Because they're ugly and they stink ;). BLOOD OF THE NORD THIS MOD REQUIRES THE SOMEGUY SERIES (SKYRIM) AND STORMCLOAK VICTORY IN THE CIVIL WAR. I agree with the others who said that the best chance to defeat the Thalmor is with the Empire. Imperials vs Nords in Skyrim, who wins? Imperials start with a very helpful +10 in Restoration, giving Necromage vampires or Dawnguard vampire hunters a headstart. The first time I was a High-Elf Stormcloak (dumb, I know - but I wanted to be a mage) and the second time I was a Nord and I decided to side with the Empire just for balance, to see what it was like. Close. Sneak past. No legendary nords who defeated Alduin before. Skitliv it’s Norwegian for s*** life. In Skyrim, as a nord, would you rather live under an imperial or stormcloak government? Down with Nord Racism...Really. [Lie] Of course! I cannot upload pics but all my stamina characters are Imperials for a reason. Moot. Anything else and you hear the little comments other races suffer in the region. Its puprose is not to look extremely wild or to young and anime-like. Imperial or Stormcloak? Does draining stamina or magika make dragons land? Nord feels goofy for some reason, not sure what it is. That's my opinion. During the Third Era the Nords were still devout followers of their own Pantheon, with the Nords of Bruma even refusing to attend sermons of the Nine in favor of their own gods. Apr 6, 2014 @ 8:53am Dark Elf, Nord or Imperial? Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. I've never noticed much physical difference, but you can atleast tell the difference between an Imp, Breton and a Nord by their names. But the King signed a peace treaty with their enemies to prevent war but also agreed to ban the worship of the Nord's god, Talos. According to the rebels, the Empire is corrupted by the Aldmeri Dominion and is therefore a threat to the Nordic way of life. 22. i really want to make a stamDK and i was holding back till i make it look good but couldnt decide on races. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The Hero of Kvatch was an Imperial. On the other hand, the Nord's starting skill boosts are pretty useful overall, and their passive racial ability actually works. My problems with playing a Nord are that you feel compelled to join the Stormcloaks, and IMO, Ulfric is even worse than the Thalmor for not only Skyrim, but all of Nirn. For this specific character, the Nord had better racials, and I ended up giving those up because I couldn't stand the way most Nord males look. And an Imperial … I usualy play Battlemage or just tanky Warrior and always end up choosing between them, coz I … It just works, it just works, little lies, stunning shows, Edited by LeHarrt91 on May 23, 2019 11:50PM, Edited by ShadowDisciple on May 23, 2019 11:54PM, Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on May 24, 2019 12:44AM. High Rock is somewhat in the same political situation as Skyrim, what with fractured territories. In skyrim nords are best with two handed weapons too which require strength. End of story. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Its made for nords but if used on the imperial race or bretons it should look almost the same but the face may look less smooth. Imperial or Nord, useless question. Looking for opinions on which race to play as between Nord, Imperial and Breton. I'm largely wondering how differently NPC's treat you based on what you play as. All out war. An Imperial gets +12% Health and +10%* Stamina. (Not just Germans)So my best bet is the Stormcloaks if you believe there religion should be iindependent or … Bosmers sneaking past all the dangers in the woods. I almost always play as an orc just for the derogatory comments from NPCs. Any and all factions remain in character as in game:- staying true to their purpose and nature and aligning accordingly or remaining neutral. I'll post pics when I'm not working. PC/NA. They can use a Battlecry to make opponents flee. And Nords are much more fierce and look better with beards and heavy armor than wimpy Imperials. The Imperial Legion was my favorite 'guild' in Morrowind. Which race generally do you think if physically stronger and more powerful. Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:16 am. Imperial Legion vs Nord rebels » Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:19 am . I would honestly choose an imperial myself. On the isle of Solstheim, a dedicated following to Kyne existed, known as the Fryse Hags.These female Nords were unaccepting of anyone not part of their order, and would engage in combat with them. Blood for the pact. First, it asked which side someone takes in the Skyrim Civil War and split that five ways: strong Imperial, lean Imperial, neutral, lean Stormcloak, and strong Stormcloak. Imperial Legion vs Nord rebels » Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:19 am . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. share. Then turned around and started over with a Nord. IMHO, Imperials make much better stamplars than DKS visually, because you want a DK to be a brick wall, or a poisonous snapping dragon. Imperial or Stormcloak? To each their own though. Just wantet to get you opinion on which race is better (cooler), and maybe some explenation why, lore, skills, rolepay whatever, from Skyrim or other game titles. Come upon a cultist doing a ritual? Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. Cadwell, I seem to have run out of forks to give. In contrast to the Third Era, sometime during the Fourth Era worship of the Nordic Pantheon had begun to decline, with most of Skyr… The Imperials have been in Skyrim for centuries. The Hero of Kvatch was an Imperial. I would disagree. There is already one instance of this that has been cited in the lore, and that was the Bretons vs the Camoran Usurper. Imperial Legion The Imperial Legion is a union between the various races of Tamriel who believe that they can bring relative peace and prosperity through union and by welcoming all. Human races. I played the character for around 1-2 weeks, and then I changed it back to Imperial again. Like, Hjaknir the Nord, Vicci the Imperial, and Anton the Breton. I think the nords are bigger and stronger while the orcs are tougher because is past tes games the nords have been the strongest while orcs had more willpower and endurance. Now we know that the empire still has some hold of Skyrim as some cities remain loyal. Going to join the imperial legion. An Imperial gets +12% Health and +10%* Stamina. Posted by u/[deleted] 5 years ago. I was in the mood to do another human (Main is Redguard, second is Dark Elf) but can't decide. Second, it asked each respondent to give a brief explanation of why they made their choice (for some qualitative data). Sneak past. Who wins? Can't get "A New Source of Stalhrim" quest. First of all, we must discuss how the study was done. Moot. Come upon a brigand ambush? While comparatively simple compared to the faction alignment systems of previous Elder Scrolls games, choosing a side to take up arms for in Skyrim… A Google form was created that asked five questions. It depends on what you are going for. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim > General Discussions > Topic Details. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. (Due to a bug, every race gets the "Imperial … so mayby nord fits me more. Hi, so, I started Skyrim with healing in a left hand, and a 1 handed sword in the right hand. Archived. Lookwise, which one is better? Scouts/Archers have bows, light shields, and daggers. Sneak past. It fits in with rest of skyrim and doesnt stand out too much except for the hair maybe. and like the romans the empire would pit nord tribes/barbarians against each other so the nords would not win. While Nord seems like the logical choice, there's a lot more interesting dialogue from random NPCs if you don't. Skyrim war: Imperials vs The Nords. Short milk drinkin' pansies. They view the Stormcloak rebellion as an uprising by extremists that murdered the King of Skyrim in order to create a country devoted to Nord nationalism that rejects the co-operation of other races. Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:33 am. Go Nord and it's all "kinsmen". Try different things out in char gen on both races before committing to see which you like better. Pick a Nord, muscular body type and put all sliders all the way up and you will be the most imposing fella in all of Tamriel, Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault, its certainly easier to make a good looking imperial in terms of classical beauty than a nord...nords look more like rugged vikings...if you like that look - which i do you'll like nords... imperials tend to look more like southern european, especially italian. Apr 6, 2014 @ 8:53am Dark Elf, Nord or Imperial? Imperial is better because you find more gold than others, you start with two spells fire and heal, you also have more spell and combat training so you do more damage, and have a … And when i would reach 100 in pickpocketing i wanted to go on a quest to strip all the women in skyrim. I'm at the level that I need to go to meet the gray beards. but since this is skyrim i was thinking to play as a nord. ... Imperial. Nords have nordic names, Imperials have latin/whatever … save hide report. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. The feeling of “yesssss” when you can squeeze by in tight spaces unnoticed. The Nordic Empire,Note 1 formally the First Empire of the Nords,1 sometimes referred to as the First Empire of Men,2 or the First Empire of humankind,UL 1 and sharing the Alessian Empire's simplified moniker of the First Empire,134 was the first known human Empire within Tamriel. Casual spoiler. It is Talos's Empire, not that a false world and its god can be taken with any serious treatment as the right deity to defend. A Nord gets +3% Health and 6% damage reduction. I would disagree. Is there a way (even via modding) to put Destruction enchantments on armor? Sometimes I’m able to take what I need from right under their noses. Here's the key problem with the Nords' ways — they're quite xenophobic. Why do women use makeup and perfume? I don't even worship Daedra! The Imperial Legion was my favorite 'guild' in Morrowind. Another male preset i made. Current army only. Then it asked what the person’s political alignment was, with the options of “Conservative (right-wing),” “Liberal … I went Imperial DK, my best “looking” male character. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Imperial, Nord, or Breton; User Info: codyallen25. Is 3%HP and 6% damage reduction comparable to +12% hp? What kind of character to play on Skyrim's birthday? This thread is archived. Ulfric may certainly be, based on enough reports and common Nord thinking. but still I made an Imperial and fled Helgen . I only play Nords and gypsies... Umm i mean redguards. Nord vs Imperials and Jews vs Nazi's. The Higher your Health / Stamina, the wider the gap between the two gets. Im starting to doubt picking imperial, should I restart as nord and do the … How can Ulfric be worse than the Thalmor? You see my character was a thief. I race changed one of my Imperial males to Nord with one of the three race change tokens that we got with the racial passive rebalance. Nord males can grow beards at age 11 and can bench press 500 pound tree logs. I know that Imperials specializes mainly in these things, except they only seem to be good for one-handed swords and shields instead of claymores and maces too. Commander - SC officer helm with steel stats, brand-new custom cuirass with steel stats, vanilla steel nord gloves, boots-Each class also now carry equipment that make more sense. Is 3%HP and 6% damage reduction comparable to +12% hp? And before anyone forgets, while the Stormcloaks are racists, some of the most important Nord domains became famous only after a diversity of cultures and races came to inhabit them (such as Winterhold and Windhelm), even if they are currently suffering under incredible recession and poverty. Imperial Troopers have heavy Imperial shields and Imperial swords. you haven't set a signature for the message boards yet! The Higher your Health / Stamina, the wider the gap between the two gets. Stormcloaks have as opposed to imperials female guards. I never use magic and play the game as a warrior archer. 62 comments. The trick with nords is to tone down the massive he-man jaw. They want to unmake the world. So to have more fun and see more skin i joined the Stormcloaks. lol, yeah i prefer imperials as they are also very versatile from DPS to tanks and pve to pvp. Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop! I also made an imperial tank with dreadlocks, and he looks pretty badass. I like doing Non Nord play throughs. its certainly easier to make a good looking imperial in terms of classical beauty than a nord...nords look more like rugged vikings...if you like that look - which i do you'll like nords... imperials tend to look more like southern european, especially italian so brutish ruggedness = nord classical beauty with a certain sharpness = imperial For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Thoughts on Imperial Character vs Nord." 5 Facts about the race of man that would usher in the greatest empires that Tamriel had ever seen, the Imperials! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim > General Discussions > Topic Details. Imperials are the better looking of the two choices you present. But not all Nords are racist. codyallen25 7 years ago #1. - Page 3. Citizens of Skyrim, they are a tall and fair-haired people. I’m having second thoughts an imperial seems more interesting because imperials can low key look like commoners and you will never know they are a member of the blades or the dark brotherhood. Makes the world seem more alive for me than being the "perfect child". However, they united their navies to drive back the Camoran Usurper, and after that was done with, the unity was lost. A Nord gets +3% Health and 6% damage reduction. 92% Upvoted. Skyrim 11-11-11 By canon, the Dragonborn is a Nord. Description: In the wake of Ulfric's victory, the Stormcloaks are still fighting to re-assert control over a devastated, divided Skyrim. Now we know that the empire still has some hold of Skyrim as some cities remain loyal. I'm looking to make a new character, who will use a bow mainly but will also use duel blades up close when need be. Everyone said imperial males looks the best so im looking for some pics. And if you think he is then you do not. Ulfric is not as bad as the Thalmor. Most fitting spouse for a female Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild character? and dont really think as a nord you can. Strong and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold and their talent as warriors. Come upon a mighty beast? Empire Vs Stormcloaks: Pros & Cons By Jonny_Anonymous September 19, 2013 40 Comments SPOILDERS: I know is is an old topic but Skyrim is still a very popular game and I … What now? A nord is honestly the better warrior type but if you want a more well rounded character then choose an imperial. But the Empire and Skyrim need each other or don't in order to fight the Thalmor. ErikoChristy 11 months ago #2 By canon, the Dragonborn is a Nord. In my opinion when it comes to pure looks, Imperials and Redguards win when it comes to males of the man races. Nords are awesome DK's because of the ultimate generation. When the Jarls and Leaders received chests of gold in order to support the treaty, the Stormcloaks viewed the Nord Imperial supporters as bought by … Here's the key problem with the Nords' ways — they're quite xenophobic. Starting as a recruit, rising in rank, working at various strongholds and through that ganing new equipment was very cool and rewardng. Skyrim, Nord vs Imperial? I made a Nord tank that looks like Thor, and he actually turned out pretty sexy. ... with each other so they would not be able to put up any effective resistance. Starting as a recruit, rising in rank, working at various strongholds and through that ganing new equipment was very cool and rewardng. And an Imperial … In Skyrim, as a nord, would you rather live under an imperial or stormcloak government? Played oblivion as imperial. 5/25/2014 in Skyrim Breton or Nord Hello, so I was curious which one of these races would be best for a warrior in terms of racial powers and resistances? That should be all you need to know for making your decision. Maybe the Aldmeri Dominion but not the Thalmor. Imperial has me more interested but it feels more natural for the Dragonborn to be a Nord. While comparatively simple compared to the faction alignment systems of previous Elder Scrolls games, choosing a side to take up arms for in Skyrim… Skyrim Remastered PS4 - Mods to make more attractive female characters/ How to fix mod issues. +12 % HP and 6 % damage reduction comparable to +12 % HP Nord tribes/barbarians against each or. Not win to play on Skyrim 's birthday i only play Nords and gypsies... i... From right under their noses unity was lost kinsmen '' for the hair maybe qualitative. An orc just for the Message Boards as a Nord the Imperials able to put up any resistance. Shields, and he looks pretty badass much except for the derogatory imperial vs nord skyrim from NPCs Elf ) ca. Ulfric may certainly be, based on what you play as between,! 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