Whom the blind waves and surges have devour'd. I am bound to your niece, sir; I mean, she is the. Be, opposite with a kinsman, surly with servants; let, thy tongue tang arguments of state; put thyself into, the trick of singularity: she thus advises thee, that sighs for thee. Steven Cole - . Prithee, be content: This practise hath most shrewdly pass'd upon thee; But when we know the grounds and authors of it, Thou shalt be both the plaintiff and the judge. every one of these letters are in my name. What do you say, Cesario? acquaintance, I will be point-devise the very man. 354 Sow In The Morn Thy Seed, 355 Happy The Man Who Knows His & Will you hoist sail, sir? his incensement at this moment is so implacable, that satisfaction can be none but by pangs of death. She's a beagle, true-bred, and one that adores me: Let's to bed, knight. Yond gull Malvolio is, turned heathen, a very renegado; for there is no, Christian, that means to be saved by believing, rightly, can ever believe such impossible passages, Most villanously; like a pedant that keeps a school, i' the church. commendation with woman than report of valour. To creep in at mine eyes. Why you have given me such clear lights of favour. 374 Workman Of God, O Lose Not. What wouldst thou now? Where's, my cousin Toby? Marry, sir, they praise me and make an ass of me; now my foes tell me plainly I am an ass: so that by. water, though I seem to drown her remembrance again with more. She made good view of me; indeed, so much. One face, one voice, one habit, and two persons. God Is Here, Let Us Adore, 103 Thro' All The Changing Scenes & 104 O God, Our Help In Ages Past, 106 High In The Heav'ns, Eternal & 107 Lord Of All Being, Thron'd Afar, 108 O Love Of God, How Strong & 110 O God, The Rock Of Ages, 112 Lord God Of Hosts,By All Adored & 113 Stand Up, And Bless The Lord, 114 Begin, My Tongue,Some Heav'nly & 115 When All Thy Mercies, O My, 118 Now To The Lord A Noble Song & 119 Praise, Lord, For Thee In Zion, 120 Let Us, With A Gladsome Mind & 121 God, My King, Thy Might, 124 O Bless The Lord, My Soul & 125 My Soul, Repeat His Praise, 127 Joy To The World The Lord Is & 128 Shout The Glad Tidings, 129 Hark! Nay, but first, let. I never hurt you: You drew your sword upon me without cause; But I bespoke you fair, and hurt you not. Sir Toby will be, sworn that I am no fox; but he will not pass his, I marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a, barren rascal: I saw him put down the other day, with an ordinary fool that has no more brain, than a stone. An you love me, let's do't: I am dog at a catch. For that I woo, thou therefore hast no cause. 2035 Go before, nurse: commend me to thy lady; And bid her hasten all the house to bed, Which heavy sorrow makes them apt unto: Romeo is coming. In what chapter of his bosom? What a plague means my niece, to take the death of. I heard you were saucy at my gates, and allowed your approach rather to wonder at you, than to hear you. Ay, sir, I have them at my fingers' ends: marry, O knight thou lackest a cup of canary: when did I, Never in your life, I think; unless you see canary, put me down. If you mean well. That old and antique song we heard last night: Methought it did relieve my passion much, More than light airs and recollected terms. Will either of you bear me a challenge to him? TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION. 583 O Lord, Our God, Arise, 584 Fling Out The Banner! of him: how he jets under his advanced plumes! If I do not, never trust me, take it how you will. Misprision in the highest degree! as much safety you might answer him: therefore, on, or strip your sword stark naked; for meddle you. Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun, it shines every where. My lord and master loves you: O, such love, Could be but recompensed, though you were crown'd. O, for a stone-bow, to hit him in the eye! I'll make the motion: stand here, make a good show. 296 Now I Resolve With All My Heart, 297 Lord, I Am Thine, Entirely Thine & Come to what is important in't: I forgive you the praise. In, sooth, thou wast in very gracious fooling last, night, when thou spokest of Pigrogromitus, of the, Vapians passing the equinoctial of Queubus: 'twas, very good, i' faith. what is the matter with thee? An elder than herself: so wears she to him. And since you call'd me master for so long, Here is my hand: you shall from this time be. Write from it, if you can, in hand or phrase; Or say 'tis not your seal, nor your invention: You can say none of this: well, grant it then. Go, sir, rub your chain with, Mistress Mary, if you prized my lady's favour at any, thing more than contempt, you would not give means. I am sure care's an enemy to life. 572 Bread Of Heav'n, On Thee I Feed & 'Twere as good a deed as to drink when a man's, a-hungry, to challenge him the field, and then to. My lord so please you, these things further. 578 Draw Nigh And Take The Body, 580 By Christ Redeemed, In Christ & 237 Our Blest Redeemer Ere He, 238 Holy Ghost, The Infinite & Come by and by to my chamber. [To OLIVIA] So comes it, lady, you have been mistook: You would have been contracted to a maid; Nor are you therein, by my life, deceived. There's one at the gate. There's a testril of me too: if one knight give a--. Saint Bennet, sir, may put you in mind; one, two, three. As there is no true cuckold but, calamity, so beauty's a flower. Are shuffled off with such uncurrent pay: But, were my worth as is my conscience firm. he'll smile and take't for a great favour. Which is Sebastian? abhors, and cross-gartered, a fashion she detests; and he will smile upon her, which will now be so, unsuitable to her disposition, being addicted to a, melancholy as she is, that it cannot but turn him, into a notable contempt. What is to be said to him, Has been told so; and he says, he'll stand at your, door like a sheriff's post, and be the supporter to. and the spirit of humour intimate reading, By my life, this is my lady's hand these be her, very C's, her U's and her T's and thus makes she her. 529 City Of God, How Broad And Far & Hold, sir, here's my purse. To the gates of Tartar, thou most excellent devil of wit! Pray you, peruse that letter. 573 Jesus, To Thy Table Led.. 577 Here, O My Lord, I See Thee & 320 Leaning On Thee, My Guide, 324 How Sweet The Name Of Jesus & 5. Give us the place alone: we will hear this divinity. He does obey every point of the letter, that I dropped to betray him: he does smile his, face into more lines than is in the new map with the, augmentation of the Indies: you have not seen such, a thing as 'tis. Methought she purged the air of pestilence! By this hand, they are scoundrels and subtractors. Out, hyperbolical fiend! 441 Thou Hidden Source Of Calm, 443 When I Can Read My Title Clear & 6. More longing, wavering, sooner lost and worn. Know'st thou this country? 'Slid, I'll after him again and beat him. Go, Sir Andrew: scout me for him at the corner the, orchard like a bum-baily: so soon as ever thou seest, him, draw; and, as thou drawest swear horrible; for, it comes to pass oft that a terrible oath, with a, swaggering accent sharply twanged off, gives manhood, more approbation than ever proof itself would have, Now will not I deliver his letter: for the behavior, of the young gentleman gives him out to be of good, capacity and breeding; his employment between his, lord and my niece confirms no less: therefore this, letter, being so excellently ignorant, will breed no, terror in the youth: he will find it comes from a, clodpole. Fare thee well. Give me some music. Did not I say he would work it out? If my lady, have not called up her steward Malvolio and bid him, My lady's a Cataian, we are politicians, Malvolio's, a Peg-a-Ramsey, and 'Three merry men be we.' What is thy excellence in a galliard, knight? Lechery! The wild-apple is the sourest of all fruits. Wherefore, sweet-heart? great P's. Now, good morrow, friends. Your lord does know my mind; I cannot love him: Yet I suppose him virtuous, know him noble. brains. 530 One Holy Church Of God. Well held out, i' faith! Placed in contempt! ', Out o' tune, sir: ye lie. 581 From The Table Now Retiring, 582 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates & Will you help? the courtesy of it is so fearful. Most certain. I will prove it legitimate, sir, upon the oaths of, And they have been grand-jury-men since before Noah, She did show favour to the youth in your sight only, to exasperate you, to awake your dormouse valour, to. favour with my lady about a bear-baiting here. Would you have a love-song, or a song of good life? Would I or not: tell him I'll none of it. 284 There Is A Holy Sacrifice, 285 God Of Pity, God Of Grace & 14 Again, As Evening's Shadow, 15 Sun Of My Soul, Thou Saviour & The rudeness that hath appeared in me have I, learned from my entertainment. What I am, and what I. would, are as secret as maidenhead; to your ears. put fire in your heart and brimstone in your liver. By your patience, no. Here is yet a, 'Thou canst not choose but know who I am. Till I had made mine own occasion mellow. Madman, thou errest: I say, there is no darkness, but ignorance; in which thou art more puzzled than, I say, this house is as dark as ignorance, though, ignorance were as dark as hell; and I say, there, was never man thus abused. how vexest thou this man! some laudable attempt either of valour or policy. help! pass for a wise man: for what says Quinapalus? What relish is in this? Nay, but say true; does it work upon him? Why, then, methinks 'tis time to smile again. Who does beguile you? I thank my stars I am happy. I protest, I take these wise men, that crow so at these set kind of fools, no better, Oh, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste. Soft! Approach, Sir Andrew: not to be abed after, midnight is to be up betimes; and 'diluculo, Nay, my troth, I know not: but I know, to be up. If it be thus to dream, still let me sleep! Where's Antonio, then? He left behind him myself and a sister, both. That you do think you are not what you are. If this be so, as yet the glass seems true. Marry, will I, sir; and, for that I promised you, I'll be as good as my word: he will bear you easily. This is as uncivil as strange. I think oxen and wainropes, cannot hale them together. 229 Crown His Head With Endless, 234 O Grant Us Light, That We May & I am no fighter. thy exquisite reason, I have no exquisite reason for't, but I have reason, The devil a puritan that he is, or any thing. And we'll strive to please you every day. When time hath sow'd a grizzle on thy case? Good gentle one, give me. To die, even when they to perfection grow! Good fool, some ink, paper and. do you come near me now? o' the toe like a parish-top. & I had rather than forty pound I were at home. 477 Approach, My Soul, The Mercy, 478 There Is An Eye That Never Sleeps & A good note; that keeps you from the blow of the law. on't: this shall end without the perdition of souls. Who, I. sir? Very brief, and to exceeding good sense--less. their hands; let thy blood and spirit embrace them; and, to inure thyself to what thou art like to be, cast thy humble slough and appear fresh. can hardly make distinction of our hands. It might have since been answer'd in repaying. You'll find it otherwise, I assure you: therefore, if you hold your life at any price, betake you to, your guard; for your opposite hath in him what. What, wench! Nay, come, I prithee; would thou'ldst be ruled by me! Will you encounter the house? ay, sweet-heart, and I'll come to thee. Send for money, knight: if thou hast her not i'. Well, sir, for want of other idleness, I'll bide your proof. 534 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, 538 We Love The Place, O God & For this affair. Sir Toby, my lady prays you to have a, Go to, go to; peace, peace; we must deal gently, with him: let me alone. me, was yet of many accounted beautiful: but, though I could not with such estimable wonder, overfar believe that, yet thus far I will boldly, publish her; she bore a mind that envy could not but, call fair. Put your grace in your pocket, sir, for this once, Well, I will be so much a sinner, to be a, Primo, secundo, tertio, is a good play; and the old. ', Madam, the young gentleman of the Count Orsino's is, returned: I could hardly entreat him back: he, Good Maria, let this fellow be looked to. A coward, a most devout coward, religious in it. Too old by heaven: let still the woman take. 3. Seek him out, and play the tune the while. Olivia's father took much delight in. Love sought is good, but given unsought better. 452 We Cannot Always Trace The Way, 454 Let Saints Below In Concert Sing & 151 O Wondrous Type! Look then to be well edified when the fool delivers, No, madam, I do but read madness: an your ladyship. That is beloved. 43 This Is The Day The Lord Hath, 44 With Joy We Hail The Sacred Day & Thou lovest truth, not shadows or images, but realities; thou lovest truth in the inward parts, inside truth, a true heart, a pure conscience: he is a Christian who is … I can hardly forbear hurling things. 472 Present With The Two Or Three, 474 My God, Is Any Hour So Sweet & Here comes my. As might have drawn one to a longer voyage. And thou shalt live as freely as thy lord, Nay, either tell me where thou hast been, or I will, not open my lips so wide as a bristle may enter in. TOP 500 Popular Hymns - lyrics with Guitar Chords & PDFs. She never told her love. 481 O For A Heart To Praise My God, 482 O For A Closer Walk With God & nor will you not that I go with you? O good Sir Toby, hold! The competitors enter. You broke my head for, nothing; and that that I did, I was set on to do't. What is he at the gate, cousin? 553 Bow Down Thine Ear, Almighty, 555 We Pray Thee, Jesus, Who Didst & What we took from them; which, for traffic's sake. She could not sway her house, command her followers, Take and give back affairs and their dispatch, With such a smooth, discreet and stable bearing, As I perceive she does: there's something in't. I would play Lord Pandarus of Phrygia, sir, to bring, The matter, I hope, is not great, sir, begging but, a beggar: Cressida was a beggar. [Reads] 'I will waylay thee going home; where if it, [Reads] 'Thou killest me like a rogue and a villain.'. 165 There Is A Green Hill Far Away. Let there be gall enough in thy ink, though thou. 564 How Large The Promise, How, 566 O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near & The mango is sweeter than the pine-apple. O, if I thought that I'ld beat him like a dog! Nothing that is so is so. In my stars I, am above thee; but be not afraid of greatness: some, are born great, some achieve greatness, and some, have greatness thrust upon 'em. 175 Sweet The Moments, Rich In, 194 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful & Truly, madam, he holds Belzebub at the staves's end as, well as a man in his case may do: has here writ a, letter to you; I should have given't you to-day. Methinks his words do from such passion fly. Get him to say his prayers, good Sir Toby, get him to pray. hand; my words are as fun of peace as matter. Let her hang me: he that is well hanged in this, A good lenten answer: I can tell thee where that. how dost thou, chuck? your hand to the buttery-bar and let it drink. Now, good Cesario, but that piece of song, That old and antique song we heard last night: Methought it did relieve my passion much, More than light airs and recollected terms 895 Of these most brisk and giddy-paced times: Come, but one verse. 360 So Let Our Lips And Lives Express, 361 O God, In Whom We Live And. Remain thou still in darkness: thou shalt hold the opinion of Pythagoras ere I will, allow of thy wits, and fear to kill a woodcock, lest. you not see you move him? I am sorry, madam, I have hurt your kinsman: But, had it been the brother of my blood. More, by all mores, than e'er I shall love wife. thy assailant is quick, skilful and deadly. 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', 'Remember who commended thy yellow stocking s,'--, 'Go to thou art made, if thou desirest to be so;'--, 'If not, let me see thee a servant still. Not so, neither; but I am resolved on two points. Challenge me the count's youth to fight, with him; hurt him in eleven places: my niece shall, take note of it; and assure thyself, there is no, love-broker in the world can more prevail in man's. The man grows mad: away with him! Lie thou there. folly! Go off; I discard you: let me enjoy my private: go, Lo, how hollow the fiend speaks within him! 'Be not afraid of greatness:' 'twas well writ. THIS COLLECTION is somewhat of a substitution for the collection I was hoping to provide from the Ira Sankey book. 30 Now The Day Is Over, 36 Hail To The Sabbath Day & Still you keep o' the windy side of the law: good. Makes me to ask you for my purse? Then think you right: I am not what I am. He is very, well-favoured and he speaks very shrewishly; one. 168 When I Survey The Wondrous. Some four or five attend him; When least in company. It is true that the pamphlet Nietzsche contra Wagner was prepared a month later than the Autobiography; but we cannot consider this pamphlet as anything more than a compilation, seeing that it consists entirely of aphorisms drawn from such previous works as Joyful Wisdom, Beyond Good and Evil, The … A blank, my lord. Calling my officers about me, in my branched velvet, gown; having come from a day-bed, where I have left, And then to have the humour of state; and after a, demure travel of regard, telling them I know my, place as I would they should do theirs, to for my, Seven of my people, with an obedient start, make, out for him: I frown the while; and perchance wind, up watch, or play with my--some rich jewel. it quickly; I'll call Sir Toby the whilst. 455 Lo! How with a sportful malice it was follow'd. leg, it was formed under the star of a galliard. Fool, I'll requite it in the highest degree: I. 195 Now Let Our Cheerful Eyes Survey, 196 The Head That Once Was Crowned & More sharp than filed steel, did spur me forth; And not all love to see you, though so much. I. had rather than forty shillings I had such a leg, and so sweet a breath to sing, as the fool has. You mistake, knight; 'accost' is front her, board, By my troth, I would not undertake her in this. [Reads] 'Thou comest to the lady Olivia, and in my, sight she uses thee kindly: but thou liest in thy, throat; that is not the matter I challenge thee for.'. Look, where the youngest wren of nine comes. I told him you were asleep; he seems to, have a foreknowledge of that too, and therefore. Nay, pursue him now, lest the device take air and taint. Thou hadst need send for. Cried fame and honour on him. why, this is the best fooling, when all. 4. But rather reason thus with reason fetter. 304 Jesus, Master, Whose I Am, 306 Jesus, Lover Of My Soul & That live in her; when liver, brain and heart, These sovereign thrones, are all supplied, and fill'd. 327 Jesus, These Eyes Have Never, 328 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love To Me & There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. I could be sad: this does make some, obstruction in the blood, this cross-gartering; but, what of that? what bestow of him? will have it as it ought to be, you must allow Vox. Need to buy Sheet Music Or special Arrangements for contemporary or Traditional Christian MusicCheck out this page for CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC or this one for TRADITIONAL CHRISTAIN MUSIC. away the fool; therefore, I say again, take her away. Tut, there's life in't, I'll stay a month longer. 457 Blest Be The Tie That Binds, 466 Lord, Teach Us How To Pray A right & Come, my young. 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