The story of Lot and his wife is found in Genesis 19. Joseph and his brothers are fighting for emotional validation of the separate ways they experienced childhood. But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (Gen 19:24-26). The congressman-elect doesn’t rule out conditioning aid to Israel, but rejects BDS. Confronted with the challenges of our lifetime, we owe Chuck Schumer our gratitude. Members under siege in Congress give their accounts of mob’s breach of Capitol. Have you taken your eyes off Christ? In a survey, 93% of owners remain confident despite a renewed indoor dining ban. Proud member Why was she turned into salt? In referring to the end times, Jesus uttered some almost cryptic words in Luke 17:32: Remember Lot’s wife. Parshat Vaera Room to Breathe: Seeking Agency in Narrow Places, From Brooklyn and Tel Aviv: Two Best-Selling Novelists in Conversation, Rebel with a Cause: Stanley Kubrick’s Cinema, International Holocaust Remembrance Virtual Service, The Influence of War and the Holocaust on the Formation of a Child’s Identity, New Works Wednesdays: Gila Green on “White Zion”, Parshat Vayigash Show Up, Speak Up, Stand Up, Parshat Vayeshev Deceptions and Higher Callings, The Supreme Court Did Not Give Synagogues a Green Light to Flout Covid Rules, A Supreme Court Ruling Won’t Change My Orthodox Synagogue’s Commitment to the Greater Good. Remember Lot’s wife! A Year After the Jersey City Shooting, Jewish Unity Remains Elusive. Salem Media Group. Lots Wife | Daily Bible Study Blog. Nadler noshes Zabar’s at impeachment • Nancy Pelosi quotes Israeli poet • ‘Camp Auschwitz’ guy arrested, How Challah Has Sustained Me Through Covid-19. However the Angels manifested no concern over Lot's … Six heroines who lay the groundwork for Jewish practice, liturgy and identity for generations to come. Prior to God destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleaded with Him on the people’s behalf. Lot and his family found it hard to leave their adopted home of Sodom, despite its immorality. 50,000 Israelis visit UAE • Pro-Trump anti-Semites harass judges • Dartmouth menorah vandalized. Lot was saved, but only just saved. If Lot’s wife looked back, it must have been with regret for all she had left behind. Chuck Schumer is majority leader • Jews in NY mark ‘day of hope’ • Bernie Sanders’ marvelous mittens. A Kiddush friendship leads to a deeper connection, The Jews on Trump’s pardon list • Brooklyn wedding draws huge crowd • Max Rose on Pentagon's Covid team. Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it” (Luke 17:30-33). According to Bible commentaries like the NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt as she looked back, “for disobeying the instruction not to look back. The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, when a little boy interrupted, “My Mommy looked … Donald Trump, his enablers and successors remain dedicated to destroying the competition. Brooklyn clinic returns Covid vaccines • Pakistan frees Daniel Pearl’s kidnappers • Gal Gadot tops box office, What a NY Rabbi Learned from Contracting Covid, Jamaal Bowman Wants to Be a Bridge Between Blacks and Jews. Lot and his wife found it difficult to leave all their possessions behind. Have you been neglecting your obedience to God? Targum Yerushalmi speculates, “And because the wife of Lot was from the sons of sons of Sodom, she looked back to see what would be the end of her father’s house.” Bereshit Rabbah elaborates on this by telling us that she had two married daughters who were left behind in the destruction. Early on, in chapter 19, we meet a character who has much to teach us, although she is with us only a short time: Lot’s wife. In Search of New York’s Elusive ‘Jewish Vote’. English (US) Español; Français (France) 中文(简体) NY’s Covid Rules Aren’t Holding Back Jewish Women. Ron Edmondson pastors Immanuel Baptist Church. Christ said, "So likewise, … King James Bible Remember your first love and flee the bondage of sin. We freeze there forever, unless we are able to look forward to take those first important steps. From our lesson of Lot's Wife, Genesis 18:16-19:29; Luke 17:28-33, here are some important points. Students Hold Panel on LGBTQ Issues — with Trepidation, Alumni of the Modern Orthodox flagship seek “a wave of kindness and compassion.”, YU holds LGBTQ panel • Brooklyn yeshiva tagged with swastika • Anti-Semites target French beauty queen, Join a Curator on a Virtual Tour of the Met’s Ashkenazi Jewish Treasures. Most infer from this that Lot’s Wife is just not important enough to be named, yet I have always found her to embody a powerful cautionary tale of fear and longing. retrieves lost tefillin. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Lot’s wife looked back. of 1. When we look back, when we fail to see Jesus. Please, let us separate. Jonathan Pollard lands in Israel • Rabbis find jobs despite pandemic • The best and worst of 2020. Joe Biden condemns anti-Semitic rioters • Confederate flag left at NY Shoah museum, I Came to America to Escape the Anarchy You Saw at the Capitol. Wishing Joe Biden success, Israel’s former ambassador to the U.N. hopes he heeds the changes of the past four years. We New Yorkers Got One. Cuomo Seeks Probe of Vaccine ‘Fraud’ at Brooklyn Clinic. Why Are Synagogues Exempt from Accommodating Disability? Christian Humor (jokes for fun and laughs) LOT’S WIFE. A college student finds community when she explores her passion for music. Perhaps we relive a former moment of glory, enjoying the memory of the moment, but no longer reaching for new accomplishments or achievements. Her … California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Bible Study Online Lot's Wife -- Her Second Chance? Jewish institutions should be leading the charge for inclusion, not opting out of it. Your contribution will help us bring you vital news, From Midtown to the Mideast - We Cover Your World, Get Jewish Week's Newsletter by email and never miss our top stories, Chuck Schumer Made History, and Wants to Make More. Luke 17:31-32. Lot. We are taken from the blessings and protection that comes from following God exclusively and left to our own defense. A 120-Year-Old Jewish Group Is Connecting with Today’s Student Activists. A new book recalls a consumer uprising led by Lower East Side immigrants fed up with the high cost of beef. Lot went from bad to worse and he became hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. We all know what it feels like to get stuck somewhere, to look back longingly when we should be moving forward, to be turned into a pillar of the past. A modern commentary, The Five Books of Miriam, writes in Lot’s wife’s voice: “I looked back to all that I had left behind – my friends and relatives, my home with its cherished mementos, my childhood – and I wept. We learn this from Genesis 19: 26, which tells the solemn story of her disobedience and her tragic end. English Standard Version But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. She shows us what happens to us when we become stagnant or inert. In today’s bible study Annie taught on Lot’s wife. Lots Wife. The Story of Mrs. In other words, no Christian should have a heart like Lot’s wife as we see the end of the age, a … But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following behind him, and she turned into a pillar of salt. This leads to a new question – is she a warning or a monument? And so hot was the desert sun and the brimstone torching Sodom that my flowing tears dried instantly, turning me into a pillar of salt.”. This woman’s sorry end teaches of her life: even though she was rescued from the … In the Bible, Lot's wife is a figure first mentioned in Genesis 19.The Book of Genesis describes how she became a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom.She is not named in the Bible but is called "Ado" … Lot’s wife did not listen to the command to not look back and as a result she was turned to a pillar of salt. Can We Save the Unity of the Jewish People? Publishers, journalists and readers are unshaken in their commitment to a president they say delivered the goods. A rabbi’s letter to her son and daughter. The stereotypical liberal mainstream is feeling pressure from the Orthodox right and the progressive left. in Psychology from Brandeis University and a Masters in Hebrew Literature in 2003 from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. What she chose to value in her heart led her to sin, which led to her death. Clinging to Faith Even in Catastrophic Times. Orthodox groups urge vaccination • Supreme Court backs NJ rabbi’s Covid case • Ted Mann dies, NY’s Israeli Restaurateurs Confident They’ll Survive a Bleak Winter. The social media mob demands justice; it often achieves the opposite. Joel Chasnoff hosts an annual event, modified for the Covid-19 era. Fran Lebowitz is the star and subject of Martin Scorcese’s acid love letter to New York. Morocco, Israel normalize ties • Pantries fear ‘Covid fatigue’ • The easiest Chanukah donut recipe. When Lot's wife disobeyed, she … She is almost anonymous; her reactions to being told to leave her home in Sodom are not shared. Trump pardons Charles Kushner • House Dems back Biden on Iran • Israeli impresses in NBA debut, A Jewish Chef Uses Food as a Tool for Social Change. The angelic visitors to Lot’s home command him to flee the town of Sodom and not look back as it is destroyed the fire and brimstone. Every member plays a different instrument, and each adds to the harmony of the whole. Lot's wife is only mentioned three times in the Bible … In Genesis 19, angels literally pull Lot and some of his family out of Sodom before it … ii. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Abraham bargained with God until it was clear there was no one righteous. In Genesis 19: 15-16, we read that Lot … Long-distance Jewish Learning Is Giving Me the Conversations I Crave. He was happy to become “Korean by marriage,” and she’s a “proud” Jew by choice. But understand, … The story of Judah and Tamar shows us the power of admitting when we are wrong. A Biden Appointee Who Carries the Jewish Story Itself. What led to the utter destruction of this city in a way … Perhaps we miss someone: a loved one no longer with us, or a relationship long over or an estranged family member. FBI arrests Jewish rioter • Orthodox media stick with Trump • AOC and Ted Cruz debate Holocaust analogies, Staten Island Pol Apologizes for ‘Heil Hitler’ Comparison. Sheldon Adelson dies • Jerry Nadler leads House impeachment charge • Jewish Week has a new owner, Jewish Week Is Acquired by Publisher of Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Under the umbrella of 70 Faces Media, the community newspaper aims to create a “forward-looking digital vision.”, ‘Two of Jewish Journalism’s Most Storied Brands Under One Sturdy Roof’. Lot's Wife. A prominent Modern Orthodox rabbi said he was assured that the shots he received were above board. We primarily read about her in Genesis 19:12-29. Six objects that tell stories about the heritage and taste of Jews in medieval Europe. 5. Knesset dissolves • Court backs Fordham U over Palestinian group • Sanitation Dept. The “Kranjec Test” asks Jewish educators to add women’s perspectives when studying traditional texts. In God’s mercy, He allowed Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family to escape, but He gave strict instruction to them not to look back. Anti-Semitism and Covid-19 Needed a Strong Government Response. Be that as it may, let's take a moment to look at Lot's wife? For those of you who are familiar with the story, it is a tragic tale. The Bible does not mention Lot’s wife by name, but the Rabbis referred to her as “Idit” (Tanhuma [ed. We all waver in a delicate dance between past nostalgia and future potential. Perhaps we are scared, knowing that we must take a risk or a leap forward, or make a change in our lives, yet not sure how to proceed. Have you been drifting from the truths you know? My text this evening is from Luke's Gospel chapter 17, as we read, but just one verse - verse 32: "Remember Lot's wife". GOP Jews mum on election challenge • Georgia runoff’s Jewish drama • Shoah survivor on surviving Covid, NY’s AG bows out of ParCare probe • Max Rose won’t run for mayor • Larry King hospitalized with Covid, Year in Review: New York’s Jewish 2020 in 25 Stories. For the first Jewish Senate majority leader, the hard part begins now. Borough president candidate said she meant to say “Mein Fuhrer” in criticizing virus restrictions. Venerable philanthropies are loosening their rules and prioritizing social services over flashier causes. Berean Study Bible But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Lot’s wife, consumed perhaps with the sin in the city she was leaving behind, looked back and was instantly turned into a pillar of salt. Rather than remaining there eternally merely as punishment, I think that Lot’s Wife, whatever we call her, stands as a signpost at the crossroads. Mistrust and misinformation stifle efforts to control the outbreak in charedi neighborhoods. Find out more at: Her character: She was a prosperous woman who may have been more attached to the good life than was good for her. Ezekiel 16:49. Yet Lot’s Wife disobeys. Nazi comparisons are fair game if you are warning about behavior actually associated with the Nazis. Orthodox Media Stay Loyal to Trump Despite Capitol Violence. Covid-19 and a polarizing election left a Jewish community divided, exhausted and looking for a brighter tomorrow. Lot’s wife, consumed perhaps with the sin in the city she was leaving behind, … All rights reserved. After the drama of the High Holy Days, we have returned to the beginning of the Torah. There it is, the takeaway from this story, spelled out for us by our … Regular study is helping my son and me connect during the pandemic. For it would seem, in a natural sense, that her punishment was rather harsh? The Lord Jesus Christ spoke the words that we read together earlier, and it's as if He paused in the midst of this discourse on His second return, and He said "Remember Lot's wife… Max Rose running for mayor • Israel passes 3,000 Covid deaths • Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld dies, Without Federal Aid, Pantries and Agencies Warn of a Dark Winter. Recognizing an “Other” sometimes means becoming a stranger to ourselves. Acting like our forebears means remaining thankful in good moments and bad. Parshat Chayei Sarah: When Will My Life Begin. She was ordained in 2004. When remembering Lot’s Wife, let us look ahead, squinting our eyes into the bright future, pulling away the cobwebs that form, taking those tentative, anxious steps that eventually lead us to a new chapter of our own stories. Lot’s wife, the character we shall consider in this study, was almost saved, but she was lost –- look up Genesis 19: 17 and 24-26. Before we can remember Lot’s wife, we must know her story first. You can find the instructions to the Lot’s Wife Turns to Salt Bible … 3:16-17 (NLT) came to mind “ All … Thoughts on Leadership, Church, and Culture. Executive order could make health providers liable for fines of up to $1 million. Lots Wife A Bible Devotion about Lots wife, who looked back at the city of Sodom, and was turned into a pillar of salt. Right spins Antifa theory around Jewish rioter • Phil Spector dies • MLK Jr. Day events, Trump’s NY doctor dies • Dr. Ruth gets vaccine • Sheldon Adelson buried in Jerusalem, A Consumer’s Guide to Holocaust Analogies. 15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Lot’s wife wasn’t able to accept that. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. While the story focuses on Lot and the two cities, we get a glimpse of the attitude and heart of Lot’s wife… Free Sign Up. A native of Skokie, IL., she earned a B.A. Jewish charities have met the growing needs during the pandemic, but fear they can’t do it alone. The points do not directly answer the questions on pages 26-27 of the text, but may help you in our discussion at the Saturday Bible Study 05/24/2014. The Bible isn’t clear whether Lot’s wife was covered in the salt that rained down … And he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. A rabbi asks his congregation what the future holds. Anti-Semites hack LI Jewish day school • UJA approves $11m in Covid aid • NY’s Israeli restaurants holding on, Don’t Just Say You Value Women’s Voices: Put It to the Test. She took her eyes off the path of the Lord. Jews in New York Reflect on an Historic Inauguration Day. Lot’s wife reveals a little acknowledged truth- that transitioning from one level to another is rarely smooth and the change from one season to the next is often fraught with trials. Court blocks NYS Covid limits on shuls • Cuomo: AG to probe vaccine ‘fraud’ • Groups recall Monsey attack, Chasidic-run Clinic Said to Ignore Rules in Offering Vaccine. We call her “Lot’s Wife.” Like many characters, mostly women, she was not given a name in the Torah text. - We did an activity where the girls turned Lot’s wife into salt. Warnock wins Ga. race • Bomb hoax suspect was Jewish youth group leader • Covid cases surge in Israel, The Pandemic Is Changing How Jewish Charities Give Money. The Lord Jesus used Lot's wife as an example of those in the last days who will not be single-minded for the truth; who will love material things more than the things of God. The Pandemic Is. How the Lessons of Covid Will Shape the Synagogue of Tomorrow. Every Sibling Tells Their Own Family Story. Their answers provide a blueprint for innovation. New York Jews marched against anti-Semitism. Angel messengers warned them to hurry, not even stopping to look back. Take your wife and your … Lot allowed his wife to unduly … Orthodox anti-vaxxers • Yeshiva funding in stimulus bill • Jared Kushner gets honors in Israel, Yeshiva U. The Workers Circle College Network is a hub for advocacy, ideas and culture. What was her name? FBI Arrests Jewish Judge’s Son Who Took Part in Capitol Riot. Although the name of Abraham’s wife, Sarah, is mentioned many times, there is no mention of the name of Lot’s wife… Get Jewish Week's Newsletter by email and never miss our top stories A Princeton historian sees a Republican Party with no incentives to alter course, before or after Trump. Though there is no indication she participated in the … God had determined to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness (Genesis 18:16–33), and two angels warned Abraham’s … We know only that she turns around to look behind her at the city they are escaping, and turns into a pillar of salt for all eternity. Saying, `` hurry of Homeland Security, is the star and subject of Martin Scorcese ’ s wife Sign... Stagnant or inert article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated berean Study but. 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