The best pictures are taken against white or a soft color so that most of the attention is draw the item. Thank you so much <3, Follow my new depop page please I will be active and I uploading many stuff soon feel free to check it out, Hello! If the item is on the pricier side, it’s a great idea to pay for the shipping yourself as it will entice buyers to purchase if they don’t have to worry about shipping. Last, make sure that the item is cleaned and ironed before photographing to show that it’s in good condition. I really would like to go through with the sale but I don’t want the buyer waiting and waiting to get the item. Depop is a quick and easy way to sell your old items. If … You can also share your Depop account on your social media accounts so your followers can see what you’re selling. Step 2:Add a photo/logo that represents your brand and tap on ‘Next’. How to start selling and shipping on Depop Whether you have decided to clear your wardrobe and sell the clothes you do not need or you want to sell books, arts, records, these are the steps to follow when opening a shop for selling on Depop: Download the app and sign up. This will increase the attention to your profile. My Depop is @depopdumy if anyone would like to check it out! The more time on the app, the more familiar you will get with how it works. 3) For free shipping, leave the price field at zero and confirm. Depop: @pradamebby. Hello, rosie I searched your name and believe I found your site, love$ick across an eye. Write accurate descriptions- no one wants a long-winded description, keep it short and concise. I have experience in poshmark hv been a ambassador since early this year. While manual shipping can be a bit less expensive, you also need to stay safe when creating a shipping plan. Choose the size/weight of the item. I think we all were at one point or still are. When you first start, there may not be a lot of people who know who can find your page. This is a crucial first stage that you should definitely follow. On the other hand, if you have a product that’s not selling, it’s always better to get some money out of it than to have it clutter in your closet for a longer period of time. However, this also gives the buyer a 72-hour window during which … On Poshmark, a sale is final and the buyer has to deposit the amount to Poshmark before the seller is made to ship the package. This includes selecting the clothing categories that interest you, along with choosing your preferred sizes. Also, you’re getting good money for the product so it won’t hurt to pay a bit to get it to the customer. thank you! sell, sell. You can also write a bio, which should be a concise description of who you are. I’ve created a profile on Depop, and I’ll definitely be using your pointers to sell! Any tips? How do you get people to your site? Required fields are marked *. For any sales that are established, the money will go directly to your Paypal account and from there you can have it sent to your bank account. How do you communicate to others? What Does a Socially Distanced Christmas Look Like? I made my first sale 2 days ago, unfortunately my PayPal still hasn’t confirmed my bank account so I can’t print my shipping label. After downloading, create a profile by filling out the new account form. Depop is a fun way to personally sell items through your phone, but it can be tricky to make a sale. depop shipping? I know Depop is targeted more to gen z and has more street wear. Working from Home: Organising the Best Virtual Secret Santa, Mental Health Matters: Stay Motivated Working from Home, How to Sell on Depop: The Beginners Guide. Posting your items on Depop can be really simple if you follow the correct steps. Trying to avoid the Depop fee by looking to buy outside the app means Depop can’t help. If an item does sell, they will take 10% commission—something to remember when pricing your stuff. Setting up your shop doesn’t guarantee sales. A good product description can make a difference to customers. A key tip for gaining more followers is interaction. Select ‘package size’. It can help to look through some popular Depop accounts to understand how they price their products. This consists of the general account details along with customizing your feed preferences. Now that we’ve taught you everything about how to sell on Depop, it is time to enjoy the Depop app and everything it has to offer. eBay and Depop charge around 10%-13% of your sale price, plus if you are receiving payment via … In order to download the Depop app on your device head over to the Apple App Store or Google Store. For extra-large packages, the shipping fee is 17 dollars. my depop is outofthisworldaccessories! This will give your buyers an idea of the style of your shop, here are three steps to get you started: Upload a profile picture- This can be a picture of you or anything that reflects your style. You can clean out your closet and sell your clothes on resale apps like Depop and Poshmark, or turn to plenty of other resale sites for things like […], Love this article! Depop Shipping UK. For large packages, the shipping fee is 12 dollars. Sharing your shop in an Instagram Story with the hashtag #Depop can boost searches for your profile by 11%, according to Depop’s … I’m trying to sell some of my clothes to make room for new ones. It’s great to read tips on how to increase depop sales. The picture above shows you the home screen for the Depop search tab. my depop is @bbyana , and what ive noticed is people making alot of sales lately including me, because people want to clear out their selling closet. Share it in the comments down below! Take a peak at my shop, i’m sure you’ll find something (ps, I have cute packaging), Hiiii!! Step 3:Write a … I’ve found for myself personally, brand is the biggest driver of sales. Depop Shipping. There is a strong community spirit on the platform as it’s not just about buying and selling… Overall, the key to pricing your products correctly is finding the balance between the brand value and customer demands, so play around with it until you hit the sweet spot. sell. Give us your email, and we’ll give you the exclusive details on getting your dream career, majoring in style, and generally making the most of the next four years and beyond! Tap ‘who pays’, and choose either: From there, … Normally when selling, I place newly used items for 75% of the original price since they’ve rarely been worn. There are prohibited items that are illegal to sell on Depop, these include drugs, weapons and counterfeit items. For me, it took a while to fully grasp the techniques to sell products. You need to set up your account in a way that reflects you and your style. Commission wise, Depop won’t charge you for any products that don’t sell, so posting items is free. I ended up learning how to sell on Depop super successfully, and it all came down to one simple piece of advice the company's CEO, Maria Raga, told me to do when listing my items on the app. If you decide to do this, you can set a shipping price for your customers if you would like them to pay for their shipping. 5) Keep proof of postage in case something goes wrong. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I’m hoping to make her happy and sell some clothes while using these tips. The Depop app is as easy to use as Instagram and as good for selling … Try to model in them or get a … There are a few options to consider shipping wise. If you don’t remember how much you bought something for, estimate the price by using the value of its brand. trying to get better at selling on depop and poshmark, Hello gabrielle covington, maybe we can help each other on Depop & poshmark. Something Spare to Share: Send Your Unwanted Gifts. I’m just starting off on Depop. Listing your items may seem like a straightforward task but if you follow a few simple steps, you will sell your items quickly and successfully, every time. This is why companies make sure that the pictures they use are great quality and look flattering on models. In order to successfully use the Depop app, you need to abide by a few simple rules: Depop strongly suggests saying “no” to buyers if they want to take the transaction out of Depop, even if the seller is saying that you could purchase the item for cheaper- this could lead to your account being blocked or even deleted. Aria says: "Once you’re sure about the products you’re ready to sell, think about how you’re going to really sell them on your Depop shop. This is the address that the customer has listed on the app. Sharing is key This is where your sales skills take the front stage. Make sure you turn on your notifications for Depop as this will help you stay in contact with your followers. Use social media. To ensure that packages arrive safely and on time, a sales and shipping label for the product is automatically generated with the shipping … I too am new to depop and my shop consists of vintage clothes from 60s-y2k! You choose whether you or the buyer pays for … Learn how your comment data is processed. 2) Tap Domestic and/or International to designate where to ship. I’d love some tips on how to market clothes! At this point, Beckerman decided to transform Depop into an app which has blossomed into the global marketplace we know and love today. Ship From Addresses – This is the physical address where you will be shipping … I followed all of the above depop accounts mine is lilianakate if anyone wants to check it out! Luckily, I’ve learned the tricks of the trade over time, and I’m here to share my expertise with you. You should apply this concept to the clothes you sell. If you don’t want to ship with Depop, you can set your shipping to manual and ship on your own. I am also a depop seller just starting off When you sell an item, Depop will charge you a 10% fee on the total amount of your listing, which includes shipping costs. Items that have been well-worn typically go for 30-40% of their original price. So you’ve done your research and you have an idea of what you want to sell. My Depop is @wannah and I’m trying to sell some clothes of my mom’s that she wasn’t able to sell on Poshmark. I’m not sure if I should cancel the sale. […] you want to learn more about selling on Depop, check out this article on College […]. Depop has gained considerable popularity through the likes of Vans, Vogue and was named the “Hottest Mobile Start-Up” at the 2018 Europas (European Tech Start-Up Awards). Firstly, you need to construct your profile. While, yes, having good product descriptions and knowing which brands and styles will sell … QUESTION I want to start selling on depop, but because my PayPal is new, and I'm using my sister's bank account since I'm underage I was wondering when someone buys a listing will you have to pay the shipping … This is why companies make sure that the pictures they use are great quality and look flattering on models. A regular customer is worth their weight in gold! If you just want to have space to add more clothes that people will enjoy then i suggest doing a sale of some sorts. See how you can save money, get a quote today. Manual shipping can be simple and cheaper, but it’s always a good idea to make sure your transaction is safe. This was a great article! I have gone back and forth so many times on how to ship my items but I just switched back to Depop shipping because it is the easiest and people tend to pay the prices … How to ship: 1. If you decide to ship with Depop, you will have to select what size packaging your product needs ($4.50), medium (8.00) or large ($10), extra large ($15) package. Learn about shipping . In order for Depop’s Seller Protection to protect you, it’s important to only ship to the address listed on the in-app receipt. 1) Pack the item using an envelope or parcel bag, 2) Inform your buyer by sending them a message, 3) Send a parcel using a tracked delivery courier service, (make sure you send your items with tracked delivery to be covered under Depop’s or PayPal’s Seller Protection) - get a quote today, 4) Supply your buyer with a tracked shipping number and press “Mark as shipped” on your sales receipt and enter the details there. ... Depop also sells convenient shipping labels in-app. A basic rule of thumb for negotiating is that if there are a lot of people interested, then don’t knock out too much from the price as you may find a buyer willing to pay more for the product. Tap ‘delivery’, select ‘Ship with Depop’ and enter your shipping address Select ‘package size’. Fashionxhaya, […] prime time to sell your unwanted things and make a quick buck. Now that you’ve taken care of the logistics and have started adding items to your closet, it’s time to start actually selling your items. Shipping guide UK. We thought we'd save you time by suggesting some services to save money on Depop: Taking parcels to drop-off points works best for those with a small number of parcels who have a busy day schedule. After you or your buyer has received the items. For instance, if it’s designer, it will be worth more than other brands. super helpful! The best pictures are taken against white or a soft color so that most of the attention is draw the item. You should apply this concept to the clothes you sell. That is why you should start by following accounts that interest you. Depop. Taking time to see what your competitors are selling that particular item can be really helpful to ensure the sales of your items. How I sell books on Depop. send me your name & we can continue the conversation and … If you also sell on eBay, Pirate Ship comes very handy because Pirate Ship can integrate with eBay along with other ecommerce platforms and often offer cheaper rates than eBay’s shipping. Depop says that buying and selling are only safe when you press the BUY button in the app. Plenty of people sell handmade crafts on Depop. Depop is new to me and I can’t figure out how to communicate Be as active as possible and if your idea is to gain followers, take the first step and follow users that have a similar style to you. So you’ve decided to clear your wardrobe out and sell a few items to make some extra cash. With clothing, it’s always great to get a model shot of you, or someone else wearing the garment to show … I also use the bundle shipping option and the sale feature. Feel free to follow and check out my page! When online shopping, we tend to buy clothes based on the how they look. Connect your PayPal account- you need to make sure your PayPal account is verified so that you can receive payments. You can add up to four images per item, so try to offer good quality, high resolution images of your item in natural daylight and from as many different angles as possible. You will need to set up a few settings. Your email address will not be published. Do you have any tips to share on how to make money through Depop? Depop is a free to download mobile and tablet app on which you can sell unique items including art, vintage and luxury fashion, illustrations, books, records and trainers. © Ltd 1995-2021 All Rights Reserved. 1) When you sell an item on Depop, tap Delivery and swipe Shipping 2) Tap Domestic and/or International to designate where to ship. Thank you, I find that the more items you list it gets better … along with listing more frequently. If the item is under $10, then have the buyer pay for the shipping. Pinterest Photo: @annaflorencelaplaca. Awesome article! Each part of the items information needs to be filled in as follows: In order to get the best out of Depop, you need to immerse yourself within its marketplace and experience the app. Any platform you use to sell your clothes will probably have fees attached to selling an item. Most importantly, it’s crucial to advertise the item in a positive light without steering away from the truth. Depop wants you to keep your listings honest and accurate to avoid any confusion. If you write an honest yet catchy description, it will help you gain trust from your customers. If someone likes your items or messages you about an item you will get a notification, enabling you to be on top of your account. When it comes to shipping, Depop handles it for me, it has cut down my stress and time at the post office. Your picture is essentially your sales pitch so it needs to be perfect. When I first started to sell my clothes, I thought it would be an easy venture. Don't worry! hey, im also getting the ropes of depop, and if anyone wants to checkl out my shop its @jenny_paris! Make sure to check out my detailed guide about how to ship with USPS on Depop. The saying is true: A picture is worth a thousand words. The search tab allows you to search for a variety of items on Depop. You will only be charged when making a sale, meaning no initial costs when you set up your account or the length of time your listing has been on for. @sucrevintage. Find your nearest drop-shop location. Depop has chosen some items to appear on this page, based on their selling performance. Yet during my first trip to a consignment store, I walked in with four bags of clothes and was only able to sell a handful of items for a very small profit. If you want to go the extra mile, here are some things you can do: Send your buyer a private message thanking them for their business and when you plan to ship, Offer a discount if they decide to buy from you again. The idea here is to follow the shops and the items you love. Make sure you use relevant hashtags to increase your chances of selling. I’m a freelance designer but I’ve always been a thrifter. If you decide to ship with Depop, you will have to select what size packaging your product needs ($4.50), medium (8.00) or large ($10), extra large ($15) package. While this may be the best part of the selling process, it’s important to keep good business tactics in mind while negotiating a sale. Priority boxes and padded envelopes are free. Besides the small shipments, all other Depop shipping sizes are priority. I also reply to messages and comments really fast and am open to negotiations! Offering International can increase your audience and improves the … Whether you are selling some of your old clothes for some extra cash or whether you are looking to build a small business - Depop has all of the tools to help you on your way. Once I did, I realized it’s much easier than selling at consignment stores and I never looked back. Free Depop shipping boxes can be ordered online here. hi! my depop is melissa_4151, Hi! In addition, post a high-quality photo of you wearing the item to show what it looks like on a person. If you are looking for the best postage costs for your Depop account, Parcel2Go is a leading courier comparison provider that ensures the best prices when sending a parcel worldwide. Depop has provided a mobile marketplace that enables individuals to buy and sell their items on IOS and Android. It is probably easiest to ship with Royal Mail at the post office. Last, make sure that the item is cleaned and ironed before photographing to show that it’s in good condition. It is widely known to be the best app to buy and sell clothes, and it’s easy to see why. As of 2019, Depop … Depop provides an ‘Explore’ page and a list of suggested users who they think you should follow. When buying things online, people want to know what the product is like before they buy it. I am always on and trying to post more everyday. If you don’t, you will be bombarded with questions, or you just won’t get any interested buyers at all because you will seem sketchy. Make sure you stay in touch with your buyer or seller until the item is received. 1) When you sell an item on Depop, tap Delivery and swipe Shipping. post a high-quality photo of you wearing the item to show what it looks like on a person. Setting up your account will include selecting your preferences and creating your Depop profile. No matter how nice your stuff is, no one will buy it A) If it looks terrible in the photo or B) They simply don’t know its selling so, make sure to apply the above suggestion to help grow your following and sell those pre-loved goodies.. Don’t forget to check my Depop … Good luck and happy selling everyone. Well there you have it, my 5 top tips for getting your stock moving on Depop. This is because you don’t want to have to pay more for the shipping of the product than you get from selling it. Then you can choose to pay for the shipping or to have the buyer pay. The most difficult part of the selling process can be finding people to sell to. A common seller mistake is overpricing. Free shipping always and bundles too. They cost between $5 to $15, though you’re free to use other shipping services. Thanks for writing this! In addition. Here’s how to get started and start making cash fast. My depop is @_theclosetboutique and I am a secondhand shop selling clothes from the wardrobes in my house at thrift store prices! Want even more exclusive access?Join our college fashionista community now. i sell earrings, plushies, and clothing! Thanks! i’ve already sold a few things, but i will use these tips my depop is @giovanniaofficial if anyone wants to check it out! That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands and start selling on my phone through Depop. Founded in 2011 by Simon Beckerman, Depop was originally a social network where followers of the PIG magazine could buy items featured in the magazine. My Depop is frances_fashion and I’m new to Depop and Poshmark and was wondering what type of clothes sell better on Depop rather than Poshmark? With over 10 million users, the Depop App has revolutionised online shopping and the way people look at second-hand clothing. Selling on Depop. Tap ‘delivery’, select ‘Ship with Depop’ and enter your shipping address. Post Regularly. Being dishonest could ultimately cause you to receive bad reviews and fewer customers in the future. and post clear pictures. When you list an item, you need to fill in all of the information clearly and accurately. If you have a lot of parcels you can choose a … Then you can choose to pay for the shipping … When online shopping, we tend to buy clothes based on the how they look. If you decide to ship with Depop, you will have to select what size packaging your product needs ($4.50), medium (8.00) or large ($10), extra large ($15) package. This is also a good place to add suggestions like what to pair the item with. Then, tap on 'Set up your shop'. If I find lululemon or outdoor voices inventory, it sells very fast. Shipping is easy, and it only gets easier the more you do it. cleaning out my closet over the summer @uggghwork. As Depop has a very visually similar interface to Instagram, your images are extremely important. We always encourage those new to selling to really focus on taking the best pictures of your items – include photos wearing the item, from different angles, and make sure to take pictures of any natural imperfections … My closet is Your email address will not be published. When you make a sale, send a handwritten note with the package to make the buyer feel appreciated. My depop is @kemiiii, I sell sustainable secondhand streetwear, some items have been upcycled and transformed. The Fashion Girl–Approved Pieces We’ll Be Wearing on the First Day of Class, Everything You Need to Pack For a Semester Abroad, 15 Best Places Where You Can Sell Used Clothes for Cash - Casual Frugality, 15 Best Places Where You Can Sell Used Clothes for Cash - Make Save Spend Give, 5 Jobs for College Students During Winter Break - Classrooms. Great posts mean take good pictures. Once you get a sizable following, it will be a lot easier to get traffic to your page. #depop Here's a very rushed lil vid with some of my favorite shipping secrets! When a sell comes through, because I am shipping with Depop the label is automatically generated for me and all I do is print the label, apply it to my package and drop it off at a drop box. This one is difficult if you aren’t a hoarder! Step 1:Open the app and tap on the ‘Camera icon’ at the bottom center of the home screen. Make a clear description of the item, new or used, brand etc. Depop is a free app available to both Apple and Android users. How much money do you make? However, there are some tips that you can follow to help you along your way. This stage of the transaction is really important. Depop uses USPS Priority mail shipping for their US shipping transactions. Also, use carriers such as FedEx, USPS, and UPS to ship products so that you can track the shipping. It was a simple concept: take pictures of your clothes, price it, and watch it sell. Write your bio- Let people know what you’re selling and your shipping policy (shipping and returns). I follow shops back and love to check them out! Choose the size/weight of the item Tap ‘who pays’, and choose either: Buyer pays for shipping - the price of the … with other sellers to ask questions, Not even if there is a sharing mechanism. Therefore, lay the item flat on white sheets or hang it up wherever possible against a white wall. If you’re unfamiliar with Paypal, you can directly pay others or charge from the app. The charge will be taken from your PayPal account or the card you are using for payments on your Depop account. I’d love to connect with y’all! … Shipping prices are based on the size and weight of the item and how far it must travel. You need to research the value of your item on the market and list it with an appropriate price. Also, sometimes you may have to negotiate the price in order to make a sale. thanks and happy selling, so helpful! there along with listing. When I first started selling on Depop, I was clueless about the US Postal Service.Of course, where you are located and where you plan to ship … Prepare to answer any possible questions about the item or shipping information. By visiting and using this site, you consent to the. you if something goes wrong later in the process. Depop has the right to remove the listing. Enough to help me but not enough to support me fully … Your Depop profile is the first thing people will see, so make it unique and specific to you. My Depop is @TheAmazingDani, I have not sold anything on Depop yet but I’ve sold things off of Depop. Some things you can include are descriptions of the silhouette, material, and if there are any sizing irregularities (if it’s a size medium but fits like a small). Depop shipping: Arrange your own, and set your own shipping rate, or Ship With Depop for a prepaid USPS shipping label between $3.50 and $14. - PayPal fee of 3.4% + £0.20 in the UK and 2.9% +$0.30 in the USA. From there, be active by liking and commenting on posts so that more people can find your account. Offering International can increase your audience and improves the chances of selling. There are a few options to consider shipping wise. The saying is true: A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks, Hiya lovelies! Depop is quickly becoming the most important app to buy used clothing today. While this may be the best part of the selling process, it’s important to keep good business tactics in mind while negotiating a sale. But in order to actually make money, the way your market your clothes does matter. Depop does its transactions through Paypal, so if you don’t have an account you’ll have to set one up. Doing a huge wardrobe clear out at the moment, bundle deals, swaps and offers always welcome on my shop. Responding to comments and messages from potential buyers is crucial. Connect your social media platforms- connecting your social media accounts make you seem more trustworthy. Therefore, lay the item flat on white sheets or hang it up wherever possible against a white wall. For medium packages, the Depop shipping fee is 9 dollars. If your item that you want to sell is the only one on Depop, you will be able to ask for more as you possess an item with no competition. @eclecticplace poshmark. When searching for any items, you will be able to use the filter option to show you more specific items. Have a wonderful day xx. This part may take a bit of time, but it is a crucial step in attracting your target market. % + £0.20 in the future find your account for extra-large packages, the fee... To the clothes you sell you get a sizable following, it ’ designer! You ’ ve done your research and you have any tips to share: Send your Unwanted Gifts fashionista now. By looking to buy used clothing today t sell, they will take 10 % commission—something remember. The biggest driver of sales clearly and accurately list of suggested users who they think should... My shop its @ jenny_paris, Depop won ’ t sell, sell Depop can be lot. Domestic and/or International to designate where to ship products so that more can. Pointers to sell my how to sell on depop shipping, and if anyone would like to check out my!... 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