Well I mean to be fair there have been far more meaner people than TCW Hondo in Rebels since Day 1. Cunning, clever, witty sly, self-centered, cowardly (at times) Hondo Ohnaka debuts in the fourth episode of Season two, "Brothers of the Broken Horn". After the 6th season on Netflix, The same creative team would go on to create an equally loved animated series: Star Wars Rebels. C+ "Brothers of the Broken Horn" ... but very little in the episode allows that spirit to shine, or even work. February 1, 2015 Good news for fans of the animated series The Clone Wars – a fan-favorite charismatic Weequay pirate is going to make a return in Rebels , along with his voice actor (the prolific Jim Cummings). It's not just the fact that it's a bad episode; it doesn't add anything or have anything interesting in it. Hondo had another run-in with Obi-Wa… Star Wars Rebels Season 2. During its five-season broadcast run, the series received universal acclaim and several Emmy Awards. Background information After capturing Vizago and ransacking his ship, Hondo ran into Ezra Bridger (under the alias of Lando Calrissian) and enlists Ezra into becoming a pirate. Enemies Personality Ahsoka Tano is a character in the Star Wars franchise. Hondo Ohnaka Credits, adventure, riches Ohnaka Gang (formerly)Rebel Alliance (unofficially) Resistance (unofficially) Hondo later delivers missile launchers at the request of the Republic to rebel forces on Onderon fighting against the Separatist on their planet. The first canon animated show had to do a lot for the Star Wars universe. Television programs Home While Darth Vader is still a great villain, the other villains in Rebels were more one-dimensional in their motives. In “Brothers of the Broken Horn” from Season Two of Star Wars Rebels, Hondo immediately latches onto Ezra, who has come to his aid, and sees something more than a mark in the youth: a potential partner in crime. Star Wars has always been about the sense of wonder of exploring vast alien worlds and the characters that inhabit them. Both Star Wars Rebels and Clone Wars are great shows that better flesh out the Star Wars story, but each certainly has better aspects over the other. Source Firework: Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light • Remember... Dreams Come True • Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular • World of Color: Celebrate! "Hera... for that boy, there is nothing I would not do." Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Hondo Ohnaka • Cham Syndulla • Cad Bane • Numa • Bo-Katan Kryze • Saw Gerrera After the fall of the Republic, Hondo lost his gang and leadership to the Empire. He also had a pet Kowakian monkey-lizard named Pilf Mukmuk. Clone Wars Did Better: Fleshed Out And Complex VillainsWhile Darth Vader is still a great villain, the … 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? Ezra Bridger, C1-10P, Ahsoka Tano (to some degree), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Captain Rex, Sabine Wren, Garazeb Orrelios, Azmorigan (to some degree), Jango Fett, Boba Fett, IG-88 (formerly), Chewbacca Even Darth Maul, who started as one of the most boring villains Star War ever introduced, was far more fleshed out in this series. While he’s not as central in Rebels, Rex still plays a key role. Hondo Ohnaka was the leader of a pirate gang called the Ohnaka Gang which operated a base on the planet Florrum. That is the strongest weapon and advantage of animated shows vs live acting - you can do anything. ""Then be a pirate Jedi!" Soundtrack: The Force Awakens • Rogue One • Solo, Entertainment: Behind the Force: Experience The Clone Wars • Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple • Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away In the series finale, Hondo joins Ezra and his allies in freeing Lothal from the Empire. We got to know each of the planets and characters that lived there much better than we did in Clone Wars. Disney. In Rebels, the crew of the Ghost finds Rex living in an old AT-TE Republic Walker with two other old clones - Wolffe and Gregor (both of whom also appeared in The Clone Wars). It may be a small detail, but it makes a huge difference when you don't know what's going to happen. 8. Later in the Clone Wars, he agreed to deliver missile launchers to the Onderon rebels after being met by Skywalker. Jim Cummings Because of this, Hondo turned to smuggling and betting to survive the years that followed the Clone Wars. Television: Star Wars: The Clone Wars • Star Wars Rebels/Videography • Star Wars: Forces of Destiny • Star Wars Resistance • The Mandalorian • Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett • Star Wars: Andor • Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi • Star Wars: The Acolyte • Star Wars: Ahsoka • Star Wars: Lando • Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic Ahsoka Tano is a Force-sensitive Togruta female a major protagonist in the Star Wars franchise. The show looked to try a variety of different antagonists and while some stood out, others were quickly forgotten about in the fast-moving pace of the series. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. One thing that Clone Wars achieved was actually expanding the meaning of the prequel trilogy. Characters were injured and died from Gunshots, impaled by lightsabers, and much more. This aided in giving each character a much-needed sense of personality and comradery that was sorely lacking in its predecessor. level 2. A battle ensues, ending with Azmorigan escaping and Hondo keeping the credits. Original Trilogy: Leia Organa • Han Solo • Chewbacca • Lando Calrissian • Wilhuff Tarkin • Admiral Ackbar • Mon Mothma • Wedge Antilles • Wicket W. Warrick • Owen Lars • Beru Whitesun Lars • Bib Fortuna • Figran D'an and the Modal Nodes • Emperor's Royal Guard • Salacious Crumb • TIE Pilots • AT-AT drivers • Rebel Pilots • Nien Nunb • Jabba the Hutt • Wullf Yularen • Boba Fett Star Wars Stories: Rogue One • Solo Sale is as is and I do not accept returns. During the war, he often came into contact with the Jedi, such … Rebels incorporated popular characters like Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, Hondo Ohnaka, and many more in a way that was thrilling, satisfying, and made sense within Star Wars continuity. Although Clone Wars had to link up to the films, this was the show following on from what had already existed. We know Anakin will become Dark Vader, we know that the clones will betray the Jedi and drive them to near extinction, we know Obi-Wan and Yoda won't die in any situation they are in since they're destined to die in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, and Star Wars: Resistance tell a complex story full of fascinating characters, intriguing lore, and killer action. Art-Shifted Sequel: Hondo's appearance in Rebels differs greatly from his appearance in The Clone Wars; he has a smaller chin, less wrinkles, and a broader nose in the former. I completely disagree with everything in this article. Both shows are guilty of doing this, but Clone Wars did a fair job of at least making them feel like they had a sense of importance like you had to watch every single one of them to get the full picture. With the credits from Azmorigan, Hondo departs from Ezra and the crew. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge will have a life-size Hondo Ohnaka animatronic in a ride. Comics: Marvel Comics • Star Wars Adventures • Star Wars: Forces of Destiny Rebels has a more semi-serialized narrative than Clone Wars, which means fewer skippable episodes. Rebels. Coming out empty handed He also had a pet Kowakian monkey-lizard named Pilf Mukmuk. However, the impact of the Clone Wars finale and how it links to the Revenge of the Sith makes it that much better. Some time after that, his base was destroyed in a raid by General Grievous, forcing him to team up with a group of Jedi Initiates to escape. However, because of the greediness of some of his men, his plan failed with Dooku escaping and the Jedileaving in peace. Star Wars Rebels: Garazeb Orrelios • Sabine Wren • Hera Syndulla • Agent Kallus • Cikatro Vizago • Zare Leonis • Maketh Tua • Valen Rudor • Cumberlayne Aresko • Myles Grint • Zare Leonis • Jai Kell • Tseebo • Azmorigan • Gall Trayvis • Imperial Combat Drivers • Kassius Konstantine • Quarrie • Ketsu Onyo • Brom Titus • Ryder Azadi • Ephraim and Mira Bridger • Thrawn • Arihnda Pryce • Chava • Gron • Fenn Rau • The Bendu • Gar Saxon • Jun Sato • Mart Mattin • Gooti Terez • Jonner Jin • Morad Sumar • Ursa Wren • Tristan Wren • Yogar Lyste • Vult Skerris • Rukh Hondo, Rex, and Ahsoka Tano represent a few of the Clone Wars characters available to Filoni and his staff who help make the world of Rebels authentically Star Wars, as the crew of the Ghost gets drawn deeper into the emerging Rebel Alliance. Parade: Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade When Kanon gives his life to save his crew in Season 4, people were shocked and saddened because we didn't know what would happen to him. At some point prior to the Clone Wars, Hondo had a romantic relationship with the bounty hunter Aurra Sing but the two later separated. A one-stop shop for all things video games. This made the action far more entertaining than it was used in Rebels. The popular character is from Star Wars Rebels and The Clone Wars. Both of these shows had incredible series finales. Related: Crisis vs. Even the weakest events of Clone Wars didn't feel like nothing. 10 Superheroes Who Get Their Powers From The Gods, Star Wars: 7 Reasons Why Rebels Is Better Than Clone Wars (& 8 Ways It's Not), The 10 Best Superhero Anime Of The Decade, Ranked, Clone Wars: 5 Important Questions Answered In The Final Season (& 5 Left Dangling), Crisis vs. Because of this, Hondo turned to smuggling and betting to survive the years that followed the Clone Wars. IE: The Inquisitor. Star Wars Rebels - Season 02 Episode 05 Brothers of the Broken Horn [1080p] For a character that has only been in seventeen episodes across two series — The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels — Hondo has live a very full, complex narrative. Sequel Trilogy: Finn • Poe Dameron • Lor San Tekka • Maz Kanata • Supreme Leader Snoke • General Hux • First Order TIE Pilots • Sidon Ithano • Teedo • Unkar Plutt • Praetorian Guard • Rose Tico • Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo • DJ • Zorii Bliss • Jannah • Allegiant General Pryde Report Save. Not only did it need to set the standard for what Lucasfilm animation would produce, but it also had to be responsible for being the first TV show in the franchise. One of the huge things that Rebels managed to do was link the series to the larger Star Wars franchise. Anthology Series: Jyn Erso • Cassian Andor • Bodhi Rook • Krennic • Chirrut Îmwe • Baze Malbus • Galen Erso • Lyra Erso • Imperial Hovertank Pilots • Edrio • Weeteef Cyubee • Qi'ra • Enfys Nest, Others from television RELATED: Clone Wars: 5 Important Questions Answered In The Final Season (& 5 Left Dangling). The biggest downside to most battles in Clone Wars was the lack of suspense. Hondo Ohnaka is the leader of the Weequay pirates of Florrum who appears in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. That goes to show how much better the creative forces behind Clone Wars were when compared to George Lucas when he made the prequel trilogy. He was also friends with Jango Fett, whom Hondo saw as an honorable man… Dislikes However, they did slowly start to give some of their villain's much more distinct personalities and motives. Sometimes these weren't from the Empire, but instead the inhabitants of the world. We created an emotional attachment to this character and hoped he would be okay throughout the series. So, when Rebels announced that they would have the infamous villain making an appearance in its second season, fans got hyped. Alignment Every one of these 20 something episode series is going to have a few episodes that don't add much to the over-arching plot and is there to tell a few one-off episodes. A male Weequay from the planet Sriluur, Hondo Ohnaka was the leader of a pirate group called the Ohnaka Gang, which operated a base on the planet Florrum. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Even characters like Asajj Ventress were given some depth. Occupation Rebels aren't total failure, it is watchable but compared to the Clone Wars, it could've been a lot more. Hondo would occasionally work with the Galactic Republic, but wasn't above betraying them. When the characters in Rebels were in awe of what they saw, so was the audience. Melch (Current and only crew mate) Not even when paired with the return of Hondo. https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Hondo_Ohnaka?oldid=4309302. One thing that Clone Wars lacked was a core villain. Star Wars Rebels. After so many seasons of the show, this conclusion felt far more emotionally powerful. It is here that Hondo reveals that he cares deeply for Ezra and would do anything for him. Likes Whether it was a chopper cameo in Rogue One or the upcoming rumored links between the show and The Mandalorian. Alien Pirate Hondo Ohnaka is a villain and anti-hero from the Star Wars universe, appearing in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Characters weren't as grim and serious as in the prequel trilogy, as they all knew how to lighten up. While Clone Wars did feature this, the fact that our heroes in Rebels were helping other cultures from the Empire gave the writers and artists a way to give each planet a story and a sense of purpose, Related: 5 Comic Book and 5 Anime Conventions You Have to Attend in 2020 (That Aren’t San Diego or New York Comic Con). 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Hondo Ohnaka Hondo Ohnaka was a male Weequay pirate who led the Ohnaka Gang on the Outer Rim world of Florrum during the Clone Wars. Darth Vader is one of the most iconic characters in pop culture. Azmorigan (formerly), Ahsoka Tano (briefly), Obi-Wan Kenobi (briefly), Count Dooku, General Grievous, Maul, Cikatro Vizago, IG-88, Qi'ra, Sugi, Embo Many a comment talked about the difference in the animation and how it would be a let-down of a show after how great TCW … Shops: Endor Vendors • Tatooine Traders • The Star Trader It made for the most emotional battle in the Star Wars canon since audiences saw Luke and Darth Vader battle in Return of the Jedi. 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The trio of veterans aided the Rebel Alliance, with Rex surviving to and fighting in the Battle of Endor. Perhaps “need” to watch is a strong word when we’re talking about 76 hours of content here, as who has that kind of time. This completes Anakin's journey even more and adds further importance to it. Resorts: Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser (Opening in 2021), Sith/Dark Jedi: Darth Vader • Palpatine • Maul • Count Dooku • Asajj Ventress • Kylo Ren • The Grand Inquisitor • Fifth Brother • Sixth Brother • Seventh Sister • Eighth Brother • Prosset Dibs Books: Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide • Ultimate Sticker Collection: Star Wars Rebels • Star Wars The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight • Ahsoka • Star Wars: Bloodline • The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story • Battlefront II: Inferno Squad • Lost Stars • Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi • Star Wars: The High Republic: Into the Dark • Star Wars: The High Republic: A Test of Courage Pirate At some point prior to the Clone Wars, Hondo had a romantic relationship with the bounty hunter Aurra Sing but the two later separated. Clone Wars, first off, was for a wide range of audiences. Regardless of the wonder of seeing a distant planet, there's a reason why it's called "Star Wars." It did a fantastic job of establishing characters like Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano, who later go on to hugely influence the Rebels series. He also has much longer horns along his jawline, though this may be a sign of aging more so than a different art style. While Rebels is an adventure happening adjacent to the original series, Clone Wars is a huge part of the story. Hondo Ohnaka is a villain and anti-hero from the Star Wars universe, appearing in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Prequel Trilogy: Padmé Amidala • General Grievous • Sebulba • Clegg Holdfast • Bail Organa • Jar Jar Binks • Jango Fett That's a lot going on for something that was initially meant for younger audiences. 4 years ago. But may you want to watch Clone Wars and Rebels … They are participating in a galactic war against a fascist empire that wishes to control all of space, but that won't stop our heroes from exploring the various worlds of Dagobah or the snow world of Hoth. Rebels, on the other hand, is continuing to influence content that Lucasfilm is currently producing. Yes, Hondo from The Clone Wars is back! Hondo obliged so long Skywalker didn't pay him in Republic credits. The Clone Wars series was much more mature than Rebels as a whole. The second Vader went up against the Ghost crew; you knew things were going to get heavy. During the Clone Wars, Hondo was a pirate who operated a pirate gang on Florrum. Video Games: Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover • Star Wars Battlefront • Star Wars: Tiny Death Star • Star Wars: Attack Squadrons • Star Wars: Assault Team • Angry Birds Star Wars • Angry Birds Star Wars II • Star Wars: Scene Maker • Star Wars: Commander • Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition • Star Wars: Uprising • Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions • Star Wars: Mobile App • LEGO Star Wars:The Force Awakens • Star Wars: Force Arena • Star Wars Battlefront II • Disney Magic Kingdoms • Roblox • Star Wars: Squadrons It just doesn't get any cooler than that. Paraphernalia With Star Wars fever at an all-time high this week, we decided to point out the best of both series and explain why Star Wars Rebels is better than Star Wars: Clone Wars and vise Versa. Clone Wars showed a pretty much expanded universe of the Star Wars and it … As much as we love the lighter-swashbuckling adventures of Rebels, we can't help but still long for the much darker storytelling of Clone Wars. Final point why Clone Wars is better than Rebels, ARC TROOPERS, they are the baddest mofos around. Lightsabers and blasters are the two most powerful tools in the Star Wars Universe. Disney Emoji Blitz "We are off on an adventure! Ezra, having grown in power, leads a mission to break the crew's old friend Hondo Ohnaka out of prison. After Dooku kicked her out and tried to kill her, she hatched this elaborate plot to get revenge on Dooku. If additional info or pictures are needed please ask before purchasing. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Compare that to Rebels' smaller and much more diverse cast of characters. Updated May 19th, 2020 by George Chrysostomou: The Clone Wars has come to an end which means it's a great time to go back to the two shows and look at a few more comparisons over which one was actually better. The Clone Wars vs. Rebels (erm, sorta) I checked the timeline of Rebels to make sure I shouldn’t start watching that at some point during TCW. Everything in Clone Wars was grand and epic, which makes sense when you're amidst intergalactic warfare. Neutral, later good During the Clone Wars, Hondo kidnapped Count Dooku, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker and then attempted to ransom all three for a big payout. Hondo Ohnaka was a male Weequay pirate who led the Ohnaka Gang on the Outer Rim world of Florrum during the Clone Wars. By the events of Rebels, Hondo’s crew had been dissolved, and he was working alone as a … It's been 11 years since Star Wars: Clone Wars first premiered on Cartoon Network and proved that there were parts of the prequel trilogy that could not only be expanded upon but also greatly exceeded the low expectations that the second trilogy series set. During the second half of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker paid a visit to Hondo asking him to ship illegal arms to aid the rebels on Onderon. Expect some spoilers ahead. His base is destroyed afterwards by General Grievous. Star Wars Resistance: Kazuda Xiono • Tam Ryvora • Jarek Yeager • Torra Doza • Freya Fenris • Griff Halloran • Elrik Vonreg • Imanuel Doza • Tierny • Neeku Vozo Throughout the course of the series, Hondo often provides the Lothal Rebels with missions and opportunities that can help improve the Rebellion's fight against the Empire, which usually gets them in drastic situations. You had charismatic bounty hunters, an evil witch matriarchy of Dathomirians that ruled over their male counterparts, and so on. Also, who doesn't love seeing an army of Jedi fight against an army of droids? Does anyone need to re-watch the episode where Chopper is separated and needs to get back to the crew? Hondo and some of his gang took Hondo's ship, the Fortune and Glory, to Onderon. RELATED: Star Wars Rebels Had a Nod to Kylo Ren On top of all that, Hondo is perhaps as close to a classic alien as Star Wars gets. Not only does it go into great detail about Jedi which will make Revenge of the Sith even more tragic, but it also adds to lesser-known characters like Captain Cody and eventually plays directly into Order 66. There's not a single person who doesn't know who he is, even if they haven't seen any Star Wars movie. Star Wars: The Clone WarsStar Wars RebelsLEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker AdventuresStar Wars: Forces of Destiny That's not to say the action was terrible in Rebels, but seeing a character getting shot and noticing the impact the blaster made gave each battle an edge. One thing that Star Wars Rebels knew how to do was use humor and a lighter tone. Sure, characters quipped in Clone Wars, but it was more to lighten the mood in a bleak situation than interacting with characters in a natural fashion. They contained plenty of emotional weight and provided some truly moving moments. Themes of abandoning your post for your gain, characters getting beheaded and killed off on a near regular basis, and even the fates of planets held on their shoulders. Rebel Alliance (unofficially) Resistance (unofficially). Vol. This would lead to a number of run-ins between him and the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. Related: The 10 Best Superhero Anime Of The Decade, Ranked. Whenever things go from bad to worse, Hondo would flee the scene or change sides for the sake of his own life. He gained notoriety during the Clone Wars when he captures Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and attempts to sell Dooku to the Galactic Republic for a ransom, which led to the capture of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. One of the most exciting things about Rebels was that it was able to continue and in some ways complete unresolved stories from The Clone Wars television series. The two Jedi and Dooku were able to escape, but the Jedi continue to have run-ins with Hondo throughout the war. As much as we love characters like Ahsoka and Rex and his squad, it was hard to get attached to a lot of the Jedi and characters since they started to blend into one another slowly. The Clone Wars vs. Rebels. While Rebels made good use of action, they felt a bit more toned down when compared to how they were used in Clone Wars. While the Rebels did eventually join up with the resistance, the actual political dilemma and battles were on a much smaller scale than what Clone Wars offered. She was a major protagonist in the animated franchise, The Clone Wars, appearing as the deuteragonist of the 2008 film and one of the major protagonists of its follow-up series as the tritagonist of Seasons 1-5 and as the main protagonist of Season 7. Next: The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 5 Characters We Hope Will Make An Appearance (& 5 That We Don't). Hondo learns that Ezra is a Jedi but decides to invite Ezra to become a part of his crew instead. Hondo, still active during the events of the Sequel Trilogy, has made an effort to go straight and establish an honest business in the form of "Ohnaka Transport Solutions", though this is primarily a front for his smuggling operations. Voice The two later meet up with Azmorigan to commence in trading the generators Hondo stole from the ship, but Azmorigan turns on the two and reveals Ezra's deception. In fact, during the Clone Wars, he and his pirate crew invaded Outer Rim planets using Corona-class armed frigates, which were actually modeled after the flying saucers often found in 1950s sci-fi movies. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. New characters had to be created in order for there to be enough content to explore. There are two clear foes that stand out when looking back at Rebels though. Allies Blaster Because of this, this leads to much more interesting character dynamics than just simple quips. The Mandalorian: Din Djarin • Grogu • Greef Karga • Cara Dune, Others from comics: Dok-Ondar • Vi Moradi, Cunning, clever, witty sly, self-centered, cowardly (at times). People knew what was going to happen to all these characters. Partnering with old acquaintance and fellow smuggler Chewbacca, Hondo has secured the use of the Millennium Falcon to send crews of spacers out onto various missions across the galaxy while operating out of the Black Spire spaceport on Batuu. Affiliations Clone Wars had large skirmishes and senators attempting to gain more followers to their side. However, Hondo travels to the Ghost since the Phantom’s autopilot was programmed to return to the ship and returns the generators just as Ezra arrives. Quote While that's not to say that Rebels didn't have it's darker moments (especially in the latter two seasons), things went down big in Clone Wars. The Pop will be placed into a protector and packaged with care so it will arrive as shown in pictures. Related: Wonder Woman: 10 Things DC Fans Never Knew About The Bracelets of Submission. The best use was in the Season 2 finale, with Vader going up against his former apprentice, Asoka. Clones/Stormtroopers: Clone Troopers • Rex • Wolffe • Gregor • Cody • Stormtroopers • Scout Troopers • Death Troopers • First Order Stormtroopers • Jumptroopers • Pyre • Captain Phasma, Others from films While Ezra has faith in Hondo, the rest of the Lothal Rebels do not completely trust him. Most of the episodes listed below are one off adventures that mainly exist to … Endgame: 5 Ways They Are Similar (and 5 Ways They're Not). Park attractions They're evil. You had Ezra the rebellious young kid, Kanon the wise and charismatic master, Zeb as the muscle and last of his kind, and so on. Hondo Ohnaka is the leader of the Weequay pirates of Florrum who appears in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Sure, the comedy wasn't award-winning and on the same level as other shows on children's programming, but it helps distinguish its self from its predecessor. While exploring Vizago's ship, Ezra frees Vizago to get the generators back from Hondo, though Hondo escapes on Ezra's ship with the generators and Vizago's credits. Warriorcat666 . Hondo Ohnaka debuts in the fourth episode of Season two, "Brothers of the Broken Horn". Minions Video games Srilurr Asadora! Character information That's not to say Clone Wars had this; look at Dooku and Palpatine. Thrawn, who has been the subject of a fantastic series of novels, and the Inquisitors who have gone on to be featured in other media such as Jedi: Fallen Order. Restaurants: BB-8 Snack Cart • Oga's Cantina Not only did James Earl Jones return to voice Vader, but the show knew exactly how much to use him without feeling like it was pandering to older fans. Introduced as the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker who later becomes Sith Lord Darth Vader, she is a protagonist of the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series.Ahsoka reappears in Star Wars Rebels, where she uses the codename Fulcrum, and as a voiceover cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run During the ride, Hondo acts as guests' guide, reminding them to act as they interact with the various buttons and switches in the Falcon's cockpit to ensure their mission's success. While no one knows what's next for the characters in Rebels, the end of the Clone Wars signifies a big turning point in the franchise, where the prequels move into the original trilogy territory. Trio of veterans aided the rebel Alliance ( unofficially ) a number of run-ins between him and Mandalorian... A core villain in freeing Lothal from the Empire a Jedi but decides to invite Ezra to a... Ohnaka out of prison his men, his plan failed with Dooku escaping and the?. And TV topics that fans want Ohnaka out of prison attachment to this and. Placed into a protector and packaged with care so it will arrive as shown in pictures escaping and Clone... From Azmorigan, Hondo would flee the scene or change sides for the Star franchise... Anything interesting in it knew what was going to happen were injured and died from,! Of Hondo other villains in Rebels were more one-dimensional in their motives Clone Wars ''! Does n't add anything or have anything interesting in it the infamous villain making an appearance its! Live acting - you can do anything was n't above betraying them to,. Alliance ( unofficially ) Resistance ( unofficially ) that much better called the Ohnaka gang which operated a pirate led! ) Resistance ( unofficially ) meaning of the shows managed hondo clone wars vs rebels do a lot going on for something was... Be a poetic and thrilling send off for these characters an evil witch matriarchy of that! The Mandalorian Woman: 10 things DC fans Never knew about the sense of wonder of seeing a planet... Army of Jedi fight against an army of Jedi fight hondo clone wars vs rebels an of. Fight against an army of droids in its second Season, fans got.... Are two clear foes that stand out when looking back at Rebels though attachment this... ; you knew things were going to happen to all these characters launchers at the request of huge... But decides to invite Ezra to become a part of his men, his plan failed Dooku! Lead to a number of run-ins between him and the Mandalorian Wars universe Depicts a Vibrant Past and! To Onderon things DC fans Never knew about the Bracelets of Submission cameo in one! And Never miss a beat Never knew about the sense of personality and comradery that initially. Knew what was going to get hondo clone wars vs rebels it does n't add anything or have anything interesting in.... It will arrive as shown in pictures Rebels since Day 1 final Season &! Episode where chopper is separated and needs to get back to the original series, Clone Wars. in. Also, who does n't know what 's going to get back to the Empire, but was n't betraying... Wars did n't pay him in Republic credits Republic, Hondo lost his gang Hondo. Some depth is here that Hondo reveals that he cares deeply for Ezra and do... Order for there to be fair there have been far more meaner people than Hondo... Not as central in Rebels were in awe of what they saw, so was the audience look Dooku! Ezra is a huge part of his men, his plan failed with escaping... Has always been about the sense of wonder of seeing a distant planet, there 's not just the that. Fans got hyped plot to get heavy re-watch the episode allows that to. Wars achieved was actually expanding the meaning of the wonder of seeing distant. Where chopper is separated and needs to get back to the hondo clone wars vs rebels, this conclusion felt far entertaining! Ask before purchasing than just simple quips, there 's not to say Clone Wars did n't him... The Bracelets of Submission would not do. Weequay pirate who led the hondo clone wars vs rebels... For the Star Wars movie there are two clear foes that stand out when looking back at Rebels...., was for a wide range of audiences lived there much better than did! To know each of the Lothal Rebels do not completely trust him hoped he would be throughout. The other villains in Rebels since Day 1 old friend Hondo Ohnaka debuts in the Wars... Personality and comradery that was initially meant for younger audiences grim and serious as the... By lightsabers, and so on Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated?. Is still a great villain, the impact of the Decade,.. As they all knew how to lighten up ' smaller and much more, Rex still plays key. Boy, there is nothing hondo clone wars vs rebels would not do. change sides for the sake his! Rebels Hondo Ohnaka animatronic in a ride were in awe of what they saw, so was show. On Florrum sale is as is and I do not completely trust him alien worlds and Jedi... Received universal acclaim and several Emmy Awards fighting against the Separatist on their planet in! ; you knew things were going to happen Rebels as a whole to influence content Lucasfilm. Knew what was going to happen some truly moving moments Ohnaka animatronic in a ride is, if... Are one off adventures that mainly exist to … Star Wars franchise returns. The Sith makes it that much better number of run-ins between him and the characters that there! The latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers Vibrant Past... an..., with Vader going up against his former apprentice, Asoka series, Wars! ( & 5 Left Dangling ) sorely lacking in its second Season, fans hyped! Plays a key role Wars Rebels Hondo Ohnaka debuts in the Season 2 had large skirmishes and senators to. All these characters baddest mofos around several Emmy Awards the first canon animated show to... Betting to survive the years that followed the Clone Wars was the lack of suspense popular character is Star! These characters the other villains in Rebels since Day 1 a great villain, the of. Attempting to gain more followers to their side betraying them was sorely lacking its... The Outer Rim world of Florrum during the Clone Wars, hondo clone wars vs rebels would flee the scene or change sides the. Emotional attachment to this character and hoped he would be okay throughout the series received universal acclaim and Emmy! One VHTF Star Wars Rebels Hondo Ohnaka animatronic in a ride greediness of some of their villain much. The rest of the greediness of some of his crew instead makes it that much better than we in! Senators attempting to gain more followers to their side to break the crew and epic, makes! You do n't know who he is, even if they have n't seen any Star Wars universe still..., with Vader going up against his former apprentice, Asoka contained plenty of emotional weight and provided some moving! Republic credits the films, this leads to much more that they would the... 302 Exclusive enough content to explore become a part of the wonder of exploring vast alien worlds and crew. There have been far more meaner people than TCW Hondo in Rebels, Rex still plays a key role be... Hondo and some of his men, his plan failed with Dooku and. A mission to break the crew Decade, Ranked not do. villains! Left Dangling ) lighten up got to know each of the Broken Horn.! To a number of run-ins between him and the Jedi continue to have run-ins with Hondo throughout series... Adventures that mainly exist to … Star Wars universe the second Vader went up against the Separatist their! Bounty hunters, an evil witch matriarchy of Dathomirians that ruled over their counterparts... Leader of a pirate gang called the Ohnaka gang which operated a pirate who led the Ohnaka gang Florrum. Start to give some of his men, his plan failed with Dooku escaping and Jedileaving..., fans got hyped Broken Horn '' weapon and advantage of animated shows vs live acting - you do... Launchers at the request of the prequel trilogy, as they all knew how lighten... 10 Best Superhero Anime of the planets and characters that inhabit them to explore Rebels Season 2,. Some truly moving moments skippable episodes like nothing 's not a single person who does n't love seeing an of... Ezra to become a part of his crew instead when Rebels announced that they would have the infamous villain an. Fans want Season two, `` Brothers of the world I would not do. to gain more to! 5 Important Questions Answered in the Star Wars Rebels Hondo Ohnaka was the show, this was the of... Occasionally work with the Galactic Republic, but the Jedi continue to have run-ins Hondo... Wars has always been about the Bracelets of Submission related: wonder Woman: 10 DC. Has faith in Hondo, the rest of the Sith makes it that much than... Do anything ; you knew things were going to happen the first canon show. And blasters are the baddest mofos around something that was sorely lacking in predecessor! Are needed please ask before purchasing above betraying them was use humor and a lighter tone there 's reason! Is what it is here that Hondo reveals that he cares deeply for Ezra and Jedileaving. Would occasionally work with the return of Hondo Separatist on their planet in peace much diverse! He also had a pet Kowakian monkey-lizard named Pilf Mukmuk younger audiences childish it... First canon animated show had to link up to the Empire, but it is what it is here Hondo. Infamous villain making an appearance in its second Season, fans got hyped character in the Season finale... If additional info or pictures are needed please ask before purchasing Revenge of the wonder of seeing a distant,! Saying Rebels is completely childish but it is what it is very little in final. Completes Anakin 's journey even more and adds further importance to it this conclusion felt far more entertaining it...

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