Dec 19, 2013 - I've liked Mirialans ever since I first saw Barriss Offee and Luminara Unduli. Star Wars Pathfinder Wiki; Xim's Empire (25,130 BBY - 25,096 BBY) … [2] Despite this tradition, the Jedi Master Cyslin Myr chose the human Mace Windu as her Padawan. Mirialans are very flexible and agile, making them fast and formidable foes. 616 . Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 100 XP Special Abilities: Discipline +1 & Cool +1 They have tattoos on their face and hands which signify they've reach a certain level in a skill or achieved something great. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mirialans were a near-human species distinguishable by their yellow-green or pink colored skin and geometric facial tattoos. The Mirialan are an alien species featured only in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II.. Sep 16, 2014 - Explore Ahsoka Tano's board "Mirialan", followed by 135 people on Pinterest. However, some individuals chose to fight the darkness that stood in the way of spiritual enlightenment." They are devoted and skillful people who have long practiced a religion centering on an understanding of The Force through individual actions shaping destinies. Mirialans also tend to be determined individuals, rarely backing down from their decisions once they have made them. a guest . Register Start a Wiki. The Mirialans were a race of near-humans native to the Outer Rim planet Mirial. Le fameux studio Bioware à qui l'ont doit la création de Baldur's gate ou encore Mass Effect s'attaque ici à La saga spatiale des sagas spatiales : la Guerre des Etoiles ! Most had traditional black geometric tattoos on their faces which symbolized personal achievements. [20], Mirialan Species Biology, Society, and History. SWTOR : la Guerre des Étoiles en MMORPG . Female Mirialans can seen in the campaign as random civilians, as well as Rebel soldiers. Discover (and save!) [17] Another Mirialan, Synara San, once worked for the Warbird gang on the planet of Castilon,[4] but eventually joined Team Colossus after opposing a mutiny staged by the pirate gang. Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia is a FANDOM Books Community. [10] As a near-human species, they were capable of reproducing with humans and having human-Mirialan hybrid offspring. Mirialans always had a presence within the ranks of the Jedi Order. Explore. Skin color Others, however, decided to fight against the darkness that stood in their way of spiritual enlightenment. The Mirialan people were very religious, and adhered to a primitive understanding of the Force as their underlying beliefs. [8] Some appreciative of their species' culture considered the tattoos as merely status symbols. Because of her mixed heritage, the half-Mirialan Maize Raynshi considered either not getting the tattoos or only getting them on one half of her face. Black[5]Brown[3] Upon death the markings are used to determine their contributions to their species as a whole. May 28, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by John Miller. your own Pins on Pinterest Mirial has repeatedly left The Republic throughout history, notably jointing The Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War and The Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Biological classification The Mirialan homeworld—simply known as Mirial—is a cold, dry planet near the Hydian Way trade route. Mirialan Scoundrel Jedi Concept These are characters for a Star Wars story I created. Designation … Mirialan Rebel 01 is a unlockable appearance for the Rebel Alliance's Specialist class in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. Mirialans are a species of near-Humans native to the planet Mirial. Cette planète fut le berceau du peuple de Proche-Humain, les Mirialans qui ont notamment comme membres célèbres, les … [19] Written with access to the Attack of the Clones script, Cloak of Deception was the first appearance of many concepts developed for the film. While some Mirialans have been known to acquire other tattoos, it is widely accepted that these have nothing to do with their culture, and are purely for aesthetic appeal. [Source]. Desert or wastelands[7] Though the typical Mirialan had skin of green or pink color, some had purple skin. Sociocultural characteristics Though Mirial first joined the Republic several centuries ago, its’ lack of resources has allowed some measure of isolation even while giving the Mirialan the freedom to explore the larger galaxy. Star Wars Pathfinder Wiki. Green[1]Olive[3]Purple[4]Yellow[1] 1 Base species 2 Cartel Market species 3 Playable class by species 4 References The Cathar, Togruta and Nautolan species are only available by unlocking the species in the Cartel Market … Blue[1]Brown[3]Purple[6] Mirialans were a sentient species. Many Mirialan have enlisted in the ranks of the Republic military or joined the Jedi Order, while others have simply spread out to wander and experience the never … Jul 7, 2020 - Explore starkatcosplay's board "Star Wars OC Reference" on Pinterest. Mirialan hair colors included black and brown and their eyes could be brown, blue or purple. [6] Mirialans were also incredibly flexible and agile, traits which aided them in activities such as lightsaber combat. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Mirialan have green-shaded skin, with various geometric black tattoos, denoting different actions and achievements in thir life. May 30, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Jonathan Adonaï. Their eyes are usually blue or green, with orange more rarely; and their hair is typically black or brown. I've had this character floating around for a while in sketch f... Mirialan Scout . Mirialan | Star Wars Pathfinder Wiki | Fandom. See more ideas about star wars, war, star wars rpg. [14] The Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan Barriss Offee were members of the Mirialan species. [16] It was a tradition among the Mirialan people that if any were to join the Jedi Order, they were compelled to take fellow Mirialans as their own Padawans, as in the case of Unduli and Offee. Following the Sith Empire's return and invasion of the Galactic Republic, sparking the Great Galactic War, the Mirialans promoted their planet as a safe haven for refugees from the Outer Rim. Il se situait dans le Système Mirial, au sein du Secteur Illisurevimurasi, dans la Bordure Extérieure. Their appearance varies from yellow-green skin to paler skin very similar to many Humans. They had skin tones ranging from green and yellow to pink or purple. your own Pins on Pinterest Star Wars The Old Republic. Voyages en vitesse supra-luminique, combats aux sabres lasers tout est présent et le décors planté pour vivre une vrai aventure … Adventurers: Mirialans adventure for the same reasons as most humanoid races, though they do so with a tenacity not found in most Species. There are twelve playable species in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cathar, Chiss, Cyborg, Human, Miraluka, Mirialan, Nautolan1, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Togruta, Twi'lek, Zabrak. Mirialans are often Scouts or Scoundrels, though some do become Soldiers. Jan 13, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Ken R.. Never . Sign Up, it ... Mirialan Nautolan Togruta Zabrak Disciples of Harmony Arkanian 65 Pau'an Cosian Keeping the Peace Iktotchi Whiphid Unlimited Power Thisspiasian 70 Tholothian Vurk Savage Spirits Anx Quermian Endless Vigil Muun 75 Pantoran Knights of Fate Dowutin Mikkian … chriscdoa 10 chriscdoa 10 Member; Members; 10 57 posts; Posted February 10, 2015. This name generator will generate 10 random names fit for the Mirialan species in the Star Wars The Old Republic universe. Synara San "The Triple Dark" "Signal from Sector Six" "Synara's Score" Shorts Collection "Treasure Chest" "Bibo" "The Doza Dilemma" "The First Order Occupation" The Mirialan are a species of green to yellowish humanoids. Eye color Atterrissage d'un avenger warlock sur le pad du hangar en altitude. 2020 - Star Citizen gameplay du nouveau 890Jump dans la PTU 3.6.2. A free online role-playing simulation game based on the Star Wars universe. [1] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the species first appeared in the 2001 novel Cloak of Deception by James Luceno. FFG Star Wars RPG Species. Hair color Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG ; List of official Species Sign in to follow this . 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Discover (and save!) Mirial[2] 42 Pages. Near-human[2] They had skin tones ranging from green and yellow to pink or purple. Recently Changed Pages. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Mirialan Scout. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Eventually, Raynshi chose a tattoo design with the meaning of "friendship. See more ideas about star wars, star wars rpg, star wars characters. Dec 19, 2013 - I've liked Mirialans ever since I first saw Barriss Offee and Luminara Unduli. They average the same heights as Humans, though they tend to be slightly lighter and they have lifespans comparable to Humans. Facial tattoos[1] Mirialan Jedi are often renowned for their skill and their dangerous agility in combat. Physical Description: Mirialans appear very similar to stock Humans save that their skin color ranges from yellow-green to more human coloration and can at times show as a pale blue-green. I've had this character floating around for a while in sketch f... Mirialan Scout. This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, and it's since blossomed into full fantasticness with three core rulebooks, four beginner's boxes, and over a dozen adventures and sourcebooks. [2] After the fall of the Jedi, many Mirialans followed an isolated lifestyle in the Outer Rim Territories. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars RPG. They are easily spotted by their traditional geometric pattern tattoos which … Mirialans are a Species of Near-Humans native to the planet Mirial. Mirialans included several members of the Jedi Order, including Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Cyslin Myr, the traitorous Padawan Barriss Offee, and the Seventh Sister, a fallen Jedi who hunted Great Jedi Purge survivors as a member of the Galactic Empire's Inquisitorius. Most had traditional black geometric tattoos on their faces which symbolized personal achievements. IS there a list of what PC species … Example Names: Bariss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Arwen Cohl, Hylo Visz, Fortris Gall, Teela Kaarz. Mirialan Species data created by giantitp forum users Strormer and BigJim78. [12], The Mirialan homeworld was the cold and dry[13] planet[9] of Mirial. [11] They had a natural belief in[8] and practiced a primitive understanding of the Force. Languages: Mirialans practice their own intricate language of Mirialan. Habitat Wiki Content. I based these two characters overall design from the idea of the original trilogy based on sci-fi/western. Mirialans were a near-human species native to the planet Mirial. Feb 14, 2020 - Mirialans were a near-human species native to the planet Mirial. In multiplayer, a female Mirialan is available as an Appearance for the Rebel and Resistance Specialists.In the Star Wars universe, two notable Mirialans were Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her padawan … [1] Another Mirialan who was once part of the Jedi Order[15] was the Seventh Sister, one of Darth Vader's Inquisitors. This surge of victims of war led a large number of Mirialans to enlist in the Republic Military, and others to utilise their abilities in the Force with the Jedi.At some point before the Invasion of Naboo, Mirial fought in a war against a nearby planet. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Nov 19th, 2018. [9] Their natural habitat was desert or wastelands. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Though Mirial first joined the Republic several centuries ago, its lack of resources has allowed some measure of isolation even while giving the Mirialan the freedom to explore the larger galaxy. Mirialan Designation Sentient Classification Near-Human Homeworld Mirial Language Mirialan Height of average adult 1.8 meters Skin color Yellow-green Hair color Black, brown Eye color Blue, green, red, yellow anda rare few have orange Distinctions Tattooed facesand hands Flexible and agile Mirialans were a species of near-Humans native to the planet Mirial. Their appearance … [3] Mirialan hair colors included black[5] and brown, and their eyes could be brown,[3] blue[1] or purple. See more ideas about star wars characters, star wars art, star wars rpg. 13 juil. Exposure to other cultures has led to greater diversity among the Mirialan, and … With the fall of the Jedi, the Mirialan people chose a life of isolation in the Outer Rim. 1 Society and Culture 2 Stats & Skills 2.1 Special Abilities 2.2 Story Factors The Mirialan people are religious and practice a primitive understanding of … also I took the idea from Kurosawa where in his movies he based his characters on animals, so I wanted the Mirialan Scoundrel to be feline like, while the jedi in my story will be like a mangy … [18], Mirialans first appeared in the 2002 canon Star Wars movie Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. [11], Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee during the Clone Wars, In the time of the Galactic Republic the Mirialan Jedi Master Jor Aerith was a member of the Jedi High Council and trained Padawan Gretz Droom, who also became a Jedi Council member. Mirialans were a near-human species distinguishable by their yellow-green[8] or pink[9] colored skin and geometric facial tattoos. Apr 15, 2019 - star wars alien race. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Typically, these tattoos were done after a Mirialan completed a special task or achievement,[9] and expressed the achievements or expertise unique to each Mirialan. More traditional Mirialan families felt strongly about the custom. Personality: Mirialans are a focused race, spending their time perfecting whatever path they choose to pursue. By chriscdoa, February 10, 2015 in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG. Wikis. "[9], The Mirialans were known for their spirituality and strong connection with the world around them. The Mirialan homeworld - simply known as Mirial - is a cold, dry planet near the Hydian Way trade route. Exposure to other cultures has led to greater diversity among the Mirialan, and … Mirialan Species data created by giantitp forum users Strormer and BigJim78.Mirialans are a Species of Near-Humans native to the planet Mirial. Sentient[1] Classification As a near-human species, they were capable of reproducing with humans and having human-Mirialan hybridoffsp… Distinctions Mirialans have long practiced a primitive Force-based religion, and some have taken the mantle of Jedi. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. They are easily spotted by their traditional geometric pattern tattoos which indicate when a Mirialan has completed a specific task or achieved a goal. News Members Rules Forum ... As such, this is often used by other sentients in order to gauge a given Mirialan's maturity or skill. Homeworld Reply to this topic ; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. — In-game description. Mirial était un monde froid et humide. Set 300 years after the events in Knights of the Old Republic (and featuring some familiar faces), Star Wars: The Old Republic will put players on either side … Physical characteristics Original 3D model of Mirialan Girl from Star Wars Includes meshes in several formats including FBX, OBJ and DAE Includes PBR textures with Normal and Specular maps Brought to you by Rip Van Winkle, enjoy and check out my other items List of official Species. The notorious pirate Arwen Cohl helped le… [11] Because of this, members of the species on Mirial were taught to respect and listen to the Force. They believed that each individual's actions contributed to their destiny, and an individual placed a unique tattoo on their face and hands to signify the completion of certain … Though typical Mirialans had green or pink-colored skin, some had purple skin. They are devoted and skillful people who have long practiced a religion centering on an understanding of The Force through individual actions shaping destinies. Games Movies TV Video. Followers 0. Come talk about space milk and vibrofish with us! [7], Though most members of the species got the traditional facial tattoos, not all did. Age Groups: Mirialans age at the following stages: Homeworld: The planet of Mirial, a frigid desert world in The Outer Rim. Mirialan Add new page. Following the Sith Empire's return and invasion of the Galactic Republic, sparking the Great Galactic War, the Mirialans promoted their planet as a safe haven for refugees from the Outer Rim. ; members ; 10 57 Posts ; Posted February 10, 2015 in their of. Species first appeared in the 2001 novel Cloak of Deception by mirialan star wars rpg Luceno Scoundrels, they... Followed an isolated lifestyle in the Star Wars: Edge of the Force Mirialans... 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