True or False? A chronic disorder characterized by widespread aching and muscle stiffness is _____. medical terminology chapter 12. ligament fascia tendon none of the choices, Opening the angle of a joint is _____. 62. front above below back. Swelling of the tissues is referred to as edema. True or False? diarthrosis amphiarthrosis sutures process. seizure. dysphasia dysphagia atrophy dystrophy, Muscular system disorders can result from _____. carpoplasty osteoplasty chondroplasty arthroplasty, Moving the arm away from the side of the body is _____. compression comminuted closed greenstick, The _____ girdle is also known as the shoulder girdle. lateral distal proximal medial, The spleen is found in the _____ quadrant. Ultrasound. regions plains quadrants planes. Alternative Notations ton-tono-ton(o)-Flashcard Decks » AMP version of this page. medical terminology. -emia -iasis -cele -cyte, The word element _____ refers to unchanging. Free online lessons. The prefix dipl- means twice. The _____ is the kneecap. EKG Monitor … The word element retro- refers to the past. This form is used when a suffix beginning with a consonant is added. To start, click on the progress bars in word parts and full words columns. Flashcards; Dictionary; Word Parts; Sign In; Return to Dictionary Page » Son/o. Pre means "before." PLAY. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. corium melanocyte keratin keratocyte, A _____ is a crack in the skin. 01/08/2012. Definition: sound. cephalad both terms superior neither term. rheumatoid arthritis osteosarcoma osteoarthritis rickets, The clavicle is also known as the _____. 6 5 4 3, The thigh is ____ to the knee. The common root hemat/o refers to blood. birth pregnancy infant child. The prefix post- indicates _____. Physical therapists help improve a patient’s ROM after injury or surgery. The suffix is a word element that comes at the beginning of the word. abduction adduction flexion extension, The _____ bones form the wrist. STUDY. meso- quadri- tri- bi-, Expansion is indicated by the suffix _____. pertaining to, relating to [hemophiliac - one who has hemophilia] acr/o. True or False? True or False? True or False? True or False? flexion abduction extension adduction, Movement away from the midline is _____. Paralysis of all four extremities is referred to as _____. Fasci/o is a fibrous membrane. The _____ region is located below the cartilage of the ribs. True or False? The term ped/o refers to _____. The brain is an example of a system. -graph -gram -graphy none of the above, An instrument used for cutting is a _____. compression spiral oblique comminuted, Lack of vitamin D may result in _____. The term pruritic refers to a scab. Medical Terminology. The term mesonasal (mes/o/nasal) denotes being situated in the the 14-11. pathology diagnosis consultation none of the above, The root derm/o refers to _____. Spell. Sign up here. Additional Anatomy Flashcards . lateral proximal distal medial, Poster/o is the root for _____. Cards Return to Set Details. Transverse plane refers to dividing the body into right and left halves. rickets scoliosis sprain osteodynia, A twisting fracture common with skiing accidents is a _____ fracture. True or False? A synarthrotic joint is also referred to as a synovial joint. ossification osteocytes osseous osseum, Sometimes referred to as swayback, _____ involves the lumbar region. True or False? Skeletal muscles generate heat. answerFalse questionThe suffix -ician means _____. True or False? pain bleeding swelling disease, The suffix for pain is _____. atonia asthenia atrophy paresis. weakness, debility. keloid papule lesion verruca. Nervous is a type of tissue. Learn. Create your own flash cards! -ptosis -lith -lysis -pathy, The prefix _____ indicates middle. inter- meso- meta- endo-, _____ is a prefix that indicates after. The suffix -plegia means. Click here to study/print these flashcards. Test. trauma genetic disorders autoimmune disorders all of the choices, The structure that connects muscle to bone is _____. this combining form means the organ "within" the "head" (The brain), this combining form meams a "feeling or sensation", this combining form means the portion of the brain called the "medulla oblongata", when discussing the nervous system, this combining form meams "spinal cord", this combining form meams the "bridge" that connects the cerebellum to the rest of the brain, this combining form meams the "grey matter" of the brain and nerves, a combining form that mean the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, The combining form that means " away from center", this combining form means the area of the brain that acts as a relay station for visual and sound impulses, this combining form means a "sense of pain", The combining form that means "to shake violently", this combining form means the largest portion of the brain, this combining form means the balance and coordination area of the brain - the "little brain", this combining form means "contracting and relaxing". Medical Terminology. carpals humerus radius tarsals. Roots provide the foundation for medical terms. proximal lateral distal medial, The root _____ means cartilage. The prefix is a word element that comes at the beginning of the word. Proximal refers to something far from the point of origin. True or False? True or False? cartilage neck ribs wrist, The _____ is part of the pelvic girdle. Created by. cervical thoracic ventral cephalad, Imaginary surfaces within the body are referred to as _____. The zygomatic bone forms the cheekbone. The patella is _____ to the ankle. The prefix _____ means following. diaphragm umbilicus imaginary line stomach, Inguin/o is the root for _____. Subject. sheath (usually refers to meninges). The suffixes -y and -ics mean practice. Attempt these simple quizzes and be prepare for the Medical Terms for the Following Muscular System with us. Home Page \ Free Flashcards Online \ Test Answers on Health Care \ Test Answers on medical terminology \ Medical Terminology … Many, but not all, medical terms can be defined based on the meanings of their word parts. -y -ed -gen -al. The appendix is found in the _____ quadrant. True or False? The word element _____ indicates softening. makes it easy to get the grade you want! True or False? Ton/o medical definition, flashcards and ICD-10 codes. True or False? -lysis -sclerosis -rrhexis -tripsy, The word element _____ is used to show the study of. -gnosis: suffix meaning "knowledge": acrognosis, diagnosis, topognosis. Free online plagiarism checker with percentage. Learn. Glycolysis is the central pathway for the glucose catabolism in which glucose (6-carbon compound) is converted into pyruvate (3-carbon compound) through a sequence of … _____ are agents that relieve pain. sagittal frontal transverse coronal, The center point for the abdominal quadrants is _____. myasthenia gravis fibromyalgia muscular dystrophy amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Inflammation of the covering around the bone is ______. -spasm -ptosis -iasis -plegia, The upper outer regions of the abdomen are referred to as _____ region. The antagonist muscle is the one responsible for contraction and movement of a body part. The adjective referring to the neck is _____. paronychia onychomalacia onychitis petechiae, _____ indicates the color yellow. -porosis -oid -plasia -poiesis, The suffix _____ indicates disease. The BSA number describes the amount of damage caused by burns. Psych/o medical definition, flashcards and ICD-10 codes. anterior dorsal sagittal coronal, The elbow is _____ to the fingers. to grow movement ends tumor, _____ is the surgical removal of bone. True or False? musculo/o iatr/o ten/o phren/o, The word element that means before is _____. plantar flexion inversion dorsiflexion eversion, Incision into a tendon is _____. -ory -ic -ia -itis, The word element _____ refers to bone. adipose dermis epidermis melanin, The word root xer/o means _____. distal medial lateral proximal, Directional terms help describe _____. The suffix -lepsy means . [G. neuron ] Suffixes converts nouns to adverbs. Free online lessons. LUQ LLQ RUQ RLQ. True or False? commonly identified by the direction the impulse travels as afferent when … -rrhaphy -pexy -ectomy -ptosis, _____ indicates producing. The suffix -scope refers to viewing. tendon ligament fascia antagonist. Samples; Flashcards; Q&A; Study Tips; Free Duplicate Content Checker; Login; or LOG IN if you are already a member. time direction position all of the above, _____ refers to new. True or False? anti-malarials antipyretic analgesics antiseptics, _____ is the surgical removal of a small piece of tissue for testing. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. True or False? True or False? Example: psychokinesis. -ptosis -rrhexis -rrhage -rrhea. osteosarcoma osteoporosis osteochondritis osteomyelitis, The term dactyl/o refers to _____. New EKG Monitor Quiz. The epigastric refers to the quadrant above the stomach. makes it easy to get the grade you want! when … Created. meggin_hughes. The act of measuring is indicated with the suffix -meter. About. Directions: Read the following medical report, then answer the multiple choice questions and define the abbreviation. Nails contain a protein known as _____. femur tarsus fibula patella, The term spondyl/o refers to _____. Flashcards. True or False? True or False? True or False? metatarsals none of the choices metacarpals phalanges, Injury to a ligament is known as _____. What is the definition of glycolysis? Bradycardia indicates a _____ heart rate. True or False? Sign up here. analgesic antiviral antibiotic antifungal, Decubitus ulcers are better known as _____. comedo cyst acne excoriation, A specialist of the integumentary system is a(n) _____. True or False? Unit 9 Chapter 11 blephar/o -cusis irid/o kerat/o myring/o ophthalm/o -opia opt/o ot/o phak/o presby/o retin/o scler/o tro/o tympan/o ptosis epicondylitis fibromyalgia myasthenia gravis, People who use their upper extremities for repetitive, work-related actions may develop _____. plantar flexion inversion eversion dorsiflexion. True or False? Match. nervous system. study. medial lateral proximal distal, The elbow is _____ to the shoulder. The correct element for hernia is _____. dermalgia dermatitis cardialgia carditis. bone muscle blood joint, The term _____ refers to the aged or elderly individual. hypogastric lumbar umbilical inguinal, _____ indicates toward the midline of the body. Osteomalacia is characterized by decrease in bone density. patella tarsals fibula tibia, The lower jawbone is referred to as the _____. True or False? rotation adduction extension abduction, The procedure that records the strength of muscular contractions is _____. Level. The prefix uni- means. True or False? MENU. In medical terminology, this word part usually, but not always, indicates the involved body part. True or False? The word element dia- refers to across. Write. epidermis none of the choices dermis hypodermis, _____ refers to a scratch mark. inguinal lumbar umbilicus hypogastric, The _____ plane divides the body into right and left sides. 2) Reduced NAD and FAD donate the electrons of the hydrogen molecules they are carrying to the first carrier of the ETP. micro- olig- meso- hypo-, The prefix _____ indicates beyond. The function of the skeletal muscles include(s) _____. adduction extension flexion abduction, The inflammatory response may be treated with _____. The periosteum is located _____ a bone. True or False? both treatments neither treatment reduction suturing, A _____ fracture is an incomplete fracture. analgesics narcotics NSAIDS antibiotics, _____ is turning the palm upward. -iasis -ectasis -rrhage -itis, Prefixes can indicate _____. -stenosis -iasis -stasis -gen. specialist study of symptom disease, The word element _____ means disease. The suffix -iatry indicates one who specializes. cells that transmit impulses. The suffix -itis refers to inflammation. -megaly -emesis -ectases -edema, The suffix _____ indicate paralysis. vitiligo scabies herpes zoster urticaria. small around before through, The correct term for an adjective referring to a nerve is _____. black soft pigment hair, An _____ is an agent that kills bacteria. True or False? The suffix _____ indicates presence of. _____ is an adjective that refers to front of the body. symptoms complaints processes all of the above. Root: central part of a word. tachy- peri- extra- brady-. Flashcards. The prefix _____ indicates three. The nose is _____ to the ears. EKG Monitor Quiz. Arthr/o is the combining form that means _____. fasciitis none of the choices osteitis periostitis. Word Building and Medical Terms beginning with the letter V vaccin/o vaccine. Example: sonometer. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Medical Terminology Systems A body Systems Approach Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. The suffix _____ means origin. ton/o: tension, tone: tongue: A muscular organ in the mouth that is covered with pink tissue called mucosa, tiny bumps called papillae, and thousands of taste buds. Alternative Notations psych-psycho-psych(o)-Flashcard Decks » AMP version of this page. True or False? Kyphosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. The suffix -metry indicates a device for measuring. To translate a medical term, start with the _____ first. Study Flashcards On Medical Terminology Chapter 14 Nervous System at extension abduction flexion adduction. Free. True or False? tenotomy tenontoplasty tenorrhexis tenorrhaphy, Involuntary contraction of a muscle is a _____. Ringworm is a form of tinea. LLQ LUQ RUQ RLQ, The hands are _____ to the stomach. Impetigo is caused by a _____. neck shoulder hip vertebra. Skeletal muscles are mainly involuntary in control. True or False? Gastr is an example of a combining form. chest collarbone upper arm shoulder blade. post- peri- pre- epi-, Which suffix indicates the term is an adjective? The CF ton/o means. thoracic gastric cardiac hepatic, The prefix peri- indicates _____. -al -gen -pathy -dynia, The root path/o refers to _____. -rrhaphy -opsy -lysis -stasis, The suffix _____ indicates a blockage. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis fibromyalgia muscular dystrophy myasthenia gravis, The study of muscular motion is _____. Turning the palm of the hand down is known as pronation. Match. The suffix _____ indicates disintegration. rotator cuff injury carpal tunnel syndrome arthritis epicondylitis, Abnormal muscular conditions can be diagnosed by using _____. Additional resources: [Intro to med terms] [Med terms rules] [Med … pustule papule bulla wheal, _____ refers to bone formation. Post the Definition of Korotkoff sounds to Facebook Share the Definition of … Strength, force, power. myositis hemiparesis atonia atrophy. antifungal antiviral antibacterial antiseptic, _____ is an abnormal redness of the skin. myodynia myoparesis myositis myospasm, The type of muscle that is responsible for maintaining posture is/are _____. True or False? -paresis refers to paralysis. -ian -iatry -ist -logy, The word element _____ indicates a stone. lunula cuticle follicle corium, A wart is an example of a _____. The word element semi- refers to half. True or False? 243 - There are seven cervical vertebrae. The suffix -al changes an adjective to a noun. myel/o cyt/o my/o chondr/o. Free. -megaly -stasis -malacia -plasia. Body System: Nervous. Study Flashcards On Lesson 14 from Dean Vaughn Medical Terminology at physician old man child old woman, The word element natal means _____. Pain in a joint is referred to as _____. at proximal end inside at distal end covering. The prefix ante- indicates before. The term meaning difficulty swallowing is _____. True or False? An occupational therapist and physical therapist provide treatments that help restore function. Category: Word Parts : Full Words: Cardiovascular: Start 51. Alternative Notations son-sono-son(o)-Flashcard Decks » AMP version of this page. stiff soft none dry, _____ is a common type of skin cancer. neurologist physical therapist orthopedist occupational therapist, A genetic disorder that causes muscle weakness is _____. Created by. answerPractician questionThe suffix. Anatomy. The correct term for joint inflammation is _____. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. neural neuritis neurology neurologist, The physician uses a patient’s signs and symptoms to determine the _____. Muscles are enclosed in a fibrous sheath of _____. arm knee shoulder hip, A hamstring injury involves the _____ muscles. It is vital for chewing, swallowing and for speech. Create your own flash cards! She has thick mucous … STUDY. The coccyx refers to the tailbone. stheno-: Do not confuse this combining form with spheno- or steno- . The watery fluid within cells is called cytoplasm. -logy -phobia -pathy -ptosis. _____ indicates a surgical repair. Trans is a prefix that means across. True or False? The prefix para- means. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. ankle foot hand fingers, The _____ form the hand. True or False? Flashcards; Dictionary; Word Parts; Sign In; Return to Dictionary Page » Psych/o. posterior proximal ventral lateral, The neck is located _____ to the chest. The type of muscle found in the stomach and bladder are smooth muscles. antifungal antiseptic antibacterial antiviral, Corium is another term for _____. True or False? Subject. osteodynia bursalgia arthrodynia costalgia, _____ is a highly malignant tumor of bone. both choices voluntary involuntary neither choice, Turning the sole of the foot inward is _____. Digestive: Start 63. True or False? The largest organ of the body is the skin. Demo Mode Sign-In. excoriation eczema scabies tinea. Get all of's best Movies lists, news, and more. scleroderma dermatitis shingles vitiligo, Cyanosis refers to _____ color of the skin. True or False? True or False? wheal ulcer scratch fissure, _____ is the removal of dead skin. True or False? True or False? True or False? Facial (faci/ al) is a term pertaining to the The term leptodactyly (lept/ o/ dactyl/ y) denotes abnormally and / or Lymphaden (lymph/ aden) refers to a of of 14-10. EKG Monitor Quiz. relaxants narcotics NSAIDs analgesics. pustule bulla wheal papule, Shingles may be treated with an _____. Write. Flashcards; Dictionary; Word Parts; Sign In; Return to Dictionary Page » Ton/o. New EKG Monitor Quiz. The term _____ indicates toward the back. psych/o ped/o ger/o path/o, A noun word root can be made an adjective by adding the suffix _____. Study Define the Medical Terms for the Following Muscular System Flashcards Flashcards at ProProfs - Prepare for the Medical Terms for the Following Muscular System with our flashcards. oste/o path/o derm/o gastr/o. True or False? We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. The dorsal cavity is divided into the cranial and spinal cavity. ilium pubis ischium all choices, The endosteum is located _____ a bone. Prefixes may also indicate a location, number, or time. 6 3 4 5, The sacrum consists of ____ fused bones in an adult. An open sore is also called a vesicle. The xiphoid process is located _____. True or False? Medical terminology is composed of a prefix, root word, and suffix: Prefix: A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. True or False? medial lateral proximal distal, The vertebral column is divided into _____ sections. The appendicular skeleton refers to the skull and vertebral column. The _____ separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. -emia -oma -pnea -cele, The word element _____ indicates excessive fluid in the tissues. The type of muscle that are voluntary in movement is/are _____. True or False? tommytracx PLUS. A rotator cuff injury involves the _____. origins digestion old age genesis. this combining form means the portion of the brain called the "medulla oblongata" medull/o. The CF thec/o means. Metaplasia (meta/plas/ia) is a term used to denote one type of tissue to another. When a combining form appears alone, it is shown … fungus lice mites bacteria, _____ can be used to treat shingles. tension. Medical Terminology: Combining Forms, Prefixes, and Suffixes Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. keratin melanin comedo adipose, _____ are used to treat tinea. Pointing the toes downward is _____. a) cephal/o: brain b) gangli/o: glue, gluelike c) narc/o: nerve d) ton/o: tension: d) ton/o: tension: Which of the following terms is matched with the correct definition? This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Son/o medical definition, flashcards and ICD-10 codes. stomach umbilicus diaphragm none of the above, The gallbladder is found in the _____ quadrant. tono-: prefix meaning "tone or tension": tonoclonic, tonoplast, tonoscillograph. old age beginning origin general. blue red green yellow, An allergic reaction that is characterized by the eruption of pale red elevated patches is _____. The suffix -asthenia means. Medical Terminology (D-G) Total Cards. abscesses scratches bedsores hives, A _____ is an overgrowth of scar tissue. MENU. Medical Terminology Flashcards Quizlet . The suffix -esthesia means. cryosurgery debridement biopsy none of the choices, A raised fluid-filled blister greater than 1 cm is referred to as a _____. epigastric hypochondriac umbilical inguinal. True or False? paralysis. (The root arthr/o means joint, and the suffix -plasty means repair.) facial occipital temporal parietal, The surgical procedure to remove fluid from a joint is _____. neuro-: , neuri-neuro- Nerve, nerve tissue, the nervous system. True or False? ICD 10 Codes ICD 10 … _____ refers to the groin area. above near below for, The _____ section is the lower back. antiviral antibiotic antifungal analgesic. , Medications used to treat tinea the hair sac is referred to as _____ a patient s. 6 5 4 3, the suffix _____ means tumor bladder are smooth muscles -ic -itis... A hamstring injury involves the lumbar region as edema with a consonant is added,! Analgesics antiseptics, _____ is the root for _____ epiphysis endosteum, is! Side of the above, _____ indicates a stone medical term that surgical! At distal end covering at proximal end, _____ is a _____ is/are _____ made an adjective that to... ) _____ related samples suntan lotions papule, shingles may be treated _____! 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