How to access UAN/PPO number from DigiLocker? All students have to do is go to and type CBSE result to get the pertinent link. In light of all this, we at the YAS (Yet Another Security) community, had some talks in our WhatsApp group. Step 4: Enter the 6-digit security PIN and click on Submit. Step 2: Next, they need to enter the One Time Password (OTP) received on registered Mobile Number. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Log in to your account by clicking on ‘Sign In’. Step 4: Enter the 6-digit security PIN and click on Submit. Please note that you cannot create a DigiLocker account without an Aadhaar number. Scroll down to check direct link, other sites where results can be viewed. DigiLocker is a digital online store where the government allows us to hold data and files digitally. The app comes with a 4-digit PIN which adds another layer of security to your mobile app. Steps to Link the DigiLocker Account with Aadhar: Now, in order to pull the e-copies of Aadhar and other documents from the registered issuers, you need to link your Aadhar to DigiLocker Account. The students are unable to set realistic expectations with regards to the upcoming CBSE Result 2020 of Class 10. Google has also partnered with CBSE to make it easier for students to find their results and other exam-related information.,,,,,, Use any valid account attacker has access to and complete otp, Proceed with pin submission to totally different victim account. DigiLocker, as the name suggests, is a digital locker for all your e-documents that are issued by the Indian Government. Those unable to access the results via the internet can avail an SMS service. Students can also access the results online on if they don’t want to download the app on their phones. All sharing … I figured all this by looking at the mobile app of digilocker, wait a minute there is a web portal for digilocker. You will now be able to check and download your CBSE digital mark sheet. Step 3: Enter your Mobile/Aadhaar/Username. After opening the app, it will ask you to create an account. How to access UAN/PPO number from DigiLocker? Step3: Now you may either create a User Id and Password as shown below or can just set up a 6 digit PIN for login. To give more technical context, internally the system denotes each user with a unique v5 UUID (v5 denotes it has enough entropy and that there is less chance of duplication and has enough randomness to it), so to set a new pin for the user all you need is to call the endpoint with uuid and new pin value. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. if your date of birth on your admit card is 13/10/1997, your security PIN will be 131097. Step 1: First, students should use their mobile number to log-in to their accounts. Sample screen shot of login call, similar calls can be observed to all above mentioned urls. 5. The scorecard which will be released online is provisional students will have to collect the original mark sheet from their schools. Step 3: Students need to enter the last 6 digits of their roll number as the security Pin and Log-in. Students willing to apply for the same need to pay the required fee along with filling up the rechecking and/or re-evaluation form. OR Here are the 7 most important things that you need to know about DigiLocker. The students who feel that their efforts are not truly justified in the CBSE 10th result 2020 as they have scored less than expected marks can apply for rechecking/re-evaluation. cbse12
to 7738299899 for 12th Class. Whenever possible I find time to attend hacker conferences and among one such occasion I met with Dr. Philip Polstra, professor and renowned speaker at DEFCON 2014 USA. The message also informs students to use their Roll Number as a security pin. An OTP will be sent on your mobile number. I started to look at the web portal of digilocker, this then gave me more internal knowledge on the mobile app. So I moved to information security in Ernst and Young. Sign In Don't have an account? Sign up Sign In to your account! Students can use the myCBSE app available on Google Play to check their results. Check scores at, Download is complete. Here's … Once you insert the security pin, you will get access to your account. The Central Board of Secondary Education will announce the names of the toppers in CBSE 10th result 2020. Please set security PIN to complete the registration. Hence, I downloaded the app and installed on my test devices and fired up my favorite toolset burpsuite + Frida. Shocking!!! If you already have a digilocker account, please follow the below steps to add Tamil Nadu driving license to Digilocker. This added layer of security prevents anyone from accessing your details in the app even if he has your smartphone; The system is protected with 256 Bit SSL Encryption The OTP function lacks authorization which makes it possible to perform OTP validation with submitting any valid users details and then manipulation flow to sign in as totally different user. To my surprise, I found that digilocker was not matching with the basic security features of arogyasetu, such as custom root detection, custom ssl pinning checks all wrapped inside obfuscated binary. Your email address will not be published. All calls from mobile has a header flag is_encrypted: 1 which denotes that the user has to submit the credentials (user_uuid:secret_pin) in basic auth format encrypted with Algorithm: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding with key We4c4HYS5eagYdshfEP2KY27KwkjaZNH, However it was found that the same api can be accessed with removing the is_encrypted: 1 flag and then submitting the credentials in basic auth format (user_uuid:secret_pin), Sample call removing the header flag and using unencrypted credentials, Output of Custom script to monitor crypto functions in the mobile app. Mobile/Aadhaar. DigiLocker is a cloud-based platform that deals with the storage, insurance, sharing, and verification of certificates and documents in the digital form. In this article, we explain to you about the Digi Locker, Procedure to Create a New Account in Digi Locker Account, Features of Digilocker, Sign in, Set User Name and Password and how to download the Digilocker App. 1) OTP bypass due to lack of authorization – Critical, 4) Weak SSL pinning mechanism in mobile app – Medium, Senior security specialist for Dubai smart Government, BaseCrack – a tool to decode all alphanumeric base encoding schemes. Click on 'Submit'. This will create your DigiLocker account. Sumit Kumar is a content writer with specialization in the field of personal finance. Last year, 13 students obtained 499 out of 500 in the CBSE 10th results, i.e. The OTP will be valid for 10 minutes. That made it interesting, I decided to dig in, as I was not current user of the platform it asked me to signup first and setup a pin to access the system. Please install DigiLocker app from to access your digital CBSE marksheet/certificate. I used my homebrewed pinning bypass scripts to actively intercept the app’s communication with the backend. Verify Mobile OTP Please enter 6 digit OTP to complete verification. Students can now view their results on DigiLocker, and can also download … 6 digit PIN provides extra security to your account with two-factor authentication. Attacker uses a valid user account that he has access and starts the login process by submitting phone number. It's worth noting that the mobile app version of Digilocker also comes with a 4-digit PIN for an added layer of security. An OTP will be sent on your mobile number. The researcher pointed out that the mobile Digilocker app uses a 4-digit PIN to implement an additional level of security. Candidates can check their results online using their Roll Number, School Number, Center Number, Admit Card ID. CBSE Class 12th Result 2020 DECLARED Today: The wait of class 12th students of Arts, Commerce and Science streams is finally over as the board has declared the results today at its official result portal. Once fully logged in, click on the issue document. Security Audit: DigiLocker audited by recognized audit agencies and the application security audit certificate are obtained at regular intervals. This is how you can download DigiLocker and access your online mark sheet: CBSE class 10th results has been declared Today. DigiLocker allows you to carry documents on the go. 4. Similarly, the students are also hoping for a better performance as it would help them for higher studies. Meaning you can do the sms otp as one user and submit pin of second user and finally you will end up logging in as second user. Bingo!!! Thanks for all your support and inspiration to do this. Attacker completes the OTP validation with account (mobile number) he possesses. Digilocker App Download CBSE Result 2020 Kendriya Vidyalaya has recorded the highest pass percent at 99.23 followed by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalya at … To login, use CBSE registered mobile number, OTP and enter last 6 digits of roll number as security pin," reads the SMS that has been sent to students. Enter your registered Aadhaar or Mobile number. The submission of otp via both mobile and web app is on url. Phil mentioned my name in his book “Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices” (ISBN-13: 978-0128007518, ISBN-10: 0128007516), highlighting the work that I have done. The verification process will also ask you to set up a security PIN. A 4-digit security PIN has to be entered while logging in to the DigiLocker app. As per DigiLocker National Statistics, DigiLocker is currently having 38.10 million registered users, 3.75 billion issued authentic documents, 155 issuer organizations, and 44 requestor organizations. gov. CBSE allows the students to register for rechecking and re-evaluation online. I started as a part of ITRA doing penetration testing for external clients including major banks, insurance and telecom companies across middle east and Africa, Later I moved into global information security team and there I mostly handled critical internal applications and periodic security assessments of all internet facing applications. For CBSE Students, DigiLocker account has been created by CBSE. Username. ... After inserting the OTP, the security pin which is of 6 digits is to be inserted. Visit Digilocker website; Click on Signin to proceed; Enter your Username and Password in the fields given.Click on the Signin button to Login to your digilocker account. To login, use CBSE registered mobile number, OTP and enter last 6 digits of roll number as security pin," reads the SMS that has been sent to students. DigiLocker @ – Online Registration, DigiLocker Mobile Application, Working, Benefits, Statistics: DigiLocker is a national service that is launched by the Indian Government in the year 2015 with the storage of 1GB. Step 3: Enter your Mobile/Aadhaar/Username. Please enter 6 digit PIN. Your default security PIN is your date of birth in DDMMYY format e.g. Please enter 6 digit PIN. This is the last six digits of your CBSE roll number. To my surprise, I found that digilocker was not matching with the basic security features of arogyasetu, such as custom root detection, custom ssl pinning checks all wrapped inside obfuscated binary. All of this made me think about how to bypass sms otp of a user, because pin is asked after the OTP. Due to high competition, many students who are high performers at school-level also suffer when it comes to CBSE Class 10 Results. Apart from that I love robotics and hardware hacking and currently I am building a 3d printer, a cnc machine and a robotic pet. Digilocker App Download CBSE Result 2020 : CBSE 10th 12th Result 2020: CBSE 12th Result Published on 13th July. in/public/register CBSE. How … The 18 lakh students who have taken the CBSE class 10 examination can check their result online at Therefore, to help students to set the right and practical expectations, we have provided the last year's CBSE 10 Result statistics below. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Log in to your account by clicking on 'Sign In'. After you enable it, you won’t have … The OTP will be valid for 10 minutes. How to access CBSE certificates using DigiLocker. The board declared the CBSE 10th results on its official website Ashish, the security researcher who discovered the vulnerability detailed his study regarding the same in a Medium post. The Board along with announcing the names of the toppers will also announce the names of the top performing regions of the country in order of overall passing percentage. How to Use Digilocker App for CBSE Result. Sample screenshot of the call. Started my career as a developer of web applications, later I was given an opportunity to purse my dream in information security. So, it turned out to be a discussion on techniques used for bypassing SSL pinning on the mobile apps. Below is a summary of the findings that i found, I just gave risk rating based on industry standards for each. So by looking at how the communication progresses between mobile app and backend server I came to conclusion that the steps of verifying sms otp and submitting pin are not linked together. Attacker proceeds to submit the secret pin, Mobile calls two urls for this – POST request, Web application calls two urls – POST request, All the above calls posts a base64 combination of user_uuid:secret_pin (similar to basic auth) on the parameter, Attacker modifies these calls to call any users uuid and secret pin combo before it is submitted, Attacker logs in as victim now, hence the victims otp protection is bypassed, Attacker finds the uuid of a user or randomly picks one, Attacker uses vulnerability #1 mentioned above to gain access to the account, Attacker submits the uuid of the user and new pin to the url, Use vulnerability #2 to set and takeover pin of any user, Call the api directly as described above to access function or data directly. Dedicated to all 215 members who are my hardcore brothers & sisters from YAS community. CBSE 10th and 12th Class Result 2020 Latest News. Here are some observations that I sent to CERT-IN and digilocker teams. 13 students shared the top position which included - Siddhant Pengoriya, Yogesh Kumar Gupta, Divyansh Wadhwa, Ankur Mishra, Manya, Vatsal Varshney, Taru Jain, Aryan Jha, Bhavana N Sivadas, Ish Madan, Divjot Kaur Jaggi, Apoorva Jain and Shivani Lath. Please enter valid Aadhaar/Mobile number. But the researchers said it was possible to modify the API calls to authenticate the PIN by associating the PIN to another user (identified with a … Enter your 6 digit security PIN for authentication. To create your account, enter your Aadhaar number and complete the verification process. Click on ‘Submit’. CBSE directly released the scorecard on its website This whole discussion made be curious about other apps from India government and since I have worked on similar projects outside of India, digilocker caught my attention. Your email address will not be published. The immediate thing that caught my eye on the request to set pin was it was a normal http request with no session, in layman’s terms, the platform allows an anonymous user to set pin for any active user of the platform. This DigiLocker was launched for all the Indian citizens to store their crucial documents/ Certificates such as Aadhaar, PAN, and other Government Certificates […] Required fields are marked *. They have to pre-register for it. Students can also view their results on the UMANG mobile application and by sending an SMS —, cbse10
to 7738299899 for 10th Class Step 1: Go to The mobile version of the DigiLocker comes with a 4-digit PIN verification in order to add an extra layer of security but the attacker was able to modify the API calls and authenticate the PIN by associating the PIN to another user and successfully logged in as the victim. Students will then need to enter the last 6 digits of their roll number as the security PIN and then login. I love this profession very much as it gives challenges and opportunities to learn something new on a daily basis. Candidates make sure to check the Marksheet carefully once the result is released online. Let’s assume attacker creates/gets hold of a valid dummy account. Digilocker App Download CBSE Result 2020. digilocker. The pin setting API/URL lacks any authorization and can be used to reset pin of any user without authentication. Last year, the CBSE had conducted the Class 10 examinations from 21st February to 29th March 2019. User Consent Based System: The data from DigiLocker is shared only with the citizen's explicit consent. Wait few minutes for the OTP, don't refresh or close! The app uses weak ssl pinning it can be bypass easily with tools like Frida and known techniques. I hope so your Digilocker account should have either linked with your mobile number or atleast to your Aadhar Number by which you can get to know your username by clicking on Forgot Username & modify your password by clicking Forgot Password option available in Digilocker desktop site/Mobile App. Step 3: Create a DigiLocker Account by completing the registration process Step 4: Use Mobile Number to create account and verify it with an OTP Step 5: You will be asked to enter your security Pin After successful login, students will need to go to ‘Issued Document’ section of DigiLocker where all class X or XII certificates will be available. Once the security PIN has been set, you will be automatically logged into your DigiLocker account. Kendriya Vidyalaya has recorded the highest pass percent at 99.23 followed by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalya at 98.66. You will receive an OTP to login to your DigiLocker account, Enter a six digit security pin, which is the last six digits of your CBSE board exam 2020 roll number. Notice there is no session related information on the POST request so its not bound to any user, It was observed that the API calls from mobile were using basic authentication to fetch data or do transactions. These statistics will help the students to gauge their competition and performance and be prepared for the outcome of their hard work in the form of CBSE 10th Result 2020. To login, use CBSE registered mobile number, OTP and enter last 6 digits of roll number as security pin," reads the SMS that has been sent to students. Once the security PIN has been set, you will be automatically logged into your DigiLocker account How to access UAN/PPO number from DigiLocker Follow the steps below to access your UAN/PPO number from DigiLocker account Step 1: Go to Step 2: Login to your account by clicking on 'Sign In'. Forgot security PIN? The board will also provide Class 12 digital marksheets on DigiLocker at Download DigiLocker App to Access Marksheets of CBSE 10th and 12th Class, How to Use Digilocker App for CBSE Result, Digilocker App Download CBSE Result 2020, Digilocker App Download CBSE Result 2020 : Keeping the aforementioned statistics in mind, the CBSE Board expects the overall success ratio to mark a significant improvement this year. DigiLocker is an initiative of the Ministry of Electronics & IT ... followed by setting your security PIN for 2-Factor authentication. Digilocker is an online portal ( document storage facility provided by the Ministry of Electronics and IT Government of India under the. Go to PlayStore or App store on your smartphone. The CBSE 10th result toppers will be announced by the Board along with the formal declaration of the result. Recently, a security expert has discovered a new vulnerability in DigiLocker that has compromised over 3.8 crore accounts. During the beginning of May 2020, there was a large commotion about the arogyasetu app and its security after a so called “hack” by infamous political hacker named Elliot Alderson. To login, use the mobile number registered with CBSE. To login, use CBSE registered mobile number, OTP and enter the last 6 digits of roll number as a security pin,” reads the SMS sent to the students as reported by Times Now. Set security PIN? Any changes in the CBSE Class 10 2020 result will be updated on the scorecards of the candidates and a fresh marksheet will be issued by the board. Anyway, it was able to modify the API calls to authenticate the PIN by associating the PIN to another user and access to the victim’s account. You can also download the app from Sumit Kumar. DigiLocker uses Aadhaar to verify identity of the user and also enable authentic document access. It is an authentication flaw that has put the core of users’ data at risk. Next, DigiLocker will ask for a 6 digit security PIN. May 10th – I reported this to CERT-INMay 14th – CERT-IN finally acknowledged the issueMay 28th – CERT-IN confirmed the issues are fixedJune 3rd – I saw another blog with similar findings and decided to write one of my own. How to download DigiLocker and get your marksheet: ... After that, you will be asked for a security pin. Highest pass percent at 99.23 followed by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalya at 98.66 his study regarding the same need enter! In a Medium post knowledge on the go from 21st February to 29th March 2019 13/10/1997, your PIN. Digital marksheets on DigiLocker at bypass scripts to actively intercept the comes... Digit PIN provides extra security to your account all sharing … DigiLocker allows to. 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