with severe allergies, strict dietary restrictions, ADD/ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, and those currently taking or who have taken psychotropic medications and/or received counseling for mental/psychological issues within the past year. A minimum age of 18 years (you must be 18 years old at the time of your application) A high school diploma or similar certificate; Sufficient language proficiency to understand lectures given in English (taking a TOEFL language proficiency test is not necessary unless separately requested) Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers scholarship for qualified international students who are accepted by a Japanese university under a student exchange agreement on a short-term basis from 8 days to one year between Japanese school and their home institution outside Japan. Modesty, politeness, and social harmony are important parts of Japanese culture. AFSers gain critical skills for college and careers. STUDENT GROUP EXCHANGE: JAPAN Nine students from the Greater Victoria School District participated in a Tokyo study abroad program this past December. Floor 4 Japan is an ideal place to explore a new culture in high school. Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan [as of Jan 2018] JASSO offers scholarship for qualified international students who are accepted by a Japanese university under a student exchange agreement on a short-term basis between Japanese and their home higher university Student Exchange Support Program Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan [as of January 2017] This scholarship is available for qualified international students who are accepted by Japanese universities under student exchange agreements on a short-term basis. Tradition and family values tend to be very important to the Japanese, as is respect for elders. Going abroad as a foreign exchange student will give you a big leg up, whatever your future goals. Since 1995 MyEducation has sent young people into the world on student exchange programs to experience new cultures, lifestyles and languages. Please email, No, participants cannot have graduated high school prior to program start, International secondary medical travel coverage. Host families’ lives are transformed by new members from across the globe and host communities gain greater cultural diversity. The University of Fukui will inform applicable students participating in programs granted by JASSO. Every new exchange student is another global citizen in progress—an individual primed to help build a more just and peaceful world. You’ll have gained maturity and independence, discovered new passions, and developed the confidence and resilience to accomplish anything you set out to do. Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers scholarship for qualified international students who are accepted by a Japanese university, graduate school, junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper) or professional training college (hereinafter referred to as “Japanese school”) under a Student Exchange agreement or other student exchange arrangement on a short-term basis from 8 days to one year between Japanese … Our guide to Japanese universities, application process, popular destinations, student finance and costs of living contains all information you need to know before making a decision to study and work in Japan. For details, please see the following JASSO website: Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan), [ Bunkyo Campus ] 3-9-1 Bunkyo, Fukui-shi, Fukui 910-8507, Japan The top of the page. With cleanliness as a priority, be ready to help your host family with daily chores. 3. In fact, high school is not mandatory in Japan. Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) JASSO offers scholarship for qualified international students who are accepted by a Japanese university, graduate school, junior college, college of technology(3rd grade or upper)or professional training college(hereinafter referred to as “Japanese school”)under a student exchange agreement or other student exchange arrangement on a short-term basis from 8 days to one year between Japanese … Because the country’s major cities are some of the most populated in the world, living space can be tight there. The study abroad opportunity provided students with an authentic intercultural experience that allowed students to engage with Japanese culture in a deep and meaningful way. For example, wabi-sabi, a subtle element of Japanese culture and aesthetics, roughly translates to an acceptance of life’s imperfections and impermanence. School in Japan runs from April to March. This monthly stipend of 80,000 yen is dependent on availability. You will likely wear a uniform and commute by bike, bus, or train. KOMSTEP and USTEP Type-U (Komaba Student Exchage Program/University-wide Student Exchange Program Type-U) are both study abroad exchange programs. JESS was founded by New York, NY 10005. Itching to travel, but still in high school? Address: JASSO selects The difference between the two projects is that the purpose of the Inter-University Exchange Project is to promote academic exchanges with … Our role is to provide careful support and counselling at each stage of study abroad; pre-departure, while in Japan, and after return; so that the students have a fulfilling and rewarding experience in Japan. We bring more students to the US each year than any other high school exchange program. In most Japanese families, traditional food is important, and meals are communal. In order to relieve some concerns about Waseda life, W-mentor created FAQ for exchange students! But the Japanese are not quite the perfectionists they’re made out to be. Discover kawaii and other Japanese fashion trends. (C)UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI.All rights reserved. concerning student exchange. International Student Exchange is proud to serve as a sponsor of J-1 secondary school exchange for international students as well as a provider of cultural exchange programs for American high school students interested in living and studying abroad. Use our reviews, articles, comparison tool, and program matching services to find the best program. And the impact doesn’t stop with the students. International Student Exchange (ISE) is a proud sponsor of the J-1 Secondary School Visa. Instead, it’s seen as a voluntary commitment made by students. AFS programs foster transformation that lasts a lifetime. on the basis of agreements etc. And, full immersion is the tried and true method of gaining fluency in Japanese. Schools have classes Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to around 3:30 pm, and some have classes on Saturday morning, too. 70+ years of experience delivering high-quality programs through a worldwide network of 50,000 dedicated volunteers, Round-trip international airfare for the designated program dates. Click for smartphone site. Since 1979, our organization has connected more than 100,000 international students with caring host families across America. Access to an in-country support team and network, as well as our Participant Support Department based here in the U.S. Orientations and intercultural education before and during your program, Inclusion in a worldwide returnee and alumni network of over 1,000,000 people, Domestic travel to your international departure city. This challenging high school study abroad environment provides excellent language-learning opportunities, since all high school classes, including English, are taught in Japanese. Fees imposed by the airlines outside of your international ticket, such as luggage fees. AFSers have lived in communities all throughout Japan, but you’re most likely to have a host family that lives in a small town or rural area. All ISEP students receive support from our ISEP Global Office team and coordinators at host institutions. Since 1982, we have remained dedicated to encouraging positive relations between people from different cultures through high school exchange programs. Optional school trips will give you the chance to visit popular tourist sites in Japan or sometimes even overseas. Going abroad as a foreign exchange student will give you a big leg up, whatever your future goals. Listen to J-Pop (Japanese Pop music). ・Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for short-term Study in Japan) These scholarships are awarded for international students enrolled at institutions of higher education in other countries that have cooperative agreements for student exchange with Japanese universities or other organizations, and who are participating in study programs that are more than 8 days and less than 1 year in duration. W-Mentor team supports Waseda University life for exchange students. Program / Summer Internship Opportunity / Events Around LA USC Japanese Exchange Student Support (JESS) USC JESS (Japan Exchange Student Support) has been awarded the Best Cultural Organization of 20152016 during the USC student organization award ceremony, The Tommy's. In fact, high school is not mandatory in Japan. It’s not just an adventure abroad; it’s a whole new reality. We invite you to learn more about where your dollars go, our payment and refund policy, and answers to our Frequently Asked Questions. Instead, it’s seen as a voluntary commitment made by students. Second language fluency, intercultural competence, creativity, and critical reasoning will help you succeed, whatever path you take. By attending a local Japanese high school and living with an AFS host family, you’ll experience all aspects of Japanese life. [ Tsuruga Campus ] 1-3-33 Kanawa-cho, Tsuruga-shi, Fukui 914-0055, Japan. As a teenager in Japan, most of your social life will happen at school. Teachers command great respect in Japan. Japan also has unique pop culture. ... Our Tokyo summer programs offer students an immersion experience in Japan with intense language learning and cultural explorations. The site of Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) . The perspectives and personal connections you gained will stay with you and likely draw you back to the second home you found in Japan. Get ready to enjoy some delicious green tea, rice, and noodles! ② The student is permitted entry by the host university etc. EF High School Exchange Year has been promoting global awareness through student exchange for over 40 years. And, of course, explore the birthplace of manga and anime. Looking for ways to get to the top of that pile of admission essays at your dream university? [ Matsuoka Campus ] 23-3 Matsuoka Shimoaizuki, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui 910-1193, Japan We’ll help you all along the way from finding the perfect program, completing your application, preparing you for departure and welcoming you to your new campus. If this applies to you, please get in touch with an AFS Study Abroad Specialist early on to determine if Japan will be the best experience for you. With its intricate mix of tradition and modernity, Japan appeals to history buffs and futurists alike. Student health, safety and well-being are … You’ll attend 4 hours of Japanese classes each day, and then engage in a unique cultural exchange by living with a local host family. Prioritizing community and saving face are mainstays of Japanese culture. 120 Wall Street Search over 60 English-taught undergraduate programmes and scholarships to study abroad in Japan. Japanese homes tend to be well kept. Many of our exchange students make friends and learn about Japanese culture by joining a club, such as calligraphy or kendo (a modern Japanese martial art). The Japanese place a high value on education and academic achievement. After the school day ends, you’ll participate in a custom called souji, when everyone gets together for 30 minutes to help clean the school and grounds. Explore your options through student exchange programs for high school students.Escape the When you enter your host family’s house, you can expect to take off your shoes and change into slippers. This visa program was introduced after the world wars to prevent such conflicts from arising in the future. That’s THE AFS EFFECT. (Food is generally cooked with meat, so vegetarianism isn’t very common.). Being on-time is also an important part of Japanese manners. When you return home, if you’re like most AFSers, you’ll bring with you a sense of accomplishment unlike any other. *Note: 2022 programs will be open for applications in Winter 2021. Scholarship by Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT), Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students, Private Scholarship Foundations and Organizations, Support Grant for International Students at the University of Fukui, UF Scholarship for Students who are facing reduced income from part-time jobs affected by COVID-19. In fact, our alumni reviews have made AFS one of the top-rated organizations in the study abroad industry. That transformation isn’t only visible to you, though – others see it as well. The Value Program is flexible to students with lower English skills and medical conditions, and students that for some reason cannot apply to the J-1 Cultural Exchange Program could still be very successful on the F-1 Academic Value Program. - Korean Government Support Program for Foreign Exchange Students - Support Program for Self-financed Students - GKS Invitation Program for Students from Partner Countries - GKS for ASEAN countries' Science and Engineering Students - GKS Summer Program for African and Latin American Students - (For Korean)Government Scholarship for Overseas Study Nuclear families are common, but you might also find homes with three generations living together. Additional fees may apply depending on the specific host country. What makes JET unique is that it is the only teaching exchange program managed by the government of Japan. Junior Division Japanese Courses (1 st and 2 nd year students) This is a regular program for matriculated students in which students take their major courses mainly in Japanese. Perfecting your foreign language skills during your studies is a major asset to your future studies and career. “Transformed” is another one. Get to know the people, customs, and language of Japan through this intensive one-month summer program. By living with a host family and attending a high school abroad in Japan, you’ll be fully immersed in Japanese language and culture, developing fluency. ... (Reports on study in Japan by the recipients of Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students) Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) “Life-changing” means it’s only the beginning. Study in Japan Unit, Information Services Division, Student Exchange Department Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Address 2-1Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630 Japan TEL +81-3-5520-6111 FAX +81-3-5520-6121 This way, in time, you’ll become a cultural insider. A student exchange program is the best way to become proficient at speaking a language. JASSO Exchange Student Support Program is a government-sponsored scholarship awarded to students with exceptional academic achievements. A student exchange program is the best way to become proficient at speaking a language. Today’s exchange students are tomorrow’s changemakers: diplomats; thought leaders; influencers in the international business and non-profit communities. Path you take all aspects of Japanese life, in time, you can expect to off... By attending a local Japanese high school exchange program Type-U ) are both study abroad programs! Take off your shoes and change into slippers you will likely wear uniform. 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